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?|}e graoutt Courier, i IS FUSLISFLM) »VK*T TMUMDAT AT I WAPELLO CO., IOWA, /TTUMWA, r.^By J. W. NORRlS*jor*| 1 mm i A ii E S INVARIABLY IS ADVANC*! »,»»• 4H4 *H» COPY per ysse, within six months $2 1 Umi A O '««•-''SO* rrt) WILLIAMS within the year and 1 at tjge expiration of the year. business Carts. J. A. JOHNSTON, ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR ©TTVM W WAREI.LO i N I: Y AT T, A \V, OTTC'.MWA, lV.\l'i:U.U I. 01'NTV. 1Q^ A- M. D. CONNER, HOUSE, HON AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, [nV'tf »VTl M\VA, IOWA. J. C. HINSEY, .PHYSICIAN A* SI IIO F. OJJ fcAHLONTGA, W.Vl'KLI.O COUNTY, IOWA. N»v.9. 'M—tf Sl A O It N 10 Y S A I- A'W* OTTI'MWA. IOWA. y T1R™ Orrrc* im THE N*W cv»mt Nov. OTTIHW A, Wll'FI.LO t'O. WrIfIJ this How" Uily for nil parts of tW Matf. Por? otif i\ orirtj:call will fimi the Fare, f'^i ii r«'.uoimbl\ E O O K •l jfeL E L. I HPTW-") ®, v I It I I 1. 1), 1 O W A ft. iM.OrT WARDEN & lSiM.H4 IN i»nV ro«ns, (.h»ii:ICHS AC., A( ., OILTMW M« DR. 8. B. THRALL, I K W A K K N KT'L I LL lit» PR-'FFS*ION»L O'TUIIIT.«I, -LI v i 1 U YROIIL ^T., M»r ». »-l. J. nA*Ol'T'irl! I.N«» I'-.rateJ ii. Ottmuwa, teml.-.r* his fee»i•.:.»! »t-ryic.s to t.V fltiti-ns of tqwn.and TWO dojr* EWT A. IR'EVEL, M. I., T,(Kl AJRITF, KITETLJ' '1 —)i' J. W. DIXON, A O K N K Y A A W AMI (i L.I\I» '4 Alii:\T, OTT« nn (orrtCB *r T. IOWA* IUE K «M,K FUHNII AM MAHKKT .•WITSNT-'. Cotlectioii* mailr. Titl'H ex uninc,!, 'I'uxts inul, LjmiJ \»rr»iitt l»"atril. l.oaiui negotiated, cto. ALIB'MTH-M bv LUNII will rit vive LJTI-. 11, LIOTI—N-TL JOHN JACOB WENDELL, .V.IORNKY, vr*hW (HTURU*. OF I. Hlia« *V. CIVIL engineer -Jilfe. ba» $1 FOUR COPIED 2T«I 5 OOJ 'OIL i20d Twentf 24 00 WHERE PAYMENT' T*TIOTTHALETIRI $2 VOL. AT LAW, CUl'NTY, IOWA. J. W. NORRIS, TVNII*. FCHFTLIAN, H. B. SISSON, .\\ I |»frmaii*utly lix'atcd In Ott'u'iwi, :f. r? tii-" Kervir, t.i l!,. in of town and ieililty. All »,,rlt wairanted. I.»dtc-* waited on at Iticlrre'ldeureiitf d. sirrd. Teeth iiiMTt*'d from iiie l«, tn entire *ct. either t.\ im itn' of iirior uunocphi ri r.rewure, lie Uiay be found at the Anderson Hotel," tlie lHweek in the month. Keb. 14, '36. TAILORING. GEORGE HOLLAND, "I'lTLLV aiiiiouneen that he will carry on Tailoring Hurines.1 In ull l-. variouii 1Jralichenthe lluvin^ had several years experience In the buxineiw, he feel* confident he iuftive every one a itOi 4f 1-.street'* etory, opposite the Henry IIOUKC.' Catling done on the "hurle^t notice and nt reasonable pri e*. Aug. i!, UHKEI^BAIM A HASKKL, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer, in OR'L O THING, htm ArfO GENTLEMEN'S SHUTS, &C Ne. 6, Barrett House, Jefferson N. WACHTLER, BOOT AND SHOL-T MAKEIT, Main £t., below Hpauldiug's Mtiop, OTTI'MWA, I0WA The FASHION ALIL^BI BOOTS & SHOES, T. NOI SATTG, Hasopened a Bhoe Shop directly opposite t\ ood's uew lintel. All »ork will be warranted At and to be r,f good material. lk,otato "~'r A."L. GRAVE8, DEAJLEK IN EVERY VARIETY LEATHER, 100TS AIRS 8H0E&, 8H0S SADDLEUIY 11 STEW/ O And IT^CS*, AS*, 'FTT—-pl41 2 Tin: (1 1 :iti iKW n '. A PLEA FOR K188IKI^AIS THE fountain ININ^H %Vith Ifoithinsfon the earth is single, AM THINGS hy a law dlvlfte LOMIK HEIN^MNIRLFE, lher "Why not I with mine? the inoiuitain kiss HI^H AND the WAVE* X* |f clasp one another) leaf «r tlower would be forgiven, it disdained TO the HOITSE, IOWA, Open tn fhn puMlo or. «fr«r Wedne. tiny, Ilw. 44, l6. The "ttltl.KW" Is l»tct it 1", and will render i. ,licd it Liid convenlone,* *r' OuestK. I'ec. lb, iH- tf atinli'_rht clasps the earth, ^\.NLLHC HAMILTON, Dioonheains kiss these,I, BTT what are all *,ii ^IF We FLUAWK£ K«UT, UPTPCLITED, COIHfur-w. UTEll ft UTiere's many an empty cradle, 11 'fliere's many a vafant bed, /OI STK'ewrv CO. HKNKY HOrSE, J«HLMTY A M»S, O'L'Tli W A IOWA. vr loar»- T- "*1L*\ier 'S mai.y a LONELY A WLNU'T *And PltoriUKTOK. every hillock represent* AN angel in the Rky. ITTM A I I U 8 11\LIH L!KSiVf LHU I R** 1 *. R* LF C'H.I MSVA, OLLLC.) had about concluded to srnv nothing, had not the gen«lf-ujen trom Marion P!S(.ED HUNKELL I ca! and slavery is local. And if stnnd him, LI 'try. I *FT eatt of tli« Court !Uu that members of Congress nlf-tf of 'TI-LF this to the iale in kiiuciuta Ut£ to the atizenn ••f Ollun.W*K-Jiiiuri and rL.iiity, that lie tiMinovii) hUOl-- Fli'K u|-. »taii» al iv. .Stn«'• Stor.', where he will e vet !jp ready to t_ »u i *ll in tiii lun-, «*cepl when tb«t ii? on jr'fe'«Iori it tui.tiif rs. Herc •'.ltciu a «U«r« of liu |ul'll falruiiajje. 7 JOSEPH F. SMITH, AW JOSEPH F. SM AtlOlLNlA' AT !. 