OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, January 02, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1918-01-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tho Federal Palace, Merlda.
SAILING Into n foreign porl nl
the break of day appears to tx>
n favorite custom with tho ?v*
eragc sen enptnin, nnd Uic orra.
Blmi to which wo write wiib no excep?
tion. For Rovornl hours our ship's
course bad been guided by dashes <rom
the friendly lighthouse, nml tho latter
wo knew stood on the Yucatan shore
nt I'rogreso. The morning broke calm
nml peacefully over the troplcnl wa?
ters of the gulf, mill soon the move?
ment of nnchor chains automatically
announced Unit tho limit hot] been
renched?tho limit of deep wnter?and
live mile* nwny lay I'rogreso, one of
the world's nioal Important chipping
Center? of hcticniien or hemp.
doing ashore nt I'rogreso in rather
nu exciting novelty if not n dangerous
experience, writes William A. Held In
ilie Hiiiioiin of the 1'sn-Amerlcan
Union, 't he sen Is nllra with sharks,
and they lire darting here and there
about lite bin ship, to the coiiHternn
tlon of the strnnger. Tita clenr waters
which blithe tliU shore seem to accen?
tuate the stsa of Ihcsa monaters, nml
while tin- visitor shudders Ihn boat?
men on the ship's tender, as we nre
bounding shoreward, announce tlmi
arrangements may then ami there he
mnda for a shark-Ashing excursion
Inter In the day.
I'rogreso from the sen presents long
rows of houses flunked on either end
by tulles of sandy beaches, while a
lull lighthouse about the center of tho
port dominates the surroundings. The
general npiwtirnncu Is attractive, and
OVCn more so whin we nolle.- tidy
buildings nnd the cleanly clothing of
even the laboring class. The time was
August ?Inn we arrived In I'rogreso??
about the very worst action of tin
year for the foreign visitor In Yuen
inn; but business matters do not wait
for the most propitious occasions. At
a mutter of fact, the winter season In
tho United States furnishes the liest
time cllmntlcnlly lot visiting Yucatan.
Few Slghta to 8ee In Progrcio.
Sightseeing In I'rogreso does not
detain the visitor. Hut the port with
Iis ?.noo people Is usually a busy one.
ns the hulk of the vast henequcn crop
pusses via I'rogreso to world markets.
The smaller ships calling for cargo
manage to draw much closer to port
than tho big ocean vessels; but when
the loog-tnlkcd-of piers nre construct
? 'I si veral miles out Into the roadstead
the handling of the country's com?
merce will bo greatly facilitated,
In the shipping season tho town
presents unusually active scenes with
Its ii neks, mules, nnd men. One might
Imagine himself amid the cotton bales
at New Orleans, so much do henequcn
nnd cotton resemble each other In the
method of shipment nnd sirs of bales.
Hy und by the day grows warmer,
and one Is glnd to board tho train for
M, tbin, :to miles southward. Travel?
ing oh this three-foot gauge road Is
cheap, being only about two cents n
mile for tin- best accommodation of
roil Slowly through the suburbs of
I'rogreso mir train steams, but Boon
ue are moving rapidly over n level
country with n dry and parched ap?
pearance, abounding In shrubs, cacti,
mid curse grasses; but to this condi?
tion Yucatan owes Its vast revenue de
rlvcd from the marvelous little maguey
plant mid Its product. Hero and there
lire breaks In the barrenness and wo
catch sigi.t of swamps With lilies and
other water plants, a relief to look
As our tr::lu proceeds, with atopa
nt Utile stations en route, the curs
me Is tier tilled, and at the sumo time
opportunities arc afforded for getting
close glimpses of the hencqucn work?
ers and their fields of maguey plants
that 110 In view from the cor window. !
Long before Righting Merlda the land- .
nape becomes dotted with windmills,
mid when Qnnlly the capltnl city la '
reached one can almost Imagine him?
self In old Holland or Harhados, about
the only difference being that Yucatan
hr.s the modcrh-Style mill. These wind?
mills explain thnt Merlda, like other
regions of the country, must pump wa?
ter from beneath the surface, so few
n-.v the bikes und streams.
