Newspaper Page Text
POLK COUNTY NEWS-GAZETTE. BENTON. TENNESSEE. I; p CAUGHT BY By MILDRED CAROLINE GOOD RIDGE. Doughnuts!" j Ned Travers sniffed the air dell- ! ciouely. smacked hie lips and peered through the trees towards a neat little farmhouse on the edge of the town. rYotn its kitchen there came a con stant odorous steam. It made Ned think of home and mother In its pat ent sujsgestivenesa of brown, crisp dough puffing up Into comely knobs Mid rings. Then he saw through an open window a dainty bustling young lady with tucked up sleeves and aproned and Ned thought of his sister. And then as the pretty maid set a fzreat earthen bowl in the window, jiJtd high with the creamy golden faked results of her labor, Ned caught full view of her winsome face. It pave his heart a warning thrill and then a twinge. Wherefore the latter? His pride answered promptly. Contrast brought it sudden blur to a manly longing beart. The picture before him was m sweet, so solacing that he would have liked to become a vital part of it. Of course the lovely face Influenced this particular sentiment. Ned was fairly down and out. Worse than that just at this especial moment fee was dust laden, travel worn, thirsty and hungry. He had but one posses sion of value with him, oddly out of i J iace for negotiation just nere aim xjow. This was his rather bulky out- j Jit for taking moving pictures. . Ned had been out for a month with & "movies" crew that had gone to , pieces for lack of capital. A lesFon j well learned at heart, he was return ing home, wlspr. though chastened. So he had little part in or claim loethe social or esthetic phases of life just at the present time. With a ' sigh, for he was a poet and a dreamer at heart, he started in tho direction of the near village. Just then, bow ever, the fair cook came out of the "it Will Work In Well In Some Good Movies' Story," He Told Himself. . house and went to the well near by. : An inverted goblet decorated the ; pump post. She drew it full of water with a healthy farm girl's will, drained it and returned to the houBe. The sight of the clear, sparkling water aggravated the thirst of the weary wayfarer. He boldly entered , the yard and took half a' dozen cool refreshing drafts. There was a rustic bench near at hand. He sat down to rest, appreciating the haven of peace about him. Then his glance fell upon the piled up heap of rich cookery set to cool on the window sill. "Wish I was a boy again," mur mured Ned. "It makes me think of the old happy days," and then he arose quickly from his careless atti tude of repose. Either the young lady was lonely or she had noted his ardent glance at the doughnuts. She came tripping towards him, a plate in her hand w ell loaded with the product of her labor. "I thought maybe you would be obliging enough to test my first at tempt at doughnuts," she said quaint ly. "I am hungry "enough," admitted Ned, in love with that bonny face twice as much as before. She stood near by as he devoured the firBt of her kindly offerings with a bright satisfied smile. "Well, what is the verdict." she challenged with teasing eyes. "More!" answered Ned gallantly. "This must be the original land of milk and honey." i was flustered, I feared I might have spoiled them," said Eva Dodge with a sigh of relief. "They will be spoiled quick enough if you are as liberal with others as my ne1f,"' he responded and then Miss Dodge told of a prospective barn dance with th? accompaniments of dough nuts, cider and chicken sandwiches. She po"lpd anon as she looked at the Hin and told of how her brother Alan should have reported two hours agone to help trim up the barn. "Suppose 1 try -o earn the most famous meal I have enjoyed in a year by acting as his aubstltute," suggested Ned. Thev were Iiko old acquaintances ' , ..i.., i..or.inR h nidi - I ERA ' witinn an uum, mu unr.n..f, ing up wreaths and festoons of shrubs and flowers. And Just as she had clapped hrr pretty pink palms in d ligtii at the- fi-neral tffect, brother Alan appeared- Nothing would do but that the stranger roust stay for the timing and for the night and when they Warned that Ned playe. the violin tfcey nere more insistent than ever. Ned felt as if he was leaving para dise as he departed from the Dodge home the next afternoon. He carried ith him a memory of his charming hostess that he knew would be ab:d- It was probably an hour later when he passed down a lane to notice a large barn building with emoke pour ing from its lower story. In trice the business instinct assailed him. Any odd or