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The Big Stone Gap Post. VOL. XXVII, BIG STONE GAP, WISE ^OUNT^TVA "' ~ NoTfT Committee On the Formation of a Build? ing and Investment Company. Tin: Young Men's Club listen? ed lust Wednesday evening to the committee's prospectus hear? ing directly on tin1 organization of a iloino Ihiildiug and Invest? ment Coinpnny. Win. A. Stunrt, the uliairuiiiii of the coriimiiteo, presented I ho plain, practical outline of the committee's work in n few min? utes. What lit tin discussion followed s|?,i,vi'<| the plan mot with the approval <>f all present* It will serve as the working ba? sis for the future. The plan is, briefly, as fol? lows : Two clrisses or men arb tn he recoiled with. Mini who have a substantial sum in in? vest anil w nil hi want a house to oust from $21)00, up: ami men who are working lor sviigcs ami moderate salaries ami could not afford to pul hut a eoinparalive ly small sum into n house. To the former th.inipuny would eonsider making a loin of not more than fiO per eeiil. of the total investincnl ; the latter the company would ask a pay? ment of 10or 15 per cent, ami the balance in easy payments, building the house ami making it possible I'm- the man to secure a suitable lot at a n'lisoniibit price, It was brought out that the Pig .Stone (Sap billid Company was very favorable to tin ar? rangement whereby it would furnish the lots ut a reasonable price to the purchaser, the monthly payments: to he divided pro rate between the Home building .iiul Investment Com? pany ami tin- band Company in accordance with the amount in? vested. Mr. Clarence Kearfoll, of Hristol, a well known architect, addressed i,ho meeting! "al ihe clo-e of the t 'oiniliitl.' reports. mi the Mihjeet of the practical value of building homes this spring, lie argued from facts ivhich he hud estimated as the result of a careful survey of the whole liehl, and from govern? ment reports, one of which he rend, that in the spring there was liable to he a slight decrease in the cost of building material, and that if building was delayed until the fall that the greai de? mand for buildings would Have driven the prices higher mice more, where they would stay no telling how long. Mr. Kearfoot's practical ex? perience and tin- culm assurance and measured statements with which he talked carried convic? tion ami held the rapt attention of all present. At tin- close of the meeting Mr. Savers, in the name of the Club, made a mo? tion that the ('lull give Ml. Konrfnot a vote of I banks for and appreciation of his talk. The mot ion was seconded and carried unanimously. (build more homes). NOTICE. 1 will be in rriy office on Jan? uary 31st for this purpose of collecting dog taxes that hnvt? not been previously puid. Tin tax on all dogs must be paid on or before that day or they will be subject to the penalty of the law. P. H. Kennedy, Treasurer. 17 Year Locust Will Make Its Appearnce Dur? ing This Spring And Summer. Blacksburg, Vu., .Inn. 22. ? Itrnml X of the Bovonteon-year locust, which is one of the larg? est. broods of this insect on re cord, is expected to appear over a large area of eastern United Stilles in the spring of I'.il'.i. Phis brood has been well re. corded in the east from 1715 to 1902, the d.ite of the Iuhi ap? pearance, It was studied care fully in I8l?8 and again in 1885. Brood X of the seventeen year locust was very carefully .stud? ied by eiitoimilogisls through? out the cast in 1902, and a fair? ly satisfactory knowledge of '.Im area covered was secured. The insect was reported trom the following counties: Alexan? dria, Augusta, Chirk, Fairfax, Fuuquier, Frederick, Gray son, I., e, Loudoun, Orange,'Prince William, Koauoke, Warren, Wise, and Wyihe. KVohi the records available it appears that the insect will appear in greatest iu the northern coun? ties?Alexandria, Clark. Fair? fax, Frederick, boudoUU, Prince William; rind