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gtmoint CLoucin, 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HTUMWA, WAPELLO CO.,IOWA. By n. H. WAKDO. I mm E S TSYAKIABL* i# ADVANCE. OM copy per year, $1 BO o o o i e s 5 0 0 Ten u December 15th, 1863. fy If 00 Twenty" 84 00 Where payment is not made in advance, $2 within eix month* $2 50 within the year and $) at tlie expiration of the year. RATES FOR ADVERTISING For one square (12 lines) in insertion, fl,00 Each additional insertion, 50 One column, per year, 40,00 One half column, per year- 24,00 One fourth 12,00 Patent Medicines, per column,yearly 50,00 lusinsss and Professional Cards, not making than 8 lines, $5 per year. 1 advertisements, handed in without having lumber of insertions marked thereon, will iblishf-d till ordered out and charged for ingly. Business Cards, BOY WANTED, boy of industrious and moral habits, who cat read and write well, and who is from 16 18 years of age, is wanted at this Office, to learn the Printing Business. Apply immediate ly, if you want a good situation. JOB PRINTING. We have added to our Office a large supply of Job Type of the latest and neatest styles, and are now prepared to print Handbills, Cir culars, Blanks, and Business Cards, in the neat est style, and most expeditious manner. THE FIRST SESSION OF THE ASHLAND SEMINAR? WILL commence on Monday, August 2nd, .1854, for the Term of sixteen weeks. The Board of Trustees have divided the year into three equal sessions. Terms of Tuititmptr Sittion: Spelling, Reading &. Writing, $3 00 Arithmetic, Geography and F-ngliah Grammar, ... 4 00 Higher branches—Mathematics Lan guages, &c., &c., 6 00 One half to be paid ny the middle and the balance at the expiration of the term. LEWIS DWIGIiT,Principal. •'ISRAEL YOUNG, Treasurer. JOHN BUTLER, Secretary. THOMAS PING, Agent. Ashland, Wapello Co., June 15,1854.t4 J. I.. TAYLOR. J. WILLI 4MSnfr. Taylor & Williamson, CO-PARTNERS in the practice of Medicine. Office and Residences on Second ^trcM-t. Ottumwa. Jan. 5lli, II S I S S O N E N I S HAVING permanently located in Ottumwa, offers his services to the citizens of town and vicinity. All work warranted. Ladies waited on at their residences if desired. Teeth inserted from one to an entire set, either by means of springs or atmospheric pressure. If*' nifv be found at the I N ION HOTEL, on the 1st Monday in the month. A. D. WOOD. A. HAWKINS. JUDICAL NOTICE. G3TWE would respectfully inform the in liaoiiants of Ottumwa and vicinity that WOOD & HAWKINS have formed a co-partnership in the practice of medicine and Surgery, and are prepared to attend all calls in the line of their {)b* rofession. Punctual attendance and reasona- charges. ^One or both may be found at iheir office, or at liieir residences when not absent on business.— Dr. Hawkin's residence—in the house formerly «.: upied by aiiies Baker. WOOD & HAWKINS. November 24 th, 1853. Henry B. llciilir«iiott, ATTORNEY AT JA\V OTTUJ1WA, IOWA. Cy WILL attend to business in the Courts of ail the counties in Southern Iowa, and in the Supreme Court at Iowa City. Persons wishing lo purchase or rent land or town property are informed that he has the agen cy and management of Bitch goed property, «'both in town and country. March 16th, 1854.-ly FJNO. D. DEVIN. JAB. D. DEVIN. J. Sc 111. A O N E Y S A A W OTTUMWA, IOWA. /jy WILL practice in the Courts of Wap ello, Jefferson, Van Huren, Davis, Appanoose, '.Monroe Lucas, Marion and Mahaska. Having the advantage of a long residence in the valley they will give particular attention to Securing and collecting claims, sale of War rants, Entries of land on time, buying and sell ing Real Estate, Settlement of Titles, payment of Taxes, &.c. February l(tb 1854. D. F. Gaylord A U I O N E E OTTUMWA, IOWA. (^TTILL attend to making sale of personal iroperty or Real Estate, at auction at any time, or a reasonable compensation. He may be ...found in Ottumwa, unless absent on business. ,V May 16th, 1851. Friendship Division, No. 39. SONS OF TUMRIILLAME, MEBTS Monday evenings, at the Hall i\iain street, at 7 o'clock P. M. Brethren other Divisions, who are in good standing, i invited to attend. W. J. ROSS, W. P. D. II. MICHAEL, R. S. Estray Notice. 