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Luke Tiller in Race Luke Tiller of 508 Alger said today he would seek election to tomnion council as a sticker candi late. He was defeated in the primaries. GOLD USfl OS WMCI lASFI !« !»OOF . SOMfB'JT ImPO«TI9S. ITO , Nf w YO*k , . r ■'"Ms* J 'TSnr 'jj ■ ,mwJwMmJRU? Mr ~ =^| fifttftnng tkt harrtlt tm nxhuh •u.hukey u agtd at it* HttiUtry. • You’ll remember the difference In this fine whiskey—it’s the whiskey wisdom Hiram Walker has gained through all the years since 1858. It’s something that cannot be weighed or measured—but you can tell it’s there, In every mellow drop of Imperial. I A A I I A IMrtKIAL i^oimm cffiiam y/a/ttsti •6 Proof. The straight whiskies in this product are 4 years or more old. 30% straight whiskey. 70% neutro! spirits distilled from grain. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. Observe Vets' Day Ministers of all faiths today prepared for observance of “Vet erans’ Sunday” tomorrow. Gov. Kelly Issued a proclamation des ignating the day. i 87 years at fine whiskey-making makes this whiskey good J. W. Fortune Rises Monday J 0 OhiiuarivH i Funeral arrangementi were re ported to the Timet fort JAMES W. FORTUNE, 59, of 5775 Kensington, production man ager at Hudson Motors for 24 years, 9:30 a. m. Monday at the Fred Marshall Sr Sons Funeral Home, at .3462 E. Jefferson. Burial will be at 10:30 a. m. at Wood lawn. Mr. Fortune died yesterday ljc had horn divisional manager of the Anniston Ordnance Depot in Alabama for the last seven month*. He was x former director of the Dot rod Yacht Club and a member of the Palestine Lodge, F. & A. M. Surviving are his wife. Marion Miles Fortune, and a sister, Mrs. Nell F. Russell of Bronxville, N. Y. MARCEL C. VAN DEN EYN DKN, at 9:15 a. m. Monday at his residence, 13000 Houston, with services at Assumption Grotto Church at 10 a. m. Mr. Vanden Eynden, 50, operated a grocery. Survivors wife, Cornelia, daugh ter, Cornelia. CHARLES f». PERLK K. 82. at 1:30 p. m. .Monday at his residence at 941 Ashland. Survivors: sons, Walter C», Eduard F., George O, Alfred F. and Charles O and three daughters. Mrs. H. Schoomaker, Mrs William Freidol and Mrs Hattie Schultz. JOAN C.. COCLSOV, 10 30 a m. .Monday at St Hugo of the Hills, Bloomfield Hills. Burial: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Miss Coulson. who was 16, lived in Tiverton road. Bloomfield Hills She died in University Hospital. Ann Arbor, after an illness of three months. Born In Grosse Pointr, she attended Sacred Heart Convent. She was an outstanding horsewoman and belonged to the Gros*e Pointe Hunt Club and the BioomfieM Hills Of**n llufM—Oub Survivors: the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G Coulson; grand motheis Mrs.-James Coulson and M: - P J Whalen OTHER DEATHS . . . Prof Stefan Banach. 