7 le- sv 4ft - -- i VV i f V VOLUME 3. 1 OLD SERIES, VOL. 16. CLARKSVILLE, TENN., FRIDAY, IARGH 13,:1868 .-OLD SERIES, W,lL NUMBER 4, - i ii iii r i i 'i "i i - ' lllinOODJIIDHIG! JOHN J.. THOMAS & CO. ran UNDERSIGNED DAVB FORMED partnership nndei tht abort style, tot tbe purpoet oi eotng a gDe Forwarding, Storing ud Com mission Business, . LINWOOD Tj A.TSD11SG This warehouse It situated t few hundred yards below Trice's, oa Comberlnnd river; it il Flre-proc and entirely abort high water ntrlu There if good turnpike road leading to It, and it It the nearatt point on the rtrer to Christian county. - JOHN J. THOMAS will fire hit nndirU ded tlnie tad attention to tbt receiving, weighing, inspecting and telling all the Tu baeot eonilgned to tb house. A comfortable tale room will be fitted np la Providence. nJBalet every week. . JOHN J. THOMAS, . JAMBS W. PARISH. SAM'L Q. BUCKNKR. Llnweod Lending, Tenn, Aug. 9, '67-tf. W. J. M'CORMAC, Wholesale and Betall Grocer, . AJ1D DSALIS IS . All IIKM OV COUHTSI PRODCCE, lit Third Street, -LOUISVILLE, ICY. Orders for Goods 0' Uannfactured Article. rilled with nrotmilneat and at the lowett market price. Consignment! of every de eciptlen carefully attended to. , - . June SI, 1867-tf WM.WiU.UlIS. CHAS. G. 8BAKU. "Williams & Shanklin, WflOLKlAkt AND itTAll GROCERS ARB ' Provision Dealers, JUAN KLIN STREET, ciiMTiut , nnni&i Jan. 24, HC8-(5u Ilt. J. . LAItUIN j . . . n. e.l fl nt lh I may Be rouua b omi.i Chronicle bnildlng, at all hour, unlen pro- fes'tenitlly absent. " March 1, 18oT-tt ' DR. H. M. AC3.EE, Dental Surgeon, CLARKSVILLR, TENN., Office t hit new residence on JranVUn t.raet, two door. East of the F.pUcopM Church. lf PH. A W." H. ARMSTRONG, PHOTOGRAPHER. (iALLKUYl WEST SIDE rrOUC Stil'ARE, OlMrUttvlllo. March 1, 1807-tf. .Tonu TDRNBULL, KKBY & CO. Cotton and Tobacco Pactors AND CouimltMlon MerohontB Kt., Union Strret, NEW ORLEANS. t. a n c. A vent, will attend to ma- kiuc adian'cet on Pro.luce contigned to thii firm Sept U, 1807 ly. D. tmCAKNON. w. a. AKMrraoxo. KINCANNON & CO. FrtDkllB Street, CLARKSVILLE, TENN., MANUrAOlUREBS Of the mot tpprovtd pattern, of Wrought Iron Cooking StoTes, T! AND SHEET 1U0N WABE, And daftlfMlnall kinds of Cast Iron Cooking and Heating Stoves Hollow-ware and Fine Castings REPAIRING AND GUTTERING Itone In the inoet approved nianner, on hort notice. J". i 88-" E. M. THOMAS, Attorney at Law tlfflte, oyrr TliomBi, Nrblttt k ro.'i OLARKSVILLE. TENN Oct, IS, 1867-ly. 13AIVlCltUlT LAW. W. A. FEFl'EK, Esq., Il prepare.1 with all proper blanke and form, for any butlneat under the lUokrupt Lw. I'artrt wtaUing w avau iuri' of tht law will Had it to their adranUiBe to . toiwiult him. ( hargri rery rentooah e. July f, 1807-tf PAINTING, ltffM llunfcClusr. Olar.- W. P. Ialndloy, DFA1.ER IN WALL PAPER, WINDOW Fire Seroens, Paints of Eve ry Description, Window Glass. Tutty, &c Two or threa (uod workuiea wealed, raiaui tttsttl rJr lor u .riHp U Ktt liall, 1 t " C. C. ROACH & CO.. Cotton and Tobacco Factors, ,1';. AXD GENERAL CommissionMerchants Ko. IV t'urondelft Street, ; NEW ORLEANS. -Kov.O, I8eT ly -; A. F. Smith, hi of Smith f Tunky. D.B.IIoTCHisai, latt tf lluickingt GriaUr SMITH & HUTCH1NGS, TOBACCO FACTORS AND i s- ; COMMLSSIOX MEBCniNTS, ; CTIBERLIM WAREHOUSE,"-' CLARX8TILIK ... TENNESSEE. Nor. t, 186T-1. ' , - W. H. TvanLtr, lab of Smith Tumlev. K. W. W CATRIKt, " Todd County, Ay. TQRIIIET & 17UTHERS, TOBACCO FACTORS . ASD ' ' " Known at the Hutchingt db Orlnler Warehotue, CliRKSTILIE, TENNESSEE, Ml. Special attention paid to the tale of Tobecoo, Keceiring and forwarding Mfr- chandae and produce generally. Proceed! promptly remitted. Make all comignmentt to TURNLBY A WEATHERS. t&-B. WITHERS, Auctioneer. Nor. 22, 1867-ly. R. T. TORIAN, Cotton and Tobacco Factor, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT 03 CARONDOLET STREET, IV13W OltLEANS. BQLiberal adranoet on allconjignnientB, Jan. 17, 1868.6m e. C. TIATMAK, Jotbrille, Tcnn. R. TIATMAR, New Orleaut. YBATMAN 5c GO CO?f OK AX TOUaKO FACTOKS, AXB OINKRlt. ComntlMNiou Mcrolu''t" ri CARONDOLET 8t, 7 Jan. 1.0, -'68-tf. AUCTIONEER, CLAEKSYILLE, TENNESSEE. Will attend to tht Sale of Property, eltlier on the etreet or in the couulry. Dec. C, 1867-6ui. Clarksville Foundry, AND Macliino Shop. COMMERCE STREET, MAN TJFACTURE PLANTER'S PRIZK fCREWS, SHINGLE MACHINES, SrOAR MILLS, 1IRASS AND IRON CASX1S0S. Prompt attention gWen to ordert for repairs on Steam En trine, teu.