picturesque scene waa worth the money in the "movies." lie ran within the right focus and set hi machine going. Absorbed in getting it in correct operation, he looked lesa at the burning building than to tbe details of operation. "It will work in well in some goou 'movies- story," he told himself, and ran a full reel, taking In the gathering : crowd and the varied incidents of ex- clteinent In the episode, i A month later whtn the film was i produced. Ned chanced to see it. Then for the first lime he observed that its first scene showed a man in full view ifanlna- from a window near the door, . a burning piece of paper in his hand. "There was an incendiary, then," he I reflected, "just as 1 heard it hinted. I Ah. mel how all this brings back that j beautiful day in my lift pshaw: I i must forget that." : Hut Ned could not forget. Eva the name was on his lips in his dreams. That sweet face floated constantly j through his mind. He had secured nnd better work. He tould af- ford & wppk g vacatic,n. He resolved to see Eva, at. least once more. Ned reached the Dodge home to find It in a state of great commotion. All hands were anxious and troubled. Alan, the brother of Eva, had been accused of burning the barn Ned had caught with his camera. His pocket knife, it seemed, had been found near the structure. Then, too, Its ow ner had quarreled with him and did not like him. Alan claimed he had loaned his knife to a young fellow who worked for the owner of the barn, who had been beat en by the farmer in a quarrel and had afterward disappeared. Ned felt that he was going to be of tome use when he tot a description of the missing man. It tallied to the one shown in the fire film. Ned sent in the ritv for a duplicate. Half the ' town was at the motion picture play house the night it was nhown. Jiaii the town recognized the one figure in the foreground. "You have saved my brother from disgrace," spoke Eva warmly to Ned. "How can 1 shew my" appreciation?" "Some more of those wonderful doughnuts would be a grand reward." suggested Ned. smiling. And because her hand was just then resting wnam his own, he had the courage to tell Eva also how much he leved the mak er of those same famous doughnuts. And Eva blusbingly agreed to take the contract of supplying his favorite dainty for the reminder of their uiu tual lives. (Copyright, 11-H, ly W. a ci.i.p'inj MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAN Hsnda of Suraeon, Before Performing Operations, Are Washed in Most Thorough Manner. Most people attribute the immense- lv .fen-eased rate of mortality in cases of severe surgical operations to the increased skill of the profession, to their trratlv imcroved instruments, and the more skilful nursing which is retained in these days. But ice sur goon himcoif u-nnlfl tell you it io aimnst. all a matter o absolute .,i.,,ifnu ihe tact that nothing is l H illlilincn, ' . left undone to insure absolute tree rif.m from infection of any kind. This fact is emphasized by the extraordi- ..,. iumfi.uasliinc reflations which 1IC1I.1 ti"u ' are in force at the various ho ;,iD rvprvhrriv who is fvtn re- mote'.v connected with fan approach in oneration is supposed to tpend '0 minutes in tbe all-important proc ess of washing his bancs. For five minutes the surgeon washes his hands with toap and wa ter, and then titans his finger-nails. When he has done this he spends another five minutes doing it all oyer again. Hut this is but a preparation for a. third and far more drastic ab lution, for this time he must wash his hands In alcohol. Not content with this cleansing process, he must now put his hands through a process of sterilization by soaking them for at least five minutes In a wash of corro sive sublimate. By that time he may commence his duties, which mean life or death to some patient, with the sat isfactory feeling that he has done his best to approach bis task with clean hands. Family Secrets. A nian'with an uncanny mania for juggling with figures produced pencil and paper and commanded a friend to "put down the number of your living brothers. Multiply by two. Add three. Multiply the result by five. Add the number of living sisters. Multiply by ten. Add the number of dead broth ers and sisters. Subtract l&fi from the result." It was dor.t. "Now," he said .with a c unning smile, "the right-hand figure will be the number of deaths, the n.iddie iifure the number of living sister?, tt.d the 1 left-hand future the number, tf living brothers. And it as so. For Sprains, Strains or Lameness 5i Always Kmb i Bottle