The Big Stone Gap Post. OL. XXIX BIG STONE GAP. WISE COUNTY, VA? WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 3.~l92l" No. 31 i Great Reduction Construction of Roads in Virginia. n-htiioiiil, Vii., .Inly 28.?A ution of ? lieciliculinnsund under dar niiidiii.'iis in August id' n a Btiviti|* of i-'J.-To |u i w i- inade possible by let I h -cotinn ui 11.1 miles, ul i :i~ ;i" i m-t I lm -nine -col inn ,lod Uilo two contracts, iudi iii? ilia I ii Virginia Was liiiaii \\ able li> lei larger .-nut rai l - ? \ iiiii to nuld amount In from ,lt(| |tj t-,.*)"" I?1'' mil", Tliis ation together vvitli evidence a oilier >tati's along tin' same ' it- mil tin- I'oiielusinh ??!' Virginia G?od Kond.? A i hi asking fur a greatly irund lirbgriinii ibat e.-niiuui n !il Mil - will lie Hlicli as In \ irgiuin fining ahead in a it Ii const rin t inn sis i liv ;i- il ih possible in build |i... :,v- and tu I"' ill pu-jiiioil In ml larger contract*. I,.- slate of asked ! irger amounts, of tin- joO, i,u(mi fibinl issue t" I"- avail For const riiel inn t his your in.i ue'xl for the same reasons as indicated in Hie reeenl letting HI ,. ilh'.nVtf!, Utlii-r ktiltys ai'O din1, ,i likew iso as evidenced in the .ii mileage and largi.n (ilid- winch are! beiilg awarded. A. curding In Ilm statement of; Hit! i ite highway doparlii il. mi July J'.i bids w ill be received w liiiili w til take up t Im remain ?l III aild nver a Inilllllli dob :>i- ,n in mis loaned to tlx- I ili lliti > "unties. Sbniild tin! lieiieral ASHOIiilily continue/ an i I i priiition id' $7.UOj^UU fruiii till -...?iul tund, witb llm mill ? mi "in-.third bf lie- atltoiilu i It together with Ilm valua In i. 11 inn viel labor iiitw pHi\ id i-1 by law for new construction. \ .:.!ini i will liave nun.nun to im ei federal aid ami build high KttVs .Should Congress jiass a federal ud ai'l with tin* same ap? propriation as of (Iiis year, the totilj -inn available for ?itat?* - cousti 11 ?* l mn will only nin.? ii111 tu i&,;i0U,UOOi There is ? possibility that the i nn. nil i 1.1-1ween the Mouse and (Sen ?: ? i i In- form ul adiiiinisl ra? ni i> result in failure hi ' Ljress to u|ipropriitte any fell vi il u l lm- |H2'j| l-iveii if fi-iii uriil aid i- granted, ii inter I he i Ul llnaneial plan I he aumunt lo.iiliiblc fur new eonstrurl iiui ? ii iig ItlSJi! w ill l?- less than Ilm hiiiuiuit available Ibis year when ""? i(jiiiiiuti|ation front ItiiiO i into i-iiilsideration. Nui-th I 1 linii will have approximately ?1?.0MU,.i, West Virginia a iiiuoiiht, while Marylaiiil:s Uliiil: v. ill be greatly in excef-s ul' Vifgi'iju's. All of tbeM- Hintes mm,, mileage ul' improved ' '?il- iu begin Ilie yur wit 11 than > irL'iuia. I II- . utitruet? reforred to iire li'ii in Soutlutinpton county^ ^;liioli luau.-d the ktitte under the -a net the money \\ it Ii 'Wil l, I,, carry nn the construc 110,1 ? !u August, li)20, a coil i I I iniles ,,|- concrete fj'?u, lifteuii feel w ide, near ?-oiinlaiid was awarded to the *H|Kirl Construction Comjitiny tttS,TU0 per mile, i )u July I t II ?'? l|OIUpuny bid nil 1 i. I miles ul concrete mad of the same ? ?? ions fiuiu tiourtland in ? \ comity line, #27j700 l*t mil.-, which is u reduction ol ? i.wOO per mile. Uiila were re "...fd by lb,, date highway tie I "tun ni this project in two !"' i,- of -1.8 miles und 0..1 : 1 ? res|)ectfully. The bids mi these soctions separately averag-| -??I 12,2751 more per mile than tili! low combined bid. In asking lit.' Michigan legis laturc lor an increase <>f tlio al? lotment ct tin- bond funds from ?f?,<.,000 annually to $10,000, 000 annually mil of. the $50,000, 000 ?.! issue passed by Ilia) Rtiifo to supplement other funds, Iii- M i< liigaii state highway de |> based it- request on Jhcsii facts, namely, "thai there l- now much idle labor in tlie -tale, making prices for roiil cohjdrlielinii reasonable : I hut the people lire anxi.m? for road ilil provi'inenl faster than present fiimls will permit, and further, the slate has plans and surveys prepared for a much larger pro "ram than e m l." carried out with He- funds ii.