OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, March 08, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1916-03-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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Wednesday and Thursday
M AUCH l?tli mul Kitli
as their
Spring Opening
of ;m unusual collection of tin- latest fashion developments
m distinctive and exclusive models m
H/o?iiox and Bischof Suits and ( "oat s and their jjeiteriai
Spring and Suuiiner lines which eoih prise a complete
showing' of the newest ill Ladies and Men's we.,ir'j i'i- ? <
Cioods, Notions and Novelties in every line that repre?
sent the much wanted materials and styles that are so
delightfully dillereut from the Ordinary wear.
A cordial invitation is extended to you t<> visit our
store during tin- above set days and al ai'iv time you
want the newest and liest in depeiidabli ^oods at fair
7j/ic Quality S/iop
Appalaehia, Virginia
1 >r; .V. 1 >. Wood
i'rtPtlor lliiiltoil t? .Ii.-, im . i>| ili.<
Kyc, Kar, Nose and Throat
W ill be in tpjialactila eicrj Saturday
Office ?vlifa Dr. Uotli pve'i IVwIotfi? .
r or a short | >ei iod
only, commencing
March Ist. wc will
accept contracts for
wiring your resi?
dence at a special
ca m p a i ? n p r t c e,
which figure will be
cheerfully furnished
upon request at the
nearest district ol
fice ol the Com
pan v.
Absolutely Free
ofchargc during the mi mtli
of March i<> each new
subscriber accepting the
above otter. .\s this per?
iod is limited we would
suggest that our proposi
lion be investigated at
Electric Transmission Co.
of Virginia
Ulli STONE OAP and
< (wing l<> tin? lind w , at her the
revival services at the Baptist
church cloned Tie -'lav night,
Uov. Brooks!, ni Cm Inn M. will
return in April ami continue,]
tin- services
M s. .1. F. Moss is eiili \illv
Wo ire glad t.. welcnlpo Mrs
Vailght ami .Ii il.) r.n who ri'-j
turned Friday nielli from ii jwu
months' visit to Mrs \aught
parouts in i Ikluhimljl
Nadyno ami Jnrnlihc Collier,
who have booh very iiicli Uii;
both ?Hin-Ii better.
Mr. ami Mrs F. I! Moiisei
linn daughter} Sara, spent Sun
iliiy al Big Stone (!hp with Mr
ami Mis i Mis Moii-er.
Miss Brownie McKenzie spent
Sunday at Stonega.
Mrs. Will Jones, of ?>-.?. > i
the guest of Miv ii. I.. Maddux
Mrs. i lihson. who has h en
visiting Mrs. it, W Hollcji i. i
the |iasl two weeks, returned to
her homo at Middloaboro Stiiur
day night
l'rof. II. I.. Sulfrhlgc spent
Thursday and Friday al IC el.
foil attending the Teachers'
Meeting of the Sixth tit ill .Ninth
I ?isli ids.
Mr. .1. C Gibson arrived in
Appnlaehia last WodnvStlat
with bis bride. Mr. Gibson is ..
popular contractor lure, and
lias many friends who wish
him ami his bride a long and
happy life.
Miss Irene Hunt, of llanville,
milliner for Fuller Brothers |> -
partition) Store, arrived here
last Tuesday night. Miss Hum
was here last season and in ule
many friends.
Mr and Mrs. W. II Kdwaids
are spending some time in St
Irvine Hutf spent Slind-.l) in
Mi- Hannah Mac Hamilton,
[who has been in business in
Griltldy, the past year, is assist
ling Miss Burgess in the millin
lery store of Greenwood & Bur
Miss Mamillen i
IukI Ingini
in lowii Said
I I 'c 11 ? 1 > 11 III.
v anll Sn ml:
?. ,?11. r.f N'or
?ral ilavB
Mrs It'll M.n., ijfthi.? jiltu-o,
Assisi ? li I.e. , Ilm sister, \| iss
If111>\ Kemper, nt l'.ig Sinne
(Jap, i|. li.;hl!'iill> . iilei taiiii'ii
lila III Ii - .1 Iii-' Ajipalaehi?
facility Satjiti'ilay uf lorwnui
friitii '. I(i I.. IVogreHslve
Konk was pluyeili full..wing
ihhvij llijwt'r conii'sd Delieiotis
r. l'i. -I.in. nls wliii'h cmisisli il
ul' .i Slllail an I i.' . ..iir-i' wer?
