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YQU ARE ONLY REMEMBERED BY WHAT YOU HAVE DONE i i I n 1 V ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. PUBLISHED WEEKLY LIBERTY AIND JUSTICB TO ALL, 4- VOLUME 7 BENTON. POLK COUNTY, EAST TENNESSEE. THURSDAY SEPT. 3, 1014 NUMBER 39 ST ..." "I ft I , , v . .. i . . - .: "f"- -.. '.: .-J .... . ? ,, ,. i 9i ; - .i ; i J ,-' .. w , J v ' j-- f .J i - ri " 2, J -;-1 1 5-' 1 I , ' ; I ? - - t t . 1 . - S; . .-4" w.-, - ' r - . V':P ctipNAL Prayer oiee;ii'i,',a,t tbe.Pres- bytcriati K Wednesday chur 'Sunday s'ftilcU the Baptist andrstiyjiej'ian churches Sun : daytuorning. . f: , ; o ' - Last Sunday beinp: the fifth Sunday in the month, there H;were no preachinjr services here. Rev. W. H. Ryder will fill his regular appointment ai me Baptist church next Sunday morniYig. o Christian Endeavor meets at . the Presbyterian church Sunday night. o Bill "WitnberJy of Ocoee spent Sunday with relatives here. Several from here attended ' a Farmer's pienic at Ocoee last Saturday. Aii addition is being built to the residence on the Wilson farm occupied by Bob Wilson. ' Miss Sallie Barnes of Cleve land spent a few days recently with relatives and friends in - this vicinity. - Harle Edwards of Couasauga ' spent a day or two here recent ly. He expects to uttend.the High SchoolaUlyspJgain this yearn " Mr. '.and. Mrs. G. W. Shamblin returned last Sunday from a . visit to' relatives at Duclrjown and Arcbville. They were ac- . -companied on their visit by their grandson, Stuhlmau. Ex. Sen S'.. J. Parks and fnm ' ily, of Madiso'nville, spent Sun .' day visiting relatives here. Mr. Packs is now an editor, publish .ing both the Lul'olletto Press and Madisonvillo Tribune. The coustitutioil and by-laws of -die-Christ-inn Endeavor ko ciety were read by" Miss Sudie Clemtntr at last Sunday nights meeting. This. 'branch of the .' society will be re-oriranized next ''Sunday night, at-which time ' oflicera will bo efected, commit- .tees appointed, and an oppor tunity given for tho'so who wish (i ip'i the Endeavor, AND f SOCIAL. .j- There was a baptizing in."Cv:o e. river, near the mill, last Sun, da'v afternoon ...Two wor& bapia ed! :; Miss Barton Sweeny went to Ducktown and assumed her duties as assistant in the post office at that place last Satur- ay- . " " There will be a box supper at the Conasausa school Saturday night, September 5, proceeds to be used for the benifit of the school. , Messrs. Murphy and McAmis of the government extension department, have been in Benton for two dfiys of this week, as sisting in getting plans worked out for farm demonstration work in the county. Tom Lyle is preparing to move his barber shop to Cona sauga, owing to the fact that he could not find a suitable house here for his family. There is a good opening for a barber shop here now. Girl Drowns In Ocoee River. While in bathing with two oth er ladies Thursday Aug. 27th in the Ocoee river, near here, Miss Daisy Morris of Chattan ooga was drowned. The women none of whom could swim, were wading in the river, when Miss Morris suddenly stepped in a hole. Her companions were un able to extend any assistance. The body ws recovered in an hour and was shipped to Chat tanooga Friday for interment. Miss Morris, who is an orphan, was here with her brother on a visit to Mra. Crox. Card of Thanks. I want to express my sincere thanks to tho people of Benton who so faithfully rendered their assistance and sympathy when I lost my darling sister in Ocooe river, August 27. Albert E. Moukis. Eiist Chattanooga, Tenn. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATING SOCIETIES .,,, , , 1 hh " Vai wiiiDeinwestirximffcj ',S--ill8ni ii SHF Du'.'.nn Starts IqndaJ As the Polk County High "at Benton opens for regular duty next Monday, there will be evi dent much diversity of major interest in the student affairs among its members. There wiU be the direct duties of the class room to which many so ardently apply themselves as hardly t. be aware of the things going on around them. There will be t he lovers of the light sport of tennis who like to give lightning cuts or return them so swiftly that his opponent will doubt his own eyes. Football, oaseoaii anu track will be warm competitors for promiuent places in student affairs, but perhaps the student activity in which most pupils ensage with the most pleasure and profit, is the literary so ciety. ' . Athletic people point with pride to the football captains who have since become captains of modern industry and who are enriching our commonwealth with the fruits of their initiative and energy. But many are the executive financiers, congress men, educators and statesmeu' who look back with pride to the day when the literary society hall was made abunde.ntly aware of their youthful attempts at oratory. The ability to stand before an audience and force fully make clear your proposi tion is a busiupsi as well as a social asset and should be ac quired by every student who not only expects to be a leader but who expects to be a product ive citizen in the community. It is therefore a matter of congratulation that the students of the Polk Count y High School so busily engage themselves for the first few days in securing new tnombars and