Newspaper Page Text
4/C, 81 50 PER AICNUM- MONDAY, MAT 8, 18M. {j^"Seven thousund firemen marched in the funeral procession of their deceased comrades -the victims of the casualty at the decent fire in Broadway, New York, by which thirteen lives were lost. Tbe houses of the various ftngine, hose, hook and lad detfitthd hydrant companies were hung in M.tSfcthc flags on the public buildings were at mast, and many stores on the route of tbe procession were draped in mourning. The body of John Jones, a merchant of Linn Creek, Osage river, was discovered in the river at St. Louis, on the 3d instant. Is wftlT»e remembered there was a report ihat Mr Jonea was on board the ill-fated Kate Kearney, one of whose boilers explo ded at St. Louis on the 16th of last Febru ary. Ilia friends, rdthough fearful that he was one of the victims of the explosion, were long uncertain of his fate but the finding of the body is conclusive that he perished by the accident above named. j^-The trial of Maj or Wyse, of tho army, by court miitinl, for refusing to embark with his troops onboard the steamship Fal con, commenced on tho 3d inst., at Gover nor's laltind, N. Y. It will be remembered that the Falcon put into Norfolk, i,ni wna forced to abandon her voyage to Aspinwall. RAIN STORM.—A territi in storm *w*ot over of the Eastern and Middle States, OH Thursday and Friday, 27th :ind L~*2Hth ult., tho same day on which tho lakes 'were visited by the disastrous gale. A vast amount of property, consisting of ouses, mills, dam*, culverts, railway tracks, canal etnbankmants, Ac.. Ac., wns destroyed. A Jj| portion of the Croton river dnm, from w which the supply )f water for New Turk city is obtained, was carried :iway, nnd the Mayor issued bis proclamation informing citizens that the supply was cut short, and exhorting to the utmost economy in the use jfcg of what was in the resorvoir, until repairs could be made. The linden river, Harlem, Nt'W Y»rk and Erie,Camden and A MIIOV, nnd all the other lin»'S of railroad in New York fluffered more or l»ss da:nage Irom the wash ing away of embankments, bridges, culverts, &«*., and from land slides. At Stairway Sta tion, on the Delaware river, ten or twelve miles west of Port Jervis, an embankment pave way on which nine men were at work, earning lliein into the river, seven of whom were drowned- At Narwalk, Connectieut, the loss is estimated at $40,0!X) At Mid dletownthe' oonecticut fiver rose to a point hineteen inches higher than in 1801 and '*inueli damage was don*. Philadelphia the trains were stopped by the flood, and at Wheeli the Ohio river r#se some twen ty two feet. Tha Herald estimates the loss in tbe State of Xew York at 2,000,000* Iowa Items. A proposition has bee® submitted t» the voters of Jacksou county to aa thorite the county to rnbscribe for ft200,0r0 stock in the Iown Central Air Line Railroad Company. The election wilibe held an ib« 6ib day of June. The County Judge of Desmoiues fcouniy. advertie&i for proposals to build a jail in Burlington. We would be pleased to chronicle a like movement in this county^ The den noiv used as a jail in ibi«|i*ce is a diagaaea catiua. •—The Cily Counfcil 6"f lJufllfSgton have parsed so ordinance forbidding fcifeafnbc ats whittling at the wharf ol that place, on piin of a penalty not leas than (5 nor exceading S&0. Rather a singular enactment, the propriety ol which we cannot clearly discern. The large stearn flouting and «l* mill of Guynn, Moss& Pitkin, at Bir mingham, Van Buren county, was burnt 'on Wednesday nigh ,, 26th ult. Some forty hogs and 3,000 bushels of wheat 'were burnt with the mill. Loss %12.000.^ A little girl about 6 years of age, daughter of Mr.Trivsl, living near Hope Faim, Louisa couoty, was b.irued to death a few days ugo, by her clothes catching fire from a burning brush heap -*-The B. & Mo. Ra'lroal islet the whole distance from Burlington to the DesMoines rivei, to be completed in two year?. The part from Burlington to Ml. Pleasant is to be finished by the first of April, 1855. and the remainde one year from that time* •^-Altnan W. Babbit, of thh State, fiaa been appointed Secretary oft&e Territory of Utah. 1 A saw mill at Oskaloosa, owned by Cha*. Currier, wag consumed by fire on 22d ult. "the Davenport papers say the board of health of that city has been discon tinued. They did not previously in form us of its organization, or of uuy cause for it—but it appears that there has been souae alarming sickness there, though it was kept quiet. We learn froui a private source that three or four deaths by cholera have occurred in Da venport during tbe past few weeks. —Tbe jewelry store of Mr. J. M. Fo* In th« Barret House, at Burlington, was entered from the rear on Friday night last, between 9 and 10 o'clock, and robbed cf fifteen gold and thirteen bunting cae«silver watch's, twenty-sev en gotd chains, and a large amount o jeweltjf^ihc. wtyg$ •oo. —/tirlge Rinffey .rtsrtrdf few (fays since for tho valley of the Great Suit Lake to enter upon the discharge of his du'ies 't* Judge t&tt Terrltiff pf Utah-Tt**' sf' 1 .