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Cure That Cold Arm yourself against Grippe. Influenza, Bronchitis, Cold in the head, Catarrh and Pneumonia. Many a serious illness begins with a simple cold that you can guard against by carrying with you a package of Rexall Cold Tablets Stop the cold and you stop the risk of sickness with its dangers and expense. Rcxall Cold Tablets are a most reliable and convenient remedy. Thirty tablets in a package, price 25c. KELLY l>RUO COMPANY Zj/io ffioxail Store BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA LOCAL ITEMS. Krank Buker Buent Sunday at Middlesboro with friends. Airs. S. P. Fleeuor lias been spending several days at 1'ttr dee with her daughter, Mrs. God I'edts. wln> has been very ill. I Mrs. 8. W, Wax has been | spending several days visiting relatives in Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Benjamin returned Sunday from New York Gitiy, where they spent the Holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Best and children returned Wednesday to their homo in tho Gap from u three weeks visit to relatives in Khoxville Miss Lucitu Stttinp, <>f Ghil-j howie, has blieil spending sev? eral dnys in the Gap visiting Mrs. Alex Bean. j Col. I). 1'. Hyatt, of Johnson City, is spending ti few dttys in tho Gap with Mrs. Hyatt at the home of J. II. Mathews; A number of t h o soldier boys, who a re stationed til Camp Lecij spent a few days in tho Gap lust week with home folks They wore Clayton Ca WO?d j Hoy Hanks, . I ames Yeary and Karl Willis. Bide with Dae. Hill in his new Monte Vista Uns which loaves hotel 7:1."> a 111, and 11:30 ' p. hi. daily except Sunday lot AppalnChin, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ii. Dougherty had as their gtieSls Christinas Day, Mr. and Mrs. N D. Press ly and sun Dorras, of Norton, Mr. and Mrs. ('. N. Davidson, of Siohcgu. Miss Caroline Llhoads, who for Ihe past few mouths has been Kindling in Washington, returned hist week id her homo in the Gap for a few weeks vis? it to her pal cuts. Miss Maud.- Oultl, of Norton, spent ti few days in the Gap lust week with her cousin, Mrs. .1. A Gilmer, anil Mrs. 11. I, Tay lot John Henry Johnson, of Gale City, spent a few days in ihu Gap lust week, tho guest of his uncle ami aunt, Geh. and Mrs. B. A. Ayers. Misses Grace and Myrtle Wolfe spent a few days in Ah iugdon last week, where they took the civil Serviceexomina tton Saturday for it clerical position in Washington. ' Miss Kathleen Litton, of Dol, spent a few days at Norton last week with Miss Maudo Ould. Miss Elizabeth Sprinkle, who spent the Holidays with home folks at Wilder, returned to ihe Gap Friday. Her sister, Mis. Delia, came with her and spent I a few days in ihe Gup. Sergeant and Mrs. Jus. B. Marks ttioe Miss Bet tu Thump son i returned to the Gap Thurs? day from a few dais bridal tour to Boatioke, where they visited Sergeant Marks parents. The Camp Fite Girls of the Gup made the Christmas of u ? destitute family of iho Gap, ; very happy by carrying bix .large baskets of provisions,toys and fruits down lo them Christ in as JO vo Miss Ida Milker spent Sutur I day and Sunday tu Kose Hill visiting her sister, Mrs. N. SeaU. Mrs. J. B. Wamplor and little ! i daughter Sue, returned Sunday j i from a few weeks visit to rela-! 5lives in Gate City anil Bristol.' Mrs. J. D. Woodruff a n d daughter, Miss Minnie, of John Bon Oily, are visiting son and brother, QharlcB M. Woodruff, in the Cap this week. S. W. Wax was burned badly Sunday noon about bis faee by an explosion of the k;?s, which bad formed in the stove while he was at church, which he had stirred itp-on returning home. s. p. I-'leenor lids been appoin? ted Explosive Liedling Agent ! by the Department ?( the Inte? rior, Bureau of Mines. Walter Nick?ls, Jr., who has been spending several days in tho Gap with his parents, und who in tho I'. S; Navy, returned \ to the 1'. s. s. Louisana. kJOuillcil 'iilly has accepted a I position as assistant cashier with 11lie Interstate finance & Trust ('onipany at this place. Sergeant Harry .lessee return? ed to Camp Loo Tuesday morn? ing after a few days in town with homefolks. Bebt. S. (irr, of Peniiington (?up, wtts a visitor in town last Friday i S. M. liolbrook, of Dante, spent l ist Friday in the (hip on business. Mr. and Mis. C. B. Wygal, of Joncsvillc, were visiting in town the latter part of last week. I. T. Gilly, of Rogorsviile, arrived in town Monday to ac? cept a position in the general olliae of the Stonegtl Coke & coal Com pithy lit this place for a couple of; indhtlis, when In.1 will rot urn to Rogorsviile to resume work on his far in. The Lloyd Guild of Christ Episcopal Church will moot Thursday at I p. in. at the homo of Mrs. I). B. Pierson. Boy. J. M. Smith will preach at Blue Springs School House on next Sunday afternoon tit three o'clock. A inessage was received in tho Cap by Mrs. I). H. Bruce and family of tho death of their cousin, Clinton H?ge, son of F.. A. Huge, which was caused by pneumonia Sunday morning at their home in Hate City. Mi.