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PAGE EIGHT Roundup (Coattnued from mi one) Recorder’s Court here. IN TOWN Jack Riley, director of public relations for Carolina Power and Light, was in Dunn last night at a meeting of the district Men’s Brotherhood of the Chris tian Church. Riley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Riley of W. Harnett. Hotcher & Skinner Funeral Home ESTABLISHED IN 1«12 AMBULANCE SERVICE ehone 2447 Dunn. N. C. ■■■MaMßMunßMMMßHMMpnawitiuriTW~iririfiruiiiii'rrriHpiiii'Ti»"~iir'"nr"' inn— S ORDER ROW! A PAIR \\ A SPARE ! mail the coupon from any bag of Colonial's fine coffcos and 91*00 and 'll receive three (“Pair-'N-A-Spare”) 60-gauge, 15-denier Diana first lily, full-fashioned Nylon Hosiery. Yon may order as asany as yon like! t l»e «ure to enclose coupon from auy of these coffees with each M Pair»*N> pare" order. Mild and Mellom Kith VmU Bodied SILVER LABEL GOLD LABEL REGULAR 1-LB OA REGULAR HI. AO ' OR DRIP BAG gP7C OR DRIP BAG 7gC HOTEL AND MONTI CELLO RESTAURANT Blend COFFEE BAG 9QC CAN 93c IN EVERY f BAG OF COLONIAL" 8 A \ QUALITY-CONTROLLED COFFEES! J Redgale Alaskan fM a ' l J j * I I PINK . “ d" c j SALMON _ Luter's Jamestown Brand — Tray-Packed Sliced -43 c BACON “• 59c DELICIOUS SERVED WITH BACON BEDCATE GOLDEN CREAM vm ■■ mmmumanaa ans CORN 2 SLICED BEEF LIVER « 29* IDEAL FOR SPAGHETTI OR CHILI Fils' 2 ■ 25* FRESH GROUND REEF - 35* BEANS 2 29* JIFFY STEAKS • 89* tissue 2 - 27* FLOUNDER FILLET - 57* Spaghetti » 10* CHUCK ROAST i I————Heavy Western T A ] Natur-Tender A A SAV-A-TAPE SHEET VALUES Budget Beef LB J7 c j U. S. Cholx. “■ TIT* j DAN RIVER OR MOHAWK DAN RIVER OR MOHAWK 11 “ 1 Double Bed sheeu single Bed sheet. Natur-Tender Choice Fryer Pieces: Save SI.BB Save $1.48 BREAST TENDER WHITE MEAT 18. 79c No. 447. She 81.108', No. *4B. Size 72.108’, m m I Uair— THIGHS tender meatt u. 7s, . ** "■r....* 4Jw ...rr.!rJ DRUMSTICKS MEATT * 65* CBBV «• oa I WINGS ideal rou aaaam rut «. 29* Sa KY SHORTENING TIN 1 DISHWASHING IS EASIER WITH _ BREEZE & 30* Wfnmd2M H CS NATURAL OR SWEETENED flw MM MM noH. JUICE - 29* | C IC c CS CRUSHED HAWAIIAN ■ 1 llf I 1 L Pineapple « 27* v ™ v CARNATION EVAPORATED ENRICHED ' ■ mm *M TALL Mg% FANCY SWEET JUICY FLORIDA MIIK 3 " 40c ORANGES 5 - 29* Redeate, with Tomato Sauce LARGE CRISP TENDER PASCAL PORK & CELERY 2-25* n MM tni u. s. NO. 1 WHITE BEANS POTATOES 10-29* _ EXTRA LARGE CRISP HEADS s 10c LETTUCE 2 29* Lk. BESIDE EFIRD'S IN ERWIN Church Brotherhood Holds Meeting Here Approximately 100 men represen ting brotherhoods in 14 churches of Mill Creek District Church at tended a meeting at Hood Memorial Christian Church here last night. I Carl G. Conner, news editor of j The Daily Record, spoke to the I ■ | group on the topic "Biblical Inga- I thering." He pointed out In the I talk that the ingathering of the ; Jews to Israel "is as much a sign |cf the time as the gathering of ! the animals for the ark in Noah’s | time.” Conner traced the history of the | Jewish people from the time of I their expulsion from Spain in 1492 \ until present times. During the in ! gathering from 1948 until today, the Jewish population of Israel has i swelled from approximately 500.000 jto over 1,700,000, Conner pointed j out. William "Tittle” Tart, local Bro- I l iWs D4ITT KFrOSTL DUNN, N- O. therhood president, presented Dr. George Outhrell, pastor of the Dunn Church, who Introduced Conner. Tart also opened the meeting, welcoming the men to Dunn. Dur ing the program, Eugene Huggins sang “The Holy City,” and J. V. Baps, James Britt, Huggins and Marvin Beasley, were present In two quartet numbers. SANDERS ELECTED Following the program, A. W. Griffin, Goldsboro, chairman of a nominating committee to select new officers, presided over a business session. New officers elected by ac clamation were, D. W. Sanders, president, Raleigh; Roy Konn, vice president, Goldsboro; Tommy Har rall secretary, Dunn; and Pete Sellers. SmithfleM, was rejected treasurer. Several) reports acre presented on the work of the State Brother hood, and the secretary was re quested to send a Card to the out. going president, TRlmadge Britt, Mount Olive, who is sick. The fried chicken dinner was ser ved by the Women's Fellowship of the local church. Holy Cross Cage Team In Doing Fine This Year WORCESTER, Mass. W lt was about a year ago and a vibrant Holy Cross freshman basketball team was busily annihilating one of its 18 victims in an unbeaten season. "Give ’em until next February to get adjusted" mused varsity Coach LeSter H. Buster Sheary. his face a-grin. “They should helo make us a pretty fair team.” Folks in the “heart of the com monwealth” think Sheary. some times called a “part-time” coach, was peeking into a crystal ball. Be cause those fresh flashes