• 1 .. Tba Madison and Milwaukee Railroad will be opea to Mvliun on the 20th inst. "m- MK^iN yfisd Tm ARO CASK -(JASAT EXCITBKENT. —As might be expected, the afjiiutal of Mat. Ward has excited grea^imligna tion everywhere, and particularly in Kentucky. An indignation \ctling was railed in Louisville, for Saturday night, 29th ult. By dark, an immense assemblage, numbering from s^vVn to ten thousand citizens, bad gat!]£,! In the Court House square, wti r^nfeey were addressed by Sherrod VV•iWarif^, nnd at the conttil!ion of his remaiks, a set of resolutions were adopted, co^ den-nii»f i» ibe Strongest terms thrf \e£ diet of the Hardin county jury, and the conduct of Mr. Crittendon, George Prentice, the wi'ness Barlo^, and oth-. ers who had taken an active part in the defence of Ward. Resolutions were nisi passed asking the Ward family to leave Louisville and re'urn to their Ar kansas platitmiort, dud take with them the twelve jurymen. One expressed the opinion that Mat. Ward is a murderer, and should be hung''until he was dead, dead." Another requested Mr Crit tenden to resign his seat in the United States Senate, and Mr. Wolfe his seat in the State Senate. Another denoun ced Mr. Preivice and the Louisville Journal, and another thanked the Cour ier and Democrat for the stund 'hey had taken. After (be passage of tbe resolution*. sixteen effigies, representing the twelve jurymen, Nathaniel Wolfe, Matt. Ward, Qao. I. Pentice, and John J. Crittenden, were hungund subsequently burned. In tiia ifteat»t"lil»*. se«n* 000 pettonr repaired to'the residence of Robert J. Ward, but lound it deserted. They hung and n'terwardc burned effigies of it J. and Matt. F. Ward in the 'or ico »f the house, by which it was set on fire •ind narrowly evcaped being consumed. A large £rO\fd a tetwards u^semh'ed in frort o( tho residence of Mr. Wotfe, ttud apprehensions were entertained that it would be demolished, but they were addressed by Cul. Thomasson, Col. Pres ton and Mr. Gib-on, and finally quietly dispersed. "The Germans and the under It is an uodeniable truth that the Ameri can feople placid the privilege of settlement and the rights of citizenship within reach of foreigners on most liberal terms, just as pr ud of it as Mr. "A. tnu kt righ to stand e.\iulv by when an Association of fanatic men will deprive us of them. You pretend to be a free-born Republican, but you do not show any republican principle. 1 fifth* Joanitl. __ Wlilsky Trafflo." LWe omit a paragraph in the lollowing eoiniiiiinicati«n which we do nut clearly stand :—t)Ji Journal.] Under this title, the "Iri-Weekly Muse*. tine Journal" of Weilnesdav, April 19th, against foreigners expressod in it as for its new ind rtnl»gical wav of reasoning. Let us look at it from another side e You finally hope we will reflcct upon our position, ponder well our policy, etc. 1 must solemnly declare that men "never act without having reflected we, therefore, shall not lose our time any more in ri what has been reflected long ago, but will act to run down a\l fanatic humbug operations, J), On h« ult.. lightning atr«ek the centie pole of a side show, accompany iug llarnuin's menajierie, at Doave3lowa, Morgan, county Ohio, shattering if to spliiutirs. Nearly every on within the canvass guttered severely, and about 5fty persons wer« knocked down by the shock. One m^n was instantly killed, and about a dozt.-ii of the injured required assid'u outt aitentu-n before ihey wero restored. Numbers of the steamers on the Mis sissippi und l.ower Ohio are advertising or slave baud?, ofleiing liberal wage. (t40 n mouth lor firemen.) This move ment ties been prompted by the numerous ud annoyingly-timed "strikes" among the i!cck hands and tire men which have '.«k n jdaoMh! 5 season. s nnd every m»n will acknowledge it and be Numerous incendiary fires had occurred at ,J But since the rights o» citizenship have been bestowed on them, they are citizens nnd with the sums ri^ht they in act according to tbeir own principles, uiy highly respeeted Mr. ''A ," as yon pretend to do it, You ''have l.een in the habit of loo'.ins upon the (iermnns as the best race of for eigners who sought the shores of America, (thank you for the complim^ut,) but recent developments have staggered your faith." Well said, my friend —perfectly well! That means, you have been for a long time look ing out to find the slightest reason to excuse your hatred against fureigners, and now vou have found it You are a lucky n an But these (iermans, whom you try to drive te eccentric mea-sure*. onlv lau^h at your rage and step peaceably forward on their own way. If anything disturbs the peace of the community, it is only tour fanati cism. your rage, your operations—not our calm and easv way ol manoeuvring. '•The conduct of the (iermans in this city for the last few weeks has been what you would have expee'ed had they wished to strengthen the Native-American feeling." You are mistaken in that, dear sir, for the operations of the Native party have pro voked the anti-operations of the foreigners. We do not "wish to become s'rangers in tiiis country V Surely we do not and I gpo.»