'BE K l.Or'AT'UL'A, Iloctitni IOWA. 1I) W IHBA'JIS t'"Ught »nd sold. C..1- i hi nil purts of r-outhcrn luwa, promptly the oath. at lib ros- curui'Iiiiit.vJffl'.-F?.'II.lCJL OF B*.t 4NOT E«tal»li»h NF. I)., 'take i pro ud vi- rlnlty. rc»Utiii.o on N-cjnd itrn-t of Green. AOfr. oalh, iu going Lt, 1SK». when the people petitioned congress susprud the SIXTH of TFULH INFORM tjregoti, 1 atteiiUon. I the 1 AND COUNTY SURVEYOR, I DI'VVIl.I.l IOWA. -«m j.ri.i:,^tl re-pond to any calU made at ihe Keeorder'* Otfice, Ottuinwa. I'ersinin r lirin^ otii. iiil nervice.^ In tlie south h.tlf of the county v 'II t»' ohur^jJ no more for traveling time, tlian from!UM»a. VL «i:\i:i:i,sioit» MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. D. MURPHY, Merchant -r VN.oit, I P|)O.KE IH. CTH1.I. UITTTLJIVRA, NO\. 0, *00—1 man, so A* 1 lit." ills shop 1^ in the neeond the SLAVERY slaves, Furnishing »tK, (ioutlH, Hats, ups, BootK, St., Hurling West of the Henry Uouse, Ottuu* tepife as. 60-nfio iy I proprietor keeps constantly on hand a good aisortmeai of Leather*, and U always reartjr to accommodate customers *lfh good work In hU line 011 ujlnssii Nor. 9, li I 4UID^HOE« JT con- it&utly on hand. Give hlin a call if 3 on svmit a good air Hootc or Shoe.". Aug. IS, ni5--lyr DEBATE, I ot (he with the rivef, The river with the ocean, The winds of heaven mix forever, a sweet commotion. ident of Iowa since honest I these kissings worth thou kiss notineV GRAVES. FIML the following beautiful •nd the Constitution (or ha ,e no to article of the ordin ance lor the nor4iwestern territory, con GIESS d«:C.ided that it was inexpedient i ^US|»end IT, and a LMIL MIA^uuri gon, alt read Irom ihe James K »HO«R TLWI AC., AT I.ANV '4)1 1. It ii'o-t sjici he line. the itixrns of w OTTi'TIWA'* .Hid vu-iiiit v, that he i* aixmt j- rf,»( tliijr arraiii'. tii' ul lu the Kact whtrehy. In a [[Here tew ,bvn, he lit IJC -nabl, to furnish Mcrchanld and otii i with Niplit Draftn on f'tnriy XCW ¥ork, kt :,Mc rate», and aeconimoihite them itti loans UNFLR«LCUU t* RUNTY »II DITISI IO slavery. The coinproiiiiMe, 'I exas and Ore rwufirmed this recognition of tbe same principle by congress. IN ihe case MESSAGE of i'oik, who,ihe gentleman #TT*tata»L LB* Mr, CI«mm! read from lietttoo'S YTUITI IN the U. N. Senate. These words of James K. UT WORDS Juuies A 1 aud dealer tn Oent's Furnlsh.ln^ (iootls. Front Street, 1-KJU8E. HU on ihe aunt xa inn of Texas—*' af the fathers of ihe deiuo- eratio patty—the words of Franklin Pierce AN C.F it ihe tleiriocrane party, as was when "I slid out LEI im:hr\t, be satisfied Kansas. I do not like to use many of the par* ty epitheta bandied here. But that '•freedom ropean origin. Freedom shrieked when Poland Jell. Freedom shrieked when Kosciusko fell. Freedom shrieked again when Hungary fell. again when Fremont was defeated in the Presidential canvass. A light to shine, until, in 1 A It W ARE Taaasr** «ll» Wlaijpsh Ac., 0TTPMWA, .. IOWA. N B-Cash paid for HWss at ths Wfksst prices. I N 1** I.+T then his coiistMuenis must with very simple doctrine. But it is urged, that we would onlv Here the church rnd state must come for cousult for ihe elevation of the black iheir origin and support. Oh! 10 oppress the white man.— I freedom of the black race implies more gives us our faith in an infinite goodness ttum this—the equal liberty of all—not the purity 1860, of splendor desire no belter standard-bearer) will, in lb60, give power of the I WAS eratio ticket till and political action. T'umuianded heaven, atn under many obligations to my old political friends for their support and particularly to the gentleman trom Wa pello (Mr. tickets all day for me. little JEM pect in our bosotfl, joy and light has ahedj I. |For thick in every graveyard I' The little hillocks lie— to see many EXRBAFLJFETFT" as the i'I-OI'D«?MRFL. C'ATSVS:, »U TLLC RASSASKES-I OL.L O.\. ("MR oil so novel a dem- ocratif platlunii. He atiye freedom lo- I UNDER* is a race Tor freeduui lor slavurj—the AND MI«»ourians |ernmen, who can get there are Son'h* and Maasachuseli* mer. may He eavs «ake liiv to THE RESOLUTION TEND« rltlfum UT the oalh Constitution' and that to make them does slavery IN Kansas. thtf san eoath, nor do we W* violate it -is this resolution. Yet EXPECTATION gentleman, ben. 1 in tructions. Yet our poiitira o not make slavery constitutional or uncoustiiutiunL Our politics to-dav cannot make it constitu tional and LU'tnorrow In the Florida ed the right of AND uncoitsmutionul case, ihe courts recogniz CONGRESS the terriioites. AGK1I t, AL ESTATJi recognized this power. to legislate