-s Rosn Bruce has resigned her position its book-keeper for Singer Sewing Machine Company at Norton and has accepted a position in the ollice of the Stonegn Coke and Coal Company at this place. Mrs. W. B. Wren and two attractive children, of Chilhowie, are spending n few days with Mr. Wren at the Monte Vista Hotel this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peck and daugh? ter Miss Mabel), returned to their homo in Terro Haute, Ind., last Tuesday after .spending sev? eral days in the dip with Mr. and Mrs. VV. B. Peek. P. II.Kennedy, the town treas? urer, whose health has not been very good for some time, has employed d.W. Potter to collect the water rent due the town for the fourth ((ttarter of last year. Josh Bullitt, Jr., who has been spen ling several days in the Cap with his sisters, Mrs. .1. W. Chalkley and Mrs. R. E. Taggart, left Thursday for Princeton, where ho is in train? ing in Princeton Aviation. School. He expects to be soot] to a Training School in Texas soon. Misses Kathleen Knight and lir?co Skceh returned to Abing don last Thursday, where they are attending School at Martha Washington College. MissosGrace Long, Nellie Ilor slev and Lillian Head returned to Abingdou tho past week, where they are attending school [at Stonewall Jackson College. Monte Vista Hotel Hits leaves Ihotel at 7:4f> a. in, nod 3:30 p. in. daily except Sunday f?rAp palaehia and solicitu passen gers Master Ralph Taggart has been very sick for several days. Lieut. Thomas K. Cochrun, of Camp Lee, spent a few day- in town last week visiting his par? ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Co, h ran. Mr-. Dr. W. ti. Painter has been very sick for several day*, hut is some better ui this time. Misses Crunk-hank and Nell Marrs, of Loo Baptist Institute of Peniiington Cap, spent Tues? day in the Cap with friends. Dr. Smith, of the Abingdou Hospital, spent a few days in the (lap hist week. Dr. .1. YV. Kelly returned Sun? day night from Camp Meade, i.Mil., Where he spent a few days I with his son Creed, who is in ! training t here. j Mr. and Mrs. Olms. C, Cort tight and three children were called to Ciiilhowie Saturday oii account of the death of Mrs. Cartright's lather, which was Caused by his falling on the rail? road track and being run over by a frieght train. Miss Marie Maxwell and half sister, Dorothy Riley, returned to the Cap Monday night from : Roanoke, where they spent (lid Holidays with relatives, I). D. Sizer, tho new county ngent, has leased Rev. J. I!. Craft's residence adjoining the Baptist parsonage, ami h n s i gone to housekeeping, his fatui? ty having returned with him ! after the holidays] j The many friends in the Gap, of Rev. Cordon Lee Harwell, I who assisted Rev, \V. J. Al friend, the Kpiscopnl Minister in the Cap last Spring, will be interested to know that ho is now ah instructor ;it Ellington Aviation Field near Houston Texas. His mother, Mrs Stella Harwell, who is visiting friends in the Cap, expects to join him soon in Texas. The publis will be benefit ted by passenger service between Big Stone Cap and Appalachia as the Monte Vista Hotel Bus leaves hotel tit 7:45 a. m. and 3:30 p in daily except Sunday. NOTICE. I am agent for all the leading magazines and publications and solicit your subscipt ions, whet ti? er you want to renew or sub scribe. 1 can give you as low a rate as any one. 2t Clifford Smith. FOR SALE My six room residence near the Ball Park. Lot 90 by 155 feet, with fruit trees and good garden. Price $1G50.00. Good torms can be given. Call and j seo it. D. E. Allen Mrs. Marion Slemp Dead. Lust Saturday morning i ho community was shocked over the unexpected death of Mrs. Manou Slemp, who lived down in the Core near Olinger, which oc? curred at the residence of Mr. Slemp's brother, Hugh Slemp, here in the Cap, where she was operated Oil two weeks ago. Her remains were taken down to her iionic Saturday afternoon and were hurried Sunday after? noon in the old Slemp Grave? yard in the presence of a large number Of relatives and friends. Mrs. Slemp, who was twenty seven years old a n d three months, was Miss Hertha Btircll