81 ATE OF IOWA, F" WAPELLO COUNTY, S TAKEN UP, befwre Hugh Con nelly, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, on he 5th •day of May, A. D. 1&54, by John I. Carter, of Pleasant Township, at his resi lence therein, Estray property of the following Jescription, to-wit: A bay horse, about 10 years bid, saddle marked on either side of thg blK'k yiazein the face—lume in the right forefoot— sme white hairs on both sides of the neek— apposed that he will not work—about fourteen lands high, and appraised at forty-five dollars, Samuel Robertson and Willliam A. Mace. JOSEPH HAYNE, County Clerk, Ottumwa, May 31, ls54.2im3 W. C. loa. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED, will be at Ottuna va on the 22d of uly, prepared to do any kind repairing in the watch maker line. Persons fishing Watches or Clocks repaired will leave |»cm with JOHN J. ADAMS,Ottumwa, Iowa. JOHN B. WOOD. airfield, une 2d, 1854. tf BLANK DEEDS, JUSTICES NOTICES, Constable's Sales, "4 Blank Notes neatly printed, for sale at the ourier Office. June 22d, 1863. BAGS WANTED, iek Wmk mbcripttf* O E I A TO BLOSSOMS. Herrick is cue of the most gspuint of our poets, and the quairifneps of his expressions of ten lends an interest and even a grace to his verses. Like atl th-» poets of his era, that gol den age of English poetry, he overflows with love for Nature, and revels in description of her charms. Ilow beautiful are these stanzas: Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, Why do ye fall so fast? Your date is not so past, But you may stay here yet awhile, To blush and gently aaile, And go at last What! were ye born to be An hoar or half's delight, And so to bid good night? 'Tis pity nature brought ye forth Merely to show yuux worth, And lose you quite. But you are lovely lea ve?, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave: And after they hare shown their pride Like you awhile they glide Into the grave. A CHILD'S EPITAPH. Beneath this stone, in sweet repose, Is laid a mother's dearest pridej A flower tliat scarce had waked to life, And light and beauty, ere it died. Cod in his wisdom has recalled The precious boon his love had given: And though the casket moulders here, The Gem is sparkling now in Heaven. Lfqaor Prohibition la 1774 The resolution, that follows, will show the public sentiment of statesmen, be fore the declaration of American Inde pendence: IitsGlved, That it be recommended to the several Legislatures of the United States immediately to pass laws, the most effectual, for putting an immediate stop to the pernicious practice of dis tilling, by which the most extensive-e vils are likely to he derived, if not quick ly prevented. Journal of the first Con tinental Congress. This strikes nt tho root of the evil.— As early as 1774, in the first Continental Congress of America, the "practice of distilling" is called '••pernicious What would one of the sages of that day, it alive, now say, when whiskey, in some larjje markets in the Union, is as reguhtrly quoted as any article of mer chandize,— as 'easy* or ••heavy" in the sale? Jr. Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis, it is next to money, and bread stall's, in the quotation of the market. Hut the point of this Congressional resolution i* PitomnrrioN, the very doc trine now so extensively advocated, and adopted in live or six States. And for it, these States have the recommendation of the Kevoiutionary worthies of 1774 and 1776. It is no novelty, then, but an old doctrine of Congress, and of the country. Would that it had been every wheie in the colonies (afterward States.) thus early approveiland adopted as Stale policy, to prohibit the manufacture, as well as the sale of alcoholic liquors, as a beverage! Here, in Iowa, distilleries are few, and the soonet their fires are ex tinguished, the better it will b*. Not long since, the show bill (an old one) of a distillety at JLchestcr, Cedar County, was sent hither, doubtless, for comment, it being lodged in the post office. Now, the only comment needed is, to sUte the fact, that where distilleries exist, temperance does not prosper. At Rochester, the Sons have gone down, (or had lately,) in their division, dtbt for their temperance papers, which last circumstance, (their $4,00 indebtedness,) is a mutter of less moment than the de prt ssion of the temperance cause, EH a consequence. The same is true at Mont rose —the Sons are prostrated and in dtbt. Let the menot temperance, there fore, $t Hoehester and Montrose, in boasted "OidJ Cedar," and "Empire Lee" county nwuke to their duly, and the fiies oi the distillery will die out, by a resolution of Iowa Legislature like that of the Congress of 1774 provided abo, that other counties, where distiller ies exist, and ail throughout this Slate, likewise arise in the majesty of freemen, resolved to assert the liberty ol legisla tion for the good of the commonwealth. —Iowa Stale Journal, A CDRIOSITY.