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The Big Stone Gap Post._ VOL. XXVII. _ BIG STONE GAP. WISE COUNTY, VA.t WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15. IQIq! ~" no. 3 Plans Being Considered By Young Men's Club to Build Mure Homes in Big Stone Gap. The Young Men's Glub is go', inn after tin- "Build More Homes" campaign with a de? termination that indicates ihey are not going to let op until something definite has boon nc* compllshcd, At their last moot? ing Wednesday night several ilifTorenl plans were discussed as to the quiekest um! boBt way of building more homes in Mig Stono Qhp to meet it ilemumi that continues to ii"ro"w, '" f,,c' the greatest in the town's Iiis, tory. After the constitution atitl by laws were read by Secretary ltliss ami ndopletl by the blub the meeting \\;is thrown open for a general discussion among the members ns to the proper way of financing a building campaign Some were in favor nf organizing u stock Company and soil shares td local busi nest men, while others favored the ideu of soliciting individ? uals to hnild. Ii. a. Fox,speak? ing in behalf of the Hin Stone Gap Land Company, said they would probably make an eitert to build itbolil twenty live li?mOS. However they were awaiting a reply from Mr, .). !?' Bullitt, prcsido'it of the land company, who is now at Phila? delphia, for his advice as to the proper course to pursue. Mr. Pox will probably make a :e port at the next meeting. The following committees were appointed hy ['resident Wren to gather data and make a report at next meeting of the club: ?. S. Card r, .1. B. Watnpler and it. K. jfqx to go utiiong the business men of town and lind out how many will build home., individually. \V. J. Smith, W. S. Miller and (i. IN, Kniglit w ill find out wlu> wants to buy or rent a home. J. It. Taylor, Win. A smart, K. K. Tuggurt, W. T. (Joodloe, and .1. L. Cnmblos will draw up plana for the organization of a slock company to finance a building campaign; These committees will make a report at tonight's meeting in the .Mineral Motor Company building and all members, to? gether with every business man in town, is urged to attend, as some important business will he transacted. Before the meeting adjourned last Wed nesduy night a number of new members were added to the Club's list'. ( Build more homes i. May Get Places As Sanitary Officers. Richmond, Jim. 10.?Virgin? ia soldiers who have been ac? tively associated with various sanitary organizations of the army, no matter where located, would do well to communicate with the State Board of Health Richmond, upon receiving their 'discharges. The State Board may be able to procure positions for a good many of the former soldiers as the service men ex? perienced in sanitation may bo desired in many towns and cit? ies of Virginia. Persons interested should write the State Health Commis? sioner and give him full infor? mation as to their experience and the sections in which they would like to establish them? selves. Campaign For Relief of Armenians is Being Waged This Week. The nation-wide campaign lo raise $RO,000,?OO.O? to aid the destitute Armenians is being waged this week. The quoth of Richmond Magisterial District is $",tl00.00 of which $000.00 i< assigned to Big Stone (lap ami vicinity^ It is fortunate that our gov? ernment is aide to lend millions of dollars to Belgium, I'rance, Serbia, and other allied nations to supplement their own grants for their people whose homes ami means of livelihood have been destroyed by the war. Hut unforlunntely there i< iio friend? ly and responsible government iu the near Kast to which our government can make loans for the aid of t he millions of home-i less and destitute people in that region. The generosity of the American i.pie is the only sih su er to the problem. The organization to raise the quota of l?g Slime <iap as fol? low s : Secretary for Kichtuoud Dis? trict?Major Win. A. Stuart, Cliaifinah for l?g Stone (lap?| Mr. < icorge I.. Taylor. i 'hail man of Ladies ( 'otninitteo ?Mrs. B. Ii. ?Visover. I.allies' Committee. Mrs. 15. K- t:.'odl.,e,Mi.. 1?. It. Piersoiij .Mr-. II. K. lox, Mrs. otis Manser, Mr-. .1. A. Cihiicr, Mr-. ?'. <'. Lotig, Mi-, 6. S. Cur;, ler. Mr-. K. .1 . Proscott, Mrs. II. A. W. Sheen, Mrs. W. II. Wren, Mrs. .1. I.. MeCprmick, Mrs. ?!. C. Cochran. Teams lor Big Sinne (lap. Minor Building ? H. W. tiil liain ami It. Ci Williams. iiiterinohl Building ? .1. It. Wampler and .1. M. liaktir. I. K. K. (ttiici-W. I.. Jones and W. S. Miller. Kmnace?W. A. Rogers ami (.'has. Connor. South of Wood Aviv West of School Hplisi-?'