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YOU ARE ONLY REMEMBERED BY WHAT YOU HAVE DONE G'azedfc LIBERTY AISD JUSTICE TO ALL ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Tb? Mfk (fBiurtv Mews- . - - NUMBER 44 "VOLUME? BENTON, POLK COUNTY, EAST TENNESSEE, THURSDAY OCT. 8 1914 ILuke Felzer, Earnest Orri Mwuacon .wwrmdn uufcW - BBC Witt Secretary right smart now. A LillardComr Cintnmant nf fllO f 'nnfl'i t inn Of tllP BENTON BANKING COMPANY located at Benton, Teon., at the close of business Sept. 12, 1914. RESOURCES: T ni na and Disfnil ntS $(53,402.29 Overdrafts ($1,866.17 on Certificates of Deposit; 12,314.36 temporary) T Banking House Furniture aud fixtures Other Real Estate Actual Cash on hand.. 4.246.12 2.403.09 - 2673.90 "" . none "1847714 h ,rn Inn Dfrnun en 3784.76 5631.90 F.YPhantrpc for Clearing House . smu.. D,vrA Qsl-i.rO WurrnntA Z-40.00 Vide! kJVyiiwi ' ' f - Total. ..$78662.30 lO.Odu 00 2243.09 LIABILITIES Capitol Stock paid in 25" . Undivided profits less Expenses and taxes paid ..oUbJ Individual deposits subject to check 17398.73 Cashier's check 46 95 Time certificates of deposit 1 8Wi.J- Notes and bills payable -.- UUier uauiuiieo uncwun "-"'o i-aauo on rpotal OOOJ.dU On s"epriTl2Th"Tash"ed pike warrants and their pay checks to the amount of $2486.93. ' State of Tennessee, Polk County. I J D Clemmer, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly ' swear that the above statement is true, and gives the actual con dition of said bank as shown by the books on file in said bank-, uituuu j. D. Clemmer. cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this mi. day of Sept. 1914. B. B. C. Witt. NntaryPablic. Correct Attest; Walter M. Harrissn, B. F; . McClary , J H. Moods; directors. , i.-.-?Sv.S3.'S. vS? ;-Z7 tZr VS7 L,..,,..LJ PERSONAL AND SOCIAL " Prayer meeting at the Pres byterian church Wednesday night ' . o Sunday school at the Baptist and Presbyterian churches Sun day morning -o State of Tennessee, Chancery Court of Polk .Couniy. G. L. Aderhold vs. Florence It appearing from the allegat ions in complainant's bill which is sworn to that Florence Ader hold is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that the , fo of I ordinary process of law can not Christ an Endeavor meets at ! "ru,UitI-y v . . . ... j hf served uuon her. It is order- the Presbyterian cuurcn ounu ;; ',.atini night. o W. F. I pay 25 cents for eggs. Russell. Little Ralph Copeland the in fant son of Mr. and Mrs It M Copeland died Thursday even ing and was intered Wednesday afternoon by the side of his lit tle brother Stanley who preced ed him just a few days before to the great beyund where the pure in heart shall live for ever This sad calling takes two of three children of Mr Mrs Cope lund and they have the sym pathy of the y eoplein this their sad bereavement. Dollar watches at Russell's Store. Non-Resident Notice, State of Tennessee, chancery court of Polk county. E. Williamson vs Minnie Williamson It appearing from tho allega tions In complainant's bill which is sworn to that Minnie William son is a non-resident of the state of Tennessee, so that the ordi nary process of law caunot be served upon her. It is ordered that publication he made for four consecutive weeks in The Polk County News-Gazette, a newspaper published 'in Polk county, notifying said non-resident to appear at the next Octo ber rules of said court to be held at the court house in Ben ton on the first Monday in October next, the same bHng a rule day of said court, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed and th rtuisrt set for hearing ex pitrte iis to her. 27, 1914 ed that publication be made in the Polk County News-Gazette, anew-paper publishod in Polk