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1 VOL. XXVI, BIG STONE GAP. WISE COUNTY, VA.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20 1918; No. 4.7 Demobilization of Troops in Camp to Begin j Immediately. Washington, Nov. 10.?Move? ment of American troops across the Atlantic; has stopped entire? ly and demobilization of troops in cantonments and camps tit home is under way. General March, chief-of-staiT, made this announcement today, outlining the War Department's plans in answer to the questions the country has been asking since the day the armistice whs signed and it became apparent thai the war was over, lie said orders already issued would send 200,000 men hack to civil life within two weeks, and that when tin; plan was in full swing about 80,000 would quit the army daily. Fighting divisions of Goucral fersluiig's army in France will he demobilized as fust as possi? ble in their home communities. The chief of stuff would make no prediction as to when the first divisions would start home. It appears probable, however, that the How of returning troops oaii he. in full tide before Febru? ary. .Some ollicers regard it us pos? sible that certain divisions may be recalled in advanec of the general return movement. Gen oral March indicated that the Forty-second) Uainbow) division, because it is composed id' men from 'Jit states and in recongni tion of (he lighting record it has made in France, would be mark? ed for special treatment. The Twenty-sixth (New Flightnd Na? tional Guard) and the Forty first (Sunset) divisions are in the same class, so it would not cause surprise, therefore, if these three organizations should be designated by General I'ursh ing us the first to return. With six weeks of 1018 left it is pos? sible they may be homo before New Year's day. Supplementing the statement of General March, .Secretary Hukersaid it would not be neces? sary to'maintain all the existing cantonments for demobilization purposes and that a study was now being made id' those desira? ble for that purpose. The oth? ers,with all the divisional camps, lie indicated, will be abandoned as soon as the men now occupy? ing them have been mustered out. The demobilization will be curried out in the following or? der : First, development battalions, 71 in number and comprising 08,190 men. Second, conscientious object? ors hot under arrest. Third, spruce production di? vision. Fourth, central training schools for ollicers with some modifications. Fifth, United Stales guards, now numbering 185,000 men. Sixth, railway units. Seventh, depot brigades. Eighth, replacement units. Ninth, combat divisions. ?'We have in the United States now something like 1 , 700,000 men and to muster out a force of that kind, of course, will take some time," said Geh eral March. "Each man has to he examined physically, his fi? nal accounts made so that the men may get compensation they are entitled to. '?The orders that have already been issued all'ect some 200,000 men. 1 expect to muster them out in two weeks. When the machine is in full operation we expect to release 80,000 men a day. "In handling this problem of demobilization one of the fea? tures which had to lie consider? ed was the subsequent retaining of men for tiie regular army, or what will he the regular urmy, when Congress passes laws re? organizing that army. When the war broke out (here were only a limited number of such men in the service und the great number of men who filled out these units were men who vol? untarily enlisted for the period of the war. So we have ottered these men who came in for the period of tho war the option of ro-culisting if they care to. "We have oll'ered an imme? diate honorable discharge with a furlough of one month upon rc-eulistmcni and we propose to ask Congress to give every single man who has been honorably discharged one month's pay, whatever his grade is, us a bonus. "As men are discharged, we take up the question of ollicers. Ollicers who want to apply for commissions in the regular army will he considered ; ollicers w ho want lo put themselves in a class where they can be used for future military operations will be oll'ered commissions in the reserve corps. The rest id' them will lie discharged. "I have cabled General 1'er shing lo return to the United Stateson troop transports all the men who are casuals or convales? cents, sick and wounded, who are able to be moved. "We propose when the divis? ions come hack from Franco to have them mustered out in the vicinity of their homes. "With reference to casualties in the American expeditionary forces I cabled General IVrslung to report in plain English and not in code, so as to