-v IMills, AndalUin.ls of Mitchliiery, and Machine Blatksmilhiiig nently and promptly done. J. A II A ItS IU. March 8, 1867-ly. C. J. tMITU. J. W. AHI'KHHOX. J. tt'llkt. SMITH, ANDERSON & CO., Furniture Warerooms, 158 West Fourth ft., end 110 Elm St., CINCINNATI, OHIO. All coods warranted of the best material and workmainhip. eft. Menutnctory, Jlorta-west tor. rean nd tliu streets. Oct, 28, lS07-m. W. H. & D. M. DORRIS, IvKALMIt IN Stoves. Tinware, rasunps, Grates, and lionse r ur nishlng Goods. Krerr description of TluWItrC made up lu good style. ROOriXtt andtilTTKBIXC promptly attended to. sjT II. P. DORRIS will superintend the work end salesroom. tH-pU U, 1807-1 Car. -rV. KOTII, -A-lTt, (Successor to J. t. Mehlhope A .,) Clarksrille, Tennessee, Wholesale & Retail Dealer au. tii or InmilyCi rocorien, Cunfcel'wMrut, Foreign and Jhjmettic Liquor, W'iaet, tYutti and Jfvt. fliTlnt returned to Clarksville for tbt par- una at rrauuiltiir ni old occupation at Uro eer, 1 wotlo tuiM-n rroni ine vmarn wr 7. I VL A mu nd nor country a mere or paironace. I wlU keep a lull atsoruueol of tetiy arti- rU In m III., and am determined to tell tt the lowest CASU flUCtd. Highest xkat paid fol Country l'rotluoe. I in alto Aceol for tht talt of Wll.t Pltr fflrbrst4 Whlskfyl O. A. JIOTH, J..n ?'V Isfii If. Agut. First irational .Bank, ; OF CLABISTIUE, TENN. Xv-. ' ' Ownedbyladlridaalief thit city and rlcinity S DIRECTORSj '. a. r. kiAtraowf, , an. a. wAiniLD, 1 n. w. BH.LMAJ), . w. RAcmAa, t, ' v.' - 4. . lOMeitOSB. Issues no Notes of Its own. AVOIDS THAT RISK. RECEIVES DEPOSITS, DEALS IN EI CIIANfiR. U01D AND SILVER AND UNITED STATE BONDS. SELLS SIVHT BBAKTS ON NEW I0BK, LOl'ISTILLK, AND OTHER CITIES. COLLECTIONS MADE AID PBOXFTLT 8. F. BEATMONT, Pres't. W. P. HTXE, CsWer. Feb. 21, '68. - ' r ' New Jewelry - Store ! Jnit opened, In connection with Conover Bros's. Book Store, V.1 1 1111.1 J SHUT, Oomplotd Assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and. Silyer-Plated Ware. I bare teenred tht terrioet of Mr. L, Oauchtt, jurt front France, who will at tend, promptly to all repairing. All work warranted. Very respectfully, Feb. 21, '68-ly J. L. GRIFFITH. RUPTURE CAN " BE CURED! c BY CSINQ rrt. FERRISS' PATENT', Supporter Truua Thit It tht most efficient, comfortable, end tecurt Trntt in una, constructed upon an en tirely new principle. Ail communication! tbould be addressed (with ttamp) to Dr. W. H. P. J0NE3, Manufacturer and General Ao-'L Nashville. Office, cor. Collece and Union ttt, op-ttairt, entranot on Union St. Or T. J. SHAW, H. D, Ag t. Franklin Si, op. Court-house, Clarluvllle. Feb. T, 1868-3m 1I0RACE U. LIRTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clarkartrille, Tenn. Will practice In the Courts of Dickson. Stewart and Montgomery. SA.OIflot, oa Strawberry Alley opposite the Court house. Feb. 21, '68-Cm . . B. D. JOHNSON. Attorney T.. Will practice both in the Courts of Law and Equity In the couutlea of Robertson, Cheat ham, Dickson, Stewart ena Montgomery. Offict on Strawberry Alley, Claiksrille, Tennessee. Feb. 28, C8.6m. JOHN K. SMITH. J. F. 5M1TH. J01IN E. SMITH & SON, COTTON & TOBACCO FAOTOES AND General Commission Merchants NO. 47 BROAD STREET, NEW YOBK CIXY. W. O. BMlTH will act at'onr Agent In making advancea oa consignments. Feb. 21, 1868-tf JAMES H. MALI.0R7, GENERAL AUCTIONEER Clarksville, Tenn. Office with C. H. Jones, Public Square Will tell every description of Property for Admiuiatrntora, Executors, Trustees, Agents and Private Parties, either on the street, In the city or country. Hut much experience in Pry Goods Auctioneering. Will cire prompt attention and make rca sonable charges iu all cast. Also, . Tobarro Auctioneer nnd General Agent for Harrison A- hncloy, Clarksrille, Jan. Z4, lUM-em. NORTON, SLAUGHTER & CO, Tobacco Factors, ai GENERAL COMMISSION MEBCHANT8 NO. 40, BROAD STREET, NEWYOHK. JNO. T. EDMUNDS, of Uopklnsillle, Ky will ttHist in tbt Sales of Tobacco. Jan. 24, 1868-Om HHORT te CO., Cotton and Tobacco Factors tun . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW OltLKAIVH Btpt.e, 1887-tf NEW BAKERY WC WOULD RESrECTFCLLT IN form tht cltteens or Clarksville tnd TlciiiHy that wa bare tacartd tht terrioet ot t Aral elas baker, and art prepared to furnish, at reasonable rate, Bread and Cakes, of all kinds, and all timet. Cakes ornamented in any style when desired. Very Respectfully, LIGON ELT. Aug. J,1867.-tf. R.B.TARPLEY&'GO, HOUSE, SIGN, AND Clarksville, Nov. It, 1167-tf. Te&n. EDITOR. The lXubrillo Gttctte can not agree with ua that the domocrtU, of the North, will tnbmit to the denpot- isra prepared for them. We used the the term in ne offentire itnte, end we are pleaeed to find our eotompo rary to hoptfuL Though ; neither sage nor prophet, in foreshadowing oommg events, for more than two yean, we hare rarely been' wrong, eo far at regards results, and. the signs of the times are that the Johnson tag pf the demooratio party will adhere to the policy of their chief. - If revolutions neror ga . back wards; we think it eqially true, that revolutionist dare not pause, know- ng that hesitation may prove fatal to thoir schemes. . The magnitude of the political erime, now being perpe trated by Radical leaders, will hardly encourge them to give an outraged and indignant people an opportunity to pass sentence upon their treason at the ballot box, and sooner than await certain and overwhelming de feat, they will take the' responsibility of appointing a President and, this being done, they will have reached a point whence it will be safer to go for ward than to retreat, and self-preservation will snggost, as