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Villi MO STONK < 1 AI* TOST. WEDNESDAY, DHC .1, 1018 rtibluhrd Evory WcitnciKtay by tho WISE PniNTINO COMPANY, tncorporetett. ? IL^BRT N.- KNIQHT, - Editor. LINDSEY J. HORTON. Am't Editor Onu Vm;i r. Six Months. Three Months, Sl.OO ,60 .25 Entered accordion to posts! regulations ?t tho post-ofBco ?t ItiR Stouo Oap as see oud-clsas matter. SUBSCRIBERS uro earnestly re? quested to observe the date pnntod on their address slips, which will keep them nt all times posted ns to the date of the oxpirntion of their sub? scription. Prompt nnd timely attention to this roiptoBt will stive all parties a great doaljof annoyance. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: 1 hope you will allow me a little space in your paper to of? fer some suggestions in regard to our returning soldiers, as I feel that wo owe them a debt of gratitude we will never he able to pay, but we ought to show them some appreciation in some appropriate manner as best we can. So I suggest thai Lee, Scott and Wise counties join in a general celebration in honor of all their returning soldiers, July I, 1910. This day was made a national holiday on the signature of the Declaration o( our Independence, and I think this day is the most appropriate til this time as our soldiers have not only retained our freedom, and independence, hut has practically buried Autocracy, and freedom and liberty set upon earth. Our brave hoys have so nobly defended the stars and stripes lllld brought honor to us all that 1 cannot lind words sutli cient to express my gratitude. (,>ttr Mag has never been torn down in malice by any nation on earth, and the way our American boys display them? selves, by the help of Q6d, no nation will ever pull il down, so we can feel safe when our boys are at the front in our de? fense. By the Ith of July next the boys will all be hack among us and I think we all can well af? ford to celebrate in honor of them und leave ofE- all other en? tertainments, We could have the soldiers come in uniform and have some good speakers to address the boys, and 1 think we could get some American dags, and per baps some captured German cannon and guns and perhaps some Hying machines and have a sham battle in tin- air. 1 only mentioned Loo, Scott und Wise as participants, but if there are other counties thut would like to join us we would meet and greet them with out stretched arms. .So 1 suggest thai wo have our celebration at Hig Stone Gap on the day above mention? ed. 1 would like to hear from all the counties in regard to this suggestion and if it meets with their approval I would ask all to put their shoulders to the wheel and let us have the greatest feat that was ever pulled off in Southwest Virgin ia. Thanking you in advance for the publication of this,!, remain. Truly yours, W. S. COLDIRON, Olinger, Va., Nov. 39, 1?1S. Tho Post fully endorses the suggestions made by Mr. Cold iron, nnd believe that this would bo an excellent way of showing our appreciation of tho boys, the majority of whom will doubtless have returned home by July 4th, and giving them a genuine homecoming welcome. Let us hear from others on tho eubjuct. Killed in Action. " ? Mr. und MVb. Jim Tuto. of_ East Slono Gap, received a tot" ogrum yesterday trom the War Departniont it t Washington, stating that their son, II. N. T?te, wad killed in action in France on tho 10th day of No? vember, the day before the ar? mistice was signed. This young man, who is better known by the nnmo of "Bee" was called to tho colors early iu the sum? mer and went to Frunco in July. Ho had been employed here for nine yenrs with Fox & Peek, civil and mining engin eers, nnd had worked himself up to a very important position. The people of Big Stone and vicinity extend their deepest sympathy to tho heartbroken parents, sisters and brothers. Severely Wounded Another communication from the War Dopartmene yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allman, ot this place, announced that their son, Corporal Frank All man, Engineer, was severely wounded in action in France on November 5th. No details as to the nature of his wound was stated in the telegram. His many friends here wish for him spaedy recovery. The announcement of T. M. Popper, of