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HANDSIE DESIGN STUCCO BUNGALOW Low, Gable-Roofed Model Must Have Plenty of Ground for Proper Setting. NOT AN ECONOMICAL TYPE The One Described Here Embodies Many Interesting Features Doth Inside and Out?Will Orna? ment Any Neighborhood. Mr. William A. IWdford will answer question* rnd elvi, advice FltKK OF COST on all subjects fitabling to the subject of building, ror lbs readers of tbla paper. On account of bis wlds etpertsnca aa Editor. Author and Manufacturer, be la, without dnnbt. th? highest authority on all these subjects Address all Inquiries to William A. Itadfont. No. 1IT7 rralrl* avenue. Chicago, III., and only eaolosa two-cent atnntp for reply. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. ?'he true virtue of Uie low, gable roufeil bungalow, ns tnr us appear nuce Is concerned, obtains when there Is no restriction placed upon the de? signer us to the splice on ibis ground which may bo used. It Is fundamental thnt tills type of bungalow should liuve nn Rp|>carancc of freedom. The design. In Its most mdlcjtl form, tuny even be carried Bltuosl to the polnl where the building might bo culled "rambling," without teeming to vlo lute the poRslble characteristics of this atylc. Nnturnlly, the type of house which occupies ii Inrge ground area with re? spect to the totnl Moor ?res provided Is not the must economical type of houses to build, either with respect t?i materials or land. The man who builds such n bouse must be willing to spend nit appreciable proportion of his Investment In obtnlnltig Just the np pearanCO Which Ik desired. In the low. expanded, gable-roof bungalow, the In? crease In srouud nren represents an Inerenno In cost of the roof which Is considerably more tbnn the cost of lidding n second floor to it smaller building to obtain the sumo added floor apace, There Is n eerttdn nmouul of the roof cost which must be spent wore or less solely for decoration und tho proportion between this for decoration und thn totnl roof cost Is ordlnnrlly Inrrenscd as the nrea to be covered is Increased, There lire also other considerations ivhlcb tend to ; make the extended bungalow IiIkIi tn cost. After ii certain siie of rooms Ih reached, there i- no advantage In In? creasing the size <>( the buUillng in both directions, in fact, it is linpoa slide to d<i so both for artistic und structural reasons. This rrqulrrH the expanding of the bungalow across iib facade, ordinarily, since the depth of the lot Ik limited, rattier tllOO the width. In ur,ler to prevent monotony, this lengthened bulidlug must he given n plan js?tuettilng different from the rec? tangular. The necessary Irregularity In wuiis Implli s Increased cost in fram? ing them und Mulshing them unit also brings In un extra expense In frtimtnit the roof to conform to the Irrcgulnr Itlei In the nulls of thr building. The*? facts are not Intended to dio courage the use of the extended bunga? low style, for It Is Indeed a most novel and very plcaNltnc type uf house for the person who la attracted by its unique characteristic*. The point la that quite often there is un tinpres slon thut the term "bungalow" refers lo a low-COal bulldlnx and nheu the prospective home bulkier collies to the mutter of cost, he Is dlscourugcd be Cauxe win,! lie Iiiih picked out a* a low-coit huiiiiiuK is. in reality, not truly In thut clas*. For small dwell Inga, the bungalow style represents at? tractive appearance at moderate cost, assuming projicr design. Kor large iwelilugs. (he bungalow style rcpre tont* striking appearance cspable of aide variation, nt rather hlgb cost. A barisnlrjw la shown In too at> wrupr.nytng perspective view, the plr.ii of which cnlU for a bulldlnv 4."