OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, September 16, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1914-09-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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you. ixsuixL cu
Do you not need to "tone up" your system? A
little medical advice and the right medicine taken
IN TIME will often prevent a severe spell of sick?
Come to us for your medicines and know that
you will get the RIGHT KIND.
We keep right up to the minute, too, and have
on hand everything a first-class drug store should
Kelly Drug Company
Tj/ic J/?exa// Store
We give you what you ASK for.
Mrs J. \V. Kelly spent it few
tyslasl week at W ise visiting
Attorney .1 8. AshwortU, of
riitnl, was in town last Thurs
jv mi professional buRlnoss.
J. C. Amis was down from
ins I'reck last week on linsi
? l> Johnson, of Ahingdon,
.i? ,i \ isitor to the (lap Kri
M.?i.- M U. and I'. W. Kly.
f Jones v i I It', were in town last
Minn Plorouce McCormick left
?t riiuiwlay lor ist Uadford,
here she will take a domestic
ieutw course in the State
orinal School this winter.
H. I*. Hamm, cashier of the
iteratnte Ki nance and Trust
'Olpiuiv, is spending several
it. in Bristol this week hav
i In- nj es treated.
fj l> l ate, of < ioeburn, wan
town h'ridtiy on business.
Hen I. I'. Kane, of Onto City,
e in town Inst Krida} on
Miss Ivlith I'ayno and Miss
llhcriue Kilter, of White?
s''!, \'a , and J. It, (''lemming
? IW. I' McDowell motored
ah from -Norton Sunday.
<n M K. i >otkill has return
frotll a visit to relatives and
nidi in rlannibnl ami St.
Ii?, Mo , and Alton, Ills.
Ali tin- lateni novelties in
Itu. anil girdles at Kaller
HU? Melbn Maddux, .via.
?nt bovi ral days in the Gap,
nf Miss Virginia
elurnod to her home
Lonisville Saturday.
There will be services in
Chrtst Episcopal (M?nch on
next Sunday morning at eleven
YV. \V. Bickloy, who went to
New Mexico last January for
' his health, returned home Tues?
day. His friends will he glad
to learn that his health has been
greatly improved by his May in
the west
.1. M. McLemore spent Sun?
day with friends in Bristol.
(Mias. I. Wade spent Sunday
with relatives in Bristol
E. 1 trennen, vice president
ami general manager of the
Stoncga Coke ami Coal Com?
pany, returned last week from
a business trip to Philadelphia.
M. Y. McKorran, of Itnboden,
spent Sunday in t he (lap.
Mr ami Mrs. Qoo. T. Win?
ston, of Ashovillo, N. I'., are
visiting their son, I,. T. Win?
ston , in the Gap.
Otis Mousei' left Sunday on
a businoss trip South.
Hilbert Bounds spent Sunday
ai Mitldlesboro, visiting his
friend, Boborl Brown.
II E. Ko.x returned Saturday
from a business trip to CincL
linli, Lexington and other
II. P. Voting, assistant pur?
chasing agent for the Stonega
(Joke und ?onl Company, has
gone to London, Ky., where
Mrs. Y oung and little son have
been for a couple of weeks, for
a few days visit.
Mrs. Witten, of Kluelield, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.
A . Sterne, in the ( lap.
Miss Maude Ould, who has
been spending several days in
the (lap visiting her cousins,
Mrs. (leo. L. Taylor anil Mrs.
.1. A. Gilmer, returned to her
home at Norton Sunday.
The Advantage of an
Ample Stock
There is always an advantage in
making selections from an ample stock.
This is especially true whore quality is
hi^li and prices low.
We urge parents to conn: in and see
our stock. The completeness of it will
be impressive and cause you to send
the children to us for their various
needs. The line includes:
Tablets, Composition Books, Inks,
Pens, Pencils, Slates,
Crayons, Drawing Instruments, Etc.
We give the children careful and
courteous attention.
Don't fail to attend the Mil?
linery Opening of Greenwood
. & Burgess at Appnlachin ou
iThursday and Friday. Their
I line is the must complete ever
I shown in this section.
Pat Hammond left Monday
morning for Richmond, where
be will attend school in the
Massie Business College.
Miss Bessie Wells, of Norton,
is in town this week visiting
her sister, Mrs. lrby Nickels.
R. C. Jennings, of Black
water, who spent several days
in town visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Kmmei Nickels, returned
home Tuesday morning.
Mrs. J. H. Smith, of Rich
land- . spent part of last week
in town visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. MoCorkle.
Mrs. [. T. Qilly and two
small sons, of Roda, spent Sun
day afternoon here visiting
Mark Woodward, of Sanan
gelo. Texas, spent several days
in the Gap visiting his uncle
ami aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. U.
Muncy, en route to Charlottes
ville, where he will take a
surgical course in the Cniverity
of Virginia this winter.
Will Nickels left Monday
morning for (Tiarlottesville to
resume his studies of law in
the University of Virginia.
