OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, January 22, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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The Big Stone Gap Post.
Report of
Appointed by the Young .
Men's Club.
Last Wednesday evening siiw
the Vouhg Men V?lub assembled
to hear tin- reports of the com
tees appointed last week to in?
terview prospective buyers and
renters and builders and to de?
termine upon the method of .or?
ganization of a <tocl; company
formed to promote the' building
of more homes in l?g Stoiie
Duly a few were present, hut
that made tho discussions which
followed upon tho several reports
more intimate and personal than
would have been the cave in a
larger gathering.
II. K. Fox in reporting the
results of the investigations of
his committee gave the follow?
ing as parties agreeing to build :
It. T. Irvine, C, S. Carter, A.
I.. Will. \V. .1. Smith, W. .1.
Horsley, E. V. Burgess. W. 0.
Coutts. (i. C. Ibmeyciitt, -I. II.
Outrun, .1. A. Uihiier, K. A.
II inner, .1. Ii. Wamplei .W.?.AN.
over, .1. I'.. Collier, C, I.. Kelly,
c. L. Ilamiileii, -I. Cr: Muncyj
/.ion Parsoiis, I?. C Wolle and
I'. M. iteusor.
Win. A. Si nai l, in reporting
the Undings of hi.ininiltee
with regard to the format inn of
a stock Company to promote the
building of nmre homes in l!ig
Stone (iap elicited considerable
discussion from tlioslc pri.tit.
Owing lo the fact tliat this com?
mittee had nut been aide lo get
together during the week to dis?
cuss the mutter ami give the
plan its fullest consideration,the
suggestions were adopted tenta?
tively to a more fuller and com?
plete report al the next meet?
W. .1. Smith, reporting for
his committee, gave six men as
wanting to rent or buy reasona?
ble hollies in I'ig Stone (iap.
All those wishing to buy or rent
are asked lo write personally to
Mr. Smith us chairman of this
All three committees were
voted to he continued on at least
until the next meeting of the
Club, and it was thought best
that Mr. I"ox's and Mr. Smith's
In- continued indefinitely, to as
sist in securing'ihe most ell'eel
ivo co-operation among all who
are interested in securing more
hollies in l?g Stone I iap.
This, the most businiisR-likc
of all the meetings, was adjourn?
ed at D.-15, and everyone left
with a feeling that al lust had
been launched the .-t clicctivc
movement Big Stone Cap has
seen in years;
Messrs. J. M. McLemore, M. D. Collier and H L Sulfridge,
Appalachian Virginia
Gentlemen: * '
Kcplyiug to your letter of January 8th, bog to submit the following facts and figures us to Tux* Values <>f my District when
I was made Commissioner of the Uevenuo, ami of tin- same District for the year 1918.
Personal Property assessed by W. C. Stewart for the year 1918 (4,120,932.00
*' " " " \V; H. Fletcher for the year 1915.(1,857,974.00 Increase 1918 over 1915 $2,202,948,00
Mineral land nssosBed by Morton Mayreeand W. C Stewart for die year 1918 $6,112,200.00
Mineral land assessed by .1. A. Stone and \v. 11. Fletcher for the year 1916 (5,470,260 Increase 1918 over 1915 642,000.00
Total increase $2,904,948 00
Noil Mineral Land, Richmond District, for 1916,. f 693,420.00
" " " " " Assessed .by W. J. l(?rseley,1916.;; 07u.007.Oi) Decrease 1916bver 1916 22,813
Licenso Taxes reported-by W. O Stowart 1018.19,144 63
"' \V. II. Fl.otcher, 1915. . 8,302 60 Increase 1918 over 1916 lb',842.13
As to Merchants'Cppital, Bunk Stock, Dogs Assessed, I urn uniible to givo this statement as the Records at the Court
House fail to show what they wore in 1916.
1 do nut mean to state by any means that the figures are a fair cash value of the property of my District, but from what
I can tie..I out Wise County is taxed alone; in line with other counties over the State. I was creditably informed the oilier day
that Wise County paid more laxes than any county in the Slate of Virgllliu, in proportion to its wealth.
As to some false rumors being circulated over the country, 1 invite the public to an examination of the records.