Driving About Merlda.
After being made comfortable In one
of Mcrldn's hotels we start out to view
the city. There Is DO luck of vehicles
and the stranger Is literally swamped ,
with proffers of it "delightful drive." j
Most of these small carriages, gener- '
My drawn hy a single pony, have rub
r tires, nnd many are kept consplco
? y clean and Itwllluz looking, ?
spite the du-1 of the tab-urban sec- |
:t>! s of the city.
Morldfl today claims (12,000 people; [
ami among II? residents nre numerous i
families of wealth ivhlcli have
?lulli'ii riches In connection with the 1
ttrent Industry, the growing or the 1
maguey mid the production of Ii.
quen, Mcrlda, while hot nn old as the |
port of Slml, dates from 1642, when it
settlement was founded by FraiiclFco
Montojo on the alto of Hie iinclont
Maya city of Tlhoo. Today one of the
most Interesting buildings to be Been
In Merldu Ih the casa Monlejo, ?tili
well preserved after weathering the
sunshine nnd storms of centuries; An?
other edifice which every visitor
should see Is the cathedral which win
started In mill und not completed for
nearly 40 years,
For those fond of soring relics of
bygone ages n visit to the museum 1
will he full of Interest, und es|.lolly
bo If rwinie of the ancient Yncntiin
ruins nre to lie seen und explored. I"
the former one inny Inspect articles
and curios thnt have been collected
from the ruins und preserved-- really i
n link connecting the art und trade of
past centuries with present peoples.
Mcrlda, commercially, Industrially,
nnd aoclnlly has greatly Improved dur?
ing recent years, Streets und avenue)!
have been paved with asphalt, clor
Irlclty has been provided, labor-saving
inhchlncry Introduced, nnd otherwise
life and conditions have been 1.h rn
Climatically, Merldu Is hot. toil
healthful, During the hours of mid?
day the sun's rays ore extremely 1111
pleasant nod the stranger Is told to
keep in the ahnde. Cool breezes from
the nurroumllraf sens, however, often
temper :?.e flout of the whole penin?
sula, The months of March und April
nre regarded us especially trying to
tin newcomer In any part of Yuonlnn;
?Inter by far I? the host season for
ialtlng the country, and during these
months ?!.xc'iralpn to the famous
ruins existing In Several different
Paris ?f the peninsula can he ninde
with 11 fitlr degree of comfort. Tim [
temperature In Mcrlda ranges from1
aiioiii "Ti degrees to ns degrees Fahren?
Volan the Popular Vehicle.
The visitor In Merlda for the first
time will be Interested In 11 unlive vis
hide known ns the "volan," which
might he aptly termed n half brother
of the famous calash of Quebec The
Milan has two big wheels and Is usual?
ly drawn by threat ponies working
abreast; It Is provided with easy-rid
lug springs, a thick mattress floor cov?
ering offers n soft sent on the floor of
the vehicle, while 11 top with side cur?
tains protects the traveler from the
sun's rays. Highways In Yucatan have
not greatly Improved with the degree
of the prosperity Of the land, and Ihc
volan seems to he 11 popular method
of eres-, country transportation. The
sinniger out of curiosity, If for noth?
ing else. tISUnllj goes for 11 ride lu this
ntiher novel means of travel.
Mingling with the business men of
Merlda provides excellent opportuni?
ties for studying the commercial side
of affairs; and 1 found many of these
gentlemen willing to talk freely about
Yucatan's future outlook. One of the
Urs! things which teems to have Im?
pressed liself upon the average resi?
lient Is the Improved condition provid?
ed for the laboring classes, such aa
higher wages for work und generally
more freedom of union than In for?
mer years, lletter wages out on the
heneqtten plantation Is of course re?
flected In the business activities of
Merldu, for the latter la not only the
capital of the atnte but n place In
which everything centers. The work?
ing day has been reduced to eight
hours, nnd for this time the henequon
laborer Is paid the equivalent fl.uO to
?;t; live days the YucalCCan worka
und two days of the week are reserved
for rest and recreation. Ou the larger
plantations schools have been opened
at the expense of the laudowncr, and
numerous Improved sanitary regula?
tions are In force.