>w available" Billy Sunday Club Met in Baptist Church Sun? day Afternoon and Organ? ized tiie Big Stone Gap Unit. I ii" Big Stone.Oup unit of the Wine County Hilly Sunday Club met in tli.' liftpti.-il church hero on lust Sun.i i> afternoon and perfected the organization of llo- Big Sinn.- i lap unit. K T, ' '.'irii.ii, . i. nl do- vidc-presi denta of lite chtb presided and VV a. Miller whs elected secrn i .1 > I':. - lucuihcrship opm Uillllle consisting ul A Li Hol* I Uni. I B. \\ uihplni, K K Bur -1.. < ' K K ilbiiurn and <1. W. I Scott was, appointed This com millet- will hblicilt lOemburs to tlie chili, which promises to be -'?I.- ..I tit.- influential Christian oi guniz n Inns ever perfected in this section, l l.. .'int. I. will bo a part of tin- county Organization w Inch h is hi'.'ii divided into six noi.-, with clubs at Nori.m, Wise, t.'oebiiiii, Mi. 1'aul, Appa lucliia und Big Stone, i tap. It im tin- purpose >.f the unit clubs to ni.'. i on.-, every week and ih.' county cluh In moot with sonic on.- of tin- unit clubs Unco ? aril t^llite a uiliilbel of the lead inn ciii/.oiir. ..f the X, (Jliitirmuii on Streets for the Coiiiniuuit) League. Reception for House Guests. Mi ?. K A\ Sbugart and daugh? ter, Mis- Both,entertained very delightfully Tuesday evening complimentary to their bouse glleslri, Misses Bertha Shugarl, ot Bristol, Bay he Itiddlck, Vir? ginia Delger, Helen Marlin ami Dorothy Bpuhford, ol Bluetiold At the close of a very enjoy Ublo OVOIIlng tile hoste?.-., rl Hurved delicious ice cream and cake. About lift) yOUItg peo? ple were prescht. Never lllilld what y?uif neigh? bor says. I I'd what you do thul counts. Appeal for More Funds Hampton Roads Commission Will Ask Congress for Larjjcr Appropriations. Outstanding features of the Hampton (toads port commission in Portsmouth today were: I. Assembling of data upon which the commission proposes to go before Congress to secure additional appropriations eohi Uiehshrato with the amount of shipping handled through (he pint of Hampton Koad>. ?J. Plaits for a lour of South? west Virginia ami the Sheimn doah Valhv to arouse t he inlet - es I of i In- people of those sec? tions in Hampton Koads a- Vir giuia's pott. !{. Statements hv Chairman N. II. M?her, also presidenl of Norfolk .v Western Bail way, at lum lienn tin- afternoon, showing that in Julie Hampton Koads had dumped 110 per cent, more eoiii than all t he other ports on the Atlantic seiabuaid pat to get her. Also thai I In tii pt uti Koads had exported tin percent, of the coal shipped to foreign polls during thai month?the dumping!! exceeding ill previous! records. J Malier Presents figures. Tlie commission convened at It) :'t0 this morning in tie'coun? cil clianiher of the municipal building in I'ortsinoiilli with die following members (>ro-eui : N . Ih Malier, chairman : S-n at?f Wi U. 1 'brbett, Port snioillh : Senator W I,. Andrews, Koa Ookc : Joliii W. < In 11v. of N,.i. l.dl. ; Nel-on S. tlroouie, llainp ton, and Um?, Dante. Mr. M?her pre-, tiled a state? ment showing tin- ???)>i????