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THE BIG STONK GAP TOST. WEDNESDAY, OCT. '2, 1018 rulilixlictl Ever; Wcilni>.virij- \>y the WISE POINTING COMPANY, lucor|.on?ti?tl. GILBERT N. KNIGHT, - Editor. LINDSEY J. HORTON. Asst Krtltor Uno Yonr, Six Mouths. Throo Months Kntortvl sccmtlng to ponlnl n'Rulnllon* at tho post ofHoo ?t llln Stone <J?p ?? sec oml-olas? nikttcr. SUBSCRIBERS nre earnestly re? quested to observe tho ditto printed on thoir address slips, which will keep thorn nt till titnoB postod as to tho date of tho expiration of thoir sub? scription. Prompt und timely nttontion to this request will save till parties a groat deal of nnnovnnce. Miners' Work Must Win or Lose for Us. Before a meeting of mine workers anil operators at Un iontown, I':t., Friday afternoon, September 20, called by .lames B. Nettle, Director of Produc? tion, 1'. 8. Fuel Administration, P. B. NoyoB, Director of Con Borvntiou, Bpoke us follows: "I passed a soldier in the street the other day. A friend whom wns with mo said "Thai fellow bus just come over from Franco. He bus been four months in the front line trench? es." 1 turned around to look at him. That soldier was of tremendous interest to mi-. He was the real thing. He was one of those men whoso work must win or lose (or me und mine and everything I hold dear. Von would have turned around and looked at him with the sum.' inteiest. "1 have come down here to? day with this sumo feeling 1 look a*, nil you miners with the same thrill tliut I looked hack at that soldier. I have been sitting for u year between the greut war making departments of the government und the Fuel Administration and have soon success or failure narrowed down every month more and t more to a question of bow much ' COItl von get out. until now you miners are as interesting to me i us soldiers. To me you uro liest line men in this war. You do not know yourselves or you only half know bow much you are the real warriors in this greatest of all wars. I have come here partly to bold up a mirror to you ami let yon see yourselves as wo tire all ncoing you?lirst trench soldiers. "This war is fought with stetd und iron. Steel is short because coal is short. You have u terrible tusk. You have done splendidly und have made a splendid increase in the amount of coal mined during the past two years in spite of till handi? caps, but still more coal must be sent to the steel furnaces if you are to save the lives of your sons ami brothers anil friends in France, "1 did not come h?re to make a speech. I came here to tell you some cold facts. Oermany tiiught the world something new in the science of making war last March She got to? gether u supply of shells, und Klint-, und every OlTonsive weap? on grcuter than the world hud ever Seen before. With this huge pile of shells she staged a terrible offensive with much smaller loss of German lives than such buttles used to bring. Having bIioIIs to waste, she saved her soldiers' lives. Who r?-v, i i be (i er man line wont lorward, endless quantities of shells were exploding as a pro. tection in front. Wherever our inen were lined up to defend their positions, the countryside was deluged with shells of all descriptions, Tho Germans fired a hundred shells, not car? ing if ninety nine bit nothing. If the hundredth killed a man or broke up a trench, they were satisfied, They bad shells to waste and that wastefulness protected their men and put ours out of business. "Our generals have learned this lesson well. Thby are or. lifting for next spring cannon, and shells, und bomb?, and aeroplanes, and tanks in huge quantities. The orders uro pit. iug in on us and other orders for ships to tako iImr material over before next spring. Piles of munitions are to bo prepared si.oo .so .25 in Franco for the great drive which will bring victory, so big uk to make the Gorman piles lust spring look like thirty cents. If wo send to France all thai is uskcd, the casualties in the groat drive will bo few compared with the execution done. "Shall we hero at home be able to (ill all of Pershing's or dors? The answer is, we shall not. To make these munitions we need steel. At the rate we uro now making steel, it is im possible to till these enormous orders. We cannot increase the steel without more coal than yon are mining now. Get this in your minds. The ques? tion, how near we are coming to sendiug Geuornl Porshing all tho munitions he can use to save the lives of his men, will depend absolutely on how much coal is mined this fall ami winter. ?'I wnnt you to fully sense tho possible disaster ahead. You may never hear of the dis aster if it comes because the drive will go forward on time just the same. It will he suc? cessful. The disaster will bo buried in the casualty lists. Some lime in February or March, or whenever the time for the big offensive has come, General Porshing will sit down with it pencil in his hand and QgUre out just how short lie is of that ideal life saving pro gram of munitions. Then to make up the shortage, he will figure so many thousand addi? tional young men who must he killed. He has military formu? las which