Norton, for the of. lice of Treasurer of Wise conn ty, subject to lite action of the Republican party, appears else? where iu this issue of The I'ost. Mr. Pepper is well qualified to (ill this important office and if elected will make a good trens urer. NOTICE! Any one receiving a letter from' VICTOR II. COHN will confer a favor by sending it or bringing it, with the containing envelope, to American Reil Cross, Home Service Section, Big Stone Cap, Va. If .Ml Warnings Sounded Against Dangers To Returned Troops. Washington, Nov. :it).?So. cial workers from many slates gathered here to consider prob? lems arising from army demob lizatidn adopted a resolution calling on the government "for avoidance of the evils of '.be p i' n s i o n svstom for our victorious troops ami pre veil table poverty among wage earners." Further extension of the "social insurance prilici pie already adopted in soldiers' ood sailorS' insurance ami in work men's c o in p e n s a I i 0 li laws," was suggested as a rem? edy. The conference also resolved to request the United States public health service and the American Public Health Asso? ciation, "to take immediate steps to safeguard I he returning army and the civilian popula? tion against a possible recur? rence of influenza." Other resolutions called for restoration of "the protection of working children granted through the Federal child labor act of 1916," and adoption by the government of a program "by which the authority anil responsibility of the nation for Americanization should he or? ganised, centralized and uni? fied, with every encouragement to slate and local effort." Fire Destroys Home. The home of P. II. Gilly near Fast Stone (lap, was totally destroyed by lire on last Thurs? day morning at n o'clock, to? gether with all household goods, with the exception of two foath er beds. The lire caught from the kitchen Hue and the blaze had gained great headway be? fore il was discovered. It isal so reported $300 in money was burned up which Mr. Gilly hail put away in a trunk. There was no insurance. By next summer the War. Time Back-Yard Gardeners will be just plain gardeners, hut we predict they will still be on the job. boschee's syrup will quiet your cough, soothe tlie intlaiu matlon of a tort throat and lun^s, Mop ir? ritation In the bronchial tube*, insuring ,-i K'nxl nltght'a rest free fluni eotighlog and with easy expectoration in the mornlug. Made and sold iu America for llfty-iwo year*. A wonderful prescription, assist? ing nature iu building up your genera) 1 ealth aud throwing off the disease IS 'leelally useful in lung trouble, asthma, < roup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Kelly Drug Company. P ' ' -RESOLUTIONS"' " ; -VIu l?v-Jng roroembruuoo of our dear friend, aimer, and co worker, Mrs. W. D. McNiol, whose death occurred October ?20,1918. Little did we think that the Angel of death was hovering so near her, and that we were so soon to loso sight of her dear smiling face, which always wore tho impress of her noble and lovely character. Truly death loves n shining mark. We will greatly miss horfrom-our social and religicus circles. The whole community sulTors the Iobb of one of its best friends, her home tho tenderest, gent lest, most loving mother. Her place will bo hard lo fill by one so kind and good. A pearl of precious womanhood. Our sor? row is deep, but not us those without hope, feeling our loss is lior gain. Her fnco is lost from our vision, yet through faith we look upward and behold her glorified spirit basking in tho sunlight of eternal bliss. .Earth know no lovelier soul, Beavcu contains no brighter gem. Therefore, bo it resolved by the Ladies' Aid Society anil the Woman's Missionary Society of Wise Hupiist church, First:?That we bow rover ently and submissively to the mighty hand of Und while it smites, believing that He, who is too wise to err, too merciful to be unkind, doelll all things well. Second:?That we testify to bur fuilhful leadership as presi? dent of our Aid Society for sev? eral years. Her loyalty and ECnl will ho an incentive to our future wotk. lior life U sweet benediction. Third:?That in our future meetings wo will miss her sun uy smiles, her cheerful disposi? tion, which sweetened the at? mosphere around her as the