OCR Interpretation

The Big Stone Gap post. [volume] (Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Va.) 1892-1928, January 22, 1919, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88061179/1919-01-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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The quality has never failed:
The ownership and manage?
ment have never changed:
the sales have grown from
250 Ions (o 400,000 Ions;
a proof of sat isfacl ion.
F. s. Hoyster Guano Company
Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Tarborb, X. G; Charlotte, N. C. Washington.
N. ('. Columbia, S. ('. Spartartburg, S. Ci Atlant?, pa. Macon, Ga.
Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, ().
I on ( Ol NTV Cl.KltK
'IVi Tim Voters of Win? County:
I Ik roll)' .inn lim r injrfwlf It Candidate 1
im iln- Oflh.I Ceiuily Clerk ul Whtc
Counly, to liv Mini by flection In No
i ember, 101? auhjvct lo the action of lira
It,-|.ni.Ik ..ii Party.
I pleitne t'i tili* Voter* ami citi/uiv ol
t*.tld etiiintyt that II lam iioiulnated and
elected to Mid office, to faithfully mill ini
pa'rially diu-li.ucc lira diitlea of laid of-1
liccaccordlui; iu lira rctMircuiuuta at lira i
Ian .in.I tu tin' bell <ii my ability.
Youra vei) lennoctfully,
Ith 11 MUNI J li KoliKliT.v '
POIt i Ul STY i I. KHK
I hereby autHmucc nivuli h candidate
I n Clerk ni tin' Clivult C'nnrl of Wlao
county, auhjecl In lira llcpubltcaii .i
volition rhu ?ork ol the olhec ?bull be
it Him i'liuM m nil thin* iitnler my |Hir* I
annul Mip, i vi>iini All |Hn>|ill! will be
trunlet! with rvnpuci ?ml Ihelr buatueaa
promptly attended lo
t ultra rvapot llully,
l ow i icK?SAJItK?
At the l\<|ueolnl ?iinmbci of Iricinh,
I .urn mii.. myaell a i niillii.it.' lor the bf
li.i <?! Treaauiei ni Wim county.Fubjcel
to the ?III mnl Action ul the ItupublfcaU
party ni im coiivuoiluu oi primary.
In MVKint; Uii? iinintiiatl?ii I ho|ra.
mnl no inn llihik I mil Kk'lug loo much at
the humU ni my parly, and .tm Wlllluit tu
leave it to the iuduineiit ul the |M>?phj it
lo my Hbilliy hiiiI Uliieaa lor ihn ikwIiIuii.
.1 II tlAttV,"
lutbodsu, Ya.
To lira Voient ??( What County.
I hereto amioiioce myaell i cimliilHte
for ib... iftleo ol Trraaurer of W he coun?
ty, to be It I led by election hi November,
lUItt, mibjeul lu ihc action oi lira itcpiib
Iii uii ini iy.
liii-jicctfn ly.
loll SI I Kit IKK
To the \ oicm ol Wlie County:
1 liereb) announce luyaclf a candidate
lor tv-eteeiloii lor the oiluc ?l Shot iff of
lab 0 nnty. subject lo the ?cllou ol* the
l!.'|.nti|.. ,.ii unity ..i Mid cOttnlV If I -mi
lionititatcd elected toUahi oboe t will
< nil. .v..i i,. acrve Uii' people. a? t hive
.e in Um pa*i,m kcconlaiue wtlh I he
iaaa of Virginia mnl l.i the lnv.1 of in)
ability. I hiii, in* rY?pccl fully
l\ .1 .'U?INUT ?X
?>n Titri iiSliitKK
Tb lliu \ uli'.'? uf Wim- i oj.iil) :
1 bervb) am ounce "tiyjn If a? - -artil
ditto >or. the office ol Uouuiy i'rcaaurer bt
W Imi etiuuty, luhjccl, however, to the ab?
tiuti of Iii? u.|.iitiii. tu faity at their uexi
conve i|Wm to winm ?) if nominated and
? levied i. t ti.i olUie I c.\|wt lo devot?