If the stranger tarries In Merlda be
Is likely to have opportunities for
seeing something of the homo life of
the people. Kveu during u stroll along
the best residential streets 11 glauco
Into open-door patios reveals charm?
ing flower gardens and ti degreo of
comfort and refinement hot noticeable
from outward appearances of the av?
erage private home. Many of Merlda'a
citizens are hospitable to a marked
degree, and when the foreign visitor
flnds favor and la Invited to the family
circle he Is on the road to many en?
joyable functions.
Commodity Prices Are High, but Crop!
Are Higher?The Dollar la
When Is a dollar m>( a dollar? Itc
latlve values shift so rapidly these
days that a dollar has no d. Unit?
value. It is merely n question of how
much of i he commodity you want* you
can got for the commodity you have
to exchange?whether that commodity
be labor, live slock, torn or wheat
in 1914
VAJuld ^& *
will buy W 75!-;
A bushel of corn will buy more fer?
tilizer now than It would in 19t4.
Kvcrj purchase inusl be considered on
the basis of relativ? values rather
than dollar values
The hitch quotations for spring for:
Milsers have caused man) farmers 10
ask whether It will he possible to use
fertilizers at n profit next season. The
answer lo this question may be found
by 11 comparison of the relative pur
chasing power of crops before ib.- war
and in Ills present time.
In 101-1 the usual corn fertilizer cost
\l\ per ton. Today tlie same fertiliser
costs aroiind ?'t- |i?-r ion ? nn increase
of Ml per cent. In ll*H corn was
worth about 00 cents per bushel. Ink?
ing the country over. Today 11 sells at
not less Hum Jl.tiO per bushel, on the
farm?more than Inn per cent Increase.
The saute calculation could be muds
for wheat, potatoes, or sltnoSl nuy
oilier crop (excepting In the case of
those fertilizers contiiliitng potash),
Knch Individual fanner has merely
to consider ? whether fertilizers p.tld
before the win ; If so they v*III pay
even better now.
and Crops use the sum,
food Slv hundred Ihtmsaud tons
of nitrates went tu make explosives
lust year. In the United Stan-'
Sulphuric mid necessary for Ihe
nianufaclur ? of Held phosphate la
normally made from Spanish Sul?
phur ores. Submarines hnvo now
almost enflrely cut iilt this supply.
Itrliiistone, used as a substitute
source of sulphur, must he trans
ported by rail nt great ex|ionse
from Loutslanis und Texas, slm*e
the govermuenl tins found It neces?
sary lo eoinmiindeer sulphur carry
Ing bouts.
I.nrge quantities of phosphate
rock from Florida and Tennessee
must now go by rail nt high freight
rates. Uncle Sam needs the hunts.
Higher labor, machinery, coul
ami supply costs have caused a gefi
oral advance In all raw materials
varying from Sfi to UKI per cent.
Huriap bags which normally cost
10 cents each, now coal cents and
are scarce at that.
Labor which was plentiful In
Hilt at ?S.tSl per day Is now almost
linohtslnable at fS.fiti per day.
There Can be hut one answer In
nndltlotlH such as these; nullicly
high prl.I fertilizers.
Herbert Hoover, f. S. Fond A h .1 ,.
latrntor, says there have been two
prlulclpal reasons to aceounl f..r the
present food shortage, First, Hie "1111
klridliess of nature." including the lute
Spring, droughts, hurricanes, 1.r con?
ditions of rainfall, unexpected frosts
ae.d periods of Intense bent In sections
throughout the world.