? fco' by 4.1 feet 0 Indies. This slio ap? proaches very near the limit for n square building of this type. There nre several features which nre Inter? esting, both la the exterior niipenrnnce and Interior arrangement. The build? ing Is beautiful fruiu the outside. It Is a modern warco design with heavy structural timbers and brackets show? ing. The construction forming the supporting structure of the overhang? ing part of the roof nbovc the front Imrch Is novel. The porch mil Is built of rough texture face brick with white concrete copings. Chimneys are built of the snme. type of brick. A feature of tbo Interior of this de? sign Is the Inrge unobstructed Hour spnee ncross the front of the house. The reception bull Is extremely roomy und opens through ensod openings Into the living room on one side und I he dining room mi the other. These! open? ings tin* nfl wide ns the depth of the reception hall end give the Impression Unit the front of the house Is nil one big room. This feature ?III be appre? ciated by the lady of Ilia house who can readily realize Us advanlngc In connection with the entertainment of guests. The living room presents n remark? ably cor.y appearance. On the op? posite side fruui the opening Into Ilia reception hull Is u big brick flrepl. which lins n bookcase on em li side of It. The nook with the sent around It deserves special mention. The pergola Is not built all the way ueross lha front of the bouse, but n Utile comer Is left projecting out nt the end of Iii? porch. The nook Is built Into this corner ami seems to be detached from the rest of the room. A nonk Ilk" this lunkes ? very Interesting and striking change from the ordinary. The window scut In the curved Mx Wlndow buy In the dining room Is it grent convenience. It adds consider? ably to the use of the dining room In connection with the living room when they are used together for entertain? ing. There Is u pair of double doors, full glazed, going onto the front porch, which make the porch und pergola ni cesslble from this room. The |M>rch can bo rciichod from any room In Ihn front of the house through similar doors. There are two nets of double doors from the living room und there Is one set from the reception bull In loldltlon to the solid door lit the lllllln entrance. All these double doors nre glased, which helps to light Hp ? lieniillful ftont rooms. The closets in this bungalow me plentiful mid generous In size. The reception ball opens Into mi Interim hull hi I hi- rear. On tine hIJc o( the counei llur. eased opontug !?? u closet for wraps mul on the other I? a tele phone booth, which provides for priv? acy In telephoning. The closet* In tlio two bedroom* lire exceptionally large. Tin' Interior bull In u special feature In lliix design. It open" Into every room In the back of the house. The kitchen, the three bedrooms, ami lho bathroom are all easily reached through this ball. The stairs to the storage room In the attic are also In ihls hull. The bathroom In addition io all the usual fixtures, is large enough so thai a shower anil linen cab- ' luel are placed in it. There Is another toilet between the two bedrooms. Women's Inconsistency. I am prone to believe that woman with accruing years grows none the wiser. This fact has proven Itself aver and over. Now again do 1 read screaming real loud for help when ?he discovered b man beneath her bed. One would suppose, after nil the Jokes she has fallen heir to on this subject, thai she would exhibit reasonable calm in stich an emer? gency by making the best of the sit? uation, hut no!?che Roes right on yelling "Police!" and losing her head, thus HjHilllii),- everything, and the isior devil who. nut of his kindness of heart took a chance at secreting him? self bei,,? the Mint- now languishes In Jail. The time will come w hen men will cease bestowing these extremely dangerous attentions upon the fairer sex, Titen the Joke will take or. a illfferent aspect ami women wish they bud kepi quiet.?Ztui In Cartoons Magaglue, MedlcJn* Sha Needed. She was never happy unless she ,vas suffering from some malady or other. Her physician was at hla wits' end* In treating her, because he dis? liked to dose her with medicines for imaKtnary aliments, One day bo examined her aod found, as usual, that there was nothing ? rong, "i >tin 11 give you something for what troubles you. hut you must