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TNI DETROIT TIMiS Nov. 1944 16-C Ovation For Krcisler Bt charle* gentry A STANDING ovation bv a complete rapacity audience, both before and after hi* performance ua* the Ihrilling welcome Detroit gave beloved Frit? Krcisler. the master violinist, when he ap peared as soloist with the Detroit Symphony last night in Masonic Auditorium. Seldom have we seen a demon* v? iat ion so spontaneous, and none more deserved. For krcisler, the leonine virtu oso. gave a performance of such compelling power of the greatest of all violin concertos, the Bee thoven D-major, that it overpow ered every listener. Few of the people in that packed auditorium last night had ever heard Krcisler plrv with an orchestra. Always he has ap peared here in recital, so that it was a particularly important oc casion. although we were not pre pared for quite such a magnifi cent one. FINE PERFORMANCE With such dignity and finished artistry did he plav the exalted measures of this great work that one could not help hut feel the nobility of its utterance. Krcisler has entirely overcomei any ill-effects he suffered from his accident and is in perfect com mand of his instrument. Those who came perhaps fear ful of failing powers had them; doubts dispelled with the opening passage for the violin in that won derful first movement; those who may have been timid about view ing the crumbling remains of once beautiful structure, found a per-' feet edifice of tone in that soaring soprano in thd second movement and those who might have won dered if the pace might have slowed down, could hanily keep up witji the facility and deftness; of the technical wonders of that ! last movement. MELODIC LINE Right in keeping with the broad melodic line and intellectual per- j formance of the concerto. tn ; which Karl Kreuger and the or chestra gave tremendous support.! was the orchestra's graceful and harmonious reading of Reetho- ‘ ven's "Pastoral,” which Krueger directed with great simplicity and. quipt strength. For such an evening of great: music, it would have seemed more fitting to choose an overture other than Rossini’s "La Cencrentola.” hut that’s what served as an I opener, although It sounded very much like hand organ music, com- j jvired to what followed. Detroiters to See Robots on Screen VI, THE new' British Ministry of Information short, was released in tl)e United States yesterday by the War Activities Committee. It Is the first photographic report on the robot bomb. un « om TONIGHT AT S .Ml BARGAIN MATINKEM TOMORROW * LIFE WITH 4 FATHER Hew York's Great**! I LAUGH HIT! i.m. *2. si T// Rst*. "4 *•». I.M. $i Plua 30% M.-.I To* i :e.“ sun. eve. *?:• Oirocf from Broadway tun I jPh A hums imioii n DUNHAM \ fUVUt 4 \ a MUSICAL Ml AT WAV! Comoo«» of 40 • r.*T« NOW ON Ml K / r.Sr.MM.ff 3. M1, SIM. 1 .Ml, 1.00 Wl.O M %T. « AA \ SAT. MAT. AIX BUTS I .UU > I Ml. 100 ilui 20r-,* Fndnral Toi rSpj j*g4S&\ Jeanette MacDONALD Sunday, November 19 mor.ll A M VrNOiLtSOHN o.*rr„-. f!n«ali C»«* " MINCS; iymphan, it 0 Minor BOllftOD TO* Inn Olltl Am*— Ron** irt DfIUIST: Yh, #r • f OUX oriiris i*i mim «• r*«i* NCMCSf tor niiiaomy «<••• *l*. ' Jb 1 v^'S3 A M B ‘eft *b- *Ss 'V'w r : Mjyi /%. '. Hill ip HP- ' *; >-' x *• / •: ’ i t Katherine Dunham brings her “Tropica! Revue” to the Theater for a week beginning Sunday night. Film Slur Learns Male* Is Woiiihlcil HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 17 (INS) Marsha Hunt, \JCIM film star, was torn between relief and worry today. After not hearing for several weeks from her husband, Cap*. Jerry Hopper of the U S. Signal Corps, she learned he was wounded in the le£ and shoulder Oct. 17 during operations in the Philippines. ff 1 ™ | LAST 9 DAYS America's Top Comedy orANNENICNOU With a N.Y. Cast o( Faroriles EVENING* tl 20. 