the only re maining hope for safety and success, an armed defense of their position. And having at their command insub ordinate and unscrupulous army offi cers, they will build np around them a wall of bayonets formidable to the brave, and inviting the timid and un principled to seek safety and profit by going over to the winning side. In the meantime, the democrats, unpre- paied, will fall easy victims of the armed hosts of conspirators, should the former attempt to rice in arms, In this way, submission, begginning in policy, may end in submission from necessity. ' ' God grant that we may prove a bad guesser rather than a prophet ' Old Jessee Grant, in his of his precocious genius. Among them, are the remarkable facts that he could drive a horse, when seven nd a half years old, and at nine, could stand up on a hare back horse while running at full speed. And about the same age, he rode a trick nonv in a circus, and it tailed to throw him though aided by a monk' We have have seen, many a time negro boys, no bigger than a piece of chalk, perform similar feats, but in our stupidity, it never occurred to us that they were embryo Presidents.-. The admirers of Ulyss may get over this damaging rivalry in early genius by claiming that it is accounted for by the near rclstionship of the monk ey sud the negro. Be this as it may, we incline strongly to the belief that Ulyss would have been, deservedly, more successful and the countrj bet tor off, had his daddy developed his single talon by binding him to cirous. The opportunity having Icon lost, Ulyss ought to teach the old man to hold his jaw. General Grant ip said to have four uvea now being published. One life of a true soldier and patriot written actions, is worth a thousand bi ographies, which substitute fiction for fact, cover glaring defects with the putty of fancy, and make a hero and a statesman out of a stupid block paiutod and gilded to attract the ad miration of the undiscriminatlng masses. The Richmond Whig informs us that both the Generals Thomas are natives of Virginia. There are black sheep in every flock , but they ought not to be allowed to stray into other folds. Every slave State haa furn- shed its quota to the abolition army, and such recruits are the lowest speci mens of that foul ernwd. Maynard and Stokes have been stumping New Hampshire and ex kibiting themselves as evidenoe of the capacity of negroes for sol f-gov ernment. Maynard may boast of bis representing negroes, because he is the offspring of miscegenation, but Stokes is simply a dwarfod white man an intellectual an moral abortion. There was a new feature in trod u ced into election, on Saturday. So much were theyankee managers afraid the African element might be cheated that they put the loyal tickets envelopos,and thus olotked they were banded in as if for transmission by mail. R. W. THOMAS,. A 8EBENADI. v w. wntsToa mtura, or viiqixia. My ltdit bright, ' Con tall to-night On yonder moonlit rlverj . for there toft beams, Like blry dreams, la itlrery radiance euirtf. , . Wt will release ' To whispering bmte - Oar rattling silken tail r And gaily glide O'er rippling tldt ' ' Td yonder islet pale. , And on the way We'll trill tome lay Some tender, plaintive air ... While thou, my love, As wt gate abort, , , ;', Wilt touch tht low gulttr. " 'WbeaonthU isIt ' ' " ' '' Wt'Urbamawhllt' ' Will roam among tht flowers ' Thea cull a few , k Of tender hot ' , . to recall the moonlight hours " So, kdlt bright, ' . V i : . . Come tall lo-night ' - Oa yonder ssoonlit rirerj . For there toft beams, . -" Likt lovely dream, -. la silvery radiaact quivtr. r ,' - THE TELL-TALE .PICTURE, Tea," said tht old artist voa art an. doubtedly right, tbt special power of those who may be truly called tht gnat matters of portrait painting was their tblillty to bring out upon tht canvas not tht men everrdav face of their subject, at it might be known to bit roort enlual acquaintances, but bit Inner life. They teemed, it timet, to hart painted the tool rather than the body." "What t pity," I answered, "that wt havt no living masters to whom such powers hat been given!" I sm not sart of that." said he; "tt til eventt I know of one at least, who IS now living, In whom thit faculty waa developed in a very high degree 1" ' ' Who was her Where could he be fbnedf I wilt bt bail that ha hat sent nothing to the Academy of Design since my day." "He does not paint any mora. At least be will paint no more portrait- but I believe there art few of bis mends besides myself who know tht reason why. If you have time, and will light another Havana, you may find thttkry worth bearing, thontrh. of count, I most use names of my own in vention. Anything with a touch ' of romance or mystery aboat it bad always a charm for me, and to I prepared to hear tht story. Tht old artist was t very good ranronteur, and, after few preliminary whiflt, ha began t nam tiaynara was. la tne eyet or all who knew bin, one or tht favorites of tht Fates : ha was young, rich, handsome, and a (renin. Ht loved bit