Newspaper Page Text
. j - - "" I Want ChanoeabV Dresses! Ic. A P) a PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO LIVE STOCK at .vi..5-r .0Sf. i. 1 AS. V 3 A Southern Field ' (By C. 8. MIIXEII. v The southeastern states are at last coming to their own, particularly ia the matter of livestock. They have to offer, in competition with the most fa vorable sections of the United States, an abundance of the richest Btock feed at very low cost, green pastures near ly all the year round, pure water and a most favorable climate. The corn-belt is moving southward, and the alfalfa-belt, which not many years ago was thought to be impos siblex below northern Kentucky, has now slipped down to the Gulf of Mexico. The south has a tremendous meat market within its own borders. Bir mingham, Ala., alone imports over $1, 000,000 worth of meat every year, and it is a fact not generally known that, in spite of its long, hot summers, and mild winters consumes more meat per capita than any other section of the country. ' It has taken the south a long time to wake up to the importance of feed ing her own mouths from her own acres, but now that the vast common sense of the thing is glimmering through the minds of the intelligent progressive people of that section, they are rising to the occasion in a way that challenges the admiration of the entire country.' It requires over $20,000,000 to sup ply only 50 southern cities with dairy products every year. Heretofore much of this wealth has come from other states, but now southern farmers are reaping the profits from their own acres., j" . ' . ,, Some enthusiastic southerners de clare that they can prove by the de partment of agriculture that beef can be produced in the south at a cost of three cents per pound 3 rate so low that other sections find It difficult to compete with it. . ; It is a fact, within personal knowl edge of tho writer, that in some sec tions of the south, particularly Vir ginia, the finest beef in this country is PROPER CULTURE OF ONIONS Quite Valuable Crop If Best Varieties Are Planted Worked With Hand Weeder and Cultivator. The onion' crop is a very Valuable one, as there is a good market for all grown and at remunerative prices. Gardeners grow two crops off the name latid each year." To do this re quires deep, finely pulverized and very rich soil.' The first crop is raised from sets planted early, just as soon as the Keep the Cultivator Going During the Hot Spell. frost is out of tho ground. The sec ond crop is grown from northern grown seed sown between the rows of sots. Both crops are worked with the hand cultivator and harrow. The seed In sown In 15-lnch rows. For the fall nnd winter markets the Yellow Dan vcrs and Soutliport White Globe are the two standard varieties. Potato onion seta arev mostly grown for tho select retail trade and for amily uso. Thin variety matures early and la i' f ' ; . - 1 I T of Cowpeas. produced on forage alone, every pound of which is Bhipped to England at high prices. It is apparent to every man who has made a etudy of the cjuestion that there is a wide difference In the feed ing and care of stock in the south, as compared with that of the north and the west. , In many sections of the south cattle are fattened for market without shel ter during any period of the year, and in some favored spots they are fed no grain whatever. The raising of blood ed stock is also becoming one of the chief industries of the south. The south is now taking more lively interest in the production of alfalfa than any other single section of the country. Alabama has an alfalfa club, an association of high-class farmers, who several years ago began the study of the value of this plant to tne souin and whose efforts to develop it have resulted in widespread benefit to that section. This club grows alfalfa for profit as well as education, and has declared dividends of from 60 to 105 per cent Alfalfa In Mississippi yields as high 1, a fnur tnnn npr acre the seaeon. ana there are nrobably 25,000 acres of al falfa in the black-belt .of Mississippi and Alabama alone. Farmers of the south are learning how to fatten hogs on alfalfa and cow peas, making pork as fine as is ever sfien in our northern markets and less coet than it can be produced in many of the northern and western sec