®d You venture we should consider it an hon or to become citizens of the Cnion. We do, sir but it is also au honor to the Uni ted States that wo wish to become citizens of them. We have been oppressed by ty rants, who made us leave our old home nnd friends to search for a new home nnd new friends hu' we will try to have in this free republican land the same individual free dom wo had when und)r the government of tyrant monarchs. •1 ii iT I A MAIIIN & CLEMENS, MUSCATINE, IOWA: SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1854. Arrival of the Africa. Battles on the i inube—Aiivuuc- in Flour—'Prob* able fpfti-n the of Gla\* no"— Threat ening Afpecl "f the Murk Warrior Affair, c^c. New York, May 5. The Africa art red this morning with dates to the 21st. She brins* tlft pn«*opo ers. The Kraokiin arrived out on the 1st. Flour advanced GJ, wheat 2d, and good corn quiet. Richardson & Brothers, tho Agents for the Cit» of Glasgow, say they are not afraid of thajrvees.^l being lost. She hid water for 4Jflavs provisions for 63 days, and coal 23 days She had 373 passengers. No striking political new*. 'Ihreo battles have been fought on the Danube. The T4ks wera not defeated nocardjnjpo a«lvi ces, but retreated. Nothing new from the Baltic^ The treaty of closer alliance between France and Knglnnd is ratified. An alliancj offensive and de.erisive had been signed between \ustria and Prussia. Thowarn»ws from the Danube, Baltic and Black Seas are unchanged. 'J ho expulsion of the Greeks was rigor ously enforced The (ireek instirrejtion had assamed an aspect of gmrilla warfare. Lord Strttford bad published a strong manifesto against the (Jree» Oovarnnjeot favoring injurrr-ctions. A massacre of Greeks by Turks at Belois reported, but supposed ubtfu'l. Accounts still vaguo in relation to the violation of Servian Territory. Prince Daniel is reported to hare summo ns 1 Montenegro to arms against the Turks. The campaign in \"La is expected to com mence in April. The Journal of St Petorsburg. publishes the Cam's reply to the declaration of war. Nessclrode favors the Greek Insurrection ists. In gulf of Finland the ice is much broken. London Saturday Nothing new, except rumirs from Paris and Vienna, of a new Prussian uiediatio '. Liverpool Saturday—Sales,cotton to*d»y 5 000 bales market oltfsed tainaly but stea dily- Paris Friday A dispn-eh from Omer Pa sha confirms previous nations. The Turks wero twice auceessfnl njjshist superior forces nt the passage of the Dan ube, but in obedience to orders they re treated in the line of Karassan Petersburg papers contain a manifesto in reply to the English and French declara tion of war throwing t!ie responsibility of war on France :.nd England. It is asserted that S vbd -n had entered into a sccrot treaty wait Kutsia, by which an absolute enactment, forbidding more than four nhips at onao to enter a harbor, hf!s been restored, and the same extended to Norway. Spain—Mr. is still nr»iog a settle ment of the Blfek Warrior ufftir. The correspondent ef the London 7\ww«, writing from Paris, 10th, says: "Private letters state that the Black Warrior of 111(1 broHght an article hv a certain Mr. "A. nianded that the otBcer who ahall succoed which is remarkable'as well for the hatred llim Accounts from the scene of the late did- turbance nro not s nisfacrory, and mischid: brewing at Barcelona and Savagossa. the former city. Excitement -De bee—fVif e-*rml Xetva B-trnu:n Op-nut tiflhe Crystal I'al Fire at Frank fort, Kg. Cincinnati, *pril4. Parliament buildings totally destroyed by fire this evening at half-past tear o'clock, by seme unaccountable fatality. Hon. J. J. Crittenden is severely con demned by the community in consequence of lr.s volunteering in defending ard. At a public meeting held nt Harrison, Ind., a fhis with other su ptcious circumstances, resolution was offered requesting the A^ri cultural Association to withdraw tnir re quest that Mr. Crittenden should deliver th* address, l'he Kentucky papers are full of particulars of meetings to denounce the Wards, and are calling on Crittend *n t* re sign. The Ward family hive left Louis ville, and the whereabouts of the murderer is uokuowiu Washington, May 4. There-inauguration ot' the Crvstal Palaoe will say still more— wr utU nut permit y,„t tn posing. Visitors began to assemble at an circulation of small bank no.PS, aula M* a'rtiw*.' We have the same early hour, and the building was crowded to penalty is prescribed for Its violation. is vou have, and feel not at nil i The