. W. Dean and V. W. Bliss. North of Wood Ave. and West Of Schonl House?K. I-'. UurgOKH and 111 .1. Ayors. Kast nf School House and not including furnace?p. II. Ken? nedy ami .1. M. Smith. Merchant-1. S. Hamiden and W. T. (Joodloe. I 'a,h i?('. (i. VaiiOargcr aiid Harry Zopp. LNiwoil's Valley?L. II. Sheen and W. it. Wilson. Will Start Soup Kitchen at School House. The Food Conservation Com? mittee of the Civic League met on Saturday afternoon 'at the High School building for the purpose of organizing the soup Kitchen for the public school. This work was Started last year and proved quite a success. The primary teachers especial. Iv noted a great difference in the work of their classes. The committee deemed it best to charge only a penny a cup for the soup there fore it is impossible for it to be wholly self sustaining. Any contributions of lime, money or food w ould he greatly appro elated by the entire committee and can he given lo tho chair man, .Miss Con way Howard. It is hoped that not only the Civic League members, but all people who are interested in gaining the best results from their school will give the work their hearty co-operation. Last Call for Knitters. Those who have Red Cross knitting and are unable to fin? ish it, please return it, with tho wool ami needles to the head? quarters so it may be finished. Those who have finished ar? ticles please return them right away because we want to make our last shipment by the 20th of this month. Wo appreciate the aid you have giving in knit? ting for our soldiers. Mrs. C. C. Lorn, Supt. of Knitting. 0 YOU WANT A HOME IN BIG STONE GAP? So Give the Committee Full Particulars As to the Kind of House You Want At a meet ing of the Young Men's Club on laut Wed? nesday night W. .1. Smith, W. S. Miller an.l li. N. Knight were appointed a committee to gel the names of persons who woohl like to either liny or rent a dwelling house in Big Stone Cap and report these name- to Hie Chili ns fast as tliiiy an- ohtained. The Voting Men's Club, whieli was recently organic cd here has as one of its) prime objectsthe building of more dwelling houses iu Big Stone Hap, ami it would like to hare the names of all who waul to either buy or rent and about the kind of house they will Mipiite. and if yon would like to he included in the estimate of the number of houses that will he necessary to properly house our people und those from outside of town who want to move their families here, write either one of Hie above gentle? men, stating Ilie kind of house you want and whether you want to rent or buy, and your requirements will lie laid before the Club and an ell'ort made to meel them. Il i- the intention of the Young Men's I'luh to Or g.inize a sirtck company for the purpose of huihliug nouses, iu addition to a number that enterpris? ing citizens have already agreed lo build this year. In all it is estimated that about a hundred houses are need? ed in I'.ig Stone (Jap this year and a great ell'orl will he made to lillihl them. The town, as il is now. cannot advance any fiiiiher until more houses arc biiill, and every one who can possibly build a house, eil her for sale or rent, should do -n this year. There i- no danger ol' getting too many: they will all he lille.l up a-- rapidly us llieyate built. If there ever was a time iu the history of I'.ig Stenn! liap when every one shtillld put his shoulder lo the wheel nud push il is now. The Young Men's Club is leading the way and we believe every one in town w ill do all to help them along. It's for the good of all and the building up of our beautiful mountain town. s Don't forget lo write the commit lee it von want a home in l!ig Slum- (hip. BADGES FOR RED CROSS WORKERS In a latter of recent date the National Headquarters issued the following: Certificates in recognition ol loyal service to tho Nation, through tho Reil Cross, ahull be awarded to all persons who have given regular sei vice dur? ing a period of not less than six months, in which period the ae. mal work done shall he cq?ivu lent to at least four days a week, or approximately BOO hours; of for eight mbhlhs of service or not less ihan three days a week, ? ir approximately 800 hours; or for twelve mouths of service of not less than two days a week, or approximately son hours; or approximately son hours; or for eighteen months' survici amounting to at least son hours, etc. In no case shall an award he made lo a worker whose riod of enrollment i n service has been less than six COnsecU live mouths; and with a mini? mum of 800 hours of service. In computing periods of ser? vice