Newspaper Page Text
"KEEPING EVERLASTINGLY AT IT BRINGS SUCCESS." =====Z " BIG STONE GAP, WISE CQUNTYTvA., th U RS DAY, APR 11^7^8937 ~N?T?g VOL. I. profc.?i?toi??1 Curd*. a. l. pridemore, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Jonosville, Virginia. Gate CUy. > > ok?. w . F(l ?fKtXKIIIf, Joiie?vtH<>, V?. JACKSON & blankenship, AT rORNEYS-AT-LAW, Joncsv?lc, Virginia. ,. ?i dttnitJ??! given ?" bnsliMn* ?l'all llroc?. . , ,| s in wuthwest Virginia, a specialty. R.A. AVERS. - - jos. L.KELLY. LAW OFFICES IN AVERS BUILDING, Big Stone Cap, Va, ? utt ii. c. h'ikiAkix* jr. BULLiTT & McDowell, ATTORNEYS AT I.AW, Ulli STONK ?AI', VA H. A. W. SKEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Short! HiiiUling, Big Stone Gap, Virginia. R. T. IRVINE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. InV in. Siimiiiprlii'W Building, Wood Avpiiiu Big Stono Gap. Virginia. L. TURNER MAURY, ATT< >RNEY-AT-LAW. Citi ling, \V.1 Avenue. Big Stono Gap, Virginia. WALTER E. ADDISON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. (?fllcf \? Nicki'l> Bttiloiugs Big Stone Gap, Virginia. |w ? in !,?,?, f.. h ii hi, Va. k. *i. i in ins, Wise (MI. Va BURNS & FULTON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Coi ?Tu II, i- nnil Dickonson Counties, ami t-tiri r.f ,\;-|'.- ii? itl Wytlievllle, Va. T. IM'jrAS', M S MATIIKWS, JUS. C. MAYStflR, lluiir?rillf, Va tiigStuiiettap. Big Stone Gap. iuncan, m atmews & maynor. ATT< >RNEYS-AT-LAW, offlcv In N*Ii :? lliilliliug, W.mi.i Avenu?, Big Stono Gap, Virginia. ??? Attritti?ii t<i Colfcrthiiis timl Prompt Iteutltnnci W. J. HORSLEY, at rORNEY-AT-LAW, Big Stone Gap, Virginia, Whitesburg, Ky. -iii utt-i.ti l Ii I,, .it:.', LaiiitTjtks UUKKSOV. WlSt'C II. ?V.t. MII.I.KH, Xortiin. r\L?i:rtSON & MILLER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. [min attention t > .ill l.ii-lucsHontrusted t<> us. Ad? ? -11i -r n iM'C. II., Va., <?r Norton, Va. M. G. ELY, _ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, H Turkey Covo. Leo Co., Va, J. W. KELLY, |iysiua Vv.snaiKON, v" ii, Ayein it|(K>k, Big Steno Gap, Virginia. rgfr lt-M-ii?l l'i <>?,,,! ly to Calls. Uoth !> i\ iiutl \i!:!it. ]3_|f C. D. KUNKEL, HYm'ciax ni'SURGEON, pig Stone Gap, Virginia, i Moilii>|iiHi|ilcn(tliecity Off*? N. H. REEVE, M. d ;nes of women EXCLUSIVELY. ce;Main St. Bristol, Tenn. DR. J. C. PR UN ER, DENTIST, K*' !: ? :: n. Cntrai Hotel i? ? *rh& M ?!..! iv in,-nrh w$*jj.i ? " r* !????> should make A* ? .. iUnK iij,..,, iiurinii s- W, THACKER, ClVi!- ^'CIXKKR AND ; ! KVLYok, B5;' S:,MU' Gap. Virginia. -~jl ' ?"??I. .ialh.. "^****^- '? MALCOLM SMITH, ENGINEER AND H PURVEYOR. K^^'ext to Post Office. !EC,p,CATlONS i, i and ESTIMATES . ,,' ' v TIIO???CH AM) Another Cmulltiafr Ii? the Fl old Tor the rout'* Fine tJultnr. As will he Keen in Hie report of votes thus far sent in, given in this issue, in the contest for the fine gui? tar offered by the Post to the most 'popular lady in Wise, Leo or Scott, [or Letcher county. Ky.^ there is an? other candidate in the field in the personage of Miss Carrie Flannery, of Wiho 0. H. Miss Flannery is a daughter of lion ('. F. Flannary, and is very popular. The Danville K veiling Star. One of the newsiest and neatest six-column dailies that now reaches the Post's exchange tahlc is the Dan i viHc (Va.) Evening Star, which made I its first appearance on the 26th inst., with J. 0. Hoy as editor and pro? prietor and S. F. Gilliland business manager. It is handsomely gotten lip, neatly printed and the matter it contains goes to show that it has ability behind it. May the star long live to throw its brilliant rays over the "land of the free and the home of j the brave." as it were. Father ami Son Skip Out With a .Mother and Her Daughter* ''Hoe" Clendencn moved to Big Stone Gap some time ago and has been making a steady employee at the Appalachian furnace. With him he brought a woman who was sup? posed to be his wife. She had one daughter, perhaps eighteen years old, and a little girl, about three years old. The family circle seemed as happy as a covey of larks on a bright May morning till "the handsome fea? tures and graceful forms" (?) of| Newt. Bentley and his son appeared on the scene. Then the trouble com? menced. The father and son at once made n huge mash on the mother and daughter, while the two females proved to be prettv well up in the mashin' business. In fact, there ap? peared to be a general four- handed, all-'round mash. Josh Bullitt, after being corrected in regard to his idea of the meaning of the Word emotion, by ('apt. W. F. Gordon in his article on Prose and Poetry, would possibly say