Newspaper Page Text
SUBMARINES AND SOIL FERTILITY How the War Affects the Farmer's Ability to Produce Bumper Crops. 1 The grip of the srourjo of the teas ti now, ?fter month* of warfare, felt j hy the American farmer. When the l.uiltanln went ttovn the whole world shivered with horror?horror at the very eevegery of the deed, yet few of ua reallted at the time that within a comparatively ahort time the entire world would. In one way or another, be nt the marry of i!. neweat nud most saToitr of all Implements of war. Lena! of all did the American farmer rcsllic that the submarine menace would have any effect whatever on hia ability lo reise eropa and do hla bit lo th* line of food production. Hut It haal The war Itaelf Id Hi earlteat day cut "IT supplies of potash. Now the HUbmnrine warfare has re? duced the supply of Bpnhtlh pyrites from which aulphuric acid la tnado. Thla aulphuric acid la it?ert lu the manufacture of mil phnephnte. and alao In the milking of complete fer tllliers Without It raw rock phoa tlllzer whlrh would usually aer?e up proilraatvly lftO.OOO nrre? uf corn. ?>f wheat, or of any other cereal crop U diminishes by this much the ?bllltj of the fnrni,?- to utilize to advHntnit1' bli short supply of fnrin Itibor. 10 grow xuffk-lvnt crops. nml ut the twin* Ilm? tflve up to military service llir boya of the farm. Demonic Pyrlteo Help. Uut till* doesn't mean Hint we ulinll but* no fertilizer. All over the conn try there are sinn.ll tlomeatlt? deposits Of pyrites Thea* rnn be unit nie It*' lug manufacturer) Into sulphuric av'lil for fertilizer une nnil It looks tis though there will be enough. Hut tin' frelaht Iriije on these do.stir pyrites la hlchir than that of. Bpaulsli pyrites, nntl tho quality often lAwer. The coal of labor In mining la always higher, ami the eost of hsndlliv: ireuler, 1 \ftr facta mean Inovltahly an In en-en* In the eost nf BCld i>t<<?-!'ti le and complete fertilizer, forltlutltely, -? ?. I * ? i. . i ? I r . i ?. i J Tha route followed by boata In carrylnB pyrites from Spain. The entun.r to tha Mediterranean la a favorite lurk.ieio ptaea for submarines] phate has but little asrlcultiirnl rnlue, and tunny inntrilal* now nerd iu far llllrrra ronltl not be Included. Pyrllee Carried at Low Rataa. Theas Bpuulah pyrttea are usually ?hipped from the port of Iluelvii ou the southwest court of Spain, thla aide of th? Gibraltar Gateway. llrdllrr ranran freighter! returning from Ru rope lake on these pyrites a' rerj low freight raits, even alaaoal aw l<olln*>t From HnelTI the pyiltsa are rarrled to C'barUstnn, to 5nvannnh. to Nor folk, to llaltlmore. nnd polota north At these plncus the pjrttea are burned, the sulphur sepnrateri and turned Into aulphuile arid. I-atrr on. ton for Ion thla acid la inlied with reck phosphate, anil In IhU way the acid phnaphute of commerce Is produced. In other fac tnrlaa thli acid phosphate la ml ted with the blood, hone and tnalsRc n( groat slaughter houses, and with other mntertala onrrylng nitrogen, for Ihe production of the complete ferlltlieri ou which depend! the prmtuctlon of n antTtclrnl aupply o( rood crops. Some of lhe?r Idedllerrnnran freighter* hnvr been cotiuuendeercd by the government, others haw been aenl down hy the dreaded submarine, nnd atlll others are tied up Id neutral ports all user the world. Condltlone Ara Serious. Few formers realise tha sertoua na? ture of the caae. 1'rrhaps ihe aior agc boat In Ihls trade will carry four thousand tons of pyrites. Krerv ion of pyrites will make In the nelghtHir hood of four tons of acid phosphate, or up to el*iht lone of complete fer ttllrer. Rverj four thousand ton boat tnkeu from ihr pyrltei carrying tmde means a loss of the arid for the fer boueser, this llior,'m-r In coal I? m?re than balanced by i|d Increase In price which Ihe farmer revolve* for hl? crop Were Ihli mil the rage, th,. American furnier ami the American fnrm would indeed tie in ii bad " ?y. TMS OVERSEAS ACRE rUND. "thr farmrrp of triune arc In fur worse runitlllon than perhaps .urn kno?