art for bit art' a sake. and was rapidly winning a most enviable reputation. - "It it tht custom. In tpitt of Titian and Vandyke, and the resL f Unk Bonn porta ait paintitgT- tuart ma notion. itiiutuk iMfflurtg'wat bit forte, and soma of hit -picture were truly wonderful. Then were not many (hort that bt eared to paint, and for most people ht would not paint at all; but tht most 'sphinx-like faceti ll that t a fair expression, came out upon bit canvas interpreted. ?or wen all nit interpretations flattering by tny means. - Borne people made baste to burn their llkeoestet as toon at pos sible after obtaining possession. - I Ht himself did not attempt to explain bit power, but I used to think that then was something uncanny about bit deep-(fray eyes while bt wet at work, and be ouuiked spec tatots exceedingly. I "It wtt t matterof course that soeh atnao should fall in love, and bt did full jastiot to hit artist perception of tbt btaatiful in mak ing choice of Camilla Vraio. 6nnh a fact tht had I perfectly classical, and Just enongh of color flushing at timet through its marble paleness to keep yon from being reminded ofj tut cold beaoly M torn a urets wo. la the very arrangement or ner aara bair sbe teemed, whether, eontdoasly t not, to follow tbt antioqae. tier eyet wen large, dark tnd lustrous, with an - unreadable something In tbem that fascinated you trto more than tht extreme sweetness ol their every-day expression, K very-body envied Paul hit tuccett, for it toon became plain that bis love was passionately returned. Paul was indeed tbt favorite of tbt Fate. Camilla was only seventeen, tnd old Vraine, though pleated with tbt match, ex ercised bit parental authority g.atly but firmly, and postioned tbt wedding for a year, during which time be piopoted to make a trin to Huron with hit dauirhter. "When they returned, if both wen of tbt same mind' (yon know what prudent fathers an ant (o lay); and tht young lovers, after some chaffing and a good mauy vows of constancy, dutifully tubmltted. A year was an sge to look forward to, but it would soon pass tway. After all, what was ont yetr to a love likt theirs T "Much as Paul admired tit wondrous betutv ol hit betrothed, ht bad never essayed to portrav It. No but be bad often thought tf doing to, but whenever bt had half deter mined to put bit tliougttl in practice en in definable tcmethlnt- kept him back. Some- thlnc akin to (unerstluoa teeotea to oe a neeeasnrv Dart of Such a nature at Haul's, and in him it was somewhat stronger than usual. "Now, however, that Ctmlllt wat going away; now that bt couia no longer aany feast bit eyet upon tbt lovt orignai, ne so far overcome bit unreasonable reluct uc at to ask her to sit to him for a likeness, " 'I only want your fact, Camilla, to smut oa tu when you art beyona me ei. 'A stranirt exuretsloa ol tain ami newuu erment shot aeroti tht fair fact, and it Paul bad not beeu blind, bt would nave teen that It was with a feeling of extreme reluctance that Camilla at but vielded to hi entrea ties. Her consent one given, bewever, ber disinclination teemed to past awty entirely, and tht wat mot tbaa nsually merry and cheerful durint tbt few brief hours wbluh the time permitted bar to pats la tot minnow atadia of bar artist lover. Paul worked diligently, and, tbougn evt- dentlv bastilv done, the portrait wat a roat- uiwniec of art. and received tbt warm eoonmiumsof tht fcw near friends who were permitted to see it. Paul bad laughingly for bidden Cimilla to mnch as en look while tbt work was in firocressc bat when, at last, fall of loviaa wide at wbatbejuttly denned uouaaa. ha ainibilad to lilt beautiful sudkct tht exuuisirieely Irutbfut Image of herself which bad grown to swiftly under his subtle tng.rs, bt wtt tatonlsbsa mat again a ueaa ly paleneet, and the same ttnreasiot) of punied pain took tht place of the approving smiles which bt bad beea expecting. " Oh, Paul, it It perfect! Put I dt aot want you to keep that pk-turt. Do aot keep UP 'Not keep It, Camilla! WhyaotT Toe art not jealous ot your own uiclun, art your I do not know ii w totuang. ni, I tuppost I am fboJisb, sad you must bttt ' I do not kaow ; it is to strange. Wtll, yowr wsy. rerhapt I shall change, and not e uaeinaiwnea i return - -. i Then ttld Paul, 1 thtlt have to paint something more betmtiful Mill. Bat your heart will not change, Camilla T ' " 'No-, Pant, never! Bat the -eyet; hew perfectly yon htvt painted tht tyesT l- $ . "'Indeed I have not,' said Paul, and that bjust when 1 find fanltwhb myself. I, hall try and Improve them after yon an gone.' " Oh no, Paul I' exoUrmed Camilla. 