House this norn'ing vtent into Co'tri. on Territorial bill. In the Senate, SewarJ nnd Chase presen ted petitions against the Nebraska bill. Mr.jlalely tried at Pittsburgh for conspiracy, Sumner, a memorial from Missouri and charged with an attempt to extort a large Wisconsin, on the subject of spiritual man- j«uin of money from the Farmers* Deposit ifestations, asking investigations. i Bank, and others. The circuinstunces its utmost eapaeity. Barnum made an a«l- I It Gov. Bigler is quite sick arid confined ot his bed. Ho wns attacked on Saturday. Disease, congestion of the lungs. Frankfort, Ky., April 29. A fire oeeurrej last night wbioh swept away 17 houses on ifaia street. A drendful riot occm red at Saginaw ou the 17ih ult. It originated hi an at tempt of sonu» three hundred armed men to burn the jail at that place and rescue the prisoners. The sheriff and others interfered to put down tho riot, and the sheriff was killed. A lar«,o number of the rioier3 have been arrested and bound over to await an examination. SABBATH CosVEWTIOS —-A rrangementi have been made with th® various lints terminating in Chic-jgn including N. Y Central am! the 111 iuois Centr 11, to al ow members of the Subbatli IJouvuniion which is to be held there on the 17th inst., tu pass over them at hall (are. hull (aro will be paid on roming to the city, and free passes will be grunted to return on presentation, o: a err lilies to of attendance from fbj» Secretary of tbe meeting. The examination of M13. Pnker s case at St. Louis has been concluded, and she has been committed for tho ac *.ion of t!-.e Grand Jury for murder i of Huffffittn. 4w Local Matters. AftiMl Diatrlct !*«, 9. Rome sttU'incrit. n .uIo in tlie E-iquirer of Thursday lait, convey unite an i'le.i of tlie jmx'eed ing- of the meeting held Saturday evertfttg ^vcek. That paper say*: At a rr.r cting School District Xo. 2. last Sfttnr1 day evenin.rr. Mr. er made a refort tlie I)iK'e• orn. l[e stated thai tl.ey li«d rinpl'tyed t\i !ier f'r the next year, and at-Vtd that the Ii!~tr:t_t should ac (juiesi'c in tl:e selecti'Ui liy thetn mide. The elet-t'ir-f of t!ie liintriet did nut disposed to eoniiteii ir, e the (.f the hnard, but refused tn adopt the reje rt. Thev v."re ntill anximw to huve the old Injiird rt-isn, uml appeared uowillmg to en a: ingle otliciai act oi tiairs.-' AVe don't care about taking sidj- in this matter .bnt •hen statements are published, we like to *ce the truth told, and justice done to all pait'e-». The error Thepabl'uhed aa signed by fie ?c retiry of the Hoard, stated two ol ject" t^r the meetinj? of the Dis trict. One was for the nomination of fur pcr.-^ons to fl!l the vacancies iu the unl caased l»y tlie tendered res'Rtiation of four members. The otli was to con sider he'ectioiH of teachers made by the old B'laid. Mr. Bitler stated the ol.jtcU the raeetiiiff. as published, ai.d «ilmiMcd the report of the Director.*. A dibate then sprtmp up as to the proper order in Wt J,te'".i.. affair was far from being fettled, 't had been urged en with extreme violence by Mr. Soufe, an at present wears a rery threat ening aspect." Another letter dated Madrid 13th, con tains these words:—" It is stated that the American M.nister has demanded the recall Captain General, and further do P(,.w,,r to settle on tjie spot such di8uu:es as that of the Black Warrior. largo suiu is also to be demanded, but the amount named is so disproportionately large that we forbear to mention it." S CHARGED wini MOKDEB BY A GHOST. —-Labpii Mercer was put bn trial in Wetzel Co.. Hr i i» iH ii cf the jw»fdin j: con.sUu. wss pmcured from publit. land in entirely snppre&iing tbe fiict that the .4ri dtd Most of the papers in that region d« counteuance the actions of the Binrd" in tbisre speet, and did mat refuse to adopt the rejiort." happened to Le present, aud know what was done. «dUUau. W. Opposed the immediate ad( ption of the rep'.it, sta "4l thst they had every confidence in the honesty nnd dif-cretian of the Board, and wotild unlie-itatiagly vote fir the persons moaunended I'y tbem as tea ers at 'he proper time, but they preferred nominating four persons lirst (ill the vaoaneies made by re-ig B.ition, in order that they m*iK''t have the i.ew and permanent B« avd ready, to wl.o e examination they could recommend tlie individual! prop»eJ as teachers in the old Board'* report. The vote was then token on tbe report «f the Board, and the motion to ad«pt lost by one vote. The four e'sons to till vacancies were then nomi nated, and immediately afterwards the report of t'e old Boa'd in relation to teachers was ed pted neatly unanimously, there being only three dissenting vo.cos. THE DI ST was again suffocatiujf on Second »treet. yeteiday. Why is it that no move is made towards having the streets sprinkled Dust is not only injuri ous to many k'.ud* of goods when eiK*ed to it, but a generator of bioin iiii.l and consumptive diseases. is said that Henry Clay's life was cut short by the dust of Washington. MK. D. Dt'SSHORB arrived Friday evening from St. wis in 20 honrs. the qnlrtcst time, we betters ever n.,de fiom that place to Mascatine. He traveled by railway via Alton, La'al'eand Hock Island, toarding the steamer J. McKce at tiic latter place, lie taught as un Intelli,ci\ccr of the 4th. RerrKNcn.