\ Thi'.i hare lliernll) loet every lltlna eicept 11i el r aouls. After ihr leu retrial of the tlerinan uruty. Ihc entire cnuntryeldc was ileraataliHl .No Itilng thing remained, no'blrda, no animal*, no tree*, mi crops--nothing. Wells wore poisoned, all vestige ot their runner boiucej am] building, avert demolished." ' Help la needed and needed quickly. Our fHints will be used to buy food, clothing, farming Implement*, farm Irei. seeds, live stock, building ma tertalv. and other BCCeaaltte* na re ported 10 ua by the War Itallef Clear? ance House. Krcry sift win be marked, 'tJtven with gratitude and gs . ?<. ?111 from ihe farmers of America--?through their Oiersciih Acre fund.'" Tho nhove statement la from a pamphlet Issued b) Ihe Overaeaa Acre Kund, which I' carrying on a campaign In hi'lp ihr furnier? of Franca, Uae Hlgh-Orari* Ftrtlllicra. With fertiliser! high priced und scarce this year, It la mnra Important thsn eicr to uae hlgti grade rattier than low grade goods, riant food alwny COatl ilia coiiHuuier more In low .grade formulae, and now there la an added argument for high quality less frtdghi apace la required to move a given amount cf actual plant food. Help The Railroads. When you order fertilizer and other spring supplies late, your agent or dealer orders out a minimum car: ThU car carries 180 bag* Maro thAA WaW iW. ipM w> He can't afford lo wait foe other or<W?, ehipmenta caught ? the nuh of tbe eeaecrt may be dcUjad too long. Fertiliser muil be dolir*red befere fhkMntmt time. When you order II gireayour dealer or agent a chase* to combine ordere. He crocri out hie fertilizer* in full capacity caret ?fifteWWcl Thla ThU car holds 600 bage A3 dM *?*M Ml Tim ana-Hi mmry i iii he kso, fell Write- .orris. U n* Tia ?? tWUf* u reteeet OW hi eat an eW varV. J rVnu ml ill.? ear* ft) e&ar uro c?> be aaaa iar ? ? eMee. term r.u,(J .?? */u'i>. m?m /*ku fW Ik* ??"?:? <W fee*? aaaeal Mm prerWv ?>W ?wuw *mI kr ka? ?*rtan? ?.^llla. ?4 **> sspf ?..-.afclca kW <*? Heeiem. TV* ralreaaV Ui. a rtmWci haiaaiejee at te?~ W ??r. TW *>. ? <feai pen of our ?(me ei toUotut Meaea TV*7 aWm* ?? fad ae ?|ierss*s? a* sVar ?u. tf-/* SVaV W ants ka.uall.Nr M.i*? ORDER CARS LOADED TO CAPACITY A Roanoke Hotel Man Finds Wonderful Remedy For Catarrh Was Bothered So Much Himself He Was Actually Becoming Quite Deaf When Friends Told Him of Remarkable Medicine For It "1 liscd ii) I),' hawking and spitting constantly during the day ainl at night my head would clog ti|>, making me norvious, rest-1 \ lees and unable to Bloep at times Drippings of mticuous in my ! thront made me wake up each morning with .1 mint*, breath and bad tasting mouth. I had catarrh bo had it began to affect my j hearing mid I wns considered quite deaf," say* a well known hotel proprietor of Itoniioke, \ a., Mr. Jo?. H Kennerly. "Thon mm day u friend ibid hie about Acid Iron Mint nil and I how this iron was gotten out of the earth and then concentrated I nod lie said it was powerful stulT. Ho told tin' it would help my j catarrh if I stiufTcd trlittle mixed in water as strong an 1 could stand. I started doiiig that utitl was uma/.ed how fow drops 11 could stand mixed in half 11 glass of Water. It is groal siutT.' With in a fow hours my bond wns cleared and sloop from Hint j time on wns easy and restful. Itreathiiig was free and my hour 1 ing v. an vastly improved. 