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VOL. XXVI, tone Gap Post. ?^va.. Wednesday; November ,3. tgis. No. 46 WORL _ Great Conflict Comes to Close When Germany Signed Armistice Monday Morning. GERMANY'S SURRENDER COMPLETE Forced to Sign Grim Terms of Allies and Hostilities Cease on all Battle Fronts WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.?The world war ended this morning at 6 o'clock Washington time. The armistice was signed by the German representatives at midnight. This annoucement was made by the state department at 2:45 o'clock this morning. _ The announcement was made verbally by an official of the State Department in this form: "The armistice lias been signed. It was signed at 5 o'clock a. m., Paris time." The terms of the armistice, it was announced, will not be made public until later. Military men here, how? ever, regard it as certain that they include: "Immediate retirement of the German military forces from France, Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine. "Disarming and demobilisation of the German armies. "Occupation by the Allied and American forces of such strategic points in Germany as will make impossible a renewal of hostilities. "Delivery of the German high seas lleet and a certain number of submarines to the Allied and American naval forces." KAISER AND SON GO TO HOLLAND London, Nov. 10 ? llmh the former oiriporbr und his son, Frederick William, crossed Lite Dutcli frontier Sundu) morning, according to advices from The Hague, The former Gerniuti Bmperor's party, which is be? lieved to include Field Murslial vim Uindonburg, arrived at Kysden, oh tin' Dutcli frontier at 7::i0 o'clock Sunday morning, according to Daily .Mail advices. 1'ractically the whole Ottrmun general Btiill accompanied tin former emperor, ami ten auto? mobiles curried the party. Tin automobiles were bristling with rifles and all the fugitives were armed. The ex-Kaiser wuja ill uniform. He alighted at t lie Kysilen station ami paced lh< platform, smoking a cigarette Kysden lies about midway lie tween Liege und Maastricht, on Dutch border, German Kaiser And Crown Prince Have Ab? dicated. Washington, Nov. hi?VVi? ? Ham Hnhon/.ollom, Geriiiuil em peror ami kinvc of Prussia has renounce the throne. This declaration is made in a decree issue at Berlin by tile Herman Imperial (Jliancellor, Prince Maximilian, of Baden. The Gorman crown prince will also renounce the throne, and a regency will In: set up. Prince Maximilian will re? main inotlice until matters con? nected with the abdication ol the Emperor are settled and FriederichEbert, vice president of the Social Democratic party will replace him as chnncelloi dining the regency. Thirty years and almost five months after ho ascended the Imperial throne, William Ilo henzollern, his armies defeated in the field, forced to sue for armistice terms, and the Ger? man people raising in revolt, given up his power. Ho came into authority with his country at llie threshold of an era of pence anil material progress; he leaves it torn by revolution ami suffering from hardships ami sacrifices of more than four years of war?virtually ruined. Earnest August, Duke of Ihirnswick, law of the Emperor, has abdicated und ronouced rights of his heir. All Rulers Odse. With the pas; i ig from power of William (lohehzollern all the heads of the governments of the Central Powers when they entered war have died or lost 'heir thrones. Emperor Fran? cis Joseph nnd the Sultan of T?rkey died before their coun? tries agreed to Allied armistice terms, ami Ferdinand of Bul? garia abdicated to be suceeded by Iii? son, who gave up the throne when his people rose against him. The other Europ? ean Kmpcror at the beginning of the war, Nicholas Uomuuoff, was desposetl in .March, 1017, und murdered in July, 11)18, Hun Arch Criminals William Hohe z .Hern Frederick W. tlohenzollern Knel F tlohenzoiiorh Admirul Von Tirpuz Admiral Von Capelle llupprecht of Bavaria Duke of Mecklenburg Minister Von BusscllU Qoheral Von Qruovonitz General Von Itoedittki General LutleodorfT t leneral I lindenburg General Maoknnsen (leneral Fleek General Schubert General Von Itulow 1 leneral Bernliardi General \'on Boeliin General Klauss (leneral Biegen General Von Manteuffel And the shivers of Edith Gaveli and Captain Fryall. These will be remcrabi red as the days wlieu peace messages were living and Spanish inliu epzt flew. The Start and Finish The war begin July 191 1 U untied November 11, 1018. It lasted l years, !) nionllis ami ii day's, <>r exactly 15G7 days. When thoy entered war: Austria,'July 28, 1911 (termany, Aug. l, 1914. '1 lirkey, Nov. 2<i, 1914. Bulgarin, * let. 11. 