Yours verv I nil v.
\v. u. sTrvvart,
Commissioner of the Revenue, Wise County, Virginia, W. stern District.
' Kast Stone (Jap. Virginia, January 10th, 1918 uilv,
Check Forger
For Cashing Bogus Checks
and Makes Confession
Hack Fisher, a young man
about twenty two years of age,!
living hear Urctp'ii, was arrested
at olingcr lust Krida) night by
\V. 15. Vetiry oh a charge of
forging tiltOeks in Itig Steine (ia)!
and iicighlsirihg town-;, frdiii
which In- had derived ipiitc a
stun ol money, lie was broguhl
here the same night and placed
in charge of Policeman Kelly
and locken lip. Upon arriving
here lid denied his identity,
stating ihal he Was not the party
wanted, tail after a search
through his clothes a cheek was
found already filled out, drawn
on tin' First National Hank of
Appahichiu, made pay a hl? tu
W. C. Taylor and signed with
Ihe forged name yf K. I.. Collu?
ms. ' Upon this discovery thi'i
prisoner made a complete con?
fession lo every charge.
Saturday he was given a heal? i
ing before .Mayor llorsley ami
later taken to jail at Wise til!
await the next tor Iii of court.
His work was perhaps the
holdcsf ami most successful ever
at tempted* here! He came here
about two weeks ago and started
Ins scheme hy pucliasing a large
quantity of meat of J. W. Hisel.
I laving a check made out with
the forged name of W. II. Po
lets signed to it, at n figure el'
iM-i.l'O above the amount of the
purchase, the check was cashed
Iii, Mr. Hisel und fisher left
saying that he would return for
the meat later, but of course lie
never returned. The same trick
w.13 worked an Hamiden Uro*,
for if 20.00, I). (J. Wolfe for
if'jO.OO, tiondloe Brothers, \Y.
Ii, Yeary, of Olingcr, $10.00,
and n merchant in Turkey Cove
by the name of Blair for $'25.00.
' W. K. Peters and K. Li Cous?
in-, whose names were forged
to the cl.ks, are well known
local business men.
In order In throw the police
oil' his movements Fisher carried
Arc you being of any service to your town?
What have you dune in the past year to benefit other
people ?
Do you go to church.
If not, why not?
Do you ever go to see newcomers apart from any feel?
ing of social obligation ?
How many new friends have you made lately ?
Do you make your own home the center of the universe?
How much have you gossiped lately, and did it do oth?
ers any good?
Why are you interested in other people's business ?
Did you ever think that perhaps there were other people
in the world besides yourself?
? Quiz.
a suit case containing several
changes of clot hing. At oho
time In* would appear in a dirty
overall suit, n soldier's unil'orin,
or in a nice suit of citizen
Public School
In ijiite of tIn' hea\ y handi?
cap, din- i<i tin' influenza epi?
demic, tin' Big St..ti.' (jap school j
boiird ha- niiVer for 11 moment
relinquished the lirin purpose Inj
afford the children of 11?i~ coin- J
inuiiity li full session of nine!
IteUlt hsi
In order hi accomplish (Iiis
purpose means hail to be devised I
fur making up the days lost.
This is heing done in part h\
teaching mi alternate Saturday ? :
by this means the lull nine
mouths session emild he attained
by June :tntli. In order not Iii
run through the whole mouth of
dune the school hoard has de
cided in addition to teaching mi
alternate Saturdays, to lengthen]
buch'sei.I day hy thirty min?
utes, This ' will enable the
school to make up the full Ses?
sion hy .Inn. in-lit.
By this plan children will ar?
rive at school live minutes ear?
lier in the morning, at 7. I?
(Central Time) ^ have lunch at
1 I. in to ti*. in instead of I 1.80
to 12.30, get out of school at
?J.?? instead of 2.110; In this
way 12 1-2 percent^ can he iid
dbd to each recitation period
and accordingly about the same
per cent, deducted from the
number of school days taught.
This plan will he put into ef?
fect to-morrow, Thursday. ,1 a Hil?
ary 2Hr<h It is believed" that it
[will meet with the approval of
'the community, nml the hearty
support ami co-operation of par?
ent-and pupils is asked in get?
ting the changed schedule to
running smoothly.