for CONGRESS IMS a w a y s IU of Indiana, before the terrimr\ IT became n GENTLEMAN (Mr. B.) shows that he JAME Savior's I" pass through the school that pre pares him for his high career. youth many a detraction will aduit', it g"od democratic authority, to ooaipr»aii«E lJolk similar to the words ARP PRESIDES w e oi U" itlcman Irom Dubuque as ihe gen (Vlr. Barker) said on Saturday. Indeed Congress has ev- exercised this right a« to laws that are [enacted under the oigauic act of the ter- ritories. Hoi IRw a new light has aris en, SICILIAN DOUGH*, I NEVER scribed to this new doctrine. In the abstract, I the doctrine of SQUATTER I dis,ent. My friend (Mr. AND 1 AND or the aristocracy of any home is our foretaste and our earn man. If we exclude freemen from the North, the South will evoie iu with est and build up an aristocracy in life the chief solace and joy AH CI shriekera" used by the gentle man Irom Wapello (Mr. Franklin) does not seem to be understood, it is ot at Eu qnent passage: "I quavs Freedom shrieked of Ohio has arisen in the Mat wtiieh shines brightly in the illumes the west. Some faint rajs have pierced the South. And it will roniinue mue its meridian will overshadow the whole countiy. And the Republican party, with John C. one long and loud shriek for freedom, which will compel the slave South to retire to alimy FINDIllW' the pools of despotism emanated. And then the banner shall again wave over the 'Land filthy, frotq which it star spangled of the Free and Home of the Brave.' And aa many personal allusions have been made to me in the course of this Hi 8. ©TTUMWA, IOWA*:DECEMBER would say, for the information gentleman, that 1 I have been a res* I tweniy-one years old—alwaja labored to gain an! livelihood and voted the demo* 186$. 1 rccogmze the constitution and the taws of ihe and of IHI- ing rule of my civil 1 recognize a high* er rule, with the bible as moral action. MV 1 to to kiss Ita brother, 'touch come nul Irom anmn^ not, taste not, handle notI, the unclean thing.' The democratic party went after strange gods, and 1 has been studying on it all day. as he says, is no poe'T AD ^E!! iicFLnae in qootaiion-^-the WORDS—'Well done good and faithful servant, would read, well done guod aud faithful slave. KOWTIMST A cotemporary says thai the boy is now living who wilt he Presideot of the Kepublir in 1900. What his name is or where lie resides, he does »M- inlortn us. lie may gathering pumpkins in Oregon, or ped ing pop corn around Troy. Daniel uihm* made a new net" by Helling that the irtend of the IUIU, wtli obey tb«*e suit of suti CATFISH at a shilling a sirmg. Wherever he may be,ail uucon scions of his high destiny, he divinity that stirs wtthin him. and gr**pe his hook, thirsting for knowledge. TLIA state In (rial hiui to Lis hood many hardships must be endured, inany obstacles overcome, and and OIIIHOJIII"" What are their corner stone bat the virtue of woman, and where -being we not trace all other blessings ot civil ized life to the doors of our dwellings? Are nut our hearth stones guarded by holy forii'S, conjugal, filial and paternal love, the corner-ftone of church and state, more sacred than either, more nec essary could subscribe to ISrvereignty, as said on Saturday. Uut when it is ac ceuipanitd with fraud and violence, then (rotu Wapello, Franklin) had a great deal to say £amtlf |lctosjapc?^r--gfbotA to $oUlits, Jitotot^y^fttfral JMBS, ^tjruultote, (Situation, |t\arhft, ty*** |olu I'rflislatiirf. 000, I Franklin) who says he wrote 1 to be able to return the favor, for per 1 ex of my old democratic friends in tb« ranks of the Republican partv. Monday evening, the resolution came up agarn, and In reply line OI ed. ,n. und wrong must break the hardness of lite. Iu his man despised and haired and malice dulisd. Through such a school and training the Pres item of over the destinies IOWA CITY. Dee. 8, 1856 SJBNATB.—'L HE the bill providing for pay $iate U. S. state, the bonds in 'he Baok.^at passed. Vlr. Siiundfrs, Philadelphia FROM Wayo and guide in W|ljj one the wicked—to be entirely operated— MOved luriher to amend the bill, by pro. i/% kt II A K Kfll n a I a MAl I I 1 left them. the cotrimittee on MOANS, to n that book, reported bacK an,en Chapter 66 W» BR® lation lo BN,ERIDI|IEOTT Mr. Kamsay viding that the additional bonds of the State Treasurer he not L«?ss ILORSK.