<( ciial dumping- id I lampion Koads during .Inn'. Hampton Koads dumping in a-' thin ?,'J00,00(i toils, exceeding t|je coal dump? ings et Neu Vprli . I'hihidelpliia, Kaltiuiore ami Charleston by 500,001) Ion-, or more than !ln per cetil. ? If the I ,S?O,linn ton- of coal exported during the month, Hampton Road* bandied l,:i:M. toll-, or 111! per eelit . Whj lluiiipiini Koads Leads. The rea-oiis as -t it'ed by Mrlj! Malier for Hampton Kolids s't'|;ur ing the libn.'a ?tut.f tl.oal business \\ ere : I. That the railroad- enter ing Hampton tap the coal fields, \ihero a t|iialily of . oal is produced thai is in demand; and that Ii Clin he -old al a price which is all rsiol i\ e. That diippers and steam? ship owmrs prefer Hampton Koads because of the service they seeiiie ai the purl . There is no congestion at Hampton Koads: -laps i ait make a quick turn around. Thesis figures will he used in connect inn with other data in presenting the importance of Hampton Roads to Congress and the Viiginia General Assembly to show the need for legislation und appropriations commensu? rate, with the business of ship? ping. i in the suggest ion ol Long, of Haute, the commission tic cepted an invitation from the Virginia Coal Operators' Associa? tion to hold it- next meeting in Norton. Mr. Longialso suggest? ed that a meeting he held at Bristol while the commission is in Southwesl Virgioia. Meet at Norton and Bristol. Recognizing tin- importance of carrying the gospel of Uaniptou Koads into Southwest Virginia, die commission fixed September IS and I I a- the l.-rttative dates for the meetings in Southwest Virginia, the first day in Norton and the second in Bristol. A strong delegation of fifteen or twenty representative citizens of Hampton Koads cities Will he invited to attend both meetings. Chairman Malier suggested that the October meeting be held in Staii?tou, Und that that occa? sion be ruade a central gathering for all people of the valley. N meeting will be held during tin month of August. Speakers oi Luacbeoa. Kev. N. \V. Co.x presided at luncheon at the V. M. ?'. A. an ditoriuin in Hortsniouth this af? ternoon. Mayor H. A. Hnti-hin-, Normal Cassel I, Uity Manager Jerovy, 0. K. Ashburner, of Norfolk ; Chairman Malier, Sen? ator Andrews and W. A. CoX, of Norfolk, made live minute- talks. Following the luncheon there will be an automobile tour of I'ortsmouth, an inspection of the navy yard and a harbor trip oil the Commodore Mania.-, tiiigship of the \'irgiuia Ovster navy. Tonight at 7 o'clock the com? mission will be the gllCStS at a dinner given for tin- Virginia Hress Association by tie- Norfolk Chamber of Commerce in its club rooms in the National Hank of Commerce building;?Norfolk Ledger-Uispittch, .Inly 22. Cocburn Bible Class Entertains. The M.-n'rt Hilde I Illlfld of the 1 loeburil Hnplist church were entertained by the Ladies" Hi bin Chins nt the home ul" Mrs W N Mendt) Thursday, July 2'lHtj I'021'. Those present were Mr anil Mrs. .1. S. Jordan, Mrs C W. Kilgore, Mr ami Mrs. H.I'. Blevins, Mrs J II Steele. Mi? ,1. H Kaniaev, Mr. unit Mrs li W. Uoiyfiold, Mr und MrH. K. S. Clottsu, Mr*. \V A Haulier, M i s. t' H i tsihoi no. Mi- Sbeltoil i 'olemaii, Mr. und Mrs A Blevins, Mis II O Bulling. M in. W. .1 Initi ier, Mrs. Alice Webster, Mi> C\ II Hobiiisou, Mrs. (' r Buwmiiii, Mrs. Ak.Mt,, Mr und Mrs, I? M Heck, Mr. and Mrs. U.S. l.vllie, Mr. and Mrs. K H Kiser, MrH Nannie Klrtur, Mrs. Il \V. I,y ?ie, Mr. and \l is. K I. Br> iiuij Mr and Mr* M K kilgo'ie, Mi Clyde i'ov. Mrs, K C Lhivis, Mis Muyor, Mr. ami Mrs. Stu? nt from H.-ekley. \V. Vu , and M rind \l rs Sam Lyttlo, from A, H. G heiiei ii refreshments were Hurved. Capture Whiskey. A sixteen gallon keg of iniiuu shine wliirik'ey w|is captured Saturday afternoon in the (lap near ili'o el,eine light plant by I'olicoineii Marshall Belcher aiid Clnudo K ily. A man M bu gave Iiis iiiiliiii as Leonard Hak. r; Iroiu i III 11 Mnunutiii Scott eollliiy, was ur rested ami placed in jail here tin- nllioers received iufoilmi tioii that Die man was seen tii leave a ear wnli a keg nn bit, sholililer tor the woods at this place. After searching awhile they found linker und iluothei man, tin- latter escaped, being ton tar from the otlicers when he wan discovered. Tim yvhia key was found concealed in mime weeds a distance from where linker Was arrested and lie elalins it dill Hot belang