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Cure That Cold Arm yourself against Grippe, Inlluenza, Bronchitis, Cold in the head, Catarrh and Pneumonia. Many a serious illness begins with a simple cold that you can guard against by carrying with you a package of Rexall Cold Tablets Stop the cold and you stop the risk of sickness with its dangers and expense. Rexall Cold Tablets are a most reliable and convenient remedy. Thirty tablets in a package, price 25c. KELIyY l>E?UO COMPANY TJho ffioxail Store BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA LOCAL, ITEMS. \V. Hi White, of Cat-' City; was>a business"visitor in town I the littler part of lust week. | N. 1). Bnchman, Jr.; was vis iting in town last Friday being a guest at the Monte Vista. K. B. Danbar, of Benimm, Ky., spent lust Friday in tho (Jap on business, (). HJ. Orr wns over from st Charles hist Friday on business. Mrs. B. F. Tale and little son, Edwnrtl, dr., spent part of last werk in town visiting tola ti ves. Attorney J, ('. Noel, of Boil nington Gap, spent last Satur day in town on professional business. .1. II. Barlow, of Camp So vier, S C,passed through town Sunday entente to B?nnington Gap', w here be will spend a few days visiting lioniefolks. Harry C. Wallace returned home hist week from Ciueih nuti, where In- spent a few weeks taking a business conr.-e. I Miss Blanche Kilbottriin, pianist at the Amu/.ti, returned home Friday night item Bris? tol where she spent several ilaj H consulting a specialist for ear trouble. Little Miss Virginia Owen's* daughter of Mr. and Mis A l>. Owens, has be.Ml sick with ton Hili'.ts for the past ten days. Rev. .)? M Smith will hold services at tin.' Blue Spring Church next Sunday at 3:15 p. in. George Viveth, the hustling and accommodating janitor ol the Minor Building is rejoicing over the arrival ol a IU pound hoy at his home Monday night. Mrs. Untold Hatcher and little son, Harold, Jr.; of liar ?'old, Ky., toe spending some time in the Cove visiting Mrs. . Allbtiril Hamiden and Mrs. Hatcher's mother. Mrs. florin Beasor. Monte Vista Hotel Bus leaves . hotel at 7:45 a. in. and :i:3o p. in. daily except Sunday forAp palachia and solicits passen gors. Senator .lohn Qooilloo, left last week for Bichmond, for tho meeting o f the Legislature which conveed there on theOtb. X. 1). Wallace, county sur? veyor of Tnney County, Mo., returned home lust week after spending several days here vis King his fat hei-, 1'. (1. Wallace. We neglected to mention last week of the arrival of it line boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. B. Hammond on January 3rd, who has been christened A. I?., Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. ,1. Sundry motored down from Stonega und spent a few bouts in the (hip Thursday afternoon. Miss Myrtle Kilbou n a trained nurse of Appaltichla, is ^spending several days in the Gap, nursing Mrs. Qeo. 1. lav? ier. j j Brof. O. B. K.asley spent Wed? nesday at Norton, where he at? tended the meeting of the l'rin .-.cipals of the High Schools of yjWiso County. Mrs. Vilns Wells, was shop? ping in Bristol one dav last ftfiweek. ;:j Miss Muhle Willis, who has j'jbeen visiting hor sister in Knox j|villo since the Holidays, is now tivisititig friends in Lynchbnrg. II u. J. W Chalkley and 6. ] F. BlQntuii spi-iii u low days last weak in Harlan, Ky.. on business. Alfred Anderson, who iB stu- j tioncd lit Damp Loo, spiMit a few ? days in town last week with n lutives. Mrs J M. Stewart returned I last week from a three weeks | visii to her sons in Kingsport to . the (tap, where she will make1 I her liotiio with her daughters, .Mrs. Wiley Witt and Mrs. Dan ILittorol, at Bast Stone Gap until Spring. .lust received a line of coats from manufacturers, sizes .!(', to 60i good selections and :t splen? did opportunity to buy nt n bargain. A few ladies suits, is /es ill to Hs, to go at a sacri ! lice. A pretty lino of waists, serge and silk dresses.?Good loo Brothers. The Ladies Guild of Christ Church will meet with Mrs Karl Stoehr Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. Henry Lane spent a few days l.isi week in Kyo Cove, Scott County, with his parents. Uov. ami Mrs. .1. M Smith and little son, .lames Miller, who have been spending the past mouth visiting relatives in Petersburg and Richmond, will return to their home in the (lap today (Wednostluy.) Miss Delia Sprinkle returned to her home at Wilder, Wednes? day after spending il few days in the (iap with her sister, Miss Elizabeth. Carl Vouell has accepted a position with the Civil Engi? neers in the tlap. Mrs. Johnnie Gilly and son, Dillnrd, ami daughter, Miss Ronnie, are mil again after be? ing in quarantine nearly two months from small pox. Sergeant Will Riggs, who is now at Camp Lee, is spending a few davs with liomefolke at Fast Stone Gup. Mrs W. T. Alsover, of Char? lotte, N. ('., is spending a few days in the Gap, the guest of Mrs. R. B. Alsover. The pubiis will he bonefitted by passenger service between Rig Stone (iap and Appalachiu as the .Monte Vista Hotel Bus loaves hotel at 7:45 u. ni. and ? |i. m. daily except Sunday. M iss Florence McCurmick re? turned last week from a several days visii to Miss Beverly Bane Taylor ut While Gate. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Prescult returned Tuesday from u three] weeks visit to poiuts in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Dooley have moved from the Bruce' reBitb nce to Oreton, whore Mr. Dooley is superintendent of the (>re Mines. Miss Virgie Neely, of East Stone Gap, has accepted u posi? tion as operator in the Tele-! I phone K.xchnnge bore. Just arrived at Goodloe Both? ers a shipment of Hie popular "Dove" underwear. Miss Ruth Prescott returned last week toChambersburg.Pu., where she is attending school this winter at Penn Hall, after spending three weoks Holidays in tho (Jap with her father, E. J. Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Long will move this week into Mrs. J. M. Stewart's residence. Miss Emma Willis, from up iu the Valley, spent a few tiuvo i in the Gap last week visiting her grandfather, Frank Stur | gi". Spring goods arriving at < loodloe Brot here. Liu? ns, batistes, nuhsooks, gulatoas, long cloth, luces ami silks. The many fri ends in the Gap of Mrs. Jerome Wells, wlui is living at Arno, will be sorry to hear of her,illness with scarlet fever, also her daughters. WANTED? Highest C a s h prices paid for fat entile'. K. II. Ilruce, county engineer, 'left last week for Washington, I w here he will spend a few days Ion business. Prom there he will i go ti> Richmond In attend a [meeting uf the Virginia timid ; Itohds Association,which meets j in that city on 15th, lOth ami 17th. Lieut. Houderson Horsloy, of Camp Lee. spent a few days I last week in I ho Gap w ith bis I father, W. .1. Horsloy. He stopped in Abiugdon on his way back to see his sister, Miss Nellie, who is attending school at Stonewall Jackson Institute Mrs Harold Edwards, of Stonega, and h ur husbnnd, I Harold Edwards, of Caiiip Leo, I who has been spending a few days with bis puronts, Mr. ami ' .Mrs W. H. Edwards, at Appit hicllin, spent u few days in the Gap last week with Mrs. |.; i ward's sister, Mrs K ('. Tay? lor. W. B. Kinder, of Artemus, Ky., spent last week in the tj ip with his sister, Mrs M. Wells. Mr. Kinder expects to move bis family to the (Lip soon from Artemus. Mr. and Mrs. E C. Taylor and little son Ed, Jr., who has been living in the Tourailie Flats, left last week for Dante, where Mr. Taylor has accepted a position with the Glihchllold Coal Corporation; having re? signed his position with the Stonega Coke ami Goal Comp.? ny, which be has been holding several years. There will be a Union service at the Baptist Church Sunday i night at 7:30. All the congre galions in t iwn are asked to join. The following Sunday uiglit a like service will be held at t Ii e Southern Methodist Church, and some other church the following Sunday, See. This is, We think, a good move, and we trust large numbers w ill at? tend. There will be special music. The many friends in the Gap of H. Stilton Wagoner, who formerly lived here .and a Ptli. dent in the Public School but moved to Pennsylvanie several years ago, will be interested to know that he graduated last week from the U. S- Navy Elec? trical Training School in the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn; N. V., with the highest grades in his class of several hundred students and has been reccom mended by the Officials for a high promotion, after three months sorvice on < ne of tho battleshij b Governor Henry .Carter Stu art and his stair w ill attend the ball to be given in Bichmond the evening of January the' ninteenth, under the auspices of ihn God Mother's League i f (ha Ninth Company, of the Vir? ginia Coust Artillery Govern or Stuurt takes a persona! in? terest in this Company; its his nephew, Lieutenant William A. Stuart, i s a member.?Rich mnod Evening Journal. Lieut. Win. A. Stuart spoken of in the above is of the law jlirm of Irvine and Stuart in I tho Gitp, but he left here early j lust summer to g0 into train? ing at Fort Meyers. E. A II A BN ER, Big Stone t lap, Vit. James W? Fox De ad. A telegram received here Monday night from Now York announced the sudden dentil of .lames W. Fox in Unit city on Monday. No particulars were given regarding the cause of his death, which was a great shock to his relatives and friends in the (Jnp. Mr. Fox had many friends Jin this section, and well known to many of our readers, all of whom will regret to learn of his untimely death, more par? ticulars of which will he given in our next issue. Urs. VV. It. Peters ami H It Smith have received telegrams to he ready to report for service in the Medical Department of Army by lh?' 17th of this month. They are both ready to go and awaiting their call. ?Appala chio Progressive. Notice. du account of the death of Mr.'iJallies W: Fox, which oc I cm ret! in New York on Monday, the Red doss Work Room will I not he opened today (NVedlieS daj ), hut it will he opened tin Saturday as usual. 