'Do aot touch them. ' Promise mt that yon will leave mem as mey tre promise me I "Pant readily gave tht desired promise, tnd it wtt but a few dart from tint time bt fonnd himself aloot la hltstndio, with no better company than tht portrait; whilt tbt beloved original wtt far away en ber jour ney t those classic regions to whoae earlier and beuer day the teemed so truly to be long. Borely was ht tempted to attempt the work of rttoncbinr and imOTovina- the cher ishtd likeness; bat bt was restrained by bit prumise to uemillft. . "Week after week went ' by, and, If (be trntn mutt bt told, runny an Hour that tbould hart been glvta to work er study was spent by tht ibollsb lover la dwelling upon the idol for which" his cbapel of art' waa a shrine. Still, s he gated upon h again aad again, a strange feeling of almost shuddering aMiDn woum as limes come over him. In vain he sought for lu causa, cither In bit own mint or In tbt picture. - Certainly every lint of that sweet fact wat trathtal, and bt had even ventured to transfer to tht cat rat tht smile of lore with which tbt bad watched hist ttbitlaW. - . . "Tbt feeling; mw anon him. mil b wa half inclined to bate that which ht had at HreS very nearly worshiped. -Lieuen camt aad want, and Camilla wrott entbasiaaticallr of her eorovment ot til tbt treasures of Art which the Old World Inherited from the PaaL For a lone- time tht seemed to studiously avoid anv illu sion to tbt picture, but tt last a letter arrived dated at Rome, la wbicb, after dwelling with revtntn ana tomtwnat extravagant eloquence upon her experience in tht Eternal Citv. Camilla adjourned her lover to send her the portrait at enee. "Do not faO," nid the. If you love me. I cannot explain myself, but I shall be forever unhappy iryoa nfatt my request. Send it to me at One f - - Tbt letter closed with more than anally warm expressions of affection, and Paul felt inat ne mast comply with ber request, Ht wi imoit surprised at himself to Sad that bt did so with to little of real reluctance. 'Ah, bt tboua-ht. her face It to clear! v r tinted oa my memory and en my heart that do not need any reminder.' "Ana to tbt pietnre wtt tent Camilla wat Mill at Rout when tbt coveted treasure arrived. Could tht btvt desired to compare It with any of the mntchlett achievements of the Old masters npon which tbt bad to long oeen feasting ber eyes T No, tbt would btvt givea more for that one picture than for tht art-treasures In Rome. "There wat a fire in her room, for tht day wat of that raw and chilly kind which ushers in we Italian winter, and Camilla bad always been tentitive in mutters of temperature. Sht tat cowering before It, tlont, tnd the negligence of her toilet accorded well with the troubled and mournful expression of ber face. Lier cheek! wen flushed, and tht l0nr folds of ber hair foil heavily over ber round ed shoulder. - "Will it never come." navwiBu ..- . 'Hen sht was interrupted by a low knock at the door; and a servant entered, bearing a tq litre parcel, evidently picked with great care. - "'A package for Mademoiselle.' laid the) k hit just trrired.' And the lingered n moment, at it with a bop that ber cariosity would be gratified with a tight of it con tents. "A gleam of pleasure shot across tbt face of ber mistreat at tbt took tht parcel, but tht said, hastily, 'You may go, Luetic I and tht Inquisitlvt French girl bad the mortifica tion of bearing tbt door boltea behind her. "The flash alternated with a marble pale neet on tht ebeekt of Camilla at tht ton off with trembling binds tht many strong cov ering of tlit package, and sht fairly screamed with delight it tht at last held np for an earnest scrutiny tbt coveted trewurv; tbt portrait " 'At last I nave it I un, ram, your lutai skill I But it shall ntver tell Ulet of me now never t Hat It told any T Does he suspect T Ht must ntver know. Whit If he bat already louna it oatr it lit bat would he tell T I will not let even him tell tales of me, mnch lees thit bit of painted mnvat. K lie did not act it ht wat blind. Then it it. I can set ill I taw it then, but did not kuew what it waa. I know now, but nobody tlst ever tbtll. It It my own secret, tnd I can keep It. Fin does not tell tny tale.' Sht stirred tbt glowing cotit with ner. vous energy lor a moment, tud thea the picture, with III flight and gracerul rramt, wat laid, fact downward, npon tht eontom lor mas. Kor a few ' moment it smoked, crackled, tnd biased, then nothing but ashes remained of that evidence er tne wtera tun of Pinl Mivnard. 'Baft now I' Sht mattered, almost fierce ly, 'Fire tell uo tales; and again the tat down before tbt fin with a tomewbat quiet- ter expression upon her net, tnd now tnd tbtn breathing long tight of relef, at if tbt had been delivered from some gnat peril. " Herbal, if tht could havt fcjoket la npon Paul in bit studio that afternoon she ml.rht not have been to well sal lifted. At first Pinl tinerieaued a positive feeling of relief over tbt absence of bit usual ctmpany but it tht dayt wtnt by bt began to long for iu nmehc irain. H -bus bat not turoiaei mt, ne laougui, -io Mint another: and I will surprise ber en bar return with a polrait that will be at much superior to that at Titian it to a sign palnt- ter.' And so. In an evil hour, ht tat down to what be regarded at pn-tminently a labor of love. He had plenty of time now, ana ne tlinw hit whole soul into tbt work. Ht eutirely neglected tacitly, and almost for. got to eat. Utr fact camt spin bit