promts* faithfully to follow directions." She assented, but much to her sur? prise found Inter that tho directions were: "Keep thl* bottle tightly eork> ed." ?f TO PLANT ASPARAGUS ROOTS Qood Results Obtained by Placing In Row* Four Feel Apart?Some Grower* Ute Seed. Qood results cnn be obtained In starting a commercial asparagus bed by planting- roots In rows four feel apart. They can he placed two feel apart In rows and about eicht Inche deep. I'Inco about an I neb of rieb soll in the bottom of the trench an ' spread out the roots carefully befon covering them with earth. This depll of eight Inches prevents Injury to I he roots and. as they develop, more earth can be worked Into I he trench during ?file process of weeding and cultivation The gsjeond year the bed must be thor? oughly cultivated to keep down w.Is an' conserve moisture, and the third year cutting tuny be continued for o-bont three weeks, which gives the grower ubout half a crop for market. Although eome growers seem to prefer starting their nsparngus bed- front pood, tho beglnuer can doubtless have better success by trying n few strong healthy roots. CARL VROOMAN MADE RECORD Ninety Bushels Per Acre Is Obtained on One of Hie Farms Noar Chenos, III. tKrnni thf United Hlnirs Department of Agriculture.) Ninety bushels of oats to the acre Is the record made Mile year by Cnrl Vroomnn, assistant secretary of agri? culture, on one of bis farms nt Ohc noa, III. The average for i II the outs harvested on the Vroomnn farms this year was 78 bushels per ncre. Tile av? erage production of outs per acre for Illinois for the pa?j ten years Ii B8J bushels. The fact that Mr. Vroonian was able more than to double this :iv ernge ou hl? entire acreage and almosl to treble II on one Held. It Is pointed out, Is proof of the efflency of the methods recommended by the United states department of agriculture, All of the oats were grown In accordance with methods approved by the depart? ment. WAGON OILER IS AUTOMATIC Occasional Jolts of Vehicle Will Jar Plungtr Hack. Allowing Oil to Pass Through. The plunger Illustrated restrains the flow of oil. pusses through an open lug In a men,I guard attached lo the end of the holster. This plunger hits n washer larger khan Hie opening of ?3ld|j Automatic Wagon Oiler. the Guard, but BUtnlUr tbuu tile oil ,tnbing. writes o. J Lynda In Farmers Mall ami Breeze, The spiral spring ordinarily will keep the plunger pro? truded, but oCCaslouul Jolts of the wugou will Jar It back and allow u nif fletent amount of oil to pass through. APPLY LIME AFTER PLOWING Thoroughly Mix With 80II By Harrow. Ing or Disking ? Hai Tendency to Work Downward. Lime should be applied after the ground is plow ed and thoroughly mixed with the soil by harrowing or disking. The more thoroughly Ii is mixed ?Uli the soil. Uie better and quicker the re? sults will be. li should never ha plowed under, because Its tendency Is to work downward rather than up? ward In the soil. GRADING PAYS FARMER WELL Potatoes Bring Much Higher Prlca When Assorted ?Neatness and Cleanliness Count. Do not full lo grade nil produce I sold. Even potatoes bring s much I better price when well graded than { when small and large and nil colors ' are placed In the tame package. Neat? ness and cleanliness pay In market? ing ns well ns other places. RECOMMEND BULK FOR PIGS Helps to Distend Animal's Digestiv* System Without Supplying Too Much Nourishment. Hulk should be present In the pigs' ration nt nil times, to help distent! the digestive system to Hint It will be able to handle large quantities of feed dur? ing the fattening period, and also to satisfy the pig without supplying too much nourishment. MAKE GAIN IN FEEDING HOGS Com Meal snd Skim Milk Olve Better Results Than Anything Else, Ssys Ohio Station. Corn meal mid skim milk ?III make greater gala la feeding bogs than any? thing else, Is the report thai comes from tho Ohio station, and It hits boon proven by thousands of farmers be? eide?, Back Ached So Bad He Was Unable To Work and Even Stomach Was Affected Tried Many Different