-—The Yarmouth Reg ister states that a gentleainn of that place, recently attempted to pick a dead gull on the fiats in the harbor, but found the bill to be firm!} fixed in the sand.— On digging down, it was found to be held last by a large sea clam. The vic tim of misplaced confidence probably at tempted lo gull the shelly gentleman out of a dinner, end after having "intro duced his bill," had "leave to withdraw" refused him. BP*A. C. Dodge has been oa» vieit to Burlington, for the purpose of taking his family on to Washington City so says the t»azeUe. Perhaps he has a notion of abandoning Iowa altogether and going.South. His southern friends, doubtless, would rather have him remain a citizen of Iowa, if he could hold on to a seat in the Senate. He would be of more service to them.-—-Fairfield Led &r. Mr. II v n n i oia jl»i dca Treaty. The Secret motive for the Ne braska Pressure. [Trom the Congressional reports of the Wash ing on Globe, May 20,1851.] Mr. Knox was assigned the floor. Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania—If the gentleman from Illinois will give way for a moment, I will move that the com mittee take a recess until seven o'clock. Mr. Benton—If no gentleman want* the floor now, I wish to occupy it for about 'en n inutes. mittec will be willing that the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Benton) may pro ceed, he Kay do so. The gentleman from llliooie yielded the floor, and general assent was given to the gentleman froiu Missouri to pro ceed: MR. BENTON'S SPEECH. Mr. Benton said: Mr. Chairman, I have nothing more to say to this bill on account of its interference with the Mis souri Compromise. On that point 1 have spoken my share, and shall not re eurto it again. I pass on to a new point —one significantly revealed to us some ten days ago by a representative from Georgia, the member from the first Con gressional District of that State, (Mr. Seward.) Thai gentleman spoke a gainst the bill in a way entirely accord ant to my own opinions: but came to the conclusion that he would vote for it, and gave his reason# for doing so reas ons which hail not been mentioned bv any oilier speaker, and which struck me as momentous, and worthy to arrest the attention of the House and of the country. He objects to the bill becauso it is un founded and contradictory in its state ments and assumptions—inconsistent with itself, with the act of 1820, and with acts of 1830—because it was man ufactured for a particular purpose, and is of no value in itself to the slave States but which commands his support, ag a Southern man, on account of its ul terior operations, as containing a princi ple to be asserted in future, and which was put into the bill to bccomc the basis of some grand movement in this coun try. I will read what he said, as the proper way of doing justicn to his clear and well expressed opinions—to his mo mentous rerelations—and as the best way of availing invselt of his important declarations. I find thfm thus in the official copy of the speech: "1 oppose the details of thic-bill, be cause they are not consistent with them selves or with the transactions to which they relate and the biii itself shows that it was manufactured for a particular purpose. Some ol the clauses embra ced in it, conflicting as they are, were in troduced for the purpose, in my opinion, of setting up a principlato be asserted in future, and which the aits of 1850 nev er contained. Now, sir, let us see.-— We are called upon here now to vote for this biit, which is not drafted in the ordinary shape of legislation. But the trainers of this bill, have furnished the reason, wiihin the bill itself, and which they call upon us to subscribe to. What is it? They tell us that the law of 1820, being inconsistent with the legislation of 1850, therefore that the act of 1820 is inoperative snd void. I lake issye with them nnd, for myself, occupying my po sition as a Southern nan, I never have subscribed, never will, and never can subscribe to the doctrines contained in the aeis of 1850. Mj objections to the acts of 1850 are known at home. They are recorded in the proceedings oi the convention which took place in Georgia in 1850. I was a member of that con vention. 