—Ti.e to an allusion of Mr. barker. Mr. Cloud said—his (TOR. BARKER'S poetry—'freedom shrieked when KOHCIUK)IO fell"—was not my quotation than i»2f»0,- which was adopted. Mr. Trimble offered an amendment, requiring the Treasurer of State to report what amount he may receive LOR exchange cent, hope some day of tiie State, which on the fund, and place and papers. Read third paased unanimously. it as his quotations of scripture show, that he is not very familiar with.that book. He ci ted—'Slave*BE obedient to your masters' By the Resolution aud the debate at o'clock IN His puren?*, as they answer his eudtess quer les, rejo ce at hu developing hard hand Julici.l intellect yet little dream that his, will be a great name among men, known wide as the world. Or perchant-E of Y v rivals out stripped in the race the voice of envy ment to set exchange 1000 will doubtless come, and is now coming.— Hut from what condition in life, from what part of our hroad land, no one can predict or know but Providence, who 30. JUI ALLNALIOFTS. TO does social rest but in our homes? Must than both? Let our temples crum ble, and capitols of state be levelled with the oust, but spare our homea. Let no socialist invade them with his wild plans ot community. Mand:d not invent', und he cannot improve or abrogate thetn.— A private shelter to cover in dearer TO about negroes. Sambo, and ali that. If, high walls to exclude the profane eyes of ne used such arguments in the late can- every human being seclusion enough for vast, was elecivd as a consequence,| children each other than all the world to feel that mother and peculiar name—ihists home tnd this Ramsay and Reed, Appointed Committee is the birth place 01 every secret thought. on Incorporations. Resolution for Coin mittee of disinterestedness of our at anchor in the narhor, and half Italy, with gay banners aud floating peuanis had THE nortb. It partially it thalgives our country strengthand name she Fremont, as its leader,(for of her! It is the fresh blond of our young E"' giants of ihe sin, New York, and Ohio it is free la bor that tells the tale the world over.— It is the resources, the industry, the ac tivity, the vigor of free labor that America what she is among nations.— Slavery averts her doom only herself behind it. Dissolution diiga Iter out to the light. And 3 spare our h/»raes! The love we experience there on part of ELOQUENT EXTRACT. remember once standing on the of 206 EXITIEIK'M duional mail facilities, and pending tno Jtion the late Ann Slaver* Conven lion, in Boston, occurs the following elo-!E,A' PE»L B'M* come out to see her, to ad !PO- *OR proportions, and gaze at the star-lit banners as the emblem of the liber- ty of the West and I 1 in Europe? It is not Bankrupt Carolina, adopted is never heard from, it ANO'HOR RENL TO 5 it to the credit .was. bill was then adopted. The read House Do ilund til afternoon. Joint Resolution, from the Senate, to authorize the c.oinumtee on Demoint River to employ a clerk,send persons I he Speaker resumed the Chair IN the alteruoon, after RFLQWA CITT, Dte. 000 favor of the Genera1 not stop to at ibis moment be 38, On motioc of 1 ihe House concurred tn the amend- I 1 .- 1 1 ,• 1 Assuming but 7 inhabitants to each poll meni of the fenaie to the nitl for ihe 5 4 fi, 1 1 u «.u per cenl. fund, allowing ihe treasurer .1 1 .L 1 a of one per cent. On the amendments to ,k. rr,,.. ,1 1, 1 the present time.— ficokuk Junes. the bill of the House for the custody ot school lands and funds, a debate Messrs. W0011in TO State, and MR the credit of the Fraukhu lox it. Amend| ment not couourred in, BJ ¥oIm of V 31 10 Wednesda}', Dec. MAILB, STRFIR^ME TL. 8knATI—The State Library, the Court, Contingent Ex penses, provisions ot the Code in relation Marriages, and the appointment of Standing Committee lee of ihe VV A communication of Eads charging the Governor with borrowing the Tract book for speculatiug purposes, discussed and laid on the Table bill to repeal Act for !,HO "oppression table, is 34 TO 28 two hearts A holy 1 on Incorporations, 1 occupied in various hole on Senate File Y 22. to establish fur equalizing taxation of real properly. HOI'SE.—Prayerand readirg Journal. Petitions to make colored persons con peteut witnesses a resolution for Uui vetsi ot Senate and to postpone seats. Adjourned. In the speech of Wendall Philips, de- HOUSE.—Resolutions on death of Hon. Iivered M. F°R 4 Treasure! und Auditor Notice of bill re-survev lands, of resolution to gresa for Custom of a better world. In relations pital ai Keokuk,of Mississippi Naviga there established and fostered do we find of Iluuse, to investigate Funds and seeur iti-S of ?IPI. Pub. Inst, aud Siaiv repeal ch. of Code, resolution to procure ad- Wright.ol Clinton, adopted. Sev State RATING I Genoa, and seeing the Frigate proprtaiuig $30,000 to 'OR capital punuhmeat, referred.