I'liarminh riofvial.
i 'i. |?'i i.lay eVU?tli
Mrs. Sura Atkins, of Birming?
ham, Alabama, will give a vo?
cal recital at the Baptist
Church. -Mrs. Proctor Brown,
of Bristol, will accompany her.
The proceeds will go for saiil
On Monday nigln the Appal
aohiii lliub School will give a
play for the benefit of Atholot
' John Joho ami Toni Walker
were among the salesman who
sp"nt Sunday here.
Mr. B. II. Crisier is in Plrio
ville, Ky., on a business trip.
<leo. Burks spent Saturday
ami Sun.lay at Uooburn with
Mr. ami Mrs. .lim Gilly, ?f
M uhlh'shore, are guests at the
Windsor Hold.
Wilma Cri/.er is confined to
her room with tonsiiiiis.
Mr. nod Mrs. .lessee Nelson
and children, of ('orbin, Ky.,
are visiting Mrs. Nelson's sis?
ter, Mrs. I lamp (Irizer.
Roanoke Lady
Praises It.
lor Five Years Sought In
Vain For Remedy. At
Last Finds It. Now
Thousands of people, right |
here in Virginia are loudly |
praising the wonderful new
reined >. no w k n d w n
around the world as a great
stomach. kidney and liver!
remedy of the most tiuilsual
M ri; il II Kay horn, just re
ceiltly moved to Bouudke from
Chiy, Kentucky, and prior to
coming was constantly under
Iroatnii nt t..r her trouble; She
saysj Pains bi the most severe
nature seemed to pierce cle'tr
through lily' stomach after enp
ifig and I always seemed blunt
e.l and my stomach almost id
wat s sour and freniented. t ?n
ai riving here upon the recoup
nutnlhition of a druggist I knew
h ick home, I begun talking Tan-1
lac, which I found was sold at
the Vati Lear Brothers Pliai
niacj and from l lie v orv lirs.
I noticed results and the second
bottle pains all disappeared and
I am fooling so much hotter in
every way. 1 want tu person?
ally testifx to lanlae's merit.
People sull'ering from these
all too prevalent ailineiits, iho
; symptopis of w hicli are oom
iiionl v .nidigeslion onn-t ipat ton,
I nervousness, Ions of sleep, la in)
ache-,, sluggish blood, mim!
und liver, should not wait until
conditions caused by imperfect
coordination of the vital organs
conquers them, hut should at
"nee go to the Mutual Drug
t'onlpuiiy ami get a buttle pi
runlne. adv.
Dickcnson County Business
Man Dies.
If reeling, V?;, March :; - -.John
Self, aged hbd.ui .'10, of Dwale,
dieij on Thursday, after a hi i, f
illness. Self was a prominent
business man, having been
j,quite actively identified with
he night before
The labcative tablet
jth the pleasant taste
have the exclusive
Hing rights for tin*
great laxative
'?TTiedford's Black-Draught
is the best all-iuund medicine
lerer used," writes J. A.
Stcclman, ol Pattonville, T exas.
"I sullered terribly with liver
troubles, and could j;cl no relict.
The doctors said I had con?
sumption. I could not work at
alt. Finally I tried
and to my surprise, I uot belter,
and am to-day as well as any
man." Th edf ord's UI a c k -
Draught is a general, cathartic,
vegetable tivcr medicine, thai
lias been regulating irregulari?
ties ol the liver, stomach and
bowels, lor ovrr 70 years, (let
a package today. Insist on the
gcnuine-^-Triedford's. Ii-70
lllisiu?: interests in West Vir?
ginia, Kentucky nod Virginia.
Hit leaves a willow unit two
Wo have a .*o(l(>;<K> linldwjii I
I'ittlio. good hs now, wo otTorl
for la mi on the following!
tcriiiH ji'Jii.UO down and j-s m
per month. We nl?n have i
now <A)S\) no l'lavrr I'idllO Wl
offer l or I Iti.Ot.l", ; .low o I
and loji.it I per inotil h. Wdllhl |
lake a good hdrse or pony am
buggy on either.