there was a general all-'round "kinder working of the feelings of the tender sort." These "feelings of the tender suit" kept "a working" till the wholesale infatuation became so strong that prudence nor resistance were m> longer matters to be consid? ered, so last Wednesday the four, after the order of the wandering Arab, Silently folded their tents and skip? ped out, taking with them the little girl, Clondenen is after them for the purpose of recovering the little girl, but will make no effort to induce the wayward women to return. Southern I'rojrrewi. The manufactures' Record of Bal? timore, in the issue of January 6th, 1893, after an exhaustive review and careful investigation of Southern financial affairs for 1892, says: "There is usual activity in every line of industrial enterprise in the South, at the present time, and every indication points to a degree of ac? tivity during the coming year greater than has ever been known before. " The past year has been n period of | rigid economy in every line of busi? ness in the South, and more atten? tion has been placed to the placing of existing industries upon a firm foundation than the projection of new industries. The settlement of vexa tious political issues, the greater amount of cash which the present cotton crop is yielding to the pro? ducers, and the greater abundance of money and more extended credit in the. South, and the activity and prosperi; ty w.hieh mark e.vmy branch of jndusr try in that section are the conditions upon which the course of affairs in the South during the year 1893 will depend. With condtions as favor? able as these are generally recognized to be, there can be no doubt of the very promising prospects which lie before the South at this time. Kvery condition needful for successful busi? ness in the South exist at present, and the year closes with a very satisfactory record of progress that has been made under trying circum? stances and with brilliant prospects for the coming year. "The recent advance of two and one-half cents pe4r pound on this sin? gle product of the South (Cotton) adds $87,1100,001) to H? cash receipts for thin season, bringing the total of ( the cotton crop for 1892 to between $300,000,0p0 and ^400,000,000.,i There can be no surer sign of| growth ami prosperity of the ?Smith than in the development of the man? ufacturing interests. Concerning j tlie cotton spinning industries, the Manufacturer's Record says: "The mills have been running actively through the year and have earned good profits an a rule. In fact, the past year has been probably the most j prosperous period through which 'this has ever passed. A groat many [new mills have been built and put in operation in the South during the past year, and a large nuhcr of others are under construction and will be competed and put in operation dur? ing the present year." In the whole Southern tier there were for the same dates 40,7181ooins j and 1,816,710 spindlers, as against 52,587 looms ami 2,357,908 spindles at work on the first day of 1893, an increase of 11,819 looms and 1,440, 898 spin dies. The Textile Wor d, of Boston, a recognized authority on cotton fab? rics, in the January, 1893, number shows that out of 78 new mills start? ed in (he United States in 1892, 39 were in the South. In the report of the Census Office, lately issued, on (lie Southern Iron and Steel Industry in 1880 and 1890, it is shown that in the States ofDel eware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Distritct of Columbia, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Kentucky, the capital in vested in these industries was, in 1880 $29,145,830, and in 1S90, $50,845, 666, oran increase of over $20,000, 000 in ten years. The value of the product in 1880 was $25,353,251; in 1890, $42,690,822, an increase of over $17,000,000. The report of (J. S. Labor Com? missioner Carrol I). Wright (New York 'rimes, April 8, 1892) shows that "the average cost of pig iron in the northern part of the United States is for run of furnaces about ?$14 per ton 2,240 pounds, while in the South the average'cost of run for furnace pig iron is $10.75." The Mercantile and Financial Times, quoting from the report of U. S. Labor Commissioner Carroll 0. Wright, Nov. 25, 1892, publishes a statement t<> the effect that from 1880 to 1890 "the capital invested in the Southern States in woolen manufac? tures increased from $4,000,000 to $10,000,000. In 1SSQ the banking capital of the South was $02,000. 