tions. Alfalfa takes kindly to the lime lands of Virginia a,nd the farmers of that state are going into Jt extensive ly. J. F. Jack, a progressive Virginia Center heenn imDroVing his rather nnnr soil several years ago with crira son clover and cowpeas, lawr planting it to alfalfa. He now has 400 acres of aifnifa. which average six tons per .acre; and much of it furnishes good pasture during the winter tnontns. tnostlv used In the green stage, says a writer in the Baltimore American. It is a good variety for family use. Adri atic Barleta is an Italian variety of mild flavor; small, pure white with silver skin, flesh mild, but firm; best variety for pickling. Bermuda White is a large flat onion, matures early and is of a mild flavor. The growers of onions for the wholesale markets, prefer well-drained muck land. The Southport Yellow Globe and the Round Red are the two leading varieties. The onion ground is always plowed in the fall. In the spring eight large two-horse loads of rotted manure from grain-fed cattle is spread to the acre; 600 to 800 pounds of, Peruvian guano sub stitute is sown to the acre and well harrowed in before drilling the seed. About five pounds of new-crop northern-grown onion seed id sown to the acre. The seed is drilled in with hand driil in 14-inch rows. The Italian growers mako the rows enly 12 inches apart. The crop is worked with the hand weeder and cultivator. Spotted Calla. Spotted calla is a summer-blooming plant, and should be reset in winter, in thn fall Kf-t thn not. in frost-nroof cellar or room, and withhold water from it until spring. Then, when danger of frost is passed, bed it out in a rather sunny place, and mulch the soil about it on the approach of hot weather with stable litter. Or, If preferred, repot it, giving it a larger pot, and rich porous soil. In cither case the plant will bloom during tha summer. E. V. B. Fowls for the Fair. Don't wait until near fair time an! expect by fattening to make weigh' take the place of size; the growing bird must be given food to furnish a good frame work; he must have good bone and muecle as well as fat, and the fat must not be the result of forced feeding if the bird Is to be used as a breeder. Feed cats and other nitrogen ous foods, and make the birds exer else to get it. Ground bone once oi twice a week, about an ounce to each bird, is a partial preventive of It weakness. - rCLK COUNTY NEWS-GAZETTE. DENTON, TENNESSEE. j v:i Drink A welcome addition to any party any time any place. Sparkling with life and wholesomeness.. Thirst - Demand the. Refute Substitute!. THE COCA-COLA WbencTCf 7 cm an Important Measures Made Law. Among the notable advances in the legislative enactments of this year, are the tuberculosis registration law of Colorado; laws providing for sub sidies to-local hospitals in Minnesota and Wisconsin, an act providing for the establishment of county hospitals in Indiana, and the establishment of state bureaus for the prevention of tuberculosis in Ohio and California. CRUST COVERED BOY'S HEAD Bolton? Ga. "My little boy's head was covered with a hard thick cruet which cracked with the least presw causing a discharge or b 100a y tton which was so offensive that. . . . . 1 1 , a TIa w.a . n cr 1 could naraiy noia mm. xio cross. Some called it milk crust, another running tetter and another ec zema. , "After trying several patent medi cines I decided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After using the sample I purchased some Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. After us ing Cuticura Soap and Ointment three days I was able to remove all the crust and in one week he was entirely cured. Cuticura Soap and Ointment also cured my baby of an ulderated sore behind her ear and now we think we cannot keep house without them." (Signed) Mrs. Charles Poss, Nov. B, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Impossible. 4 Startled he looked about him. "My legs are comfortable," he muttered. "My knees aren't cramped. I can get the kinks but of my calves and even lean back a little. My line of sight is unobstructed. Why, not only can I see everything, I can also hear every thing! I can retire to the foyer with out disturbing 15 DeoDle. or even one, but I'm eo comfortable, sitting here that I'd rather stay Just where I am. Thesn litrhts the music the scenery all look rea, yes, they strongly sug gest reality but it's impossible. Who ever heard of a comfortable theater? I must be dreaming." And doggone it, that's Just what he was doing. Masses. The Tender Skin of Children is very sensitive to heat. Use Tyree's Antiseptic Powder for all summer skin affections. It quickly affords the little sufferer relief. 