1 voted ngainsl the Georgia platform on principle. And now, when The Chairman—^Tb« gentleman trom Illinois (Mr. Knox) is entitled to the floor the Chair having recognized him. If the gemJeonn from Illinois %ill yield! county alone but the holder of slaves the floor for ten minutes, and if the com that portion of the South, having feel- I ings in common with me on this ques tion, have waived their objections to it for the purpose of uniting with the South, and harmonizing public feeling on this ureal question, it is put in here as the babis of some grand movement in this country. 1 know not what that movement is." I concur in the truth and justice of everything which the member from Georgia has here saiil, but differ Irom him in the conclusion to which he ar rives—that t»f voting for the biil and find in bis reasons for that vote, addi tional reasons for mv own vote against it but he votes cs a southern man, and voles sectiotially. 1 also ain a South ern man, but vote nationally on national questions. He sees in it a principle set up which is fa'se and useless in its ap- plication to Nebraska, but which is to which the member Iroin Georgia gave be asserted in future, and which is put into the bill as the basis of some grand denied. According to him, and accord impending movement in this country.— Of the nature ol this movement, which i** only an entering wedge to future en is to be so grand, and at the same time I terprises—a thing manufactured for a sectional, ihe member declares himself particular purpose a stepping stone to a to be ignorant and that ignorance, I i grand movement which is to develop it would suppose, should be a reason for ^amilii |trtuspapar--"-Sfliciteff to ^Jolittrs, \£fntral ftelus, Agriculture, (timnttioit, Hturluts, fcc. VOL, 6. NO. 23, OTTUMWA, IOWA, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1854. WHOLE NO. 283. i.i'l ri.erM.'in!, an,! which 11 -«'iv wiii I explain to uie, and winch, according to my own short anti dubious iigh'j, is (dangerous to the peace aod honor of the 'country. 1 believe in the futility of this Kill—its absolute futility to the slave holding States—ami that not a single slave will ever be held in Kansas or Ne braska under it, (even admitting it to be passed.) Though adapted to slave la bor in two cf its great staples, (hemp and tobacco.) 1 do not bnlieve that slaves will ever be held there. The popular vote will expel ibem. Kansas is contiguous to middle and Southern Missouri, where slave trade is profitable, and slaves held in great num bers—a single owner, wiihin two hours' ride of the line, holding one hundred more than the fire hundred of Randolph of Roanoke: and five thousand in his 1 ave but one vote, am! wili be beat at the polls by the many who hare none. In relation to Kanst* and Nebraska, then, 1 hold the bill to be a deception and a cheat—what gamesters call gam mon, congressmen call buncocrbe, and •eamcn u tub to the whale that is to say, an ambidextrous operation upon the senses of confiding people, by which they are made to see what is not, and •ot to see what is. This is what I be lieve and not being obliging enough to join in a scheme of self deception, or lo suffer a gaiuc of deception to be played upon me, I must now turn my back tip on the illusions of this Nebraska bill, and took out for its real object—the particu lar purpose for which it was manufac tured, and the grand movement of which it is to be the basis. In this Kearcii I naturally look about into the signs and rumors of the times, and into the contemporaneous events which may conncct themselves with the grand movement in question and think I find in them two diplomatic missions, of which the country has heard much— but not all. 1 speak upon rumor, but neither tell, nor believe the half of what 1 hear: but believe enough to excite ap prehension, and to justify inquiry What is a state secret in the Washing ton City is street talk in the city of Mon tezuma. First. The mission of Mr. Gadsden to Santa Anna. It mu3t have been con ceived about the time that this bill was and, according to transpiring accounts, must have been a grand movement in itself—$5,000,000 for as much Mexi can territory as would make five or six states of the first class. The area of the acquisition, 1 understand it, was to extend from.sea to sea, on a line that would give us Santander, Monterey, Sal tillo, Parras, Sonera and nil Lower Cali fornia. This was certainly a large movement, both in point of money and of territory, and also large in political consequence and clearly furnishing a theatre for the doctrine of non interven tion, if there should be any defi!ii to couvert-ihe newly-acquired tetriloiy from free soil, that is, into slave to.l, that it might be desired to be. Here, then, 1 believe I have found one branch of the grand movement and although Mr. Gadsden returned froin his mission, with a small slice of the desired terrttory, yet he has returned to his post and may have better luck on a second trial—if Santa Anna escapes from tho speckled Indians (Los lndios Pintos) who have hun at bay in the Sierra. 