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Arm yourself against Grippe, Influenza, Bronchitis, Cold in the head, Catarrh and Pneumonia; Many a serious illness begins with a simple cold that you can guard against by carrying with you a package of Stop the cold and you stop the risk of sickness with its dangers and expense. Rcxall Cold Tablets are n most reliable and convenient remedy. Thirty tablets in a package, price 30c. :::::: ?/ic fficxatl Store BIG STONE GAP. VIRGINIA LOCAL ITEMS. W. Hi tfiokels, .Jr., ..f Bristol, spent Sunday in i lid I lap. Miss Gcorgn Uostwiek, of Bristol, spent Sunday iii tIk (Jap with hoihcfnlks. G. K Taylor, editor of the OlintwoOd News, spent Sunday in tho (iap with Ins pa routs, Oiipl. and Mr-.;. Hour) Tit) lot, Mr. and .Mr . (JlaroiiCO lhivis, of itnbodon, spoilt Sunday in the Gap v'siliiig .Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. mill Mrs. \V. 'I'. M ahull t v. Miss Kdcliacl < 'raft, of Gate. City, is tho guest of Missis Margaret .iiid M iry Hnuit in tho < lap Litis wool; Roy. K W. I'diss in Graham Saturday, where lie hold sorvicos mi Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. ('. (i. Watts and throe lions, Toil, Qlillord and llerinoii. of Norton, spent Sal Urdu)' und Sunday in lowii vis. iliiiK:tho family of Paul .lessee and Mis. Wait-.' sister, Mrs. Tuliimge ('i.unts lt. II. Bruce and family, of Norton, motored down in the < lap Sunday and spoilt a few hours visiting rolntives. I T. ami (i.K (iiiiv spoilt Sunday afternoon at Panlco, \ isil ing Sli;iIt-r < 1 illy and family. V. S. Paine, (if JolinBoh City, Tonn , wris i business visitor in the pap last Friday. Iliilu'ri Potter was clown from Norton Sunday visiting his brothers, ami Will Potior. .I from.' Wells spent Sunday at I I lite City visiting friends. K. A. Humor spent a few days lust week in Cincinnati on business Call up Paul's 1'af.e for prompt and reliable eat service. Phono 140, Mrs. Will Hall and children, of Norton, Spent Sunday in the Uup, the guests of Mr. and Mrs; .1. I.. Met loriiiick. Miss Georgia Cox, the popu? lar night operator in tl?0central oilice, is convalescent from an attack of inllucil/a. (inner !?'.. t irr, su peri lit enden I of the Honedicl Goal Company at St. Charles, spent Friday night at the Monte Vista on his return from u business trip to Bristol. "".Mrs. Vilas Wells spent Sun? day in Norton the en. si of Miss Koso Hamilton. livery man who docs not Save is in danger of depending on charity In Old Age 1( you would avoid that possibility, start an account with today. Yon cannot tell when your Earning Power Will Stop and the reserve fund of the savings account stand between 01 and charity. INtERSTATE FlMmmmi CO. ;C.SXARTtRfr*t?M??KNT JB.WAMPLER.CASHIER'. BIG STONE GAP. VA. e The only truss that holds and don't hurt. Does away with hard ball, using soft felt pad instead. A new truss recently invented, patented and manufactured by H. N. Witt, at Morristown, Term, Don't fail to investigate the Witt Truss. For men, women, and chil? dren. Now on sale by the THE MUTUAL PHARMACY ?/yal Quality Dmy Si ore BIG STONE GAP, - VIRGINIA Fresh oysters, big as saucers, at Paul's Cafe. Reuben Ranks, who was call? ed to the (lap last week on ac? count of the serious illness of bis wife, returnee! to Hampton, Va., Sunday whore he is with the Motor transport. Mrs. Hanks is much improved. Mr. ami Mrs K W. Nickels spent several days this week in Kinusport Visiting Mrs. Nickels' brother; Mr. and Mrs. .loo Noil ami little daughter, of Dorchester, ; motored down to the .Clap Sun? day and spent a few hours. Mr. and Mrs; S. .1. < Iii miry', of Stonegn, speti' Sunday even ing in tho (lap with Mr. anil Mrs. It. K. Khoads. Albemarle pippins at Paul's Cafe. Miss Hazel Hurkleroad, st.-n ographor for the Mineral Min |tor Company, spent Sunday in Bristol ?villi relatives. 