Remedies But Only After Taking Nat? ural lion Highly Concentrated and Mixed with Water Did He Get Relief URO KS OTli KK3 TO GET RELIEF THIS CHEAP Kit UETTElt WAV "My kidney8 were a terrible bother, i wiia forced to get oj? but <>f bi'il times of die night und due to thin weakness, stom? ach aiiil bloud trouble, I had such lerrildu buckaclm I could hard? ly work and win. in ?reut Ug'ouy. I sufTered miseries ?villi my Btoinoch. "I nought nt one limn I had bowel trouble arid tried n doctor but lie did mo no good, so when n friend recommended Arid Iron Mit i ml m me 1 siuried inking it und it cured me. It cured my backache anil the stomuch miseries I sufTerotl from nml luiill me up generally. I BUiely tint glnd to recommend it us u wonderful remedy. Since thai time we have always ke pt a bottle around (! i' Itotise anil the whole family has used it und I waul to say it. is wonderful will do for sore throats if gurgled und swul. lowed mixitl with water n f. w tun s," declared Mr. VY. 1'. Mar im. oi Wirt?, Vo. More than half ilie men nml women these days need more iron Here is iron in ils natural fonn, highly concentrated. A few drops goes ns far as many pills or dose? of wi nker prepared rein edtes. Then, too, it has no nie. hoi in it. Alcnluil is u fulsestimii lent with it reaction and dangerous s fleet upon the kidneys und blood. Iron mulcts rich, red hi iod and helps to drive out the impuri. tier. .,ml uric acid. Htlilds up the kidneys und stomach A twelve ounce bo', tic, ( costs bll' u dollar and goes from t .mi in -ix limes us far. Is stronger, ami a hotter medicine for a in one needing iron; Oni it lio ile of your drilKkfiSt. Aeiil Iron Mineral is sold Oil) in original packages ut der iho A-l-M ir.ido m irk, gi arnuteeinp Btren^'ii ml quality. It has ben Soil! nude.- this trudo m trk for thirty >ertrH Uet a b< I I.- toda . Acal Iron Mineral for sale by Ay r? 1) tig (' in/tniv, K ll\ Uro? Company, lt. I*. Kennedy and all othi r good stores Why Suffer? Mrs. J. A. Cox, ol Al dcrscii, \V. V.l., writes: "My daughter . . . suf? fered terribly. She could not turn in bed . . . tlic tloctois Rave her up, and \,c brought her home |o tile, Slic had suiicrcJ to much at... time. I lav? ing heard ol t'.udul, wc p.ot it (or her." i & ?A The Woman's Tonic "In a lew days, shebc t in to improve," Mrs. t'ox continues, "and had r.o trouble at. . . Cardui cured her, and wc sine i s praises everywhere. Wc receive many lliou eands ol similar letters every year, tcllum ol the 1 ood Cardul has done lor women who stiller from roni|il.lints SO common lo llieir sex. II should do Jon cood, too. Try Cardul. I--77 Mow's Tbisr* Wo offer Oha Hundred VoWr.. Reward for any care of Cat.nrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure?. F. J. CHENEY A- CO.. Toledo. O. we, ihc undersigned; have known F. J. Cheney for tue lau is rears, ,01,1 believe Mi., perfectly honorable In nil business trmiMiictloi.s an.l llnnie Lille able 10 carry out any hIJIim. 111.1,1.' by bis Drill. NATIONAL DANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. O. Hall's Cntnrrh Core Is taken Internally, aeUng directly upon tie- blood nn.i mu? cous surfaces of the system. TeMlnuiiilnla sent free. Price cents per bottle. Fni.t t? all Druntsls, T?k? liail'S tullill, Vi'.i* e- ---stlpallCD ? .?in mi 1 Si.hi dills m frTer.' January nth. mis I.K.W E NORTON, VA. 0:15a. 111 on.: and2:3U p. in. for llluetield aiitl in terntetliate stations. Connection at lllueficld with Trains Kail and West - Pullman Hleeiicrs, Dining Cars for Km! Radtbrd, Itoanoke, Lyiioh I.KAVK IIR18TOh,VA. Daily. J.IHI 11 111. burn, I'cturshurg, Richmond, Nor? folk sin1 llageratown. I'ulliuau Sleeper llagerstown 111 I'blladelpUta. 