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j^^^^^^^^^^^ Pap Post. ' VOL. XXVI,_-L^J^BIGSTONE CAP, WISE COUNTY, VA.. WED^P?fe?i$CEM?ER 4\, 1916, ' ~ ^^nTTo Congressman Slemp Glad And Grateful Representative of Ninth Vir? ginia District Addresses Fc licious Message to His Con? stituents. Washington, Dec. t. My fellow citizens of the Ninth district of Virginia: Congress assembles again un? der circumstances different from auy that have existed sinso August, 19.14. What a relief it is! The war is over and wo are victors. In a world struggle America has played a conspicu? ous and an honorable part. While our losses wore not so greut as our Allies', ours was the deciding influence, in men, money and material. There is nothing that wo should regret except the lives of tlie young men who have gloriously per ished that others might live. Our own district, the Ninth, has an enviable record, one of imperishable glory. All of Vir? ginia can justly pay tribute to this, the one and the only dis? trict in the state that met every demand of state and nation. It has been a proud privilege and will he a blessed memory to have played any pan, how. ever humble, in this great drama. For the honor that has come I to nie as a result of the patriot? ic feeling in the district, to be elected to Congress without op? position, there can be no ado quote words of gratitude. I shall never he unmindful of the unselfish patriotism of those of the Opposition who brought it about, nor can 1 forget, ihe un-1 failing loyalty of those friends! of the past who likewise made it possible. In small return, I ' shall ?lo all in my power to prove worthy of such trust and confidence. In the coining Congress, 1 tlo hope that every Democrat and every Republican will feel free to call on me for any service 1 can render in this period of re? construction. If such turns out to ho the case anil 1 can, for a brief season at least, represent the groat, powerful Ninth dis? trict, there will be one Virginia congressman at least that has reached a statt" of happiness. C. B. Slemp. Veteran Troops To Remain at Front ? Says Baker. Washington, Dec. 7. ?Secre tary Baker gave us as his per sonal opinion today tint none of the veteran disvisions of the American army in Franco will return homo before peace is formerly declared. Heindtcat ed that the tired fighting men would compose the hulk of the force to bo kept in Europe for the present. Heretofore the understanding has been that the Rainbow di? vision und two or three famous units would be broughl home soon, leave their places to be filled by some of the newcomers. Several of the divisions which have Been hard fighting are as? signed to the American army of occupation which is march inginto Germany. Army oflieers say that it was necessary to make up this army of tried troops because there was no saying what oventualitiesmight come to pass. Recent dispatches from France have said that an Amer? ica of 1,260,000 was to remain in Europe for duly until after the proclamation of peace. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lins IH-eii b household remedy all over the ; civilized world for more than half a cen? tury for constipation, into?tiiial troubles, torpid iiver and the Kunurally depressed fecfine; that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for Indices tion or nervous dyspepsia anil llyor iron hie, bringing on headache, coming up o food, palpitailou of lieart. ami many othei symptoms. A few iloscs of Augus', flow? er will relieve you. It is a gentle laxa. live. Solil by ICclly Drug Company. War Savings Stamps Yeild Over 4.55 Per cent. Interest, If Bought Dur? ing December. War Savings Stumps purchas? ed at $4.2:1 during December will pay tlie investor over 41 percent, which is the highest rate of interest received on any security yot issued by our Gov? ernment, making them the most attractive investment to the public to-day. They mature in four years, or January 1, l'.i2J, and give both the large, as well as the small investor, an oppor? tunity, not only to help their Government, but to invest their money in safety on an unusajly attractive basiB. REGARDS KAISER AS THE WORLD'S CHIEF CRIMINAL King George Has No Love for the Former Ruler of Germany. London, Dec. 6.? What does I King George real I v think of bin cousin, William rlohehzollern, former (i erman Emperor? That is a question that hau been often asked, but has never received anything approaching an attthoritive answer. Ac? cording to a writer in the Daily News, which is usually very careful as to the trustworthi? ness of what it prints, King George regards him as "the greatest criminal in the world today." The writer says that lie was talking a few days ago with a well-known statesman who has had many opportunities during the war, and especially lately, of hearing the King express his views of the Kaiser. And lie thus summarizes what the "well known statesman" told him: "My informant says that the King's feelings and expressions are so strong that they could