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Cure That Cold Arm yourself against Grippe, Influenza, Bronchitis, Cold in the head, Catarrh and Pneumonia. Many a serious illness begins with a simple cold that you can guard against by carrying with you a package of Rexall Cold Tablets Stop the cold and you stop the risk of sickness with its dangers and expense. Kexall Cold Tablets are a most reliable and convenient remedy. Thirty tab? lets in a package, price 30c. KEL,IAr I>MiIO COMPANY Zf/ic ffiaxa/l Storo BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA LOCAL ITEMS. lt. M, Hooher, t Ii e watch? maker, bus been sick fur tho past few (lavs with a severe Cold. Kdwaid Byrd, Truman Ken? nedy ami Willi,m Long motored over to Neoki'e Sunday after? noon, where they spent a few hours visiting friends. W. A. Head spent several days last week in t'inciuatti on business. Mrs. S. A. Bailey went to Kg. scrville lust week to nurse her cousin, Mrs. .1. A. Gillnnwaters, who is very ill with influenza. Miss Georgia Host wick who (spent the past week in tho Gap with her parents returned to Hristol .Monday morning. Miss Hess Voting, of Stonega, spent Sunday in town visiting her grandmother, Mrs. K.liza heth Gllly. Mrs. VY. T. .Mahnlley and liieco, Miss I'eheeea Napier, are n.vering (rpm an attack of inlluonza, having been confined to their rooms for over two weeks. Mrs. Boulah Gales, of keokeo, and sister. Miss Mabel Mot del hin, of Mack. Yn., spent sovor al days in the (lap last week visiting their cousin, Miss Ora Cleok. 'The tegular monthly meeting of the Missionary Society will not he held this Thursday j Due notice will he given Ihr? these columns. Mrs. Lillic Staeev spent a few days last \\.k m Knoxv.ille visiiing relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Smith on Thusduy a little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. Wren and two children motored t 0 Ubilbbwio last. Wednesday and spent several days with rela? tives. Mr. and Mrs. lt. M. Amos, of Omar, W. Vri , are spending a week in the Gap visiting Mrs. Amos' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Body. Tom Bishop, who hail boon ill for about two weeks from intlu en/.a, which later dovolopod pneumonia., died lust Wednes? day at noon and was buried Friday in Glen coo cemetery. Lieutenant Karl Jones, of Van Couvcr, Wash., who was reported last week as being critically ill with influenza, has greatly improved, having pass 1 ed the crisis, according to a telegram received here by his father, (i. l-\ Jones. Mrs. .1 S. Johnson a n d daughters* Misses Lobelia and Nina, of Taeoina, attended the funeral of Mrs. II. T. Taylor at this place Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ike Kiclimoml and small son, Archie, of Appalachin, are visiting Mrs. Richmond's par ems, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Head. Mrs. Hyatt, o f Jonosville, attended l h u funeral o f her niece, Miss Mary linker, Friday. .1. W. Hish, compositor on the I'ost, was sick a few days this 1 week. .1. I-'.. Hotly returned last week from a blisncss trip to Hunting? ton, W. \'a., ami Portsmouth; ( 'hi.i. Mr. and Mrs. ft. 11. fugle and small son arrived in the Gap Thursday morning, where they were called on account of the death of Mrs. Ingle's sister, Mrs. Mary Puk.-r. Kdgar t'. Voting, who has been in (heemploy of the War lie. partition! as inspector of muh lions, is visiting his parents, ' Mr. and Mr-. W. M. Voting, in Turkey t 'ovo, this week. The two y. ar old daughter of Loyd Christian died last Friday evening at (5 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Nancy Tomlinson as a result of influenza and pneumonia. The child's moth? er died three weeks ago of the same disease. IMPORTANT. Magazines are per cent, higher at news stands than through tint mail, and prices will advance in No vember. Subscribe at once. 1 can supply tiny periodical pub? lished in any country or lan? guage ?W. Clifford Smith, tel? ephone 70. \i lit AP Running Behind? You can't begin to go forward financially until you learn to save your money. An account at this Bank is a long step Forward. ^INTERSTATE . //iV4NCE*TRUST CQ. CS.CARTtR. PBeSlpENT . J.B.WAMPLf. R . CArjVll ER; BIG STONE GAP. VA. Mrs. Sally A. Bailey a n <1 daughter, Miss Janet, spent Saturday at Wise, where they attended the funeral and huri til.of their cousin, Mrs W. I). McNeil, who was forttiorly Miss lt. 0. Slenip. .1. W. Hisel, the meat man, who has had influenza, is able lo ho out again. Mrs. Klorrio Koasnr and