OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, October 30, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1918-10-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Big Stone Gap Post.
vql-big ^qn^P-WlSE county. va.. wednesday, octo b e r~3f57 \918~ -n?"~44
Allies to Act
In Union
Surrender Only Basis for Ar?
mistice, and No Peace
With Kaiser or War
Lords Possible.
Washington, Oct. 24.?Pr'esi
drill's Reply to Germauy was
Beut broadcast to the world
from the Arlington naval radio
towers last night after thu of
licial text had boon put on the
cables. If not picked up direct?
ly by the great Gorman station
Nauen, it was und itibtedly re.
layed from other points in Eu?
rope in time to reach Herlin
tliis morning.
Washington, Oct. 24.?No
armistice except under condi?
tions of surrender.
No pence with the Kaiser and
Iiis war lords, now nr later.^J?
Thus President Wilson bus
givon in advance his own Ii aal
decision in informing thu new
spokesmen of Germany that he
lias acceded to the reimest that
ho take up with the allies their
plea for an armistice and ueacu
(ino point that those in the
confidence of the President em?
phasized today is I hat the Presi?
dent dud the United States gov?
ernment now are through with
separate dealings with the Gor
man authorities. The whole
situation is before the co-bull ig
erent governments; und the fu?
ture announcements will lie of
the United States and the allied
governments acting in concert.
The President's reply to the
latest German note has gone on
its way Berlin. It was deliver?
ed to Frederick < tederlin, the
Swiss charge here, last high! at
'?> o'clock and soon afterward
was on the cable in plain Eng?
lish, no time being lost to con?
vert the President's uncompro
busing sentencis into code.
Apparently the exchanges
which had been in progress be?
tween Washington and the al?
lied capitals since the wireless
version of the German commit
ideation wan picked up Mon?
day, terminated late in the af?
ternoon, enabling the President
to reply just eleven hours ufler
I he official text had been deliv
Assurances of the present au?
thorities ut Herlin that they
represent the tierman people,
that they accept the conditions
of peace lie has laid down, ami
thnt the German armed forces
on land and sea will observe
the rules of civilized warfare,
are accepted by the President
only us changing the situation
sufficiently to warrant, him in
submitting the questions in?
volved to the nations with
which the United Slates is as?
sociated in the war
In doing this without mincing
words he ttdls these authorities,
and through them the (ierinan
people, that the only acceptable
guarantee of their words must
be submission to terms of an
armistice that will make it im?
possible for Germany to renew
hostilities; that the Kaiser still
holds the power to control the
empire anil that, until he and
his autocrats are out, surrender
and not peace negotiations must
be demuuded.
While this ultimatum is sink?
ing homo in Germany, the al?
lied governments will bo pre?
paring for the next move,
which lies with them, acting in
harmony with the United
First there is to he determin?
ed, as the President asks,
whuthor the allies are willing
to elfcct peace on the conditi
one enunciated by him and ac?
cepted by Germany.
If they do, tho question of on
armistice will be subinittod to
the military advisers of all tho
co belligerents, and when the
necessary conditions to render
the German military machine
potverless for harm havo been
formulated, tho program will
be forwarded to Herlin.
Must Be Mailed According to
Directions by November 20
Labels Given Men.
Tho men themselves will de?
cide who is to send these par?
cels. They are now receiving
Christmas parcel labels with
instructions to mail these labels
to the person in this country
from whom they wish to re.
coive the holiday box. To
avoid any chance of duplica?
tion, each soldier gets but one
of these labels. Packages that
do not bear those labels will not
be accepted. In the event of
this label being lOBt it cannot
be replaced. No Christmas par?
cels will be accepted for ship,
?hont uftor November 20. The
cardboard boxes, or cartons, to
be provided for these parcels
art; "J inches by -l inches by '.l
inches in size. When packed,
wrapped and ready for mailing
these boxes must not weigh
more than three pounds.
Red Cross Provides boxes.