11 30. *2 tTa« lar I AST., sue. MATS All S*ati SI < Pin* Tail LAST TIMES TODAY Lana Horn*, Cab Calloway, Fats Wallar In “Stormy Waathor" EAST SIDE THEATRE 2717 Gratiot cor. Grandy OPEN 12 NOON CONTINUOUS MASONIC AUDITORIUM TONIGHT—B:3O O'CLOCK NINO BIOU MARTINI-SAYAO Tickets *3.00. *2 40. sl*o. *l2O GRINN F.LL'S, TE 2-7100 AIIIPIII COLUMBIA STARTS TODAY ljlP|Kßfljl AND DOORS OPEN VI Ilk If Iff WOODWARD 11:45 A.M. A Great Russian Film Achievement! “THE RAINBOW” No “Soft Peace” for the Germans! Symbol of Doom for the Nazis! Symbol of Hope for the World! Extra! “57,000 Nazis in Moscow” i I 1 PRICES I too Included l • Sundav Nov 1 $ I 20- M AO. Thursday. Nov. 23—^Ot-93.60. BOX OFFICES: Grinn*!!', »t ISIS Woodward Avrnur i and Good Houanknapma Shop in Gannral Motor* Btdg | DETROIT SYMPHONY TROPICAL TREAT KERSTIN THORBORG » HARDESTY JOHNSON I Thursday, November 23 »i.*no tmctH ml ymnwh l CllflOl 1(8! \ » % /A Im RAY HUTTOH JUm J \ JiCUVlflj J \ wutw NEiiEm y Tiwt, i m iiiiuiiiiaii ?. as COST. I IV W. l» I \. M. —T.mUj Nnt. >1:«llnr«* A I urtoon* K»lr» Nut. 4 Nun.—Open* 11 A. M. \AJ 11 CAM KVES. AT N:.38 VYILjUIi MATS. NAT. A NLN. TOLANDA MERO IRION present* JAN KIEPURA- Tha Original Nt« Opera Company Production MERRYWIDOW ~ti. WILMA SPENCE Dwd hr FELIX BRENTANO oma FROM A YtAR ON BIOADWA* SEATS NOW FOR ENTIRE 2 WEEKS Pn>«r I till S.6OJ 00-2 40-I.BU-1.2b i lai riILCS, . yoo-2 in i *o-i <m. Starting: Sunday. Dcorgp Mc- Manus, rr'bator of Jigg* and Maggie, brings you SNOOK- I'MS, a brand new color comic. In The Detroit Sunday Times. PROGRAM || WAT.NFR Proludr lanmarl*-'. (( \ SCHOENBERG. Thrm* and li Variation, /. BRITTFN: Srrrr art* Or It, PR*HMS Haydn Vdnatinn, PftMtSONBFRr.rH; S»rdi»l» \\ iad Ann, )) !i AASt.STPOFM Pan U SIOFf.RFN I*, flv*r mit gift. '( IONSSON tlnrtar t,»,,«rr, <( i I PF F T HOVE at o**r«nr* trnnr, <( 550 to Sing Messiah 7 WAYNE UNIVERSITY S fif teenth annual production of Han dels "Messiah’’ will he sung this year by 550 voices, the largest chorus ever assembled for this an nual event it was announced today by Harold H. Taliman, asso ciate professor <>( music. The group will he composed of 3R5 voices from the Alumni Chorus. 65 from the A Cappella Choir and 100 fmm the University Chorus. The University’s 60-piece symphony orchestra will play the orchestral score "This huge chorus,” said Tail man, “is made possible hy the tremendous Increase in the size of our ulumnl singing group. When the Alumni Chorus was organized in 1 H.XB It had 40 members; today’s rosier totals .HH.V This growth is proof enough to me that people, after they leave school, really want to con tinue group singing.” Performances will he presented on Tuesday. Dec. 12. and Wednes day. I>ec. 13, in Masonic Audi torium. T.,. Lb■ r. 1 Mike the Screen’s o/ -J Most Lovable Musical * MARIA MONTEZ ’' \VjCiyipißfvL TURHAN BEY 1 JACK OAKIE Lou se ALLBRITTON vLv . Smmm Fotltr • Frank McHugh * Ana Btyth • Domld C««k H /JiMi/r /P/<CCj\ InCmNi • Ariy Oarin' * I DONALD O'CONNOR * PEGGY RYAN I 1 10* tltiHtW uu*ti iuz&uMttni Lawre nirnT iiiaß jfjmxSsfrl fi bfers * waiton m ML LENNY GALE , P VS /VftVfS T COMfO/AN / Wfe/!N, utufi* RoyßogirsM My we or rue awters f wLTcffil,,ri/" -(TRIGGER /# ***/MOr/fS 1/fILLCY * 6 top rvwf wrs/* WOODWARD Tri run 110 WOODWARD AT AT GRAND IMtIUkMfV GRAND BLVO. CIRCUS PARK ILLLIILVVV Park Free COMPLETE NEW SHOW ot 12 NOON! First Actual Pictures: PHILIPPINE SEA BATTLE! AMERICAN AND JAP FLEETS MEET IN WORLD'S BIGGEST SEA BATTLE ! SEE —Yank Planes On the ATTACK 62 Nip Warships Put out of Action in Two-Doy Bottle! YANKS ADVANCE ON LEYTE! Extra! “NAVY YARD” 'Z'IXW' I - ANGER and r M all-9tar Broadway Cut of 40 featuring HWtpflK T Rose k2M, ** , 4 »1 \ THEO COCKRELL ■■MR h Mn SENSATIONAL STRIP 4 Lectures On China JOYCE RLACK GNAU of the Detroit Institute of Arts will begin a new series of Monday evening illustrated lectures Nov. 20. The series is tith'd "Art and ihe Chinese Viewpoint" and the lectures for four Monday eve nings beginning Nov. 20 are "Be ginnings of Chinese