have pro vided both regulars and a “bench” that finds the Crusaders Sugar Bowl champions and unbeaten in eight games. The city saluted the team Tues day night after It returned home from a triumphant trek through Dixie. Mayor James D. O'Brien and #OO other fans jammed a hotel ballroom for a three-hour recep tion. CHEERS FOR ALL Every man came in for cheers but they were sepecially loud fo r Co-Capt. Togo Palazzi, 6-4 senior main spring of the club and prob able All-American. Despite his 210- pounds. Palazzi has the grace of a swan and is an expert at every phase of the game-including de fense. But ft's no one-man team. Sopho mores Tommy Heinsohn at 6-7 and Joe Liebler at 6-4, along with Co-Capt. Ronnie Perry and junior Frank Hasprizak make it a well meshed unit. Backed by a solid bench they have swept through Tufts, Massachusetts, Boston Uni versity, Colgate. New York Univer sity, DePaul, Louisiana State and Alabama. Only against Alabama were the Crusaders really pressed. Perry scoring a lay-up in the final two seconds to bring a 70-68 vic tory. "Perry is the brains of our ball club,” said Sheary, whose Crusad er teams boast 118 victories against 27 defeats. "He sets us up. settles us over the humps and gives us that clutch baket.” Sheary. who also supervises an athletic program in the city's pub lic schools, has been coaching Holy Cros* six years. THREE IN CHAMPIONSHIP Three of his teams have played in the NCAA championships and one in the National Invitation Tourney. But this is the one he thinks may be his best. "This is strictly a big, happy family with Palazzi the guy with the boarding house reach,” said Sheary. "Actually we don’t have a truly set starting team. We can reach down to our 10th or 11th man and give him the assignment when the strategy calls for a certain spe ialty. /CSV W ’54 BUICK \ m “The 1 4 Beautiful M ON DISPLAY FRIDAY, JANUARY BTH AT STRICKLAND MOTOR CO. E. Edgerton St. Dunn, N. C. News Shorts LONDON OP The year’s first big tide swept against lowland sea walls today but North Sea gales subsided,, sparing the. European coast from floods like those that killed nearly 2.000 persons a year ago. NEW YORK (W The Armv announced today that all Signal Corps electronic and aviation ac tivities at Ft. Monmouth, N. J., will be moved to a newly activated electronics proving ground at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. WASHINGTON W* Formtr Hawalin Gov. Ingrain Stainback said today that Hawaii’s economy is controlled by Harry Bridges' longshoremen union which in turn is run by men who “absolutely follow the Communist line.” > Stainback, once an ardent advo cate of statehood for the Pacific territory, testified before the Sen ate Interior Committee. CAIRO, Egypt itfl The plump Aga Khan is eating lightly these days even though every ounce he loses will be worth Its weight in platinum soon. The 78-year-old Moslem spiritual leader will leave for Pakistan at the end of this month to climb into a special chair scale and receive—at least symboli piatinum. Dear Customer, If Your Tractor Or Equipment Is In Need Os Repairs You Will Be Wise To Contact Mr. Salley At Johnson Cot ton Co., For A Date To Have It Done Before The Spring Rush. As You Know, It Is Impos sible To Service Every one At The Same Time. Make Your Date Now. Ready To Go When You Are Ready. Any Repair To Any Make Os Tractor. We Specialize In Welding, Magneto, Have Your Equipment Carburator And All Electrical Work. JOHNSON Cotton Co. Phone 3116 Dunn, N. C. PHONE 3395 FOR SERVICE PHONE 3116 FOR YOUR NEW TRACTOR St EQUIP MENT. ' THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 7, 1554 ANOTHER GREAT SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE OF FINE LINGERIE Again we have been fortunate enough to make a special purchase of the irregulars of a fine national ly advertised line of lingerie. 30% To 40% 8-E-D-l-e-T-l-O-11-S Come Early - Our Summer Purchase Was Sold Out In Just A Few Days!! One of our salesladies was delighted to get a gown for $3.95 that was like one she bought a few years ago for $12.95 at another store. ( "MARKED IRREGULARS" but most of it looks like "FIRSTS" LADIES COATS were $44.50 now $34.50 were $39.95 now $29.95 were $14.95 now $9.66 were $10.95 now $7.66 LADIES SUITS were $44.95 now $39.95 were $39.95 now $26.66 were $19.95 v now $10.66 were $10.95 now $7.66 LADIES BETTER DRESSES were $19.95 now $12.95 were $16.95 now $10.95 were $14.95 now $8.95 were $12.95 now $7.95 were $10.95 now $6.95 ONE RACK LADIES’ DRESSES $8.95 values now $5.66 EXTRA SPECIAL ONE RACK OF SMALL SIZE DRESSES values to $16.95 now $4.66 ONE RACK LADIES’ COTTON DRESSES regular $5.95 now $3.76 ONE TABLE LADIES HATS 50c ALL LADIES HATS DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRINCE'S DEPT. STORE