000: in 1Mb) it was $71,000,000, while the total capital in manufac? tures increased from $170,000,000 iu 1870 to $551,000,000 in 1890." The total indebtidness of the Southern States, including the county debts and less the sinking fund, was, in isso, $215,712,241, while in 1890 it had been reduced to $178,161,755.? C. I*. YVaiOHT, in New York Times, April 8, 1802. Ktplnimtiou of a Shower of Live Animals in Ksuihhs. Everybody in the smoking com? partment of the sleeper had told a story except one quiet, inoffensive man in the corner, and the drummer eyed him with suspitio.n as he tinislir od what he considered a choker of the entire combination, says the Detroit Free Press. As the drummer concluded the quiet man polked his head cautiously out of his shell and coughed slightly, as men do who have lain dormant awhile and rouse themselves to ut? terance. "I remember," he said, without} further preliminary, "a queer circum? stance which happened to me during a summer visit I made some years ago in Kansas. 1 am reminded of it bv the story our friend here''?nod-, ding toward the drummer?"tells of a shower offish falling from the sky. 1 can readily believe his story"? the drummer looked grateful?"and 1 hope he will believe mine. One afternoon we were sitting oiit in front of my friend's house, some three or four of us, noticing the peculiar shape, color and movement of the clouds, when, all at once, as true as gospel, gentlemen, an elephant, alive nml kicking, dropped right down in front of us out of the sky, and a more as? tonished looking brute 1 never saw." The drummer sat spell-bound and everohody else choked up, speechless. The quiet man looked around on his auditors. "It's as true, as preaching, gentle? men," he went on, "and though, hha rule in Kansas, it doesn't rain ele? phants, it (lid on that occasion, ami is accounted for by the fact that a cyclone had struck a circus twenty miles to the west of us, and further? more it was raining lions and tigers and horse:; and hyena': and monkeys and tenpins for a week afterward, tin* biggest thing of course, coming down soonest." "My dear sir," gasped the drum? mer, as the quiet man was about to continue, "don't you say another word. I (ravel for a liquor house, and if you want a barrel of cocktails j give me your address and I'll send it to you by the first cyclone that pass? es our place." Money vs. Love. "I certainly will try the experi? ment." quoth I to myself. And then T covertly looked in the glass, so as to better calculate my chances matrimonial. It wasn't a very satisfactory sur? vey. I am not a handsome man. But there's one advantage I possess that is worth all the beauty in creation. Torquatns Thistledown, Esquire, President of the Thittledown Petro? leum Company, with the handsomest yatch in the bay, and money enough to freight it with a golden cargo! Youth?beauty?what do they weigh in the balance against Torquatns Thistledown? And 1 patted my pocket with a chuckle that sounded like the chink of doubloons! "I'll do it !" I exclaimed aloud. Bruce Harden brook glanced sleepi? ly up from his armchair in the bay window and took a cigar out of his mouth. '*What's that you're going to do, Thistledown?" asked Bruce. "To be married," I added slowly and distinctly, "to Miss Fanny Gor? don." Bruce started. All the world was quite aware that he was danlgling after pretty Fanny Gordon?as if a clicntlcss youg lawyer had any right to aspire the hand of the loveliest girl in New York! "Are you engaged to her, Mr. This? tledown?" he asked. "No?not exactly engaged?that is, not as yet; but I mean to be. 1 shall consul! Mr.* Gordon this very after? noon?an old friend of mine, Job Gordon. He'll refuse me nothing." Bruce Hardenbrook made no reply, lie resumed his newspaper and tried to look indifferent with remarkably bad success. So I put on my hat and strolled down to honest Job, Gordon's oount jng-hoiiKc. ^Thistledown, how d'ye do?" he cordially said. "What can I do for you to-day?" "A great, deal Mr. Gordon," I re? sponded, [ am contemplating mat? rimony; and?I would like the weight of your influence with your daughter Fanny. I adore Fanny, sir?I wor? ship her?and I don't mind telling you that it is within her option at this moment to become Mrs. Torqua? tns Thistledown." Mr. Gordon rung my hand heartily. "Torquatns,*' he ejaculated, breath? lessly, "you're a trump. My daugh? ter, Mrs. Petroleum Company?no, 1 don't mean that exactly?but?but I only hope you aren't too late," "Too lato," I gasped, making a clutch at my yellow silk pocket handkerchief and wiping the drops away from the bald spot on the crown of my head. "There was a young fellow here IIiis very morning," went, on Mr. Gordon, rumpling his hair about with one hand in a distracted