Yes, Madam, May Possess the Charm of WELL-KEPT HANDS Will you spend three minutes each day to make your hands more attractive? That's all the time it takes to make and keep your hands in perfect condition! The new CONSISTING OF Cuticle Solvent Nail Polish Cake Paste Nail Bleach Rose Cuticle Cream Wonclerdust Polish Powder The complete set costs only $1.25, hut if you prefer, you may buy each item separately. Von ought to know how beneficial NALOID PROD? UCTS are?how attractive your hands will become with their use. May we have the pleasure of demon? strating tlicsc new toilet accessories to you? Come in today and let us show you how easily the charm of well-kept hands may be ac? quired and maintained; KELLY DRUG COMPANY Ufic Z/2exall Store Bip; Stone Gap, Virginia LOCAL ITEMS. Mrs. F.: F. Tuto, of Osaka.; wen I Friday in ilib flap visit, ing relatives; Prof. Vernon Jones, principal of tho Fast Stone Gup High School, was in town Friday af lerii "ii. Kev. O, W. l'ean, pastor of the Southern Method ist church, is ill with Spanish ihlluohxa. Mrs. .1. M. Marks ami Miss Florence Met ortnick spent Tluiisdny in Bristol shopping. A. 1.. Witt spent Thursday in Keokee on business. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Chulkley slid children returned from Washington last week. Mrs. Chulkley has recovered from an attack of inlinen/u. Miss Fula Tackelt spent BOV: t-t a I (luyS this week til her borne in Pennington < lap, Miss Clark; who has been the guesi of Miss Inn Allen at her Inane on Poplar Hill for several days, returned 1,1 1"?'' homo at Bristol Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mnthoson, formerly of ibis place but now of Pinovillo, Ky., spent a few days in the (lap last week visit? ing friends. Miss F.sthiT Goodniau, of Louisville, Ky., is spending sometime in the Gap at the Monte Vista Hotel. Xews luts been received here that Capt. Bruce Tinsle.y, for inerlj of Ibis place, has sailed for Prance; J. K. P. Marren, of tho (Jove, t ime up to see llto government war trophy train Wednesday morning. General U. A. Ayers spent several days last week in Lynchburg anil Washington <>n business; Simon Hanks spent Saturday in Gate City visiting friends. Dan Hill, an employee of the Southern Had way Company al AppnlaChill, spent a few libura in town Sunday. Mrs ('. c. Cartivright and children left Thursday morning for Gharleslo ?'. W. Va., where they joined Mr. Cartwright, wlui Iltis accepted a position at tbat place. hi. .1. Hrcscotl and J. B.Wum pier spent Thursday afternoon in Crackers Keck and Hast Stone Gup in the interest of the Fourth Liberty I.nan. Miss Jetn Williams, who has had a position with the luter Iiionl t'oal and Iron Corpora tion, has resigned and gone to Killgsport, where she has ac copied a position with tin Clihchficld Cement Company. Mr. and Mrs.\V. ILWreu and children returned to their home in the (lap Saturday night after spending a few weeks in Chil howie visiting relatives; General H.a. Avers is ill at his home on Poplar Hill with Spanish inlluouxa. .1. K. Taggart, wo are glad to say. is recovering front an at? tack of Spanish Influenza. Herbert Brown, of Wilder, spent Sunday in the (lap visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tJ. M. Brown. Mrs. (ieo. T. Winston, who has been visiting her son, L. T. Winston, in the tlap for some tune, returned to her homo at Asheville, N. C, last week. There are times in the lives of successful men when Credit at the hank is of vital importance. Hut the time to establish that credit is before its use is required. Establish Your Credit with us now and in your time of need we will back you to the limits? <>( Sound Banking Practice. w INTERSTATE ? CS/?ABT&a. PRC5U3CNT. ? '^.B.WAMPLER.CASHttR, Miss Vordio Chesser, who un dorwout a serious operation soveral weeks ago, is rapidly improving. Taylor Robinett.of West Vir? ginia, was in town last week visiting his sibter, Mrs. L. B. Ohesser. Ho also spout a few days in Scott county with rela? tive?, inukiug the trip in a car. Slmlur Uilly and family, of Pardee, passed through town last week euroute to Rogers ville, Tenh., where they will spend several days visiting I.T. Gilly and family. Mrs. E. P. 