25c. at. druggists or sample sent free by J; S. Tyree, Chemist, .Washington, D. C Adv. " Climbing Up. "Art in America is not respected," said Arthur Stringer, the poet and nevelist. "What ice does a poet cut among us compared with a Rockefel ler or a Carnegie? , "Poeta are rated incredibly low hpra. As I reclined In a hammock poetizing on a farm lawn last week, a tramp approached and asked ue farmer's wife for pie. "She cave h in Die. and. while ne ate. they conversed. I heard a snatch of their conversation. "'You say you used to be a poet? said the woman. "'Yes'm,' replied the tramp. Thats iow I got my start.' " The diplomatic flat dweller calls the Janitor the superintendent BMauao of trtoaa The Best Beverage under the 5un vV Refreshing Quenching Genuine At Soda Fountains or Carbonated in Bottles. COMPANY, Atlanta, ga. u Arrow think el Coc-Cota. NO POSSIBILITY OF DOUBT Why Western Bishop Was Convinced of the Ancient Lineage of His Eastern Entertainers. ""A western bishop once attended a general convention in the east and 'was entertained by a New England family of long and honorable, if not lovable, lineage. They made no se cret of a time-won superiority over anv one from the new and crude west, cited their Pilgrim ancestors con- y. The bishop was minded o 4JiisA Christian humility and :-r((did. But on his re 'aSZ3t)unted his experl- i: and she, good soul, her mind as It is the privilege Kina to ao, even wuerw uiem must be silent. ,"I don't believe that their family is 'such an old one," she remarked. '"Are 'ou sure that their ancestors were Pilerlms?" "I am certain, my dear," answered the, biBhop. "This may seem to be exaggeration, but at times you could positively detect the' fragrance of the i.!ayflower." New York Evening Post. Young Man Took Warning. "Charles," said a sharp voiced wom an to her husband in a railway car, "do you know that you and I once had a romance in a railway car?" "Never heard of it," replied Charles, in a subdued tone. "I thought you hadn't, but don't you remember it was that pair of slippers I presented to you the Christmas be fore we were married that lea to our union? You remember how nicely they fitted, don't you? Well, Charles, one day when we were going to a pic nic you had your feet up on a seat, and when you weren't looking I took your measure. But for that pair of slip pers I don't believe we'd ever been married." A young unmarried man, sitting by, immediately took down hie feet from a scat. pesperate Remedy. From the roof of a building the stranger looked down upon a park whose spare grass, scraggy shruhbery and stunted trees were almost tram pled out of eight by a human mob that surged round a speaker's platform in the middle of the park. "What's ur?'rBaid the stranger. "A suffragiet riot?" " "Worse than that," Bald the guide. "The park grass has been in a bad way for several months, and a local politician has called a mass meeting of the citizens to discuss plans for sav ing it." DOES YOUR HEAD ACHEf Try Hk-kB" CAPUDINK. Ifa plnw tint to tak fleet Immediate (food to prevent Hick Heodaohe and Nerroua Headaches also. Yoar money hack if not satisfied. 10c.,25c. and iOo. at medicine Ktorea. Adv. " He Had Observed. The' teacher was giving a test on the vnlim of foreien money in America. When it was little Harry's turn, she asked: "Harry, how much is a guinea worth in this country?" Hnrrv ftmllpd and answered: "A dol lar and a half a day." Everybody's Magazine. Whisper to yourself when you have occasion to speak of others' faults. ugly, crlzzty, gray halra. Uaa LA Want Changeable Dresses! At the recent International Congress of Applied Chemistry , in London one of the most celebrated lecturers, Cia eomo Ciamiclan. predicted that women of the future will not be contented with a dress which remains constantly of one color, but will demand colors that change in harmony with their sar roundings. Thus the color of the apparel