Second, he gives "reduced produc?
tivity of the soli in Kurope." Concern?
ing this. Hoover says: "This condi?
tion has been brought about by laid
management, unskilled work, and luck
of fertilizers; ami these In turn ran
be explained by ihr withdrawal of men
j from farm mid held lo army mid fats
I tnry, and the employment oil the soli
of overworked women, unskilled old
1 men ami listless prisoners. Kurther
' more the vicious submarine has sunk
boat after boat tilled with 1.Unites
1 und fertilizers, conspiring to augment
the pauperization of Ihe earth, so that
reduction in soil productivity was tu
' e\liable."
U this war Is lo be won. we shall
have lo pin several armies In the Held,
ihe ami) of soldiers In the trenches,
the arm) of food producers In the fur?
rows, the women's army of food con
servers, healing back the attacks of
that world old Camp follower of war*
famine, and a patriotic army of clvlll.
I ans In the business nnd political
' world. ? The Hunker Farmer. Oct,
The farmer's tools of production in
1 wartime become of Importance sec,.ml
onlj to the needs of the army Itself.
1 Food production Is a patriotic duty,
I mid the fanner Is In the second Hue of
I defense, Kvery effort is needed to
j increase production, to feed mir armies
and allies Food prices are forced
I higher In-ease the demand Is lo
xcaseil gr ally tad the supply la Ilia
? till.
(By Judge atophon O. Hragraw, in Uul-)
vorsity New? Letter. Chapel llill.N. C,
We are corulug, Mother Kuglaud.we arc
coming millions strong;
Knuds across the sea are reaching, gripp?
ed to rid the world of wrong,
Wo uro coining, stricken llvlglutu, thttre
with yeu to face the foo,
Pledge to ni?kc the haughty I'russiau
pay in full for all your woo.
Wo are coming, c'rauce, our sister, the
glorious .Old fair,
lly your side we'll soon he lighting in the
tranches, in the air,
And the Hun shnll feel tiie power of the
men from overlho sea.
Wo are coining mid nre swearing that
this whole world shnll lie free.
Wo are coining, fair Italia, land from
w hich Columbus came,
We. Columbia's sous, are coming, coining
in Columbia*! name.
Now to raise our atarry banner where a
Caesar wore a crow n.
Knowing ili.it when once we raise it.
naught on earth shall tear it down.
Wo are cotulug, Gormau Kaiser, call your
hosts from hill and plain.
Mass your men and Mass your caution,
but your work will be in vain.
We nre coining, Herman Kaiser, nnd our
Coining sounds the knell
t if your boasted I tii man Kultur that has
made on earth a hell.
We are cotnlllg, tuen ol Klimpe, we are
coming millions strong,
There to stay and ne'er to taller, tbo' the
the light he hatdaild long
' To the end" sli.ill be our slogan, lor the
world it SHALL bo free,
Ami the evil power of despots crushed at
last on laud and sea.
Ilohonxolierns, llapaburg, hearken to
the last approaching beat
(if the to listens of ? nation that has uurer
know a defeat.
< lad ill armor of the righteous, eating
naught im llormau might,
Wo lire <'Utting, wu are coming, thereto
win or die lor right
Do not allow the
poisons ol undigested
iood lo accumulate In
>otir bowels, where they
tire absotbed into your
ByStcm. Indigestion, con?
stipation, headache, bad
blood, and numerous
other troubles arc bound
to follow. Keep your
Eystcin clean, as thous?
ands of others do, by
biking an occasional dose
Ol the old, reliable, veg?
etable, family liver medi?
Mrs. \V. P. Pickle, ol
Riling Fawn,Ga.j writes:
"We have used 'I hed
i ird's Black-Draught as
a family medicine. My
mother-in-law could not
I ike calomel as it seemed
too strong lor her, so she
i scd Hlack-Draught as a
i I'd laxative and liver
icgulator.. . We use It
1:1 lite latnily and believe
it is the best medicine lor
the liver made." Try It.
Ir.sisl on lite Rcnuiue?
'! licdford's. '.25c a pack
For Justice of the
We have the most complete
set of forms for use by Justices
of the Peace of any house in
Virginia. Our prices are
75 cents per Hundred
of an assortment of blanks.