1913 When they got out: Bulgaria, Sept. 29, turkey, Oct. 30; 1918. Austria, Nov. 8, ltHS. Germany, Nov. 11, l'.US. Death of Mrs. I. R. Gilly. Mrs. Nannie Creech Qilly, wife of 1. R, Qilly, died at her h?rne in Powell's Valley, hear Lit tie Stone (ian. on Friday, November 8th, from complica? tions following an attat'k of in llnenza. Aged ?;i years, 11 months anil 7 days. Mrs. Gilly was a consecrated Christian, a member of the Southern Methodist church ol West Norton, ami admired by all who knew her because of her splendid qualities of mind ami heart, und her faithfulness in the discharge of all the du? ties of wife, mother und neigh bor. Her memory will lone; be cherished among her friends and relatives. She is survived by her bus band and the following children: F.wmg Qilly, Mr?. Salin Quurlett, .Miss Kdna Gilly, John Qilly; Mrs. BesBie Upchurch ami Gordon Qilly. She was a sister of Mr F.lijnh Creech, and therefore, an aunt of the Bplon did Creech boys who guye then lives in ihn service of their country, and whose remains lie buried under the Slurs and Stripes in the Valley. The funeral services were 'held from the residence Satur? day afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Kev. J. M. Smith assisted by Rev. William Bob. incite, und the interment was made in the Gibson cemetery. Death of Milatn M. Cloud. Milum M Cloud died last Sat? urday night at < Ilamorgan from complications following tin at? tack of influenza. He was 'a, son-in law of Mr. Robert H. Willis, of Powell'? Valley, and was Well known in this section He is survived by bis wife, Mis Vera Willis Cloud, and a little daughter, Etta Beatrice. The remains were conveyed to the home of Mr. R. 11. Willis Sunday afternoon, where funer? al Bervices were conducted by Kev. J. M Smith, and the inter? ment was made in the family cemetery. Good News For Susanna. Vaugn Stevens From Her: Soa.Lrt France. She can hear from him by applying to the Home Service S-'^uotiv An?iU'ao Bed Cross, Big Stone Gap, Va., Telephone ?2-20. Study "Flu" Catechism State Board of Health Pre? pares Attractive Bulletin for the School Chil? dren of Virginia. Richmond, Va.. Nov. s.?The stair Board of Health now has in press an "Influenza Catech? ism" which will bo widely dis. tributed among the school ohil (Iren of Virginia in the hope that youngsters in till parts of the Commonwealth will study the attractive publication a id follow the simple precautions it offers in connection with the prevention of "Hit" and other spray-borne disease. All of the information em bodied in the bulletin is set forth through the medium of questions and answers, which are OO?ched in language so sim? ple that even third and fourth grade pupils may readily under? stand. School sitperiuieudents in all the counties and cities of the state will bo supplied liberally with '?Catechism," and Dr. K. W. Quruett, the acting com missioner of the State Hoard, on October 30th addressed them the following letter in regard to the use of this publication which he litis prepared: "With the iuilueuza now rapidly subsiding ill most sec tions of the state, the question of when to open the schools is doubtless becoming for you, as well as for us, a very pertinent onei "The executive commit tee of the State Board 61 Health |has today passed a resolution cover' iiig the needs of the situation as well as it can be done in a general statem-nt. A copy of this!resolution is herewith en? closed, altoiigb you will have probably a I ready seen it in the papers. As volt will observe, the responsibility tor fixing the date of opening tin- schools is placed upon the local health au? thorities. Conditions vary so widely in different portions of the slate that the only fair way to deal with these problems is by letting the ultimate decision rest with local authorities. " We should not fail to lake advantage for educational pur poses, of the favorable psycho logical atmosphere created by the epidemic of influenza. Now is the tune of all others when we may succeed in effectual!) presenting certain, most impor tan', health truths. A special health bulletin,there fore, under the bailie of the "In lliien/.a Catechism" is being issued, and we would like very much to have tins made a pan of the regular teaching in nil schools of lite, stute. Copies of this bulletiin will be sent to yon as soon as they come from the press. "Since it is important that this material be gotten into the hands of all the teachers, we will appreciate very much your letting us have ut once a list of your teachers ami their address es, if you have not already done so, in order that wc may be able to mail them direct a supply. .Should you prefer to distribute this material personally, we will he very glad to send you n sufficient supply." British Army Takes 200,000 Of Enemy In All. London, Nov. 8.?Two hun? dred thousand prisoners were taken by the British on the western front from January 1 to November 5, inclusive, ac? cording io an official announce? ment made in the House of Commons last night in the same period of the Kreuch captured 14l),t)t)u,the American 50,000 and the Belgians 15,000 Loans to Our Allies. The