53 one of Poland’s greatest mathematicians, in' f.Yvnn* . . . -Tame* C. lriiifn, 56, Wisconsin assemblyman, in Mena sha, Wis. Annamites in Battle SAIGON, Oft 13 (INS) Fighting broke out today between French and Annamite forces, northeast of Saigon. Two More Quit FBI Two additional resignation! to day brought to four the number received by Robert A. Guerin, head of the FBI in Detroit, from staff members within three days. Latest resignations were from David K. Burgess, .31, nf 4359 Berkshire, and Dale F. Adams, 36. of 19131 Santa Barbara. Burgess said he planned to practice law in Detroit. Adams said his plans for the future were indefinite. I’ 1 e\ious y John W. Wolf, 33. resigned to become assistant city attorney in Saginaw, and Francis P. Parker, .30. of 5436 Sheridan, left to enter the legal department of a Detroit brewery. Four Arraigned In Burglaries Four youths were arraigned to day hefore Recorder’! Judge W. McKay Skillman and two others are sought on warrants issued after recent burglaries. Placed under $3,000 bonds each in the .$1,310 burglary of a bowl ing* alley at 18050 Woodward Sept. 29 were Donald M J*>cleton, 17, of 25337 Eureka, and John Schultz. 23, of 18050 Woodward. Edward f>strolencki, 19, of 2676 Trowbridge, and John Donovan. 15. of 1706 I.ivernois, are sought in the rohbery. Two 17-year-old Ann Arbor youths. Stanley Misiwchuk and Clarence Miller arid Fccleton en tered pleas of guilty to a second charge of breaking and entering. DETROIT'Ji^TffirfES PuMlah-d every Day Evan In* *nd sund*v Momln* by the Time* Publlinin* < mr*ny *t 1235 Ttm,» Square. Detroit 51, Mkhlfan »: u-’- !-. Mich.' u Eecond-ClaM Mall Matter. rrr.rmo.vx—chkra y" Ssoo Subacription rate »tn advance) by mafl »• v • nr* in the itted States. Canada ’ Kul' iOn Canadian mbacriptlon* add 10** to cover war Import tax i Daily and Dally Sunday Sunday T‘ree M'-rcnj I 175 *l*s $ 5 70 '-** M-ntra 7 50 J 90 li 40 . 11 7 50 33 50 Rain app’ytn* to Mlrh rural routea only: Tnree M-nthi ....* J 00 *1 95 * 4 95 i 4 *-o 5 to a 40 7 50 1 5 00 By dARKIER~ lUU.IU.Y - datt.y us so ,'Mur ? so DAILY AND •U.'NDA f 5 3 40 WEEKLY i DAILY J3c "NDA Y 15c : and SUNDAY 45c A.l money tent at tender'# risk Do not send rath or atampe All check#, draft* and money order* ahould be made payable o THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY In*ernatlonal Ncw» Service baa the r*riual»e rlfbta *0 u»e for reproduction ,n *°7 form all n<-wa dianatrbea rr-dlted to II or am other »!*• imperial 0 %*a*n yfSAfd ,l '«ni Mt *«'’.!«n *■**“#*,.»[* i JO»S I* , Mi*.»-i k i.»o» 4 5 QUART. COOI NO. 12 PINT, COOI NO. 13 $515,300 lor Building; Ist Price $1,500,000 Th# Farwell Building. 1239 Griswold, originally valued at sl,. 500,000, went on the block today for $515,300 when Its sale to Grosner end Burak, attorneys, was confirmed by Probate Judge Pat rick H. O’Brien. A down payment of $153,300 was made, with the remainder due in five years. Money from the sale will go to the Farwell Foundation, created by the late Mrs. Emma J. Far well to provide hospitals for V\ h\ pp ('nun' y ctt 21 ns. sssssssSS 3 ■to % 'Em I jfH 9fc c? «9 - m-* J(L i I f k ni r< w i£ j I If waMk. I I 1 lil toFJ®sPf| p»C| l |,i VII , c l ! *§ ? • I * JS9yw - / t v > HpHH - ri\ % i ■KL: &:■ Vuf * I r g99ga?:.i9 l 1 J9M9& ■™~—- -[I flfl 4*-/JT B9U sfp 1191 I Jm9(\ >-;jV£ i^k^;^^^;^^'- At, i«V^s'’' , V^ ; .’ ,^,^^V'^>,^': ''’ 5,L '* ,> t ‘kc , > '"O^'i' I '-v-V^VH^-Cr-.