'fate and two child? ren, of Osaka, aro in town this week visiting relatives. Mrs. vTh?TWeiis left last Fri? day morning for Morristown, Tenn., where she will spend several days visiting relatives. S. rf. Jcssee has bought thf" H. b. Cuininings cottage on Qilly avenue ana will move his family into same in a few days. I Blake Wnmpler, who has bought the Johnny Qilly pro? perly on West Third Street,will move into it some time this week. Hop Shuler, of Turkey Cove, who is now employed with the Koyul Laundry Company, will move his family to the I i ap in a few days, having purchased a cottage from I' M. Roasor in I he west end of town. 11. W. Mullins ami daughter, Qlossie, w.ho live near the South? ern depot, are very ill with pnuVmouia, following an attack of influenza. Mrs. Belle Sb-mp returned to her home in the (lap Saturday from Louisbnrg, W. Ya , where she was called on account of the illness of her son, Buscom, who is very much improved now. IMPORT ANT. Magazines aro at) per cent, higher at news stands than through the mail, and prices will advance in No vemher. Subscribe at ouco. 1 bail supply any periodical pub? lished in any country or lan? guage ? W. Clifford Smith, tel? ephone 70. 42 II) W. A. Stewart arrived in the I lap Monday night from a busi? ness trip to Louisville, return? ing to his home in Kiugsport, Tuesday morning. ('. Hi Voigt, of Rye C.?ve, Scott County was a visitor in ibe (lap one day Ibis week and paid this ofllcc u business call. Miss Edith Mallard, who left last week for R?nnoke and Wash ington returned to the (lap Sat? urday, where she will remain until tin- epidemic of intlucu/.a is over before going to Wash i ngtnii. Mrs. A. .1. Wolfe, who has been visiting her brother, C. S. Carter, in the (lap for several days, left Saturday morning for (lute City, where she will visit friends for some time before returning to her homo at Cleve-! land. W. R. Saxton, who has had the position us chief clerk of the purchasing department of the Slouega Coke and Coal Company for several months, has accepted a position with the Federal Dye and Chemical Company at Kiugsport, where he will move bis family soon. 6. F. Phelps, D. H. Bran num. Liudsey Horton, Hop Shuler, Bruce lii illin, S. S. Mas? ters, Q; M. Brown and son, Ralph, spent Sunday on the farm of .lessee Qilly across Ma pie Qap just inside of the Scott County line picking up chest? nuts Every one bud a good time and came back loaded down with a big bag of chestnuts and expressed themselves as highly appreciative of Mr. Gilly's hos? pitality. Mr. Qilly has bought another track of land in Crack? ers Neck and is now living there in order to have his child? ren nearer school. He, togeth? er with his son, Hobart, accom panied the chestnut hunters across the mountain. Victum Of Influenza. Mrs. Loyd Christian died Fri? day morning from an attack of Spanish influenza which later developed into pnuemonin at tho homo of Mrs. Nancy Tom lihaOii in the west end of town, tier husband, who is working near ttichlaiidb, was notified but did not arrive here until Saturday night. The remains was buried in Glencoo cemetery Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock, besides a husband, the decoas ed is survived by three small children. Trip to High Knob. Misses Francos Whalcy, Doris Warner and Janet Bailey; Mes? sers A. F. Phillips, Irbe Hol lins and Jus. W. Rush went up to Norton Sunday morning on the L. & N. from where they walked up to High Knob and spent the day picnicing and (lick? ing up a half bushel of chest? nuts. Little Girl Dies With Influenza. Hertha, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .lohn D. Davis, of near t 'buyer, died oil last Wednesday following an attack of iiifbicnxa. Funeral services were conducted from the home by ltov. J. M. Smith and the little remains were- laid to rest in the Dan Roasor ceme? tery near the home. Mrs. Johnson Wells Dies With Pneumonia. Mrs. Johnson Wells died at her home near blue Springs on Saturday morning about two O'clock from pneumonia, follow? ing at attaid; of illllilcn/.a. She i- survived by her husband and live small children. Ho fore her marriage she was a Miss I lall, of I. county, mid her remains were taken lb (he old family cemetery near Jouosvillo'?unday morning for burial. Rev. J. M. Smith, pnstbr of the Presbyte? rian ehurch of this place,accom? panied the funeral party and conducted the funeral. M. C. Kaylor Dead. M, C. Kaylor, aged sixty nine years seven months and seven days, died at the home of his ? laughter, Mrs. (Jlasbey, near the Southern depot, nil last Wed? nesday, after a lingering illness, i'he deceased was a native of Washington county and was well known in this section. lli reuiains were interred in the cemetery uf Pa-t Stone (Sap bti Thursday afternoon at throe o'clock. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. M. Smith. NOTICE The Following Rules and Reg? ulations Are Promulgated by the Local Board of Health ol Big Stone Gap, Va. 1. That it shall In- unlawful for any crowd to assemble in buildings or in any public places within said town 2 That no person shall be allowed to remain in the post otllce lobby longer than five minutes. 3, That tlio law regulating public drinking cups ami roller towids in public places will be enforced. I. That no one who is sus? pected of having tho Spanish influenza is permitted to mix with the people on the streets and public places, but must re main in bis or her borne until danger of any infection to oth? ers is removed. !>. That no loitering will be permitted upon streets ami in public places, nor in slues af? ter customer bus completed nee essury purchases. tl. That the Hoy Scouts are hereby authorized to report every violation of these rules to the proper authorities. 7. That any one violat ing any of tlteso rules and regulations is subject to u penally of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty live dollars for such offence. Lot? a i, Board or Hi: vi.hi Hig Stone Gup, Vn. October I I, 1!M8. New Money Circulating. Two new greenbacks,the first 'of the new war-timo currency, |aro just getting into circula? tion. They are tho dollar ami two-dollar Federal bank notes, issued to replace- the Silver Cer? tificates that have been with? drawn from circulation as the silver reserve is melted into bullion for export to the alfies ? ami eventually for stabilizing the commercial situation in In? dia. Tho new dollar note bears a picture of Washington on one side and that of an eagle in full lligbt on tin- other The two. dollar note shows Jefferson and a battleship. i5ireji5iraisirai5if?j-jni^?)r^ CORN FEED 1 PORK |j This little pig got so round [j=j and so fat, [ja] Eating corn on the cob antltl*51 such as that, ||j His I if* was cut short, as raj curly tail, Us: And now we have got him hero "For Sale." (5)1 Nothing so templing as Roast Pork With Spiced Apples You can lind here any portion of the pig at reasonable prices All Account! paid on lOlh uf mouth must be settled in full to dale. PUCE VOUR ORDERS fcVRLY "THIS LITTLE FIG" rsJ isi Isi [?l j?j In Polly Building. Big Stone Gap, Virginia p pjEnfaG^tsn^iiirae^ ill Nisei's Meat Market T.HE UNIVERSAL CAW TI >? I onl.'l'nick proven u> Hti)M>rioi value an ah ocoiiomlo foieo in buM'iii m. ?long nil lines of coinnierulal work : lo the contractor :inil btilhler, thu manufacturer, tho wholesaler ?int the retailer Ii i< Having nioiicv .-ii tho farm. Ii tnok us plaee nl oiicc ?s :i progressive utility,.iblnlng in li^lil weight all the grtat ftroh|{lh ol heat-treated ?loci, nuil all tin- valuable llcxibility of l-'ord design, with eaiw. .I>1lctty .mil cconoui) in opl-rati.iihI maintenance thai liiivii in nlti Koril earn so universally in demand. It will Imi wise under present condition* to eel vour onti o Im .1 Kuril Trunk i>n fib' without delay. ?V? mayor w liiriy liof bo able in iiialtu imincdlatu delivery, bill by having yum order On lllu you will he s od ill possible delay tllvo your etiler to the authorised l ord dealer* litticd belovi ami yon are assured of prompt attention, and thai ? lifter iiervleo' mi eaaentlal 16 thorough ?atliifactwn Mineral Motor Company Bi? Stono Gap, Va. ? LM The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New York World in 1919 Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No Other Newspaper in the World Gives so Much at so Low a Price. The value anil lifiotl Of u newspaper in the household was novf greater than at the preient time. We hnyo betiii fore, tl n> tinier the win hi war, uii'l a mighty iirniy of ours is already in KVimcu lighting great buttles ami winning magnificent victories. \I'tt will want to luivi) all tli'n iiewsfrom our troops oil Knropoan battlefields, and I9lil promises to bn the most mbmontous year in the history nf our universe, TIIK ' 'I'll KICK \ WBBK WilltLD'S regular subscription pi ice is Only ?tl iKi per year, und this pays for 150 papers. We ? ii r ibis unetpialled newspaper and TUB Hid STONE GAP I't >ST regular price ; 1.00 per j ear logother for ono year for *l.''..">. 'I'he regular subscription prico of the two papers is $2 00, j?l fsffdlsir?lKi'islt'nf? 6]pi!s)p!IsjpJlsjpl i ' 1 '^:MPjlgfj ?pTEjpljg'jaisjr? p ISI (51 I am prepared to furnish |j Rocia Block Coal by the ton | weighed. Call or 'phone j?] all orders to Long's Garage 1 id G. C. LONG 1 isi pi i BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA 111 pit^^pjsrpirg pi&MEp^ .1 Buy War Savings Stamps and Help Win the War.