mtmory man ind mort vtriuiy at nt iinoreuj anu day by day Hit colors on tbt eaavtt atsumta win tnd won nearly aa almost living em-. blanct of tlit beloved image, lit uUaself , wat astonished at bit wonderful tuccctc "It will do all but speak,' be laid to blra .IC Hut then the ayes; that most be my greatest triumph. And whit eyet tbt hat! it waa wita omraing at an nia iceiuiK of dread, nevcrthclo, that b appruavhed this part of hit work, which bt bad purpose ley left uutil rtt but; and tht fnelllng grew upon him at bt wtnt on. Man than a month bad now tlapssd liuot b bad parted will tht first picture, aad for that whole tint ht bad received no word from Camilla. Thit annoyed aim. although ber teeauag silenc could readily bt accounted for in i. Li ... i ki .it many wtya. Baaaa vmtvn u w- m that day, tunuwbat palt from ovtrwork tnd eonfioemeitl. but eoagratulaiing himself that hit love-work wit to nearly completed. Slowly ht toiled away, touch after touch. U teiiv abturbM la pit tmutoynitni. n r eallint with lb-rills of pleasure, to ken It be ball-way pain, a uotuana aeung uretsi ioot wbicb bt bad to touiliy wateueaut Ummiv dav too br "on. ut i eoaiaoniv pttnt incmaui wm f. r . . . . ... . . u m k. maliarvd. ' . ' " ,l 'for him tht ont txpression which wa, to loo But bit fatal gmiot was sadly choosing eat npon him from the unfathomable tyes of vamuii. Already tht light front the high window wat beginning to toftea with tbt waning day when, a a laid by hit pencil, tot young arusi orew fondly back to gate npon bit fin ished work. - . . "For moment he gated lovingly and ad miringly npon tbt txqnisllt curve of tbt proud neck, the 1 1 moot speaking lip; tut perfect eon tear of tht aobtt head : but then tht eyes of tht pictun caught and irresitti bly chained hit owa, aad tht tmllt of satls tactitfaciiou fled from hia face. What fear ful meaning wet that which ha bad to deftlv painted T "Hit white lipt parted with a whisper? Ood la heave I Can It be possible T It it truth, or tra I' ' Tht door opened noiselessly, tnd ont of bit most confidential friend approached him with an opts letter in his hand, tnd laying bit band upon bit ahoulder, said t " 'Pial, my friend, read this: it will ex plain tbt pictun.' "Ptal't htud cloted mechanically nson tht paper, nad bis eyet fell wttb espanding hor ror upon inn wove to WhkA bit friend painted. Ht read tbuti " 'ioa mast break It to PtuL for I can not. I havt tont- feared IL and now It malt n e btvt pat ber Inst ua an atrium at Lyoaa, bat the physician all lay that tbtn it no hope. Since it mutt be thus. I think Ood that tbey also assure ms that ber tutreringt will bt brief. I shall not re turn to America.' 1 watched with Paul all that nlc-hL and during tbt britin fevtr which followed. Uw genius hid truly read and interpreted the latent madness la those beautiful eve and Camilla, with tbt keen percept io and canning instinct for concealment wbicb be. song to insanity, had seta what others . had now "I do aot anow that Paul tear aala aW for many i year under the toil of franca. "Bat for that one tell-taJ nintura wa mbrht ave naa nnotner great artist, and I burned it wh ill Paul waa in bed with tht fevtr. I tuppott ht imagined nt much, as ht sever asfced any question about iv" New Cols a no, La-, Ftbruiry n, 1841 Editor Acts CHatat fur; . Sia : I have lust beea informed Out ttiura it a report It circulation in thit citv. that in responding to a toast to "The Pnwidenl of tht United States," at tht feMivnl glvtn by tbt Association of hs-Oflbare of the United Stales Army aad Navy, a Lyceum Hall, oa tht 22d insL, I expressed sentiments which were resarded at nnfriendlr tn Pmaiikni Johnson; and I respectfully ask leave, through yunr paper so etate, iaai to preserve the bar mooy of a social meeting from whith I un derstood poll teal express ions wen to be ex cluded, l consented to respond to thtt toast ana to omit tbt expression of my political sxpraaaioa ol my polical eoinkme. 1 bad Itippottd it wtt too well nnderetnad ia thit community that I am tbt personal aad political friend of Andnw Johnson, and the political opponent of Gen. Grant for any such absurd report to obtain tnt si itr blast oreuroccB out at 1 understand then am soma ctthteni who do btlitvt that 1 entertain sym pathy with Gen. Grant, I deem it due to my- self to aay that I am at ttransrlv nnnnwd in tht potltiotti views and action of Geo. Grant as any ma la Louisiana. in to BZr&to'f' tainl by . "odJ. of tht TaiftM ther prujiwi nmviKHi. a mm. -vlwrraiirt that both bt and Congress may bt defeated in their attempt to trample upon the Consti tution and usurp the Government. 