extension of a credit of $!).000,000 tft Belgium made re? cently makes the total ad vances by the United States to Belgium f SO.020,000. The total amount advanced to date to all of our .associates in thu war against Germany is $7,?2'J,470,000. Republican I Majority! For Both Houses in Congress Assured by Final Returns. Washington, Nov. k. ? A Re? publican majority in the next Congress at leust two in the Senate ami of not less than 13 in tin? House was assured from returns today from the scatter? ing doubtful districts of lust Tuesday's elections. Word from Detroit of olection in Michigan, upon almost eom-i plete unolllcial returns of Tru? man II. Newberry, Republican candidate for the Senate, over Henry Ford, increased the Re? publican roll call |6 40?a bare majority. The Democrats have 46; with the I lali'o contest, be? tween Senator Nugent, Demo? crat and former Governor Godding still in doubt on the face of almost complete returns. Nugent has a majority of near? ly 500 but I loading has demand? ed an oflictul eonnl which will be made November 1">. Returns from the last mis-1 King House district?the Sec Olid Montana, where a Bdpubli-| can was elected to the sent now ] held by Representative Jeanette, Ruukin; unsuccessful indepen denl candidate for the Senate were received today. On the face of now complete unolllcial returns the political line up of the next House is as folUws: Repiihlicnns, 23.1; Democrats, I 1; I inlependent, 1 ; Soci ili-i . 1 Fire Destroys Home. The home of Mrs Betty Brngh, a widow woman living at Cole', was totally destroyed by tire Wednesday night at ,s o'clock. The* tire,which caught Upstairs, was not discovered iintil the whole top was ablaze, warnum being given by Mis Mary K 1 jy, who lives a short distilhco below the place, and Mrs Briigh had barely time to save her daughter, who is an invalid, being about 35 years old and can neither walk nor tail.. Neighbors are now taking c ue of Mrs. Brngh and daughter until Mime further arrangement can he made for their comfort. She is left, in a very pliable con? ti it ion, every tIiing in her home was destroyed. Any one wish ing to help may see her at the home of Mrs. Noah at t'adet. The building tvna a two story Structure and had eight rooms. There was no insurance* evriry* thing being a total loss. Mrs. Brugh had made her home there for twenty-five years. Last Call For Christmas Presents for Soldiers in Europe Mast be mailed according to directions by November 2?J For boxes and information regard? ing same apply to Stoneg? ? Superin tendon t's office. Roda?.Urs. II. S. Estiii. Osaka?Mrs. E. F. Tale. A p p a I ac h i O? Mrs. R. W. Holly. Inmnn ? Mrs. tl. V. Brown. Imbodou?Mrs. II. A. Alex? ander. Exeter?M rs. Crocker. Keokee ? Mrs. King. East Stone Gap?Miss Chris? tie .1 ones. And at Red Cross Home Ser? vice Section; dffioe oh second lloor, Post Office Building? Big Stone (Jap. Lot the packages be mailed -'Oil. Do Not Believe Unofficial Reports. Norton, Va., Nov. 0.?ft is the desire of the United States Fuel Administration to cooper? ate most fully with the press of the nation in their generous: ami patriotic olforta to aid in providing fuel to keep the na? tion's householders in health ami comfort, ami the nation's essential industries in motion during the coining winter. To this end il is of first im? portance that no precaution ho "milled in guarding against fallacious reports, perhaps de? signed ! I'-n t lie ardor with which workers in war indus? tries pursue their efforts, and in this wo ask your aid. Will you not make very ch ar In \ our readers flic distinction between authentic reports and thosu ru? mors ami foreign press com? munis which piess associations properly curry und many pa? pers print in order lo show the s lit?> i f the public mind abroad? Such reports, while of much interest ami real value, if tie copied al their face by your readers, may result in serious interruption lo the work of (lie government. As an instance, the extensive acceptance, us a fact, el a recent report that the iGuriiiau crown prince ami ar? my h nl been captured, was fol? lowed by a most natural cele? bration which slowed down production of uuvy coal 26,000 tons in one Held alone. Had it been generally understood us a tumor instead of a fact, prob? ably small atic-itiou would have been given it. May we count oil your heart? iest cooperation along this lim-, in whatever way you may think best? Yours very truly, U. S. Fuel Administration By ii. D. Kilgoro Production .Manager. Some folks apparently arc ?ettin? rich with great ease. In fact, they are the ones who commenced By Laying Aside a Fixed Portion of their Income Each Week and depositing it in a reliable bank. Then when opportunity offered they had the necessary funds for takirig advantage of it. STRENGTH , vSERVIci Z*.'SECURITY w. INTERSTATE .CS.CARTErt. PRESIDENT ??" J.a.WAMPLtR 'C/V3H>t9.'' BIG STONE GAP