manner, "upon the business,and?" "Not Bruce Hardenbrook?" "Yes, Bruce Hardenbrook?the very person?and I told him to?I?I gave him my sanction, and I've just sent up a note to Fanny, desiring her to have no hesitation in promptly accepting \}\Q gentlemen who would propose to hor this afternoon. ''But," added the old gentleman, with a sudden inspiration, "I didn't mention any names, thank goodness, and I don't see, upon my word, why the note shouldn't answer for you just as well as for Bruce Harden? brook, if you only get there a, little ahead of him." As 1 hailed the nearest omnibus and leaped in the. iron tongue of old Trinity tolled C> in deep has monosyl ables. Perhaps?perhaps I might yet be in time. Fanny was at home, for as I rang the bell 1 saw the flutter of her blue muslin dress from, {he I^Venoh win? dows that opened upon the balcony? and the next moment she admitted me herself. Just as I expected. Bruce Harden? brook was there; but then, judging 'from his appearance, he had only just arrived. Now was my time. ?'I?1 was thinking of asking you, Fanny?" But she jumped up with an agu ui/.ed little scream. "tUish! wasn't that a nian'sstop in . . .. ''? . -\ %t ' '4 ? . i :? i.... i the banement hall? J am sure I heard it. Kathleen has left the door un? bolted, and the house is full of rob? bers and murderers! Oh, Mr. Thistle? down, do?-do run and see?" "Don't be afraid, Fanny," said I, catching up the guitar case valiantly, and making for the lower part of the house with that weapon of aggress-j ion. Come on Hardenbrook?we'll make 'em stir round pretty lively, or we'll know the reason why!" Hardenbrook folowed, rather con? trary to my expectations; I had half feared Iiis remaing behind to com? fort the frightened dove in the blue muslin feathers. "You look in the kitchen Thistle? down, and I'll examine the cellar," he said, and I promptly obeyed. I looked under the dresses, behind the tables, even beneath the great brass kettle in the corner, hut there was no bur? glars there. "Jt must have been the eat. Har? denbrook," bawled I, "for-The duce! how came this door shut?" I gave the handle of the door an energetic turn?it was fast locked. I gnashed my teeth and upset a I whole colony of frying pans in de? spair. Burglars, indeed?a pretty story! Gracious! how hot it is, and a fellow can't move Iiis head without bringing down a lot of tin things. I sprang up and rattled the door, shouting at the top of my lungs; hut all to no avail. I kicked at the walls ? 1 heal a tattoo on the brass kuttle with the guitar case. Vain efforts. So the time crept away, every mo? ment seeming like an hour, and I heard the sharp little kitchen clock strike 8, 0 and 10, with a keen son saition of despair at every time. Should I never escape? Was I doomed to be roasted alive? At length the monotony of science was relieved by the sound of foot? steps coming down the narrow stairs, and dob Gordon's voice exclaimed: "Mary?Hannah?Kathleen-where the mischief are yon all? What.s the kitchen door locked for? I'll dis? charge ever skin of you, or?Hallo! ?thieves!?murder!?police!" And honest dob fired Iiis revoler aimlessly into the kitchen and flung a heavy chair after it. "Gordon! Stop?hold on?it's I? Torquotus Thistledown!" "Thistledown in my kitchen! 1 don't believe a word of it!" "But it is and I'm nearly dead. Stop your bawling and listen to rea? son," I said, rather vindictively, for the slender thread of my patience was rapidly diminishing down to nothing at all. "Let me out where there's a breath of fresh air, and I'll explain things." The astonished old gentleman led me upstairs into the gas-lighted hall, marveling much at the wilted ap? pearance that f presented. "Now, then, you will be good enough to tell me what all this is about. 1 came home at 10 o'clock and find my house open and empty. I go down into my kitchen and find the President of the Thistledown Pe? troleum Company mured up among the pots and pans! Am I asleep and dreaming? or have \ been bereft of my senses;" "First," 1 interrupted, ''where are Hardenbrook and Fanny?" "Where? How should 1 know? Another mystery, I presume." "No mystery at all sir,'' said a well-known voice, as 15ruce Harden-j brook came quietly up the front steps and into the hall, with Fanny lean? ing on his arm, the pomegranate cheeks a shade redder than ever, and the bright hair glistening around her face; "here we both are." , "And where have you been?" "Married!" "Married?" echoed Mr. Gordon. "You told, mo in your note, papa, to accept him promptly," faltered Fanny.?