—Our highly esteemed and talented yonng, Mr. J. Cm-skaddan, associate editor of tbe E*q irer, has returnfd from his visit ti the East, in hejth and ttne spirits, and with a "Utlcr half." Of counse our best wishes are tendered tin.* happy couple. Taa LEVKK.—The work on tliU important improve-1 mertt HuacaU.c Is and) Li prugrc-vang wiihgreiit i energy. Tlie emlanUmmt if oustiucteil tu-ee feet •itrtive high, and will no doubt proVe ef fectual in preventing the overflow of the Island. AMERICAN HOTBI..—?ee card of Mr. U. S. Cracraft. We arc pleased to observe that the American" attracts a lair ihaic of the patronage of tlxc travelin pilhiic. D::r»tCATfO.—The new Episcopal Chirdl *ffl be dedicated on the 25th instant. SASU. Loon AND Bi.isn^.—Attention is directed to the adverti-ement of Messrs. Bt^in & Hill. Va., on Wedriosdav,26th ult.. «ed wi».'. the murder of John Gmn- b)ft The mur er was ni hout 1 committed in 1850, and subsequently Jlhe body of the itnl in Ke tricky If/net* ojf Gov, Bigler deceased was found floating in the Ohio tlructhn tf I'ltrijameul'thtitfngi (fie-! i er. but no clue was hud to the author of the rit?ed until hist fill, when a re spectable citizk-n of the county wentbe 'ores magistrate, and made sfP it that a ghost had confronted hint aft^r night, in the woods and told him that Mercer was the murderer of Gamble. led to the arrest ot the accused, w ho is now on triitl. Whether what '.he* ghost" is alleged to have stated will be consid ered leg'l evidence has not been decided. O her witnesses hav», so fur, occupied the time of ,he court in giving in their evidence. Ill IVCTUEBT TOR COHSPI ACY.—Daniel T. Lawson.a merchant of Wellsvill •, Ohio. David H. Hazrn, a Lmvycr, David T. Davis, and Absalom Morris, were New York, Mnjr 4. hmade the case a novel oii.\ There ex-| istg i s o i n o n 1 e o e s s i o n I a e a n i V wa8 dress. na.ned formed a regular plan to induce Hnrrisburg, bin* 4, Quebec, v 3, 11 P. M.- Jamts G. Percival, tbe poet, has, it is sa d, laid aside his harp und forever abandoned the muses, lie is living in atscetic retiretn ntat New Have:), Conn The steamer Wm. Norris which was to run the Atlantic in six days, was sold recently because of a disagreement be tween the person who furnished the money to build her and the person who had charge ol her construction. Advice* from Venezuela state, that Congress abolished slavery in that Re public ou the 24'h of March. The bill received the signuture of the Goveruer ihe same duy oi its passage. Tbe Powder Mills of John Conollr & Co.. near Rochester, New York, explo ded on the night of the 20th ult. The shock was terrific, bhaking the whole city. $0 lives were lust. Damage $8, 000. Two poisons were killed and five in jured by the falling of n building in Brooklyn, N. Y.,on Sttuidiy la»t. LILLIPUTIAN A —A mm 25 yejrs OF age, and but SO inches high, weighing i i i seat: m'i ... «i li), 18f4. The Newi. By referraee to the latest telegrapbit in telligence, it will l»e seen that tha Nebraska Bill has at last been reached in the llouae By th-i vote had upon the motiofi to lay it on tho table, we infer a probability of the passage of this odious measure. Further news in relation to the natter is looked fer with great interest. IC7~* Numerous seizures of rafts have been inn tie by Government Agents in the country above as, because the tiin- nounce the a^euts. and the Dubuque lltraid calls upon the citizens of ihat place to hold a meeting lor the purpose ol e»pr«Fsing their indignation agninsi the entire system of lumber seizure, nnd to eet forth the injury to the building IWlereifs of that city by an agent 'oca ted there, who is in thf habit of 6tu ng and detaining rafts indiscriminately, (or which reason tliey go by at night TRAN'SFEK OF TROOPS.-The stea.uer Min nesota Belle, down las! night from St. Paul, had on board Company D. isu pegiincnt U. S. Dragoons, consisting of 45 enlisted men, with 53 horses and 6 mules, under comtnitnu of Lieut. Adams. They were en route from ift Snclling (Minii.) to New Mexico. THK LADIES.