Cash with order which can al- j
ways be filled promptly. AI-]
ways order by number.
I Warrant of Arrest.
!i Commitmoiil to Answer Indictment.
:< Certificate of Commitment for Trist.
I Commitment until Fine and Costa are |
r> Commitment for Imprisonment, At
II Itccogufzaucc upoo Appc.-.l.
7 Warrant Discharging from Jail, upon I
S Complaiut for Peace Warrant.
!' Peace Warrant.
It) Search Warrant.
II Warrant in Debt.
is Warrant .ti Damages,
III Kxccullon
i t Garnlihce S-ir taons.
15 Indemnifying l!i ud,
tit Forthcoming llond.
17 Afndavlt for Summons in Unlawful I
is Summons in Unlawful Detainer.
19 Aflldarll for Distress Warrant.
'.Hi Distress Warrant
21 Complaint for Attachment agalna
Itomorlug Debtor,
ill Attach men t Against Removing Debt
or. with Oarnishee Process.
Stl Attachment itond.
SI Deed of I otivcyunre, with certificate.
SO Deeil Ol Trust. ?Ith certificate.
50 I'. ed of Lease.
S7 Homestead Deed,
ss Declaration in Atsumpilt
Sit Deolaratlon In Debt on lloml.
BO Deolaratlon lit Debt on Promissor)
II Deel.ir.ition in Debt on Negotiable
IIS Notice of Motion on Note lluud, or
:i!i Power of Attorney.
51 Notice lo take Depositions
;i"i Indictment, General,
as Indiclmcnt, Mqiidr,
.17 Commissioner's Notice.
:ts Abstract oi Judgment llcforeJustice
90 Warrant in Detinue,
It) (larhlahca Summons ami Judgment
II Subpoena for Witnesses
IS C?ntra?t and Agreement.
Wise Printing Company
Aiuitlipr nroltrn Arm from CrAnkingl
A ?mn lrdul ulett ii.mk not nvrslcd, m?kei
accUenii It,? in. k kick hn|*Mi ta> Wuh >
Strut u r i.
CofL? ...tC.,,. IO.KM
At--- wT*mW4 I CTfMfl
Don't think you arc getting REAL job print?
ing just because you are having your \ ork
done at a ??printing office." Investigate and
learn for yourself that there is a vast difference
between real job printin? and ??just printing.''
We are prepared to do
Not only because we have the equipment, but
because we possess the "know how." Our
long experience and knowledge in the printing
business enables us to handle job printing on
a saving basis. We will share this saving
with you and will guarantee every piece of
work turned out in our plant. Will you bring
that next job to us and have it done right?
No long waiting for the finished product. We
do things "Now."
Big Stone Gap, Virginia
Southern Railway System
Condensed Time Card
No. 1, Dally: I.v. Mountain City 0:80 a.
to.; Ellzabcthtou 8:15 a. tu.: Ar.
Bristol 11:20 a m.; I.v. Bristol 10.-O?
a.m.; Gate City 11:10 a. rn.; Ar. Al?
bert Yard 11:80 a. tu.: Counects with
No. 8 at Albert Y'ard for Appalschls.
No. 8, Dally I.v. St. Charles 7:4(5 a. it.;
Appa'aehla 8*0 a. in.; Gate City
10:41 a.m.; Moeeaaln Gap 10:4& ?
ID.; Ar. Bristol 12:10 Noon. Con.
ncctsat Moeeaaln (Jap with No. B
from Hulls Gap.
No. :t. Dally: I.v. Hulls Cap 0:4.1 a. tn.;
Moccasiu tt:n> 10:48; Gate City ]0:oo
a. ni.; Big Stone Cap 12:48 p. m.
Ar Appaliiehia 1:00 p. m.
No. I. Dally: Lv.| A ppalachia 1.80 p. m.,
Itii; Stone Gap 1:4.1 p. m.; Albert
Yard 8:10 p. m : Gate City 8:38 p.
m.; Ar. Bulls Gap 0:1(5 p. m. Con
nectaal Albert Yard with No. 0 for
Bilstol ami Mountain City.
