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The Big Stone Gap Post. ^=^^^- No---' Heep at a Safe Distance This and Avoidance of Com? mon Drinking Cups Will Save You From the Treacherous "Flu." Richmond, Va., Nov. 29.? Lot us have no truco with the Spanish "flu"?the scour";!' that lias exacted a greater (oil of life thuti our war with the Huiih. It cannot be trusted, especially at tins season, for it is a cold weuther disease. Even now il is raging in seme sections ol the country, aud in more tliun one instance it has returned in moTjgnant form to communities which thought they were rid of it. Reports to the Stall- Hoard of Health from many parts ol Virginia show that doctors are still busy with patients Buffer? ing from the grippe. Several districts have closed their schools a second time. All told, perhaps thirty per cent, of those in this state have had tho "flu" in one form or another. The other sixty per cent had better "watch their Btep." Home may be immune, but the great majority have no guarantee that they will not be hit. Tho germs which cause influ? enza, as well as those which cause whooping COUgh, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia and other spray borne diseases, live in n o mouth and nos<- secretions ol people. Fortunately ihej are short-lived, and therefore cue bo avoided. In a word they may bo rendered harmless b\ a careful avoidance of that all too-common "spit swapping" which cornea from coughing or sneezing at close quarters, Too often the deadly droplets of ?a liva lind human targets. Here is an almost certain wa> of avoiding the "flu" and pro toctiug not ouly yourself, but your fellow man: At all times keep your face at least three foot away from anybody else's. Aud consistently avoid the com? mon dring cup?a menace ill terdicted alike by law and com mou Bense. Conserve Food Richmond, Vn., Nov. 30.?The necessity for conserving all food values has not ended with the war. Mr. Hoover is now in Europe studying conditions in allied and enemy countries with a view of supplying their inevitable shortage during the comiug months ami possibly for a your or more. The Food Administration in this cntmtrv will in all probability continue for many months after the id ticial ending of hostilities which will be when the conferees have reached their final decis? ion and the treaties are signed. The Virginia Council of De? fense is co operating with coun? cils of defense elsewhere in the country and p r i n c i p a I 1 y throughout, the Southern States to aid the Food Administratiou to prevent one easily unavoid? able element of waste, the un necossury killing of food ani? mals along tho railway rights of-way. Throughout the states where these efforts are beiug made the governors and tho statu councils are naming live stock commissioners whose principal duties will be to edu cuto their neighbors regarding the unpatriotic and costly prac? tice of allowing stock to roatn at large. Those commissioners Five Thousand 1919 Members Big Stone lap ?ffe Hisericnn Red insu Our loil uro endeavoring to secure from their neighbors pledges to keep their Block away from tho rail? way tracks thereby attempting to add to tho wealth of tho slate. Wherever there a r o rigid stock laws and ({rent enro in tho preservation of cattle tho standard of the stock almost automatically rises It does not pay any state to breed scrub stock, and yot tho custom of permitting stock to roam at will and lo take no precaution against its killing inevitably results in tho lowering of the standard. Tho ohjoct of the slnto council is therefore two fold, first to preserve for human needs tho moats, fats and hides that nro now being wantonly wasted, and secondly to raise the standard of cattle, horsos, hogs and other live stock. li is an olTort which must ap? peal to the patriotic and intelli? gent citizens of Virginia, and it is receiving warm support of the most progressive counties in the stale. There are, of course, I objections raised, but these cntiie notably from those coun? ties whore tho standard of the I various kinds of stock uro no? toriously low. Prom such lo? cutions ciun'e objections to the ell'eci thut it is tho duty of tho railroad to prevent tho killings, that the roads should fence their rights-of-way, that they ?hoind bettor prolecl crossings, that they should install safe cuttle guards?in other words that the enure protecting of the properly of individuals should bo shifted to tho tail* roud. ?o far as fencing is concern od, tho railroads are compelled under the law to fence where the individual owner does his part of it, and there is no dis? position on tho part of the coun? cil to shield tho railroads or help them to avoid any damage .suits for negligence. Xor is the council at all interested iu the railway pocket hook or the damages it must pay wtten it illegally kills stock, but it is vitally interested in the conser? vation of this stock, because it is a part of the council's duties to sou that Virginia occupies its proper place as a producing state and its no lesser duly to help add to the wealth of the slate. Germany Must Pay States of the Empire Will Be Held Responsible. London, Nov. 30.?"Gorman states, whatever their form, must pay tho bill. Germany, as a whole, must bo held re Bponsible for tho consequences of the war," says the Westmin? ster Gazette in discussing the situation that has developed in Germany. The newspaper admits that the allies may lind that the le? gal unity of Germany has un? dergone a vast