— Our lady readers moist ex_ cuse the absence this week of reading inou paper which usually interests them, partic ularly. Being now in possession of facilities to give accounts of current events when they are news, we have thought it best to do so to theexclasiou of stories, Ac. But we will en deavor to furnish our lady readers, occa sionally, with a first rate stjry, aj we bave done heretofore. It appears to as, however, that ladies as well as "the rest of mankind," should keep themselves posted up in matters transpiring throughout the world, and should read the current news with equal avidity as the love tale or narrntivc of heroic during. Castom forbids but common sense approves. Those ladies who disdain to read the cur rent news of the day may not be expected to know eren tho nature of the present Euro pean war, and if they were to be told that tro Turks and the Russians had formed an aliiunce foriho purpose of subduing Eng land and Fmnce, would not know they Were Yietims cf a jtke. The notion that it ex hibits a masculine disposition in woman to desire to be informed on such matters should be no longer entertained. These remarks will also tpplj to some young men—to whom, with the ladies, they are respectfully dedicated. The people of Louisville have deter rftiued to erect a monument to the memory of Prof. Butier, who was assassinated by Ward. At the last accounts, the subscrip t.on for that purpose was filling up rapidly. (3?* Mr. Laidlaw, the artist and scene paint-. 'he People's Theatre, St. Louis, was murdered ou the 4th inst., by a man named Jackson, who was also employed in the sume theatre. Jaekson escaped. 0^"Andrew J. Nash will be executed in Carlinville, 111., on the 23d of June next, for tho murder of Loskerman, at Zanesville, Montgomery county. 0"^"A National Medieal *a$wifttion Yened in St. Louis last weok- The proceed ings appear to b.- quite interesting, as they oceupy teveral eolunmein tbe paper* of that Ity. j,, Pennsylvania a law against the ceucc proven that the persons above the said bank, and others, to violate the above taw, with the intention of prose cuting tor the penalty, and to eheat and defraud the couuly of Allegheny, by offering to compromise with the Bank by accepting the share of the fine thai fell to the information, and discontinu ing tho suits. On this indictment they were tried and convicted, and at the last accounts were saf«ly licused in jail. A Sbciety of Colored Free Masons -ha* re cently been organ.zed in Chicago. Wal er's filibustering expedition in Lower California, has proved an entire failure.— Nearly nil his men have deserted, and with the remainder he bas rot for Texas. I Gov. Bigler, of Pennsylvania, bas so far recovtred from his late ^evere ilhiess, as to te able to veto two Bank Bills la one day. This is considered hj tbe Whig* of ilurisburg as an excellent Mgu of couvales Six roe a were i.ijured, two very seriously, and a lo oomotive and eight cari were badly damaged, by a collision between two trains, o» Wednesday, on tbe Columbia Railroad, near Paoli, Pennsylvania. through the «xertions of the benevolent Mi'IS D'IX, enlisted much sympathy. It passed the Senate by a vote 20 to 12 und the House by nearly two to one. After e*pressing his deep sympathy with tho design the measure, his re luctance at dissenting from the conclu sions of Congress, and giving a synopsis of the bill, the President enters upon his objections'10 iho principle involved, contending that if it it is proper for th* geiu rul government tu make provision for the insane, it is also proper to pro v id e for every benevoleut object of a similar character, and he cannot find any authority in the constitution for making ihe federal government tbe grout almoner of public charity. The grounds of tbe veio are simply tha in expediency and unconstitutionality of tho measure. The ussiau army now numbers lip wards of a million of fightiug men, and the most strenuous tfl'oris are being male to iaciesse this already enormous foit*. The adventists in Salem havo opA{ ft, to talk matters over. pointed June Oth as the finality off They Cheyennes and Crow Indians havo ihia earth. I driven off the whites who had established THE IsDiasar IVSAVE LAV# Bni The Pre-ident's messige vetoing the ludigent Insane Land Bill is a long and tedious document, it is believe by many that 1:10 bill will pass notwith standing the ve'o, as the philanthropic provisions, and left them in a destitute and object sought to be accomplished has, starving condition. fer^ .-^ :C-fi4 \fi By Tdcurapli. Sebr'itki1 ftill in thf use—The Gadsjn1Tret ty •Dftruelion of Long Brid-e By fire—Riot in Chef*ea. Mum. VVASHtaoToi, May t. The [louse has reached the Npbra^a bill, after laying aside seventeen bills iha» had precedence. A vote w as tak'n on eirh bill—yeas aboat li)Ot say* 30 or SO, When «he Nebraski biff rame afong 'he House was ?he scene of nor a lit'lo tumult. Members were on their feet, and a clapping of hands in all parts of Uie huupe was heard. A motion to hy it on the tab! d«fe«wd br a vole of 105 to 85. (ierritt Smith of New York and Brei kenridgo of Kentucky were appoin ted tellers. Some of tho members who were op posed to the bill now vote to take it up. A motion will ha mad... by Jonas of Tennessee, to substitute a bill for Douglas s not containing the clause for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Washington, May 8. An official copy of the new trentv with Mexico was only communicated to General Almonte yes erday. He dis patched two messenger* w i it to meet he steamei of the 141 fi at New Orleans The Fulton has !»ft the Navy Yard here for Norfolk wnere she will wait fur Gi ncra? Go Isdcn, who will take the tfrkioal copies to San a Ann#. The fr'aud. of l|.