flowers make fragrant the air about them. Her sun went down while il was, yet day, but the glory of the sunset will long linger around her mem? ory. Fourth:?That a copy of ! these resolutions be placed on j record, and a copy he sent to , Hig Stone Gap l'ost, Coalfield Progress and Leo County Sun | for publication, and a copy sent to her bereaved husband and children, as a token of our sin? cere sympathy and respect. Mrs*. .). M. Hill, Mrs. 11, C. Williams, Mrs. (i. W. Kilgoro, Committee. FARMERS COMMENDED The following letter from General Porshing, Commander in-Chief of the American forces in France to Hon. Carl Voor mnu, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, highly commends the farmers of the country for the part they took in helping to win the war: "Will you please convey to the farmers our profound ap? preciation of their patriotic sor* vices to tho country and to the allied armies in the Held? They have furnished their full quota of lighting men. they have bought largely of Liberty Bonds and they have increased their production of food crops, both last year and this, by over u thousand million bushels above normal production. Food is of vital military necessity for us and for our allies, and from the day of our entry into the war, American armies of food pro? ducers have rendered invalua? ble services to tho allied cause by supporting the soldiers at the front through their devoted and splendidly successful work in the Holds and furrows at homo." Hundreds of Troops Pay Vis? it to London. London, Nov. 30.?American sailors and soldiers in large j numbers arc on leave, and, ns a | consequence, thuy are taxing accommodations here. Scores! have been unable to find places ! to sleep. Hundreds of soldiers are arriving from France daily for a leave. American uniforms predominate in the streets. Promoted to First Lieutenants Henderson N. Horsloy and Cnr?sle Skeens, second Lieu? tenants with tho Expeditionary Forces in Frnnco have been promoted to First Lieutenants,' according to reports received by by their parents in the Gap Both young men have seen act ive service on the western front. Their many friends tn the Gap will ho glad to hear of their pro? motion. TUESDAY, DEC. 10th COUTTS & TENNIS present The Charming Musical Comedy of Youth Most Entrancing Music You Ever Heard Large Chorus of American Beauties 20 TUNEFUL MUSICAL NUMBERS BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES AND SCENERY Absolutely the Greatest Singing and Dancing Chorus in Musical Comedy. Prices: 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Seats on Sale Thursday REIM Mrs. Hoger Campbell, after n few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barker, of Big Stone Hap, lias returned to her home on Woodlawn avenue. Bristol Herald Courier. The Rov. J. B. Craft, of Gate Oily, Va., who was holding a seiies of revival services at Bel motu Baptist church, hut wait obliged lo close out on account of the recent epidemic, will re. sumo his evangelistic efforts, beginning Monday night, the 25th, Rov, Craft is an expe? rienced revivalist of unusual power and one of the leading orntors of the state. ? Roanoku Tunes. Mrs. Martin S. Dongler re. Ceived tho news Wednesday of the death of Mr. Harvey Deng ler, brother of Mr. Martin 8. | Dengler, both with the A E. F. in France. Mrs. Dengler will be remembered as Miss Lillie Cawood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ca wo id, having mar? ried Mr. Dengler of Harrisburg, I'll., Nov. 22nd, 10171 in Char? lotte, N. C. .1. M. Elliott, a former citizen of this county but for the past tifteen years a resident nnd merchant at East Stone Cap, was in town Saturday and went out into the county to spend Sunday with friends. He and his family had quite a siege of influenza, one daughter having a critical case of pneumonia from which she is recovering.? Gate City Herald. Workman Injured. Charlie Parker, of Marshall, N. C, who has been employed as laborer on the big slide in the Gap for the Southern Hail way, was seriously injured on last Fuosday afternoon when a large amount of dirt and stone wus accidentally diimpt on him. Parker was standing on tho up per side of a dump car loaded with dirt nnd stone, and for some unknown reason the load was dumped on the wrong side und caught him completely tin awarcs. The injured man was brought to town and given temporary medical aid ami was taken to Bristol on the follow? ing duy. "When Dreams Come True" "When Dream's Coino Truo," n sparkling musical comedy, which its nnnonucod us tin' at-, I ruction at the Thuutre I next TuoBdn>. December in can' truthfully ho claimed a delight fttl concoction. It abounds in I bright sayings', while the inn Bichl end of ii is made up of a number of very loueful songs; with the lulling "Wbei. Dreams Come True" pi edoniina i ing. 