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VOL. XXVI, e Gap Post. IX0NE_GAP- WISE COUNTY. VA.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER-27, 1918, No. 48 Wilson Going To France Will Take Part in Discussion and Settlement of Main Features o f Peace Pact. Washington, Nov. 22 ?Preni dont Wilson will go to Frunce early in December to lake part in tho discussion and settle? ment of the main features of the treaty of peace. His deciu ion lo accept the invitation of tho allied l'toniior8 was made known last night in a formal statement from the White House. Tho President plans to s il Immediately after the opening of tho regular session of Con gross on December 2. How lone; he will remain abroad is not known, lie has indicated that il is not his present inten? tion to slay throughout the ses? sion of tin- conference, but since tho delegates probably cannot bo assembled until lute in De cembor he will he absent from the United States for soveral weeks at least. Mr. Wilson will bo the first President to visit Europe and also tho first to attend a peace conference for the sell lenient of issues growing out of a war in which the United Stales took port. Ho regards his presence as necessary in order to obviate tho manifest disadvantages of discussion by cable in detenu initig the greater outlines of the final treaty. Accompanying the President will he delegates who will sit as the representatives of the United States throughout tin conference. The names of these delegates soon will be U?nOUnC .od. Secretary of State Lunsing will head the American com missionors, and other members probably will include Col. K. M. House, who now is representing the government in the delibera? tions of the supreme war coun? cil at Versailles; Kl'.ihu Knot, former Secretary of State, and Louis I). Brundeis, Associate Justice of the Supreme Uourt. No announcement of the plans for the 1'resident's t rip has I.n made. He is expected, ho wov? or, to make the voyage on a battleship, as did Presidents Koosovelt and Taft when the} visited Panama Canal zone. Mrs. Wilson undoubtedly will accompany him, and his imme? diate party probubly will in? clude Joseph 1'. Tumulty, his private secretary; Hear Admiral Cary T. Qruysonj his personal physician, and military and na val aides. Tho President's ship will he escorted into n Kreuch port by Kreuch war craft and possibly also by vessel* of the British and Italian navies. Troops to be assigned as the gliurd of honor for i h e President in France probably will consist of units from each of tho allies' armies. The meeting between Presi? dent Wilson and President Pr.incaro will bo tho first be? tween the. chief executives of tho two greatest republics and it will bo the first time ttiat a President of this country has visited a foreign capital. Be? fore returning home Mr. Wilson probably will go to London anil Brussels ami possibly [tome. He also may make a pilgrim? age to some of the battlefields of Frunce. President Wilson's purpose in going to Krauet) in advance of tho meeting of tho peace con? gress is uuderstood to bo to dis I cuhs will? the allied Premiere ut ! Versailles the program to be laid down for tho guidance of I the peace delegates when they I meet. It bus* boen suggested Ihnt Mr. Wilson probably will be invited to preside nt the opening session of the peace conference. Creel Raises Censorship Announces Decision After Visits to Baker and Daniels Washington, Nov. 22.?With-1 druwnl Of all volunteer censor ship requests, under which! American publishers have been working since the United States went to war, was announced by George Creel, chairman of Hie Committed on Public Informa? tion, lifter conference with Sec? retaries, linker and Daniels. Mr. Creel issued this statement: " It lias been agreed tilgt liiere is no further necessity for the operation of the volunteer cen? sorship under which the press hits guarded from the enemy the military policies, plans und troop movements of the United Slates. The agreement may be considered us no longer binding, and llie cord carrying the re? quests of the Government is herewith canceled. Th?Secre tttry of War and the Secretary of the Navy nnd all others con? cerned with llie direction of Ainericu's w ar elTorts, join in sincere lioknowludgemont of the debt of gratitude owing to tliu press of the United States for the honorable discharge of a high responsibility. Without force of low and under no lur ger compulsion than their own patriotism, the overwhelming majority of newspapers have given unfnltored obodience to every desire of Government in all lllllters of military secrecy, currying through successfully u tremendous experiment in hon? or and trust." A Proclamation by the Gov? ernor of Virginia. vVlIKRKAS, In this hour of In pe fultilledj while millions hail us the preserver ami guar? antor of human