« Nebrask# bJi beld a caucus at 10 o'clock on Saturday an-1 resolved Jo oppose all amendment a* x cept sinking out the Clayton clause.-- A lurge por-ion of Long bridge, 1 cr' ss the Poionuc, was destroyed by fife this morning. The fire took on tba south side ol the drawbridge. Mr. Orr, alia* the angel Gab.iel," preached in the open air yesterday.— The police interfered, and his friends carried him to Cheliea, where he again coin me need preaching A not ensued and several were injured. Jt was final ly 3uppre.«seJ by the firttnen and police. The riot was resumed in the evening and there tfas severe fig uing between Americans and Irish and tha latter were driven from the ground. An attack was then made on the Catholic Churrh the windows were broken,—Sheriff read tbe riot act, and ibo military were culled out, when ibe rioters dispersed—several parties mo e or lets injured. CnnzresHnnal Saui— Violent Allzrcalim in Ha tii^uc Fir? at IMica-r&te'tmb'Xit f'Xplotioti iS na tc itint in V ncz t'la—DetlruetuHi of the a. earner Kuckaui^y by Fire. WASHINGTON, MAT 8. Y sterdav tho House again took uo in com mittee the bill relating to Utah, hut finally ajrreed to report unfavorably upon it. The Territorial biilswere afterwards con sidered simony them for the prospcetivo ad mission of Orejron into the L'nioo. I'pon this last, no furthir action was tayen. The speaker adjourned the House agninst the will of the majority. Great indignation' among the members was manifested and vio lent altercatiou took place between the speaker (Lynn llavd) and Mr. Campbell, of Ohio. Friends ^terfered and separated them. UTICA, MAY 6. The Hrug store of Itoaewell B. Smith was destroyed by fire this morning. Loss on the stock and building $15,OnO, partlv insured. Tho adjoining stores occupied bv dry goods weia badly damaged. PHILADELPHIA, MAT &. Tbs steamer Pennsylvania collapsed a flue last uijzht near Bordcntown, killng Mr. White, fireman, and three others. Several u the is badly scalded. NEW YORK, MAY 6. By the arrival of tbe brig Addy Swift from Maricaho we have advices from Vene zuela to tLo 17th ult. The Government has asaigne I the 19th of April for the emancipa tion of all slaves ia Veneztie'a. Cn.\I MCSTON, MAT 4. Tho New Orleans papers announce the to tal destruction by fire, on the -J8th, of the steamer Kockawa*. The disaster occurrod while tbe vessel was near Bayou Sara. Arrival of ihe S:iu Lake Muil—Ce^atio" of Ha tit:ties in Utah—Ind an Deprcdatiuiii un the IVa ns— 1 'tiaras of the I Tifurait.v. Independence, Mo., May 4. The Salt Lake mail arrived last evening having been detained by aorere wind and? •now storms encountered above Fort Kear ney. judge Reid and ten others came in as passengors by tbe stage. They report a cessation of hostilities with the Indians and the Chiefs of the tribes adi^ecnt. nar tribes adj^ecnt, par ticularly tho most warlike ones, were to have met the agent the day after tha mail bridges and ferries on the North Platte and Green rivers. They state their intention of carrying on tho business and appropriating tbe tolls and ferriage to themselves. It is rumored that the Pawnees had stop ped several freight trains and Wagons from St. Joseph, near Table Creek, taking their D. W. Kichardrf, editor of the Desorat News, died in Salt Lake City on the 11 th ult. Tbe emigration to California and Oregon had advanced as far as the Platte, getting along admirably. Grass very fine as far as Fort Kearny. The frieuds of the Nioraek* bill in Congress count upou one hundred ami twenty votes in favor and one hundred ugiinst the bill, providing the Clayton amendment is struc* out. Tha great* est activity prevails among the whip pers-in at tba capital in beaming up the stragglers. Travelers, by a recent arrangement. now go from Chicago to Cincinnati, via. Indianapolis, iu the short space of 16 hours, including emppag**. Th.i'. brings Davenport within auhoj 24 hears of (MucioMti iff, in WASUINGTOV, MAY 2. TM* GARDINER CASE—BAIL FORFEITED. The ease of John Charles Gardiner was called for trial yesterday, but be not appear ing, his bail, amounting to $12,000, was for feited. It is rfported that ha has kft tha eountev. —In A DVARCB VOL. V--NO. Wnat is tlie Hardest Mode to 2W« To be shot dead is ono ihe ci,ic modes of terminating life e erlands ,h. ball 9!a But there is nothing singular in tbtf dying sensation, though Lord Uyfirrf remarked the physiologic,I p.culi.rhy ihat tho expression is invariably that of .angunr, whi!,,n death fro* a stab ih« countenance reflects the trait of