Subsequent to April ?, 1917, shall he considered. Certificates shall he awarded irrespective of whether services rendered have been on a volun? teer or paid basis. In Chapter production, work done outside of workroom, such as knitting and garments, shall bo estimated on a piece-work basis or in the same manner as used iu the Chapter work rooms. Service for the Red Cross in other than Chapter activities shall be credited to the worker. Allowance should also be math; for time given in different de? partments or activities of the Red Cross. Badges for women workers.? All women workers to whom certificates are awarded for ser? vice for the minimum period, as specified above, shall be en? titled to purchase the standard service badge with a plain rib bon. Women workers tierving an additional period equal to tlif ininiinuin period specified shall In- entitled tu Welir mi Ilm badge, in place of tIk- plain rib bou, a ribbon interwoven with '?in' stripi-; and a ribbon be tir? ing an additional snipe may he substituted ufterj. sorvicb for bach additional period equal to the ininiinuin. Mutton for Men Workers.? Men worker's to whom certifi? cates have been issued for the minimum period of .service shall be entitled to purchase the standard service button to be worn in the emit lapel, N<> modification in this button is to be made for varying periods of service in excess of the mini? mum period. The Ited (Jross further sug? gests that where it is possible 10 secure accurate records of services rendered, that the worker.-', submit their claims for service badges. These letters shall state the nature of the service rendered, whore it was rendered and the period anil number of hours of service ns accurately as possible. The committee in charge of] the distribution will carefully review all claims, ['lease make out your hours of service and send iit^us soon as possible. This' means approximately son hours of work tor the eighteen mouths and averaging about ten hours a week for that time. Mi.xntk Fox, N ice Chairman. The oldest daughter of Isaac Bond, who died of pneumonia at Norton, where her parents reside, was brought through (late City the early part of Christmas week on the way to Nicklesvillo for burial. Her funeral was conducted by Uov. M. K. Porter. Silt) wus about eighteen yeurs of uge. Mr. Hood reported that his family had passed through u severe siege of intluenza ?Gate City Herald. Shell Holes Big Enough to Hold a Good Sized House. s. L, VYhitehead, proprietor of tin' Tampa Heights Drug Store at Seventh mid Nebraska avenues, bus received mi inter? eating letter froin Ins son, Hal It. \\ hi teheed, telling of Iiis ex? periences in active service at tin- front in France. Mr. Whitehcad enlisted in the medical department of the army about a year ago, and, after spending six months in train? ing at the hospital at Fort Knots. Little Kock, Ark., lie was sen! overseas, where la was attached to an ambulance company. The hail i, dan I November ?_M. follows: "Dear Father: Now that tile war is practically over and the censors are not so strict, I'll loll you a few things that have happened to ami lirouud inc. Alter crossing 3,?00 miles of water without seeing a subma? rine, we landed at Liverpool, tOnglnml From there we went i? Southampton, F.nglaml, ami took a boat across the F.nghsli channel by the Isle of Wight, to Cherbourg, France, thence by train lo Thesen, li small vil l?ge, where our Company was split up and assigned to differ: ent organizations. W ith twen? ty other men I wns assigned to Ambulance Company Thirteen, Firs! division, the first division to laud in France, anil a 'crack' one. From lliore we went to Tool, and joined our company, which was stationed in a wood near the Moselle river. "Instead of getting into a base Imspilul, I found that I was just an Ordinary litt -? bearer and lirst aid man. M) lirst night in this wood will ulways be with mo. Four (ionium planes came right over us and proceeded lo drop a couple ol bombs within 2?U feet of nur camp. We examined the holes the next mm mug,ami you could have dropped your bungalow on Twenty-third avenue into one very easily. "We were in this eump for (wo weeks, (hen via ambulance we si irled I'm dm Toul fron I. We established an advanced first aitl station at Selieisprey, a small town just al (he font of Montsec, where the French lust R5,000 men in 1014 trying lo lake it. Selieisprey, at (his time was in 'no maus', hilt the Germans wore retreating, so it was reasonably safe for us. They sent only a few shells over. After the infantry had taken Montsec without losing a