hardly be reproduced verbatim, but that the substance of theni is that the Kaiser is thu great? est criminal in tint world today; that ho is directly responsible for the outrages on the Belgian and French civil populations; for the bombing and air raids on the innocent inhabitants of unfortified towns; for the tor pedoingof passenger and hospi. tat ships and the sinking of survivors iu their boats; for tho uso of poisoned gas, the poison? ing of wells, the destruction of works of urt, of historic build tags', of beautiful towns, ami the machinery of industrial life and potential reconstruction; that he has not only permitted these things to proceed, but was in many cases a personal assen ter to and director of them, and. that for such a man no retribu? tive penally, however severe,! would bo undeserved." NEW PROCESS FOUND Washington, Dec. 7.?Out of the war's necessities has been developed a new synthetic pro cess of making glycerin by fer? mentation of sugar in quantity a* low cost, which government oflicials say will revolutionize production. This secret, care? fully guarded while the war lasted was disclosed yesterday in a Treasury report. In a little laboratory up nn der oaves of tho Treasury build? ing chemists of the internal rev. enue bureau worked for months on information reaching tho government, in the spring of last year that Germany, by pro? ducing glyceriu through a fer? mentation process, was able to turn out explosives requiring great quantities of glycerin in spite of tho scarcity of fats. Ransom Bishop,who has been iu the training cumps for sev? eral months, has been discharg? ed from the sei vice and hue re? turned to his homo here. Success For Young Author Edgar Young is Another Vir? ginian Whose Stories are Gaining Him Fame in Gotham. Among younger 'Virginians who tiro making good in that tnecea of all writers, New York City, is Edgur Young, a writer of adventure stories, who. hulls from John Fox, Jr.'s town, Big Stone Gup. Mr. Young is tit present associate editor of "Ad? venture," a Munsey publication. Out of (>00 short stories eontribul ed to this magazine lust year Kd? gur Young's stories won second, tenth utul thirteenth place in the twenty best selected by populur vote of the rending public. Hin "Ninth Man" ran second behind a story that had bo'"n published twice in four years?Tal hot Mondy'a "The Soul of A Regiment." Mr. Young was in Class A-l of the eighteen to thirty-six draft, but had failed to get across before the armistice was signed. He is a brother of Eula. Young Mor? rison, of The Times-Dispatch repertorial staff.?From Times Dispatch of Dee. 2, BUS. Fourteen " Flu" Cases In Three-Room House. Richmond, Va., Dee. 5.?Not toway County has furnished a striking illustration of the fact that influenza is u "crowd dis ease". During the earlier days of epidemic of fourteen cases developed in one household?a family living in a three-room house?and thirteen persons wore ill at one time. Pour de? veloped pneumonia and -jne cu8e proved fatal. The disease was brought to the home by a resideut of Hope well who hur? ried back to his family while in the earlier stages of the malady. While lie can hardly be blamed for wishing to bo with his loved ones, he nevertheless spread the infection immediately, and be? fore he expired twelve of his kiaspeoplc were helpless with the "fill." It need hardly be said that for u time the household was in the direst distress. Naturally most of the neighbors were afraid to venture within the af? flicted habitation and as a con? sequence all of the home duties, as well as nursing, fell upon the hands of a nine-year old boy who up to that time had escaped the disease. All things consid. crod, the youngster did well, though on one occasion when food was low, he fed the fami? ly on blackberry preserves. Fortunately this strange diet caused no apparent ill effects. Help finally came to the strick? en oues in the form of a volun? teer nurst! who thought neither of danger nor discomfort. This ministering angel was the coun? ty ugent working under Miss Kiln Agnew, assistant director of the home demonstrations work of the V. 1'. I. Miss Ag? new had previously tendered to tho State Hoard of Health the services of all. her agents who might be willing to help in the crisis. And Mrs. .f o h n n i e Fletcher Wallace,the Noitowoy agent, was on: of the willing ones wholluew themselves in? to the breach. Hut for her courage, devotion and skill, there is no saying how many deuths might have occurred in the family. Birth Announcement. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jesseeatat tho home of Mrs. Jessee's sister in Savannah, tin., on Nov. 22, a daughter. Mrs. JeBsee will be remembered as Miss Mary Hi?o, who wus em? ployed with tho South & West Coal and Coke Company. Mr. Jessee is with the Expedition? ary forces in France. Prices High In Paris French Capital Unable to Care for All the Visitors. Purin, Doe. 7?Purin is tilled to overflowing, Prices of all hotel rooms, following the requisitioning of twenty-live hotels for peace conference pur? poses, having doubled and trip? led and urostUI going up. Food in restaurants and prices gen? erally are similarly mounting. -A breakfast of coffeo, bread and butter continues to cost be? tween $1 ami $1.5,9 ut hotels. It is virtually impossible to lunch or dine for less than three or four dollars for a simple meat. People arriving in the city fre? quently go to fifteen or twenty hotels before they secure rooms, for which the owners demand large sums and refuse to lower their rates. Baying they can get the price. Tho city is becoming more crowded daily, with the hulk of tho conference officials and others interested i n getting rooms, such as several hundred of the world's newspaper cor? respondents n o t y e t here. Where persons of the latter class are going to find accom? modations nobody i n Paris knows. In addition to all the other arrivals, officers and men of till the armies are coining to Paris on leave in considerable numbers. Sometimes as many as twenty ofticerB stand for an hour in front of Itotol offices waiting for somebody to leave, when they all demand accom? modations. Radford Nor? mal Notes Dr. J. P. McConnell has been asketl to discuss ''The Problems of tho Normal Schools in the .Southern Suites" at the meet ing of the National Council of Normal School Presidents in Chicago, February 21-23. Tho membership of the national council includes most of the presidents of the State Normal Schools in the United States. Preparation is being made for tho Sixth Annual Educational Conference for Southwest Vir. ginin at the Normal School B?rne time in February, the ex act date has not yet been fixed. Owing to the fact that the Slain Educational Conference was not held Thanksgiving week will in all probability bo very large. A number of prominent educa? tors ot state and national repu? tation have accepted places on the program. This Educational Conference includes till grades of educational institutions from the one room school to the col leges and universities. In tho southwestern part of the state is found a very large number of the leading educational institu? tions of the state. The committee in charge has arranged a series of chapel ex? ercises beginning December 9, to acquaint the Btudents with different phases of Red Cross work. On Friday of this week sov-| eral features other than a dis uusaiou of Junior Red Cross have been planned. Several de? partments rendered valuable assistance in adding instructive and realistic touches. Nation? al airs of the allied countries, folk dances of our associates in this our greut cause, and other attractions will be given. At the conclusion of the last pro? gram, interesting exhibits of articles made during November und December by our Junior Red Cross will be shown. These are competitive among the 1 classes, embracing rag rugs for I French hospitals, scrap hooks, j layettes, etc. WORKMEN'S COM? PENSATION ACT Richmond.Va., Dec. t.?That] tliat there is still some misnn.j derstanding as to the provision of the now Workmen's Compen? sation Act, which will become j effective January t, 1910, i?in-| dicated by inquiries coming daily to the Industrial Commis? sion of Virginia at its otlice here on North Sixth Street. Naturally the tlrst questions to arise have concerned the cov? erage of the act and the posi? tion of tho state and political subdivisions under its insurance provisions. Within the operation of the act are all private individuals or firms having regularly in their employ eleven or more persons, except casual emploj - efts, farm laborers and domest? ic servants. The |iro> islous .>f tiie acl may be rejected by the employer or tho employee by tiling proper notice with the In? dustrial Commission, but as tho law provides that such rejection on the one hand deprives the employer of the usual defense of contributory negligence, fel? low servant's negligence and assumption of risk or, on the other hand, compels the em? ployee to proceed at common law with these defenses in full force, employers and employers will hardly lintl it to their in terest to exercise this choice. Employers should insure their liability by one of the methods provided in the act. With respect to the state and its political divisions, the act is compulsory, regardless of the number of employees. This means that the stato and all its political units, front the largest city to the smallest school dis? trict, Will come within the gun oration of the taw and should take immediate steps to secure their compensation liability. This liability can bo made se? cure through special accident insurance, through the forma? tion of mutual insurance asso? ciations or through self-insur? ance under conditions, approved by the Industrial Commission. The methods of insurance is,a matter for these political units to decide for themselves. The Industrial Commission It a s adopted the policy of approving their applications for self-in? surance without bond or other security, provided arrange? ments are