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The Big Stone Gap Post. VQk-XXyL_^LgJgNE GAP, WISE COUNTY, VA.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBErT^TTQls: ~~-No. 40 Influenza Causes Cancelling of Draft Orders. Washington, Sept. 2G. ? Ho ciiuse of tho opidemie of Spun hIi influenza in army camps, Provost Marshall ? General Drowder tonight cancelled calls for tho entrninmont between October 7 and 11, of 112,000 draft registrants. During the day, twenty-four hours ending at noon today, 6,139 new cases of influenza iu army camps had been reported to tho oflico o f tho surgeon general of the army. One bun dred and seventy deaths, result iug chiofly from pneumonia following influenza and 7'J.') now oubou of pneumonia also were reported. Two camps, Kearney, Cali? fornia, and Kustis, Vn., wore added today to tho list of thoBc where influenza has matlo Ub uppearrnce, leaving only thirt? een camps free from tho disease. The total number of cases of influenza in all camps was placed at 35,140, with 3,036 cas? es of pneumonia. One out of every four men at Camp Dev. ens, Mass., has constructed in fluonza, it was announced and ten per cent of the cases have developed into pneumonia. in conceiting the call for the entrninmont of the draft regis? trants early next month, Gen? eral Crowdor acted upon lti Mtructions from General .March, chief of staff, Every Suite ami the District of Columbia had beun assigned quotas and the men were to have gone to prac? tically all of the camps iu the country. The men probably will not be entrained until af? ter the influon/.a epidemic has been checked. War Savings Will Co-operate With Liberty Bond Campaign. As regards the Liberty Bond Campaign, C. tt. Davenport, Ex? ecutive Secretary of Virginia NVur Savings Committee, says: "Their attitude on this is the vitne ns before, except thai they ure convinced all must work harder if the state's quota of hands, us well us stumps, is rttis ed in the ulloted time for each. Active, systematic pledge taking for War Savings Stamps will bo suspended out of justice to and in it spirit of co-operation with RED CROSS "LINEN SHOWER From the Hospitals in France now filled to overtlowing with wounded soldiers, comes a cry that must find an echo in the heart of every true American.? aery for linens, and still more linens, to be used for the comfort, and perhaps the saving of the lives of our boys "over there". Millions of towels, sheets, napkins and handkerchiefs must be had NOW to replenish the supplies that will be well-nigh exhausted by the flood of bleeding men that must come pouring back into the hospitals from our (laming battle front ot 350 miles. All over the country the week beginning Monday, September 30th is "Linen Shower Week," and the plan is to ask every householder, or other individual, to contribute one article, or set of articles, from his reserve stock. If he has none 1 to spare from this stock, let him buy new ones, the only specification being that they must be of strong, rather than of fine! texture, and that they conform as closely as possible to these measurements: Bath towels 19x38 inches. Hand towels 18x30 inches. Handkerchiefs 18x18 inches. Napkins 14x14 inches. Sheets 64x102 inches. The Medical Department of the Army requires that the sheets should conform closely to the following specifications: Heavy unbleached muslin 64x102 inches finished with a two inch bcni at top and one inch hem at bottom. Sheets will be accepted which are a little larger than these specifications, and will not be rejected if the hems do not nut form exactly to them, but in no case can they be accepted when less than 62x100 inches. All articles should be new. or substantially so, and should be laundered if possible. If, however, the laundering is found inconvenient, dp not hesitate ti> send your things anyway. We feel that every woman, every girl, and many men will heartily welcome this opportunity to help alleviate the suf? fering of our wounded men, and ive know of no way in which you can do it so surely or so directly. Day by day the news from overseas brings home to us a realization of the truth thai we have nearly two million men lighting bOK US, and out ^f this vast number thousands are going to get butt. The one comfort you can then dfiord them is a clean bed for their tippled, mangled bodies. Leav e your sheets, or whatever you care to give, at Goodloe's store, or at the home 61 Mrs. K. E. Taggart sometime before Saturday morning,. October 5th. Out-of. town people, not in touch with our Red Gross Branches, where linens will also be collected, will please mail their contributions to Mrs. K. E. Taggart, Big Stone Gap, Va. the fourth Liberty Loan Cam? paign and during tho period of the hand drive, tho work in tho slate will bo conIInod to the re ilomption nf pledges already made, und war savings workers ?all over tho state have beeil urged to use OVOry effort to make (lie Liberty Bond Campaign a success in their counties ami cities. "Also agencies for the sale of stamps me urged l" carry heavy stocks during the period of the bond drive us it is felt the en? thusiasm growing out <>f the drive will cause many persons net able to buy bonds to want to help our Government hi its war Unancing, and for such citizens, war savings should he kept avail? able at all times. "As to the t wo campaigns con? flicting, 1 repeal that they are as much in harmony and working to the same end as the Army and Navy, or as the brave American soldiers and iliose of our gallant Allies. They are both of abso? lute im portaneu to the winning of the war, and failure to raise the state's allotment of both would he a serious disappoint? ment to ourselves, as well as to our soldiers at the front. "Greater sacrifice and self donial must ho made by every? one if the state maintains its present high standard in war War Exhibit Train Will Pass Through Wise County. Will stop at Coeburii 1:2:1 p. 111. October 8th. At Norton, 2:55 p. in., October 9th . At Big Stone Gup 8 :ilf> a. in., October 8th. This train is u special train sent out in the interest of the Pourth Liberty Loan in the War Saving Campaign. Opportunity will be given in each town where the train stops for studying of the War Trophies and Ordnance. The train contains a most interesting anil instructive oxhibit of the instruments of war of all nations. Good speakers selected by the Government will accompany the train and will address the people m the different communities. In case of inclement weather, the tueetiugs will be held on arrival of trains, in.-soine public hall. The two speakers of national repu? tation, will make addresses for fifteen or twenty minutes and then the War Trophies Exhibit will he open to the public, and will be explained by soldiers back from Prance on furloughs. The train carries a complete moving picture .outfit, and War Scones will bo shown at night. More definite particulars will be Beut out in a day or two. Everj thing free. Call uji K. It. Aliover, Vice-Chairman, for particulars relaj tive to this train. ? BIG STONE GAP Goes Over the Top in the Fourth Liberty Loan. In (lie nil (lay drive on lust Sunday, which closed in the af? ternoon with tin address by Attorney 0. 0. Burns, of Lebanon, in the Ainu/.n Theatre, Big Stone Gap wont over the lop in the Fourth Liberty Loan, having more than subscribed it- quota of $1)7,500. The total iimount subscribed at the close of the day was ab?til $-10,000, which speaks well for the etlbrts of tlto workers in tili? campaign. It is believe I that before the campaign closes mi tic tober 20th this place will more than double its quota, which is placed by the government at 15 percent of the resources of the bank here. The drive in the other towns in the county is progressing well niul Wise county will, its heretofore, largely oversubscribe its quota. Stonegn and Dorchester went over the top in subscribing their allotment before the campaign started, we understand. News from all over the country indicate that the Fourth Lib erty Loan will be the most popular one of tiny yet made ami that the people are rallying to the aid of the government in such u way that there can be no question as to where they stand in this great world war. Wise county, with a population of 118,000 und banking re? sources of $3,510,000 is allotted the following amounts through the various banks of the county: First National Hank, Appalachiu.$121,loo Peoples Hank of Appnlnchia . 16,500 First National bank, Norton. 112,SOU National Hank of Norton. 45,000 Interstate Finance and Trust Co., Big Stone Gap . 117,000 First National Hunk, Ooeburn. 00,800 Miners Hank of Commerce, Ooeburn. SO,200 St. Haul National Hank. 57,SOU Wise County National Hank, Wise. 28,800 Citizens Hunk, Wise. 10,2(10 work. It has not failed at any call tlu> Government has made, ami must not. As long as tho hoys light in the trenches, and endure the terrors of war, one of which is the rigors of winter, we must stand buck of them, even though we are caused severe hardships, until the conflict is ended and victory is won.'' Bonds Buy Food For Soldiers. Buy Liberty Bouds. Suit of A. T. Peterson vs. J. K. Haynes. A civil suit that has been pending in court for some time was decided here last week by Judge II. A. VV. Skeen, judge of tho Circuit Court of Wise county. The case was that of A. T. Peterson vs. J. K. Hay nee ot ul to annul and set aside deeds to 200 acres of laud in Scott county, near Ilorton's Summit that was convoyed by \V. T. Beterson as attornoy in fact for A.T. Peterson in 1011. This suit was the outcome of criminal proceedings against A. T. Peterson ami tho court's decision which was in Iiis favor will restore to him property tliat, no doubt, rightfully