(J. C. Hl. VNKI.NM1U-.
doiiesvillo, Va.
Public Sale
0( Valuable Properly in
Norton, \'a.
lHth day of March, 1916,
between the hniirs ill' la <.'. leek. a. m
., i.i a clock |i. in . lit Hi.- froiit dii ii i
Ii-.- I nllelt Stitios I'i'St ' >lliee; in th<; Otw
ofNorhnu'Virginia i'tlei lor saUiahU si
to llii. hljiliesl ami host bidder, Ihr to
ImrhiK rial anil personal ptopcHV, I.
I'll I ivo lot* inu'iheie,l .Ii', aid ;
in Mock iiiiiiilHtreil to. iiii a {il.it, noli re
iilli ate of die Norton I mi.l And liiipiov,
in. al i ompaiiv luioivnas plat No t i
Norton, dated"the Mind dav of dime, A 1>
IS'.U. recorded in Ilm 1 Ink\- < Uli. e .
\\ Ihfl ' ouniy . Virginia, ii. deed hook N.
J... |..ea...l.;:t,- .iHlnKih.ijiro.h.'rl.vavl.iri
s,a..ii l- onr Ml iuiiill?:rikl ?O Iii Iiliii
Itichiu the pro|iri(y Allow Mr, T M
(lliorry now res West]
Third : < Inn li'U iiuinWred in l|loel
'.'?..>ii a plat with ccrtilliiato by tin: Nor
'ton Land and linprovciiiuiil 'Comp.tin
known n< I'lut N.Nlirioh, .I.e.',
and recorded as almvc set oui lie-s un,
I.. Inj. nnown Iii? Mi-. Sail I Lou i
all heal inn dale on ihe hllh il.iv i.t Mat ,
III) I. pavablo to the unter ill .1' K. liuii
n.Un al The National Hunk of Norton*
willi inleresl 11? on date, - on, being iiiiui
hclcd rroni I'J lo 111i IniiIi inclusive, and
lilt and 111. .til litTiifj for Hie sinn of
if I., oi eNeepl No III. ii bcli'i? fill i lie
MUii of s.'i 00. and Nitniliei I'.' Is payable
oii tlio tlllh day ol November. IHK, and
tin- otliei notes ate payable en Ihe mill
day of fmdl successive uiontli thereafter
mail all are paid, e\eep! thai HUund
111 an- payable, rosilerilyi.ly, si\ mid
sisvdu iliontlm after lo:. Hie said Holes be?
lli); secured bv ., veiidoi s Hen ..ti real i>
latit In Norton Va . die said real estate
now being the property of .1 W I At ton.
w ho has assumed payment of the above,
mentioned notes.
Terms of Sale.
One I'ourlh cash oh ti e day of sale, and
the balance payable in Ihre? eipnd install
nients in six, Iwilve an,li-j^linsn months,
lesp. i t iM l v Ii, in the day ??) -ale. the llc
fetred payments lo lie seillrcd, in Ihe
ease ol tin- o il u?UMi bv vendors liens
retained ,,o Ihe respective tot*, and in
ia.se of the. personal pi.ti.orty bv hegotl
able note* with appiood iicnsirwi -.
I he property will be sold tree of liens,
Side of the p. iv.niil p.'..perty will be
made at private sale, subject to approval
01 til lei. c.
T he Trustee resorves the rigid I" o loci
any and all bids,
i'or further Information hoc I'. II,
Kline, T rustee, Norton, Va.
(Hvou Under my h ind this 10th day ol
Februar). 1010
r. it Ki.inv..
Keb'Ms-ll ,Trustee.
D. F. ORR,
1 HB.co in Polly Ii nil.Im.;
Offl ?<> llmr-.?-i Ul 13 i?. in.: 1,1?. fi u m
Tronts DI sonnes of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
vViii bo In Anplanchla Thir.i
Friday In Lach Month.
General Blacksmith
Repair Work.