may be changed without changing the dress. Passing from darkness to light the color would brighten, thus con forming automatically to the environ ment the last word In fashion for the future. This prediction will come troe as scon as chemists learn ta understand better what are called "phototropic colors, or colors that change with the intensity of the light upon them. In men's wear this might mean that the light-colored suit of the bright summer day would be transformed into a dark suit at night. Plea for More Hygienic Gravy. "Stray Shots," the weekly paper is sued by the Inmates of the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, offers this mild suggestion to the cook: "If the gentleman intrusted with the task of making brown gravy to accompany the T-bone steaks served at this great cul inary center, will take the trouble to read a few lines In any old cook book he will discover that it is impossible to use hot water and produce lumpless gravy. If he has any spark of sym pathy in his soul he will realize that uncooked flour is the boBom friend of indigestion. A little regard for the great regiment that feasts here should furnish comfort in the consciousness of duty well performed." y FAR BETTER THAN QUININE. Elixir Babek cures malaria where quinine fails, and it can be taken with Impunity by old and younsr. "Having- suffered from Malarious Fe ver for several months, getting no relief from quinine and being- completely brok en down in health, "ElUIr Babek' effect ed a permanent cure." William F. Marr. Elixir Babek 60 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid from Klocxew Bki & Co., Washington. D. C. Not Always. "A soft answer turns away wrath." "Well, Jim Jones only got madder when I told him he was mushy." Ostriches and alligators are raised in incubators in South Africa. . ' ujr uilfl lUm ' The Kind You Have Always Father room at the north THIS is the caution applied to the public mnouneemeS loS Cabin near the has been manufactured under the supervision of CVlf down Main Street. It still over 80 years the genuine Castoria, Werespoctfrg there rvit iu-i--'.. . of fathers and mothers when purchasing Castoria to see ,r'n" lDere. OJt the log part his sifrnature in black. When the wrapper is removed & as been torn Away. Jim. or J pears on both sides of the bottle in red. Parents y p WttDrj. wnrM . ' . their Uttle onee in the past years need no warning ' . . b wooaWorU Ing shop inritations, but our present duty is to call the fitteri? .oOd between it and tho creek Btion to the great danger of introducing into their frth M -j ' It is to be regretted that there are people whore'L?fB 608 MaiJOcfct garden now nefarious business of putting up and selling all sorts of suWlifire he 'Stocked" mail w should more properly be termed counterfeits, for medicinal prep. - uuj V:, ".j..!!1. .MMnn'a msrlintnfn. Ir, thereforelS and crudlA nlen. oniy ior auuius, uuu wwioa jrev, UU Ut3 IXI.Vyilll'OA. ms a.a- j mis .La SMniTknW f Or1l1 f 1T1 1 o tsiOPieiy wnau that for themselves, but tne cnua nas 10 reiy ou the mother's watchfulness. Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of Getting Close to Nature. "This is an interesting moving pic ture of frog culture." "Yes, and if it were a talking mov ing picture, we might even hear the frog's creak." Sign. "Is this feast to be a mad revel?" "Guess so; I can see the champagne bottles foaming at the mouth." Mosauitoes eeem to be troubled with chronic insomnia. The averaee vearly nroflt at the Casino, Monte Carlo, is $5,000.000. RAILROAD SURGEON DISCOV ERS WONDERFUL REMEDY Fof Man and Beast, the Old Reliable Dr. Porter'i Antiseptic Healing Oil Relieves Pain, Stops the Bleeding,.' and Heals at the same time. Thousands of Farmers and Stoclptnen know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful Remedy ever discovered for Wqunds, Burns, Old Sores, Carbuncles, Granulated Eyelids, all Skin or Scalf Diseases, and also for Barbed Wire Cuts, Galls, Sores, Scratches, Shoe Boils, Warts, Mange on Dogs, etc Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old Remedy. Sold by nearly all DrugRists. If your Druggist hasn't it, send us 50c. in stamps for me dium size, or $1.00 for large size, and it will be sent by Parcel Post. Money .refunded U not satisfactory. We mean it. Paris