[New York News. The Smith Family to Erect a Monument to mi Historic Kreut. Rupert Schmie!, the sculptor, of Sau Francisco, has awarded the con? tract to modle a bronze group of fig* ures representing the hisrorio Virgin? ia scene wherein the Indian maiden Pocahontas saved the life of Captain John Smith. The expense will be $15.000 and it will be defrayed from a fund raised by contributions solely from the Smith family in Virginia and Nebraska. A descendant of the original John Smith has been the promoter of this uniqe artistic enter? prise. Some time since he asked for designs from the leading sculptors of the United Stales, and that of the San Francisco artist .has iust been accepted. It is only ?.? coincidence thuj the sculptor's name is Schmidor Smith. OWN Kr, THK FAMOUS TR A Ml* DO<i. Hi:* Traveled .'r??m One Knil of the Unite*! Statt?? to ttte Other. [From rh-Cincinnati Knqiiir?*r.j Owner, the great American tramp dog, arrived in Cincinnati a few days ago over the Big Four from Clove land, Buffalo and New York. He came through in a mail car and as soon as the train stopped Owney made for a mail wagon ami rode to the Post-office. lie walked into the clerk's room and afterward paid his respect to Superintendent Davis. During the afternoon Owney called on the Enquirer and had his picture taken. Owney is not a handsome dog, by any means. His color is a mixture of shaggy gray, yellow and black. He is stone-blind in one eye, but the other is as bright as a "golden guinea," and shows intelligence of the highest order. Owncy's pcdigrci is unknown, but that doesn't matter he is a knowing dog and keeps scru? pulously clean for a tramp. Oweny lived original}- in Albany, X. Y. Two years ago he came into the possession of a mail clerk and was taken on run on the New York Central. That settled it. The fast run just suited him, and since then he has been on the go from one end of the United States to the other. He dis? dains coaches ami Pullman sleepers, and will ride in nothing but mail cars. There he is at home. His bed ia UNDER TUE COUSTER, and during the day his favorite pas time is at the door with his paws braced upon the sides, viewing the country. If the landscape suits, Owney remains in tins position for hours. If it doesn't come up to his standard he turns in disgust and lies down out of the way of the working clerks. Owney is a dainty eater. lie shares the lunch of the boys on the car, 01 gets out at the first station and goes to the lunch counter, where the best on hand is none too good, and with out a cent of expense at that. Owney-knows no master, but something like 6,000 owners, who take a lively interest in his welfare. In the past two years he has probably traveled as many miles as any one man in the country. Recently he journeyed to Washington and called on ex-Postmastcr-Gcneral Wana maker, and it is expected that before long he will repeat the journey and make his bow to President Cleveland and Postmaste-General Bissel]. Owney might be called the great American traveler. He has done the effect Fast and the wild and wooly West. He has shown up suddenly in Frisco, and shortly after in Seattle, Wash. New Orleans is a favorite plaeo, and so is Galveston and Ft. Worth, Texas. Owney also likes Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chicago. He knows a railway mail clerk at a glance, and will follow no one else. He can also pick out a mail wagon as quick. A peculiar feature about the dog is that he has never been in a wreck, and therefore is looked upon by the bovs in the service as a mascotte, and the trains are thought to be safe when he is on board. The last time Owney was in Cin? cinnati was about a year ago. At that time he was covered with med? als. None are left, and what became of them is not known. Owney, how? ever, still wears his fancy collar heav? ily mounted with silver, upon which is inscribed "Owney, Albany, N. Y." Owney Ifft Cincinnati the same day over the Big Four for Chicago. He will remain there one day and proceed to St. Louis, and from there to Kansas City and direct to San Francisco. He will return to Chi? cago in time for the open ig of the World's Fair, and if he can be induc? ed to remain he .will be placed on exhibition with the United States display. Before Owney left Cincinnati he was presented with a solid silver med? al upon which was enscribed: *.?.v.? CINCINNATI kno?irek, JOHN U. M'lANE. *.?.? The medal was attached to his callar. A Lodjj-Handled Feu. (Frnra ihu I'hiljulelpliU i.o.lper.1 The telautograph is the name of an invention almost us wonderful as the phonograph, and which may prove to bo as tiNeful as the telephone. .Mem? bers of the press were invited to inspect