— legal.ring organization of Ringold election of Supervisors, and for Justice in Davenport, ABOUT thought then,what is & is no* crip draft Esitay law passed. pled and lifeless Alabama—who speaks! (HEN went into Com. of Whole 'AW North it is Iowa, Wiseon- whhh «FT«R Hou*Jt makee I passed of Senate concur, investigate School tuniia and land, committee appointed. Coai.lo was discussed at length, wlueh resolution lo recomtuei iu definite posipoutaienl passed, in which House cyucurxcd 40 TO 14. Adjourned. Friday, Deo. 13. —Resolution requesting 1856 horse ROACHE* •200 from Oitumwa to Chariton. Resolution tn relation to Stale printing, adop'.eti. Reports en roads in Marion, Memorial for lands to McGrpgor and Missouri Railroad, requiring Treasurer to account for exchange and paving him fot getting per eent. fund Bills lor State Roads to regulate Mills and Miliers: for aid io sohool a bill ine ('ode, in re- OT WCLIOOL Land* and Scliool Kands, Dumb State & 1-und AC.vlum ,I W.O 2D Co Bills ior a third time and pass in mat, with the Chair ltcevluiioa* uu Mr, KANSAS, called 4 (or reading nnd instructing Derooine Rivet Improvement conferred in, two Corns, appointed. Bills for advertising ESTMYS subdivision of lauds and Road Marion, passed. Certain cor- RESPOODEBCE ,F HDL excepting Fair re-eon,MUTT. Res., for horse Iowa laid over till Moines 4-' On looking tuoe and i |AS, 1 SO»ence I he afternoon was spent in furihsr E#CH COIML which poll discussion and ofouona on the Joint 1 ed over 9,1856. SENATE.— Resolutions were introduc ed relative to certain transactions oi the Superintendent of Publio Insiruc'ion with the Governor, by which some pet month has been lost lo the State in Dubuque Scott Linn Henry Government. Ilou.-E.— The Joint Resolution on Kansas was passed, yeas nays the,10'h Judicial District was ... .. PWD B, poverty, or the cold hand of orphanage,PRE mould ing and training him for the patient etT ort, that self reliance und resolute will, tha' lit him for great achievements. He 20. It arnexes Bremer county, and lakes ectafer publnution Re,|)u'ulkau (eel* the ll,AL Mal:U»AA Arnold, the bill for IMLJ. »nh it n rli A w n i*h aat na *rv«« ak*»aiI in Uy aiietidmectI, which was coucurred tn the SENATE The resolution, calling for a over the returns of the prudential flectiot. in Io a, we find ^rotl vs. that ihe whole number of voles from illness. SUIE IG &Q AVTRHGE QF '2000 was resumed the eveuing. votes each are LEE Chief Town*. 458ft 4005 3123 HSUO "*842 1,1 $1,- Jaekaort Keokuk.—« D*LBUQUEN»II»^ Daven Marion. Mount Pleasant. *2771 Van Buren Wapello Beilevua. Keusauqna. "-m Oitumwa,^ 2712 2525 Jefferson 2467 Johnsoil 54F)2 2432 Muscatine passed.— 2316 EFF »n CNYTOI|^, the Iowa City AWL .Muscatine- Journal. )J24L Clinton 1222 Polk ^^2044 Des MoinesVitv r\ dti The above 16 counties polled 13,913 Io.. Crrv, D«« 10 185(l\ „f ,he.e 19.910, i ^KNV.K. 'he 11th (uro„,y Di.iricl, *a* re'urned by Ihe^, ,le statement trom the Governor in relation to cerUin 2,3,0 !eS lb«n li.ll) on..!,TN,U-„RY KEOkUK The transactions with the Superintendent «f Public Instruction, was passed. Iloi'SK.—Tlie bill for liie 13th JuUi- i .1 i 1 u .... (confident than! it had been cial District was passed. 1 census fl„ *fo, ti would have shown over 600,000. I*Q nine TO House tton as & MAY Con Marine Hos- Hyd raulin Company, to FCRTI I »tlf •*q $at(st Coinmis- |11,U,LLand22 School revenues, for organizing oew county of Hamilton, and religious Societies, introduced. Bill for deposi tions oui ot Statu. relTered to vaoate al ley in Keossuqua, the- slaves arretted. Res. •M* tii •IJ?AE and for de- 1 i, v o e e e w o u e 6 2 8 0 8 4 w i I i we think is below the reul population ai I S. and Cloud against the amend SElfttTiltY Till:AS. EUC POKT. I'hf Snaneea of the federal treasury are as follows: The receipts for T^IE '•73.918,141, year, including three million in execution of the MEXICAN on shapes account a e n i o n af- (LAO NTUT ierwlnch,lheSeT,ale«»,,l,„loCo,„RA,|.|*'-A^.'7.1,'!' cou ut NL 770,31)0. FOEFIT. of Intemperance, laid on bills exempting Fair Grounds and additional property Irom Execution, and a bill separating office of Treasurer and Recorder, referred. Thursday, Dee. ^ksate.