save time, the name of every mail killed, wounded und missing up to the time of the armistice hot hither? to reported." GASOLINE CAUGHT FIRE What came near being a dis? astrous ii re and explosion oc? curred on last Friday afternoon in front of .1. A. Morris' auto, mobile supply station on Wood Avenue, when gasoline was be? ing empted from the suppl\ wagon into a large tank hurried in tile ground at the sidewalk. While the gasoline was being empted into the tank a pusBor by uccidently threw a lighted match to tho curb and it struck tho funnel through which the gasoline was flowing and in? stantly ignited it, causing an angry looking lire for a few minutes. The flames leaped ful ly twenty feet in the air, but by the use of tire extinguishers in [Mr. Morris' store and some brought by Messes. 1. C. and .1. R. 'fay lor from the Amuzu Theatre the lire was soon ex? tinguished before it done much damage, A number of people thought the gasoline tank would explode und left tho scene in a hurry hut those with the fire extinguishers rushed to the lire und by putting it out and saved tlietown,doubtless,from a disas? trous explosion and tiro, for which they aro commended by every one for their presence mind and bravery. The upholster on .Mr. Morris' automobile, which was stund ing near was scorched ami the ? ires dtimaged some. Hold Your Liberty Bonds. Don't stirrondcr your Liberty Bond, conditioually or nucou ditioually. Financial Plan New Liberty Loans Will Total Nine Billions. Washington, Nov. 13.?A H nanoial plan to meet the transi? tion period from war to peace in the business world already is assumiug tentative form. Features of the plan at pres? ent under consideration by VV. G. MoAdoo, secretary of the treasury, a ti d congressional leaders are: A heavy reduction in the tax bill to give a spur to business, with, however, a retention of the profits. The excess prolits tax is like? ly to be eliminated. At leant two more large bond istuieH to bring in a minimum of $'.',000,000,000 and provide for a continuance of cr>'dit to the allies until peace is pro? claimed. A resort to short-term certifi? cates of indebtedness, running from one to three years, for any ' further financing necessary in j carrying over the readjustment! period, these notes to ho amor-1 tized by a surplus of taxation that will result as the expenses and current demands on the treasury gradually decrease. A continuance of credits to the allies will he necessary, it is pointed out, if America is to market her peace products abroad. The allied countries will re? quire rjrent quantities of food, which can be paid for only by exchange of products or by fi? nancial credits, h will he at least a year before these coun? tries can exchange commodi? ties in any ^reat volume. The allies will be asked to convert their present credits, amounting to f8,000,000,000, in? to long-term obligations, with maturity dates equivalent to those for the Liberty Loans. A movement, said to he grow? ing in certain quarters, to can? cel these loans, or n part of them, as an expression of this nation's gratitude, tinds no fa? vor with the administration, j nor is it sought by the allies. Order Men Out Of Draft But Classification of Youths Will Be Continued by Local Boards. Washington, Nov. 14. ? Men between Ilil and 15 years of age who have received hut not fill od out questionnaires were ask? ed today by Provost .Marshal General Orbwder to return them in blank form to local boards. The boards are in? structed to cancel all entries re lating to men of these classes, and they will be considered as no longer bound by the select? ive service law. Classification of youths of 18, which will bo continued, is re? garded by the general stall" of the army as most valuable for statistical purposes, and its bearing upon possible future militury problems. Draft boards also havo been notified of the possibility that they may bo needed as the act? ive local agents in government? al demobilizations plans. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet yuur cough, s.iotbo the Inflam? mation ot a lore throat ami lungs, stop ir? ritation In the bronchial tubes, insuring n good blight's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning, ! Made and sold in America for hTty-lwo I years. A wonderful prescription, assist I iug nature in building up your general j health and throwing oil the discuso Es? pecially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Kelly Drug Company. Committees To Aid In Industrial Plan! Will Play Important Part in Industrial Conversion Af-. tcr the War. Washington, Nov. It.?Tho war time service committees named for more than 300 groups of interests to cooperate with government agencies in putting tho country's industry and trade on a war basis are looked to now, officials said today, to assist in the great task of industrial conversion to peace conditions. These committees now phut a federation into a few large industrial ami com? mercial groups, which in turn will be federated into one unit. This will represent a larger portion of business interests of all kinds than any organization now in existence. The federation will he effect? ed, according to (.resent plans, at it conference of the war ser? vice committees at Atlantic City December :t, i, ? ami 0 ar? ranged under the direction of the ('handier of Commerce of the United (States. This con? ference will discuss, many re? construction questions, such as methods of cancelling contracts, continuation o f government control, further stabilization of prices, means of better working out better relations with labor, continuation of the conserva? tion of materials and labor, needs for government financial assistance during the conver? sion period and absorption into business of returning soldiers. At this conference also infor? mation will be gathered system atieally on estimated needs lor materials, labor and credit in the next year, stocks of ma? terials on hand, outstanding fi? nancial obligations to the gov? ernment and similar subjects. The County Election Next The l0l8 election is over and tho result is very gratifying to the Republicans all over the country. Tho 1010 election at which time all county ollicers will be elected in this stale is the next of importance to the people in this section. Soon af tor the lirst. of the year cundi dates will begin to make their announcement for the various county offices, There seems to be a strong sentiment in favor of nominating und electing the present officeholders who are as follows: 11. W. Holly, Treasur? er, C. It. McCorkle, Common? wealth's Attorney, W. B. Ad dingtou, Sheriff, with the ex? ception of VY. It. Hamilton, clerk who has declined to be a candidate any more. Mr. Ham? ilton, hits served fourteen years in the clerk's office, six years us deputy and eight years as clerk, but says ihut ho will be forced lo getont of the oflioo on account Of his health. All the above ollicers have made good and the voters of the county wouhl make no mistake in electing them for another term. The following gentlemen have been mentioned a h probable candidates for clerk. A. W. Comptoo, of Bondtown, C. <i. Duffy, of Stonega, W. 8. Kose, of Big Stone Gap, either of which would make an efficient clerk. The commissioners of revenue will be elected one from each magisterial district. At pren eut there are only two, W. C. Stewart for the western district and C. K. Bevins for the eas? tern district. We do not know that either of these gentlemen are candidates for reelection. They have both made good. It is understood that tho conven? tion for nominating the Repub? lican candidates will be held sometime about March, 191'J.? Appalachia Progressive. . FLEW ON THE WINGS OF DEATH TO THE HILLS State Board of Health Re-j ceivcs Heart-Rending Re? ports of Grippe's Rav? ages in Southwest Virginia. Richmond, Va., Nov. i t.?It ii hardly likely that the general public will over realize the ox tent of tlio Buffering und thu anguish caused by the Spanish influenza in some of thu more remote mountain communities of Virginia where the frightful malady raged with a degree of severity which is difficult to explain. Particularly did the mining and lumber sections of the southwestern counties suffer, though the Stair Health Hoard acted with amazing celerity in establishing emergency bos pitals where the need of outside help seemed most pressing. De? spite the lino organization of these institutions and the zeal with which their attaches la? bored day and night, scores of sufferers in mountain cabins and shacks far distant from railroads, could not he reached at all. and in some instances it was heard oven to lind persons to bury the dead. In several neighborhoods t h e supply of collins utterly ran out while al? most everywhere there was a shortage of doctors and nurses. Worse still, the well people of some communities became bo terrified when they noted the ravages of the disease, that they wore either afiiid or un? willing to help the sick, and consequently a few dauntless spirits were left to perform dtilies which taxed their endur? ance to the staggering point. in Dickenspu county, which has truly ono railroad, the "tin" literally run riot, and it is little to bo wondered ut that man) persons became panic stricken, for In some sections they saw death ami suffering on every