OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, September 08, 1915, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1915-09-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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\n^u^@K%^\^^fr^- our.; ~S I
? ^^^^^^^) jPRUG STQRB j I
^^^^-^^--s. Learn to bury at"
fejp // Drug Si-ore?
, _f/^r~' Stgdrioiiery,
v^P^/mTw sch?o1 supp^
Our Drug Store is headquarters in this city for
I School Supplies. We took purticulnr cure to lenrn
exactly what the children would need in each grade
and we purchased just what is necessnry for them.
Come to US for your School Supplies and wc
will give you what you want at the right price.
it Kelly Drug Company
Zt/ic fflcxaH Store
. ;tnil M m Aiilirrv} I ?ibhiIi
iiujiN tili . .11 ii i.. 11.111?t; l-hi'ii
linn in liiu Si mm i Iiip.
n\ < His MiuisiM ;iiiil i' i
Ii-, .1 r , Ini i 'I uns.l.n morn
r?>r SViiHliiiiclon ?liiy, wher
Miss Sun Hue!
ilTj ..f VViliOiH
onilinu a few
itor, Ky
p, vvus in ilm oily P'ri.iltiy
.1 i 'oiiiIih, of 11 ir/.u ?!, ? y
it. Saturday in t h? * lup.
IH BUNT. ? Apai tiiinotH ati
ns in Tonrititie Btiililiiif
? l\ i,. II. I.. Parkii, Miuiiik<
itO VlHtl) llnl.'l.
linn Malinl Willis rotiirnc
Iii} froiii Knoxvillo, Trim
iru lim lias li?iiii Hpoiiilin
oral weeks visit jriu hiir nistfe
< Dr. Kiiiirj Naif
[. V .lessen, wlio ir. employed]
l.v i lie Norfolk .\ w ustern itrtiL
way in thiilr ({eheral plllces nt
Kotinoko, Rpenl s.unlay in tin
il:i|i vi:-iimi; Iii-- parents, Mr.
ami Mrs. I<\ Hi .lessee,
Tin' Indies ?.f l!i.; Stone Uup
are ill VI toil In al I in.I I In- iiiiliii
i i y opening iif (Ircohwood ami
Harness, al Appuiuclitii; on
Septemlier Ifitit ami I U i h .
KilH! Ini" ol lints, suits ami
shirtwaist will In- mi display,
Mr*. II. H. Price, Jr., spent a
few hours in Apptiluchin !-"?-??
I lr ami M rs. .1. A. I lilmor
ami children, ami Miss Corn
llytitt, of JotieHviHoi Bptiiit Sun
tiny in ilni ('ovo wall ri|lulives
Miss lii-iir Hunt, of hanvilli',
who iviih formerly fur two
seasons ihn milliner fur Knllm
KroH.jin tlioOnp, hasiiccopleiln
'position with l?*uIUt Urort., at
Appnliichin, ihis' season.
I .1. H. Collier left Sunday
? night fur Cincinnati ami Louis
\ ill.-, where he spent a feiv ilays
Ihis iiilc fall ami winter goods.
ity-tlvu herds i>l land bri tho south siilo of Wallena Hlduo
i iitltiii n| n luilc] fi.?lii nu.l lionil wagoil way from main n>:t<l into this
n. through *aiil I m.l ihr vimi-muml Two g.I ?prlngn Onu htiiitlrcil ami
ilou tlirifiy yutiog iipplo trws Improvm.|* coti?Ut of a \hxra room linked
, ?tabinnhil ?srtli. All of sai.l laiul 1? iiiiih-r g.I fmiofl Will -.-11 tho n.llow
ict of laml witli fanning Impltmioiitx, a j.il pair of old fanii limb* anil bar
ivhgoh; ont! innro Urn ynars oM, Uvo lniiiilriil IoisIioIh corn foragd crop, nm
.hay, for tlio suni of Klghl lluutlnti 1 'ollar.v A bargaiu, Apply to
M. V. WELLS, Big Stone Gap. Va.
Raclforcl State Normal School
In- StaU) Normal School fur Women at Itaitfortt i* ojion forty-ol?bl weck? Wich
Sat* Nttuita bchsIoii open* HHpUmtlwr lt. I1M?