will tell him so many shells shoit, so many deaths. General Pershiug can llglire to a man how many ex? tra deaths must he allowed for to make up for his deficit of shells. "This is an absoluta truth. Do not fool yourselves. The more coal you get out between now and Christmas, the fewer casualties next spring, "Many of yon mine six tons of coal per day. That six tnn will make one ion of steal, which will make 'J.r> 3-ihch shells. Bvory day that you lay off unnecessarily , figures against yourself shells gone from Geiieral Porshiug's pile If you lay olT one day a week next March, you must figure that your pleasure has cost General Porshing at least 600 shells and it is safe for you to I figure that the loss of those 500 shells will he al least one young man dead who might have come back to your family or I" your friend's family aftor the war " That is why 1 (old you 1 fell the same thi ill tn looking into the faces of a bunch of minors like you, that I would in meet ing a hunch of soldiers from the front line trenches." Hids for peace according to specifications are in order, but we understand that the speciii cations do not call for a tier man ponc.i . Uoriorul Foch is personally of small stature, but notwith? standing he is til present the biggest man in Kiuope. From a nation of wasters we! have become a nation of savors and lenders. Let the Fourth Liberty Loan prove \'. The Spanish inlluouztl is said to be beginning,a visit to ibis country. Most things Spanish are not to he sneezed at, lint the ehfluenzii is an exception. "Action speak louder than words." The actions of tin Allies during t Ii e past few weeks have certainly shouted aloud to the world. Nobody will weep for Dobs' sentence. Ten years or there abouts will be given him time to think something that be evidently has never done. An army cannot march nor light without its home support; Think of what the army is do? ing in Franco. Koiiiomber that we at home ate at its support, and subscribe to your limit for the Fourth Liberty Loan. Editor Post: 1 desire to acknowledge through your columns the very valuable and patriotic assis? tance rendered me by Mr H VV. Gilliam in Ked Cross and r< gis I Irani work. R. A. Ay Kits, Chairman, Our School Building. Our public school has pro sentod a busy scene for tho last three Saturday mornings. How many of you have vimtod the school this year or last yoar or tho year bufore. Don't lot yourself forget that the school is tin- foundation of our com? munity life and that it is your business to know that it is clean ami sanitary, a tit place for your children to spend six hours a day, five days tn tho week. One of our public spir it od citizens took bis children down to the school the first tlay of this session. Ho looked the school building over from basement to top lloor and then said to one of tho mothers, "I'll give $50.00 if you women will immediately put this building in tit condition." That gave impetus to a move? ment, which the Community League had already started by ordering alabast im< to point part of the walls. Well, the dirt of years has been covered by a coat of buff alabaBtine on the walls uf eight rooms. The third lloor bad to bo left for want of funds. How we bate to leave those dirty walls for the children and teachers to look at each tlay. We have cleaned the rooms of the lirst and second lloors with the ux coptioil of the auditorium. They look much belter. The desks are clouU, woodwork, Honrs, walls and windows. However, the window shades ire (altered and unsightly. Who'll volunteer to help turn thorn top for bottom and make them look like new. Wont some of the mothers volunteer. Our school board, burdened with a bit; debt and running expenses, have been unable to keep tip the school building from year to year as it should have been kepi up. Mr. Easloy and the vnlant bunch of teach? ers are standing by us these war times when many schools are (dosing for want of teach? ers. Let's back thorn up, pat? rons of the public school. We invite the public to visit the school and inspect the rooms that have been cleaned by tho women and telephone one of members of the Community League and volunteer for next Saturday. Bonds Build Ships. Buy Lib? erty Bonds. Sc i?t. Empcy in "Over the Top. Sergeant Arthur Guy Em-1 pey, veteran of the Sommo and author of the most famous of war books, "Over the Top," is coming to town. Manager Tay? lor, of the Amiizii Theatre, an. noilIICOS that lie has booked the Vilngraph stipor feature, "Over the Top," which was made from Ein pay's book, mid the sergeant will he seen as the star of the production, here on Thursday, October :t, matinee and night. This is probably the most im portain news which has come to local motion picture "fans" in an ago, because they have all beard of Km pey and want to see him, According to the ad Vance information received by Mr. Taylor, Eiupey will appear on the screen with all of the magnetism that has made him one of the most notable person? alities developed by the war. Albert K. Smith, president of the Vitngriiph Company, has pronounced him one of the greatest natural actors he ever saw, and he also says that Km pey has been permitted to re enact on tin' screen the thrilling moments he experienced during the eighteen mOlltllS he fought tlie Germans in Franco. Bonds Build Airplanes. Buy Liberty Bonds. WAR BUSINESS FIRST '/'?