int enllie lime attention lo ttiu du
Ue-? ofajtld .Hi.. ? in vollus pm-inci uf
Noroiu ha? norar before u>.ktil ibe Ke
nobllcaUkOl iVtW eoiltily for a political
1 li-. l llikl I am entitled lo be nomtnat
i-.i im the aald office, and promise thai If
? levied I ?ill endeavor to perform the
?lullt* to the bosk of my ability, and ac
??..nliujl u. law, T. M. I'KITKIt
? Oil . OMMl.<s)10XKit OF-TUB
To lira Vot*r? nf iVtaa Couoly:
Al lira lequeal of my friends, I hereby
announce, my ant f ta a caudidato for tue
of?"e of Coiuiiiiaiilouer of Too ltorenue for
Uio "Itiohiuoud MagUteilal Dbtljicl cf
Win county, ?ubjoct tu lliu llcpukllcau
paiiy. if I ani noiiiliiated ?ist elected, I
will faithfully .mil ltii|uirttnlly priunm
the (Inilcaof Mhl otllce ai ilvu law dlreotii
Mid lo the beat ?(my ability, Vom sup
pott Ih earnently luliclted. '
Death ol Mrs. Reason
Mrs. Batty Uenaor, widow of
the luti! Dr.* D. s. Itoosor, died
laut week lit bur homo it cur
Dryduu, after an illness of only
a few day a,
She waa 7.'> years of age,
which inude her unable to i eaial
ilia attack nf puralysia winch
oamo on. She professed ilie
Christian fhith early Iii lifo ami
united with the Deep Springs
Baptist (Jhurch ol which sin
was a devout inembor at the
iinie of her death.
Shu it. survived by iliree suns,
as folloWa: John l'., Daniel 8.
.I Mai tin Iteasor, ail i>t' Tur?
key Uovu, and throu daughio'H,
B follows: Mrs William: Builoy
ol Missouri, Mrs. John Biy ol
IVuiiessue, ami Mis. J. J. Ken
cor of Tin key ? *<>ve; one dniigli
lei Mra. Morun (Linger, having
died Boveral yearn ago.
bhe was a faithful compaii
ioii, a dovbtod mother'^ a kind
ami helpful neighbor and will
be greatly missed in the home,
church did commit iity .
Funeral aorvieea were con?
ducted from the home by Uov.
T B. Forester of lVnningUiu
Uup, after which the remains
woio hud to feat in the family
grave) urd in awail Uod's call
in Iiis iiend.?Appalachiu l'ro
gr?-?MVi .
will i|ulcl your cough, toollu) the lullam.
uialHai ol h tori) throat ?ii'l lungs, stop lr*
ri allon In tin- bionohU! l?bca, insuring n
^>>.hI alight k rest, free from coughiog mid
with easy okpeotor?ti?a in the aiornliig.
Mule and tout in America for Hfty-twd
years. A wonderful prescription, aMUt
i hi); natura in taiildinc up your general
I licilili ami throwing oil the ultcaao Es?
pecially UMiful in lung troublo, kathiua
I ruup, uronoh itl?, etc. For tale by Kelly
j rug Coiii pony
Undertaker Fined For Fail?
ure To Observe Law.
Richmond, Vn., Jan. 18.?
YY. 1. Johnson, a colored under
taken of this city, has been
found guilty by Magistrate J ,N.
Bo wen of Chesterfield county,
of fuituro to report a death and
secure u burial permit from the
local registrar before removal
of the body, as the State Law
requires. The death occuredin
September bill the undertaker
delayed )bree inuniliH in filing
tin- necessary reporl.
Wo all remembor that the
Kaiser once remarked thai ho
"would .--land im nonsense from
America after the war."' He
does not y?l know how much
good hard American common
House il may he 11.?ssnry for
hi in ! ii hi a ml "afler I ho war. "
l Kuild more lioiiics i.
^5A*Sf ? ? ~ ~-.?i^
Here; Is ft nieflsaKo to
fiufferliiR women, from
Mrs. W. T. l'rlce. of
Public, Ky.i "l suf?
fered with painful;.
falle write*. "1 pot dowa
with n weakness la my
lock mul llmba.,.1
felt helpless nnd ?11?
couraged...l hail about
Riven na hopes of ever
belnx wull again, when
a frlund Insisted I
Tlis Woman's Tonic
I boRan Cnrdul. In
a sburt whllo I saw a
marked difference...