Sam Nickels returned . to
Richmond last week, where he
will again take Up {his studies
in the Richmond Medic al < !ol
Buttrick patterns and Delin?
eators for October have arrived
at Fullers.
Mrs. Cora Kilbourne spent
Sunday at Hast Stone (lap with
Miss Delia Dawn, ol Knox
ville is spending a few days in
the I lap visiting her cousins,
Misses Mary Blair and Lu'cilo
Mr. and Mrs. 11, A. W. Skeen
ami children spent Sunday
down in the ('ovo with relatives
Miss Kachel ( raft left Mon?
day for Bristol, where she will
attend school at the Virginia
Institute this winter.
Mrs. Isaac ('. Taylor and little |
daughter, Lucile, who have
been spending several weeks
with relatives in Cincinnati and
Detroit, returned home Wednes-J
day night.
Miss Julia Cox spent a few
days at Koda this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Bruce, of
Washington, D. ('., are spend?
ing several days in the (lap
visiting Mr. Bruce's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bruce.
Mr. and Mrs. Koss Kyle and
children, of Middtcsboro, Ky ,
are spending several days with
Mr. and Mis. W. M. Kyle near
the K. & N. station.
Mrs. W. N. Wagner returned
Friday from Tip Top, where
she has been spending several
days with her daughter, Mrs.
Misses Alice and Flora Bruce,
who are teaching at DorollOStor,
spent the Weekend in the (lap
with liomofolks.
Miss Ida Baker spent Satur
day and Sunday at Koda with
Miss Georgia Cox, one of the
accommodating telephone oper?
ators, spent Saturday and Sun
day at Koda with her sister.
I Mrs. .1. II. Smith, of Rich
lands, is spending several days
in the Cap with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McCorkle
on Poplar Hill.
Miss Kathleen Kitten, of Dot,
spent a few days in town this
week with her sister, Mrs. .1. A.
Gilnier, en route to Abingd?n,
where she will attend school
this winter at Martha Wash?
ington Seminary.
Miss Corrinne Taylor return?
ed Saturday from Norfolk,
[where she has been spending
a few days with friends.
Misses Myrtle Kiggs, Maxie
Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Plan
Oilly and Jim Gilly, of Fast
Stone Uap, attended the show
Saturday night.
LOST, Strayed or Stolen?
one yearling heifer, red color
with white spot^. Anyone
finding it will please notify me
und receive reward forservices.
Kinds, v Horton.
Misses Bertha and Ethel
Kennedy, who have been spend?
ing the summer in the Gap
visiting '.heir sister, Mrs. M. K.
McCorkle, loft Satnrday morn?
ing for their home in Umatilla,
Florida. I
Rylahd Craft, of Gate City,
spent a tow days in the Oap
last week with homofolks.
Henry Buiiitt left Saturday
morning for Andover, N.J.,
where he will attend school this
Henry L. Lane, who has a
position with the Black Moun?
tain Coal Company, spent Sun?
day in the Gap with his family.
Miss Jule Bullitt spent a few
days last week at Keokee vis?
iting her sister, Mrs. J. K. Tag
Mrs. Guy Stono is spending a
few days in Norton this week,
visiting her brother, Sherman
Miss Kli/.al>oth Ktlwards, of
Appalachia, is spending Several
days in the (lap visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ed Taylor.
An excellent line of Roman
striped silks at F?llers.
Joshua F. Hullitt, Jr., left
Saturday for Oharlottesville
where he will attend Bchool at
the University of Virginia
John Allen Goodloo and W.
Ii. Mathews left Monday for
Blacksburg, where they will
attend school at the Institute.
John Pox, Jr., returned last
week from an extended trip to
New York.
(ieorgia Scalen, the year
old daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.
Beaton, of Cadet, happened to a
very painful accident Sunday.
She was playing on an old rail?
road turn table near the L. A'
N. depot ami fell bruising her
leg badly.
Miss Maggie Hilly returned
last week from a visit lo hoi
grandmother, Mrs. Nancy (iil
ly, at the home of J. K Lipps,
at Wise, who has been very ill
for the past several months,
owing to her extreme age, Ill?
ing 00 years old.
i in Thursday and Friday <>i
this week Greenwood and Bur
gest. at Appalachia, will have
their Millinery Opening, when
they will have on display n
large and complete line of fall
and winter millinery. It will
interest you to attend.
Miss Georgia Brown, who
has been the attractive guest of
Mrs K. Drennen, returned to
her home in Jenkins, Ky., Sat
u relay.
Vivion Mousor left Monday
for Andover, N. .!., whore he
will attend school the coming
A. K. DoBush, of Dry den,
spent Sunday in town visiting
his sister. Mrs. Floyd \\ ilt, on
his return from attending the
Baptist Association at Appala?
Miss Sarah Lovell, of Cincin
nati, spent a few days in the
(lap last week visiting Mrs. .1.
I.. McCormick.