to bun. The keg was brought to (he town ball and the Contents poured over the river bank in the presence of a large tilimber of people AMERICAN LEGION The next regular meeting of tile Henry N Tale Host of the American Legion will bei held in the post club room at Appa lachia, 7:30 central lime, Aug. gllril hill, 1021 Many important mailers are to In taken up Appointment nf four ill-legates to the annual state convention at Norfolk. \ ti., will he made which is in be held Sepleliiher I, '- and I It is helped tint all members will inakrt every elTort to be present. Any ei-jwiryico men who are not members will he wel comu. Sam K. Dicke.nson, Secretary . S?LE OF LOtS To wind lip estate the follow? ing lots in Hig Sinne < lap will bo sold to the person making best idler. One lot in Plat 1, Block 35 and the following in Hint 3; lot 7, Block. 119; lot 6 and ?; Block 111, lot 8, Block, 113; lot 5, Block, los Submit best offer 10 Q. Krank, 300 Main St., Dull, iville, Via.?adv.31-34. Kuller Tritiklc. A wedding nf unusual inier est tu Appnlnchta people wan solemnized Wednesday at Nor. toil at two o'clock when Miss 11 ila.lvs Trink Io hecaim- tin1 wife, of Mr Clifford M. Kuller Iii.' marriage ceremony was (..-r fOruied by the bride's pastor. Kuv. .1. li\ Bullion, of Hi.- Moth odisl church, of Norton, The bi.'iitltiful ceremony of tbal church w an used; The Trinklc home was tastefully decorated in sweet peas ami roses. Miss Mary .Meadnr, of Norton, was bridesmaid und Chilenen Simp kins was host man. Immediately after the conclu? sion ol the Ccrom my the happy couple took an auto for Big Stone (lap where Miev .aught theafternoon S lullicril for Uns lot. there th.v go to Washington, Baltimore, Allan tic City ami New York ?"11 > for an eMOinled honeymoon They expect io return about the middle of Anglist, ami will make their future home in Nor? ton. This happy event is the cul? mination ot a pre! I) courtship lasting ovel a period ol two years This ending has been forecasted for many m milts by I lie w ise ones, and yet it calm- its something of a surprise to a gte it ibany ol llieir friends, By litis union, two ol lite most st.'rim.; y otiiig of the Southwest hecoioe united, and myriads of ft lends and rela? tives join in w ishing thetn ev I ery happiness thill can befall1 the human lol The bride is a mo-1 ul l ractlve and popoI 11 yolltlg the daughter of Mr and Mr-.' .1 Ifl I'rillkle, who have been resi? dents ol I his -. el ion tot in tn> years and are liuhthcreil among Wise c 'Uitiy '?? in >-t inllileiitiai and prosperolls people. Miss i i lad \ s i- act it e in church cir l. n id a leader among I he younger set among whom she is greatly loved and adiilire.l, Mi. Kuller is a young man ol unusual character ami ability. Although a vOfy youiig man, hen- manager of lie- large de. partmeni tor?? of Kiilhu Uroth. i-r.-i il N... I .ii. .ml inte nl in. voting bllHlilesH leail. I" o| (he obuniv. H i- . iii hnli i ul the promo..-i.l and iveji ib.i K.iilor family and i - 11x mg up to tlie .I Ll'adlllnlts ol hl? I am.I n . in.. da) and generation l in g ..| de'sH ol lot tube, hiiihi ii i\c pri - tided at tibi fuilClloii witen IWO W.-le We'd. App.liil chtti Indepemlcht. Health Work. Kollo w ing is report o( work done in Itichiiipiid Ibsn icl l>. \\ ise County Health I > put mem lb Cooperation with tit. Big Stone tlap Bed Cross Nlira ing Sei t. ice |..r luoti.o til Jiiiy , Sili instruct it'll vtstir, io |ii pre? natal patients. \ Ilia tern I it p ll ietlls. '.i babies I I en iIdri ii. .. i iiiicictilai. I ? other visits. I in.-el nigs held. I i tiables attend. .1. _' . children attended. I i w nllleU al lend. .I J I hours of olb,:e work. Jo letters written - . iitteljv lews held 1.1 schools ?. isitnil Sanitary reports made. I girls place.I in I'hliri'h home. 1 girl sent to materuiiy homo. I cbibl sent lo oi i....p. die sur? geon. 2?U health Hits distri bllle I. ii educational liluis shown. A tsistoil b. l term.'ill club with eni. rluinmout lor hOucllt of the club. Citizens' Bank Opened at Dttf field August 1st. 