the invention, at the oflices, No. SO |Jroytl\v;av, of the Gray National Tolaugbtograph Company, of which General T. M. Logan is president. All of those who inspect the telautograph went away satisfied that they had seen an invention which will rank, as a mar? vel, with the telegraph, the telephone, the cable, the electric light and the phonograph. Whether it will have as wide an application as the the tel? ephone remains to be seen. This will depend largely upon the liability of the machines to get out of order, and upon whether the public, after a trial of both methods, would finaly decide that, it is better to write than to speak their messages. The te laughtograph, however, is not neces? sarily a rival of the telephone. There is a large use for both machines. It would seem, however, to make the Morse alphabet useless. The talauto graph is a writing telegraph. A man sits down at his desk in New York and writes a message to a friend in Philadelphia. The latter receives the message in an fac simile of the handwriting of the sender. This op? eration requires no skilled labor. Anyone wdio can write can send a message, and, provided there is an electric wire connecting them and two transmitters and receivers, two per? sons can carry on a corrcpondenee, though thousands of miles a part, and every stroke of the pen will be exactly and instantaneously repro? duced over that distsancc. The structure of these instruments seem to he remarkably simple. In the transmitter and ordinary lead pencil is used, near the point of which two silk cords are fastened at right angles to each other. These cords connect with the instrument, and, following the motions of the pencil, regulato the current impulses which control the receiving pen at the distant sta? tion. The writing is done on ordi? nary paper?five inches wide?con? veniently arranged on a roll attached to the machine. A lever at the left is so moved by tin* hand as to shift the paper forward mechanically at the transmitter and electrically at the receiver. Tlx* receiving peil is a capillary glass tube placed at the junction of two aluminum arms. This glass pen is supplied with ink w hich flows from a reservoir, through a small rubber tube placed in one of these arms. The electrical impulses, coming over the wire, move the pen of the receiver simultaneously with the movomcnts of the pencil in the hand of the sender. As the pen passes over the paper an iuk tracing is left which is always a fac simile of the sender's motions, whether in the formation of letters, words, fig? ures, signs or sketches. It follows therefore, that every movement of the sender is produced by the receiv? ing instrument, so it is just as easy to send a free-handed portrait or oth? er drawing by electricity as it is to send the dots and clashes of the Morse alphabet. While the transmission was over a short distance) be* ing between instruments placed in adjoining rooms, the priciple was clearly shown, and there can be little doubt that at least as far as the human voice can be transmitted over a telephone, the telautograph can be worked. Among the advanta? ges claimed for the telautograph is the fact that both sender and receiver have records of every message and reply. There can be no mistake. The sender cannot complain of er? rors?there is his message in black and white. Then, so long as there is a receiving instrument, it makes no difference whether there is a re? ceiving person present or not. The message can be sent the same, and will be found by the receiver"when he reaches his ofnee, as if he had just got the communication through the mails. The telautograph works notso lessly and insures secret service, and the line cannot be so tapped as to steal a message. The telautograph is the invention of Professor Elisha Gray, already made famous by his other electrical inventions. It is easy to see to what wide uses the in? vention can be put, provided tho ma chino can stand the test of hard practical and continuous work. It takes years of experience to make an 'expert telegraph operator, but this machine, which can Ihj worked by a child, may dispense with the necessi? ty of his services. It may be said to make tho Weitem Union Tele? graph Company independent of its thousands, of skilled laborers. But, of oourse, all this depends on how the telautograph will stand the test of actual usage. Prof. Henry Mor? ton, of Stevens Institnte, who has examined tho structure of the Instru? ments, says that he found it to "be remarkably simple or devoid of com? plication, and the mode of operation/* he says, "in all respects direct audl positive."