No. 6, Bally: I.v. Bristol 4:40 p. m.;
Gate < iiy 8:1(1 p. in.; Big Stono Cap
7:152 n m ,; A ppalachia 8:0.1 p. m.;
Ar St ( buries Di-IQ p m.
Ko. 6, Dally: I.v. Albeit Yard 11.015 p.
m.; (tale City 8:16 p ?i.; Ar. Hrlstol
1:40 p.m.; I.V. Bristol fi:10 i>. m ;
Elizabethen ll:l? p. m.; Ar. Moun
lain City 8:10 p. m.
No. 0, Daily, except Sunday: I.v. Bulli
Gap 11:10 a. in.; Ar. Itogcrsvllls
12 ti.1 p. ni.
No, 10, Dally, except Sunday: I.v. Itug
ersville 7:80 a. ni.; Ar. Bulls Gap
8 liO a. in.
No It, Dally,except Sunday: I.v. Bull?
Gap0:10 p. m,; Ar. Itogersvilli 6:00
1. ill.
No. 12, Daily, except Sunday ; I.V. Hoj
ersvllle 5:10 p. m.; Ar. Hulls Usp
4:10 p. in,
W. K. ALLEN, D. P. A.,
Bristol, Vs
Nov. 29, 101-1.
LEAVE NOllTON. VA. 8 i8a.rn.anJ
ami'.'.oil p. in. for Hlueliold and In?
termediate stations. Parlor <ar on
2:80 p. in train. Couneotlon at Blue
Held with Trallia Kast and West?
Puilman Sleepers, Dining Cars.
LEAVE IIUISTOL.VA; Daily. 9:48 a.m.
for Bast Itadford, lloanoke, Lynch
burg; Petersburg, Biehmond sort
Norfolk. Pullman Parlor tar w
Itlchmond. Itoanoke to Ilagerstown.
Pullman sleeper Ilagerstown to Niw
5:00 p. m for Norfolk and Intermedia!?
point-, Pullman Sleepers to Norfolk
1:82 p n.l T:.v> p. m. (limited ; Solid
trains with imilman sleepers to Wast
liigton, iialtlmoro, Philadelphia and
New York via Bynehburg, Does not
make local stops.
12:1(5 p m. daily for all points bctweer.
Bilstol ami Lynobburg. Connects?I
Walton at 8:40 p. ni. with the Chi?
cago Express for all jvoiuta west and
W. O. S.mmikiis, G. P. A.
Pass. Traf, Mgi.,
Dr. G. <J. Honeyc?tt
'Oflicc^in Willis Building over Mutua.
I ?iug Store.
Civil mid Mining Engineers.
Big Stono Cap. Vit. Harlan,Ky
Iteporls and estimates on Coal and Tim?
ber Lands, Design and I'Inns of Coal and
Coke Plants, Land, ltailroad slid Mine
Engineering, Electric Blue Printing.
TruatB Dluoatiou of tho
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
vVili bo In Anpalaclua Third
Frld.ty in Each Month.
S. S. Masters & Co.
General Blacksmith
Repair Work.
Boiler and Machine Repairing, II.un?
shoeing s specialty, Wsgou and Bnggy
Work We make a specialty of putting
on rubber tires All work givou prompt
and careful attention.
Big Stono Gap, Va.
Dr. J. A. Gilmer
PhysiciaiPand Surgeoo
OKKIOE -Over Mutual Drug Stor*
Bit? Stone Cap, Va.
Treals diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
i 55 ill be in Appalaehla V'IKST KIUDAI
in each mouth uutil 8 P. M.
Big Stona Gap, Va.
Wagon and Buggy work A Spcoialty
I have an Up-to-date, .Machine for putting
on IttibW Tires. All work given prompt
Girl mesengors arc now em?
ployed by many of the Govern
'niont departments at Washing,

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