An Appeal
i An appeal is made to the
housekeepers of Big Stone Gop
j for old linen, towels, sheets,
pillow.slips to use for the sick
Old wrappers, bed shirts, blank
eta, comforts, a hot water bot?
tle or anything voll limy have
that will make a sick person
more comfortable. It menus
much to the influenza commit?
tee to have these things so nec?
essary in the sick room. Please
send your contribution to the
Home Service office in the post
office building or 'phone your
name to 220 or 02 und some one
will call for your bundle.
.Minnie. C. r'ox,
(Mir. Influenz i (lorn,
Six room house in Big Stone
Cap, good location, modern
conveniences. Will be sold at
the right price if sold within
thirty days. 11. C. Williams,
Box 2fi Big Stone ( hip. Ya.
If we are to conserve on meat
during 1010, suppose we begin
by dispensing with pork barrel
Will Be Needed In Recon
struction In This Country
Washington, .Innunrv Is.--It
liiere is a problem tiliout what tu
do with tin- returning siildier,
I her?; i- in.in- about the refill it
iug nurse.
The only problem is how runj
llif nurses who luive liiiishod I
their military service in hospi-I
(ills ami cantonments ami at thej
I'll in I lie diverted int.i the other,
grand national Service which I
wait- lor ihei|ii
Uccnnsl i net ion in this country,
judging by the activities of the
lioveriiuieiit departments in!
Washington, is to I?- attacked
lirsl frbiii the public health j
standpoint, ami no national puL
lie health program, according toi
health authorities, trail In- sue
cess fully carried out unless I he
number nf public heal I Ii nurses
is iitiiuciliatclv and very greath
Surgeon (ienehil Uiiporl Hliie,
head of the United Slates pub?
lic Health Serviee, which was
one of the Iiis) depart menls in
the field with a reconstructive
program, stated recently thai
there should be a public health
nurse at work in every county,
Secretary of War linker says
thai "the public health nurse,
one of the greatest forces in pro
mot iug nat iolial health, is great?
ly needed in increased numbers."
Secretary of Labor Wilson
states --Labor's reconstruction
program must include'n carefully
formulated program for repair?
ing the physical waste and de?
struction of war by the eonservn
[lion und renewal of national
health." Public health nurses
enter into stich a program in
' many ways, in industrial, visit?
ing, and infant well fare service.
To bring every worker in our
country this skilled care, many
more public health nurse- must
be put to work in the communi?
To meet the demand for more
public health llltrscs the Nation?
al Organization of Public Health
Nursing, of which Miss Agnes 1).
Randolph, 1110 Capitol Street.
Richmond, V'a., is the represen?
tative, in this state, decided at
a recent convention in Chicago
on two plans, one to till the im?
mediate need and the other for
future requirements.
To enable nurses returning
from military service to take
courses in public health service
and enter at. once into this work,
it was voted to raise a consider
able fund Hl money tor scholar?
ships in HUI) reaching, if p..-si
ble, a hundred thousand; these
scholarships to he givei) t<i liiii
es 10 tu ruing from military ser
\ lo uicitibors id' tin' senior
classes in training schools, und
to uny other nurses desiring to
hike up public health work.
To create a supply of nurses'i
in tin- I'm uri'. ii is prop<?seilj in j
co-o|ieiation with the Nationali
League of Nursing Education, til
revise Ilm training. courses in
hospitals in ordei thai public
healih work may he included in.
tin- undergraduate courses.
In carrying out iIn- program,
the National Organization calls
hu- lie- support hOl only of moti?
on in the nursing prtiil'esioh hut |
? ii' all of those interested in jiii'h
lie health us u factor in social
betterment ami rccoiistructjohrl
At tho ,1 linuary im-etiug of
tlm United Daughters of the
Confederacy the following com
liiitt'oes were appointed by the
Kinducc, ? Mrs. II A W.
Sk.I, Mrs. Mct'oriniek , Mrs.
Taylor and Mrs. Pel tit.
Educational. Mis I-'. K.
