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TlIK MG STONK GAP POST. WEDNESDAY, OCT. ?0, 1018 Published Ever/ Wednesday by tho WISE PRINTING COMPANY. !acorpar*l?fl. aiLOERT N. KNIQHT, - Editor. LINDSEY J. HORTON, Ass't Editor Onu Voar, Six Months. Throe Months, Kntorcd according t" |k>sIaI resolutions st tho post -nOlco at HIr Stone Gap as sec? ond-class matter. subscribers nro earnestly re? quested to observe tho tlnto printed on their address slips, which will koep theui nt nil times postod ns to tho dato of the expiration of their sub? scription. Prompt and timely attention to this request will save all parties a great deal of annoyance. The Wliimsicall Thug. Retween one and two million Kreuch soldiers have boon kill? ed during the war, ami over nine hundred thousand of the British; And as evacuation proceeds on the edge of Flanders the Germans enter the houses of villagers and destroy the intri? cate mechanism of the luce making mnchiua which yield them a livelihood, The Potsdam maniac is debit? ed with both the foregoing items in his account. The former looks the more portentous, but there is a special significance in the luttor. As a contribution to war activity lace ranks at zero. The villagers who made it will probably be employed in munition shops at present, and. if anything, the allied cause will gain a little thereby. But only a little. Economically,the whole incident i- unimportant. And therein lies its real Im? portance. I lost ruction is by this lime an instinct with the Prussian command, to com maud, to be practised even when no military advantage ncci in-:-. It is done mechanical? ly? a 1 m o s t unconsciously. These wantoll cruellies cause grief to the owners of the ma. chines, but no detriment to the allied armies. The sheer clumsiness of these acte of malice enable us to see a little futher into the enemy's character, but only a little fur tfior than, we have already seen Now that talk of a peace con feronce is in the air it is fort tin ate thai we are familiar witii the intimate peculiarities that characterize those who seek re? conciliation with us. We are less likely to uccepl promises without guarantees The election for senator and congressman will be held next Tuesday, the fifth of November. There will only be two names on tin- ticket. For Bonetor Thomas s. Martin and for re presenttitive 0. Bascoin Klomp. So fui as we have heard any expression from both democrats und republicans the ticket will be voted solid without change, recognizing the meti who have sbod squarely by the president in the projection of the war. The people who love to pay over $12,00 for their shoes will have that privileg until after the first of next dune. They bud better take tin- advantage of their opportunity. And now sutlragists are pick eiing the Senate. President Wilson doubtless offers the sen? ators his heartfelt condolences. The destiny of Germany is either one thing or the other. She will certainly be in peace or in p'eces soon. Tho saying "few die and none resign" does not apply in lief, many. Many are living at the front and resignation seems to be the favorite occupation, in iu official circles. si-oo ,BO .25 Chairman of Christmas Roll Call Committee Appointed Big Stone Gap, Va.. October 28th, 1918 To the Big Stone Gap Chapter, Its Branches and Auxiliaries of the American Red Cross: You are hereby notified that Rev. J. M. Smith of Big Stone Gap, Virginia, has been appointed Chairman of the Christmas Roll Call Committee. This Committee will consist, of the Executive Committee of the Chapter, the Chairman and Secretary of each Branch or each Auxilliat y. including Committee in charge of Junior School Organizations, and such oth? er members as the Chairman may from time to time enlist in the cause, subject to the ap? proval of the Chapter Chairman. , The rules and regulations of the Board of Health prevent any public gatherings on account of prevalence of influenza at the present time, and our efforts will have to be confined to or? ganization of sub committees and laving out the work preparatory to inaugurating the drive as soon as the health restrictions are