MAESTRO M Ignvrence VVVIk and hi* “C hampagne O r c h e atra” open on the stage of the Downtown Theater today. Donna Dae is the vocalist with the orchestra. EZ23Z2EH it**) PLAN A MRTY HERE TOMIGHT And s*** K*r * lot of woO at Kom* You II »•• • qood *o*s* *Kow; bav* « cocktail or two and donca tha Hour* away. !l T 1 AT REASONABLE PRICES. X. ™ ★ LORRY RAINE “America'* N«we»t Singing Seniation” tttC»A till Harpar Art.—B Blocks Was! of Gratiot—Rasarvatieni Phono IY. Mil atm rreoeoUnc MOOKWT. MtMCT EKTEBTAININO HHOW OS THE EANT WPS ir Ray Romero & Co. CaaMtr CitiM Caawt ★ AVON SISTERS D**«m olta CJetiiM •• * HARRY WHITNEY la uai aarlt at wiuii* ».<* raiaar *M Mm* u* r*a4f ILSWk-Z. JERRY LESTER j ~ F rom Si»4/ra’i Program = j PADDY CLIFF ★ YVETTE DARE f CHARLES CARLISLE. M. C. MUSIC BY BFN YOUNG M■— ♦*—pla 68 Delic iou* Dinner* ALL ENTERTAINERS ADMITTED FREE EVERY MONDAY Hew Talent Wed. Mite—Trank Barbaro J DISCOVERY CONTEST r\am» Hi. Uooal Big I THANKSBIVINQ PARTY 9 OPENS MONDAY: THE DELTA RHYTHM BOYS simniarmiwwwtoimiwwiiM3iniiwiiiiioii>iiiMi>wcßmmww>om»iwMiiotiw»iimianrE ■- ~ LIMIT ON FUN * in Detroit's BEAUTIFUL NIGHT CLUB IN THE SHY Servinq WonJc rful Food Superb Liquors featuring SPARKLING ENTERTAINMENT from 9 30 Nightly N. Y. Stork Club Star RITA NAGLE Singing Pianist PENOBSCOT CLUB 13th Floor Penobsco* Bldq ( No* a Private Club ) Film Time Clock ADAM* "Ever ftlnrr Vrao" 1340. 3 37, 0 30. via » m; "Laura. ’* Slow a. an.. 3. 4 91. 7 43, 10 33 p m. *Ko4IIHtV4 AMKII, _ ArwnlC and Old Lace.” 13.13. 3 34. 6 58. 10 IS p in.. "Block Bustci a," 11 00 *. m . 3 31. 5:33. •IpT p m. CINEMA—'The Rainbow. M 13 31. 1 11. 4:3M. « 28. 8 38. 10 38 p. m "87 000 Natl* In Moacow," 13 18. 3 18. 4.11, •: 18. lu ll n. m OOWNTOWY Lawriric* Wrlg, 1 33. 4 16. 7, 853 p m "Ban Fernando Valley." 13 08, 3:58, 5 38. 10 63 p. m FIMIIEK -• ‘Hairy Ape," 3 30, 6 01. 0 33 P m. "1 Love * Soldier," 2.30. 4 01, 7 32, 11 03 p m MADISON—' hairy Ape " 11 a m 213 8 04. 938 p. a.; "1 Love a Soldier.' 1 13 30, 4 03, 7 34. 11:38 p m Ml< Hit.AN—"Kentattoo* of 1948." 11 30 a. m . 2 18. 8 18. 7 84. 10:33 p. in . •Sammy Have. 1 07. 4 05. 7.03. 9 41 p m FAIAIm-MTATE—"TiII We Meet Aaaln " 11:04 a m. 3 10, 5 18. I 11, 11 10 p m.; "My Pal Wolf." 13 50. 3:88. 6 53. 9 50 p_ m TfllNMtt New*, abort aub)erta • a. m. to 11 p. on. I'MITCP ARTIBTA—' Frenchman'! Creek “ 11 48 a. m 2 30. 5 03. 7 34. 10 06 p m.; "Tn the ladle*." 11 20 * m . 3:11, 4 43. 7:15. 847 p m Master Class Gives Recital THE MEMBERS of Edwin Hushes’ master class will present a musicalc in the auditorium of the Detroit Federation of Women’s Clubs Sunday. Nov. Jfi Doris Houghton will play Franck's Symphonic Variations and Ruth I>ayer will present Schumann’s Faschcngsswank Au s Wein Others who will perform are Helen Briggs, Louise Marx and Virginia Easley. ★ MARGIE VAIL Alia* 18*11 B*4 l* ★ JIMMY REILLY Tk« RawintM T***r ★ MEL STECKLEY •■4 hi* -•*• r-r »••* •• Ml Ml tlMt arckaatra I I Mr V TW V W«N» M 1 f { T E* I* Sr-/ * |gptSp vt^ ST GEORGE *l9 !P BEATTY 1 r SobujHoml Stogtog C«MdUi 1 PHIL ft MILDRED CRAKE Aristocrats of long gIY FRANKS * i i JANICE A katod Tapsters JBe T»lCY*a.C.^® EVERHART 1 ti hm h*m v ] DORBEN DANCERS DSTAL mam> 1 with Mariaa Morgaa^ BIT 9 Nit Py 1669 )/« r ivtl ohv/t' at.,Si«.,Hok^Q^ COMEDIAN Br* * i&M f ■ joHp 1 28. 