1 tin, very rttpeetluuy, SAVES B. STKEDMAN. Dow the Elections are to b Conduc ted In Ten aetsee. Then 'an aboat 140,000 white voters is Tennessee. Of these 100,000 . art disfran chised by ylrlut of a Radical edict, support ed by military furca. At the same time 100 000 negroes art mad voters. This placet tht State iht Stall of Jackson end Polk rati rely ia the bands of egroea. A Win ston (Tenn.) torretpondtut of the New York Expr tt thtt states tht cue. He yt i "I wish yon could have beea ben at some of the lite elections, to set gray-haired wis dom Minding afar off, disfranchised, yet pay ing taxes, and tbt woolly-headed. Ignorant negruet clamoring for their Tight, ana vot ing Jast whatever ticket their Radical mat ten gavt tbem. Oh I it was tnougb to make patriots despair. Tht Degroet btn rult com- pwttlv thtt la, a few white men, wbo in their hearts despise flu negro, tut blm for party porno, Orte 1,00 white voters out of 1,900 la thit county art disfranchised, and yet a man having served In tht rebel army wat no bar to a vote, ir be would vote tnt Uadioal ticket- I speak to you the troth, nod do not speak 'under tb rate.' Tbtn tn men in thit county wbo served with me in the rebel army, yet wbo tn now allowed to vote. Tbey belong to tht Loytl Lwgui, tud an Jacobin. Did ma of three toon tn disfranchised, and why, God only knows! Ye, wt know too thev art Democrats, and believe thtt Romulus set t good exatnpli for wa when bt madi eitisent at night of ene mies conquered lu the morning, and btniu, said Tacitus, wat tbt secret of tht power of Kouie, Ccncral Haacock. Tlit PI cay tne of the JOtb mention the proUblllty thtt Ilanceck will ask to be re lieved of bit command, in ooosequooct ef Qrubt'i recent meddling, aud stye; Tht request to bt relieved mutt bt dlrco ted lo tht President, by whom Gen. II. wat assigned to command thit district; though It will go through, It tt pruwtoie, iu ueoerat. In-Oblcf, uo on txcept tht President oai re lieve Oen. IL, or assign another officer to takt bit pise. Wt tfuerely bop no inch order will bt granted. Wa trust, too, tbat tbt correspondence butweea Gens. Grant and Hancock, accompanying and cuoctrning thit butt order, will be published as well as tht application of tht latter to be relieved. Wt doubt aot It will show Gee. O. to h na willingly acting upon tbt dicltlloa of th revolutionary Junta at Washington, w bicb now usurps all tbt powers of Government it fullv. tnd almost to lit extent, with the rev. oluiionary assemblies of tht cm of aaaruby In Franc. Mixiro sveius to be going back to her nat ural eonditlon of anarchy. Sevaral serious revolu btvt broken out in different parte of th country and aieeetsioa movuscnt hat been pnipoato, uumao, on ov iu umicuuww, bat tent memeager to the Governor of Chi huahua, Duran go,' Honor and Sioaloa with I nroDoeiiious to form tn independent govern- -- . - .... - l. .1.. D. mnw, " T- r iZl. ..l s '. to ? " uj. nor. t on of Jalisco. It M reponaa mat ih Oarta. Cortina. Ciualet aud Caravajal art it hvor of this project. Uunt. Utrf ana Bseo- bedu, two of the ablest military mea ia the eouRtrv. art much dissatUfied with J as rex aod bis gorevemeet, tnd their dsaffacUons teeat likely to help tht revolution!!. It appn utterly Impossible lot lb Meslcta to gorer iamtivt wita aayiumg na sye vera, ttd with tbti, euunal aetrrtU thty will ksn tba Lauatit ia retut'UAl chtox t f tb ceuatiy ia peryt uai totoj. iMpeanametf bat Part ef a Cnsplr art to retain Pottetiios) of the (vovertmrrat In Defiance r the Popular Will. ' Prom tbt New Tort Express, Feb. 3S.J Tht .tyrants aad traitors at Washlngtoa, at wat ttpected. have eoMiMwamied tbt fin part of rfceir arjewpHwcy to retain- post. ion of tbt Government for another four years ths Barep Heust of Bepreteotetlvet hvlnr by a strict patty vote, adopted a reaolutloa to iinpearn tut rrtttdmt lor high crime and misdemeanor.' - " .-''-. Tht ladlcntfoat new are that tb axallaiV Scaate will follow the lead ef the Hoot, em an before tb ttb of March patt, rh eoaatry may at weu pe- prepared totre Mr. 4ohoton . ejected trot o flics altogether, and Ben Wadt titling In rb Exeetti-t chair. What then T Whatnettf ,-. Wa tnt wtt, tht mad will then-be clear for "tht Board of Manager" (that Is tht phrase) w wMDipoiai sot neat rrtet Jeauat titttKM, aa to effectually silence the voice of tbt peo ple, and have everything their owa- way. Already we have three I tbat the Dvmorratia party will be looked apnti at part and parcel of "the Rebellion," and matt bt dealt with accordingly. Grant will be astde MiUtery Dictator, aad, before wt ate aware of it, the tain manacle which bar been plated oa the down ttodoVtt people of the- Sonib, wilt ' bt madt to eocirei Northtns limb. Tola it wbtt wt are coating to and teen sow, we . an not bis tway from IL - Tb last Prettdcntinl olectioa having beea tarried by fraod aad violence by bayonet rather than than by ballot bt terror rather " tbaa by tbi taWtHunellwi wiit ef the peo.. pie Mcet hat nude these demagogues bold aye, bold eaeugti to try it oa again. The otfly ha pediment m their way waa the Kxeoutire, and with kit deposltiony and the . intimidation of the Supreme Court, there te apparently no barrier between Una bow, . ' ud absolute, imperial powe. At toingi trt going on, wt think it It a matter ef toast doubt tvwa. whether the Dem. ' Ooratie National Coavtotioa will be rwrtaiu . ted to assemble in New York on the Fourth of July. It would not be at all