The American Hod Cross has
agreed to provido these card?
board boxes and to supervise
their distribution to relatives
of I he soldiers who present the
proper Christmas parcel label
credential. Tho distribution of
the cartons will be made by
Red Cross branches throughout
tho country. It will be incum?
bent upon the person receiving
one of these boxes to return it
when filled, but unwrapped, to
tlu; collection point designated
by the Ked Cross. Here it will
be inspected by the Red Cross
inspectors authorised to exclude
any articles barren by tin' post?
al authorities, after which the
box will be shipped. In short,
the Ked Cross is responsible for
the distribution, receipt at tle
sinnled points, the inspection,
and mailing of the boxes.
Outline uf Procedure.
The following is an outline of
the procedure to be followed by
persons planning to send one of
these parcels abroad:
On receiving one of these
1'lliistmas parcel labels it
should be presented at the near?
est chapter, branch or auxiliary
headquarters of the Red Cross,
where tho holder will receive a
carton. These labels are not
expected to reach this country
before November I, but by that
time each Reil Cross branch
will have its allotment of boxes
based <>n the number of soldiers
in service overseas from that
These boxes may bo filled
with any combination of ar?
ticles, except those on the list
barred by the postal oflicials.
The articles prohibited are all
intoxicating liquors, all inflam?
mable material, including fric?
tion matches and any composi
lion likely to ignite or explode
(sigarotte lighters come under
tins classification), liquids, and
fragile articles improperly pack
ed. Under the postal regula?
tions no note or message or
written matter of any kind will
be permitted to remain in the
boxes. In addition to the fore
going list of prohibited articles,
relatives and friends of the sol?
diers are urged to bear these
fuels in mind when preparing
Christmas parcels:
No Perishable (jouds.
Do not put anything in the
package which will not keep
fresh until Christmas.
Pack dried fruits and other
food products in small tin or
wooden boxes.
Givo preference to hard caudy
over chocolutes, unless the lat?
ter are enclosed in heavy wrap?
pers. Soft chocolates aro easily
crushed and may spoil the oth?
er contents.
Do not put articles packed in
glass in the package.
Gifts should be wrapped in
khaki-colored or other handker?
chiefs, twenty seven inches
When ull is done and peace has como again,
And nil the gold und blood and (ears are spent,
And thru tin; streeti. our battle wearied men
Come marching back, as onco they proudly went.
Can all of you who stayed perforce bebind,
Quite safe from bullet, bayounet ami shell
Show to those tuen a clear and guiltless mind,
Or must you cover thoughts you shame to tell?
Can you, then, say to them who have not quailed
At what the Hun could do mi land or sea,
"In all these months my faith bus never failed
Nor ceased to ?peak of victory to bo.
"I never entertain a thought of dread,
Nor lost my truHt in triumph over there,
Nor sighed, nor shrugged, nor shook the hopoloss head,
Nor spoke the craven word of black dispair?"
Oh, when they ask you can you truly say,
With that calm gn/.e that meets then eye to eve,
"I never feared that Wrong could win the day.
Nor even droamcd that Kight could ever die?"
Kriend, in that holy hour when peace is here,
Can you, I ask, hold up your blameless head
And know your record clear, your conscience clear.
Or must you shrink from what you once have Bail!?
In war's hard days our hearts must understand,
And we must learn the lesson, every one,
Thai he who fears is traitor to his land
And he who doubts is partner to the Hun!
Margaret Aaliiiium, in New York iterant.
Bquure. Cigarettes may be sent)'
Inn us they arc supplied daily
to tin? then by the Government
they may well be omitted;
Wlien tbf pack age bus been
packed it should In' taken, un?
wrapped and unsealed, together
with tin' label and Bufllclenl
stamps, to the nearest collection
center designated by tho Ked
Cross. After the package linn
passed the inspection of the
Ked Cross representatives, as to
contents und weight, and been
wrapped in stout paper, the
Christinas label bearing (tie ad
dress of the mail for whom it is
intended, is place I on it. The
person sending the package, in
the presence of the Ked Cross
worker, is required to allix
stamps, sufficient to carry it to
lloboken, N. J. The postal
charges are to be nt the rate of
four III class or parcel post stone
rate. A label certifying that
the inspection bus been com?
pleted by the Ked Cross, is
placed on the package which is
left in the custody of the Ked
Cross, until delivered by the
postal authorities.