Civilization", “Art and Religion", "Enjoyment of Life", and "Relationship of the East and the West", respectively. The lectures will bo given at the Main Library auditorium at 8:15 p. m. Telenews Shows Warship Repair •NAVY YARD,” the first film to show how battle-damaged warships are repaired, opens a week's run at both Telenews theaters today. The picture il lustrates the importance,of build ing and repair work at West Coast navy yards. Katherine Dunham Talks jf About Her Tropical Revue’ MAYBE ITS cold for Novem ber, but just wait; there's a musical beat wave coming Sun 'day when Katherine Dunham brings her exciting "Tropical Revue" to the Cass Theater for a week’s nin. We went to Toronto Wednes day night, took one look at the thermometer and immediately flew’ back to warn you that there iis a terpsichorean typhoon on the way. it's sensuous, sensational 'and sends you and that's about all we can tell you without writ ing a review’, which, of course, does not appear in these col umns until after the Detroit ojicning. We were particularly interested in the variety of dances and countries represented and where Miss Dunham had gotten all the background for her choreographic designs, so we stopped backstage EEE "BEWITCHING!" Vtiinhdi Srot S= "STUNNING!" Crnlry. Timtt SS "ALLURING!". Shsm, hr* hr it * PARAMOUNT PIISINTS \ I Joan TonUine \ i a Arturo \ CREEK \ ! IN TECHNICOLOR 1 \ "Swooner Cf(HHief' ,» i •SK Pitt"Protihf W» Strrt' lttktft Ur J tooß** 1 ® \ / Wliaa Bendu Vf* FSB* If a “it hairy’« § ape- .J, T«l« H»f A»ytiw~ sSSp7wie7w77>T6o»T RAROAIN SHOW BSwu Yav/r-.^X tt tufts OI v Susan Heyward > OHAi, «»’ "Tit MAT / >LMi»-/V" > A WT /: OITROIT S HANPItST »US STOP? r... “t'Vuir” 1 -T. s * l * W "MM k *y | ■:’« sau HtM asws ipnuum J+XSl [ sownjfj. ,Ss >«•«».»< tp[(i *SSS Wlf >—At On H»rt Anytiwl MM* Sp^T7 n 6000»*» of VMIiM BeaiiX rr.i»«’ "E.-T ***«' i sr%TS NOW ON MIT " u in. oennts Acctprrn SONJA HENIE xxz. 1945 Hollywood lee Revue Nor. 30 thru Pee. 17—No Trrt. Km. JO I u 5.1,40 —! m OLYMPIA. INCORPORATED SOSO l.r*nil 4H» * IVSTIWMI 1 =7 AS GREAT AS ANY BROADWAY PRODUCTION SALLY RAND AND HER \ "AMERICAN BEAUTY'' REVUE DELIGHTFUL MUSIC TWO FAMOUS ORCHESTRAS j Special 1 FULL COURSE $l5O DINNER Un OPFN from 6pm !o 2 a m. SHOWS a! 7 30 and 11:15 LOU WALTERS' LATIN QUARTER Detroit * New Wonder Theotre Reitouranl 3067 E. GRAND BLVD. A T WOOD«»»r PSon* MA *470 tor *»i,r»otion« ♦ StrCIAl ATTfHTION TO BANQUfM AND PA AT Hi Please Turn to Page 30 for Neighborhood Movie Programs at the Royal Alexandra am found bar very much excitft about doing some new numbers. "They really lake a great deal of research, no matter how simple they seem, but actually you have to work harder on the obvious, in many cases, than you do on the weird, or bizarre, numbers," Miss Dunham told us. "For example, the bungle and Jive numbers require more study and work than some of the unique Brazilian divertUe ments. This is principally to prevent them from seeming ordinary nr cheap and yet to still retain the authentic step and gesture." This will be her first visit p Detroit since "Cabin in the Sky W \ PEB |°oJi SHOW! CREtN! Hf TTf FJf XTT J"J £ '' n v/// //y/ if Mil H m MLj jK, , . FROM 4 |PI|A 2nd - /i/ 1 ' WITHOUT -f W.ek WOMEN! ESNORO 7/7w/'///>/'. .1 ";r C “BLOCK’ BUOTRS"^J * p. m. THE EAST SIDE KIDS • HARRY LANGPON J aHWqHfc jUbCm 1 '' Variety Club' 1 [Party Set • | THE ANNUAL feather party land buffet supper of the Variety ’Club of Michigan will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Book- Cadillac Hotel tomorrow evening, it is announced today by J&n£S Sharkey, chairman, and Cohen, in charge of ticket safl^P Proceed* from the party go/to the Heart of Variety Fund to assist in the charitable work of Detroit showmen. The public is invited. GEISzTnN—Carl Denny, com edy master of ceremonies, is held over to introduce tapping Don* I Valshay, the brad and hand bal ancing act of Gene Scheck and Mel band.