'I'ln- air of tin- number is s.. catchy that after ir is beard once, it is seldom forgotten/ Unlike the average musical comedy, there is a plot to this one, iu which there are mniiy I tangled situations to be worked out so that the story will end like all good stories should, ami iu this particular case furnishes all sorts of trouble to I he prin? cipals and all soils of amuse meat for the onlookers. There are no stars in "When Dreams Come True," but there' is ;ni evenly balanced east of clever young people in the j leading parts, and a gobd look-i ing and hard working, sinking and dancing chorus, which make for a smooth and snappy | performance. Favor Woman's Rights. New Orleans, La.. Nov. 30.? The Louisiana annual confer once of the Methodist ICpisco pal Church, South,today adopt? ed a resolution favoring grant? ing of laily rights to women Sixteen Breweries Arc Closed Down. St. Louis. Nov. 80.?Ten thou sand men were thrown out of Work and plants estimated in value at $10,000,000 and repre? senting investments of ?100, 000,000 were made idle, at mid? night when the sixteen St. i Louis breweries wore closed. : according to government order There an- indications that there : wiil bo some kind of a move. I mcut among manufacturers to : bold together their forces hi tho hope that, there may s.-on ' be a mod i Meat ion of tlie law. None of the brewers have as yet announced any plans for conversion of their plants into ' other industries. ORDER OF PUBLICATION vi ItOlNI a -in ihe Clerk? Office of the Clruult Court of the county of Wise the '.MM (lay of December, 1018, Turner, I'lslntiu", O, /,. Tin Hit. Defendant. IN l/IIAXOEUY: flu' object ul" tills unit U In obtain a divorce -,.\ Vlncnlo Matrlinonil" upon tbo grounds of adultery, Ami It appearing from affidavit on Hid in said office that the defendant, O. Z. Turner, is no) a resident of the state of Virginia: it is ordered that In- appear hem within 10 days after due publication of tills order ami do what is necessary to protcel bis Interest in ibis suit. And it is further ordered that s copy hereof bo published once n week for four successive weens in Tb? Iii? Stone Cap l'ost. and thai a copy be posted at the front door of the court house of this county and that a copy be mailed to the defendant, t). Z Turner, ai Abbeville, Alabama, bis fist known, place of abode. W. It. HAMILTON, Clerk. \V. T. liu<h;iiis, p. ip iioVJ7 48-51 ORDER OF PUBLICATION viio.inia in the Clerks Office of the Olreuii Court of the county of-Wise Ihe I5tll il iy of November. 1018. Vi. A. Csrpcnter, IMitlulluT lliinuah II. Carpenter. Defendant IN ( ii a NOERY Tlie objeet .'I' this suit is to obtain a dl. vorce 'A Vluonlo MatrltnonH" upon the grounds ol adultery. An.! it appearing from affidavit on tilu in si .l office thai the defendant is nut a resident of the state i f Virginia, it is or? dered that she appear here ?itbiu 15 days after due publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect her interest in this suit. And il is further ordered that :i copy hereof be published once a week for four successive weeks in The big Stone Gap Cost, ami that a copy bo posted at the front door of the Court liouso of this county, and thai a copy bo mailed to Ihu dcfoildant, Hannah II. Carpenter, at Knowide, Tennessee, her last known place of abode, a copy?Teste: W. 11. Hamilton, Clerk W. T. I lud ?ins, p. q. Nov. 20-47-00 Chairman B. M. Baruch Ten? ders Resignation. Washington, Nov. 30 ?Rnr liai'd Hi Hnruch, chairman of the War Industries Board, hns forwardod Ino resignation to President Wil?on to take effect anuary 1. Mr. Barnch's decision to re? sign is in line with his known belief that the affairs of the hoard can be closod by the first . of the year.