la your Stable HANFORD'O Balsam of Myrrh For Gull, Wire Cut. Lameneu, Strains, Bunches, Thrush. Old Sores, N;i Wounds. Foot Rot, Fistula. Bleedinsr, Etc Etc Mads Since 1846.. "SgSS Price 25c. All Dealers &SS&& The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE JT-lj LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable -act surely ana cently on the Carters liver. Cure ITTLE IVER PILLS. Biliousness, Head ache, npss. andlndieestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, SMALL rKii- Genuine must bear Signature THEY HAD T0BE "SEBENS" 'Bena's Method of Reasoning In Mat ter of Slippers Quite Plain-to Those Who Understand. liena was much excited over the prospects of camp meeting that was about to take place in her neighbor hood. Kor weeks she had been pre paring gay and gaudy feathers for the array, and now her outfit was com plete, save a pair of much desired pat ent leather slippers. She approached her mistress. "Mis- Kord." she said, "I Showauts to git a pair o' slipper's fo' de nieetin' commences, an' 1 ain't got a single cent lef." "What size do you wear, Bena? asked her mistress. "Mali right mimbah is fo'," she re plied, "but I has to weah sebens, cause fo'a hurts tai dat bad I jes' natcherly can't hardly walk."---Wom-an's Home Companion. ' j Still In Vogue. John Vincent Honeywell, the veter an life guard of Bar Harbor, was .talk ing about bathing suits. ''They tell me," said the wise old man, "that the girls '11 wear suits this summer to match the eyes." ' - He added with a chuckle: "Suits to catch the eyes ,'H stiU be popular, too." . . if Important to Nlotners Examine carefully every bottle or CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infnnt and children, and see tbat it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry lr Fletcher's Custom As Usual. Englishman The suffragettes sa luted the prime minister this morning- . - American- Did they fire 21 guns? Knglishman No; bouses Life. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and ail kinds of aches and pains Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Bums, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne. Price 25c Adv. A Mere Toy. Silas-That city fello follows bis vocation closely and yet he spends all of his time at play. He How does he manage that? Silas He leads a string orchestra. Cures Old Sores, Othsr Bamedies Won't Cure. Th wortt . no mrtttr of how lone sUndln. re eurtd by th wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter'. Antieeptle Heellnr OIL Pln nd Hel t the ieme time, tie, 50c, Sl.oo. The Superior Sex. One reason why man Is superior to woman is because a man always knows where he got his headache Cincinnati Enquirer. flow To Give) Quinine To Children FEBRILINB it the trade-mark nam flven to an liDprovwi Ouinlno- Tsatelaw Syrup, pleat ant to ttfco and doaa not ditturb tba ttomaeh. Cblldrao taka it nd never know il ia Onlnlne. Alto eepwiially adapted to ailnlia who cannot take ordinary Oninlna. Doet not naoaeete nor cana nerroueneat nor rinflnf In the bead. Try Il the nail time yoo need Quinine for any pur mac. Auk for -ounre original paekaf. The Dime FEBRILINB it blown in boicle. K centt. Natural History. "You can't hear a tree's bark." "You can't, but a dogwood." Haiti- e American. w XX XX V 1 1 f f I II! m m i mx 7 NO EXPERT WITNESS NEEDED Quit Evident Mr. Migga Was Rijht Whtn He Testified as to the Handwriting. 5 " I-ibel, Indeed!" Old Mirks repeated the words to himself dully and uncomprehending ly. a he tramped along to the court, where he was to appear as a witness in a local lib1 suit. Nervously he entered the witness box. Tbe fierce looking lawyer eed him calculatingly. -Do you swear," he atkf d, "that this is not your handwriting?" 1 don't think .' stammered Mice. "Now, be careful.' insinuated the lawyer. "Are you prepared to swear that this handwriting does not resem ble yours? "Yes," answered Miggs trembling. "You take your oath that this does not in any way resemble your hand writing?" solemnly queried the learned man. -Y-yes, sir." stammered the witness, now thoioughly frightened. "Well. then, prove it!" denounced the- lawyer triumphantly, as he thrust his brad toward the witness. This action woke the last spark of drooping courage In poor Miggs; and, thrusting forth his head, he yelled: " 'Cos I can't write'." The Tango in Church. Mother, like countless other moth ers, had been doing much tangoing and hesitation of late. She had taken dancing lessons. She practised the various steps at home with father. Lit tle Frances had heard much of the lingo that goes with the tango and the hesitation. She knew all of the phrases. A- few days ago Frances went to church with her mother. Fiances had not learned all of the ceremonials of the church, for, after (he mother knelt outside the pew, Frances looked up at her and whispered: "Mother, what did you do the dip for?"