removed. The same Cause having prevented <>iir holding meetings and electing officers ol the Chap? ters, Branches and Auxiliaries at the date fixed, Oct; -3rd, this work will be done in connec? tion with (lie Christinas Roll Call. Public meetings will be called is so ?11 as the Han is removed, and in the meantime I urge Red Cross members and workers to use their utmost endeavor to lay the foundation, not on? ly for a successful Christmas Roll Call, but a very successful re organization largely increas? ing our membership. R. A. AYERS, Chairman. Vaccine State Health Board Mails Samples to Virginia Doctors. Richmond, Va . Oct. 20.?It is the concensus of opinion among Kichmond physicians that the puuemonin prophylac? tic vaccine made by l>r. Sam? uel Sudd, prbfosfior of Bacter iology und 1'ethology at the Medical College of Virginia, from cultures taken from influ eu/.a patients at Iticbmond l-'.mergency Hospital, is of de? cided value. The State Hoard of Health, therefore, sending a limited supply of ibis vaccine to hospital centers and physi? cians in certain parts of \' it gin in, though it is let! to the .judg? ment of physicians as to vvhoth er or not they are to use it Tim circular w hich uhnounc-l es the mailing of Pr Hudd's vac I cine Htiys in part: '?It is an autogenous ynccinc in that it represents the strains of streptococcus, pn?cinococcus and other organism-- found pre? sent in the existing epiib inic of' influenza. A very significant Unding made by Dr. Blldil is' tbtlt t h e streptococcus is the predominating organism and is responsible for n Inrgo percentage of the pnticnioiihl complicating or following infill en/.a. His conclusions an- that this vaccine given in the early stages of inlHienzn is proving of unquestionable value in re? ducing the incidence of punt - tnonia." School Not to Open. The Hig Stone (Jap Henltli Hoard at a meeting Tuesday tnnruiiig decided that it wotild not be safe for the present to open schools, and oihor places of public gathering. The Health Hoard is watching lln- situation closely hud will allow the re? opening as. soon as it can be doiic with safety for tlie eonmiunity. I While the situation iii Big Stone (lap it cell' is considered favorable, the epidemic is raging around us on all sides. Nn doubt the favorable situation here is due to the wisdom and care of the Health Hoard, and the Hoard docs not geeni to be inclined III lose thi- advantage by ill-advi-ed baste in raising the emergency restriction laid down for the Safoty of the com? munity. Parents are urged, during this time of enforced closing of the schools, to see to it that their children spend sonic lime regularly euch day in study, Tllis study may take the nature I of review of w01 k covered this j full1, or advance work from the j point at which school woik was laid down on. October I. Most of the teacher- are in town, and any of tboni will bo to advise parents or pupils in regard to carryingou this home-study. Mrs. Will D. McNeil Dies al Wise. The sad news was received by a large number <>l' friends and rel? atives in lite Cap Friday morn in- of (lie death <>f Mrs."Will D. MeNiel at lldr Itotno in Wise, af? ter an illness of two weeks' Which was caused from blood poison? ing. Mrs. McNeil was fotncrly Mis- It. U. Slemp, oldesi daugh? ter of the late Hale Slemp of uear.lonesville. She was thirty-1 seven years of age and was a de? voted iheinber uf the Haptist.l < lun ch and has been president of (lie Huptisl 1.allies Aid Society for the pa-1 lour years in Wisoj as well as a member of the Ked| floss. Civic League ami Fort nighty Club. Hey. Fiber) Woodard.of Joues ville, a friend of Mrs; McNiel's silK'C early girllltxkl and Hev. Simons, of the Baptist ?liurch of Norton.held the funeral serv? ice- at (lib home Saturday after i.a, alter which the remains were laid to rest in the new ad? dition of die Wise Cemetery. She i- survived by her hus? band and five small children, two sisters, Mr-. Woger Walker of Ivirniingliam, Ala., and Mrs. line (JiMcnwiilors of Esservillo Funeral of Mrs. Harry T. Taylor. Mi-. II. T. l av lor, who will be remembered here a- Mi-- I latinah Kilder, died a t her home in llazard, Ky., w i t h influenza Thursday. Uer remains w e r e brought lo the home of her par? ents. Mr. and Mr-. 