'Pro (iilly has returned to his ! home at Kast Stoiiii Gap from Camp Humphreys where he has been in training for the ptisi several months, having biieh discharged from service. Miss Kiltie Collier, of StO-! negn, is spending tt few days in I the Oop this week visiting Mis Kreil Gibson; ()'; II. Ii. Mullins, of Sh negd, i passed through town Saturday ! en route to Rast Stone Gap, ?vhero be spent Sunday ? isitmg relatives. Misses Elizabeth Edwards and Elizabeth Gunther, of Alii puluchiu, spent a few hours in the Gap Saturday afternoon. D. P. 1'ierson, Sales Manager for the Stonegc Coke und Coiil Company, who has been spend iilg several days in Atlanta, on account of having an attack of influenza, returned to the Gup Saturday. Mrs. (>sear Willis,of Si, Paul, spent a few days in Ihe Cap last week with her mother in law, Mrs. R. P. Willis. While bore they bud a beautiful monument erected ill (ih-UCoe cemetery ,0 Oscar Willis' grave and a small [one erected nt Mrs. Osctir Wil? lis' infant daughter's grave. Mrs. A. ?). Sewing und little daughter ami sister, Miss Doris Warner, left Sat unlay night for their home near St. Louis, where they will spend two Weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Baker, of Akron, <>.. arrived in the Cup Friday nigh: fiom Washington, T). ('., ?vhere they spent several [days visiting their daughter, Mrs. 11.11 Stevens. They are visiting their son, Joseph M. Bilkor, wIki has an important I position ?vith the Southern Rail I way here. Newt Williams, of ('amp Lee, I who is ?vith a motor transpo"! I company, arrived in town last ! week and will spend a ten day I furlough visiting his parents, Mrs. Lindsay Horton ami two .little daughters, Bettie and Ellen, have just recovered from ! tin attack of inlluonza. A meeting of Ihe Community I League will be held next Mon dny at the school hall at 3:'I0 eastern time. Mrs,Proctor Brown, accompa? nied by Proctor, .lr., returned Saturday from Chat til.ign where they attended the Oih cinnati Orchestra Concert, ?vith Ysage, Belgian violinist, di recting. She was the guest of frieuds oil Missionary RiJgo. \Ye expect ;iv Shipment of fancy iniiPtrfkitSsFVIrtftj Pfttil'sj Gttfo. Mrs. Honry I'rcHlih, >f Tt/.e well, im visiting lier brother, Mr. Clarence Kelly at the .Monte Vista Hotel. Mrh. Burgess, of Komoke,ar? rived in the Gap last week, where she will visit her son, E. F Burgess, for some time. W II. Carrier, claim agent for the Stonegn Coke and Coal Company has moved his office from Stonegn to Big Stone Gap, aiol will be lochteil in the In tertnont Building. lie will move Iiis family bereu? soon an be can secure a suitable resi denen. Misses Kitty llollninn and Clara L?? Burchlield, went to Kingsport Friday afternoon and spent several days visiting f rictids. Harry T. Taylor, General Superintendent of the Kentucky River Bower Company a' Ha/, aril, spent one day in the (lap last week with his baby son, Harry Kibbler T.iylir, who is witli hits grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor. Bonnie K?th?rine, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Oiiborne, died at home of her parents near Minion's store Fri? day morning from pneumonia following iiillucn/.a, aged n mouths and It days. Funeral services were heal from the home at I0::|0 Satusdny morn, illg, and iuteimeut was made in tho Dickehsou cemetery Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Line and two children who have been sp?ndilig -"tue time in the Gap with Mrs. Lime's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I; 1' Barren, return? ed to their home in Bye Cove Sunday, where iliey will pack their furniture and move back to I be tjup in a few 'lays. Mr. and Mix. K. Ii. Motiser and daughter, Miss Sara, of Spurtiinburg, S. C, arrived in the (lap .MotidiiV, where tlioj will visii Mi and Mrs ( Itis Mouser. Dr. Btifus Morrison, brother of II <?. Morrison, of this city, is now in charge of a hOsptlftl containing 2,000 patients, in; France. In a letter recently re ceived from him by Mr. Moni | son, he stated that he expects to remain at his post its long as there is anything to do, and that, he thinks, will bo several months.?Bristol Herald Couri? er. FOB SALF..