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THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 7, 1954 CLASSIFIED I RATES This Size Type . . . word 24 Word Minimum 50c Same Ad 3 Times Only SI.OO This Size Type . . 3c word 3 Times Only $1.25 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Comfortable furnished heated bedroom for 1 or two. Adjoining bath. Continuous hot and cold water. Phone 2689 after 6 p. m. Bob Wagstaff, 318 E. Cumberland St. . l-5-3t-c | FOR RENT: Three room du plex. All modern conven iences. Three nice large rooms. 1105 W. Broad St. Phone 3491. l-6-3tc FOR SALE: Pepper plants, tomato, eggplants. Grown in Florida. Delivered in Clin-, Lon. Harold Marshburn, “The Plant Man,” Clinton, N. C. 218 Stewart Ave., phone 2907. Booking orders now. t ’ FOR RENT: Extra nice 4 or 5 room apartment, available January 15. Good location. Newly, painted. Insulated. 40 gallon electric water heater, circulating neat, low heat ing cost. Plenty of closet space. Hardwood floors. Ve netian blinds. Large cool air circulator for summer. * 'Kitchen and dinette fur ■* riished if desired with G. E. refrigerator, large electric stove, wafile iron, toaster, coffee maker, exhaust fan in kitchen at no extra cost. All connections ready for wash ing machine Private front and back entrances. Tele phone already installed. Large front and back yard. Good neighbors. Permanent Center View DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY LAST TIME TODAY The Pride Os St. Louis starring DAN DAILEY JOANNE DRII Cartoon FRIDAY ONLY JOHNNY WEISMULLER as “JUNGLE JIM" in Savage Mutiny Peerless Theatre Erwin, N. C. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JAMES CAGNEY ISAKBARA HALE in Lion Is In The Street Added Attraction* STEWART Today A Friday | LLOYD NOLAN ELROY HIRSCII (in Crcizylegs rn The Stewart and Dunn Theatres extend a cordial invitation to | IS Mr and Mrs. Sam Clark to be our guest at any one of the above V K shows. I’lcase IRESENT ißr l' SfmUt COUSEUMIN RALEIGH Ni,w, 1:30; F.IJ, M.H. 3 SO; S.i. M«. 210 | IB /: JP AHB WILLIAM NIAL REYNOLDS COLISEUM CUM*. t-1. MM. J—.J..QJ RALIIGH, N. C. MohAHi Sot. Nit* J*n. # O ■ mW '£ o*h Mo*. Nit* J«*. II ..Q-« IP J c»<!•»•<! •• 5 <»' tKketl 9* Tu*. Nit* J*». 12 “ R In.J WaJ Mtta Jan II n a I VI M .... USD 11.00...- |t.M I’ M T*U,. Nil. M». 14 .S | J n... - ~~ r— -** •*** ” :S i I /.„ SUM EMaaNa... y - ■ the S«t* H*t«ra «* Y**» Ticket* N**i« Include Ut #o* Put*** **4 HwHtj | psm mm mm mm mm mm .mm ob mm mm wma mm wm mm mm rm (renter given extra consider- I ation.' Call 2439 from 3 to 7 | p. m. 1-5-ts-c FOR RENT: 9 - room house 2 miles from Erwin, 4 miles from Dunn. Electric lights and running water. See H. P. Johnson at H. P. Johnson Oil Co. Phones 2134 and 2135. 1-MWF-tfn-c FOR RENT: 5-room upstairs apartment with bath, pri vate entrance, wired for electric stove, hot and cold running water. Very reason able rent. Contact E. Baer at E. Baer and Sons Store. I 1-6-MWF-tfn-c FOR RENT: 3 - room apart ment in brick house. Private entrance, back and front; private bath and hardwood floors; hot water heater, wired for electric stove; re cently painted. Call Mrs. V. , B. Henry, 607 E. Pearsall St., Dunn. Phone 3467. -7-tfn-c FOR RENT: Nice 4 room house with city water just off Erwin Highway one mile from Dunn. Wired for range. Call 2427. Frank Avery, Rt. 1, Erwin. l-7-3tp FOR RENT: Three room a partment at 503 E. Broad St. Electric water heater. Wired for electric stove. Call 2070. l-7-3t-p WANTED ATTENTION HOME OWNERS , Do you need repairs on your home or barns? And do not . have the money. Let us help you finance your repairs