1 say nothing on the merits of this new acquisition, only that it is an old acquaintance with me having first heard of it in November, 1840, a"d afterwards in March, 1848— at which latter time it was proposed in the Senate, (oy Ur. Davis of .Mississip pi,) or. the ratification of the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty an.d rejected by the Sen ate. 1 voted against the Santander and Monterey line then, and have not seen ciuse to change my opiuion. [llere Mr. Benton read the article proposed by Mf. Davis for the utw line.J Secondly. The mission of Mr. Soule to Madrid—also u grand move ment in itself, if reports be true-—two hundred and fifty millions for Cuba and i rum us kicked up if the island is not got. Here again might be found a case for lha non intervention principle but of that I say nothing, because 1 know noth ing and wish to know something. Of the acquisition itself, I say nothing now, but did say something about forty-four years ago in n Nashville newspaper' published by Thomas Eastin. called the Impartial Review in which I discussed Cuba as the geographical appurtenance] of the valley ol the Mississippi, and* eventually to become its political appur tenance but to begot with honor when ever it was got and in all that faith 1 re main firm. No dishonor! no sta^n on the bright aud spotless fame left us by our fathers! Mr. Chairman, I discuss nothing in relation to those rumored acquisitions of the Uland of Cuba and a broad side of Mexico I oidy call attention to thetn as probable indexes \o the grand movement ua n the revelation, and wl iclt no one has S 10 'k' n oiii c' tti" h'f,r u!i(i'.',t' to the gen tlemen irom Illinois? Tin Chairin tn -The gentleman from Missouri occupied wenty minutes. As a matter ot course, that timo must be taken out of the hour allowed to the gen tleman ffom lilinoM. It is distinctly un •ierstood that the chair did not authorize the gentleman from Missouri to take the floor from the gentleman from Illinois. Mr. Knox.—I am very happy in hav ing yielded to the Gentleman froin Mis potiii so much o! my t!me,,-oet?atiso what he may have said is of far greater inter est and of far mora importance to the country, than any poor remarks of mipe would have been. [This declaration was greeted with warm applause.] manufacture of II. K. Irofe The extent to which Rail Road Iron is manufactured in the United States, is hardly understood. There arc now 10 manufactories, asfollowc NAMES. Montour Iron Wark« Danvillr, Pa Rough mad Ready, Danville, Pa., Lackawana, Scranton, Pa., Phonnix Iron Works, PhccniK* ville. Pa., Safe Harbor, Safe Harbor, Pa.» Great W es'ern, Brady's Bend* Pa., New Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.» Potts ville Iron Works, Pott** ville. Pa Cambria Iron Works, Cambria, Pa., Trenton Works,Trenton,N.J. Massachusetts Iron Work*» Boston, Mass., Mt. Savago Iron Works, M* ryland, Richmond Mill, Richmond, Va. Washington Mill, Wheeling, v a., Crescent Works, Wheeling,V4. New Mill, Portsmouth, Ohio, PoMsville, at Pottsville, Pa. the y beiief, tnis Nebraska bill 9 holding back from a bill which commits know, to enable me to discharge my du its supporter* to great unknown things. That is the way it works with ine. 1 am also ignorant, that is to.say, un informed of this grand movement which is to be in this country but 1 believe in nnd so believing am the more against country of ours. I wish to ties understt'.ndingly and I respectfully crave the information from those who have the conducting of the bill. Mr. Smith of Virginia.—I would like to know, Mr. Chairman, how much of this time consumed in the remarks of MHr agatoei anyUiuif tktii fcntleiftc* Mwewui trf three keadred poende. TONS 18,000 1,000 10,000 SO,000 15.000 Ifiooo 6,000 3,000 6,000 I ti5,000! 