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Polk County news-gazette. (Benton, Tenn.) 190?-191?, March 26, 1914, Image 1

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: ; . 'TV
The County Paper
Prayer meeting at the Pres
t.yteriau church Wednesday
Sunday school at the Baptist
;ind Presbyterian churches Sun
day morning.
Rev. W. H. Rymer will preach
at the Baptist church Sunday
Christian Endeavor meets at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
See Walter M. Harrison for
John Deere wasons.
J. W. Butler and Jennie L.
'vi o wry were married here Sun
day morning, Rev. T. M. Hicks
ofl dating.
Turn Cavetthad the misfortune
some time ago of badly cutting
his hand, while choppingwood.
The wound has about recover
ed .
O. K, Franklin and wife are
preparing to move over the
mountain, where Mr Franklin
will en "acre in farmins and stock
raising. '
;To persons wanting farmUg
u'ols tneau: See J. H. Wlllson
for double stocks, turners, corn
planters, disk harrows, wagons,
several kinds of blacksmith
tools, etc.
".', (Advertisement)
John.C. Prince, a student of
Mary ville College, spent a few
days this weeK with homefolks
here. ,
Lon Godfrey, who has been
suffering from paralysis for sev
eral days, we understand is
slightly improved.
J. H. Love's livery stable is
being torn down in preparation
for the erection of a new one.
The new building will occupy
th same lot on which the old
one stood, and will be construct
ed on a modern plan.
Why not buy your Fertilizer
from M. R. Wimberly? He sells
the best. It has been up against
every kind of fertilizer for seven
.years. Sold in this county.
Tried side by side, aiid never
failed to give best results. That
is the renson why men like E.
Weber. Veil Copeland, T. L.
Lowery, Hayes Uoe, A. J. Cloud
C. W. Hil'iard, Ollie dates and
H. H. Gilbreath c&u afford to
take the witness stand and swear
that Coweta Fertilizer, sold at
Ocoee by M. R. Wimberly, is the
...... . T(!
b.st ever sold ... this county. If
vou will asK any man in the 3rd
or 4th district of Polk county or
Bradley county that has used
Coweta Fertilizer they will tell
yuu that these men swear the
truth. M. R. Wimberly.
A series of games of basket
ball was played rtcently between
eams or me tiueu ouuui
Urttiton, for the championship
the school. The First Year
a i
of th
team was victorious.
State Supt. S. H. Thompson
addressed the faculty and stu
dents, and several visitors, at i
the Highl School auditorium I
Bdiiy morning. His d.tcuure
is.the Mouthpiece
was along educational lines and
was greatly enjoyed by those
Quarterly Conference of the
Carlock circuit, M. E. Church,
South, was held at the Metho
dist church here last Saturday
morning and night and Sunday
Dr. J. A. Burrow,
Presiding Elder of the Chatta
nooga District, was present and
preached two excellent sermons.
Good sized audiences were in
Non-Resident Notice.
R M. Morgan
M. Morgan j No 586. State
vs -of Tenn., cban-
Ida Morgan ) eery court of
Polk county. It appearing from
the allegations in complainant's
bill which is sworn to that Ida
Morgan is a non-resident of the
state of Tennessee so that the
ordinary process of law cannot
be served upon her. It is order
ed that publication be made for
four successive weeks in the
Polk County News-Gazette, a
newspaper published in Polk
county, notifying said non-resi
dent to appear before the next
term of the chancery court to be
held at the court house in the
town 6f Benton, Polk county
Tennessee on th fourth Mon
day oj'April next, and make
fense to said bill ; or the same
will be taken for confessed and
the cause set for hearing ex
parte as to her. This 14th day
of March 1914.
A. J. Williams, C. & M.
G G Hyutt vs ) No. 585. State
Polk county of Tennessee,
et al. ) chancery court
of Polk county.
It appearing from the allega
tions in complainant's bill which
is sworn to that C. W. McNear
& Company are non residents
of the state of Tennessee, so
that the ordinary process of law)
cannot be served upon them. It
is therefore ordered that publi
cation be made for four succes
sive weeks in The Polk County
News-Gazette, a newspaper pub
lished in Polk county, notifying
said nou-resident to appear at
the next term of .the chancery
court for Polk county to be held
at the court house in Benton on
the fourth Monday of April 1914
and make defense to said bill or
the same will be taken taken for
confessed and the cause set for
hparinur ex parte as to them.
This the 12 dav of Feb., 1914
A. J. Williams, c & M.
N A White et al
No. 447. In
J L Collector
at Benton.
Bv virtue of a
decree of the
chancer f court made and enter
ed of accord in the above styled
cause at the October term 1913
I will on the dtli day of April
1914 at the court house door in
Benton Polk county Tennessee
offer for sale for cash in hand,
to the highest bidder, the fol
lowing described property to
wit: Situated in the 10th civil
district vS p0n county Teunes-
and'known M ,i;
brjck buildinr 0
see, in the town or Lioppernin
ho J. L. Collector
on Taccoeo street
near the skating rink. Will sell
said property to satisfy a judg
meot and mechanic's lien decreed
n said cause, and the costs o.'
said cause. Feb. 28th, 1914
A. J, Williams, $ !
through which tne reopie 01 i ne ucuniy in iuuu. w.in wm.v.