son. Creed, of <Minger have h. I spending a few days in Harold. Ky., where they were called lo attend the funeral and burial I of Mrs. ItHUBor's son-in-law, I Mr..Harold Hatcher, who died lo f Spanish intlucnza. Iiis ! wife, Mrs. Rebecca Ueasor Lltttchor, who also had the in flu lenza is improving. Mr. Hatcher was a brother of Mrs. Auhurn I lauddin of the ('ovo. VVi If. ('arnes. of Washington, I). C, spent a few days lust week in the (Jap visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Carnes. Mr. ('antes is in the employ of Ilio goverinent and will leave t h >? first of November for a fur east? ern port, where In- goes in t he interest of the Committed on Public Information; Luther Cntron; who has been ; in the service of 1'ncle. Saul as U .soldier for eight years and is now located at the Panama I'a lual training recruits, spent a few days' furlough in the I lap last week visiting relatives, re turning to his post Friday I night arid expects to leave for Franco in the near future. This excellent soldier has seen quite a hit of service on the Mexican j border and has been decorated for bravery by his commander, lie claims to have killed the .Mexican that tired the shot that resulted in the death of a Big Stone ( lap boy by the name of Stuhblelield that occurred 'about two years ago, the body heing brought here for burial. Death of Small Boy. Following an illness of only a few days from an attack of in? lluen/.a and priuemonin, the eiglit year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S; Masters, died last Thursday morning at the home of his parents of this place Set vices were conducted at the home Friday afternoon by Itov. ?I. M. Smith und the body was laid at rest in Glencoe Ceme? tery. Mrs. G. E. Taylor Dead. ('apt. Henry Taylor received a message last Wednesday from Ulintwood, stating that the wife of his son, (}. 1'',. Taylor, died on Tuesday night at ti:4fi o' clock, after a few days illness of influenza and pnueirionia. She was taken ill immediately after arriving home from at? tending the funeral of her bro tiler, who died with tin; same disease, She was the daughter of C. C. Childross, a prominent citizen of that place. Mrs. Tay? lor had many friends in the Qttp who will regret to learn of her death. Besides her husband she i:i survived by three small children, ages six, four and one year. Card of Thanks. To all the friends whose sym? pathy and services were so kindly tendered us during the sickness und death of our dear little son, we desire to extend our sincere thanks. S. Masters and Family. DEATH OF MISS MARY BAKER - The sud news of the death of Miss Mary Emma Buker, who died at 6:30 Tuesday evoning Oct 22 in Baltimore, Md., canto as a shock to her many frieuds in this community and -else? where. Her death was due to pneumoniu following en attack of influenza. Her father. Or. W. A. Baker, was culled to Bal? timore Friday a week ago and every thing possible was done to save her. Miss Mary was the second daughter of Dr. and Mrs. VY*. A.! Baker. She graduated from the Big Stone Gap High School in 1917 and the following year en? tered tliu Providence Hospital in Washington, D. {'. , to take training as u nurse. She spent her vacation tins summer with her parents and accompanied by her sister, Miss Eleanor Baker, left the last of September for Baltimore, Md., where they en? tered the University of Mary? land Hospital for training. Miss Mary was twenty years of age, was a beautiful and tal? ented young lady. Having lived the greater part of heir life in I Big Stone Gap, she was loved by every one who knew her, both young and old,who are sad? dened by her death. She was a member of the South.Til Meth? odist Church und always look active pun in the Sunday School and Fpwortli League work. The fact that she chose to adminis? ter to the suffering as her vocu lion in lift- testifies to Iter Christ like spirit. She was a devoted daughter and a loving sister. The remains were brought homo by her father Thursday evening. The funeral services were held at the home Friday afternoon at !l:00 o'clock, con? ducted by Dr. 1. I'. Martin, of Abingdoli, a former presid? ing elder tit this place. A large I number of sorrowing friends were in attendance. The following gentleman sory ed us pallbearers: W. T. Goodloe, Judge II. A. W. Sk.j H. F. Burgess, C. S. Carter, Dr. J. W. Kelly, .1. II. Muthows, A. I.. Witt. 1 i P. Barren, Conor Collier and .1. I". Wolfe. The interment was made in (llencoe t'eih?t?ry. Many beautiful floral Otter? ings and t he personal calls from her friends assured the family of the affectionate sympathy extended them in their burunve uiont. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends for the many acts of kindness shown during the illness and death of mir daughter, Mary Fminn Baker; also tor the mnnv beautiful Moral designs. Dr. and -Mrs. W. A. Baker Death of Mrs. Durham. Mrs. Maggie Moore Durham, wife of Frank Durham, and h?r infant daughter, died in Linden Sunday from complications fol? lowing an attack of influen/.a. Aged \11 years. She was a member of the Methodist chinch at Fast Stone (lap, Vu. Mrs. Durham was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Porry C. Moore, tin: well known carpenter, who is now employed at Kingsport, Tonn. She is survived by her1 husband and I wo little boys, nil of whom are ill at Linden with influenza. Services were held at the grave at Fast Si,me Gap Mon? day afternoon at one o'clock, conducted by Rev. d. M. Smith. Interment was made in the family square. Card of 1 hanks. The families of Frank Dur? ham and Perry C. Moore desire to express their sincere appre? ciation of the kind and thought In1, services of friends at Linden ami Fast Stone Cap during the illness and death of Mrs. .Mag gie Moore Durham. Carelessness, Not Influenza. Columbus, ".. October 2?? -?It's not influenza, but most? ly carelessness of people after they get it, that kill them," Jambs F. Baumaii, acting State health commissioner declared to? day. ??Plain suicide, that's what it is, in many eases," lie said. ??When you get influenza, you OUgilt to go lo bed lit least four days, no matter how well you fell and how badly you are need? ed in your work. It's betIer to go to bed a few days than he put away forever by nn undertaker." Isi airatgrai^rai5]^ CORN FEED 1 PORK I This little pig got so round [|! and so fat, rgj Eating corn on the cob and ISj such as that, [j=! His lif? was cut 'short, as raj curly tail. 151 And now wc have got him here "For Sale." ra| Nothing so tempting as lljj Roust Pork With Spiced Apples b You t an find here any portion of the pig 151 at reasonable prices All Accounts paid on lOth ol monllt must be Fettled in full In date. raj PLACE VOUR ORDERS EARLY 151 % Nisei's Meat Market 1 III In Polly Building. Big Stone Gap, Virginia pi ^(sf^SjfigG^tg^ rgjj T.II E UNIVERSAL C A R There etm I?' no thrift inure practical thcuo iliya than which comes thtoilgh giving careful atteiitlott to the incehatilcnIJneciUBnr Jyour I'onl car Keen it runtime; ?.utlily and ?o get Inoat iHttsslble value nut of it. .lust .is s."01 .is anythine, nets out of order lirliig'yonr Kbrd to any one of the do ib is lisicl below anil yon may rest as-111 red thnl your car will be Uken care of jiroriorly mid promptly', Geiiuliie Pont iuatttrlala will la.*|uscd by ox|iericticcd anil re Itablu workmen, who know the- construction of Ilm enr arid how1 to kiepjl in Hinooth Kcrviec.iblo order The ooitt will tic the I'onl |.ii. es Heller make ail arrangement with one of us to look after your car regularly t'oiuo In and talk il on r |f y'oii .ire Ibinkilii; of buying .1 t ool , ,r, he.i without del 1) No telling w hat's going to Ii!i|i|k<ii Mineral Motoi- Company Uig Sloiii! Gap, V.i. The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New York World 1919 in Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No Other Newspaper in Ihc World Hives so Much al so Low a Price. Tlio value unit 11.Inf u newspaper in the household was never greater than at the present time. We Imve been fnrot il to enter the world war, und a mighty army of burs is already in Franco fighting griial battles anil winning mngiiificiini victories. \ mi will want, to have nil the iniwS from nur troops on Knropean hatllidields, ami 10111 promises to be tho most momentous year ill the history of our universe. Til HI Till! It'K A WFiKK VVOKUVS regular Kill)-cripi ion price is only * I .tin per year, ami this pays for tali papers. We oiler this iineipialled newspaper am! Til 13 BIG STUNK GAP Pt 1ST regular price j l no per year togol her for one year for rl .??"?. The regular subscription price of the two papers is j'J 00. jell i^rrJLs]g![^y]lsj]i,rsiYr!K][eJi!.i(.'Ji'.)|l,i ? ? ? . >?:' ?.)(ri;is]ir-Jl'.ii'ci;,'!ib]i.'I :; i m m Isi l5j Isi m 151 m I am prepared to furnish Roda Block Coal by the ton weighed. Call or 'phone all orders to Long's Garage C. C. Long BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA m Isi 151 p I51 Is1 it Buy War Savings Stamps and Help Win the War.