Itollcj in.I Machiuu Repairing. H?rne
shoeing a specialty. Wanoii ami Buggy
Work, Wo inako a specially of puttin -
on rubber (1m Ml work given prontji
ami careful attention.
BIr Stono Gap. Vn.
Big Stono Gap, Va.
Wngoii ami l!ug:y work A Specialty.
I have an tlp-tu-dal? Machine for pulling
on Itul.l.cr I ik'k All work given prompt
Doctor W. A. Baker
? if? Stone Gap, Va.
(illleti in llaiiiblcn Itrtilhers Store,
kcitidcncc Phone 7-. Office Phone .io
Ref ractionlst.
treats diseases id the Rye, l:ar, Note
and rhroal.
Will It in ,\p|..\l.i.-bia KIKST 1KIHA\
in rajah month until it I'. M.
Dr. (I. ('. tlonoyciitt
(Jftieti in \\ lllii lltiudlng tivor Mtitiia.
Will be in i litii lip itl every Saturday
vll and Mining Engineers.
; stono Gap. Vn. Harlan,Ky
[?ports anil estimates on Coal and Tim
I. in.1-, Design oi.l hniis <>f Coal an
naiu-. I in.I. I tail road and Min
iuecriiig. Ule. irio Itlun I'riutttig.
I )r. .1. A. Giliuci;
Pliysltinh and Surgeon
Kl li'i: Over Miintil DrugStoru
Bip; Stone Gap, Va.
V. & S, W, Railway
In l-lleci I ebruary 15th, I9U.
LKAVKS llli.j STO>?K fiAi>
So. 1 daily 11:05 m. for Itristol at-.i i.'
tertiietliute pnltits, I'tillinini sl.ee, :
Louisville to llristul. IdimcoU will
N. .v W for point* Kiiat and Son. It
Oil |?'lnis South and We.-i.
No. ;l daily, except Sunday, 11:11 a.m.
for St. ('liailcK an.I tut u r lit e d I a t e
r p. in. for
nt.v Con
ilia Last,
lap wit I.
, IC.gers
;.tpply t
tot, Teiin
nn^iun?? Srhedu!.; in Fffect
Nov. ?.!?>. UUl
LKAVK S tfltTll X-I1:I.V a. in. Mr
byiichbtifg an.I iiitormcdutfe stu
tlons I'lillinan ,-lie|? i llluotleld i?
Philadelphia via lliigcrsiown, ami
I'lillmau s],, |.,t Itounoko to Kloh
:.i lilmllcld With traiiw . Westbound,
i'ulluiaii sleeper to Cincinnati and
LKA VK NOII rO.N >:tl(l p, lor points
North.1 Kast mid WeaL
LKAVK liltlSTjlL? Pally, ?:i!5 u. in.
for Kast Itatjfordi Itoanoke, l.yiuli
bttrgj I'eieriburg, Richmond ami
Norfolk. I'lillinan I'arlor Car Id
Iticlitiidnd II...moke tu llagersiowii.
IMIIinah idecpor Ifaifumlowii to New
5:00 !? n. foi Norfolk and intenncdlato
polnU, 1'iilliiiaii Sleepers to Norfolk
1 p. in anil r ","> p. in. (limited.) Solid
trains with pllllinan sleepers to Wasp I
iiigton, llaltiiin.ro; I'lillailolphta ami
New Vork via Lynchbuig. boos not
lll.ike local stops,
12:10 p.m. dally for all points betweor.
Bristol ami l.ynubburg. Connects at
Walton at ri:4(l p. in. with (be Chi.
cago Kxprcss for all points west and
If ton an- thinking of laking a trir
Yol want quotations, ohcapcsl fare, re?
liable aiid correct Information, as to
routes, ttain schedules, tbe most comfort
ible and ?pil?kest way. Write and Ilm
Information is j.mrs for the asking, will,
one ..I ..in complete Map K?hlen,
W. 0. Sil nim.iis, ti. p, A.
W 1?. IJkvili.,
I'aas, Tmf; Mgr.,
Itoanoke. Va,
|.i Sunday, :i I
iteriti. itlatc
,v_ W. lor p..i

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