--."?,0111.1 bu. Mam moth yellow soy beans, I'J.'iU per bu : 5,000 bu. Whippoorwill, iSew Km and mixed pens; t:i 40 per bit : 1,000 bu. Clay and Black Beas.JH.oO per bit;; 500 bu. Mountain beans, sc per lb : 1,1)00 Im. <?r?nge I !anb seed, fl 7A per bu. All f. <>. b. our station, sub? ject to confirmation, Hickory Sued Co., Hickory N. I'. Charles Voting, soil of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Voting, of Ston ega, who has been with the American Kxpoditionay Forces in France for a year or more, was Severely wounded last Sop tember and has been' confined inn hospital since that time, but has fully recovered accord? ing to information received bv ins parents from the War De? partment last Sunday. Ho was severely Wounded in bis right arm, but it is not known to what extent or how it occurred. < io to church next Sunday. Mass Meeting There will '"' ;1 mass meeting of the Dehiocri||s of Wise ('nun. fy, at tin- Town I lull. Norton, Virginia, on Saturday February llrsl at t Wo o'eloek p. in. j For the eleetioli of a lieu I County Committee, and a Coun? ty Chairman, also to perfect an organ i/.ut ion for t he County idee lion in November. All interest? ed Democrats tire ligetl to attend. Junior Auxiliary. The Children's Missionary So. ciety vvill journey to Alaska tins afternoon with Mr. and.Mrs Bliss. Meeting at the Totiraiiie at 3:30 p. m. Coine one, come all, and see what the missiona? ries lire doing for tin? Kskimoes. Farm for Sale I have for sale a 25 acre farm, three roomed dwelling and good stable, within half mile of school building in Big Htcoc (jap, Vol. (.'all on or write, anl -1-1 K. A. AVUBS. Amuzu Tfie?tre THURSI)AY--TomoiTo\v "William Fox f t is mis ? '?^?^ i?-J U-4.'-_ . THE SIREN OFTHE NILE Direct from its Big New York Run at the Lyric Theatre What the New York Papers say of Cleopatra: rhc producer* have recreated most realaslicall) all the lavish sur rounding* thai ?orc built tip lor the pleasure .mil "tilni ol Oils Queen. Hui ihc) Have nol stopped hire f lie ballte bt Vellum, Ihe lhs| urea I naval battle, and incidcniall) the nnduinx nl Antony, IS thrllllngl) pot Irayed, and this u lollnwcd b> ilie storming ul Phardahs palace. Ihc plciurc is remarkable dir man) qualities, rheda Hara demonstrated nn.>i lallslactorll) hist how the Siren ul Ihe Nile ''got aua>" with cvcr>thhiK accredited lit her. ^-Evening World. One nf ihe most sumptuous and sensational motion picture spectacles thai have been produced. In largeness ol scope and appearance ol >nlid reall) Its ensemble scenes have Had m> superior and few equals, lite masSlve scenes "I ancient Rome and Vlexandrla weie superb. Miss Bira's trank Iheatricalism protects her ?mk (nun any undue suggestivfcnesS. Herald. Pric 35c including war tax All o!' Our Meal Is Scientirically Cut jj and yoti -it fust what yot. [?] m m TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF CUTS The Reason M we tlnu't try to switch cuts "ii you bet IS] just old fashioned ctio?fdi to believe that [cji dishonest to (hi sn, no matter it you doh j|j know tlic difference. I Hrsel's P In Polly Building. Bi? Stone (Jap, Virginia ^\ m ise we arc| would licit? SSI . E. Fox 80 Company Phone 97 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Big Stone Gap, Virginia Sole Agents for K. B. Whitridgc, Payne H^irs and John Fox, Jr. Business ant) ev? idence lots; also acreage property facing the public road to East Stone Gap for sale. Write or call oh us for prices arid Lerins. Fl FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st ALBERT VIERRA'S presenting "A Night in Honolulu ALSO SPECIAL FEATURE "A GLORIOUS ADVENTURE' Featuring MAE MARSH Prices: 30c and 50c plus war tax