> I'ublic Utililitt Commissions and Municipal Officials: Von uro, of course, familiar with! the creation by Congress of Capital Ist'tes Committee for the purpose of giving effect to the Government's policy of 1"War Business First," by su pervisiiig the issuance of new 'securities for capital expendi? tures, It. is plain that all of us ' must avoid every unnecessary use of capital, involvi >g also the use of labor and materials, in order not to interfere with the financial and industrial re qti'roments of tho Government in its paramount task of mnk , iug war. If the men, money and ma I tcrial which tho Government noeds aro to l>o mado available for essential wur purpo?en,thure must necessarily bo consider ablo degreo of sucrilico on the part of individuals, communi? ties and corporations in adjust? ing themselves to the substitu lions and changed standards which tho situations compels. Existing facilities must bo mudo to servo in plnco of new ones, regardless of temporary inconvenience and discomfort* unless tho public health or par amount local economic neces? sity iB involved. May wo suggest to you that these considerations apply with marked force to the public utili? ty situation. The extensions and hnttermeuts which public service corporations are accus? tomed to make in normal times, either on the initiative of their own enterprise or by direction of the regulating commissions under which thoy operate, should, in our opinion, be post? poned until after tho war, un? less an immediate war purpose is served, und may we ask of your consideration of the pro? priety of deferring even the per? formance of contractual obliga? tions arising from franchise or other local requirements; when no military or local econ mile necessity is served by such ex? penditures. The Capital Issues Commit? tee feels certain that your Com? mission will recognize the par amount need of the National Government when passing up? on proposed additions and ex tensions by public utility com panics, and asks that y ou co? operate in giving offset to tin purposes of the Government by restricting every unnecessary use of capital, labor and mater? ials for extensions, betterments, street paving, or other pur? poses, even waiving, if in pow? er, the legal requirements that obtain in times of peace, until the present emergency has passed. Yours very truly, Capital Issit.s Committee, By Chris. S. liarhliu, Chairman, The More Bonds tho Fewer Casual! ies. Suggestion To be Followed in the Con? servation of Fuel. Start furnace and kitchen range fires as late us possible. Forget the first few cool fall days. liaise window curtains din? ing the day to admit sunlight, for that is free heat. Dispense with awning-i, as they shut out the sun. Weather strip all doors and windows and put asbestos around all furnaces, boilers, and cellar pipes used for heat ing purposes. Reduce the home tempera? ture lo 117 degrees. Do not wait until the mercury shows 7-1 de? grees before closing drafts. By this time that extra amount of coal will hove been consumed and wasted, according to all ooonomic rules. Bedrooms, where windows tire opened for the night or otherwise, should be shut oil from lo-at. Use blankets and feel better in the morning. Wear heavier clothing. This materially saves body heat. Thoroughly clean soot from pipes ami boilers and do not mind doing a little work in the cellar, seeing that window panes are tight and weather stripped like the oilier parts of tho house. Use gas for cooking and beat? ing. Gas lighting at night aids in heating the home, stores and buildings where used: Use heavy draperies on doors and windows for interim- decor? ation. This aids in husbanding interior heat supply. Alabama Farms Lands for salo in West Ala? bama all black land, good for ulfalfa: l farm 730 ncres 1 form 400. acres 1 farm 373 acres 1 farm 880 ncres I farm 170 acres 1 farm -10 acres All of these farms join except 44t> acres. Kasy terms. Owned and for sale by J. W. PATTERSON. Gainesville, Ala. AMUZU THEATRE THURSDAY, OCT. 3rd Matinee and Night ;VitagraprTs Great American Photodrama Sorgt. Arthur Guy Kmpey in . ilngraph's master production, u.r.K*ii "Over tin- Top." Featuring Sergt. Arthur Guy Enipey (Himself) Supported by Lois Meridi th, James Morrison and an all Star Vitagr?ph Cast A MARVELOUS PICTU R17ATION OF EMPEY'S WORLD-FAMOUS BOOK The Greatest Production in the History of Motion Pictures Prices: 20 and 30 cents Can You Figure? If you care to stop in and investigate we will show how we can save you from 5 to 10 per cent on every article in our com? plete and extensive line of Fancy Goceries but still maintaining our well known relia? ble qualities guarantied to be the best we can possibly procure for you. MORTON & DOUGHERTY BIG STONE GAP. VA.. (;ate Oily, Vol. iThursday, Friday & Saturday OCTOBER 10-11-12 Take a day off and attend the Fair It will be better than ever