Proper Form of Address.
Christinas parcels must bear
the name and address of the
sender ami will be addressed
substantially as follows:
"Christinas Box Department)
l'ort of Embarkation,
lloboken, N. J.
< Irganizhtion ....,
American Expeditionary
Parcels so addressed will be
chargeable with postage at the
fourth class or parcel post /one
rate applicable between the of?
fice where mailed and lloboken,
N. J., to be prepaid by stamps
Parcels may bear inscriptions
such as "Please do not open
until Christmas," ''Merry
Christmas," "Happy Now
Veur," "With Best Wishes.-'
and the like.
In order to assure thu arrival
of Christinas parcels abroad
and the delivery to the addres?
sees by Christma8, all such par?
cels must be mailed on or be?
fore November "JO, I0l8.
These regulations apply also
to our Marines serving with the
armies in Europe, but for others
of our .Marines the Navy regu?
lations published in the Post of
(let. 23j apply.
Tho postage required on par
cols sent from this region to
lloboken, N. J., is for a 3 pound
package Lfi cents, for 2 pounds
11 cents, for 1 pound 7 cents,
and for 4 ounces to 1 ounce, 1
cunt per ounce.
Cartons may bo obtained by
those having labels and will ho
inspected at the following pla?
Stotiega?Superintendent's of?
Koda?.Mrs. H. S. Kstill.
Osaka?Mrs. E. F. Tale.
Appa lue bin?Mrs. K. W.
jl; lnman?-Mrs. ?. U. Brown.
Imboden?Mrs. H. A. Alex?
Exeter?Mrs. Crocker.
Keokee?Mrs. King.
East Stone (Jap?.Miss Chris
tie .1 ones.
And nt Ki'il Cross llonio Ser?
vice Section, ollico oh Second
Hour, Post Ofllco Building, Big
Stono < lap.
Local Loan
Arc Commended for Tlicir
Work in Liberty Loan
The following letter giving
the full results of the Liberty
Loan campaign in Virginia and
thanking the workers in Wise
county for their efforts in mak?
ing tin- movement successful
was. received by t'. S. Carter,
chairman of tbo Wise county
"hour Mr. Carter:?Tbo Cen?
tral Coinmittoa rejoices with all
chairmen and co-workers and
their associates, who helped to
tiring ab?Ut the splendid results
obtained by them in the Fourth
Loan campaign.
'.'Full returns have not yet
been received, but Virginia was
the lirst stale in the Fifth Keil?
ern! Ueserve district to report
passing her allotment of $G ;,
'.iso.eiiii with subscriptions ol
.fiiS.OO?.S?ti reported t o date.
When all reports are in this
Slim will he largely exceeded.
"The di tltcil I ties in conduct?
ing this campaign were many
and unusual. In many coun?
ties and cities, plans well ad?
vanced had to he abandoned
because of the prevailing epi?
demic, and new measures adopt?
ed. These circumstances were
faced by county and city organ
izatipnS with the determination
to overcome all obstacles; the
very greatness of the. task
nerving i hem to greater achieve?
ment, and now we have n right
to something of the pride and
elation our boys "over there'1
must feel when they come vic?
tors from the Held. That they
might COine victors has been
the driving force to our success.
"The Central Committee is
embarrassed to lind proper
words to express appreciation.
It cannot Hay "Thank you," for
tin- services have not been giv?
en to the Central Committee,
but to our country and humani?
ty; nor can wo say you have
obliged us by your hetoic work,
because we have been only co
workers with you?parts of tbo
great civilian army dedicating
its efforts to the moral and ma?
terial support of our armies in
France. Hut it seems proper
that we should send greetings
of joy to each one of you, and
through you to each man, wo
I man and child that has partici?
pated in this work.