1!. F. Kilder al Appalachia and a short fun? eral service was held there Sun? day afternoon by Hev. <'. \V. Demi. Interment was undo in Gloneno Cemetery al this place. She is survived by her I1?8 ban, Many T, Taylor, formerly of this place, and an infant son, who have the deepest sympathy of (heir many friends. FOR CONVALESCENTS He alth ((flicer Peters emphas? izes the importance of persons; who are recovering from influ-1 en/a exercising every possible, precaution to guard against a, relapse and also to protect others from contracting it: "All per? sons who have had iiilluon/.a are potential carriers of the disease'" hi- -aid. "They should po urged 10 uftc anti-optics for gurgling .iiel washing. They should re? main at home for a period of seven day- after their fever has subsided! The best gurgle is the one we have proioilsly recom? mended. I 1-2 grains of quinine ibisulphnte lo a quart of water.'' I Wedding Announcement. Mr. ami Mr- Ji.-se Kwing A gee announce the iimrrl&go of Uioli ilaughter Ainu- Kliac In Krisign Wallace Irvine Atborton United Stale* X?vy en Krlilay September twenty-seventh em- thousand nine hundred unit eighteen Washington, District of Colombia The bride is a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Polly und is well known to many of our I readers. Text of Note London, Oct. 28 -?Tho Ger? man ofllcial wireless nay the | German government's r o p 1 y to President Wilson's last note | is as follows: "The president knows that ; deep-rooted changes have taken plaee in the German constitu'1 tion und that peuee negotiations will be conducted by a people's government, possessing decis' ivo legal power, in accordance with the constitution, the mill" j tary power being subject there? to; "The < iernian government a waits proposals for an armis? tice, introducing a peace 6 f justice such as the president has described." Mack Patton, the clothes cleaner and repairer, wishes to announce that he will he in his shop from 7 o in. until 12 noun, and asks his customers tu Ininu their work during that period. For Justice of the Peace. We have the most complete set of forms for use by Justices of the Peace of any house in Virginia. Our juices are 75 cents per Hundred of an assortment of blanks. Cash with order which can al? ways be tilled promptly. Al? ways order by number. No. 'I Warrant of Arrest: j2 Commitment to Answer Indictment. :i lertiiicalo of Commitment im Trial. 4 Commitmciit until Kino ami (,'oata are aati'aid ? Commitment for I inpriaonnttittt, wc. ii Kecogiilxanco u|~>u Appeal. ; Warrant Discharging from Jail, ii]k>h Appeal. 8 I'oiiiplaint for Peace Warrant II Peace Warrant In Search Warrant. 11 Wan.u.i in Debt 1- Warrant in Damages. t:t Kxociitlon 11 Clarnishco Summons. Ifi Indemnifying Itond. Iii r'orthcomlng lloiul. I, Affidavit lor Summons in Unlawfil Detainer. l"- Summons In Unlawful Detainer. P.i Affidavit lor Distress Warrant 90 Distress Warrant. '.'1 Complaint for Attachment againt Removing Debtor. 22 Ailaohtnciil Agaiuai IteniovingDobl or, with Garniaheo Process. S3 Attachment Itond i 21 Dual of Conveyance, with certificate 2,1 Heed .d Trust,"with cortlAcate. 20 I li ed of Lease 2? Homestead I iced, 38 Declaration In AsSUmpsit, 2U Declaration In Debt on Itond. 30 Declaration in Dob! on Promissor) Note. 31 Declaration in Debt on Negotiant Note. 112 Notice of Motion on Note. Itoml, or Account. 33 Power of Atloriicy. 31 Notice to take Depositions 9*1 Indictment, (Icuoral. 8Q Indictment, Liquor 37 Commissioners Notice. as Abstract of Jwlgmcul Itoforo Justice, illi Warrant in Detinuo. 4ii Garnlshee Suihmona and Judgaient 41 3ub|h>ena for Witnesses. ?12 Contract and Agreement. Wise Printing Company Incorporated jpiliril W Bit Wash the Woolen Sochs You Knit with Grandma's until washday before you order n package of GHAND MA. It's Ki),H| for washing so ninny Illings around Hie house that you need it every day'. Onvc von n?v C It AN DM Vyoii'llneve'ruolMck tobursnniuignin. Nomon wast? ing of scip hi..