Newspaper Page Text
rilK BIO STUNK GAB l'OST. iVKDNKSUAY, JAN. 29, lUH? IMhluhril i?vrry VFeilnfvidsy by Ihe WlSli: PRINTING COMPANY. Inrnrporntmt. Oll.fJERT N. KN1QKT, - Editor. LINDSEY J. HORTON. A?o?-t Edltor Ono Yonr. 51 r.O Six Months, - .76 Thron Months, - .-?O Kntored SCCOrdlnc t" |?mlal regulation! tt the post-oaloo st Itte. stone UspsSsee* *>nd-b)sss matter SUUSCRIHRKS .ire earnestly re IttoHtetl in observe tin- tittle printed on l.lieii address slips, which will keep tlinm ai all times posted as to tin- dale if tlio expiration ol their mih icription; Prompt and timely attention to this rctjnesl will save all parties' a gr'eai deal ol li iinovtince. Go-To Clintch Campaign. Obviously, in I he ptisi few monlhs, owing to conditions and] circumstances over which hone of us have had any control, there has heeit a fulling oil' in church nt tendance. It is Iriii! that only spustuod ifiil ly have clinches outside of I Hie lug cities boon lull Sunday nfter Sunday. We cltiiui lo bo a practical 'people. We are n| busy pcojile. Wo therefore pi a swooping and lather uuqilll lied jiltlgmcul on everything! that on tl,. face Of it does not | hear Hie mark ol' being .1 linsi; no-. proposition. lite way so,,,,. clnirClieH und I ?horch im mhers art has driven away many and many a reasoib ing person who thinks indcpcnd 1 iitly. Stich people are iilienl more deeply religious than peo? ple in get 1 cm I suh'i.t. The \vhv soine ministers and their lay :,-i-,a,?s ?ei lias driven invar many lind maiiy a business min front the doors of the ehiirch m le re I hey -etol t heir children lo Sunday scliiiui. Sneii im 11 are the greatest asset a community possess; No won? der that children all around usl are falling awiiy from c|iurcii| teachings. Tjioir elders ; thru example- And children, imitate their elders. Who is tn blame? Where does the fault lie? What is to be done. It is nobody's fault and it is everybody's concern whether the churches ,re to lie and remain empty. It is hind enough to be hen. 1-I in every day ordinary life. It is doubB hard to be 11 ? > 11 < ? -1 in the higher things ol life. The minister is in .1 dillictlll posi? tion. It is a piotty tight squeeze for him to pull through. He einlies out .,1 the shori .mi.I. llSually. But the minister must he \\- honest with himself us witit other-. He should confess and seek to remedy his short? coming!!, and mike the people to whom he is attempting to minister know that he wants their help und Ihoir co-opcrat inn. us (lien hive a ??Go-to ? hutch" Campaign; us unite in a service, if need be. Not to popularize Sunday. It does not need to be popularised. But in order lo stimulate the religious spirit of the COUIIIIU Service lo God i- escciiliul. Worship of Coil is also essential. Tin- church ministers to the wot ship of tied, not to the glory of in.tu. Shirt-sleeve religion has its value m being something to startle the dormant soul into a state of being spiritually awake. But the thinking man and woman and tlx' intelligent ehilil wants to know and learn to know God. One of the best ways is through the Sunday eervico, where there is a strong religious atmosphere mid yet where a person cnh and should feel al home. Irl as be our natural solves ns well in ohurch as out of it. Go to church next Sunday. Death of Lieutenant Vivion K. Mouscr. Our entire community were grieved to hear nf the dentil ol Lieutenant Vivien K. Mouscr, son of Mr. and Mrs. ? Mis Moiiser, of our town, which i- supposed to have occurred ?t Luxemburg, (lot many, where lie was willi the Aincricaii nnny of occupation when lust heard from. Lieutenant Mouser whs borti April 20ili, IS'.l?, .01.1 died .1 in iiatry Tib. UH1). front piieuuionia, which evidently iluvclbpcil from a gus attack tlie latter pan nf October, ll?ls. The news of bis death did not re.n'li bis par. lit until Ihe 2-11 h inst. Lieutenant Moiisei received his High s.-l.I induing at Knit doljdi-Miicon Aciidoiny, I'rohl lloyal, Virginia, mid nt Phillip ICxeter, Andovurj Mit?;., iifioj which lit' graduated 11 "in I In Kontucky Military- Institute, Louisville, Ivy., anil was in the University of Michigan ill Ann Arhnr, Mich., whoit the I"niI? ?