18.0001 12.000 5,000 C.000 5,000 5,000 Total, 100,000 These worka require of raw material, 213,333 tons of pig iron, 840,000 tons of coal, 550,000^ tons of iron ore, and 513,333 tons ot limestone. The sev eral companies have a capital of S10, 000,000, support a population of U2, 500 persons, and consume in breadstuff* alone 6i,G2r\000. Tho most extensive of these works is the Phcenix, at PhtE nixville. Pa., and the least.•$* fc tb* SPU.\KY. The Lou is ville Journal regrets the passage of the Nebraska Bill, because it will increase the anti-slavery strength of the North, and will lead vo the form ation of a party which will oppose the admission of any more slave States, and will apply the Wilmot Proviso to all new Territory. The Journal says, that if a party intent on such purposes shall so far succeed at the North as to obtain the power of control in Congress at any future time, the Union will be severed. Whereupon, the editor of the Cleve land Herald brings his fiat down on the table, and says: The South may dissolve the Union just as soon as they please. The North can stand it just as long as the South can, and we believe a little longer. We tell the Louisville Journal that "no more slave territory" is the fighting motto of tho North that to accomplish this we will bury party lines deeper than plum met ever souuded and if the South in tended to withdraw when we have the power to accomplish the purposes we seek, they \vi save time by going now. Belore they start, however, it will be weil for them to peer into the future, and see where tbey will land. Threats of disunion have lost their virtue it is a com we have done taking at the North the Souiii have yelled "bear" too many times. The North is neither to be coax ed or frightened it has been shamefully betrayed and stricken down, and it is determined to right the wrong and abide cous&iucnces. Confidence. "You say you have confidence in the plaintiff, Mr. Smith?" "Yes, sir." "State to the Court, if you please, what caused this feeling of confidence." "Why, you see, sir there's allers re ports'bout eatin' house njen, an' 1 used to kinder think-—" "Never mind what yoa thought—tell us what you know." "Well, sir, one day I goes down to Cooken's shop, an' sez to the waiter, waiter sez 1, give's a weal pie." "Well, sir,proceed." "Well, just then Mr. Gooken comes up, an' m.z he, how du, Smith, what ye going to htv?" "Weal pie, sez I.** "Good," sez he, "I'll take one tu,M«• he sets down an* eitu one of his own weal pies right aforo me." "Did ihut cause your confidence in him?" "Yceiodeed sir, when an eatm' house keeper seta down afore his customers an' deliberately eats oneofhis own weal pies, uo tnau can t-efi|se to feel confidence —it shows him to be an hone»t man." t3T"I have not loved lightly," the man thought when he married a widow Utuiii utitl ol (tie Missouri Compromise. The final b'.o.v w s inflicted on the venerable Missouri Compromise on last Thursday night, and this ancient Pacifi cator of the country, this healer «.Jf dis cord, this friend of the Union, was dis patched in the Senate lIou«e a little after midnight by a majority of almost three to one. This ancient pact had fulfilled, i is true, in all substantial ends, its mis sion of peace. But we should have been glad, for the good it had done, had it been permitted to live until an old age had closed its blameless life. Feeling thus, how could we, without gtief and repugnance, see it hurried out of the world by ihe hand of violence? Grati tude to the service it had done the State, and respect for the memory of Ihe pat riotic and virtuous men who gave it be ing, to say nothing of the sanctions of honor by which it was surrounded, had inspired us wi a veneration for this old compromise, the earliest and most im portant since that of the Constitution.— We witnessed its birth with joy, and re member the universal content it spread through the land but we little thought we should live to witness its death, still less to tee it strangled in the place of its birth. All for what? Cun any man tell? Do not those—many of them at least—who have given their voices for its repeal, deny that it is demanded by any essential or practical object? Were its repeal justified by one high consid eration of Slate or public good, or had it been demanded by any singie section, public meeiinir, association, county, town or hamlet in the whole country, the sac rifice might be at least extenuated. On the contrary, it is admitted to have been alike unnecessary and uncalled for.