natural ohsnctfr of gentleness 01 ferocity fa the last breath Some of these cases are of in*ersst'^y o w w i w a s i i s u a n e i may undergo morial wouiu!. till it final, ly cimei1 to a sudden stop. A foot sol* uVi V Y Boston. Miy 9. a er lo u3 4m- -«V -,--*¥ y JtJvUtJe- sests: "40. Fro® 'ho Qaarterfy Karicir. ^$ y#t rapid aa it is. tMe body has leisure to feel and ra flee?. On Ihe first ,u aitempt by one of the fanatic adherents of Spam to ab«4«. itnate .lli.,h. Prince of Orange, ho t' O he lead of the rerolt of the Neth- ,j lhr o» s of the face and brought him to I :,J ,J instant that prece ded stnpification, he was »bl« ro frame the notion that the ce.ling lhe roo had 'alien and crushed him. Tha can- of,Charles XII dill noipr.r.n, him itam seizing his sword by ihe |,j| Tlie iie of an attack, and necessity fof ^e-* fence, was imprpssed on him by a b!o«t which we should have supposed t-)0 tr*. ineudous to leave en interval fur But by no means fo lows Ihat tl.a in fliciing of fatal violence is accompanlacf by a pang. From what is known of the first effect of the gunshot wounds, it ia probable that the imp ession is ra:har stunning than acute. Unless death be immediate, the pain is as varied as liii nature of ihe injuries, and these are past counting up. Pureed by a mushat bail in fhe hip, begged water froa a trooper who chinced 10 possess a cao teen of beer. The wounded man drank/ returned Ms henrtien thanks, mentions® ihat his raiment was nearly eitermin ated, and hnving proceeded a dor an yards ou his woy 10 the rear. f«n to tha earth, aad with one eenWsive mor#. meiit of iho hps, concluded his career. u- 6,¥S lhe t'ooper, wbd' tmseif teils ihj story, "gave scarcely the smallest sign of weakness." Can Basil Hall, who, iu his early youth wa« present at the battle of Corunna, haa sing ed out, from the coufusion which consigns to oblivion the woes and gal lantry of war, aoo.ber instance, wbieh occurred on ib»t occasion. An old of ficer, who was shot in ihe head, arrived palo, nnd faint, at tha temporary hosat :al, and bei'gul tha surgeon to look at his wound, which was pronounced to be mortal. Indeed I feared so," he 1 SDondad, with impeded utterance "ai yet I »!iould like much to live lit) lon£cr, if it ra- aad tie1 possible He laid' In* sword upon a stone at his side "as gontly," ?aii Hall, if i: eteei W been turned to gW," and almost ifU' mediately suck dead upon the tuff. AKECUOTS or A (IrpocRovostAC Jt young man in a small village near Bet" ion. named Willi,, had n strong imagi. n»ii"n ibai he was dead, ond earnestly begu« hif friends to bury him The/ s-'emtng.y consented by advice of tbe physician he was appropriately dress-' ed. laid upon a bier, and carried upon men's shoulders to the church. By at ranc^nient some of his acquaintances' met the procession and inquired who' was dead aud being told, one of them' remarked in a loud tone. Well, I'm glad he s gone, for he was a grund ras cal, and the gallows mtiit have had Sim in due course." The hypochondriac, hearing this, popped head up, and said she) ought 10 bt asbame I of themselves to be bave thus al a funeral, and traduce a dead man in that manner and if be' was only alive ho would thrash them' for their insolence. But they, continuing their insults, dead flvsli arid blood could no longer bear it up lumps tha hypo chondriac, and runs after his insolent trtfducers until he fell down exhausted, lie was put to bed the violent exer tion he had gono through promoted1 perspiration, aud he got well. Tba Legislature of Masaacbu saftti' have refused to appropriate $l0.00o t«* wards the creation of a mouumau to Udi.iel Wabjier, on account of the op position made by Free Soil mem bars of the ii.iuse, who denounced Webster as being "false to freedom, falsf'fa-Jkito country, and fjlse 10 Got/." An interesting trial ia now going on' New 1 ork. It is the trial of Mr. ind Mrs Huyes fur tha ma'dsr of Dr. Lu tener which occurred in January laat'. The fvidcucg 11 ^jLogcihcr 6iiUii|atSe* rial. .. 1 it Aritrals S R'IY' StarUy, Ma-10, tlie iTotela: 0t»XL! IL HOI —Br I'SHBK FC TAAVTA, Corner ft cltr strtrt an I Iowa ^rnM. n f,~"a JmwvilU W Bwk, O fc I'lpway, AJuh W Maari«e, St Loai Mr* ~«a«, 1* "iMur, Jikc a ID* IN RIC DL **Y S 1 Vn S Purnet. B^ou..n »», I wh J^ha III '.n \S?nt'r L'»- Ind 11 N ii ii '.1 »'l:1' Cuidwater, 3 N Smi,b °. w 'in®, r°rfC" k do Bvn*. Io Agisting titD' «thl-df J. Li K ^•adiaa, Oj JW- 0 W Chewier, do S W tica, d- I Carter, Y Mrs E Fiaa. d«»j 0 S*iSa't ifege! A n .,T J" ('llofmai-.. U S .. er-kSt VVneK K Sorr UUIe-,Vo:h*n-.-«vuTg. O 3 Bil nw. S'1 rk. N Y. E lutcbin.'»! RGslJar: XV "iU MiM Y«wkej E !pc M.D wall ind S ii Woriall au«J lfldy. tin Ejien-N H, I DhWh.. K^ka'lc, if S^au?1AJ'ir' A'Oor®i.'k 11 U- ffi i. kjj J_.h_u S^r.ifj, 9 V» AO-« I ''ityi I Ca»btiid»n %el i. V v O n (iV X. i Ml' A l» i B'-h-r. I\- J,h# B..II 'j2 n hm,, MW, P,.f K Y Mu 'ti dUr«o Jt Dtytan, 11