or , additions. Up to 36 months to pay. See us today. Pope and Mixon Building Sup . plies., Dunn, N. C. 12-11-tfnc WANTED: ONE OR TWO ROOMS for housekeeping or small apartment at once. For information call 9395. l-6-3tp WANTED: Waitress: Will not accept applications by telephone. Must apply in person at The Soda Shop, Dunn. l-6-3t-c SPECIAL NOTICES LOOK—NEED CASH? We’ll lend you money on your ap nliances or furniture. SE CURITY LOAN CORP., cor ner Fayetteville and Cum berland Streets, Dunn. 1-29-tfnc FOR HOME REPAIRS, re modeling and general build ing see Ellis Godwin, experi- STAR-VUE DRIVE-IN BENSON, N. C. HIGHWAY 301 NORTH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY RORY CALHOUN in Powder River News and Color Cartoon DUNN Today & Friday FRED MacMURRAY IIARDARA STANWYCK in The Moonlighter -U-N-D-A-Y 1 ROBERT TAYLOR in Quo Vadis 1 (Regular Admission) enced builder, Dial 3755, 1271 E. Pope St., Dunn. 12-30-9tc MORTGAGE LOANS on city property and farm lands, up to 14 years terms. Dunn Insurance and Realty Co. Phones 2712 or 2171. Lucknow Square. Auto Finance -AUTO LOANS —REFINANCING— • Reduce Your Present r Payments \ _ . Money in 10 Minutes - MOTOR CREDIT CO. V 4 DUNN, kC. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED WHILE YOU WAIT Income tax days are here again. I am ready to pre pare your returns for you as I have done in the past years. My office is now lo cated in the Professional Building directly over Dr. Eldredge’s office here in Dunn. Open day and night Phone 2097. Charles Lee Guy, Jr. l-5-st-c Tor sale TOR best result* with aefi farm animals, WAYNE FEED Is the product for you to buy. You will find a com plete line of WAYNE FEED it FARMER’S SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: 63 acres farm— approximately 20 in culti vation. 2 acre tobacco allot ment. Four room dwelling. New tobacco barn with burner. Feed and pack barn. Three room filling station. Located on hard surface road. Good location. Priced $4,500. SI,OOO down. Fight years balance. JOHNSON AND NORRIS, Coats, N. C. Phone 3724 or 2287. ] 12-16-tfnc FOR "SALE: 1942 Interna tional truck, 1 */ 2 -2 ton Stake body newly painted. In excellent condition. Low mileage. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Can be seen at Mr. Charlie Williams’ home near school building, Coats, N. G. Telephone 9234. l-6-3tp FOR SALE: 5 - room house; lot 75 X 150. Floor furnace, built-in cabinets, hot water heater, garden space. Con tact Mack Black, 905 W. Harnett St., Dunn. 1-6-tfn-c FOR SALE: 8 - room house in desirable residential dis trict. Large lot, 100 X 150, with fruit trees and garden space! Two baths, hardwood floors, hot water, glassed-in side porch, insulated. Near high school, hospital, city pool and park. Contact Mack Black, 905 W. Harnett St., Dunn. 1-6-tfn-c FOR SALE: Good used ran ges- Easy terms. Enterprise Gat and Appliance Co. S. Clinton Ave. Phone 4363. Dunn, N. C. 2-10-T TH F SYLVANIA TELEVISION sales and installation. Big gest TV stock in town Pur die’s, Inc., Dunn, N. C. 9-8-T. Th.-ts-c SAVE ! Esso Oil - Gas Wholesale Prices on U. S. Royal Tires Batteries, used tires. FACTORY METHOD U. S. ROYAL RE CAPPING . . . CAR LOAD OF DUN LOP TIRES ON OR DER. WILL HAVE SPECIAL PRICES. DUNN-ERWIN W. B. Warren, Owner THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. U. I Pullorun clean baby chicks. I New Hampshires, Parmenta ! reds. White Rocks, Barred Rocks and leghorns. Hatches each Monday and Thursday. We sex them on oruers. Dunn Hatchery. 