— Nothing then is gained by i: nothing, at leai', that should weigh as the dust of the balance. But how much, alas, is lost! Who.can penetrate the future to tell the distant consequences of this week's work in Congress? We speak now to those who love the Union of the States. To the men of passion, lo sec tional patriot's, to those who are ever "calculating the value of the Union," who reason by imputations, and whose highest flight of argument reaches only the le^el of impeachment of motives to such we should deem it a waste of time and of courtesy to address a word on this occasion. But to the gentlemen of the South who think that there is some thing to respect and esteem beyond Ala son aud Dixon's Une who have some veneration for ihe glories of Lexington and Saratoga as weil as those of King's Mountain and Eutaw who look at the Stars and Stripes with alTection, ar.d think there is something in this Union to be proud of and to staud by—to such, we say, a monstrous mistake has been commuted not a fatal, we hope and trust, but a fearful one. Ah! hud you, when this deceitful boon was tendered you, only said, "No the compromise may 'have been unsanctioned by the Consti 'tulion it may have beeu unjust to the •South, but was the only mode of accom 'modaling a most threatening difficulty 4it was adopted by the joint counsels of uhe North and South it was a compact 'of mutual concession it was agreed to 'by men as wise, as firm, and patriotic 'as ourselves it has stood long it has 'performed its benign office and ahho' 'it mt^hl have beeu unjust to us, we will 'not umhonor those wtio framed and rat ified it there is nothing now to be gain 'td or lost by it a bargain is a bargain 'let it stand." Gentlemen, had you an swered thus, instead of breaking the seal of that old compact, you would have riveted the North to you, not with hooks oi steel, but links of iron cable, and the hiv'eous forms of Abolitionism and Free soilisin would never more have reared their heads high enough to disturb for a moment the public councils of the coun try. It would have been the death knell of both. You would have made one country and one people, indissolubly nnd forever. But you have won a victory and one hundred cannon were fired in the dead of the night in honor of it!— hands might doubtless have been found quite as ready to apply the match to cel ebrate the defeat of the bill, had it been given out that the administration was opposed to it instead of being in its fa vor. "The king's name is a tower of strength." Gentlemen, you have won a rtctcry it was the pride of victory prob ably which hurried many of you for ward in the fight, and, instead of re counting the blessed fruits which it will bring to the victors, it will be fortunate for tho«e who are to come after us if hi* tory shall give as innocent an aecount of it as is found in the stu^fvuof the poet which follows: It was a summer's eveaiag, Old Gasper's work was done, And be belore his cottage door Was sitting in the sun Anil by him sported on the green His litlle grand-child Wiltu lmine. She saw her brother Peterkin Rolling something large and round, That he bes'ule the rivulet In playing there had found She came to know what he had founil That was so light, and large, and ro Old Gasper took it from the boy, W ho stood expectant by, And tlitu the old man shook his head, And with a aat'ral *igh, wTis some poor fellow's skull"said be, "Who fell iu the great victory. "I find ihem in the garden, for There's many hereabout And often when I go to plough, The ploughshare turns them out: For many thousand men," said he, "Were"slain in the great victory." wNow tell us what twas all abort," Young l'eterkin he cries: J«t litR* Wllheloaine looks op, With woiidor-'A ailing eyes: "Now tell us all about the war, And what they kill'd each other "It was the English." Gasper cried, ''That put the French to rout But what they killVl each other for I could not. well make out But every body said," quoth he, '•It was a famous victory! ''They say it was a shocking sight After the field was won For many thousand bodies here Lav rotting in the sun But things like these you know must be After a famous victory. "Great praise the Duke of Marlbro' won And our good prince Eugene "iVliv. 'twas a very wicked thing!" Said little Wilhclmine. "Nay, nay, my littl« girl," quoth he, "It was a famous victory. "And every body prais'd the Oaks Who such a fight did win." "But what good came of it at last?** Quoth Little Peterkin. MWhy that I cannot tell," quoth he "Bat 'twas a famous victory P* U A Brighao. Young, in his addreee tehis people, speaks ihus of his authority: "I have no feais whatever of Franklij Pierce excusing me from office, and sa^ ing that another man shall be gove of this territory. 