5:00 p, m. lor Norfolk and Intermodlat* ?mints, I'lillman Hleapeni to Nortolk l:3l*i y. 111. ami 8:20 p. in (limited.) Solid trains with pullnun sleepers to Wast? ing tou, llaltlmure, 1'hlladelphia mid New York via l.ynobburg. Does not make loeal stops. h*:lf>p.m ilally for all i-omta belweek llristoi l\nd Lynohburg, Conneotasl Walton..: 6:00 p in. with the Chi? cago Kxpresa for all i-ointn west and northwest. W 1' S?1-m.i.iis, tt. |\ A. W II IIkviix. I'ass. Traf. Mgl.. Roaucke.vH. Don't think you arc getting RE Ah jol> print? ing just because you are having your work done at a "printing office." Investigate and learn fur yourself that there is a vast difference between real job printing and "just printing." Wc are prepared to do REAL PRINTING Not only because we have the equipment, but because we possess the "know how." Our long experience and knowledge in the printing business enables us to handle job printing on a saving basis. Wc will share this saving with you and will guarantee every piece of work turned but in our plant. Will you bring that next job to us and have it done right? No long waiting for the finished product. We do things "Now." WISE PRINTING COMPANY Incorporated Big Stone Gap, Virginia Peace. We have the most complete set of forms for use by Justices of the Peace of any house in Virginia. Our prices are 75 cents per Hundred of an assortment of blanks. Cash with order which can al? ways be Idled promptly. Al? ways order by number. No. I Warrant of Arrest. ?-' Commitment to Answer Indictment. . Certificate dl Commitment tor Trial. I Commitment until Kino and Costs are Paid: ") Commitment for Imprisonment, aVe, 11 Itccdgnlftancc upon 7 Warrant Uliehargiug rrorn Jail, upon Appeal s Complaint for I'cace Warrant. it Peace Warrant in Search Warrant It Warrant in Debt 12 Warrant n Damages, la Execution II Oarntsbeo s in mons, IA Indemnifying i> ml. lit Korthcomliig llond. 17 Affidavit tor Summons in Unlawful Detainer. IS Summons in Unlawful Detainer, in Affidavit tor Distress Warrant. EO Dlstreaa \Varraul 21 Complaint tor Attachment agalni llemovihg Debtor, 22 Attachment Agalusl RemovlogDcbt or. with Uarnlthco Process, 3D Ait ichmenl It.1. 21 Deed of i onvyainc, with certificate 2.1 Deed ot Trust, with certificate. 20 Deed of Lease 27 Homestead Deed. 2H Declaration in Assunipslt. 20 Declaration in Detit on llond. 80 Declaration in lieht on Promissor) Note. 111 Declaration lit Debt on Negotiable Not?. 112 Notice bf Motion on Noto, llond, oi Account. :i:i Power of Attorney. 31 Notice t" lake Depositions, :l.'t Indictment, General, :'<?> Indictment, l.lipior g? Commtsstbtiei s Notice. :is Abstract of Judgmeut lleforeJustice Sil Warrant In Detinue, in (larutshee Summons and Judgment. II Sllh|.nn for Wit ni sses. 12 i 'outmet and Agreement, Wise Priming Company Iruofpnrntcd Dr. (i. C. Honeycutl DENTIST BIG STONE CAP, VA. ^Ufficejiu Willis lluildlllg over Mutua. i Irllg Store FOX & PECK, Civil and Mining Engineers. uik Stone Cap. Vn. Harlan,Ky Iteports ami estimates on Coal and Tim? ber I amis. Design aud Plans of Coal end Coke Plants, l ain). Itallroad and Min-' Engineering, Electric lilue I'rlntlug. DR. G. M. PEAVLER, Troattt Ulsoaaon of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat BRISTOL, TENN. Will bo In Anpalnchia I'hira Friday In Each Mont'i. ?najrlt-eM S. S. Masters & Co. General BlacKsmith Repair Work. Holler and Machine Itopatrlng. Horse shoeing a specialty. Wagon and Hnggy Work. We make a specially of putting On rubber tires All work given prompt and careful attention. Bin Stono Gap. Va. Dr. iT. A. G ilmer Pbyslclan?and Surucon OKKI?B?Over Mutual Drug Store Bipr Stone Gap, Va. DR. THOMAS F. STALEY Ref ractionist. treats diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nusc and Throat. Will be in Appalaohla Kilt ST KltlDA'i in each month until ii P. M. IIKISTOL, TRNN.-VA. J. C. CAWOOD BLACK SM ITH 1NG Big Stono Gap, Va. Wagon and Ituggy work A Specialty i have an Up-to-date .Machine, for putt-'nq Ion Hubbor Tires. All work given jiroi , attention, J, E.HORSMM, Florist DOOLEY, VA. Tolephono 1030 Norton, Va. Another reminder not to forget ns when in need of Klowcra for any occasion Hoses, Violets. Bvireet Peas, Orchids, Car nations, Chrysanthemums and Potted Planta. Corsage work and floral Designs ? Specialty. Out of town orders tilled 'promptly by Parcel Post, Speeisi Deliv? ery, Kxpress or Telegraph.