Ooodloc, Mrs. I.. 0 Point and
Mrs Malet in Smith.
Belief. Mis O.o. Taylor,
Mrs. .1. I.. McCormick and Mrs.
f. C Long.
Memorial. Mrs. Oochrnn,
Mrs. .1. W. Keltv und Miss Edna
Membership. ? Mrs. I) O.
Wolfi', Mis Biiiley, Mis. Hngyi
: Mrs. Beverly, Mr.',. .1. I" Wulfe.
Miisic - Mrs. W. T. t loo,tin,.,
Mrs. Alexander and Miss Nemo
Will each member please
send her ten rii nts lo the Boh.
lert E. ben t'ni Fund to trees.
!lirer, Mrs 0, ?. bong, us this
fund must reach hbudipiarters
at once
Mrs. .1 It. Wnmpjor,
Itecording Secretary.
John J.
The Supreme Hero Of I lie
American Forces In Prance.
i'l'he grandson of p*roncli strok
ors ? of liberty; the mom
of a pioneer of Ihe Wilder?
ness ami of a Tennessee
mother, lb- won Iiis education
in the midst of struggles, ami
used it to help Iiis impoverish* 'I
parents ami to earn Iiis ippoiup
ment lo West Point. He rose
by brilliun' aol8 of mililorj
genius ngninsl the luduins 'in
the Southwest: llgainisl the
.Spaniards in Cuba: .11;
Moros in the Philippine'. He
with splendid ere.lit is lie- mili?
tary attache of our iCmbasaty in
Japan and on ihe Armv Heuer
al Stall" in Washington II
surrendered to Cupid ami stood
up against the most terrible
personal sorrows. lie wus.de
stined by fate to gain kio>w.
lodge, to fiK'i) p mi. to learn life
und ineu under civery c nidit hiti,
so Hon lo- could coinm mil an
army ithe like of which no Amet ?
ica ever led, against tie- m i ',
barbarous ami powerful t it- tin
world llitsi ever known and gain
u victory, lusting glorious lor
Iiis country and for hiiimu lt>
This is wit it is shown in Hie
inspiring of photoplay t life
ami history t hat Vy illiiitn L' ix
bus nnuieil 1 ? I'ln- 1. i d et' 1 io
Kloo."- Alllll/.U to ilitx
Many Sections Now in Need
of Doctors.
Ku-hmoml, .1 an. 2b Ail fold
the State Hoard of Health lids
received about I2A letters from
persons in various communities
which now an- sadly in lie tl
permanently located doctors.
Most of 1 he w 1 lit i s ai e residents
of towns, villagos iir thrifty ru?
ral communities ami they null
eate that the physician who
settles in their neighborhoods
will have tine opportunity ? for
It ?oes without saying that
Hie State itourd of II- tilth wil
do all in its power to assist 11
meeting this shortage Of i|be
tors?a condition due at lo is
in pan to the recent domain
for physicians in the army, li
the course of the next few Week
many doctors now in the sei
VICe Will receive til. II 11 I s e 11 :1 r
es. Those who have made 11
definite plans for the fi'ithi
would do weil lo cntnmt111ic.it
with the Stale Hoard of II. ah
the Commissioner will glad
furnish them with inform-itii
as to the communities lieedn
i .lot-tors. To judge l,y Hie hi
I ters already on Hie nearly
sections of Virginia' lia>
ings w Inch oil er fine op
1 ties.
1 Many acl 1 \ it ies ceil ?1
j the' war, but tliii Ked
stays 011 the job.
I build more homes ),
Anyone Who doesn't read his home jiajicr.
Anyone who thinks the Young Men's Club doesn't mean
' The man who won't give Iiis time or Iiis money 10 pro";
mote the liest interests o( his town.
The man who says one tiling and means another.
Tin.- man who won't look yon in the eye- because he lias
!something to conceal.
j The man who is after his own paltry penny profits ai
j other people's expense.
The housekeeper who doesn't patronize home trade and
Anybody who.forgets that he owes^God;service every
|day of Iiis life.
Anybody that refuses to go to church for one reason and
j Stays away all the time for every other reason than the one
i stated.
? Explosive:

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