--Indianapolis News. ECZEMA PN CHILD'S FACE Marpleton, W. Va. "When'my little hnv was one year old he broke out in little fine pimples all over his face. At times they would dry up and get scaly and peel off, then they would break . out fresh again. He would scratch theni until his face would be raw. The eczema looked angry and ran . blood and corruption. His face was red and disfigured. He seemed restless and I had to be up with him the greater part of the nights. "I applied various remedies without result. He continued to break out with the eczema until I sent for some Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used them and the first application eased him. In ten days he was completely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Lizzie Moilo han. Jan. 2, 1314. . .. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Outspoken. Mrs. Smith's four sons made the life t ho niH f-ninred servant a burden. VI I"' v.. One day Uncle Andy was busy in the garden hoeing corn, and for half an I "hour Tom, the most nnscnievous oi quartet, had amused himself tnrowing clods of dirt at him.. At last Andy threw down his hoe and stamped In dignantly down to the house. "Miss Ella," he said, to the little cul prit's mother, "Ah jes' has to tell yu dat dat boy Tawm am de meanes' chile yu got an Ah tells you fo' yo' face and tells you behine ' back!" Absurd Comment. Theodore Dreiser, the realist, said of an idealist at the Players' club in New York: "The man's comments on life are ludicrous and absurd. They remind me of the old lady's comment on the work of the militant suffragettes. "After the suffragettes in Ixmdoii had slashed a Valesquez, a Bellini and a Gentile, the old lady said, with a kind of saintly expression: '"But, thank goodness, they're all old pictures that are being slashed.' ' Insatiate. S)le I notice that the suffragettes are getting after George V. He Yes. and when they -get him they wll not be satisfied until they have' the remaining four-fifths. ' Piles Cured in 6 f U Dy Your dr,il.t will refund money if PAZ 0 OINTMENT failt to cure ny eaue of Itehint. Wind. Bleedine or Prolrudin, Pile, in i to 4dr.. The firtt application ivet Bate and Real. 50c. But Not to Eminence. "Pa, what is a sheepskin?" "It's a diploma, and a diploma is a passport to the Ind of Work." Whenever You Need Oeneral Toaric Take Grove The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it !'" well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver Drives out Malaria. Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cent Fewer men are driven to drink by misfortune than are driven to mis fortune by drink. h 1 Indira 1 In !i mm ii inn ii 1 1 "" "" f ii in Tenn. Price) SI.OO RKNOVINE. And ; away. cooled, THE IN NO POSITION TO PREACH Stranger Lost the Confidence of Truth ful Fisherman When He Made His Inquiry. Representative Frank Clark, Rep resentative Howard of Georgia, and Superintendent George W. Hess of the botanic gardens, were having a fr'ondly argument at Washington. Howard," said, Clark. banw2v. "I just want to illustrate to you in a story how little you know about this. There is in my district iu Flor ida an attractive village named Cal lahan. -f" One day a strangely hiking along a road in the country near a creek Fan- a youth fishing. "Young man,' said the ministerial irtin; Individual, can you tell me the way to Callahan?' "Yes." replied the. boy, 'take the first road to your right.' "Instead of proceeding on h's jour ney, the stranger gazed intently at Ibf. i,0y a few moiients and said: 'My young friend. don't you know you are wasting your time in a vaj uiai is dreadful to contemplate? You are fishing, just fishing, when you ought to be a-studyin" of books to prepare yourself for life's struggle. My boy. you're sure on the road to perdition.' "Road to perdition?' replied the in dignant youth. What in blazes do you even know about roadsT ion turn i know the road to Callahan." Snakes Got His Roll. "I lost J325 trying to kill rattle snakes, and now I am going to walk back to my home in Brooklyn," ex plained a man about forty-five years old, who sajd he is Ezra Sellen. Sellen said he started for a walk from his boarding place, encountered a lot of