1 certainly ronsidered ii a w?uderful remedy forcuturrlt. 1 don't know whether many people lake it I for Hint but it surely does tlie work. 1 gladly recommend it t"j others troubled us I was," di elated Mi. Kontier.}-. Note:?Hundreds of peoph have endorsed -Acid Iran Mineral for catarrh. l-'olks wishing to get immediate 1eli?fj should try it. Don'i put more than a few Uro|is in a glass of water tit first, i Increase the umouul of iron each day for 11 fow ilays ttnd you'll be amazed nl results, (ncidenlly, it might lie mentioned thai nothing under tho sun is bolter than Acid Iron Mineral for sore throat. A hulo diluted dud gargled, Btop* swelling und heals quickly. A swallow or two won't hurt anyone. Being just plain, natural Iron, concentrated, it's tibotil the handiest .d> about tho bouse, tl t a bottle, 'The A-l-M trade mark im your g?urhhti ? of strength and quality. All druggists liu ve 11 Red Cross Begins New Year with Al? most Fifteen Million New i Me in l) eis Now York,dun 2?ThoAmoi icun Itcd Cro8H will tx-^in i in-, now year with n membership' of ini>r<- than 20,0110,1)00, it wu? announced here tonight at the close of the nation Wido enroll im ut cuinpuigu. Kvery one of tin- lllnationtil divisions exceed ril the quoin mil for it b) Rod Cross li.iatlqii irterain Washing? ton. Actu il new niemburs added id the organisation wen- 11, 85:ij53fi. The SotitltwoHlorn di vision contributed more Ihan any other, 3,260,000, The other divisions und ihe number of new members followa: Central 2^5^000; Lake 2,200, 000} Atlantic 1,000,000 Peiuiay I vntiia l, l.'io.tiuo; New Kurland 1,200,000: Northwest! rn 55u,?:l?; Pacific ,r>uo,ooo. Northern B88, 1)00; (in I 1175,000; I'oiomuc260,- ' OtiO; Southern 2??,000;1Mountnin 181,000. The liguros given i'ltit by Itjiid Cross bendtiuariors here tonight siiow u discrepancy of 100,000 between the lOttll announced and the ilgiireii given in ihe summary o f divisions. The figures coilhl hoi lie revisi I i - night. Accurate statement of this country':, war aims is not of; nearly bo Irnich important as the accuracy of the aims of llio boys in I he t renehes. Col. House is giving evidenee of having associated with the Prbncli people, He h is broken ' his eusti\ silence long enough in assure a reporter who interviewed him that.Un American mission was a suc eess. BANKRUPT NOTICE In The District Cnnrl nf the United States for Ike Western District of Vir ejinia. tu bankruptcy, In the matter i>i? William Thomas Allman Bankrupt IX IIA X Kit I IPTCY. To the rrrdltots of Willi.un Thomas Allman of nig Slono Gap In the count) of Wise, arul district aforesaid, a bank? rupt, Notice is hereby given that oil the 1st day of OcceuuW. A.D. im:. I bo said Wil? liam ThoiussAltinaniirssduly adjudicated bankrupt; ami that the Ural meeting of bbjercslltora ?III bolulii at My Office, In Notion, \'*.,on the Wdav of January, A. l). 1918, at to o'clock III inq forenoon at which lime the said creditors I may sticml, prove (heir claims, appoint a i trustee, examine Ihe bankrupt, ami trims I set such other business'as may properly Iconic before said meeting, .lohn Robert*, Referee in Bankruptcy This December?let, 1017, Nerton. V i Willi all the loss ami 'dnintigc growing out of lh(i war, ii isi < nc?iii aging to know Iii tit those! COligrt HSlolitll salaries Ii a v e sulTon d no curtailment at the] lands of the income tax col Ice 1 tor. It Helps! '["here can be no doubt as to the merit ol Cardui, the woman's tonic, in the treatmcnl of many troubles peculiar to