I grew ?troiiRer right
*1oiie. .Mid It cured mo.
I Km stouter than I
tisvo been in years."
If you suffer, you can
appreciate what it
mean* lo bo titror.K and
well. Thousands of wo?
men gho Cnrdul Iba
credit for their good
lienbh. It should help
you. Try Cardul. At all
druggists. E-73
J. K. Horsman, Proprietor
Tolophono 1030 Norton. Va.
Another romlndei not to forget II? when
In need of Flowers for any occasion^
Hoses. Violets. Sweet Teas, Orchids, Car
nations, t hrysanlhcmuius and I'ottod
1'lanU. Corsage work and Kintal Designs
a Specialty. Out of town ordeia riiltvl
pioniptiy by I'ateel Post, Special Hollr
ry, Kinross or Telegraph ,
Kaiser's Men Responsible for
Millions of Murders.
Nation Must Be Forced to Pay and
Pay and Pay, Until It Has
Learned That Might la
Not Right.
There ore in France nnd Belgium
today very close I? 3.000,000 soldier
Craves that would not have been there
had Germany net stiirled n war of eon
quest to gratify the solllsh nmbltlons of
n selfish people for world domination.
In these craves are hurled the
heroes of America, of Kuglnnd. of
Prance, of Belgium, 61 Italy, of Can?
ada, of Australia, of South Africa, of
India, of Portugal, of Morocco, of
China ami other parts of the world.
These heroes gave Ihclr lives that the
cruelly selfish plans of the Itochc
might be defenteil; that the world
might tie a dwelling place for freemen
and mil for the slaves of autocracy,
And the wnr In which they made'
punish tho nations that have commit?
ted the most terrible crimes known to
modern times, at lenst, by maklDg the
people of these nations work only that
they inny pay.
Among the saddest sights te be
found In tho battle areas or Europe
today Is the lonely gray*?, the little
(.toss that stands by Itself and marks
the spot where n soldier met death by
n stray shell. There were many, many
thousands of these seen along the
sides of the thousand miles of road?
ways I covered In Belgium and north?
ern France, and In very ninny casos
they marked the spot where a German
shell had caught a transport driver ns
he guided his truck to or from tho
front. The boys who lie In these lone?
ly graves were heroic American boys,
heroic French boys, heroic British
hoys, nnd they have pnlil tho great
price that the Itoche might not de?
stroy the freedom of the world. They
gave their nil, and whatever the Boche
may be made to pay will be small In
comparison with this sacrifice.
Near what wus the city of Noyon
one may see n striking comparison be?
tween the methods of the Boche and
lliosc Of the nations that have been
lighting tho Germans. Hero lie hurled
side by side both French nnd tlermnn
soldiers. Around each cemetery the
French have luillf n fence. Over each
French grave tiles a French fing, und
on each German grave green boughs
have been placed by the French. Such
Burial Place of Americans In Lorraine.
the last Breul sacrifice was started l>y
llcrinuny only to gratify lite selfish
gi.(l of a people who had been taught
Unit might Is right.
I realized the traplc Interest of
.America In these gVavcs us l walked
over tin- hilltop in Oulllimonl farm-,
near the village, of ltony. hnd found
[there two large ccnteterhjs in which
Aiuorlcim dead lie hurled. I realized
It nnew ns (leu. rienry Rnwllnson,
?.tunndlng the Kotirlh British iirmy,
rec oiini. il to nie the incidents of that
battle jn which American troops mude
the first hroak In the Illndenburg lino,
mid when In- told IUP of the wonderful
laillnntry .n' those American hoys, "tlie
inoHl gallant troop* that ever fought
on n battlefield."
Today more Ihnn l.ctm of thone gal
lion Amertciin boy* lire burled In sol?
dier maves on that buttleflotd, und lit?
tle woollen crosses murk their resting
Severe Lesson for Germany.
