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t I r - . rj Polk County News-Gazette "Cover Polk County Uke the Dew." Wm. F. RUSSELL. Publisher. DAN HICKS. JR.. Editor Mgr. One ykar : Six months Three months . $!.oo 50 . 25 DEVOTED TO: Fdutlon News History The Development of Polk County. PCBU3HED EVERY THURSDAY AT THE RUSSELL BUILDING, NORTH EAST CORNFR OP PUBLIC SQUARE Letters for publication should be addressed to the Managing Editor, and must be accompan ied by the writer's name. This paper is circulated through all the principal p rts of this county The law enforcement bills never passed. Anyway, the law ought to be enforced without them. There will be another extra session of the legislature. We understand that there were some guns in the state house at Nashville during the extraordinary session, but so far as we have heard, none of the gentlemen therein were shot. Some of them ohght to be shot in the seat of the pants" with a box of tacks. ' A county that has advanced as far as Polk in educitioh and modern plants for caring for her resources, and is as rich in min eral resources and farming land should by no means do without good roads. The bonds are for sale, and with u little real effort it seems very reasonabIe that they could be sold. GO I IffPl Our stock of Goods, consisting of Anything you want in the line of General Merchandise, is going fast Don't fail to get your part of the bargains we are offering. CLOTHING GROCERIES FURNITURE HARDWARE DRYGOOpS LET US SHOW YOU We have an exceptionally Large Stock from which you can select the Goods you need. NO GOODS CHARGED--CASH or BARTER .Coiipaiy JHE HOME OF BARGAINS - BENTON, TENN. The members of Bentonian Literary Society held an elec tion in the study hall Monday afternoon The officers elected were: Chas. B. Witt, Presi dent; Luther Moore. Vice Presi dent; AugusU McClary, Sec'y. A spirit of admiration for the society prevails anions the stu dents, which insures success. We believe that the work ac complished in the literary so ciety will play an imporwni part in our future careers. All the studeuts should join. C B. Witt, President. "4 OVER 68 YEMh EXFERItNCE i Tainr Marks 'PW Copyrights Ac. DrsiaNS an n : ..nnriHiii tp 'r wi'" - Jl HTOHO BPimiTiB m - . - . Anyone pndlng I nrohnb.T rte""o. fummutiif.! Scientific American. i. handsomely flftiitntM we.T. w-,," faUNN&Co.5,6,B,wi,NewYqrl He Was Satisfied. (Continued from first page) Put on your golden crown. You've been a friend toeveryone And worked hard night and day; You've supported thousands and Prom few received your pay So we want you up in Glory, For you have labored hard And the good Lord is preparing Your eternal just reward." Then the angel and the merchant Started up to Glory's gate, But when passing close to Hades The angel murmured "wait. I've a place I want to show you: It's the hottest place in Hell, Where those who never paid you In torment forever dwefl." And behold the merchant saw NG i I POLK COUNTY vruCAZETTE. BENTOS. TENNESSEE. - - . I IT: .!!.. . k. t V - f His old patron by the score Andgrabbiog up a chair aod fan lie wished for nothing more. He desired to sit and watch Vo As they sizzled, singed and burned, And his eyes would rest on debtors Whichever way he turned. Said the angel "comfl on mer chant There are pearly gates to see' But the merchant only muttered "This is heaven enough for me." JOHN S. SHAMBLIN niiuiruil -jfiw Benton, Tenn. If Yon Don't like to use cheap stationery and pay high prices for it I TS TIME for you to give us your orders. We do first class printing at reasonable prices. Legal Advertisements. Non-Resident Notice. No. 571 State of Tennessee, chancery court of Polk county JosieDunn et al vs John Dunn etal It appeariug from allegations in complainant's bill which is sworn to that John Puun, Jos. Dunn, Ida Brewer and Charlotte Dunn, heirs at law of John Dunn deceased, end probably other unknown heirs of the said John Dunn deceased, are non residents of the state of Tennessee to that the ordinary process of law can not be served upon them. It Is ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the Polk County NewsiSttfit newspaper published in Polk county, notifying said non-residents to appear before the chan cery court at a court to be held at Benton, Tenn , on the fourth Monday in October 1913 and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to them. This Sept. 15, 1913. A. J. Williams, O & M BBC Witt, solicitor for comt. - No. 569. State of Tennessee, chancery court of Polk county. W It Belk vs EM Belk It appearing from allegations in complainant's bill which is sworn to that E. M. Belk is a non-resident of the state of Ten nessee so that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served on her. It is ordered that publica tion be made for four successive weeks in The Polk County News Gazette, a newspaper published in Polk county, notifying said nou -resident to appear before the chancery court at Genton, 1'enn., to be held on the fourth Wtenday in October, next, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set lor hearing ex parte as to her. Sept. 12, 1913. A.J. Williams, c & m John S. Shamblin, sol. for comt. Notice of Trustee's Sale of Land. To whom 't may concern aud es pecially to