rattlesnakes, killed some, fled from the others, waded a stream, and then missed his roll of bills. He said he had just money enough left to ride to this city and took the state roaa , out of town. Mld'djet own IN. Y.) IMs-v patch, to New Yorlt AVorld. No Use. When visiting the wounded men in a field hospital an army chaplain came to one poor fellow who was groaning pitifully. "Come, my poor fellow, bear the pain like a man," said the chaplain. "It's no use kicking against fate." "Bedad, sorr," murmured the suf ferer, "you're right, especially when, as in my case, they're the fate of an army mule." Works Itself. "How do you suppose this craze for motors comes to possess people "I guess It's automatic." 13 i s If ff nIEMORIES of the Old 1VJ1 South in Every Can of French Market Coffee The romance of the days of Andrew Jackson, of Henry Clay, of the picturesque pirate chief, LaFitte, and of the beautiful women and brave men of the old South, clings around every cup of delicious old French Market Coffee. Enjoying its unmatched aroma and wonderful soothing flavor in vokes the picture of the quaint stalls where belles and beau congregated after every festive occasion for the crowning pleasure of a good-night cup cf this most popular of all beverages. The French Market Coffee that you get from your grocer, in per- Maria k. van vienieiHna)iiviu "I feel your thirst slip If YouH finish refreshed, satisfied. IVbmU I'm ,naine M D I ' " Kickaann ccoift iiibalwt. COCA-COLA CO.Jf ATLANTA, CA. 52 Arrow tl I CKI-Cilk -I Law's Uncertainties. I "When yoi poke a toad," said bM Far:ner Hornbeck. philosophically.! "you can't tell which way he will, .tump, nor how far; an' it is jest about the same way with a jury." "That so?" returned young Jay Gieen. in a noncommittal wa. "Yep. For instance, in the cas of! Plunk Jarvis, who has jest been tried over at Kickyhasset courthouse fori . . 1 I , nullin' out brot.r-m-iaw wnin-i kers by the roots m a ngnt. ene juij) discharged Plunk an' fined his brother-; in-law 10 ceiitis, the regular price of a shave." Puck. No. SIX-SIXTY-SIX This is a prescription prepared es- peciaily for Malaria or Chills and! Fever. Five or Fix doses will dreaki nnv cbsp. ar if taken then as a tonio! - , the fever will not return. 25c- -Adv., Mole Trap the Best. The best way to exterminate the, ground mole is to use a mole. trap. A, good trap will probably he urcfiil: eventually. Tuscany of grape. cultivates l,48fi,r.r.t acres, Granulated Eyelids, O JT Eves inflamed by expo. v " v sure to Sun.DusI and Win H"7 u r r-i jr quicklyrclievedbyMurlne LVcS EyeRemedy.NoSmartiog, ""J just Eve Comfort. At: Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Ey Salvein Tubes 25c. For Book oi theEycrree ask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicagt LMlJl rLI rvlLlxrv trKt n km ail N. tit: Nnftt, elan, nr- cheap, lilts all lllltl. Mad H Dital, can't p( 1 1 or Up oier; will not loll or Injur any thlnf . uaraDt--d Tertt. Alldeslerorei evpresp paid for HAROLD BOHEBS. 160 DeKalb ., roolT, W. T, .1 .Shinoles. SDanish I tic EVERYTHING IN SHEET METAL BUILDING MATERIAL . BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUV Wt PAY 7 HE WKITt fOK CATAI PC Q Pfr II VOl' ARK LOOKING IOB AN EASY Hrr with iHst orders, BPt our "'"''', prpoBilion. ItAVIS KI'F.A KM I NT PEP8IV il M. HiRh (trail Kooila. Full bnx aarapl Allnnlli' iiirwlnic um Co., Baltlmorn. Mn. rvrt.oPF.niA and BFiAftTT" l7rr ;"n want I. Vn fre. itbT?t.lfc Send jour address. KOKI-TT to., JatlMarlik, Ha. 1-KKTH.K FARM I.AM1 near atatl-in, HO pr iiitp, $2 down, 40 minimi paynicn's tl'pt. I., Trinity Valley l nnd ompani-. Trinity, Tel. READERS of thla papar ilaalrlm to bny anrt hing &drr- tifctvl In It cotDDinK fib-mild IriRtRt upon bftTing wb tmvj aJtii lor. reiubios an yoiiuaii ur idiwiuu W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 31-1914. fectly-sealed packages, ia identical with the historic French blend served in tbe old French Market in New Orleans. ' Try it once and you'll agree there i is only one real old French Market Coffee only one coffee with a history. Roasted by our unique, hygienio process. French Market Mills (few Orleans Coffee Ce. U rrnprfete.); " MEW ORLEANS Mrewtleae We racommeod that fw makea French Market Coffee In your timet war. I If you find It too etronaj reduce queatttr' until etrertglh end flavor are aatiafactory.: French Market makee mora cupe of fe4 coffee to the pound than other bran Ha,' then by reducing your coffee bill. ()0Uj III t ; 1 i I til t 1 -A J II Your ! fluttering or weak, use