tmrprMng if old Ben Wide, then President, should tud General Butler bare to ov.rawa th nar.nl a. Juet a Steutoa seat bint by ordet ot tome- supposed military aeoewlty peodiag tbt last . rresiaentiti tiectiua, Ytt with sheet probabilities eonfronllnr at, hi tbt neat future, thtt Bump Congress- . men threaten, If w dare eveo talk of resist ance, the resistance to which, a defender of tnt uonttitatKxi aad nphoUtrt of tb laws, w may rightfully retort to deal with at at traitors and rtbeli. It may be, now, tbat tbt event, of the east seven years havt transferred a nation of free- men Into a nation of abject slaves. It may be tbat a people wbo were not ashamed to t' proclaim aa a vital principle of political be lief, Retbrtance to tyrant It obedieaca to God," have beta te towed by lb tyranny which ytt bat it keel oa their necks, that tbey nn afraid to vindicate their right to telfgovernment It may bt that the nation has lost its manllne, Ut utefulotss, and lbs patriotic ooorsge, but wt do no cannot bt. btvt it. It it incredible tbat a great people, wbo refuted to endure the com para lively stild despotism of a British King, will tub snlt eternally tnbmit to tbt baser tad meaner tyranny of a Porltea Oligarchy, which, we think it could, without much dif ficulty, be ahown, It mainly Indebted to tor'. w.tB4.,b exercise of brute force for the presented to our countrymen to' regain their lost liberties. Wt rtler to Iht appsoaebing Prctidential election. Thtt tlectiou, the Bump Cong, rtsl dtrnagoguet may at wtll un derstand at tbt Mart, must everywhere tad ia every sense be free. Tbey most aot at tempt, on thit occasion, to renew tbt system of terror, whereby tbey re-eiicted Abraham Lincoln. Tbey had belter keep their shout, der strap,, their bayonet, their Oeneral Or ders, and their "A. A. U.'s" out of sight And abort all, they bad better make np their mlndt that tht Nortbtra ptoplo tn aot going tt recognise for Presidential parpters ' the negro govenmenti which tbey are en gineering at tb South. Wt art perfectly well aware that It it part of tbt conspiracy to count la the electoral totes of tues Pan- African despotisms but If tht people do their duty, by tb let ef January Best wo shall not only elect a Prttidonr, but have Demo- , critic Governors la a J tbt great Northern and Western State ia other word, Com-' mandtrt-ia-Ciiier of the militia of the States, tnd then, U tht Washington Junto think tbey can cheat thtauelvet into aoother ' lassa of power by thus twladung tbt people, tbty would do wtll to Mop a (consent, and calculate the probable cost. If thit great Govrrumiat It teally to be . npeet If ill Coustitalion, one deemed a miracle of wisdom, and a thing too tarvtid to bt radiiy toacbed, It to be tramp ed teder : foot, if tht priceless boon of popular li.erty it to bt taken away from as, those dema gogues had batter not deladt theauctv, into tbt belitf that tbt tacrine will ue tubmltted lo without a Mruggl. such a struggle e wilt become men determined at least to die af . ' they otonot lire free. . Kokifx oa Guotr. A plou old dirk of Maury county, named Arthur, wat terri bly alarmed a lew nigblt since by finding a ; mysterious hontman riding beside bins through the wood, me Arthur spurred ni milt: bat whether bt went foil or slow the -stringer kept beside him, ottering never a word. A tnry emergen rrom wt wooas, Arthur perceived that bit comrade wtt a kettle. Thit paralysed bim with fright- But the wont tu yet to come. A sudden lerk brought his mult to attend. Notoener bad b Mopped tbaa bit companion flopped. raised its skeleton hand, took off Its tkiill, tnd said, IIWl tow AWe I Ml wJUs Jfs My kae kbent t " W bat wit said or doit Md Annnr cannot ety. lit left hit mult and loo across tee fieldt aot stopped until bt ate securely belt ed bis door, put out the light and covers il himself up In bed without even laklag off hia shoe. Then be wat found next mora. ing and since then bt bat aot bee off the farm. Doubt wbo will, thit it a Ira story nnd old Arthur It no liar. Sayt tin Columbia UertliL Aaskeif (7a , Tbt FrankUt Roview re late thM th Ko. Klus a few nighu since, visited the boast ef a poor widow, whese two ton hd fall la th Confederate terriee, leaving oa ber door step a packaseoatalalngen huarired dollan and nuanliivof domwuie, calleoaeaHd other dry good. A widtw lady of Wiilianuoa ouuoty, with three tbldraa drnaudrat upon ber for soppott, wa lb grateful reelp. ieat of a tlmfllaf packagt, tatid of pblrh sb found on haudred delUrs in carreacy nd UtUar which ttettd that tht writer was formerly to Intimate companion and fallow Midler of bet only son, wee wa kilted wall a mean of a Teouette Coa'edarate reg. iraeuk Titiiaw PtitTS. Th Holly Springs (Mia.) Btpongr bowtiag of an ag4 prtatev (John G. Barry) ia tbalkralily, tbt Hild id iUgitterof Laban uo (Teoa.) teiort that tbey ae a bretber ol the aieresaMi pewter tw. U Barry) at work ia their establish meal, fivt years eld at yeait of tge who bt beta tuiag; lypt for tvoty iia, aad dott a god day nosk yf. 1 I .'ll 'I, i i