W?rreii. As u init- the insects are not Seriously injurious except to young fruit trees, nursery stock and young shade trees. The females injure the trees, by hiv? ing their eggs in the small branches. The one ami two year old wood is frequently weakened by the large number of egg punctures so that the branches may he broken by the wind. The egg punctures do not heal readily: they offer a harbor for tin- woolly aphis which prevents healing, and al so offer on entrance tor various kinds of fungi. When tin' in -eels aro very numerous tin young terminals of the limbs may be so seriously injured that loaves will die, which gives the tree tin; appearance bi having been scorched by tire. As the seventeen-yonr locust is chiefly injurious to young trees the fruit growers in these counties should not plant trees .luring this winter, and should also allow their young trees to go llupruned. In fact, pruning of apple and poach orchards should he reduced to a inihi. mum so that the injury by the locusts can be Inter pruned oil the tree. YOUTH WAS SHINING MARK Of 5999 Virginia Victims of Influenz in October, 1171 Were Between Ages 25 and 30. Itichinond, Ya., Jan. 22.?Ii would appear from reports re coived by the State Hoard of Health.through the bureau of Vital stutistices that the Span? ish influenza, during the month of October 1918, was most fatal to persons between the uges of 25 ami 30. At any rate, 1171 of the 5909 Virginians who died of the disease iu October were be tween the ages mohl lolled,whiIc 8SS were while and 283 colored. Those between the ages of 20 and 25 faretl but little better as 1,011 of them have died from influenza or complications in? cident to the dreaded malady. < )f these victims s7i'. were white anil 205 colored. The total of whiles who went down in the epidemic was 1,130 and of blucks 1,832, which shows that the mortality among neg? roes was proportionately about tho same an that among the whites, though the colored pop ulntion is considerably Binallor, obviously the "flu" does not hesitate to invade tlu> nursery for tin- atuliatica sbowa the fol? lowing deatlia nui'iiiK children: LTiidnr l year,total 208; between l and 2 years, 251; between 2 uud 5, 377; betwbon i< and 10, 277: between lo and 16, 104; be? tween 1"' anil 20, 508. Of those beiweou 50 and 55, only 7i> died, while of between .'>."? and 00 there were only SS victims. The total for those ovbr GS vs as but l)8i Between G0? anil 1,000 addi? tional doatbs from ibllueiixa in October 1018 will probably be reported later on, as many physicians have I.n too busy to make return to the local registrars. Go to church next Sunday; MRS. GEQ. T. WINSTON Wife of Former President of Not lIi Carolina University Secumbs to Pneumonia. Mrs. UaroljneTaylor Win-tun. wife of l>r. < leo. T. Win-ton, of tbis eilv, dieil at LOG oVhark this morning nl Hie Missoh llos. pital, deaili being due to phou tnotiia, following an til tack of in linen/.a. Mrs. Win-tun was stricken with paralysis tibnul six week- iigri and bad partially re? covered when she contraclcd in llucnza. I'lieunion'ta sol in und despite ai! efforts, she griiduuiiy sauk.'nut iI dealh eaiiie lIiis inorn 1 The funeral W ill he held this i afternoon at I o'clock from Trin ity churchj llie liiitil urraiige ineiits to be made this morning. Mis. Winston was Mis- C'arO line S. Taylor.ol llin-dah-, Miss. She met Dr. Winston while they were both at Cornell and nttend cd lite sit mo school for two yoilrs, til the end of which lime Ihe\ graduated, married and euino soulh, lullv-tliree years iljjo. Mr.