> 1 Slates declared war on IJerhiiinyi lie iiliiiiediatoly volunteered, and was in the I n -t t MoVcrs' Trninitig ('amp ?i Fort Sheri thin, iieai C'liicngo; 111., the greater prtrl of which training was in the liifiiiitni I > it I jn-l be? fore the l-'iist 11Hi. .? t-" ' Camp i le-i il, lie siiceot'deil in getting a tntlisfci limn Inl.intiy to field Ail ill- iv, und was Hu ii assigned lo Cump, Virginia, where he (tiok training in the I Third Oll'icers' Training ti'iimp ih Artillery, received.''rliliciite fof a < 'ninniissiiiii, waf I lien transferred In (Villip dneksoiij S. p., In all end ?? mi in ii.a Of Artillerymen fur Ihe Artillery i School at Suutitur, France. Me Siicccssfiill\ passeil this exuini-i linl ion and sailed for I i iiiie'i frdin i ' imp Mei tilt, ;it .hi -e\ City, mi May '.'it, 1?IS. lie at tended the SCllOol at Satiinur. France, three months, roiH'ivcu his t'nmiuissiou, ami was will to Pari", utiil I loin I'm i- to i la I o-., and frtihi t'alai- to the Itchji.ui front. He did service in I'lllll dcrs, and was on the |'fh|il line iu Ihe St. Mihicl driv.', and I'roln there Im ii?il wan sent to the Argon no Forest anil had Just taken a position at the front there when the battle <>f the I Argon no Forest began.' lie did service there with the 116 th Field Artillery until the armis tiee was signed, and it was in the Argoune Forest, so far as we are able to learn, that he re? ceived a gas attack which proved I more severe than it was at lir-t thought by his many friends; lie Wh- then given a furlough on November loth, which he ipeiil at Nur, Moide Carlo, and ill southern Italy. On account of being gassed, his furlough was extended to fourteen days, il'ler which he returned to his Battery, then stationed just south of Verdun, from which point he marched to Luxemburg. Iiis lottert) have always beeii iiipsl cheerful, mid have never indicated in anyway the hor? rors of war which he wa- ex? periencing, except to say "Such is war." Arier l>c loh Hi*' school at I .Sau in II r anil hail ?June tu the i front,; he wits oH'ered artillery inst tuet inn wink in the United Mai-'-, with priliiiot inn in rank, hut declined bi acl'epl, prefer rinjf h, stay at I lie front. lie was a lnemher of tIn- S. A. V.. I-1 titei nil vi iil i lie University id' M ichigan. lie loved his home, and the iiiminlailis id' Southwest Vir jjjiniuj where his boyhood days were spoilt, and was heloved liv all wlm knew him. His life vvdir spent in this ruiiiuiunily and from early boyhood he me.i -in up to i he highest hopes and c.\|.(tltinits of his parents ami friends, diligent, studious, kind, considerate*: and (?otilligeous, he was a "manly '?manic man."' justlv winning the ies|.1 and love of all. Ills I il her and lilol hei' W ho have lived in nur iniilsl for over twenty years have always beeil held in the highest esteem and il," hearts of our people -pen l >ii.isly went out to them in I ho di tipesl svliipiithv anil sor? row?indeed ' it -eeiued as If everyone had siiltered a distinct loss ' in Vivioti's den til. His high idi.'liairier and noble patriiil - i-m i- v iv idly portrayed by the fil l that when Oll'ered proiiki liuti and iuiniunily from danger i" i et in n ami take charge ot I raining men in ramp at home JUST ONE NIGHT Wednesday, Feb. 5th GEO E. VVINTZ presents DONALD TAlRBlVTiKS MUSICAL 35 People Mostly Girls?35 With the Famous Winter Garden Beauty Chorus Supreme Prices 75c, $1.03. $!.53. war tax includad Seats on sale at Kelly's Drug Store hie declined to accept, * and re Imaiued where he believed duty culled him. Nothing we can say will as suiigo ihe "ii'.-f 'if Iii? parents land dear little brother, as time alone will heal their wounded hearts. They have the proud [satisfaction uf knowing that his life was beyond reproach and thai he died in discharge of the [highest duty an American citi? zen can ho called upon to per? form, and lake refuge in the text: "The Lord giveth and the Lord laketh away. Messed be the name of the Lord;" (in to church next Sunday. New Night Message Rates. Postmaster (Jem ral llurleson Iioh announced a scum of great, ly reduced rntes for short ovi'r bight mcsHiiges, as distinguish* ed trunk the longer iiighl lein-rs. Tin- new rules Weili into > ll'eei on Jniiuur) Is! mid should prove (o lie of great vaiiie in ConjuUc iion with slum communications which should hot sidl'.