'Ilm Citizens' Bank of Duf lie tl opened for business in their ii.'.v iwo-story concrete build? ing at Butliold on Anglist 1st, The bank has a capital of $13,? >. Bobinetle ami J. IJ. Bledsoc. Merger Daily Output is '10,000 Dozen Pairs of Hosiery. Knur Heading mills are includ ? ??l in a $?,000,000 merger that will bo llie largest producers of hosiery in the w:orld. A \Vyo missing man was one of the loaders in the organization of the now company, i- ii~ vice-prosi dent uid will have charge of the production in the .7 iiiills of the organization. William K. Taube) Company and the Scott-Kit/.ihil liSr interests have combined by ilie organization of the Tauhol Set t - Kit/.miller Company, Inc. The capitalization is |0,000,000 all paid in. The J7 mills in four Mates have a daily output of 10, nun dozen pair stocking:*, made in cotton or silk, for infants, children, men arid women. The idea i- economy in production by reason of the manufacture o( the d'iilereitl grades at the llillerenl plant-. The new company i ilsti the owner of a Spinning mill for the production of yarn has a weekly output of i.u,000 pounds. i liar, nee K. Taubol. of Hiver side, N. .1., is the prosidenl and treasurer; Krank V. Kit/null.-r, of Wyouilssiiig, is tlie vice-presii dent and production manager, add Thomas K. Scott, of New York. i- tl.erntary. The if llce is at ?_'."> Madison Avenue, Ne? York;which, i- itls? Iii.II ing|uarler-. It is In aded by Klifiis W., chairman board of governor-. The neu company's operations cover a w ide icrriUirv- Kohr of its mill are in itie. an 1 I he olliers are located a. follows; i l.ehanon, Mt. i 'arniel, ShanioUotij Tama(|iia, in tin- stale:'Trenton, j Kivei -d lie, r unden, M ill . ill.*. V inelaud, I I ii III moll toll and I I'lea- inlville. N. .1. : Big Stone ,* lap and Cate i 'ilv. \ i. : Hog ? i-ville. Morristown and l.;iioir City, Tonn. I'llO le'W company is I In lar g ?I single f.ictoi I., the ho.iery liih- an I I le- piirji i-e Ol I lie combine, i < to iiicre He .pi ?lity and ipiaui it v. Mi. Kit/aiiiller ha I, ?on . well known business man for a num? ber of -. -.ii-. although lie has b'eeii in lie- hosiery trade only tue ve.ii-, starting with a sin ill plant at Bcchlelsvillo. lie m ci'e'a ."I hi- operations rapidlyj lidding mill aller mill, until ho ivas tue owner oi iniiiea number here and elsewhere. Some months ago the Sliotl Kit/miller i diipany wiis formed an I how thil I' lubel plant- i:.jilel ? the Soiiie ye'ju ? -go Mr. I^itzuiilier .tailed the Ii. ik- KiigineeVing Company on a -mall -c lie al Seventh and Che nn' Streets. U grew rapidly an t now ucciipii.'s' and own- tin- large phltlt at Slxtl'l*. and i 'hestiilll Street- . lie i- the president. Hi- eoii leutiou yv i I ti this business is of gi, it a i\.,ut age in solving, the product?jui problem- in manufacturing. lb: is also presidenl 01 the Kitliii Kn gineerlng Company, local J at I Sixth ami Chestnut Street-, do [signer- ..I textile machinery , and j he als? ow ns the Loiitii Kuarry .Company, at l.eillli, Delaware County, I'a .Mr. Tanhel paid his lirsl Visit I to Heading on Thursday. Mr. Scott i- a frequent visitor. The I merger nn- been in process of formation for the past three months. Mr. Kit/miller's many friends in this and other cities I wish him Success in the large corporation which he helped to form. lie has a wide [iciltiniu'j taucu in the manufacturing world. lie resides in Wyoihis sing. ? Heading (Ijft) Kagle, .In? ly 80, 1021. The efficiency of some people consists principally of the roo oinmendations of their friends. All the world is a playground, I with most of us hard at work.