-. Winston was a brilliant woman, of rare intellect and a prominent iiieiiiber ol' the vari? ous eluhs of the city, including the <'oloitiall)ame-,the Woman's Ohtli ami other organizations. She was a prominent worker in t he Bod t Voss and did liuicli to aid that organization herb. < >f an unusually attractive personality, Mrs. Winston was a great help to lier husband in his various positions at Kaleigh, Chapel Hill, Austin, Tex? as, and here. She was scholarly and was noted for her earnest? ness of character and sincerity. Deceased is survived by her husband and three son-: Major Patrick 11. Winston, lato of tin judge advocate's department of the army and now at Chapel I lill ; Commander 11 el Hue T. Winston. U. S. navy: and Lewis T. Winston, of Big Stone (lap, Va. She is also survived by live grandchildren. Mrs. Winston became endear? ed to hundreds of North Caro? linians while |)r. Winston was president of the University ol North Carolina, and was recog? nized as one of the state's bril? liant women. Liter |ior many excellent traits of character found similar ; recognition at Austin, Texas, where Dr. Wins, ton was president of the Univer? sity of Texas. She took a leading part in so? cial and charitable work in Ash Iville, and was greatly sought ;is a director in any club work or charitable^enterprise planned by the club women of the city. Her papers, read before the various clubs In which she be? longed, were masterpieces of u it and brilliancy and her name on the program of any club meet ing FOR SALE -QUICK. Six room house in Big Stone Clap, good location, modern conveniences. Will be soldat the right price if sold within thirty days. R. C Williams, Box 25 Big Stouu Gap, Vu. Go to church next Sunday. was enough t?> attract a large portion of the membership. Mrs. Winston was a devout Kpiscnpuliun, a member of Trin? ity church, ami it is from the church she loved ami attended that tho funeral w ill be held this afternoon. Kev. Willi-f!. Clark w ill conduct tho services.?Ash ville i N. 0.) Citizen. The deceased is well known to many persons in the Gap, us she has visited her son, Mr. Lewis T. Winston, bete a number of times during the past six years. Go to church next Sunday. Wheatcraft-Mullins. A wedding, wlliCh will he of much interest to many rodders of the Post, is that of Miss Wini? fred Mullins to .Mr. Brudford T. Wr heatcrnft,of Green wood, Ind., which was Bolemui/.cd ;it the home of Ihe bride's parents tit litis place Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, Kev, C. W, Denn, of tlie .Methodist church oHieiniod, using the impressive ring cere iiiuny. Only tin- members of the bride's family were present ] The attractive bride is the youilguSt daughter of Mr. and! 'Mrs. W. M. Mullins. She wore n| becoming traveling suit of taupe' gray with uccesnries to mutch | ami curried bride roses. She is a graduate of the Koanokei Women's College ami for the past two years lias taught in the public school at this place. | The groom is a prosperous voting farmer of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Wheat.-raft left | immediately after the ceremony on the Louisville m.I Nashville I for their home in Greenwood. The Post joins their many i friends in wishing them a long and happy married life. FATHERLESS CHILDREN OF FRANCE. Some tum, tigo the ladies of the Community Leugne became interested in the fatherless! chil? dren id' France mid decided that our town ought to support at least ten of these children. A committee was tippointcd to look tiller llie work, with Mrs K..I. Present I, chairman. Willi little effort, but much enthusi? asm, tlie committed has secured the promise of Ihe support of eight of diese children hy the] following: School B'dClilty'; I; School children, 2; baptist Ladies' Aid Society; I; Fpiscopul Guild, I; Mrs. It. T. Irvine, 1; Mrs. this Miiusur. l; Mrs. F.. J. Prescott, I. The oilier church societies are considering the adoption of one of the orphans. The committee believes liiat there are other people in town who would be interested in supporting this cause if they km-w more of it. The cost fui one year of keeping a child in France, in its mother's home, is $3li.5U. This means only ten cents a day. The payments may be made monthly, quarter ly . or for the whole