Mrs. C. L Chapman left last
week for her homo in Pennsyl?
vania, where she w ill spend a
few weeks with relatives.
Rev. J. T. Watts, of Rich
inond, together with the pas
tor, Rev. J. B. Craft, will com?
mence a revival meeting in tlu
new Baptist Church at Appa?
lachia, on Sunday, October 25,
R. K. Casper, auditor of tin*
Stonega Coke and Coal Com
pany,returned last week from an
extended automobile trip w ith
Mr. Present I. comptroller of the
same company, lo Baltimore,
Washington, and various other
points of interest. Mr. Pres
coil's father met him at Roan
oke, and they went for a trip
up the Sheiiandoah Valley and
will return this week, while
Mr. Casper returned home by
Mrs. R. B. Tinsloy and little
son, John Goodloe, after spend
ing the summer here visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Goodloe, left last week for
Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. W.
1., to join her husband, who is
engaged in the asphalt busi?
ness. She will spend a few
days in Roanoke and Washing
ron City visiting relatives be?
fore sailing from New York on
September 22nd.
A very succossfu! Holiness re?
vival service closed Sunday at
the BuBalo school house in the
valley above town, after being,
in session about three weeks. ]
Dinner was spread on the
grounds the last two Sundays.
A large crowd went from here
and adjoining towns to witness
the baptizing, sixteen people
being baptized. The services
were conducted by Rev. M. P.
Hinuer, or Norton, and Hev.
Monday, of Kentucky.
Produced in the immediate locality of the
present German invasion.
Aeroplane cind Derrigables
in Real Action
The Greatest War Picture ever Produced.
01117 The Spectacular Aeroplane Battle in the
?D1J clouds
*/*"J The Great Mill Blown into the Air.
S AMUZU, Tuesday, Sept. 22
10 and 20 cents
watch ri 11: skies
i> .11 right it jroil have pleuty of tum' and money to gratify a desire for know I
edge you \\ dl n.-v.'i h ivo my use tor 01 business Itut think of tin. cost
< ost of four year's course ?I s?y only * 100 a year ?'..<"><H>
I of three year's Umo ut an average oft7G net month -J.itm
Total coal . 44.?n?
Kren after a literary course, ..n.. 1.1s little if any better earning ca?
pacity, .au.I to make us* <>f it must have i further course In medicine, den
(?try, law, . li.Mni-.il v. civil, electrical or mechanical engineering at a fur
ther approNlinate cost of . M,:um)
Total.1 of college and professional ...uisc, spprotlmsteh ta.OOii
And thou a starving |iorlo<l of several yeans trying to get established
Contrast niese Courses with the \d>ani?res ol a Business Education
h'utl Combined Course, 13 mouths lultfon; board, room and Lisik? t HOCoO
Dlflettince in cost ss.vio.v.'iti
Only one year gone Si\ years as red 13,903,80 saved Six Veara In which
(b gain experience In business -"i\ years to get i ?lau in Hie Sl\ years asso?
ciation with business men, six year- io lake advautage of opportunities, six
years to gel and lie established
Think of it Doesn't II really look foolish to spend ?i\ years at a cost of
s- ."?". mi in prepariug for profession! thai tn- already crowded? There Are
eitough doctors In Koaiibke lo dootbi the entire State and enough lawyers to
k. cp ill.- entire Slate lu trouble,
If you have ,1 desire for college education and not the money, eel one of our
courses, and It will pay your way through college Wiitu lii and wo will tell
you how io do it.
has just oiMMicd with the largest bogi tnlng enroltntenl i" the history
school, New -indents are enrolling diily Many will enroll this week,
cuss this proposition with your parenU and friends, If \vc are right, you -11011111
lose in. time in enrolling. Add rest,
E. M. COULTIEK. Pros.. Hoanoko. V.i.
XrX-' ? - -=J- SHfltH
Ls) r?'l t^?l ;.?] L'Qi1 ts j f .-J Lsi;I ^ l f L^i 1 L',r r.n is M ?l Lb > f ?l Lsi r^J IL i teil STT?l ?g| raJ tin |?JlsTi^ fql tsft^l
I Life's Greatest Joy 1
u I
j] (.lind furniture will add a hundred fold to the joys of jg]
your home like wise to your comfort,
Make your wife happy by telling her to pick out that
new set she has been wanting for so long a time.
Then watch the chance in her countenance?note tin
joyous spring to her walk, to every action. ral
Try it. You'll feel better yourself. L]
South-West Insurance Agency
Jlncor porntotl
Eire, Life, Accident and Casuality In?
surance. Fidelity and Other Bonds
Real Estate and Commission Brokers.
Office in Intonuont Building BIG STONE GAP, VA.
Burgess' Pure Food Store
and order a
vU lb. Stick of Beverly Flour
Made from the best native wheat of Scott County and
ground by an old fashioned water power mill. It makes the
best and healthiest bread possible. You will be pleased.
Try it.

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