change, and that liko Austria, it may burst into fragments before negotiations are completed. Everybody but the turkoys enjoyed Thanksgiving Day. Let Us Make it Universal Membership. Every Loyal American Should Enroll During the Christmas Roll Call. When Your Name is Called Answer, "Here." December 16-23, 1918. Wear the 1919 Badge for Members of the American Red Cross. Annual Mem? bership, One Dollar. Preparatory steps are being taken by the Big Stone Gap Chapter of tho American Red Cross for the Christmas Roll Call I which will bo conducted throughout the United States during the week, December 10-23. James M. Smith, Chapter Chairman of the Christinas Roll Call, has established headquarters for the Holl Call in the District Attorney's office on the Second Floor of ! the Qoverumont Building. lie has appointed Mr. Otis Moiisor, Vicc-Chairmuu, and the following gentlemen as the Executive Committee of I he Christmas Roll Call: Mr. C. S. Carter, Big Stone Gap, Va. Mr. G. N. Knight, Big Stone (lap, Vit. Mr. W. 0. Shunk, Big Stone Gap, Va. Mr. M. 1>. Collier, Appalachian Va. Mr. 11. 1.. Stilfridge, Appalachla, Va. The tirst meeting of the Executive Committee was held at the olllco Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, at which time the local chairmen for all of the branches of the chapter were appointed, and other plans for the Rull Call were formulated. The aim of the Holl Call will he to secure annual members for the American Bed Cross. Every loyal American will enroll his or her name in this drive as a member of this great organi? zation. The war is over but the work of the Red Cross in saving starving millions is just beginning. The goal for tho Bit? Stone Gap Chapter to reach has been set for 5000 members to enroll in this campaign. The chairman and his associates of the Executive Stalf hope and believe that the workers will make our report "Universal Membership" for the Chapter. \Ve must go way over the top. , Every man and woman hi?st be enrolled in a house to bouse canvass by ollloial workers to be appointed by the Local Chairmen. These work, ers will make daily reports through the Captains of their teams lo the Roll Call Headquarters, ami these reports will be wired to Washington every day as the drive progresses. Universal mem? bership for the Big Stone (Jap Chapter will bo a splendid Christ? inas present lo send to tho boys from our section who are now in tho servicu "over there." Let us send it over in time for Christinas. Red Cross Annual Meeting and Election Tbe Big Stone Gap Chapter of die American Red Cross held its annual meeting in the Unit? ed States Court r out in the government building on last Friday night, and elected the following officers for the ensu? ing year. It. T. Irvine wus made chairman*of tho meeting and Qeo. L. Taylor, secretary. Chairman?E. .1. Prescott. Vice-Chairman? Miss Minnie Fox. Treasurer?Geo. Li. Taylor. Secretary?Mrs. C. L. Kov.e. Chairman Finance Committee ?R. It. Alsover. Executive Committee?L. T. Winston, Rev. J. M. Smith, Mrs. lt. T. Irvine, C. S. Carter, Mrs. c. C. Goch ran. By-laws for the government of the chapter were adopted at this meeting and a report of the treasurer was read and approv? ed. Miss Frazier, of Washington, addressed tin; meeting in the interest of the Homo Service work. Report of National Woman's [ Liberty Loan Committee for Wise County. Rio Stono (lap-Mrs. II. K. Koic 140,000 Wise-Mrs. W. II. Fulton. . . i'.O.UOO ! Stoncga?Mrs. U.S. Oufley. ?-'ti.Ooo Appslaohla?Mrs. M. 1.. stallard 0,500 HUckwiHxl?Mrs. 0, 0. Crevellng U.-I5U Nortou?Mrs. W. W. Kemp ... 5,830 Goeburn?Mrs. W. A. Uanner. .. 1,050 '1'om's Creek?Mrs. O.A. Dunkley 1,750 Crane's Xcst?Mrs.G. W. Thump Ichis. 1,850 lmbodeu ?Mrs. II. A. Alexander. 500 l'onud?Mrs. i.. l>. Queen . 50? UurrieauL? Mrs. W. A. Hash ... 850 of Officers. Tot*l $120,700 Planes for Mail Service! _ i War Department Turns Overj Hundreds of Airplanes for j Aerial Routes. New York, Nov.30.?Oaptuln Benjamin Lipsner, director of the United States Aerial Mail Service, announced here that the War Department had turn-] ed over to the use of tho mail Service "hundreds ol airplanes" Captain Lipsner said he was not in a position to announce the exact number hut that the machines would be used as rapidly as possible in extend? ing the aerial mail service to all cities of tie1 country. The service anticipated that it will be able to organize its person? nel from hundreds of army aviators. Plans for the laying of new routes and the extension of the service on a nationwide scale have not as yet been formulat? ed, but it is expected that the extension will begiu soon. Cap? tain Lipsner pointed out that in addition to tho commercial value of speedy transmission of mail, already demonstrated by the service between New York and Washington, the employ? ment of hundreds of pilots will enable the nation to maintain an aerial reserve for military purposes in the event of unoth j er war. Also as an immediate benefit a Solution will be offer? ed of the problem of employ. mont of the returning aviators ami the money spent by the government in training them will not ho altogether lost. The Now York-Chicago aerial mail service will be placed in operation next month. British Lost Nearly a Million Men During the War. London, Nov. 