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THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 7, 1964 > Erwin Social Happenings Mrs. Purcell Had Club Open House Mrs. E. O. Purcell held her an nual open house for the Woman’s Club at her home recently. Mrs. Purcell and Mrs. E. L. Dear born, president of the Woman's Club, received in the living room, which was lovely with its trimmings of blue and silver and seasonal greenery throughout. Mrs. John Whitman directed the guests to the den and Mrs. Coy Norris re ceived in the den. In the dining room a white linen cloth covered the table which was centered with a sliver candelabra with green tapers. Miss Ruby Se well presided at the silver coffee servioe and Mrs. Woymon Byrd served ribbon and pinwheel sand wiches along with cheese biscuits, fruit cake, nuts and mints. Seasonal greenery, with red ber ries was the theme in the den, and candlelight prevailed here too. About thirty-five members called during the evening. Quinn's of Dunn INVITES YOU TO ENJOY WNCT Greenville CHANNEL 9 OVER ZENITH TV JusHisten for tfie Silver-Click ...You don’t have toluMa yj you merely oOlfiCT the station you want! is it Sr The gyl™ ’ COVENTRY 21" Picture Wm (246 square inches) Hm Big value in a b g JM screen console. Clos* Bgjpp.,. yVj&x'* sic CCJ hinet of genuine mahogany veneers Bll§l f and select Hardwoods. Sec it! Model K2258R-3 EASY TI.KMS ,j (lndudtt c *d tie 7n«, -on year 'vb« <?J. do/ parti warrant/) No dial twirling, no picture chasing with Zenith TV! Just turn one knob—hear the ''Silver-Click”—and ', there’s your station! Eleven wonderful "Silver Fingers’* within yotir Zenith TV instantly and automatically adjust all controls to bring you picture and sound perfectly synchronized, brilliantly clear. Watch as long as you like—or switch from cliannel f to channel —no further adjustment is needed. And what a pleasure it is to watch TV programs on a Zenith! For the picture—with its WHITER white,' I BLACKER black, and sharper detail—has a vivid realism that seems to take you "there.” Come in today . . . teal-view a Zenith! ENGINEERED TO RECEIVE UHF STATIONS! QUINN’S OF DUNN, INC. Your Exclusive Zenith Dealer New Location on Dunn - Erw J n Highway Dunn, N. C. Parents Entertain For Proffits Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomas Jr„ received about two hundred guests on Friday evening from 8 to 10 o’clock when they held open house for their daughter and her hus-'- band. Mr. and Mrs. W R. Profflt, before their return to the Univer sity of North Carolina on Sunday. The guests were received in the den by Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Thomas who introduced them to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Proffit, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Proffit, parents of the groom. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Adair Jr., received in the living room and Emily Grant Thomas and Martha Ann Thomas directed the guests to the dining room. Mrs. Fred Thomas presided at the coffee service and Mrs. Flora Holt and her daughter, Bessie, presided over the table. Mrs. F. M. Davis of Lumberton served the bridal cakes and guests help ed themselves to delicious chicken salad puffs, cheese biscuits and nuts. Long leaf pine and other green ery was the theme for Mrs. Thom as’ den and living room, along with beautiful white carnations on the desk and on the server in the din ing room. The table with its white linen cloth was centered with an outstanding arrangement of a sil ver candelabra with each white taper resting individually in a crys tal epergnette filled with frosted fern and white carnations. Goodbyes were, said to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cathey of Dunn. STUDENT NIGHT The Methodist Church held its Student Recognition Night for their college students while they were home over the holidays. Bernard Petty, son of Reverend and Mrs. D. A. Petty and a student at Em ory University brought the' ser mon. Hoyt Fowler had charge of the entire program, including Bet ty Wrenn Stancil. METHODISTS MEET The Commission on Membership and Evangelism of the Methodist Church