"Central Liberty
"10. 1. Bomiss,
In thOBO days we are surely
I living history.
Killing 30 j
Per Cent
Exacts Awful Toll When it
Attacks Influenza Patients.
Richmond, Va., (let. 20.?Up
to Saturday morning the State
Hoard uf Health had received
forty-three replies to the ((uos
tionnuire sent out Wednesday
tu the county health officers of
Virginia in connection with the
ravages of inlluenza. The re?
plies indicate that tho situation
is still n most serious one
though there is definite evi?
dence of improvement at cer?
tain points, and local authori?
ties, aided by thu State Hoard,
tiro meeting conditions fairly
The forty three counties heard
from report u total of IJ720 cases
of which aSl are complicated
i by pneumonia, t If deaths there
I have been 177.
The percentage uf deaths for
the total number sick -whether
or not pneumonia has develop?
ed is two ami one fourth.
When it is remembered th'it
these figures relate to more or
less thickly populated rural
sections ami not lo crowded
communities, it will be seen
that the influenza is playing
havoc in the country as well as
ill the cities and towns.
So far as Southwest Virginia
is concerned, there is no dis?
guising the fact that the situa?
tion is stich as lo give Hie
health authorities serious con?
cern. Indeed, this section ap?
pears to be the worst ulllicled
of any part of tlib state.
Dr. W. A. Brumflold, of the
United Slates Public Health;
Service, who was sent by the
Stale Hoard to this field a few
days ago, writes in part from
I.ee county under tlllte of OotO
bor 17th as follows:
"Conditions at St. Charles
could not well be worse. The
great majority of the people
are sick and the rest are panic
stricken and completely disor?
ganized, It is said that the
sick und the children in some
houses are suffering for food
because there is no one able to
prepare it.
"A hospital with fifty beds
is in operation at Oooblirn. The
town raised ?2,000 by subscrip?
tion ami the work was nrgiiniz
ed by Miss Juno Morgan with
volunteer help from tin- Home
Demonstration Agent and wo-j
men of i loelmrn.
"Conditions at Toms Creek,
I lalitc. Ionian, Tncomn ami
several smaller places are quite
bad and they need medical and
nursing help. The Slonegu
Company, Dorchester, (ilainor
gan and Norton plants are in
good condition, but they have
some mild cases.
Diphtheria lias been added to
the fearful inlluonza conditions
at St. Charles and 1 am return?
ing there to try to organize the
work for relief and the estab?
lishment of soup kitchens and
other work."
In view of the serious menace
from diphtheria, which will
terribly complicate the influen?
za situation if it appears else?
where than in Southwest Vir?
ginia,the State Board of Health,
through the medium of a spe?
cial circular, is urging all doc?
tors to be on the look out for
this-added danger und to bo in
it position to secure promptly
an adequate supply of antitoxin.
The two most popular words
in America just now are "tin
conditional surrender."
Tal? year Annrtc* sent 11,8*0,000
tout of foodstuff! across the Atlantis
Next year ah* U pledged t* fe-raisb
n/^O.OOQ ten* Lb normal prewar
llmas ell* flsurs vac tone.
To be ready to aim thin Increavatd
IM4 food conservation mua-t be Keav
ilSsd. F>?*ry ladtrldnaJ mast keep
rlthla bla honor rttiem o* anew, out
aal only Victory breeKl, most fclVj-f
taoh succeeding regulation of Uta
food Administration faithfully and pa?
triotically, and must eat net a mortal
>t Iwid that ha does act seed. In order
ihat America may continue to ther
Ihe allies that iplrlt that ?Ina
On" hundred and twenty million At.
cei must eat Whan Mr Hoover met
the V'ooJ Controllers of these other
lountrles In i-ondon In August, an*
ihej together totaled up the food rt
lourcai available from the estimated
iropj of the five countries. It v?
>lain to be seen that the only hope lay
n gutting what was necessary (or
heir Imieiile Sjy the short run to
*.u:ii Ca Aller? are no ships to be
Ipared for ths longer runs. And Mr.