'j'.r ? It is of? ficially announced that during the war the forces of Great Britain actually lost nearly I,. OOo.t'OO men killed o r dead through various causes. Recently it was stated that the British losses totaled 058, Sill, hut this number did not take into consideration men who wore reported missing,who actually lost their lives, hut of whom there is no traee, nor did it nccounl for men who died at tlie front from sickness. TOTAL AMERICAN CASUALTIES Casualties sustained by tho Americans were tabulated by Qenurnl March as follows: Killed .ind died of wounds 311,154 Died of disease.14,831 Deaths unclassified . St20-t Wounded.179,023 Prisoners. Missing . i,lCO Total. 230,117 While the total losses suffer? ed by I he American army in Uraw O, at lirst glance, appear? ed to he almost double the total estimated by officers as proba? ble, analysis of the table, it was pointed out, shows that among the l7U,U2fi wounded are includ? ed the names of thousands of men whose injuries were so tri vial that they never were ad? mitted to hospitals and the rec? ord of their injury was kepi only in company and regiment? al dressing stations. Fourth Class Postmaster Ex? amination. T'ne United States Civil Ser? vice Commission has announc? ed an examination to be held tit Big Stone Gap, Va., on Decem her 1 I, 1'.US, as a result of which it is expected to make certifica? tion to till a contemplated va? cancy in the position of fourth class postmaster at Ionian and other vacancies as I hey may I occur at that ollice, unless it shall be decided in tho interests of the service lo fill any vacan? cy by reinstatement, The com? pensation of the post master at this ollice was |3'I0 for tho last fiscal year. Applicants must have reach etl their twenty-first birthday on the date of the examination, with the exception that in a state whore women are declar? ed by statute to hoof full age for all purposes at eighteen years, women eighteen years of ugo on the date of the examina? tion will he admitted. Applicants must reside with? in tho territory supplied by the post office for which the exami? nation is announced. The examination is open to nil citizens of the United Stales who can comply with the re? quirements. . Application blanks, Form 1753, and full information con? cerning the requirements of the examination can b e secured from tho postmaster at the place of vacancy or from tho United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. Applications should bo prop? erly executed and tiled with tho commission a t Washington, at tho earliest practicable date. War Ships To Convoy President's Liner on Trip to Europe. Now York, Nov. 23. ? Tho American transport George Washington, selected by Presi? dent Wilson lo convoy himself and other members of the American delegation to the peace conference, will be con? voyed by che battleship Pen. nyslvania and a fleet of (ivo fast destroyers. The George Washington is lying tonight at her pier in Itoboken ready to sail on her history making trip at a moment's notico, To Rear Admiral Albert (Heaves, commander of tho cruiser and transport force of the Atlantic Heat, fell the honor of providing for the President? ial ship. Captain Edward Mc Cnuloy. United States Navy, commands the George Wash. Ington, uind the crow has been drttwu entirely from the navy. The escorting battleship is com? manded by Captain Lewis Nul ton. The George Washington, a vessel of 25,570 gross tons was formerly one of the crnek liners of the North German Lloyd lleet. Tho George Washington was the only large lierman ves? sel sei/.ed by the United States, the name of which was not changed. Safeguarding the movement of a large percentage of Ameri? can troops to Europe has been the task of Admiral < Heaves during the war. Me was com mandor of Iho protecting fleet of warships that escorted the tirst contingent of the Ameri? can Expeditionary Forces, and President Wilson recently de signaled him for promotion lo tho rank of vice-admiral. The exact time of tlie depar? ture of the George Washington is not yet known,but n w ill prob? ably bo some time on Tuesday, The ship is lying convenient to a spur truck over Which tho President's train will arrive, tiscorl tu Brest. London, Nov. ,!() ?President Wilson on reaching European wators, in all likelihood will lie escorted lo lirest by not only American warships, hut by a formidable array of them. In view of the luck of official noli, lientIon regardir.g Mr. Wilson's trip, it is understood that neith? er the French nor the British governments have, bebll request? ed to aid in the naval reception. The British authorities, howev? er, unoflicinlly are disciii -bug plans to welcome the American president should he come here. American battleship com? manders probably all nine of them in these waters, are un? derstood to be holding them? selves in readiness to proceed to a point lot) miles or so otf Brest to meet tin- ['residential liner and the battleship accompany? ing it. It is probable that twenty four American torpedo boat de? stroyers will join in tho recep? tion. Deserters in A. E. F. Hundreds and hundreds of deserters among the American Expeditionary Forces wore a coust'.iut problem for General Pershing to handle. While it is not generalis known in this country yet, still it is a fact that the boys continued to steal awuy from the training camps at night in small bunches at a time. Upon investigation, tho Commander-in-Chief found that they always deserted to the front. They wanted to got into tlie struggle as soon as possible. This is the spirit every worker ? must exhibit in the Red Cress I Christmas Roll Call. If you are !called upou to work in the drive, and feel that you want to desert, then bo sure you desert ! to the front.