women, '1 he thousands ol WOltU n who have been helped by Cardui in the past 40 years, is ionclu SlVC proof that it is a i;oo J medicine lor women w'to suffer. It should help you, too. Take IjgTlie Woman's Tonic $3 Mrs. N. li. Varncr, of IliXSOn, Tcntt., wriles: "I passing through t'te . . . My back and sides were terrible, and my sullerinB Indescriba? ble. I can't loll just how ;.:id where I hurt, about all over. I think ... I began Cardui, and my pains erew less and less, Until I ? as cured. I am remarkably strong lor a woman 6-1 yens of age. I do all my housework." Try Cardui, today, li-76 For Justice of the Peace. We have the most complete set of forms for use by Justices of the Peace of any house in Virginia. Our prices arc ! 75 cents per Hundred I of an assortment of blanks. jCash with order which can al? ways be filled promptly. Al? ways order by number. j No. 1 Warrant or Arrest. 3 Commitment to Answer liidlclinenl. a Certtflcslo of Commitment for Trial. I Commitment until Fine and Costa are Paid. ?"> Commitment for Imprisonment, Jto, tl Kccogntsance npou ApimniI. 7 Warrant Discharging from Jail, upon Appeal. 9 Complaint lor Peace Warrant. It Peace Warrant. 10 Search Warrant. 11 Warrant in Debt. 1J Warraut >u Damages, ta Execution 11 tiaralshce S'uruions. Ifi Indemnifying llond. lit Forthcoming lloud. IT Aftldavtl for Summons in Unlawful Detainer, is Summons in Unlawful Detainer, ifl Ailhhivlt foi Distress Warrant, "ii Distress Warrant. 21 Complaint fur Attachment iiijaiiis Iteinoving Debtor, 93 Attachment Agahisl ItemovlngDobt or. with Garnlshcc Process. 93 Attaciiniont llotid. 21 Deed ??(" < Conveyance, with certificate, ?j:. Deed of Trust, with certificate, 90 Deed of Lease. -'7 Homestead Deed 28 Declaration in Aasumpiil 98 Declaration in Debt on lloml. 110 Declaration in I'cltt on Promissor} Xote. ;ll Declaration hi Dcbl on Negotiable Note 82 Notice or Motion on Note, lloml, or Account. 8!) Tower of Attorney. 34 Notice to lake Deposition* ' 8.1 ludlcliuent, ?eneral. till Indictment, l.lipior. ;I7 Commlssloiier'a Notice, as Abstract of Judgment ilefore Justice till Warrant in Di lliiue, 10 tlariilsbce Sninmons and Judgment, it B?bpoena for Witnesses, 13 Contract ami Agreement; Wise Printing Company Incorporated Another Broken Arm from Crnnltlngt DON'T LET YOUR FORD BREAK YOUR ARM A ?.rt?it..l ?jlely .r.nk iu? irnented. nute? sectoral! front b.u k kick la>|a?lble With a CARSON SAFETY CRANK en youi ri 'HO Iba handle i mi line tsicketet, Crank aaloia, hum ciaak .Salt Von , .,n "lull ?hlo, liiium a quicker It simple: ncrthtna lo tret noi .1 ,,?ier nni*i with en^.s. tv>, hurl ! i ...r ahrbsl? si Install |1 In drh?ere>l l-n sv bark If en tuy dtacoaitei u inre lite ip.rk 17 Si I mm ?..,?, UCnomi [JOB PRINTING Don't think you arc getting REAL jol> print? ing just because you are having your \ ork done at a "printing office.'' Investigate and learn for yourself that there is a vast difference between real job printing and "just printing." We are prepared to do REAL PRINTING Not only because we have the equipment, but because we possess the "know how." Our long experience and knowledge in the printing business enables us to handle job printing on a saving basis. VVc will share this saving with you and will guarantee every piece of work turned but in our plant. Will you bring that next job to us and have it done right ? No long waiting for the finished product. We do things "Now." WISE PRINTING COMPANY Incorporated Big Stone Gap, Virginia Southern Railway System Condensed Time Card EASTERN TIME No. 1, Dally: Lv. Mountain City 0:90? in.; Ellzabethtou 8:13 a. m.; At Bristol V:20 a ra.; Lt. Bristol 10.04 a.m. ; Gate City 11:18 a. m.; Ar. AI. ;" bert Yard 11:80 a ni.; Connects with No. i) at Albert Yard for Appalachia No. 