liberty these United Stales of America whose ideals and aspirations militant have made autocratic govern? ment throughout the world im? possible; and WllKKRAS, In this auspicious time we voice in it spirit of ex? altation the pride that comes of duty nobly done; und Wuereab, There is a Higher Power than human, transcend? ing and guiding all, before whom all should bend in adora? tion, now TuBitEKORH, ii Westmoreland Davis, Governor of Virginia, do proclaim Thursday, November 1018, u public, holiday to he observed us a day of Thanks? giving anil prayer; und I cull upon all the people of Virginia to gather on that day in their usual places for Divine worship and there give thanks to the Almighty for the victories that we and our allies have won, for the heroism of our sons and for the attainment of those great ends for which we have fought ? peace, progress and prosperity for the world. f liven under my hand, and under tho Lesser Soul of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this fourteenth day of Novem? ber, in year of our Lord one tliotisttnd nine hundred and eighteen, and in the one hun? dred und forty-third year of the Commonwealth. WESTMORELAND DAVIS, Governor, j You have hud the pleusure of subscribing; for Fourth Liberty bonds and right a long uow you are having tho fun of paying for thorn. Versailles Prepares to Receive Delegates to Peace Conference. Paris, Nov. '.'2.?The city of Versailles in preparing to re? ceive the delegates to the peace conference. The deliberations are expected to be hold in the Grand Trianon part o f the Chateau of Versailles, once oc? cupied by Marie Antoinette. The priceless tapestries and furniture removed loa place of safely during the of hos? tilities are now being replaced. The gardens are being restored and the camouflage coverings] on the statues and fountains re? moved. Tho waters of the Grand ca? nal, which also had been cam. ouflaged in order to avert air piano raids, are being restored to their natural condition; "The Hail of Mirrors,"' where Wil? liam I proclaimed the Gorman empire and where tho peace treaty doubtless will be sinned, is one of the first places to bo made ready to receive the plen? ipotentiaries. M. DeNolhac, conservator of the palace, is in charge of the preparations, Tho practical details of tho congress, such as the countries to bo represented, the si/.o of the delegations and the voting strength of the countries uro the subject of much discussion in diplomatic quarters. It is the general belief that the coun? tries to bo represented will in? clude all which declared war against the Central Towers and those states which were formed as a result of tho war, the Czeoho Slavs and .Ingo Slavs. Besides Japan, the Kastern countries will include Siam and China. The presence of China probably will have a hearing on the!future of KiaoChau, which has undergone a change since China declared war on tier many, thus cancelling the lease whereby Germany held Kino Chan before Japan pcotipied the port at the outset of tho war. Tho size of the delegations doubtless will he left to tho va? rious countries, but voting strength for all countries is con sidored open to objection as giving Haiti, Montenegro and countries of that size tho same strength as Great Britain, France, the United States and tho other great powers. These are among the practical details likely lo be adjusted be? fore the sessions are opened. After the adjustment among the Allies, it is possible thai the representatives of the Central Bowers will be called in for the arrangement of preliminaries. It is expected that all the Cen? tral Bowers will be represented, for while armistices were separ? ately eigned with Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey, il is not anticipated that sepa? rate congresses will be lieces sary. It is believed that the final conclusions will bo embodied in two treaties, the lirst one to be concluded early, covering the larger general questions after a more thorough discussion. Hold Your Liberty Bonds. There is a notion very pre vnlent in tho United States that when the American soldiers re? turn home they are going to feel very kindly toward the subscribers to the Liberty Loaus. Liberty Bonds are in? controvertible evidence that the purchaser has supported his Government, ami has supported our soldiers uboartl in this war. Keep that evidence in your pos session until tho boys come home. BULLITT-PETTIT Two noted Virginia and Kentucky fami? lies connected by the marriage of Miss .Margaret Victoria I'ctlll, grand, daughter ul Qcncral Rufus A. Ayers and a daughter ol Colonel I.. 0. Pel tit, to Lieutenant Joshua Fry Hullilt, son ot .Major J. P. Bullltt, Sr.. oi Philadelphia. Pa. One of tho most beautiful weddings of tho fall Reason was ?,h:tt of .Miss Mnrgurot Victoria Peltit und Lieutenant Joshua Fry Bullitt, Jr., which