man, they advanced so fast tiiat we had to move our dressing sta? tion about every half hour. We went (o St. Mihiol, Font a Mini son and lo most ol those places you have read about. "After resting a week we were sent to the Verdun front. With seven others I wns detail? ed to sei up a (trussing station Kxermont, at thai time about a kilometer from the front line trenches. We cleaned nut a place in a church, and had dressed two patients when a shell took the roar end of Un? church away. We moved ipiick ly to another house near the side of a hill and proceeded to tifn out six bundled womnted in four days. The lirst bighl we spent there we had lo wear our gas masks all night. The second day ami from then on shells hit all around us?big ones, small ones, gun shells ? right over this hill and house into the town and road about twenty feet from our Station. Lots of dirt, rocks anil shell fragments (lew around, but no one was hurt. "After we were relieved wo had to walk through tin- rain and mud about fifteen kilomu ters to the company. 1 took a eold and influenza und was Hcnt to Hase Hospital No S'.i, just j below Puns, where I slill am I After learning that I was u reg istered druggist, the lieutenant in charge of the base wants me j lo transfer to the base. I am still thinking it over. My ill? ness didn't develop into any tiling, so 1 win < ). K. in two it three days. "1 have llU? two 'eioKe culls.' the first happened near Verdun, I was eating supper ami sitting on a log with another fellow, when we heard a shell 'coining in.' We slid off the log just as it hit, not more than ten feet from us Luckily it didn't ex? plode, hut the next one did, near enough lo ruin our kitchen and wound one man, hut I was half way id a dug out by thou. "The next was at Verennbs, where WO had to walk down a road about one-half mile for our meals. I was on my way to Supper (n gang of mer. were working on tile road at the tithe), when I heard airplanes, and looked up. I saw- eight Gentian planes very high. I walked on, hut the hunch of men stopped work to look at the Germans. Thej made a perfect target for the planes, who proceeded to unload three bombs m the road, k Illing two met: and wounding nineteen others. I was just cilose enough to have my feet knocked from under me. hut not hint. Ollr slatiou dressed all of these men." ? Tampa I l-'la | Tribune. Mr. Whitchfud formerly liv Oil ill I'ng Stone Uilp and i, known to many of our readers. New Dog Law The lust stale legislature passed a dog law which m ike, it the duty of all persons owning or having hi Iiis possession or upon his premises a d ig. m list same for taxation with the pro? per assessor and pay tax on same before the 1st day of fob riiary of each year. The tax on male do^s is Jd.?ii,nn female dogs {ilj.OUi The town treasurer, who col? lects said furnishes a brass lag which must he kept mi dog it all times. No dog to hu pei milted lo run at large at night without a muzzle. It will he duty of game wardens and idli cers to kil! all does that do no I have the Ii don so tags proporl) attached. All owners of dogs who fail to properly list for lux? ation and pay taxes are subject to pay u tine and costs Has Forgotten Iiis Mollicr Tongue. Thirty years ago, at the ago of 21, Mil Mikil Ulliil came to the l.'.S from Italy and after some years married an A men can wife Living away from the people of his native country and not hearing Ins mother tongue i.poken, and never lu'ty | ing learned to read In' has now entirely forgotten it, being un? able to speak it or understand it when il is spoken to him, He lives near the tannery here, where he owns a good home of his own and is a re 9 pee table and industrious em. zen. CAPITAL INVESTED IN Tili: RAILROADS It Amounted to $20,543, ,109,571 Before Govern? ment Took Chaifjc Washington, Jnu.lO. ? 'Japital invested in American railroads ut the end id I'M 7, when the roads were taken over by the government,totnleil 120,.1; 1,38!?,. 571, tho Inter.ttate (Jommerce Commission reported today in ti preliminary statistical abstract of steam roads. The gros re? ceipts from their operation dur? ing the year was ?3,!>5<i,8(15,700, while the total expense's of operation were $2,D57,3'.)S,-U2. This left a net railroad o per III* ing income, after certain laxe? and rentals were subtracted, of $1,081,650,401!. I More houses, more houses, is the cry in Hig Stone Gap j?st now. People are actually inov | ing away from here because i they cannot get any where to 1 live. Such a condition should )not bo allowed to exist, but it jwill take more houses to relievo I tho situation.