- that. Wal, Git AN DM A you just llu;,si;r, out what you heed. No more bother of chipping or slicing and in? more tiresome hours spent over n rubbing board Gil AN DMA is line for sheer' silky fabrics. ?'S Powdei Your Grocer Has It! JOB PRINTIMG bbii't think you arc getting REAL job print? ing just because you are having your work done at a "printing office." Investigate and learn lor yourself that there is a vast difference between real job printing and "just printing." We are prepared to do REAL PRINTING Not only because we have the equipment, but because we possess the "know how." Our long experience anil knowledge in the printing business enables us to handle job priming on a saving basis. \\ c will share this saving with yoi ai.d will guarantee every piece of work turned out in our plant. Will you bring that next job to us and have it done right ? No long wailing for the Ijnishetl product. Wi? do tilings "Now." WISE PRINTING COMPANY Incorporated Big Stone Gap, Virginia :*::.??'?.'?:.<? * * * South-West Insurance Agency ?. Incorporated Eire, Life. Accident aiidCasu?lity In r siirancc. Eidslity and Other Bonds Real Estate and Commission Br?kers. BIG STONE GAP. VA. Seed Corn For 1919 Hlncksmirgs, Vd., ??ct. 20. (VII farmers interested in plant? ing good Boed oorii m xt year will remember the critical situ ation as to good Bced corn last spring. Owing to tin- large ucrdgo of corn that has been frost bitten :his fall, there will undoubted: ly be a large amount of soft ami immattire eorn cribbed with the Bound grain ibis winter. This makes it absolutely necessary that farmers should save out their host seed corn when shuck big and store it where it will dr> out well before freezing weather. If eorn that is not well dried out is exposed to freezing tein | perutures, the germ is damaged very greatly and if planted will result in a poor stand. There are several good meth? ods of storing seed corn, such as the seed corn tacks, the wire and I he twisted siring methods (Any or all of these methods will he explained in detail on nppication to the Agronomist of the (extension Division). Tbc main point in curing seed corn is to arrange the individ? ual oars in such a way that the air will have free circulation about them. The beet place to select seed corn is from the standing stalk, but that chance has gone for this year, so the next best op? portunity is at shucking time Don't fail to do it will save you time and lnhor next spring. Arrest Bootleggers. For past two weeks the I.t Icgging business lion beeii nour? ishing in this section but special prohibition olllcer W. b\ Kilhotirue lias ahotit put it out nf commission judging by the number of arrests bo mudonud the nniount of whiskey cbuiis eh tod by the aid of officers from neighboring towns. The wins key is being brought here by individuals from Kentucky in suspicious looking suit eases and the officers have little trouble spotting the booze. Sev? eral men wore arrested on pas? sengers trains lust week between here und Norton, hut only a few were retained for action before the grand jury, as e.ises could not bo made against them. Ah together sixteen suit cases lad en with quarts and pint bottles of whiskey were confiscated. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP ?III ipitcty??r cough, sootho tlio liillain niatlon ?>f .1 sort) throat ami lungs, stop Ii - ritattori in 'ho bronchial tubes, Insuring ? gooiljiitiglit's rest, free from roughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Mad.-anil soid in America for lifty-two years A wonderful prcsci iplion, assist lug nature In building up y?lll general h. all h ami I In owing 6lY tho dlicaso Esj peciaily useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Kelly ilg I. oiupi Could there be a pleasantef occupation than raking leaves on a golden Indian Summer day? Comparative Wealth. Following is a table given the estimated wealth of the largo mil ions: Great Kritnin . . .$1)0,000,000.000 Franco. 06,000,C00,000 Russia. 10,000.000,000 Illay. 25,000,000,000 I Japan. 28,000,000,000 Germany ....... 80,000,000.000 ! Austriu-llnngarv 25,000,000,000 I United States. . . .260,000,000,000