year ] Groups of people in a section nl town, or on a certain street, or members of nn ofllco force could easily join together to raise itui $Sti) 5U. The. members of the committee will ghidly help organize, for a plan of this kind. Send your check to Mrs. .1. Prescott, or call her on the phone for any information wanted about thh French chil? dren. GOOD BUILDING FOR SALE I am offering for sale with the understanding that it will bo removed from the lot on which it stands, the building known us The Mullins Store Building, corner of Fast Third street ami Wyiintlotto Avenue, iu I'.ig Stone (Jap. The lumber used in tliis building was tirsi class und is still sound. The roof is Taylor's Old Style Tin, and is as good now as when put on. If you are interested in build? ing call and look it over and make me an oiler. Mr. M. V. Wells. Birth Announcement. ltev. mid Mrs. P. P. Martin, of Jefferson City, Teno.., an? nounce the birth of a ten pound |son Saturday January 25. Mrs. ! Martin was formerly Mis.s Mutt Brown, of this place. Young Men's Club A meeting will be held in"the display rooms of the Mineral Mo? tor Company Wednesday night at oighl otcloek, ol<| time. This will he an important meeting owing to the plans on foot for the formation of a building com? pany. Let us have every mem? ber there to have a voice in the mat tier. Go to church next Sunday. Kcd Cross Notes. Your services are needed at the Hed Gross work room If you can't sow at work room phono me ami the distributing commute" will bring work to vou and e ill for ii when finish ed. The number of comfort kits made and turned in las' week are as follows Mr.-.. I; 15. Tug gar!, Mrs II A. W. Skoen, ?-'.i; Appnlacltia, Bio; Mrs. T. .1. ('In istv, 26; Mis. lingers, I'.'; Mrs. I). It. Savers, IS; Mrs. W. B. ICilbourne, 26; Mrs W. I>. UltnII, ;?; Mrs. \V. K. Maker. >:.; Mrs. W. T. tioodbie, t shirts; Mrs. I'.. |." Itnrgoas, I pajamas. RE?ISTKH. Mrs s. Polly, 12 hoiira: Mrs. Iv .1. I'leseoit, I |i hours; Mrs. K K Burgess, -.' hours: Mrs, R. W. Planary, |li hears: Mrs. W l> Builh, ..' hours, Agues Burgess, 'J hours; Miss (tilth Present t, 1! hours; Mis-, t lliris I in.' Miller, I ' hours; Mrs. I'. ('. Long, 11 hours; Mrs. Sam fat? ter, I hour; Mrs II. W.Gilliaui, 1 Ii iura; Mrs. T. .1 Ohriaty. it hdiii-s; Mis .1. B Wumplurj i 1 hours: Mrs. II. K. Kox, l! hours. Mrs. p. G. Long, Superin'jentlent Work Boom. I Build more home-1, Robert J. Anderson. Robert ,1. Anderson was born fotirutiry JSth, 1801, and died January ijotli 1010J In iss:s he was married to Matlio Nieiiol sou, and to this uiiton were born live children, two of whom are still living, she departed this IKe in 1801; In 1805 Mr Anderson married Maggie Kb kins, und to this union wore born ten children, one of which preceded him. Mr. Anderson was a member of the Southern Methodist Church, ami also a member of the Masonic frater? nity . At the lime of his death he lived near Hast Stone Gap. b'unoral services were held at Kust Stone flap cemetery at three o'clock, Wednesday uftot noon. January 22nd, conducted by Bey. J. M. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this place. Go lo church next Sunday. WEDDING BELLS RING Tuesday evening tit 0:UO o'clock at "Sunset Lodge" on Proctor Street a beautiful wed ?ling was "pulled oil" against the will of the bride and groom Tlie bride was a retired Stell Ogrnpllbr on a pension and the groom was a retired loafer on the town of Big Stone Gap. Tlie bride was dressed in a !? ?autiful pink cheese (doth mid dy with a blue skirl to match. The loafer was dressed in a swell scissor tail suit. (Inly a few friends were obliged to witness tie- mony. Among the nut of I own guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ben and little daughter, Hazel. An Kyi; from Xt w York played the famous wed? ding march, "Turkey In The Straw." Their many friends in Big Stone Gup wish them a merry Xuias and a Happy New Year, and