57 000 4 IS. Milt tots*, comedy mas ter of ceremonies, is now at the Club Gay Haven. Farewell Dinner Fetes Bollmeiers j MRS. MARGUERITE BOLL MEIER, at present an employe oF the l.'nion Investment Co., was i honored by 22 of her co-workers !at a dinner in the cham|>agne rtxim of the Penobscot Club last night. Mrs. Bollmeier and li4*r hus band leave next week for Daytona B) r h, PTa . Where they will <>|M-n a night club called “The I)e --1roit»'r,’' planned as an accommo dation for visiting Detroiters only. CLUB MAR-JO -The Rml Jester*, Jack Armstrong and AD Elridge, will be tickling the ivories when this club opens the season next Tuesday. Other wcll knowns who will he on hand for the initial proceedings are the Maunne Hall Dancers and Karl Spaeth and his orchestra. • W'W ww sr -W : ARTURO'S: ► 4145 WOODWARD (Hair Willis) 4 ► • DANCING NIGHTLY • J ; ,★ JIMMY McKEE < ► Oar Kitchen I* Now Open i Serving Dehciou* Food ► Spigkftti . Steaks • Chops : ARTURO'S i i SPAGHETTI HOUSE| ► y Finest Italian Cuisine < y 3449 Second Blvd. J ► Open 5 P. M. to 4 A. M. 4 laaaaaaaaaaaaaan lU IHe MUSIC OF ♦ DEAR COLLIRS B*4 His Orckastn PhoM LA S4SS Ampla Parking SAM TAMARINDO PRESENTS A NEW SHOW • FEATURING ★ LES SCOTT, COMEDY M. C. + IANE RATE * MELVIN BURKHART it ART MCE Military Tap Tbr Man With th# T*» Fata* Tha On* Man Han 4 ROY CRAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA AND OTHERS NO ADMISSION CHARGE (Eacrpt Sat. and Sun » WHERE YOU SEE THE IEST SHOWS AND HAVE MOST FUN NICHTLT ★ SMILING DAVE YOUNG. M. C. and Hot! ★ EVELYN FRAZER. Sentational Song Stylist no uiviurv. SUPPORTED BY ALI-STAR SHOW no imiH < IMRt.F DANCING Tor Reservation*, •No IMHIH IHIRI.I. AT ANT TIWK NIGHTLY TE 2-8141 [ -°r MILT ROSS amr : ; HEADLINERS America* Favorite Comedy Star HEADLINERS < Jk NINO RIPEPI w-,1 IjkffllTCT Wuj a huge supporting show Ftomtli r JIMMT FERRELL BWd HIS ORCHESTRA P*CIHSL 4 iT A \ M\y A 3 u I * \ Sp«i° l " tnn 1 \ DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT 1 sl |F00» I STARTS AT 7,3 0 \ S \ ★ BACKER jJ* 1 1 . A>D " w VARIETY r<»l K < l3f,y^On I [\ Mifiaet Dancing Saturdays » t ;;,n Petite Singer 1 Due Here OPENING M.ONDAY at the London Chop House is iJorothy Furlette, petite singing - pianist, j According to advance reports, 1 however. Dorothy’s petite appear ance has nothing to do with the size of her entertainment ability.; A Chicago girl, she now comes from the Athletic Club in Omaha. Neb., where she accompanied her own songs. Eileen Faye, Monde vocalist. 1 sings popular sweet and swing tunes, and Frank Gagen’s musical lerew provide smooth dance tem -1 pus. BOOK CASINO The brother band team at the ißook’s Casino continues to provide some pretty danceable rhythms. 1 Hirry Leib is the man on the ( stand at lunch time, and his or chestra specializes in gay waltzes, while Max Leib’s group takes over in the evening. TOI* HAT CLUB Frankie Rapp, comedy dispenser, is back at iiis Top Hat Club mak ing much fun. The inimitable master of ceremonies and clothes clown, who has been out of town for a couple weeks, has in bis 1 supporting lineup Van line and Cazan, magic marvels; Johnny Morrison, xylophonist, and Judy ’ Wellners Dancing Top Hatters. Frank Gilbo’s orchestra does the music. CLUB THREE «<* Annabelle Hill heads Bel tie Taylor's current rt*vue at the Club Three Wifi. “Old, New, Borrowed and Blue.” Supporting her are numerous sepia favorites including Luck and Lucky, flash dancers; The Duke and The Ituchcss, nov elty 4S P. M. J "" ’•“ ** ■• '•' ’ - Ti finsterwald co. Free Parking Rear of Store \k hue Purchaemg M “ 219 Michigan Ate. r ““ ,^CITC BOOK-CADIIIAC HOTEl__ HADLEY FINSTERWALD N 0... 1944 THE DETROIT TIMES C-17