ii'w liulliiliigR, im?) water; line woiiory, ami excellent lioallll ...iiilltllnmt,
iitinilwi aim variety nf eoiirscH oll'crtil. Bacli conniu lontl* to a Virginia
inr'a certificate OVniriUia In liomosllc Science, Manuel Aits.itr h'reo tiiitioti|
i liom mill all those promlHiiig to toai Ii
'ntalogun, bonkli'i of vioirxi ami rull infWuiaitou sent on reqiicnl to
j. p. McCUNNELL, President, E. Radford, Va.
\& ----- [-'
Bodily Strength Must Come
From The Blood
To ho strong ami vigorous your blood must be in
|k{ right condition. The most effective and pleasant rem
raj edy (or making rich, fed and invigorate blood is our
I contains tli< necessary amount o( lion to
Ifj strengthen the blood it contains a sufficient quantity
?l of the finest quality Extract of Beef?and the'Wine
si contained in it is well aged, inelloxv and <>f fine llavor.
It is pk-asant to take and prompt in results.
Price 75 cents.
Mutual Drug Company
Tan lac Agents
lei __ ral
Miss Mary Carnes has accept?
ed :i position for the wio*?-r
term, in ihu school at Virgini i
Mr. ami Mrs. Hugh Slump
ami childrou, who have been
spending the summer on th**ir
I farm in the Cove, moved bm-k
to I lie (lap Mondit) .
Auk any neighbor who Im* it
M A.I KSTM '. which i* the best
range iniiile, ihen come to our
ONSTItATiON week ofSepI
13, and I. i the man from Ilm
factory show you whj Mam I
bleil Urns.
ICdwnril .1. Rose, a proihinenl
New Y?>rk lawier, Spent a few
?lays iliis week in the flap, en
i onte !?> Orutidy mi professional ,
Pr. I? K i )n w nut 111 .1.s- I
ville Mm.-I.i \ miiriiilig On pro. I
fessionul biiHiness.
MisK (instar i I'nrsons left
this week for Itudford, where!
she will attend school this
winter at the State Normal
DOii'l fail t.i see my new hats
before buying, All Ilm latest
styl.es nud shapes: Mrs. M. O.
N ickels.
Misses Mary Skeen, of this
I place, ami llllliy Willis, of
East stone Oap, are leaching
in the Bullale School aboveI
nine Spring, this y our,
MisH Elizabeth Connor is
spending several days ai Nor?
ton visiting Mis. Win. Hall.
Miss Cora Hyatt, of .limes
villi , is Spending a few days in
lew ii visiting relatives and |
Miss Elizabeth Sprinkle, of
Wilder. KllSScll I 'utility, is
attending school here'.his year.
Greenwood and Hurgess, <d|
Appalaeliiii, wish to announce|
i lint tjio) wiIIcurry , tins season, j
in uddii ion in iin-ir niiltiuei j.
coals, suits und shirtwaist*
(.'all ami see tliein.
Miss Ktllh I'teseutt will leave!
this w. ek lor Sliiunlon. where]
she will ,ill..ml seh.ml at Mary
I '.a Iii iv in Si'tniiiary this year.
W. .1. Kiihhurd, of Hichiiioml,
\'a , Grund Lecturer of the!
Grund linyitl Arch Chapter ofl
Masons, has been here for sev |
hriil dav s giving instruct ions in
lite local loilge
M. I! Mel'oik I.' left Sumhiv j
night on a business irip u>\
I >ione, Iv en l lick y .
Mr. and Mrs U I, HyltOll
have returned from a ton days' i
visit to relatives ami friends at
.1 ohnson (Uly and M a COB
A 11 the Senior Epworth Leag
tiers are invited to attend u |
social ai Um -i:.- Mi lliodist ,
parsonage noxl Thursday even
ing, from - to lo o'clock.