1 1 1 We have not got a territorial govern ment, and I am end will be governor, and no power can hinder it, until (lit Lard Almighty says: Brigham, yol$ need not be governor any longer, anil then I am willing to yield to another. 1 have told you the truth about that." The Mormon manner of electing delegate to Congress is, to say the leaUf ofit, quite unique. Young-, as presiding Elder, is preaching, when he says "It came into my mind when brother Bernhtfcl was speaking, and the saini thing strikes me now, viz: inasmuch a# he does first rate as our delegate in Wash ington, I was going to move that we send hun next season, though it is the Sab baih day. I understand these things, and say as other people say," 'We are Mormons.' We do things that are necessary to be done when the titnc comes for us to d«» them. If vve wish to make politic^ speeches, and it is necessary for the be|K^ interests and kingdom of God, to maljfr them on the Sabbath, we do it. BrotheNr Kimball has seconded the motion th# I)r. IJertihisel bo sent to Washington a#* our delegate all who are in fwor of ihff raise yotir right hand." [More than tw* {thousand hands were at once seen abovif Ithe heads of the congregation "It li jail ri^ht. I would never call for an ori|M posite vote. 1 wtfl try it, however."— Not a single hand was raised in opposi tion. The sad scute. A bill lias been introduced into Con gress, providing for the admission ot Or egon into the Union as a State and th# legislalure of Oregon are taking the pr|» liminary steps for calling a convention ifer form a Constitution. In the year I85(j* Oregon will probably be the thirty-se£*~' ond State of the Union. Its population i already exceeds forty thousand, and the |emigration toil is likely to be very larfff this year. Accounts fiom the territorj* represent the people as prospering valti* i uable gold mines and other minerals are discovered. As a farming region it ie unsurpassed by auy of the old Statei,, even rivaling in wealth its Southed neighbor, California. In 1850, the po^» ulawon was only 13,294. It is no* 40,000. In two years more it will cotk* taiu eullicient number of inhabitant#* doubtless, to entitle it to admission as State. 1 tW The Buffalo Republic relates a cow hiding case in that city, in which a fcffe gentleman temporarily residing there, but having a family at the Falls, wmft. flogged in a restaurant by a "lady," wh^,-, accompanied the chastisement with "piece of her mind"—charging hitt with making disturbances in her family promising to marry divers and sundry young ladies, he being a married man aft the while, and sbe would teach him be| ter than thai. On leaving she gave this victim of her vengcance due notice th«ft if she ever caught hioi in the street h* might expect another instalment of tlfr "hide," with interest. 67*Mrs. Partington was busy lookiqg over the collection of inusic entitled 'The Dulcimer,' when Mr. Prim, a near neighbor, entered. 'Lai' exclaims the kind old lady raising up her large eyea beaming full of earnestness to meet hi* friendly glance. I'm so glad you've come. Now w* can sing one of these do its. You cafe sing base, (paac will do the terrible, and I'll breathe the air, and sbe fell to wiping her specs with the corner of her apro*. Prim looked sober and bit his lips, while 1 commenced the 'terrible the kitten's extremity. EST Young mechanics who woul|. prosper iu business, have only two plai|j|i rules to live up to, to insure success.-^ First do you work as your customers wishes it to be dooe the other is to d|k it by the time you promised to have ft' done. These two rules complied witlt, and there it little chance of failucto CP* •'What are political platforms?** said an old lady. "Oh," said her worfi half, "they nre platform scales wheijH they weigh Presidents.*' EJTHOW can I come to know myseljpl Not by contemplation by actions onl)|* l)o you* duly aad ou vnil kjiQ^ your value. t3^Tf you want to hate a man, do hiqi «*n injury. It is ever more efficacious than to have him injure you. %3T Henry Ward Beeechet saye:-—i "Dress doesn't make the man, but whqpt a man is made he looks a great deal be$ ter dressed up." CVThe office of ttoe Louisville Cour* ier was destroyed by fire on the 5th,—w the work of an incendiary. Insured. Cf*It is estimated that the cost of try* ing the Fugitive Slave ease at Bostogy) vUi iomibiHO,^