11. Terpstra, Superintendent of Tin; tihl Dominion Power Coinpuiiy, was accompanied to Richmond by Dr. R. P. Curr, w here t he former went to lin dergo a slight operation which was perftinned at St Elizabeth's Hospital where the patient is rapidly couvalosing. Mrs. Terpstra is with her husband ? Norton Progress. Man Best Laugher. Says Madge Kencdy. Madge Keneily, star in Mar? gate! Mayo'a brilliant comedy, '?Baby Mine," to be seen at the Amuzu Theatre Thursday, .Ian. 17th, at the second of the Gold wyii productions, has found from the depths of her stage exper? ience that men laugh moreaeisly ami more whole-heartedly than women. ??I could even undertake to prove from my experience be? hind the foot-lights,'' says Miss Kennedy, "that men have a more appreciative geiise of hu? mor. ^"tleiierally speaking, a man will laugh where a women only -miles. Anil when a women reaches the point of laughing a Luge majority of the men in an audience will he emitting side? splitting whoops. " Perhaps it is because a Women is more repressive, but as an encouragement to a good lime I would rather have one jolly fat man in the lirst ro\\ than a dozen women. A nice tat man whose laughter is easily -tirred is a great asset al the Urs I night of a comedy or a farce. A good laugher spreads the contagion of audibly ex? pressed ihorrim?iil "Ruby Mine" i- Madge Ken? nedy's .first motion picture, and slur found the task of acting it a bit arduous, because nobody in tin: studio laughed'" Wise County gives no indica? tion of race suicide judging bj the annual report of births and deaths by Kstptire A. F. Hurt, of Norton. Although he is the only one out of twelve justices, in llu county, lit: reported three hundred und eighteen births for the year 191V anil one bun dred deaths. It is likely that Wise County will also lead the I state in the number of divorces granted during the past year, and (he number of marriage licenses issued is also surpris ingly large.?Norton Pi ogress Work of the woman's com? mittee of the Council of Nation al Defense has already been started in Porto Rico, a n d plans now made include its in? troduction into every Territory of the United States. Among the speakers to be heard in the war conferences, I which are to be held in every IState in the Union during the I next few months, are Secretary I McAdoo, Secretary Baker, Vice I President Marshall, Henry J. I Allen, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, I Bishop Charles D. Williams, 'and Lieut. Paul Perigonl.of the French Army. DEERING DISK HARROW The fanner of today lias come to realize that progress in the world's alfairs depends largely on the proper advance? ment of agricultural methods and kindred pursuits. Ho must pay closer attention to the proper tillage of the soil ami to the correct preparation of the seed bed. This is one of the rea? sons why he should be particularly interested in the disk harrow. lie realizes that this instrument is revolutionizing farm methods arid that by its use he can force the soil t'> yield its full share where it formerly produced little. This implement can be seen at our store and we invite your inspection. Hamblen Brothers Hardware and Groceries BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA Corn Feed k Pork This little pig got so round \m and so fat, Eating corn on the cob and i^l such as that, jS=j Iiis life was cut short, as (a his curly tail, M And now we have got him Li here "FOR SALE." m Nothing so tempting as Roust Pork with Spiced Apples |5J Yo oan lind here any portion of the pig. j?j iHisel's Meat Market 1 11 In Polly Building, Big Stone Gap, Virginia SI THE UNIVERSAL CAR It's no longer nccoMary tri go Into the dotidls de? scribing tho practical merit-nt" the Kord ear?evory liody know* all about''The. Uulversal Car." How II goes anil coniea day after day and year alter year at an operating oxponse mi small that it s wonderful Thla advertisement is to urge prospective buyer* lo place orders without delay as the war 1ms produced conditloni which may Interfere with normal prnduo. ductloh itity a fool ? in wheii yon ?an get one We'll lake good care of your dhlcr- get your Kind tu you at roou as posalhie?and give the heat In "afleriier vice" wheii required. Mineral Motor Company Ulli STUM: OAP, VA. FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK [Timber Cutters, Swampers, Track Men, Lumber Handlers, etc. Good wages, bonus o regular men, pay whenever you want it. PAUL CLINE, General Manager, Dungannon Lumber Company, Inc. Dungannon, Virginia.