County, for four consecut ive weeks, notifying said non resident to appear at the next term of the Chancery Court for Polk County to be held at the Conrt house in Benton on the fourth Monday of October 1914, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for con fessed and the cause set for hearing exparte as to her. This Sept. 4, 1914. A. J. Williamson, C. & M. Lillard & Todd sol. for complt. John Fannin vs Mollie Fan in j ! nin ) State of Tenn., Polk county chancery court. It appearing from the allega tions in complainant's bill which is sworn to that Mollie Fannin is a non-resident of the state of Tennessee, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on her. It is ordered that pub lication be made for four con secutive weeks in The Polk County News-Gazette, a news paper published in Polk county notifying said non resident to appear at the next September rules of said court to be held at t.h court house in Benton on the first Monday in September next the same being a rule day rf said court, and make defense to snid bill or the same will be ta ken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte as. to her. Tills July 8th, 1914. A.. J. WILLIAMS. Clerk and Master. J. S. Shamblin, Sol'r. for com't. justly indebted to the plaintiff and is a non resident of th state so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, and an original attachment having been levied on his property and returned to me, It is therefore ordered that publication be made in The Polk County News Gazette, a newspaper published in the town of Benton, Tenn., for four consecutive weeks, com manding the said Geo. W. Jones to appear before me at my office in Benton, Tenu., on the 22 day of August 1914 and make defense to silid suit, or it will be pro ceeded with ex parte. Jas. H. Williamson, justice of the Peace. This July 22, 1914. Arnold & Waterhouse j vs r Geo. W, Jones ) Before Jas. H Williamson, jus tice of the peace of Polk Co. In this cause it appears by affidavit that the defendant Geo. W. Jones is justly indebted to the plaintiff and is a non resi dent of the state so that the. or dinary process of law cannot be served upon him, and an origi nal attachment having , been levied on his property and re turned to me,1 it is therefore ordered that publication be made in The Polk Coulity fcW-' Gazette, u newspaper published in the town of Benton, Tenn., for four consecutive weeks com manding the said Geo. W. Jones to appear before, me at my office in Benton, Tenn., on the 29 day of August 1914 and make de fense to said suil or it will be proceeded with ex parte. , Jas. H. Williamson, J, P. This August 5, 1914. Luke Fetzer, Earnest Orr clerks. 3rd dist. Fetzerton Sam Bain returning officer: B J Wooten, W M Dill, J R Nice judges; Julian Parks, Straley Goodner, clerks. 4th dist. Luke Martin returning officer; L M Biggins, W U McEntyre, Dug Hedrick judges; C C Dunn, J B Park, clerks, oth dist. D B O'Neal returning officer; George Watson, J A Beckler, James Taylor, judges; S H O' Neal, J B Goforth, clerks. 6th dist. Hugh Lea returning officer; E L Thompson, James 3urchficld, Lige Bracke t, judges; S L Higdon, Luthar Press wood,- clerks 7th dist J W England return ing officer; P J Farner, John Barnett; Mannel -Nich'olson, judges; - Robinson, Sam Rose clerks., . 8th' .dist. R L Kirkpatrick, re inw officer; P F Morgan, J L Sappington, W S Maughan, judge; M H Campbell, Abh Kel ly clerks; Jess Anderson, W A Taylor, Regr.; John Rollins, marker; w H Graham, watcher. 