-t (he do lays inherent iii physical linns |k>rmlion Im Iii'- rnilwiVj im iil service bill which Hl? inn slillicielil iiruencv hi iiiipii uiico lo warrant the payment of Ilm; In i <> i It i il Ii i cli.iu'.i s here? tofore in elteot for tolegr phic tiiitiMiiis-inn Umltfr Iho iiow schedule slim! liVer-iiigllt in- ts sages tii.n bo acht ii cmit-idcr able distance fjir 'is low us -_'o ctmls, while ibt> muxiintiii raii U bill) 50 con Is us nun ill St 11 do) bkr ma x I um in whcb has, pre vailed. Ahiimui i Lewis of the loenl Westert! IJiijun nlliees ml VlSflS I bill lliis'lleW hlglit llit'H sit^e sei vice ibles nut interfere in iitiy way with the popular lll|;lll let lei si I v tee, bill is ill. tended in supplement it in con? junction witti Hhorlei cotniniuii cations which have been gdiiig by mail bit' which should tie nimbly no by telegraph. Now ihat tli- tolcgr ijlhslirn Oppenri? ed as an integral part of tl, post olliee net v to- il is undel ? tood in tie ihe imlicv of I'oHl ii1.1siei lieuei ti Burhson to 151 vie i he public a n op oil unit s to umke tie- w hlesl us. nl the tel- - graph service in (heeliinination of delays t b communication's due to separati'bii by distance, .t the lowliHl juto}< wbicli III.' icliial cos; hi peitoriiiiiig the service on a sctndafdiz ? I im-is, will permit. I Uuild imue h IM?; prohh in.-. 6 f ! Iii) [ioiir j weatherman an- becoming mbre | complicated euch jionr. The liiere gnoi sing of m Iii i In i tir hol I it is gnfiW hiiii Oii a certain day i or il iiring a ee|-iaiii wlu-k hits idiuiigi il io ilie niiicli iniire risky hot of wliethiir 01 noi WO ari-gn. iog to have winter linin g 1 )i o-mbt-r, ,1 nnu.n \ itiiii Ki-hruiiriy nr illiritig June, ?Hily iihd Au ijnsl. Go tu church hext Sunday. Stockholders' Meeting. Tin- Annual Mi l Hue, of tin Sioekhot.l. i - ol 'lio lut eiSltlle Uililrnutl Cnlnp iiiy will he In 1.1 it the Hi Ivim lintel. Alexiin ilri I. Virgihi i. Woilimsdn) .i?VW man !!? h l 'l'.i it 12::$()v?* -lock |i in. Im ill - inn potto of liOtin liog |i ii n Ii Ii I reports, electing n of liiri-eidrs, liutl 11 ni uc.tiiig such other husiiicss .1 ?iiii? propi-rli eoiiie n fore tit. mooting. II Ii 1 .mi:. Stockholders' Meeting. 'I'lo Annual Ueotini! of Un? stuck holders of I'lie Virginia Coal & Iron Company will he hehl at tin- Belvoir Hotel, Ali x amlria. Virgin! 1. on Wednes? day, Kebiuiir> 11) h, 1:11:', at |2 O'clock noon, lor ihe purpose of hearing annual reports, elect iiig a Hoard of l)n cetera -ami transacting such oilier hit iiii ss us liiiiy properly come before tin- iiioeling. W. C. Ki:m . Secretary. Stockholders' Meeting. Tin' Annual Meeting of the Stockhohiers of ihn Wmtz Cor? poration will in- hohl at the Bel voir Hotel, Alexaiidri 1, Virgin? ia, Wednesday, February rath, 1019, at 12:16 "o'clock p. in. for 1 lie purpose of hearing annual report, electing a Board of l)i rectors, und transacting stich oilier business : 11 iy prop rly come before ihe meeting. W. c. Kent, S.erelary. 'iStSB****^ gm TUE UNI I m ! Tlic Ford truck is just another arm and hand to the business man. adding through its mnriilold usefulness to tlic possible volume of Iiis business, and at the same time doubling AllOtlhGI" the value of every hour. Hand for '"'"'manj ways its :,H ria-na iui round utiHty servcs the Business urgent demands of busi? ness?big and little? the retailer and wholesaler, the manu? facturer and consumer, tin; con tractor and fanner. Everywhere where busi? ness exists there is a present want for F?rd trucks. Consider the price $550, without body, (. o b. Detroit. Let's talk it over with you. Miiujnil Motor Company Bit? Stone Gap, Va. HI J inrzllsiiril^blplspOnrz;^ t.5][j?M?J!3t^^^ Our Guarantee of QUALITY is back of our entire stock of Our line is complete. Our prices are as low as you will find anywhere. Our service is always courte? ous and gladly given. The Best in Hardware Smith Hardware Go. 1 BIG STONE GAP, VA. IT DOES NOT PAY \ 0 BUY "CHEAP" HAIN I IT "SCALES" AND COMES OFF OK IT LOSES ITS BRIGHTNESS. WE SELL PAINT WHICH WILL "SUCK" AND STOP DECAY. AND WHICH WILL KEEP YOUK BUILDINGS LOOKING CHEERFUL. SO IT "PAYS" TO NOT ONLY BUY YOUR HARD? WARE FROM US BUT ALSO YOUR PAINTS BECAUSE OUR PAINTS ARE BEST: ITIKY STAND THE TEST. Hamblen Brothes Big Stone Gap, Virginia South-West Insurance Agency Incorporated Fire, Life, Accident andCasuality In surance. Fidelity and Other Bond?* Real Estate and Commission Brokers. BIG STONE QAP, VA.