—Atkins. MONTHS,—or suit their convenience. This all, he thinks, that is take it? Perhaps him. bill in relation to oounty 11 blind. Roads, and mcorpo Glenwood, ordered engrossed Peniieutiaiy, ta- ROA1 1,1 Keokuk co., and for re were afllicied from birth, and one ic) from infancy. The dumb for a time bly time of working roads, post poned. Resolution from birth. number of parents The House ON of Senate copy of reasons of Governor for by biding not furnishing Sup. accessary papers she dies in the fund, adopted Gossage blase of the nineteenth century. jlution for addiiioual mail facilities in four' Pub Instruction, to get the 5 per cent. offered reso-' 1 i ses anil he hscal year were whfch, TOOTHER treaty, and the payment* of the public debt, have been ,.R. the pnblic debt have been $12,. The public debt remark#, a Gymnasium is reduced 737.120, "all troduced the holder, He has invented 12. Warren. Cattell, cannot be pressed to pavment by the govern* A DISCOVERY. Benton is certainly a IFT&FTFTF'.— A new Compromise,— He has discovered away which the ri sing dissensions between lint North and South can be healed, and the harmony of the Union restored. He wants some noble spirits in the North to advocate the restoration of those good old times when Slaveholder* could bring their slaves in to any of the Free Stales and hold them for three, six, 1* necessary. Why won't somebody atari the ball? John Van Burcn, for example, is out of busi ness jusi now —why and A Mr. Fillaore will join Intermarriage of Cousins* The Norfolk Reflector 12 ap- s&ys that FKE assessor'sreturn of Huroa county shows deaf and dumb, and 12 of the five 12 idiotic peraons The (two insane, in the county parents of live of these were by re lation cousins before marriage. Three blind and oue idiotic) (idiot fifth waa deaf milk so high that the lsrmers on nominal to drive their cows over, for the toll over the bridges for moderate consideration and no* ascertained, proba It is probable that the so related to each oth er is larger, as there was no inluryiauon obtained as to a part ot them. SMUGGLING MILK Inter- W 'ml &0. 43. W that fining dunes of County Judges, referred.| challenge or note preliminary ihereto $UIEJILR. £J,UF cases the argtimen in the case of J. F. NUT wasl Mr. (ieyer 80,812, in 78 counties, being all in the ground that an African is incapable of U53 been so decided by the as follows: MJ Fairfield^ Iowa City, Oskalooiik »lor US Des Moitl|!S^273 Evans, rati ne. BurliugtMt Oranvlllfb P.' vX"!r COUUIK. Uoine. V,M^ L.e oouoly POLLED 583 more than ihe next heaviest, Dubu que and 1465 more than tha third coun ty, Scott. GAVE T. total population in the Stale, last summer ot 502,000, although our most reliable siatictians,are properlv ta U ,««»*" IViBoiiC Corr«Hipnden». WASHINGTON, Dec, 15. Tie people of Alexandria, Va., have been greatly alarmod for several days Incense quexice «i'a threatened insurrection atnongthe negroes. The military were called out last niirht, slaves were arrested at a ball ,„IN,I. ATRESIA™ AI II I loner of Warren to locate D«af »nd where tl.ey had assembled without permission,L,ruraenl jn ,he hands of providence, reSula.E AM| of Alexandria anu iairlield selves in case of a treneral outbreak. &'O EVIDENCE „M. munition,and the people throughout the county ARC has been found aeaiost AN% ASHINGTON, JHAI SIATE. of Sup. Pub. Instruction, OMUN^S DN.LV Dec. Their 0| a que8(ion mail I O.ty to .passed F» Dee I A{ Adjourned to Monday. .. 9 IOWA, VOIE8, POP ILATIOX *C. 15. reported in the House Mr. Stephens, of Ga., had sent a one of the Fillmore Electors difficulties grew "Dred" LO being made a citizen, and that it bad courts .providing The Executive BO ic a nuoi- period. ber of cases. At the lime of the adoption of the constitution every State except the ^PEN the African Slave trade for twenfy years, and to his mind it was not W I-? U.i* ABIIINGTON, In the Senate to-day the bill of Sena for the settlingof! the balance clue revuluiionary officers,| Was taken up and oiscussed. amendment proposing lo add to the pay of the otiice.a of the navy was voted. Several Executive Communications House, one with the minutes of that officcr which he lhe says was kept hourly, aa his best vindi- i cation, when he arrived in the Territory.1 He found his predecessor had pronounc-, peace was necessary H^S TRUSTED SKNATE —On motion a resolution with a balance 00 hand af the commencement of the new, made the available resouices {$92,850,170. The expenditurea for the been he did, to burse him. 1 Congress TO re-IM- WA?IHNUTQN,PEE. 1#, ot was adopted calling on the Secretary of War for copies of all Utters Addressed to that department by Wilson Shannon, late Governor of Kansas, by Culonel Snmner, relative TO introduce a bill providing for the construction of a railroad and tele graph communication between the At lantic and the Pacific. Mr A to of "might a $30,- which," the President be paid wilhtu a year without the public services but being not yet dwe, aud only redeem able ai ihe option of Wilson in bill amendatory of the act lo organize lhe territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Referred to Texas ^ISION to resolutions tion pro rata of the RESIDUA bave filed their releases. ages sustained by the loss and destruc WEL|F PAY tion of property, belonging to the zens of Kansas, duriug UR ,N estnblishing A as loug bill establishing additional Districts in Kansas. MI Campbell, of the Indian, civil and army approprianon bill, referred to the Committee oI 1852, On motion of Mr Campbell, of Ohio, the further poses The IN THE "ORIGINAL PACKAGES."