was soiemuixed Thursday evening November 'Jlst at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's patents. Col. anil Mrs. L. ?. Peltit. Tho ceremony was performed by ttev. 0. W. Dean in the pres> once of members of ibe families of tho bride ami groom ami a few intimate iricuds, Bcrcuse, from Jooelyn, was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Samuel McOhesnoy. The bridal parly entered to the strains of Lohougrios wedding march, played by Miss Williams Miss Adelaide l'ettit, sister of the bride, was maid of honor ami entered first, lor girlish beauty being enhanced by a chic frock of princess lace. She carried brides maid roses. Next came the brjd.i the arm of her falber. She wan lovely in a travelling suit of brown Vel? our with hat nnd accessories to harmonize, carrying a shower DOUqUoi of brides roses and BWlinsonin. They were met al the altar by the groom und Ins besi mull, Mr. Henry Bullitt. The wedding scene was one of unusual beauty. Onositloof t!ie- spacious living room being it perfect bower of palms and ferns, with Old Glory as a cen? ter piece. In front, was arrang ed an improvised altar, the tip proacb to which was an aisle of white pedestals holding bask? ets of tall white Chrysanthe mums ami ferns. Tho bride is a young woman of many attractive qualities, and great popularity, and pos. sesses unusual attainments. Her voice was trained by Minotti, of Baltimore, one of tho leading vocalists of the United States, and who predict ed for her a great future in the musical world. This marriage unites two very old and distinguished Vir ginia anil Kentucky families Mr. J. )!. Avers,an uncle of the bride, some several years ago, married into the Ken tuck) brunch of tho family. The groom is defended from the dis? tinguished Virginian Colonel Joshua Fry ami the bride on bor mother's side from John Lewis, tho first settler of All gusta county, whose son, Gen eral Andrew Lewis, was the commanding ollicer at the bat" tie ot Point Pleasant, which broMe the power of the Indian resistance to the ndvunco of the white lo the north west. In the Virginia mititlti at t hat tine: the ranking oUlcers wero Andrew Lewis, general, Joshua Pry, colonel .md George Washington, lieutenant colon ol. Colonel J-'i > died while leading an expedition lo the Ohio and Washington suc? ceeded to the command, mid at the outbreak of the Revolution General Lewis was an old man. Tho bride's two grand fat hers wero members of ihn late Con gtitiitionul Convention and Col. VV.ll.Poltit and Major J.K. Bui lit, Sr., uro holh ox-presidents of the Virginia Bar Association Tho groom comes from a long lino of distinguished lawyers. Tho late John 0. Bullitt, of Philadelphia) wns Iiis great uncle, and Judge Joshua V. Bullitt, of Kentucky, former president of the Supreme Court of thut state was Ins grandfath er. An informal reception follow? ed tho wedding ceremony. The mantels and cabinets in the dining room wore banked with southern smilax and white car nations. Tho bride's table was beautiful in its appointments of white and green, tho center piece being u tnll glass basket of bride's roses and maiden hair fern. Tho color scheme was Jeffectively carried out in the ices and cukes which wore decorated with sprays of valley lillies and initials of bride and j groom. The mints wore groon and white roses. A delicious I salad course was served pre viously. Tho cutting of the wedding cuke was attended will) the Usual interest, tho ring being cut by Mr. Kuf?fl A. Pet tit, tho dime by Miss Ruth Preecott, the thimble by John] Bullilt Chalkley and the bodkin i by Miss Adelaide Pet tit. Conspicous among tin* nu? merous and beautiful gifts was a chest of silver from the fath? er of the groom, and govern? ment bunds of interesting de? nominations by the bride's fam My. After a wedding journey to Louisville, New York and Philadelphia the young couple will bent home at Montgomery, Ala., where tho groom is ri n dorihg his country, distiugni ed service as an instruct ir h aviation at Taylor Field. Among the friends and rela? tives from out of town were Miss Margaret Aston, of Leban? on; Mr. and Mrs. Cartib'los, Kiiigsport, Toiin ; Mr. and Mrs II. ti. Morrison, of Johnson City; Mr. and Mrs. Kyi ' Morri son. uf Bristol, .Jut.i Barker, of Bristol; Hon. .lohn II. John? son, of Onto City. IMPROVING POWER CONDI? TIONS IN COAL MINES Plans for the effective utiliz? ation ol purchased power in coal mines throughout the country and for the general im? provement of the power situa? tion .'ih its affects coal output have boon prepared by the CS. Kind Administration. Tho idea is to link up series of agencies beginning with tho men in the mine and extending, through the Kind Administration to co? operative work with the War Industries Hoard, tho K.inergen cy Kleet Corporation, the Wat and Nav_\ Department. Detail? ed explanations