.1 >'.. a" uied now that he could
ruil the "willing service of a frse
?eople." felt no shadow of douM that
Iis pledge would be loyally and Joy
u 1> a -pt when ha SSSUrad the Allies
bat "the American people could, and
eould, piovld* anything their slitpa
lama to get " Ha stood there In the
facd of t-he world and pledged bis
faith In our capacity for sacrifice, our
willingness to sacrifice, our abllltly to
sacrifice, and now ha tells u? what w?
(ladt) recognise- that "w? have to
fulfill our obligation."
To accomplish this result a steady,
all rouu.l savlni from wt.f. care In
buying, snd moderation in consump?
tion is ukoti Hut what is necessary
for health and strength, hut nu mors.
'I Is a broader plan of food eonserva
tlon than hcrlofore. Not so much,
emphasis on this paitlcular Item or
that, but a stsady pressure In all dusc
ilons. The most careful and thrifty
conservation, tha pllmlnatlon ol every
Dp? of waste, theme aie the principles
which must b? observed, our standard
to which we must measure up
We cannot ship seventeen million
tons of food out of tha country snd
not continue to conserve food \V*
cannot Increaat out last year's food
? iports to tha Allies by W) per oent.
and not continue to cut down our con?
Ths need Is vet) Kraal, our obllga
tlon plain To supply the essential
foods to III* 120.00O.000 people In Eu
rope now iirralirnrd against Germany
Is our present task. "This Is u duly
of necessity, humanity and honor."
We will fulfill 11 rawing DOW must
besom* a purpose Every Individual
la asked to take part We must en
rulop? a "war conscience," Mr.
Hoover tells us; w* "must strip to tu*
bone." read) for the Ionic, hard,
tt.-ad) pull all loxethei through Uis
months when ?111 men are battling on
the Western Front trying to bring
this dreadful business to an end with
tile summer campaign of imi. before
which time we are assured theie Is
no hope cif accomplishing II Food
plats a lar^' part In the doing of It
then, for the meu and the people must
be kept In health and strength
If we do nut win to complete mili?
tary victory with (he close of the 11119
campaign. It mains a million 11101a
American men sacrificed - left hurled
"somewhere In France.**
Wllh the approach of winter It Is In?
evitable that pence and rumors of
pear,, will be talked of Hut this wiy
dansei lias Not until the war Is over
can we afford to let our efforts relax,
even temporarily The war Is tp-dag
forward. It iloes not stop nor pause.
It dues not temporise nor healtat* at
these ysaue lavas of an earl) psao*.
It la our duty at all time to sustain
our army by '.ho contributions ?*-?
make to the food program We must
coli t nt today and every day We
must be careful, we must he etrlct.
There mint be no up and down tn
our eJIoils To succeed a steady pres?
sure la necessary \V? know the food
uueds of our part of the world, tha
part that in fighting Germany. It la
our plain duty to inset them Meet
lag them, without wavering, wlthuut
response to svery passlag iuc.*>d fos?
tered by the Oeraaa-a avrorrunaat. wt3
age** peace la o-?r Ux&o, eud (t KU
saetn elan Vlslery.
Died in Kentucky.
Henry Willy, ago 28 yearn,
Bon of Iteiibeu Qilly, 'of Knst
Stone Qnp, dietl last Wednes?
day nt Jenkins, Ivy., from an
utlack nt influenza and pnuc
monin, wiiere lie had lic-t-n em?
ployed.for sometime us n civil
engineer with u large? coal com?
pany. Iiis fnthor, who hud
been notified of Iub son's illtu-ss,
was al thn bedside when death
canto. The body was brought
to Knst Stono Gap on Friday
for burial and funeral services
were conducted by Kev. Hoy F,.
Karly, of Appalachia. The de?
ceased is survived by a father
and one sister.
The slogan of the tank sor
vice is said to be "Treat 'etil
rough". Certainly there is not
much of tbo pink tea element
I bout tank life.

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