elt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William BurchoU, who live twelve miles below ? JollCSVille, and was ti faithful member of the Baptist Church all hot lifo" Bev. J. B. Craft, pastor of lite Baptist Church of the Gap, preached her funeral. Mrs. Slemp is survived by her husband and two small daughters Olio live and the other two years bid, her parents four sisters and three brothers and a host of friends who mourn their loss. Contribution Received with Thanks. Mr. C. S. Carter, president of the Board of Trade, i- in receipt of the following letter from the president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, of Halifax, lo whom he sent the funds raised a t the lie lie Ii I entertainment hold r.ntlv at the Amti/u Theatre lor Ihe hem-lit of the Halifax suHcrcrs: Dear Sir :? Your letter of loth instant a fjord 8 us very real pleasure, and we bee you will in as pub? lic a mannet' as possible assure till the people interested how deeply their kind !bought and action are appreciated in this stricken city. Wedding Announcement. Mr. ami Mrs. E. K. Dennis announce the marriage of their daughter. Mollie, lo Mr. Jesse I'oole Hamilton, January third, nineteen hemlred and eighteen, Blackstone, V irginiii, Mr. and Mrs. IS. K. Dennis, formerly Hved in ihe (lap, but moved a few months ago from I heir home above Last Stoiie Gap to BltiCKStone, where the above wedding took place. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will make KaslStonc Gap 1 heir home, which is the home of Ml. Hamilton. WA NT Kl)?Highest ti a s II prices paid lor fal cattle. K. A HA BN KB, Big Stone Gap, Va. notici; Bible Soiiool at Ihe Ohurcli of Christ Lord's day at ten a. in. Breaching at eleven. All tile in - hers are urgently requested lo be present at this service, us some work of vital importance lo the church is t<< he considered at thi- hour. .1. N. Wolfe, Minister. 11 is rumored that Kx Czar Nicholas of Russia lias escaped from Siberia find) his whin a bouts is unknown. Kerensky also has faded from view. Leu ine and Trotsky will probably soon join the disappearing pro? cession. Such is the destiny of dictators in Russia. How's This i We offer One Hundred CoDsIr) Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. we, ti.*- undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the Iuhi If, years, anil believe tiim oerfectly honorable In all business transactions and lluan<-latly able to carry Out any obligation* made bv bu (Inn. NATIONAL, BANK or COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh f'nrn Is taken Internally, actlnK dlre.-tly upon the blood and mu? cous surfaces or Ititf svslern. Testimonials s?nt free. I'rlce 76 cents per bottle. Sold -v nil Druggists. Tttk. Hill ? family I'l l, .or "KlUpatloa. J, E.HORSMAN, Florist DOOLEY, VA. Tolophono 1030 Norton, Va. Another reminder not to forget us when in need of Klowera for any occasion Hoses. Violets, Sweot I'caa, firehiilH, Car uations. Chrysanthemums anil I'? Planta. Corsage work and Kloral Designs a .Specialty. Out of town ordors tilled promptly by Parcel Post, Special Deliv? ery, Kxpress or Telegraph. DEERING DISK HARROW The fanner of today has come to realize that progress in the world's attains depends largely oh the proper advance? ment of agricultural methods and kindred pursuits. He must pay closer attention to the proper tillage of the soil and to the correct preparation of the seed bed. This is on** of the rea? sons why he should he particularly interested in the disk harrow. He realizes that this instrument is revolutionizing farm methods and that by its use he can force the soil to yield its full share where it formerly produced little. This implement can be scon at our store and we invite your inspection. Hamblen Brothers Hardware and Groceries BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA Corn Feed ihn Pork This little pig got so round [j?j and so fat, fSJ Eating corn on the cob and lj|J such as that, Iiis life was cut short, as [Si his curly tail. M And now we have got hi in |m here "FOR SALE." fSl (ey Nothing so tempting as W ttonst Pork with Spiced Apples 151 Yo can lind here any portion of the pig. * Nisei's IVIeat Market 1 Sj In Polly Building. Big Stone Gap. Virginia ? tai ||{ ra&j [3 fsi t?] ^.i i r^lEH? j f4i [Hi ra rsi ^ LgrSMtaiy i?J ? cSE] rHJMrE^MBjMS) ral FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK Timber Cutters, Swampers, Track Men, Lumber Handlers, etc. Good wages, bonus o regular men, pay whenever you want it. PAUL CLINE, General Manager, Dungannon Lumber Company, Inc. Dungannon, Virginia.