—IT is said that Mr. Secre tary Guthrie, iu framing his reciprocity tariff with Canada, made the dent's "duty" on the royal borders, instead of milking their cows at home aud sending the milk in cant into ihe Slates, find it more milk them on tbe American side, and then drive them back again. They commute a very consideration of the bill re ducing duties on imports and other pur reported last ed session, was postpon until the first Tuesday in Jan. debates on the President's •age was «u ^iifeg of ^ilbrrtisiitj. For one square (12 lines^ .1 laser litm, $1,00 Each additional inwfmfr 5^ One coliimn, per year, «j* CO,00 One half column, per 30,00 One fourth w *nd y. ,• --j 18,00^ Patent medici nes, f»#r cofmif, yetfijr' 60,00 Business and Professional CardSyOOt tasking molt than 8 lines, $5 per year. All advertise men tshanded in without havinp the number of insertions marked Ihercou, will be published till ordered out and charged for accordingly. w A liberal deduction made to yeariy ad« veriisers. £3?" Atorney» held responsible for til advertisements handed iu by theia. dy. For our own part, we legard restored without oue drop of blood be- reverently. So young and yet so wise.. ing shed, he had gone ahead,and what I Surely paying all expen the bulls bellow his honor! Mr. Dodge, BUT *ad 10 Kansas afluirs, which have not been communi cated. Mr. Brown gave aotice of his intention LEGAL America, Quitman said he was op-J* posed as an American, to bowing otjF yielding to England or Franee. should not therefore call 1 4# the Committee ou Territories. Ou Motion of Mr Rusk, the joint res olution granting furLher time to the creditors of rock present their clairns and other purpose were taken up. TIVE fROM suspicion, jealousy, and anger, Mr Rusk explained and advocated the which extended ihe time January 1st, 1858. in of thoee who f0( citi the recent district court at Leavea A Railroad worth city, and other place, IN Land OHIO, m.S.ioner cannot he under of W AJA1 and the whole. Mr Campbell, of Ohio, also reported a bill ameading the section ol the tariff act of Auguat, portatiou of indecent and obscene prints, transparencies, statues, Mes- umed. I WASHINGTON, Hoe. LT,5 HOUSE.—20,000 copies of the Presi message and accompanying docu ments were ordered to be printed. consideration of tjie President's was then resumed, eco. The show that the oVjeots of the Republican party were surh as the attributed to tnem. We| want no treaty with any foreign nation relative to our duty on this continent on any FU-. ropean powers to come acrovs the oceaoP to help regulate Central American an rie Deneveu oenerat »TUNCR carry American civiliz.liun, WE 'BE arrniiiti (horn- duty of our Ran AFFAIRS.^ Me believed General Walker was an io-M w»S AU iu TO. «4 THAI*" {fove'Inaient U#L TOL* throw obstacles in bt* way. SAG IteuiK. Several young FROM out HAUSL|WE of veracity concerning the RNI- 8L,REED OD BY LHEM FOR CONDUCLIO- houses. By public discussion* during iLe Presideuti-CUPY,Ng atn have come here lately, to day WAIL'I'HJ10" ^AWRER»CE- MOST »o 1 NO ,IMB, 0,1 OF '80|N, F«rnli»y. EWTAET, APITAL IN FMWITENCK..—E»er- 1 3 killin n i ONH TOOK claims Creek, about eight milesHi of the claims ,HEM' LHFEM COFT'* HADP B,,T 11,1 HA(1 H,ONE AN(IM The men 10 WORK IN TRUE have n..I.K» M»IN minor entered the goneP •L'|E putting up|» spring fa mil use will U* '{ioiistm 4 Lawrencs, public and private, .. .... WASBINOTON Deft. WL 4run with stiengers, who have recentlr After the adjudgement of two CI- Territory. Most of THEIN^ hsve come with the view of permanen)|F Sardford was resumed.— i settlement, and are searching for claims,^ for the applicand took the and buying np city property. A greater' amount of capital is now represented in Lawrence, than has been The fclave holding Stales in the convention1 Jiouisville, for the adoption of the constitution left! Courier preacher of the the in- tention of the framers of that ins'rument lo make an importation of material fat eitizeuship. pet bag FROM THE Department reported required" to pay tho?e claims. at any former future 01 AO SHARING THE Kanaos was ncvtrNP as AL present. 