side. Worse still, the disease did us deadly work with horri? fying rapidity and no man, sick or well, could lell when his hour might come. In the I'lint wood neighborhood alone there were probably 1,000 cases of "!lu" while ;i?)0 out of ftOO persons in Krcmout and its en? virons became ill. To add to the terrors of the situation, pit? iless rains drenched the moun? tains and made ordinary travel almost impossible. In o u o household four out of ten people succomed to the malady. And is it any wonder that 'heir neighbors became demoralized when they saw a quartette of coin us standing in front of this stricken home? The sight that met their gaze was a hideous allegory of menace ami tragody. Report also has it that in one lonely cabin both the father and mother died without help, or at least with no help save that which came to them from a liny child. And had passers by not heard thu wail of dis? tress which came from this lit? tle ono, ahn too would have per? ished in that desolate abode. In many instances whole families?sometimes three gen? erations were ill at the same time in the same house and starvation almost stared them in the face. The State Hoard of Health knows of at least one case in which an entire family lived for several days on can? ned tomatoes alono. No one in the habitation had strength enough to go for food or assis? tance. So far as Dickenson county is concerned, it may at first ap? pear strange that so iaolated a [section should have- been so I sorely afflicted when tho health ! authorities everywhere pro? claim that Spanish influenza is "a crowd disease." Well, everybody would have to admit that Dickonsou's heart rending story presents a sort of scientif? ic mystery, were it not for tho fact that her people had their county fair just a few days he fore the scythe of death hegou to reap its human harvest. That fair probably did the work which ban left desolation in its woke. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS For Soldiers in Europe?- Ex? tension of Time. The limitation to Nov. 20th has neon changed. Boxes may he sent any time up to Nov. 30tll. Apply for information to St?nega- Superintendent's of lice. Roda?Mrsi II. S. Estill. < Isaka?Mrs. E F. Tote. Appalachia? Mr.-. Ii. W.I lolly. Ionian?Mrs. O. V. Brown. Imbddeh?Mrs. H. A. Alex? ander. Exeter?Mrs. Crocker. Keokee?Mrs. King. East Stono flap?Miss Chris? tie Jotios. And at Red Cross Home Ser? vice Section, bftlcd on second lloo'r, Post Ofllco Building, Big Stone Cap. Sec This Labels will he supplied on ap? plication to the above to those who should have received them, hut have not. Also to any one wishing to send to some soldier not otherwise provided for. It is desired that all of them should have one box, but none of them two Radford Nor? mal Notes The second annual fair of tho Household Ans and School Calden Departments was held on Friday, in the Normal School Auditorium. The stage was attractively decorated in Hags and posters. These form? ed the background lor the ex? hibit of food winch has been preserved for winter use by the Senior Household Arts stu? dents. Tili? collection includes canned beans, corn, tomatoes, rhubarb, pickles of all kinds, jellies and substitute preserves, dried tipples and corn. The bine ribbons were won by MisB Mary Lucy Bowman, of Ten? nessee, ami Miss Margaret Harvey, of Radford. Tho academic students tomatoes and jelly, and the blue ribbons were won by Misses Jessie Money, Elizabeth Potter and Lottie Daniel, The class in School Hardening had a splen? did exhibit of garden truck, corn and fruit. At the chapel period tho Senior Household Al ls students, dressed in Hoover dresses,gave a food conservation program which was very interesting und well given. It included short talks on ?' Food Administ ration" by Miss Emily Topper, "Tho Sugar Situation" by Miss Mar? garet Harvey. Special music was given by Misses Byer, Ward ami Oruiksftnnk, assisted by the Household Arts students in their cookery costumes. A most helpful partof the ex? hibits was one on "The Food We Wasted yesterday." This was a collection of scraps from tho girls' phites on Thursday. Miss Bowman, using this as a basis, showed the girls how much they would waste in tho nine months. Miss Schuffer [followed by showing how the wasted fobd, if saved, would assist in feeding tho French and other Allies. Poetry and humor on Food Conservation was presented by Miss) Ward. The fair was under the direc? tion of Misses Mofl'ett und Bur nott and Prof. Hardin. Carl Wygal, who is in tho naval service, spent Friday in town visiting Judge and Mrs. ill. A. W. Skeens, erirouto to his home at Drydon, where ho will visit his parents.