5-13 mwftfc FOR SALE: We are buying pecans of all varieties and any amount. For top prices, bring us your pecans. Par ker Seed & Feed Co., Dunn. 12-28-MWF-tfc FOR SALE: 6 room brick heuse with automatic floor furnace, hot water heater, hardwood floors, 7 closets, heating hall and utility room. Lot 160 ft. front, 150 depth. $12,500. 901 S. Elm Ave. Day phone, 3855, night, 2863. l-7-st-p FOR SALE One Colt 25 cal. Automatic Pistol. One Colt 45 cal. Automatic Pistol. One jerman lugar Automat ic Pistol. One Colt 32 cal. Revolver. 2 Smith Sr. Wesson revolvers 38 cal. Special police. All in good condition Johnson Plateing Works 700 N. Orange Avenue P. O. Box 724 Dunn, N. C. ■ 1-7-It-p LOST LOST: Man’s 21 jewel Elgin wrist watch, gold band. Con tact Walter McNeil, Mayn ard’s Lake on other side of Erwin. l-5-3t-c Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Pursuant to an Order of private sale entered by the Cleric of the Superior Court cf Harnett County. IN RE: DOUGALD McRAE, GUAR DIAN OF DONALD L. WEST, IN COMPETENT, notice is hereby giv en that the undersigned guardian will accept bids any time prior to January 9, 1954, for acne-third in terest in the following described tract of land: BEGINNING at a lightwood stake with oak pointers corner with Dou gald Mcßae and Walter Lee John son and runs thence witli line of Dougald Mcßae and passing his corner with Sanders line North 13 deg. 30 min. East 802 feet to coi ner with J. R. West and Mrs. San ders. and Leslie .Matthews: thence with line of Leslie Matthews about with the road North 70 deg. 30 min. West 742 feet to new corner in read, with two persimmon trees pointers; thence new' line surveyed Dec. 12, 1953 South 15 deg. West 970 feet to new corner in me of Walter Lee Johnson. ;p'ne oak pointers; thence line of Walter Lee Johnson South 85 deg. East 720 feet to the BEGINNING containing 14.75 acres, more or less, according to survey made Dec. 12, 1953. The undersigned guardian has a bona fide bid in the sum of $200.00 nlus cost and expenses incident to the sale of said land and any per son or persons desiring to increase said bid may do so by depositing with the undersigned oi with the Clerk of the Superior Court the amount of 525.00 or more. This the 29th day of December, 1953. DOUGALD McRAE. Guardian of Donald L. West, Incompetent. lan. 1,7 BI UE CROSS HOSPITAL INSURANCE i E Blue - X - Pro* ? | Mrs. H. A. Eldridge DUNN, n. c. DODGE PLYMOUTH Naylor-Dickey Fayetteville Hwy. Dunn . . , 't-r DICK TPACY 'IHHHHpWfIHB r weVe got W ~1 r the report shows the ["this puts vou in the clear. 'how is what do i news about B M oun was registered in I uncle kincaid. vou can . SAMF MvOU THINK?| THE GUN.' HANG Rfy-, jM YOUR EX-WIFEfe NAME. TMEV |T RELAX. / .oc: * ONTO VOUR HAT-P 1/ EVEN TRACED THE PURCHASE / N HOPALONG CASSIDY 1 : ' SNUrr i jiYiiiri i. ■ ZTZ MOLD ON THAR, W] VEP- - I'LL PASS \ f I DON'T Ti-IK “< I GOT TH' ENTR^f\ Se SMIF’LESS SKONK- $ ON IT, COUSIN- \ HE'S GOT A BLftMK FER TH'MULE GOT lo n ?cT ftV 1T " 1 TELL TH' VARMINT J UPSIDE-DOWIJ LIL ABNER By AL LAPP - mu-f IL f/TdAkiKS mR-oUc'i.* Y' PSS7 r -/~ TA'Cy TAKcA V / I’M 97 O "'LISF "V ' T MO'"HOP ST, \f BUT, f ru'-'YJ* ; i WAKING US, PORTER.?- ) CAA/'TAFFORD HAM BR/MNS.THE /, WmONtb S *IQQCG ywi THEBE'S THE HOB' IV £ 10,000 AT THE SMMEHf ] SfECAUST!' W3O HE '' PEP PI [ EiETCH MICKEY MOUSE '' . ’. I ( 1 TanP YOUK MODERN ART j VVELI X'NBVffR I __ L. SEAUTIPUL COLLECTION! .. r OP CAKE FOSS <—K M-SS BLONDIE " " ~ ' . \s; 7~l\ H ’ i jl ■< H- y NOTH INS. D£AR.-rj I Mr C* i? / r (h 1 JUST YNONDEfien ) ’P H hHT H .-T_H NANCY - By ERNIE BUSHMILLER ( J F £LL YOU SAVED HIM I OWES ME A a f through V mi ' y S QUARTER BRINCmU UP FMHER ■j. 1 Aid'll C nE'L.IT^eE~ N ) f pi I m VvrT S- /T\l 1 mJSStej I d mm . . ■ # PAGE SEVEN