9th dist. Joe SuaTiblin return- ioffioer; J L Rymer, R Dunn, A. 4 , - vti ' wilnoxen. icdffes. R L Jsr. jas. Parker, clerk. , fulbltfst. Copper hill Luther Franklin returning officer; Servilla. Rev. S. R. Brock preached an excellent sermon here lart Sun day. Mrs. Emmaline Ghee and Birth y Leatherwood are visiting in this community this week. Mrs. W. N, Morgan is visiting in Etowah this week. R. B. Hammon has bought a People are rushing to get their syrup made before winter. Tom Crow is a great wild cat hunter. He has caught several last week near here and destroy ed their nests. W. N. Morgan. Advertised Letters Mrs. Bill Webb Mr. Hay Wallace Mr. Hock Nunnally v Sept. Statement of the condition of the BANK OF CONASAUGA located at Conasauga, Tennessee, at tho close of business 12,19H' RESOURCES Loans and discounts 2ie'31 Overdrafts r qq'qq Bonds and Stocks, 463!90 Manning nouse ...... . TT1.. .... : ft n A TTI v I 11 i'4-i r UllllVUic auu x- i"uv qj Anmai ocVi r.r hand yy4.UU 1698.28 Due from Banks and bankers Exchanges Other resources Total ; (on demand) 8198.28 917.33 4. 10109,71 543.01 ""137635. 3 W. J Ocoee Pressing Club Opened Oct. 1, 1914. ALL WORK GUARANTEED LADIES' WORK DONE NEATLY. Owner and Operator, John C. Prince Parris, ling- Tippett A?ee D C McCay clerks. . lOih Grassy Creek. Dan Beok; lfSt urning officer. F M Lock Jj!lack Jas. Dalton judges; VY,Y'Stillwell John Hyde clerks. lUh dist. John Hicks return ing officer; Ludlo Davis, J G Hoodjas. Williams judges; Jim Hickj and Newt Carden clerks. This the 7th day of October 1914. .10,000.00 LIABILITIES: 0:-l C,l, vni1 !n If.O'.'U.UU wapnai ua- raw " nr. nn Surplus Fund.......... 2,500.00 Undivided profi's less expenses and taxes Pa Individual Deposits subject to Check ...... 10,655.& Cashier's Checks.. . J' -recertified Checks .. ; Total Demand Deposits . :.. -- ; Total Deposits J :u 1 .-II ;t! .rMTT Total .. .r-f:r State of Tennessee, County of Polk: ' ' . I John F. Gilbert, Vice President of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and gives the actual condition of said bank as shown by the books on file in Raid baDk' John F. Gilbert, Vice President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22 day of Sept., 1914. H. T. Giles, Notary Pub'ic. Correct Attest: J. F. Park, Luke Ross, Directors. Laachman ) Refore J. II. vs Willi a in son, Geo. W.Jones j justice of the TliU A 11 enst 1 npiirc. of Polk cduntv. In this v ...... .-.-ri j , - ---- - ' j A. J. Williams, C & M 'cause it appears by uffidavit that ( turning offica Election Officers. - By virtue of the power vested in u.4 by law, we the under signed Election Commissioners for Polk county, Tennessee, will canse to be opened and held an electioa, on Tuesday the 3rd dfvy of Nov. 1914, at" the regular voting precincts in each of civil districts of said county, as hereinafter shown, for the purpose of electing Governor, a Railroad Commissioner, a member of Congress, a Senator for the counties of Km;, Loud on, Monroe and Polk, and a Floterial Representative for the counties (4 Bradley, James and Poly, said election will be hjfcld in accordance with law, and we hereby appoint the' following officers and jndges and clerks and ot her officers to hold said eU-ction, lstdiit E A Clark returning officer; Georgn Harbison, T T Jenkins and V A Garrett judges; Gus Jenkins and Osco Pr.ce, clerks' 2nn dist, W W Kirksey return ing officer; Gus Biggs, Squire Gilliland, K D Bonds judges; John LilUrd. N A White clerks; 3rd dist. Tom 1: E L Princr, h 5 VERY SIMPLE AW. WHAT'S THAT COT TO OO WITH PROHIBITION ? l! ioit. .i.v. ........ ...w,...-, - rr- - - - ! . Jeff A. Eleddun, 30I. for comt. the defendant. Geo. Jontsf is LUoward, John Clayton judges; "The reason why the state has had but little money to pay on the bonded debt during my two administrations is very simple. The state funds had been expended for other purposes," Hooper's Memphis Speech. ' .:.;;. ......