German money cannot pay for those
lives, but Hint spirit of ?.?reed, of wan?
tonness, of selfish ambition, that pro?
duced the senseless, needless war In
which they died, must he crushed, und
It can he crushed only by milking the
German pity, anil nay, and pay, until
he has learned ihm might Is not right
and that war for the purposes of eon
quest and domination Is not profitable. I
An American regiment, lo which li
hud hi-l.itii.-eil some years ago, und la
which were enrolled tunny personal
friends, hnd fought on that field. As
I Walked beside the long rows of
wooilen crosses, anil knew that some
of them marked the resting places of
my friends, I felt, as any oilier Aincrl
enn would have fell under the sumo
conditions, that Clennnny must pay In
order that Germany should learu that
iiijght is not right.
1 aid sure Hint every father, every
mother, every brother, every sister,
e cry relative und friend of those
American boys who nre hurled mi Ku
ropean battlefields win feel that Got*.
ninny mu~t pay and pay heavily for
the desolation she, has caused through?
out the world.
There Is on the Summe battlefields,
not far from what mice was the beau?
tiful little city of Peronnc, n sohllcro'
cemetery In which Itrlllsh troops uro
burled. On each little wooden cross
had been painted the natno of the sol?
dier buried beneath it, us well us the
letter of his company unit the number
of his battalion. In the onrush of the
Huns lust March this cemetery wafl
taken, and the wcnlon cruelly of the
Itnctie Is nowise nellcr Illustrated than
by the fact that lie went through that
cemetery and painted out the names
of these British dead.
Should Pay to the Limit.
Should the Roche not pay for such
dastardly work as that? Should he
not pay for attempting to deprive'the
relatives und friends of those ttrltlsh
soldiers of knowing their final resting
place, even tliouc.li. thanks to the Brit?
ish graves commission, the attempt
will not be successful: lie must pay
the penalty Just as any other criminal
must pay the penalty for his Climes.
The world cannot s.-ml an eutlre nn
tlon to jnll, hut the world can today
treatment for tho <!erinan dead only |
emphasises the need that Germany
pay for tho desecration Of the graves
Of tho allied soldiers committed l>y her
troops in Prance.
Further Display of Impudence,
.lust nt the edge of the little Trench
city of St, Mlhlel, held by the Gcr
mans for four years mid retaken liy
the American troops late last summer,
is a German cemetery that stands as
an Insult to the French people. Here
me buried a large number of German
ofllcers. In this cemetery the German
government erected 11 UlURUlflcenl
marble shaft commemorating the valor
of these German officers, uud over the
graves stand elaborate marble and
granite monuments erected to the
memory of these German officers,
These monuments have been erected
en what bus always been Kreuch soll,
und they stund there as one of the
gr< atest pieces of linpudeiice commit?
ted by the German nation In this war.
This Is but another of the many,
many Incidents: that add to the seri?
ousness of the crimes committed by
the Buche, und for which he should
A very considerable portion of the
soil of Belgium uud northern France
is today given over to the graves of
soldiers of the allies, und the.se sol?
dier boys would not be dead, these
graves would not be there, millions of
homes would not today be In mourn?
ing, bud not a selfish people started u
war for the purposes of conquest and
tool ; a war conducted with all the
wantonness and cruelty of savages.
Why should they not pay. and pay,
mid pay, until they Had that an un?
holy war, such us they waged, Is the
most unprofitable business lu which
man can engage?
Attracted by Grain and Not at All Af?
fected by Noise, Birds Make
Home There.
A large trump steamer hud been
towed into a northeast const port fur
repairs. After having discharged her
l argo of grain, she was placed In a
dry dock, situated lit the middle of a
large ship-repairing establishment,
with nil the usual accompaniment of
noise from pneumatic hummers,steam
whistles, shouting of inen, und other
ii rises common to nil such works.
The grain, of which there Is always
a good deal left about after the holds
ere swept up, attracted the sparrows
in large numbers, und, ns if guided by
Instinct, they commenced to build
nests in various parts of the ship.