getting them down to work. There are two 1 societies in tho school, Bentonian for boys and Eureka for girls. Lit year tlx girls claimed they lu W':id and t hat it only if)ol'c a visit to their meetings to i show that the young women not only had more interest in this phase of activity but ability as well. But the boys retort with J)ride that fir two years in suc cession they have not on iy taken the Brewer mpdal in declamation but lust year they took the cash prize given by Col. Copeland. The "competition and spirit is fiiendly, but there will be much enthusiasm as the opening meet ings are hp Id. I At the upper left hand corner of this page we print a photo of the Eureka Literary Society. The one at the bottom of the page is the Bentonian Society. Both are pictures of the mem bers of the societies during the school year 1913-14. NEW OFFICIALS : ARE SWORN IN Tuesday two Changes are" Made in Co.'s " ; -Affairs. in Tu esday September the first all of the officers elected at Ut Ugusi election were quaii- f&'S for Their ensuing terms. bf the s "N-l J that It COu B i ggs succeed sA 1 ber t Cr u m 1 ey as sheriff and j. H. Center- suc ceeds T- O.v Pack as county court clerk. Richard Baxter was appointed deputy sheriff at Isabella. P. D Biggins 'Was appointed deputy sheriff and assistant jailer at Benton. The remainder of the deputy sheriffs were not ap pointed, as all applicants are worthy of thorough consider ation and it could not be done jn one day. Love Has a Limit. She told me to fly and I Hew; She told me to lie and I lew; For suffrage she told me to vote "My dear, you've gotten my goat Not I! I'll bo durned if I . dew!" Author Unknown. mww wwww wwww w www ww wm wwnrmnr g CLEMMER'S COLUIV11NS. S B V J D . CliEMMER 12 iiiuiiiUiaiaiaiUiUiUiiuuiiiiaiUiUiaiaiiiiaiUiiiiiuaiu Summy Schools The fact that this school has been called Summy's for over fifty years is a tribute to the prominence of Solomon Summy who lived nearby. He was one of the commissioners to lay off Polk county, and after its or ganization was a member of the county court. Solomon Summy was chair man of the county court four terms: 1843184?, 1848 and 1850. In 1852 hf resigned us justice of the peace "in order that the 'bquires may be better distrib uted over the district." He and Wm. Hk'gins, neighbors, were, with W. C. Reynolds of the Brankinehip place,' west of the Ocoee, Lhe J. P.'s. The Summy school house never was on Summy's land, but his house was the nearest one to the different sites after the first one. When the log house whs moved across the Summy branch about 1864, John ft Ulemmer Helped move me and Reynolds was rommhpps 1 so far as we' now know. The peach orchard of the Indian, Beaver Toter, with his log cabin on the little knoll, was about 100 yards westward, and is now just south of the pike road. In 18t37 John C. Williamson set out new peach trees in this same orchard, and several of the peach trees he set are still there that is, the roots and stumps with new trees growing from them. In one place there are four of them in n. row. with cedars and other forest growth from one to two i feet in thickness between them and the other peach rows Peach trees yet bearing, nearly fifty years after planting! .But it is possible that in some rich spots, protected by rodi pile, peach trees planted by the In dians are yet bearing fruit. One extremely large one on the - - i r:.., . w1- - ,- - ' ' " - i , I r ' -t . - ' . , '- ,-;.-. . , - ' , I ( i "v. '".,'.' V'" , : r.X - "' , , ., . C 1 1 t - ' w k. ,.-,,. - - , - x ' .1 .? , 1 .-'. V i . , . I :. , v. ; -i- " " I 1 i ' Has kins farm above Parksille planted by the Indians before 1838, was still beariug a few years before the power dam lake flooded farms from mountain to mountain. In the north corner of the Beaver Toter peach orchard the Bible boys, brothers of Mrs. Sue Williamson, burnt a brick kiln before the civil war. In the house built by them south ward, now used by Mr. Moore house as a barn, James H. Bible was born. He died a few days before Gov. Robt. L.Taylor was to ugpoint him United States Senator from Tennessee. Recently, in company with part of ray family and W. H. Williamson, we drove along the newly graded pike that goes wesrwirdly past the Dougherty school site, then past Beaver To;er's cabin site, then abovu" the Rock Creek box-house school site, then between the rock crusher and the old Summy res-' idence, then crossed the Summy branch about 200 yards below the Suopmy school rock quarry site: uiilhe steep littJe hillside', midst hi. dr 'not m't'aiulnj ny i .V" f tH nouse; ivery.. most before we ;.kuew N it ilrovd ctfuirrltf intn Mr RAvnnlds" varri1. a long mile before we were expecting to. There we found his family and those of Ann Orewse, Edgar Reynolds and other neighbors, soon joined by J.! L. and-Mollis "Taylor md daughter After the watermelon patch was espoited of some sack fulls, we returned. ' "fOnntinued next week.) . A demonstration for, the bene- . fit of the girls' tomato clubs, ot the county was given on th pub lic Square . Friday morning - by Miss Sarah Doney, in charge of the work in the county. A large number of. girls were present and were interested- observers of the best methods of pulling' up tomatoes, corn and beans.