JJedicine Co. 2622 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Bond ( suil ton knd ffi HinJ sbom and SflP,-rW mi -. i. tj e a v w ffft IlillMflioAtmA'rtmlii or Whltn. twrlu Inrhes hlu toiM from nil, qulroil. mil li one ton . ,.! copied With BEST A1X ir youh onocru ooea not hvc Tioru ariun u Him mmi. 4 rW7x ZtnT't 1 NOTE! 1 HIM AND ir HCOnoCRS WI WIUIinBTOUHBUurnii v FAULTLESS STARCH CO. fiSSTAlt1"' CREOLE" HAIR QREVSINQ. . PRICE, Hundreds m use by larfe grower. Soe ces proven by 25 years use. Works m. CrabC.ras-s. Price Jjo 00. Special induce- tnt-nt to firM buyer in new localities.. Agents wanted. Write today. pitM'S Piow vom SO Qm cy Street !. Pill Tl. ,. ntt - tonlsrif th inmtd. aJvlnf ctaiticttv ol mind. touoyncy olbodj, GOOD DIGES1I0N, recalar bo well and aojld fleh. Price. 29 " TUBERCULOSIS UDT 1GEHTS WANTED It ba lately been pruied that TL'BKRCtTIXV H1S cannot be cured by irnimt or accln ia Jeetlonu. Meanwhile Dr. W. H. Eaker'a Ton to, Alteraiire and Expectorant continues to ben efit over W per cent of those taking it. Send for free booklet on "Interesting Facts CVia-1 eerning Tnbercnl(.ts" and "HOW TO LIVE. K. I. MOK.'iAN.iien'l Mrr. SlOnipiMKlrouie itldg. Cleveland, Ohio nnnnuiiur whmft 4 t- IV jswcnrr'riiiia-, . lir.Cu libit! Carta bv new painless method KO MfOWT ufl rtc required uniu tuic ' ' v 1 ' Endorsed by Governor and other State officials. Home or sanitarium treatment. Booklet tree, DR. POWER GRIBBLE, Supt Bos 902, Lebaaoa, Tesa.. Cedarereft Saaitariaat H - . - - - 1 . I - l. - rt For Headache, Neuralgia and Painful Periods of Women use Lota Flower Compound. Relieves promptly, contains no bablt forming drugs. Tablet form at druggists or bj mall Sfta. LOTUS FLOWKK CO., Atlanta. Georgia- tr are seam being worn br alt I .nmPni well-dmssed women. We ba something entirely new: a band some hand-tinted CAM BO BROOCH, set with. 8 finest quality brilllHnui; only 11.00 postnaldi worth donhle. Moni-y refunded If not Rstlsfactorr. HOWARD MFKCHANIUSE COMFANV,il Walnut Street, l'hiladnlphia. Fa. agtinu wanted. Atlanta Directory W-J-l FILMS AND SUPPLIfj EinnatiS Quant, Dewloplnor swww.w Finishing- Mauoru sriven prompt attention, sensrarca' Glenn Photo Stock Co.. Atlanta CRlCtlTON-SHUmKEILf i 7." now used 2taKe to south- Cor Hnnter Fryor 8ta., At1anable to produce .,-n"to On 10 KV,TgT!?&'wlvnd is appaJBs "unsolicited INDIVIDUAL INSTPma18 irv ,--cr" Ul lVV W. N. U. Atlanta, us dormitories were sold . a . Fi mem -jougrn by Jim 1 ' ' bud (S"vo "'" .Jllrnitl1rt SORE EYES Dr. Salter's Eye Lotion relieves and cures sore and inflamed eyes in 24 to 48 hours. Helps the weak eyed, cures without pain. Ask your druggist or dealer for SALTER'S. Only from Reform Dispensary, 68 S. Broad. Atlanta. Georgia COB A KG ''The Best Finlshlno and En larging That Can Be Produced" KuKtmitn Films and complete tockamaleursuppllos. Uuick ssbbbJ mall Bel-vies tor ont-or-town customers. Kent! for Oh tains; and Price List A. IT. HAWKES CO , Kodak Dept. 14 WliitiMmll M., Atlanta, ;. QUININE.AIJD IRON-THE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TONIC GroveVTastcles chill Tonic fombinesboth in tasteless form". The Quinine drives out Malaria and. the iron builds up the System, For Adults and Children You know what you are taking wheji yon take GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC recognized for 30 years as the standard General Strengthening Tonic. It has no equal for,Malria and Fevers, Weakness, general debility and loss of if PmiwH Ttilinnsness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits, invigorating o me paie snu sicklv. It arouses the liver to action and n,',r;rstVi.htnrrl. A irnf tonic, and sure) appetizer. Guaranteed by your Druggist." We mean it. ouc There is Only One "BROMO QUININE" Thnr loT.A-JTATIVR BROMO OUININB Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold ia One Pay. 25c FAULTLESS STARCH DOLLS tons from ten centpsrknge of Ftsltlma Rtsnb n( MlMiKllr.iiUlb Ann. 23 lor he rnnta lnmnmpalto wimr imuo rwusii i sign. thivoUtua from tn I par four rwnU in atn1 llvs osnt (Mckiitfea but twlcs u sissy Uut Him al. snointd Is nl oent or two fivo - .1 ..111 osoh suiiUcstkis. STARCH FOR PURPOSES. rauLTteaa we will vfiitk SI.OO, reUIk liu Lllr 'a.. STwT Sr. ''kuW! r jiage tu buuiu- . - -a ovauciuy, 1116 T-:- - r i