'J, Dally- l.v. St. Charles 7:43 a. o-.': Appiilnebla 8:50 a. m.; Gato Cits 10:41 a.m.; Moccasin Gap 10:43 a in.; Ar. Bristol 12:10 Noon. CW nccts at Moccasin Gap with No. 3 from Hulls Gap. No. 8, Daily: Lt. Hulls Gap 8:43 a. m.; Moccasin Gap 10:49; Gate City 10:SJ a. in.: 1?K Stone t;B|, l!i:tn p. ?, Ar. Appalachia 1:00 p. in. No. I. Daily: Lv.|Appalachla l.'JOp. a,. Big Sonic Gap 1:40 p. in.; Albert Yard 11:16 p. in.; Gato City 3:36 p. m ; .\r. Hulls Gap 6:16 p. in. Con nccts si Albert Yard with No. o for Ritstol ?nd Mountain City, No ... Dally; l.v. Bristol 4:10 p. m Gate City 0:10 p. m. : Big Stoao Gau 7:32 p. in.; Appalachia 8:06 p. m.; Ar. st Charles 9:46 p; ni. 8, Daily: l.v. Albert Vanl 3 05 p. in ; Gute Oily :t:l5 p: ni.; Ar. Ilrlatoi 1:40 p.m.; I.v.Bristol 6:10 n. tn .; Kllzabcthton 0:16 p, m,; Ar. Moun. t.-iin i !lty 8:10 p. m, 0, Daily, except Sunday: l.v. Hulls Gap 11:10 u. m.; Ar. Rogcriville ia ofl i>. in. 10, Dally, except Sunday: l.v. Rof. brsTille 7:60 a. in.; Ar. Bulls Gap 8 30 a. in. It, Dally, except Sunday: I.V. Huili Gap B 13 p, in Ar llogcrsvills 6.00 \ in 19, Daily, except Sunday; l.v. lto| eravllle 8:16 p. m., Ar. Hulls (aap 4 10 p. m. W. K. AI,I,KN, D. I?, A., Bristol, Va ^^HcfiolK^esleni ii?.mm? Schedule in Effect Nov. 83, 1U14. LEAVE NORTON. VA. 0:16 a. m. ouj and 3:80 p. ni, for Bluefleld ami In? termediate slatlous. Parlor Car vt> 3:80 p. m tralu. Connection at Blut Heid with Trains East and Weit ? Pullman Sleepers; Dining Care. LEAVE BRISTOL, V A. D.iily. 0:15am lor East Radford, Roanoke; Lynch burg, Petersburg, Richmond anil Norfolk. Pullman i'arlor Car I? Richmond, Itoanoke to llageratown, Pullman steeper llagoratowo to Ne? York. 6:00 p. m. lor Norfolk anil iiiteimadlau pointt,, Pullman Sleopora to Norfolk 1:8S p. in ami 7 56 p. m. (limited.) Solid trains with pullman sleepers to Wasl Ingtou. Ilaltimore, Philadelphia ami New York via l.ynclilnirg Does doi make local stops. 12:16 p, in, daily fur all points betweer Bristol ?iiil Lynebburgi (Jouuedlsd Walton at 5:40 p:m. with the Chi? cago Express for all points west and northwest. W. l\ Smmikiis, G. I*. A. W lt. Hkvii.i.. Pass. Traf, Mgl., Roauc-ke, V ?. Dr. (i. C. Honeycutt DKNT1ST BIG bTONt-: GAP, VA. iOffleeJIn IVIIIIs llulldiug over Mutua. i irug Store. FOX & PECK, Civil and Mining Engineers. Uin Stono Gap. Va. Harlan,Ky Reports ami estimates on Coal and Tim? ber l.amls. Design and Plans of Coal and ( oko Plants, I.hiiiI, Railroad and Mine ?ngi?eeri?g, Electric Blue Printing. DR. G. M. PEAVLER, Trout? DlBuaso? of th? Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, BRISTOL. TENN. vVlll bo In Anpalachla Third Friday In Eaoh Month, mails-MM ; S. S. Masters & Go. General Blac.Ksmith Repair Work. I Holler ami Machine Repairing, Horse? shoeing a spcelalty. Wagon and Hnggy ! Work. We make a specialty of putting on rubber tires All work given prompt I ami careful attention. Bltf Stono Gap, Va. Dr. .). A. Gilnier Physicianjand Surgeon OKKICE -Over Mutual Drug Store Bij? Stone Gap, Va. I DR. THOMAS F. STALEY Ref ractionist. Treats diti-ases o( Ihe 1-ye, Ear, Noi< and Throsl. Will be in Appalachia Kilt ST KRIDA'? in each month until il I'. M. UKIST0L, TliNN.-VA. J. C. CAWOOD BLACKSM1THING Big Stono Gap, Va. I Wagon ami Buggy work A Specialty II haw an Up-to-date Machine for putting Ion Itubbor Tires. All work given prompt ? attention ! Discorded civilian clothing I of National Army soldiers will bo shipped to the Holgium for . relief of sufferers there.