Undeterred by the noise or by the
constant going and coming of the
workmen, they reared their broods
before tho repnlrs were completed,
and the vessel sailed. Thin Is believed
to be u unique case, for although the
sparrow Is ft bold bird. It needed some
pluck to undertake home building in
such circumstances. The workmen ad?
mired the pluck of these boisterous,
cheeky birds, and watched the proceed?
ings to the flight of tho young birds
with great Interest
A. F. 4 A.M.
Miels second Thum.lay of (^.v
mouth at H )i. in. Masonic IKj|
Visiting brethren welcome
J. II. Mvtukws, See',
A. D. Owkns, W M
R. A. M.
Meets tliinl Thursday of nc], EH
month at f p. in. Masonic 11:01
Visiting companions welcon ??
.1. H. Mathkws. .-., v
II. I*. IlAiinos, II p.
Ref ractionist.
Treats diseases ol lite Eye, liar, \?<
snd Tlirosl.
Will bo in Appalaohia ITKST I'ltli. ,v
in oacli month until :l I", M.
Tronts Dlsoasoa of tho
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
Will bo In Appalachta rhiro
Friday in Each Month.
Civil and Mininfr Enp;ineeis
Blfj Stono Cap. Va. Harlan.Ky
Hcports ami estimates oil Coal am
bor I .amis. Design and Plana of Con
Coke Plants, I ..mil. Railroad anil
Kngincci ing. Electric- Itluc Printing
uin stouo (Jap, Va
Wa o .mil Buggy work A Special!)
I have an I p-to-dute Machine lor pan lit;
mi Ilubber '{'Ires. All work given prim |H
S. S. Masters & Co.
General BlacKsmith
Repair Work.
Holler and Machine Itcpairing. lllirsi
shiH'ing a s|ieelalty. Wagon anil Itiiggt
Woik. Wo make a specialty of pilltinj
oil rubber tires All work given pnihip!
ami Careful attention.
li\K Stouo Cap. Va.
Dr. .J. A. tiilmcr
Physician and Surgeon
OKKIOH?Over Mnmd Drugstore
Bin Stone Gap, Va,
Dr. G. C. Honeycutl
Oilier in Willis Itulldlng over Mntua.
I>rug Store.
Legal Blank
For Justice of the
VVc have the most complete
set of forms for use by Justin
of tin: Peace of any house in
Virginia. Our prices are
75 cents per Hundred
of an assortment of blanks.
Casli with order which can al
ways he filled promptly. AI
ways order by number.
1 Warrant of Arrest.
2 Commitment io Answer Indictment
;l Ccriiflcatu of Commitment for Trial
.1 Commitment until Pino and Coals are
if- i Paid.
i) Commitment for Imprisuiimcni. (Vc
fi HocoguUance lipon Appeal.
I Warrant Discharging from .lall, upon
S Complaint tor Peace Warrant.
0 Peace Warrant,
la Search Warrant.
II Warr.u.t in Debt.
IS Warrant in Damages.
I!t Kxccutiou
II GarnUhco S'it mons.
l? Indemnifying Bond,
iii Port lo oming llolld.
17 Affidavit for Summ.ins in Unlawful
I ietalnei.
is Siimuioiis lit Unlawful Detainer.
10 Affidavit foi Distress Warrant.
'.'(I Distress Warrant.
31 Complaint for Attachment ng?ina
Iteinoying Debtor.
22 Attachment Againat ItemovlogDebt
or. w ith Oaniishec Process.
.':> Altaehmunt lloml.
21 Deed of Conveyance, w ith certificate
25 Deed ol Trust, with eciiilleate.
20 Deed of Lease.
27 lloinestead Deed
js Declaration in Assunipsit
2!) Declaration in Debt on llolld.
30 Declaration in Debt on Promissory
31 Declaration in Debt on Kegotiabl
32 Notice of Motion on Note, Bond, or
A< count.
Power of Atlornoy.
:;t Notice to take Depositions.
35 Indictment, t lerieral.
3d Indictment, l.iijuur.
37 Commissioner's Notice
83 Abstract of Judgment Before Justice.
311 Warrant in Detinue.
10 i ;.n iiishec Sunn.ems and Judgment.
Ill Subpoena for Witnesses.
42 Contract and Agreement.
Wise Printing Company

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