-'s^«*-_ 5. ,: ; ■ v • I I H Mr'”' ’''V./Mr*' 9b - v^v';’ 8 ’? V ~ r X^'£t?y£'\x ';‘ v ," *<^''U/>^ y*%fS9sw%P f >~ • | 7- f ftiVffi' , itiAW* j 9? r This is a new {rentier! It abounds in natu ral resources and raw materials. It is rich in skilled labor, machines, materials and markets. Yes, opportunity says to men of vision: "Come!” Washington the State, now so prominent in producing for free dom, will continue to grow and prosper with peace . . . when our mighty nation looks westward for its commerce of the future. THE WASHINGTON W ATER POW F R COMPANY • PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY • NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COM TAN V • PL GET SOLND PO* *LR ** LIGHT COMPANY Bu'in<M'Mana|rdt Lltit’ic Compan ter. Sf>n«i Lou Con Eleitruity la Mot* Than J 70.000 Home- fjrmt Umiiiwiiii and Indunnet in tk« Scat* a/ W«*ki*fto« Q ® © 918.500 Vprdlrl For Hroken \wk A jury today awarded an SIR -500 verdict to Patrick J. Shields, 63, of 15599 Fourteenth, who appeared in federal court in a metal brace he had worn Mnre his neck was broken while at work for the Grand Trunk and Western Railroad last November. He fell from a boxcar which he said had defective brakes. Show Mound Relics Members of the Aboriginal Re search Club today prepared his toric relics dug from the Indian mound at Fort Wayne for exhibit in ihe County Building Monday night. H?f«)i*te<f4 0/0/9oirfasttG/? i found it in Washington imuensi sources o > RAW MAT|RiA t. $ - mi« er • all, limb at. /«*/», utter Power, no. SKILLED lAIOR-««un.f*M. fair in in deal* ingi with management. AIUNOANT CMfAR WY. DROELECTRIC ROWER EOR I N D UST R V«—inirrran. nected Kydiarleclrie lyiiemt, NUMEROt* IASIC INDUS* TR*IS— pramdt maienali let Proeeaitnf ❖ WASHINGTON THE STATE- HAS EVERYTHINGI GATEWAY TO TMf GIfAT ROST WA R RAC I TIC MA*. KUS ilit o»i*.r, A/oik/,. Ruiimi. Canada, So«fk Ametiia. UNEXCELLED TRANSRORTA TION RACaiTIIS—k, land, ita and air . . . m all direr. lioai deep u aler karkoti. INDUSTRIAL SiTfS AND H»MO< FACILITIES okWn da n t indus In al build ing met on katknr, ir.<-fc. ate and k/fkuav,; available dork, terminal and unit k"«n« faalitiei. anchorage*, ate. © © Drunk Driver of 1941 Begins Term in 1945 Oscar Meador. 47, of Roseville, began serving a 10-day sentence for driving drunk in 1941. He was out on bond and police had hern unable to locate him until recently. STORM SASH AND SCREEN COMBINATION WINDOWS Call UN 4-0811 N" Slonov Down 3 Yf*rito P«y l Hfliwm mu rscmrr Great ocean ports, airfields and adequate land transportation facilities make Wash ington State the portal to world markets. Pleasant living conditions, low taxes, abundant, cheap electric power and a host of other advantages make it a great place to live and do business. Opportunity* awaits the small business man as well as the operators of great in dustrial plants who establish themselves in Washington! <*> V/ivv^ 1W ® THf ■»*—*** TIME* ADVERTISKMK.fT Piles—Get Relief Now Millions of suffeier§ in the last 40 years have found a way to get quirk relief from the itching and smarting of piles. They use a de lightful rooling. soothing *nd astringent formula Petersons Ointment No wonder one sufferer writes, “The itching and smarting were relieved, and 1 slept all night. |>t<r*nn'« Oinrnunt is marvelo'is." '*•>? a ho* all druscis'S- SCir 1n tuha with applicator. Monry back If not Asllghtatt, DIVERSIFIED AGRICUL. TUIAL RRODUCTION I’ami. liv*MOfk. «*(. rt.M*,, dairy produe li. RLEASANT LIVING , tern pr’ate. healthful elimal e. ideal for both working and living. icfw T A e S AND CON. SERVATIVE fiscal ROLI CHS—definite, iiii.i,,, Inwi, on property later , . . no itata income t.i .. ■, general obligation debt- C-11 Oct. . 1945