James M. Smith, his heirs or assigns: By virtue of the authority vested in me by deed of trust, extcuted and acknowledged by the said James M. Smith, on the U.u au nt Hprember 1912. for If IU M-J - , , the purpose of securing and F.m.iUiiiff safe B. E. I'.igga ana . D. Biggins as his securities on a note of hand niado and execut ed tq tho Ducutown Banking Company for the sum of $15ti Vv r.rdua six months from the! date o! execution of said deed of Irust. and default having been made in payment of said note by James M. Smith, and the beneficiaries demanding a 6ale, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand and in bar of the equity of redemption, at the court house door in Benton, Polk county, Tennessee, within the legal hours of sale "D the 4th day of October 1913, to satisfy said note, interest, costs of ex ecuting said trust deed and other legal costs, including attorney fees, the following described real estate to wit: Kiin:ited in the 6th civil dis trict of said county, containing eighty acres more or less, being in range three east of the basis line Ocoee district, being in lha west half of the south-east quar ter of section 14, ar.d in the east half of the south-east quarter of section 15, beginning at trie branch near the fcpringtown church, running west with the section line to the corner of Alexauder Jenkins and Dave Smith: thence south with the section line th the creek; thence east with the middle of the "creek to a rock corner above the spring, with the letters "J. D. H." engraved on it; thence south-east to a rock corner on Morgan's line with the letters J.D H." engraved on it. These lines being agre?d conditional lines by and between the John Harris heirs and known as the John Harris land. Said property will be sold sub ject to a note of one hundivd and fiftv dollars for balance of pur chase money. This Sept 8 1913. Walter V. Harrison, Trustee. John 8. Shamblin, Attorney. Non-R sident Notice. No. 505 J. Farner ) State of Ten- p. vs ) nossee, chancery Harry Hamby (court of Polk et al I" county. It appearing, from the allega- . ;r.o in rrmnlainant'd till which :tTrrr0. that Harry Hamby isTi non resident of the state of Tennessee so that the ordinary procetsof law cannot be served upon him. It is ordered that publication be made for four successive wce's in The Polk County News-Gazette, a news paper published in Polk county, notifying said non resident to appear a the next October rules of said court, to be held at the court house in LJenton on the first Monday in October next, the same being a rule day of said court, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to him. This the 2 day of Aug. ust , 1913. A. J. Williams, c & m T. H. Keith vs B .T. WatUins 1 Before Smith, J. Old Fort. M P. C. , at It appearing to me that a writ of attachment heretofore issued in this case against the defend ant, B. T. Watkinsv under ofvth is allesed to have ' removed him self and property from the state and is now residing in ttie state of Georgia"' for the recovery of the sum of fifty dollars alleged by tho plaintiff, to be justly due him from said Walking by note, has been duly executed by seis ure of a typewriter worth $50.00 property of tl5 defendant, and nue return made thereof to me; it is ordered that publication of a notice be therefore made for four consecutive wetks in The Polk County News-Gazette, a newspaper publisneu in county, requiring the ueienuani n T Walk ns to appear ai m office at Old Fort on October 4th mm hefore me. the lustice or the peace having cognizance of .iid case.and and there and then defend the action thus commenc ed against him by attachment, or otherwise the the case will be proceeded with et pan as to bim. This Sept. 3, 1913. M, C Smith, J. P. for Folk Co. FOR Rational Conservation Knoxvil!e.Tbnn,Scpt.TtoNov.l9U HAS BEEN PLANNED You Cannot Afford to Miss the Greatest, the Best, the Most Corrnrehensive Exposi tion Ever Held in the South Exhibits cover every line of industry and every branch of education. Conservation features embrace soils, waters, minerals, for sts, health, child welfare, etc. Amusements of a high class shown only at national expositions. VERY LOW RATES ON RAILROADS ASK ABOUT THEM SPECIAL EXPOSITION EXCURSIONS EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. - z X A I YOU WA NT THE BEST WE KEEP IT- Looks Like We Ought to TRA DE SOME DON'T IT? R U SSE L STORE t i Ft f fif I IT5 Prfce Offers from Leading Manufacture! Rnnvonoatents "Hints to inventors.- "Inventions neededi fcrnSionefoi Stents. -d such haifuU ctag.l the U. S. Patent umce. Patent attokinii o SHINGTON, I C. THE UP-BUILDING OF THIS BANK is due to tho fact that wo have ample capital and thai we have adhered to a policy which has been conservative, and yet along progressive lines. 1- We offer to our customers modern facilities tor the prompt and proper transacts of their finance, affairssample vault and sale room for the Mohng and safeguarding of their money, notes, insurance poh cies and valuable papers and such liberality of treatment as is consistent with prudent banking. YOUR account is cordially solicited. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST DUOKTOW BANKING CO. Uucktovvn, Tenru tQU L'S LlKl i.-1 '.i 1 i' i If i t ; r i i I