of the project have been laid before the twen? ty eight district production managers of the Kind Adminis? tration. Past activities of the Kuel Ad thinisirutioa have covered these lines in a general way, and, as in Central Pennsylvania, have gone farther in the direction of advising operators of tho ele? ments innk ing had power con-] ditions, which in turn lower production. Tho present plan contemplates an extension of the ivorW done in Central Penn? sylvania With good results. It is proposed lo appoint in each production district a com mittet? of three men, named by the production manager from the men of electrical or mechan? ical training in his district. Tin chairman will be known as United States Kind Administra? tion District P?wi f Engine* r, and Ills committee will to tin- maintenance of good power conditions in the mines, the of ticient maintenance and utili? zation of all machinery and Hi i dissemination of information on the efficient application of pow? er and equipment. To assist in this work thorn are to he live Hold engineers, who will organize district committees, co-operate in hand? ling all field work under such Committees and respond im? mediately in case of trouble. Tho Kuel Administration en? gineers survey powers condi? tions as nITcoting mines; an? alyze mine requests for pur? chased power and submits re cpiest.'i lo tho Priorities Board;, central stations in serv? ing mines whore there is inabil? ity to finance through usual channels; assist in case of right of way difficulties in running power lines; afford rate relief; survey or to locate isolated plants which may bo opened or power plants which have beon overlooked; and stimulate in? terest upon the part, of operators and minors,particularly through tho mine production commit? tees. Loads on power companies are growing rapidly, tho Kuel Ad? ministration states, and the ten? dency is to take all thel oad offer eil so that in many cases there is no reserve, while tho exten? sion of work by agencies liko tho Ordiuanco Department, for example, foreshadows further drains on stations supplying mines. "Ttiocentral stations in near? ly every coal mine producing center of the country are over 1( -..led," says a letter from tho Kuel Administration to its Pro? il uetiou Managers, "and elimin? ating the questions of power de? mand fur additional mines, tho rat-.' of increase of power de? in od of mine.-, already in oper? ation is rapidly increasing where the stations in many cases will be unable to carry tliolr heel. We believe that by co-operation along these linos great service can be rendered." American Troops Go to the Rest Areas. With the American Army in France, Nov. 21.?The move? ment of American troops to tho rest anas behind the former lighting front is progressing rapidly. The TSth, 82d, 20th atlll 20th Divisions have been withdrawn from the front and now are in rest, camps. Tho ? ItUll, 80th; STst and Oth Divis? ions are marching to the rest areas. It is understood that tho 77th Division will be moved to a rest camp in Southern France. The 5th, 80th, '.'oth and 70th Divisions have been formed into the 7th Army (Nirpa ami will remain temporarily in their old positions. 13 Sons in Army; 17 Girls in War Work. Raleigh, X. C.,|Nbv.20.?John Ward, the Race man, of Golds burg, has thirteen of his eigh? teen sous in tho Ninth ami Ten? th United States Cavalry, while his seventeen daughters are busy with war work. Tho factH are vouched for by Sheriff R.ll. Kdwards, of Wayne county, of which (loldsblirg is county scat. Ward also probably holds the record for quadruplets, says Sheriff K.dward, who gives the record thus: W ard was horn April 21,1850, at Goldsburgs. lie has married three times and his last wife is now living. His fust wife bore him Iii'. eo children, four at one time twice, three at Olio time twice, oho at a time once. His see >n 1 wife boro him two tit one lime twice, three at 0110 I ime once and five 0110 at a lime Iiis present wife has bort? him 1 ight, one at a lime. His tiist wife lived six years and thteo weeks ?fter marriage, his sec? ond wife lived eight \ears und six months. That the linal responsibility for meeting the food needs of the nation and iho world rests upon the individual farmers in every community is the basis of a farm bureau membership campaign planned for tho week of November 25 by farm-btirtinu enmmitteemou i n New York state. Quotas of membership will bo assigned to every coun? ty, and tho county quota will bo apportioned to the communi? ties. Tho campaign is not for the adding of mere names to the membership roll, but for tho enlisting of farmers who be? lieve in a sound agricultural war program and will support it. Virginia should also have such a campaign. Tho war has trained the. I Germans to be splendid ath? letes. They will always be 'particularly good in running.