Mr. ami Mis Heniv GilllierJ
of Nun..a. Miss AdiiliideShook,
of Nashville, and Miss Kalle
11 raj . of Noi folk . u ere in tin'
t lap Monday, as the guests ol
Dr. ami Mrs. Wtignor al lie
Mel hod ist pui so nage,
'i'he people who know niiisi
about ranges invariably buy
the MAJESTIC. The man
from the factory will explain
wh) if von \ isit Our SI'ECIA I.
TI ON um' week commencing
Sept. HI Hamiden Bros.
The < Inild of i Ihrist Church
will l.I a I I he home of M i s.
?Inoi W. Chalk ley Thursday af
terneon at. four o'clock.
Arnold Wampler, of Nickels,
ville, spent, a few days in I tit)
(Jap lust week visiting Ins
sisters, Miss Margaret Wampler,
and Mrs. .1. I'.. Dougherty.
Holier). Hnmilion, of Middles
burn, is visiting his aunt, Mrs.
M. V. Wells, in the (lap.
Gordon Gilly, our jolly post?
master, and Martin Wells, snout
a few days last week with a
camping party from Keokeo,
j m-ar 11 ni lau, K V
Mr and Mrs. Waller Penning,
ton and Kobort t)rr, of Pen;
niugton Gap, spent Eriday in
the Gap, the guest of Mrs. w.
S. Beverly.
Donald I'rescott will leave
this week for Pennsylvania,
where he will attend school at
the State University this
Kunsnm Payne spent Sunday
and Monday in Scott county
visiting friends.
Miss Kdna Catron has resign?
ed her position us teacher in
the Kuirview school, in Scott
county, and has acceptetl aj
position in the Roda school,
with .Miss Vergio Bounds, from
Mrs. J. K. Moss, of Appala
ch'n, ?jw?nt Sunday in town vis
itlng |i(>r daughter, Mrs. ('. 1*.
.'?'ploUa. I
Miss Fannie Bass, of Stonogti,
spent several days in the 'lap
List \vc?<k visiting friends
Mrs. ('. K. Camp, of Dante,
spent a few days in the Gap
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J, L..
Met 'urmu-k . last week.
Si ,- my new hats in hlnck
and whlto and all tin' leading
r.ilnrs. Mn. M fj. iVickola,
Miss 'I'heloin Baker, who is|
i>- idling school near L'oeburn,
Hf ?tut i Siitnrdu) and Sunday
with liomofolks in tin' t lap.
Miss Mas re Unugheriy, of
Cincinnati, is spending kovernl
day a in the Gap visiting Mrs.
U . SV. Taylor.
The regular inonthl) inciting
of the Woman's Civic Lengde
will hn held in tin' i Mil I''. Hows
Hull mi Piiilay afternoon at
I..in o'clock A full ttttendanec
is requested.
1 >r. VV ngner Ii is in hi1- garden
I stalk <>f cum hearing seven
niirti of corn
M i-<s Gh'ssiO 'oily, who is
touching at Uoaring Km k , spent
Saturday and Sunday with
llOtnofolks in tin- (lap.
Born in Mr :i in I Mrs. M. K
iiniknnon l.ist Thtirsdiiy, a hoy
I''. S. Woiuhwtdl, ?>f tin- Stun
ego t'nki- and Ooiil Company;
spi'iit Mnnilii) in Ihn Hap on
Misto J!ule Bullitl is spending
this wnnk in Renken visitiiigher
sister, Mrs. .1. K. Tuggart.
Mis. Corn MahallVy and little
sister, Both, spent Sutliriloj Iii
Piirde? visiting relatives.
Di (j Sl i in. nf i iidn City,
Miss l'Vjiia Graber, sifter u I
brother, M II Gr?ber, :ii (libl
pliiee, rolni neij in her Imme in
IlUiiiHVillo l ist Aridity.
VV; T. AIsover and fuinil\ L'fl
Tiiostht v fni i ?iarlittti-, N. <' .
win i. llm> v ill reside, Mr.
Alsovur having npeiieil an
olllee in thai eil \
.lohn < ? ill\ ?- oni' dnw ii from
Norton Siimlm und spenl tin
day hrm wiiji hoihofolks.
Mrs i i .1 Brown and Unheil
lirowiii "i Middli'shom, spent
last week in ihn flap visiting
relatives, returning home Mon
day. Mr. Brown came up Sun
? lay morning and a.impanied
Ii is wife honte Manila j inuruiug.