may all their joys be as numerous as the sands of the desert. , They left for their honeymoon in a retired Ford, visiting places around ('ripple Greek, Roaring 1 Pork Branch, and Goon's Eye Post Office, which arc noted for their scenery and fresh uir I camps. ' They loft many sad friends and debtors behind tbcin. DEATH OF MKS. MOORE Mrs. Herbert Leslie Moore, 'after several moulds illness I passed iiwiiy Wednesday uftei noon at five o'clock at libr homo 3?11 E. l.'unku Avenue. Mrs Moore was taken ill at Jersey Oily last spline;, where she hail gone to hid her son gnoe-by Up? on his dcpnttuni for Army Ser? vice aboard. As soon as lor illin-ss became known, every tiling possible was done for her relief, all efforts proved unavuib imr. Mrs. Moore whs brought home the tirst of November and has bravely borne her trials and sufferings during the period of illness. Mrs. Mooro was horn in Jer? sey City on February 27th, 1870 As Miss Kva Prisoillu Dayies she wus prominently identified with educational circles in .1 ir* soy City for several years and today she is often referred to in connection with school work as "Miss l>ivi.>s of No It."? the building in which shfi taught Mrs. Moore had t he dislilicliotl of teaching iu the school on which spot w a.. erected ihit first school in New Jersey and it was through her suggestion that Ihe CIISloUl of the pupils (do Igtng devotion to their Hags was instituted, and this custom was adopted by other schools and is now d regular feature of the school routine ( ?n < let ober J.itli, IS&I, Miss Dil vies was mat rled to .Mr l|.-|. bert Ii, Moor.- To ibis union wiih horn tine son, George Kd mil ml Moore, w ho 11 now in service a bom 11, bei tig a I iioli ton lot in tin- [third Field At tillery. Mrs. Moore lias beeii living iii Johnson City for three years and has made score-, of ti l.-lids through bei charming and mug noli,- personality 1 hiring the period of war. Mis. Moore has taken an active part in all the phases of relief work und has hrolight comfort to many of rtiir soldier boys. Especially ilctiyu was she iu her attentions to the boys of Battery "Of while lo? cated at Camp Soviet, ami ti) which compaut her son belong? ed. At an ehrlv age Mrs. Moore iiecaine a member of the Sum. mitt Ave., Baptist Church in .Jersey Oily and has since lie.-n in tictiVu and faithful worker in church circles: Short!) nf* tor liioving t<i this oily,her iiiem. bersbip was transferred to tltii First Baptist church. Besides her bushand and soil'; Mrs Moore leaves to mourn lo r death, heir mother, Mrs. Mary A. I hi vies., who made li?t* hoine with her for several years. The funeral service-., which will be private, will bp Conduct i 0(1 al the Imine Saturday after? noon tit one o'clock, and intern? ment will follow at i ink Hill Cemetery;?Johnson City Stair. (io to church next Sunday. Protestant Episcopal Church. Itcv. K W lllih? in I'liargu. Services as usual next Sun? day. Sunday school iOjOO a in; old time. Morning prayer and address H:')0it. ill. old time. Everybody cordially invited. This church is your church. Your church should he in ti sense your home, We want to make every I) it I y feel ut home. Come anil help us m ike our churches true places of worship and prtiy er. A i least go lo y our own church; All churches will soon lie one church. Then liiere will In- room for ull differences of opinion, ill difference* of creed, all differ? ences of practice. Come and help the churches out. Help us solve 'lie problem. You cannot help n< by si ty? ing at home. There is very little excuse ex? cept sickness for rit.iy ing til home from church. Yel many people think of their money, their clothes and I their stomachs too much these I days. i Lloyd Guild, ('brist Episco? pal Church, meets al Mrs. .i. I.. McOoriniok Thursday nftornodn at 8j30 old time. At present corn is going down, aud it will be some lime at that bo/ore u new crop is coming up.