made for the prompt payment of compensation when duo and for the payment of the 1 per cent, premium tax requir ed by the act. Rut while self insurance is no doubt safe for the larger politi? cal unit, it involves ti very grave risk for the smaller com? munity, where a single catas? trophe might, burden the tax? payers for years to come. For this rea on the suggestion has been made here that tho state and its political divisions could obtain security and at the same tune effect a great saving by organizing themselveB into a' mutual insurance association, each contributing in proportion to its payroll and the hazard of its work. This plan would re? quire careful preparation, but it could bo carried through by prompt action on tho part of the cities and counties of tho state. ORDINA^rCE [to it ordained by the Town Council of Hijj Stone. Cup. That it ahall be unlawful for any one. j to unlawfully manufacture, sell, otter, keep anil expose for sale, give away, transport, dispense, solicit, advertise and receive orders for ardent spirits, within the town limits of I!ig Stonu Gap. Any one violating ulther provision of this or? dinance shall bo lined nut leal than fifty 'dollars nor mom than two huudrcd dol i lars for each offense and contlncd In jail J not lets t; ..ii ono nor more than six mouths. Joseph Lockwood Bostwick. Joseph Lock wood Hont wick was born on n (arm near Syra? cuse, N. y.t on March S, 1S27. His father was also engaged in the lumber business') and had a saw mill established on the home farm. Here under the in. slructinu of his father, the son learned the rudements of the business which he afterwards followed throughout his lifo. Mr. Bostwick was a veteran of the war between thy suites. He enlisted as a private on January t, 1864, in Co. L, titli New York Volunteers, a u d afterwards served in Co. M.'Jnil New Vork Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Ho< was present at the surrender at Appomattox Court House. Ho received an honorable discharge froth the army at Harts [gland, Now York, October 31?, 18115. Soon after the war Mr. Bost? wick came to Southwest Vir ginia to engage in the lumber business, being attracted by the pleasant climate and the abundance of virgin timber. First in Washington county, then in Scott, Wit..; and Lee counties, he has been connected with the logging and saw mill business, ami was one of the best known ligtlles iu the lum? ber industry of this section. He was married to Miss Me? lissa Adline Gibson on Decem? ber lOi ISSO, at Gate City, Scott irouuty, Virginia, the ceremony being performed by Rev, s s. Wealthy, iu this union wuro born two daughters, Miss Goor; gut T. Bostwick and Miss Min? nie Bostwick, who with their mother, survive iiini. For some years past Mr. Bust wick has made Ins home it! Big Stone Gap, whore his children were reared and educated, and where he has enjoyed the dis? tinction of being tho oldest citi? zen of the community. During the pasl few years ho has been feeble in body, and confined more or less to his home. A bellt five weeks ago he sutler.-d a fall in his home, and gradually grew weaker and weaker unlit the end came on Wednesday afternoon, December ;. a few minutes after live o'clock. Aged 91 years. Mr. Bostwick was reared iu a Presbyterian home, ami was a firm believer iu the principles of the Christian faith. As a man he wuh characterized by absolute frankness and sterling integrity. He was of genial manner ami pleasant address. He had no patients with some of the conventionalities of life, and always frowned upon any. thing thai bordered on pretence and display. He was possessed of keen mental powers, and even until his last illness, he took a great interest in the dai? ly news of the world. lie fol? lowed Hie events of the World War with undivided attention, ami expressed hia gratitude that he was permitted to live to see it collie to an end. He gave his loved ones repealed assurances, as they stood around his bed? side during the last illness, that ho was ready to die, and that he was fully confident that Io? was going to a higher and hot? ter home. He left detailed in? structions for his funeral s.-il? vico which were carried out as ho requested, We extend to his loved ones our altcctiouato sympathy in their bereave mnnt, Tho funeral services were conducted from the home Fri? day morning at half past ten o'clock by Rev. Jas. M Smith, assisted by Rev. C. W. I lean, am) the interment was made in < ! lotlCOe cemetery. Dies From Pneumonia. Miss Annie Peyton, of Char loltesvillo, who arrived here about two weeks ago to visit Mr. ami Mrs. W. T. Goodloe, was stricken with an attack of pneumonia d n Monday and died at ? o'clock Friday morn? ing. Her relatives wen' imme? diately notified and her broth? er, Sutten Peyton, Jr., and an aunt, Mrs. Major T. 1'. Peyton arrived here Friday night to accompany the body back to Charlottesville Saturday morn? ing for burial. Dr. G. C. Honcycutt DENTIST . BIG STONE CAP, VA. Offlee in Willis ISuilrliiig over Mlttuk. Drue, Store.