1 Tlio Clinch Valley llapfist
Association will meol nl t ink
(Jleh Church, near Goto (Jity
this week, coinntemting on to
tlighl B.iv, .1. I!. (rafl and
Hie (inlegnti from this place
will leave tins afternoon In]
ill ten.i i In' I..'lalion.
I.. It. Ilowiiy.l, nf Peiiniuglon
t llip, editor in I hn I. t illllllt)
'Sim, was in town last Tlnnsdil)
Inn Imsiiiess.
I Mi s Lillian VVnlfe rOinr.I
lliisi week ft.>m Scott (.'mi nly.
w in-re sin- w em in tench school,
in nccepi a position in the
(public school at KllBl Stone
I Mr and Mrs lien. I.. UoX
arrived in the 0tip last Th?rs
Idny ami spent a few days here
before gmng to Kasi Stone Gap,
where Mi. lies; is principal pi
Itho public school, which com?
menced mi Mundil) nf this
Don't take anybody's word
for it?insisl mi knowing how
a range is imtdOi inside and mil.
and you will buy hut one in a
lifetime, A range expert, will
he in charge I,f nur SPEOtAL
TIOM for one week, commonc
ing Sept. 13th. Ask him.
Kambien Bros.
Two children nf II. (Miisan
hall, who lives on I'igenn
('reek, in this cojnty, were
badly burned one day last week
by the explosion of a keg of
powder in thti yard of their
Imme. We did not learn the
cause of the explosion.
'The town is putting a now
llonr on the drive ami walkway
of the Boat fifth Street bridge,
and otherwise repairing ami
improving it. J.S Beamnn
has charge of. the work, which
is lining done under the super
vision of the mayor.
Bcv. T. .J. Crumley, of
l'ennington Gap, will preach
at Bulau Methodist Church on
next Sunday at II A. M. and
8:15 P. AI. lie will preach at
tlio Highland Park at 3 o'clock
in the aftoruoon on the same
We Sell Buggies
At Reasonable Prices
LSI We arc exclusive agents for the famous "Parry
[s Buggies" manufactured by Parry Manufacturing
f(oJ Company, of Indianapolisi Ind.. tbc largest carriage
iQ| factor) in tbc world; We invite you to call and let
us sbow you through our line.
Buy A Good Buggy Now!
ral ?1-GSU
151 Ohe that you will be proud to sbow your friends p?)
one that will give yon ill tli? com fori you could wish
raj for. and tho wear of .1 lifetime. Also a complete ,:"
fel ol Delivery Waifons. Cm:, ami Surries.
W. W. Taylor & Sons
<?> '' <?>v v- .'?>. ' ?>> <*> <?> <*> & <?>
'' & V * '' 'iv y * '# <1 ?" c- <*> >> c?> c<
|$ Millinery Mil?nery
:\ i n i I K
% Millinery Millinery
. 5?;
/? '? C" *3*> ?i'C" ?$?>? S?- .'?*:' .
' ,\ w v*)- ?? . ?
N.. !>;,?. N?C|.??. In-M,.n.i.?. M?Vo iKn fool PIKEPHIIOF of FIRE-.
INVIIINO. A ?i..,n,i>ioo( tu?! Ihm will ha? roll from all 'vuair ?nd U.l aa
kink- aa Ilm builJltK.
For Sal* hy
"j'jy-K Y!,?CINIA Ca'?i?4"<!
SoconJ Week iaOcUer 1915
1 October 11-12-15-14-15-16 M
l ic< t/iiii's Groat Annn.it Exposition
Gci Ready /k f?
I You Are Cordially Invited t
To Attend llic Opening of the
New Millinery Store
which will Ik: opened m the room for?
merly occupied by Nickels Grocery
Company. All the Latest Styles in
Ladies, Misses and Children's Hals
Hats will l>e on display the last ol this
Iweek. Will give my opening on Fri?
day and Saturday, Sept. 17th and IKth.
Mrs. M. C. Nickels
ft Big Stone Gap, Virginia
11 B

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