Gordon, your flunkey after last
weeks' deliverance says that the
controversy is over. If honesty
or reason had possessed your
order to your carpet-bag three
weeks' residence secretary of
your executive committee, as
typo for your Yellow Jacket, the
matter could end, but when the
public coavicted liar that you
are asks the question "Have you
been accused of perjury by a
man of your own town?" ,lHave
you been accused of graft?"
which every old citizen knows
is false, an answer is necessary,
i because new people come to our
county every year who do not
know us neither do they kno w
you, Gordon. -
An honest answer is therefore
necessary: We deny that any
resident ever accused us off
perjury. A person who we had
accomodated by signing his note
came to us after we had , taken
steps to make him pay th note,
ineinnstt.ino- n.l much, hut befofft
0 --- V
he got to the accusing place
was fighting unfairly ,wjtt2, l
knife, heti-' fcp-d -ffei p desV
sistence; with our
'Phuf. nnrsnn has I
petition in bankruptcy and moVftFYank Bain et al ) county
ed to Wetmore.
If the charge of graft was true
you could secure an indictment
and conviction of us, because
every branch of the county goy-
ernment is in accord with your
political persuasion. The county
court is republican, and it selocts
the grand jurors, the petit jurors
and the tral jurors, and that
party elected and controls in a
measure the official action of our
Judge and Attorney General.
Every branch of the trial would
be ou your side. Every branch
of the government in a trial 'Tor
graft or perjury would be against
us, because we are a Democra.'
and a person who would plow a
bull for a living before we would
acknowledge you as a person
with whom decent people can
" You meddled in the matter, of
a bond wherein I "was made to
pay $ 250.00 in cash over an order
of the county court releasing tne
of prt of it, when no other per
son has paid such an amount,'
J because we are a Democrat. Yon
were strong enough in court to
have the bondsmen for the Ten
nessee Copper Company releas.
ed after Mr. Case had forfeited
his bond for failing to fill out a
tax schedule. You were on the
job when Mr. Ran wick's case
for the same offense was nolled
You were on the job when the
judge removed your 'disbarment
proceeding to the Ducktowu Uw
court. It was a case of an ira
moral nature, but you were on
the job when the judge allowed
yovr, motion 10 reuiQVQ it vb?H
no case waJ authorized for re
moval except cases of a criminal
civor commercial nature.
Thus, in all these cases, in
equalityof the law has been
procured oy the interest that
pay you for your' many multi
plicities of crookedness. And
nowi haying fully answered, we
are willing to close or to answer
Gordon, you are the whole ly
ing cheese the boss of the re
publican party, is why we
answer your lies at all.
Democratic Meeting.
;A meeting of the Democratic
Executive Committee of Polk
county is hereby called to meet
in the court house in Benton on
the first Monday of April next
for the purpose of-transacting
such business as may come be
fore it under, usage and law of
the party. .This March 24 1914.
: W. F. Russell, Chairman
R. B. Wilson, Secretary
ike The. News-Gazette.
-'-f--JL&6'4 Sale.-'
V credTs'ab Bain et al ) In the county
ately VfileHst. vs Vcourtof Polk
In obedience to a decree ren
dered in this cause at the March
1914 term of the county court of
Polk county Tenn., I will on the
6th day of April 1914, at the
court house door in Benton,
Tenn., at 1 o'clock p. m , in bar
of equity of redemption sell to
the highest and best bidder the
following described real estate
to wit: Two hundred and four
teen (214) acres more or less lo
cated in the 3rd civil district of
Polk county Tenn., and bounded
as follows to wit: On the east
by the lands of Garden and
Copeland, ou the iiorth by the
lands of Miller and Ocoee river,
on the south by the lands of
Hughes and on the west by the
lands .if Miller. Said real es
tate will be sold on a credit of
twelve and twenty-four months
except twenty-five per cent of
the purchase money will be re
quired on day of sale. Notes
with approved security will be
required and a lien retained on
said land until the purchase
money is fully paid. This March
2, 1914. T. O. Pack,
Clerk county court
Wm. Howard Haven,
Solicitor for comp't.
We, N. J. WiUon and R. B.
Wilson, executors of the last
will of S. H.t Wilson, will on the
6th day of April 1914 offer for
Hale and sell to the hisrhest bid
der for cash in hand, the follow
ing described property belonging
to the estate of said deceased,
to wit: 12jr shares of the stock
otjko Benton Banking Co., one
Florence wagon No. 2, and one
Baumstauk electric battery.
This March 18, 1914.
' R. B. Wilson
: N. J. Wilson
ecu tor, etc.