be? longs to him. No appeal has as yet been taken from Judge Skeen's decision. Mr. Peterson lives at Morton's Summit in Scott county and is well known in this section. Attorneys Bond and Bruce and Vicars, of Wise, represent? ed .Mr. Peterson and (Jolemau it {Carter and s. H. Bond, of Qate I City, represented the defend? ants. Buy Liberty Bonds and Keep Them. Send the Ammunition Over. Buy Liberty Bonds. The Church of Christ. Preaching on lirst and third Lord's day mornings ; Second and fourth evenings. Would be de? lighted with your presence. Fkstus N. Wolke, Minister. Spread by Careless Folk Spanish Grippe Largely Due to Loose Personal Habits of Thoughtless People. Kichntond, Vu., Sept. 2(1.? Superstitious people who eon aintitly watch for signs ami per i.'iii- will doubtless regard ii as a ; ,'nilieant fuel thai Spanish [grippe alias iulluen/a in alle its liisi appearance ul t'atnp Lei-on Friday the thirteenth of Septem I her. Let common sense mortals .kuoW| abuosi without being told thai tin.- malady is not in the leusl wise particular a- tu the Ithito of its coming, ami (hat I once it gels an impetus, it re S|.ts neither high nor low, anil travels with the wings of the wilitL In plain F.nglish, Spall Mi inlluen/.a is more than likely to come your way, or as the late .lames Whitcomb Wiley might put it, these Bueezing, coughing "gobble-tins will git you if you ilon'I watch out." So the two important ques? tions lbt|ay are : What can one tin to prevent the disease, or having "got it, what can one do lo get rid of it? First of all, bo it remembered that Spanish grippe is one of those spray borne diseases whose spread de? pends largely upon the personal habits of individuals. Those who feel themselves in the clutches of the malady should therefore consider themselves in sneezes and coughs"?that is, to exercise the greatest care in the use of their handkerchiefs lest they infect others. And by the same token, all persons, sick or well, should at all times abstain from putting their lingers mi their mouths?a habit too com? mon among children and not al? together unusual among adults. Take pains too, to avoid crowded ill ventilated places where many persons assemble. If till men were religiously to observe these simple rules Span? ish grippe?to say nothing of several other maladies?would be put to route and its victim would number only hundreds in stead of untold thousands. Hut humankind, alas, is slow in schooling itself lev the obser? vance of even the simplest measures for the preventure of disease and so Spanish influenza 'probably will sooii be here, I there and everywhere. It is good to know that the malady is seldom a menace to life. < ?f dis? comfort, however, it iill'onls a plenty, i'irsl comes tho sudden .onset of a severe chill, followed I by ii headache and pain in the back and limbs. Acute catarrh ul conditions pf the throat and nose appear, also, and (lie foyer fori? while may go up to I??, possibly higher. Those attacked by the disease should go promptly to bed. got a doctor ami strictly obey his or? ders. And above all thing-, they should conscientiously a\ oid |mssing the infection toothers. Ponds Huihl Tanks. It u y Libur) v Moods. j 1 he Liberty Loan Arms Dur The subscribers to < h? I itborty Loans buve purchased for :ho War Department over $1,000; of ordnance ? (51,000, 1)00,000 was Bpent for artillery; ? $3110,000,0110 for automatic ritlos; {?100,000,006 for sin.ill linns; I neatly $2,000,000,000 for artill? ery utnmuuilion ami #3-10,000,' 000 for small arms uinniiiui Jtion;$100,000,000 was spent for armored motor cars.' It is estimaied that $7,000,. OOO.OOn will be spent by the Ordnance Department tins cur? rent year. livery American wishes to have a part in winning the war and supporting our soldiers who are lighting our battles in Krance. l-'.very subscriber to tlie Fourth Libotty Loan will have u p.111 in the great achieve inents that the American Army is accomplishing, and in the acliuivements which the gn it er American Army will accom? plish next spring. Qeriliuny has lately been the Land of Promise and France the Land of Performance. Soldiers. Information Relating to the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Amount of Loan. .$0,000,000,000 Minimum Maturity of Loan . October, 1938 Date of Bond?. Octobor 24, 1018 Rate of Interest . ill Per Cent (tegular Interest Poriode, April 15th?October 15th DENOMINATION OF BONDS Coupon.$.50 $100 $ 5"0 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 Amt. 1st Coupon.. . J.01 '2 02 10.10 20.20 lut.oo 201.99 Registered Bonds abovo denominations and $50,000 and $100,000 Initial Payment?with application 10 Per Cent 1NSTALLMENT PAYMENT [Nov. 21, 20%. Dec. 19, -10%. Jan. 10, 20%. Jan. DO, 309?'. Payment in full will bo permitted either with application or las to reach Federal Reserve Bank on Ontobor 21. I