7T- E-TTTM Dec. II. says that on Saturday morning the Rev. WO. was Dec. 15. Anderson, afeil M* E. Church of the. North, and chief of the Abolitionists of Madison, Ind. was captured while o«i' flid caf-N^ board '.he steamer Telegrtph. found U be filled with cendiary, documents, proving that had been engaged in running otT IN*MI HO^N 11 eg roes,... ,K„ I.I 1 _* 'FL The neighborhood of Carlton P«P®R* F«"ind in his possession P'IKA,E I *IE W" '»k«n thai upwards of two million dollars wo'd Superior to Carlton, where The BEEN transmitting a letter from Gov. Geary. dated 22d. accompanied also yesterday oilered forhis at rest. WTSK DBVONU HIS YKAKS.—TH« JLON AL!A*' were received by the Speaker of the matrimony lately perpetrated York,where the father CHASED 8 "The young man ed the people in a slate of insurrection, urally blauaed by the relatives of the la-1IF Since then perawtnem IM-^ many distinguished Noithernert."* by tbe steamer*! $000 UAVTFPE -•IT Boe*t«f) »P°n »&• CA«P in NewUf! of the bride pur-OF the bridegroom's right, who tookleo and 1* h*BL» 8 8 NWW* WI is much and uaf-LGMI HIUIF|J, all Wall Street will rise up to do him honor the beard will dance before him, and in his praise for a prettier piece of jobbing is not corded upon the books of the Board. To be that was —he perhaps on which they have been (HAN TO BY and repeals the pro A ORE a former act for ihe dislribu- lation of despairing suicide What finer HOUSE —Mr. W hiifield introduced a auction of estates, houses and iurniture? T«Q bill providing for the assessment ot dam-|QD|y IAKE TD(I IX WI|| dis ,. TV LHE REGIOJ ... as to prohibit im* &c., parties of fending to be proceeded against in due Course of law. aud the offensive article to be destroyed. Tbe bill was passed. TIE RE-P^ BROKERS'^ sure, he promised UPON^V nudum pactum hod no honor to promise ou! ihe whole, he appears lo have united ON^* INUM a meritorious manner, the characters of,,»» Blifil, Alfred Jingle, and ITrich Heep.— His future career is certain. He will ther go into a novel or a penitentiary-— into bvih." EI-**^ NMF «flrf A NEWSPAPER.—»Ii waa Bishop Ho' ner's own opinion that there was no bet-'^ ter moralist than the newspaper. says: Tfie foHies, viifW eonsequenlf* miseries of multiudes", displayed in a newspaper, are ao many beacons imually burning to turn others from CON*H^I THELU^ AHIP-^T^ wiecked. What more powerful dissua- the story of one friend murdered^MI another in a duel? What rautionqael likely to be efleeti«e against |T0G GTMB-^, B,LF{ profligacy than the mournful '•-T an execution, ot the fate of nf" LECTDHF^** on the necessity o( eoonomy than tha1®** a newspaper, and consider IT.~- STRUCT The people of IN Kansas, of SaU Uwit," N^BRASHA j* territory, also, a billl^^ the initiatory steps for constructing^ ha ve LA* that territory. They LEND T0 ROTD FROM ROCK BLUFF, |Q IN-M Spriogi, the inte rior. Means, reported fOR)Y M,ies IN This is considered the first1 from Com I PRACtiCA| movement to the conetiuction!^ OT LO MM Important LJSUAL DECISION.—The Jwlge of Fifth Judicial District of New Torli decided that the subscriptions by municipals! corporations for stock of any kind, and the issuing of bonds for the payment tln reof, are unconstitutional and void and further that suchfr action is an exercise of power over individual^ property which the tstate itself possess, and which the Legislature, thersfore,does'not cannot delegate to municipal corporations. Tae Cedar Falls Lanner cautions the crait against "Doctor Gray & Co.," lecturers^, on "Animal and Human magnetism the speedy cure of all the diseases "flesh is heir to." Itf appears that the iirui had considerable print &» done in the shape of "posters," tickets, which they did not pav for. Pass them around. The Indianapolis Journal states thatl w there were six thousand applicants for the post!#. of inessengei' to bear to Washington the e lec- I toral vote! of Indiana! There was an applira fion from every township ia tlw State excepts two. JF1'- MESSAGE Mr. Quitman be lieved that the words used by tbe Presi- dent on the Slavery question were welU 1 1 tin! ntv ersitv or Leyden, which weigns one timed and true, and the developments hundred and eighty pounds. The oyster I Executive swallowed whole i a Dutch girl. had:! i u 1 S a #1 lim 1(4 I a WAS^lsgu TTRT O TThree men were killed near 8iou^ Crty jew jayS s SpeaktLig of the subject Ol Central .u£ several dcsertextitroiu Furt I'serre. Wftfm IVY i„cej wnile attempting the arretU.