2: ByJ.D.Clemmek
Williamson's Diary.
Ball Alley and a Biter's
Alley and
Bill Teague and a deputy
sheriff named Harvey were play
ing on opposite sides, and got
into a dispute about a play in
the game. From disputing and
swearing they mixed in a fist,
and skull rough and tumble.
Teague was one of the hired
hand class of sturdy pioneers.
Long years afterward his neph
ew. Bill Teague, married Mary
Fagg, a widow with three chil
dren, George, Andy and Mary.
E. C. Dillingham attended
court at Benton last week.
Miss Blanche Higdon of near
this place spent Monday niarht
with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Ma
honey at Wetmore.
Mrs E. E. Smith spent a few
days last week with her sister
Mrs. J. C. Taylor near Reliance.
Bryan Higdon who Is attend
ing school at Benton visited
homefolks near this place part
of last week.
W.. H. Collins spent a few days
last week at Benton.
Non-Resident Notice.
Hiram Williams et al
s et al ) No. 589
V State of
et al j Tenn e s-
Jesse Johnson
see, chancery court of PolU
county. It appearing from the
allegation in complainant's bill
which is sworn to that Jesse
Johnson, Sarah Hansley and
husband Hanslev, Tempa
Gilbert and husband Gilbert
Randa Millsaps and husband
Millsaps, and other un
known heirs of Nancy Johnson
deceased, whose residences are
unknown; John Hilliard, Newt
Hilliard and the other unknown
heirs of George Hilliard decsas- j
ed, whose residences, are un-;
known; J. B. Hilliard and A. J.
Hilliard. residents of the state!
of Texas, John Hilliard Jr., Jake
Hilliard Jr., Sis Ledbetter and
husbind Charles Ledbetter, and
other unknown heirs of Jake
Hilliard deceased; Jesse Hilliard
Sallie Hilliard, Jim Hilliard,
Berry Hilliard, Columbus Hil
liard, Algie Hilliard and husband
whose name is unknown, all of
whom are non residents of the
state of Tennessf-e, Betsy Parker
whose residence is unknown.
Martha Carden, residence un
known, Celia Wilson and hus
band Tom Wilson, M. S. Dal'on
and husband M- L. Dalton, non
residents, John Wesley Williams
and Amy Williams, residents of
the state of Illinois, Alherta
Hutchins whose residence is un
known, and the unknown heirs
of John Hilliard deceased; all of
said defendants are supposed to
be non-residents of the state of
Tennessee so that the ordinary
process of law cannot be served
on them. It is therefore order
ed that publication bo made for
four -successive weeks In The
Polk County Hews-Gazette, a
uewspaper published in Polk
county, notifying said non-residents
to appear at the next term
of the chancery court' for
Her maiden name was Adams.
The wedding occured at John
Hodge's saw mill, where the
Four Mile branch comes through
the little mountain Bud Rollins
was one of the boys who saw
the wedding. Her and Bill
Teague's only child was Adeline
Bill Stinnett's first wife. She,
after Teague's death, married
Ben Freeman the witness who
in a trial about a stolen calf was
asked by the lawyer "What
gender was the calf?" answered
"Black and white spotted gen
der." She outlived her third
husdand, Ben Freeman.
(Continued next week)
county to be held at the court
house in Benton on the fourth
Monday of April 1914, and make
defense to said bill or the same
will be taken for confessed and
the cause set for hearing ex
parte as to them. This the 19th
day of March, 1914.
A. J. Williams, C. & M.
B. B. C. Witt, sol. for comp't.
Again we call the attention of
correspondents to this paper to
the fact that they must sign
their names to letters sent to us
for publication.
13, Ii.,C. WITT
Attorney at Law
Benton, Tenneaaee
If You
like to use cheap stationery and
pay high prices for it
for you to give us your orders.
We do first class printiug at
' reasonable prices.
County Directory.
Trustee, F. D. Copeland.
Sheriff, Albert Crumley.
' Superintendent of schools, W.
B. Rucker.
Register, J. E. Cook.
Circuit court meets the third
Mondays in March, July and
November. Sam C. Brown,
judge; T. W. Peace, Attorney
General; C. S. Harrison, clerk.
Ducktown Law court meets
fourth Mondays in March, July
and November. W. A. Woody,
Chancery court meets the 4-h
Mondays in April and October.
V. C. Allen, chancellor; A. J.
Williams, clerk and master.
Quarterly court, meets first .
Mondays in January, April, July
and October. . Quorum court
open3 first Monday in each
month J. H. Williamson, chm.
T. O. Pack, clerk.
'Church Directory
Presbyterian Rev. .1. E.
Rubinson, pastor, Preaching
second Sunday in each month.
Baptist Rev.W. H. Rymer,
pastor, Preaching first and
third Sundays in each month,
. Methodist Rev. A. M. Tom
liuson, pastor. Preaching the
fourth Sunday in ch cuoutd.

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