met at the home of Rever end and Mrs. D. A. Petty recently to make plans for the church Loy alty Crusade to be put on in all Methodist Churches this year in the North Carolina Conference. Mr. Marvin West is the out going chairman of the Commission and Mr. Bob Pate Jr., was elected as the in-coming chairman. Miss Dorothy Norris was appointed Sec retary. Coffee Hour Feted Mrs. Ray Lupoid Mrs. G. L Elderbaum was hos tess at a coffee hour for Mrs. Ray Lupoid on Saturday afternoon at 4:00. Mrs. Lupoid, formerly a res ident of Erwin, now lives in Blacks burg. Virginia and was a visitor here during tlje holidays. Red berries and greenery decor ated the living and dining rooms. Mrs. Lupoid was presented a love ly gift of jewelry by the hostess and Coca Colas, lady fingers, nuts, cheese sandwiches, and fruit cake were served to Mrs. Lupoid. Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Mrs. E. O. Davis, Mrs. Byrcn Stevens. Mrs. Forest Maxwell. Miss Frances Worrell, Mrs. Orestes Ennis, Mrs. Gordon Ennis, Mrs. J. L. Bishop. Mrs. Wanda Har . ringten. Mrs. Gilbert Woodworth Jr. | Mrs. Aaron Holmes. Miss Cleo Blackmon and Mrs. Roy Cameron. Co-Hostesses Honor Mrs. W. R. Proffit Mrs. W. R. Proffit. the former Miss Sara Thomas, was the guest of honor at a Come and Sit Tea given by Miss Bessie Holt and Miss Margaret Cathey at Miss Holt’s home on Saturday it 3:30 p. m. White chrysanthemums and white candles formed the centerpiece on the lace covered table. Seasonal greenery was predominant in the living room. Mrs. Proffit w'as pre sented a white chrysanthemum cor sage and a gift from each hos tess. Hot fruit punch, brownies, cheese straws, chicken salad sandwiches and cashew nuts were served to Mrs. Proflit. Mrs. E. R. Thomas Jr. Miss Elladean Johnson. Miss Betty Wrenn Stancil, Miss Margar et Raiford, Miss Dot Norris, Miss Peggy Turlington, Miss Emily Grant Thomas, Miss Martha Ann Thomas, Mrs. Robert Strickland and Mrs. J. R. Cathey of Dunn and Mrs. Flora Holt. Advent Group Had New Year's Party The Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission Society of the Advent Christian Church held its New Year’s Party on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. No vell Suggs. The men of the church are honorary members of the so ciety and took part in the cele bration with them. The living room was decorated with holly, giving it a seasonal touch. The meeting was opened with the singtng of “Spirit of the Living God Falls Fresh on Me” Mrs. E. W. Williams gave the scrip ture which was followed by a short business session. Two Bible quiz programs constituted the enter tainment after which chicken salad sandwiches. Japanese fruit cake, ritz, soft drinks end coffee were | served to Dcnald Suggs, Mr. and! Mrs. R. B. Best, Mr. and Mrs., Herbert Byrd, Mrs. D. E. Ennis, I WAIT! WATCH PAPERS Listen To Your Radio For The Greatest Sale On Fine Merchan dise For Men and Women In jibe History Os Dunn and Vic inity. WILLIFORD DEPT. STORE ORDERED SOLD! m DAILY ITCCORD, DUNN, N. O. Jaycees Elect Man Os Year The Young Man of 1953 has been selected and will be recognized at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner, Woody Myers, Jaycees’ pub licity chairman said today. The name of the person will not be announced until the award is made. Selection of the Young Man of the Year is being sponsored this year for the first time by the local Junior Chamber of Commerce. While the project is new to Dunn, the idea has been sponsored by the State Jaycees for some years. Myers said today that two of North Carolina’s Young Men of the Year were in the top 10 of the nation last year. The young man selected here will be presented with a key and certi ficate of recognition, it was stated. Selection of the honoree was made by a committee of five outstand ing men of Dunn with Myers ser ving on the committee with them. Myers stated today that some 20 to 25 persons were named by the judges. Missionary To Speak in Coats Miss Bertha Smith, at present a missionary to Formosa and former ly to China, under the Southern Baptist Mission Board, will speak at both the morning and evening services at Coats Baptist Church on Sunday. January 10. Miss Smith’s home is in Cowpens, S. C. and she is now on furlough and will return to Formosa in the near future. A social hour will be held in the basement of the church at the cfose of the evening’s service for those who would like to meet Miss Smith. The public is cordially invited to attend the services. SHY SANTA ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. lU>) A former minor league baseball umpire in business here now refus ed to let his name be placed in the city telephone directory because of bitter Christmas-time experiences in other cities. His name: John H. Santa. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lee. Kay and A. F. Jr., Mrs. E. W. Williams and Iris. Mrs. L. E. Price and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shephard. Mr. Marion Ennis and his fiancee, Miss Eleanor Cover, returned to Andrews, N. C„ after spending a few days here with his parents. Miss Janet Ennis and Miss Em ily Graham returned to Woman’s College in Greensboro cn Sunday. Miss Bessie Holt returned to \ Greensboro College on Sunday, j Miss Frances Worrell visited here I with Mr. and Mrs. George Connor over the weekend. Miss Barbara Woodworth, a sen ior at Duke, who has been spend ing the holidays with her parents, returned to school Sunday. Star! Your Savings At , ; COMMERCIAL BANK , Dunn, N C. Wake Up To More Comfort Without Nagging Backache Nauginp backache, loss of pop and energy, headaches and dizziness may lie due to slow down of kidney function. Doctors say Rood Kidney function is very important to Rood health. When some everyday condition, such as stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks suffer naR- Rinß bnekache-fcel miserable, Minor blad der irritations due to cold or wro*R diet may cause Rettinß up nights or frequent passaßes. Don t neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pllls-a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. It’s amazinß how many times Doan s give happy relief from these discom forts-hclpthelomilesofkidneytnhes and fil ters flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills today! COWI V —. Mfm £HwM Isa I Fray Benios WJJ CORNED BEEF—- 40c Oricar.e - Horse Meat iunnyfield °Z F r‘ CORN FLAKES -- - s 23< Can Ivv California Sliced or Halves IONA PEACHES-- 27= Lge. ORp Giant CQa Strongheort DOG FOOD -- - 2 19: V-TISCO Burry's Old Fashion ***» SUGAR COOKIES 19= Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti * -17 c Aim Page Elbow Macaroni 19c lona Tomato Juice 2 8E 23s Lang’s Sweet Mixed Pickles -35 c Wilson’s Vienna Sausage 15c Pe! Monte Sliced Pineapple 37c White House Evap. Milk - - - 3 s 37c Campbells Beef Noodle Or Chicken Soup - - •"£2* 17c Braswell Pear Preserves c& 35c Marcal Paper Napkins K 10c Jiffy Biscuit Mix - - - - “S' 29c Ftcial Soap . Personal Size Woodbury ,vor y So °P ! ,vor y F,akes Ivory Soap 3is 25c 2 ss, 25c i & 28c 5c L BKn£j|mpa|MHHHapa|UHßß||iaa|a|B I A& P Apple tAnn Page Red Beans Ann Page Mm CcIHS sr-Ms-Vts; s:i° nd ™ CHOICE Con 10c Tomato Soup 2 -23c 0 Pik-l-Banell Ann Page Vegetarian Boston Style or Beans with Pork - - l,st 23c | Qj|| Pickles 55c led lean 2 s. 23s KSm 2 = 23c Mixed Pickles 21c ; A&P’s Own Magazine January Issue _ __ _ woman’s day 7c (j r t$ sb. bao 39c Nabisco Oysterettes - z 19c a 33c Sugar 10 lbs. 79c Krcy’s In Brown Gravy Krcj’s In Brown'Gravy _ SLICED BEEF . SLICED PORK C hr AQf n. • !«■«. 53- J IDS. *l7l can WVU Can VVll Cut-Rite Wax Jane barker Special Devil’s Food ' , " Paper 125 ft. 25c I*''' ■ i A I ' AC Reynold’s Wrap Layer Cake - - **■ 25c Aluminum Foil 27c J&nc Ffirkfif Pecan Rolls 33c e. Broad st. T pfTtliliffWfffffflSy lane Parker Enriched y White Bread - •ts 14c Dunn ' N - c v— ....... ........................ lUcse I rices Llteclive Thru bat., Jan 9th j Smooth Well Shaped Sweet fyp§ Potatoes - - -10 c ''i Firm Solid Heads Old j : j ©gif* Cabbage - - » 3%c Young And Tender Fresh Green Beans 17c II Firm Golden in Cello Bags Crisp Carrots - - —2sc Big Juicy Size 54's 6t's Grapefruit - - -- 4 » 27c I'hr Unusual In Oranges Very Sweet Temple Oranges - - -10 c U S. No. 1 White A Real Value! Potatoes 50 a s l lO ii PAGE FIVE