Newspaper Page Text
yjews WJomen AT BALLET In Mayfair With THE CHAPERON CAPT. REUBEN WATER MAN . . . who, it seems, has pretty well covered the Pacific , . . Bine* he left the United States two yeai • ago in K* bru ary ... is in Japan . . . accord ing to a letter just received by his parents . . . Mr. and Mrs. Carat run Beach Waterman . . . Capt. Waterman is with the engineer corps . . . l>oat and shore regiment . . . He was in New Guinea . . . New Britain . . . Luzon and Mindanao . . . Mrs. Reuben Waterman . . . the former Paula Squire of this city . . . and their two young sters . . . will remain in Carmel, Cal., until he returns . . . e • e Cracrafts in City WEEK-END GUESTS of Kathleen Snow Stringer are her grand-daughter and grand son-in-law . . . the George Cra crafts ... who have been living In George's home town. Helena, Ark , since his release from the army aif forces, where he served as a lieutenant . . . Mrs. (Tacraft, you recall, was Kathleen Hagan of Detroit and Winnetka. 111. . . . The Cracrafts are en route to Boston . . . where they are taking an apartment for two years . . . until George finishes at the Harvard law school . . . • • • Mobile Mayfairites MRS. ALINE WRIGHT has •>ved from her Parker avenue udence to the Country Club. Mrs Wright will go South a/ter the C’hris’mas holidays . .. The Carol Routells of Glen garry Circle. Birmingham, will he hark today from their jaunt to New York . . . The Carl Behrs and their \oung daughter. Carola. are In New' York for 10 days . . . Mrs. Harry G Lyon of Ken wood Court Grosze Point e, leaves today for Santa Monica, Oil., to visit an aunt . . . but will return for Christm*« . . . Joan Ingalls of Cranford. N. J., is the house guest this wpek end of Mrs. Walter B. Collins of Bouton Blvd. . . . Miss Ingalls was a classmate at the University of Michigan of Mr, and Mrs. Collins’ son ... the lata Lt. Richard J. Collins, AAF . . . • • • fau Beta Progress Member* of Tsu Beta and Tau Beta Association left their fall meeting . . . held yesterday In the residence of Mrs. Georg* C. Booth m Bloomfield Hills . . . with a deep feeling of sat isfaction after hearing reports of the aummer’a activities . . . Mrs. Theodore Buttrick Jr. reported in the association mat ing . . . that the Hamtrarrxk Tau Beta camp had a happy and successful season . . . owing to the building of the new dam . . . which made possible swim ming and boating . . » In the absence of the presi dent . . . Mrs. AJpheut Jen nings . . . Mrs. Harry W. Kerr called this meeting to order . . . Mrs. Ross Wilkins Jr. re ported on the summer play Rfehool . . . Mrs. Robert Piei<e live the secretary's report . . . and Mrs. James Gram, the treasurer's report . . . Mrs. James Remick presided In the Tau Beta meeting . . . Mrs. H. Lynn Pierson Jr. ga\e a fine report on the volun teers . . . Mrs. Myron Merry' reported on entertainment . . . Christine Edwards on the Needlework Guild . . . Mrs. Charles Crouse, membership . . . Mrs. Edward Wunsch on the bulletin . . . Mrs. William Bremmer. the secre tary’s report, and Jean Posseliu* the treasurer’s report . . . After the meeting Mrs. Booth entertained at tea . . • » • Plan Veterans' Aid Mrs. Henry Ford and Mrs Fred T. Murphy were guests of honor at a Red Cross luncheon at the Dearborn Country Club. Mrs. Stanley Ruddiman. chair man of the Dearborn branch, presided . . . The purpose of the gather ing was to discuss veterans’ nerd* to he filled by the camp and hospital service . . . Mrs. Murphy, who is Michi gan representative on the na tional board, spoke . . . Mr*. Howard Bennett repre sented the Detroit Camp and Hospital Service Council . . . • • • Fashion Preview Indications are that the bridge luncheon and fashion show at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club Tuesday will be a hang-up af fair . . .' Mrs. Ernest Liebold has in cited 23 guestv . . . * Mrs. Theodore Richter will have as guests . . . Mrs. Frank Kuhn . . \ Mrs. Herman F. Koestlin and Mrs William I). Laurie . . . Mrs Edward (\ Stephenson will he hostess to . . . Mrs Leßoy Jarvis . . . Mrs Fred N'ordlie and Mrs D A. Mills... A foursome will include . . . Mrs. Leßny Swift . . . Mr*. Philip Worcester . . . Mrs. Percy K Loud and Mrs. Wharton In gram of Utica . . . Mrs Cassius Mrs Max Hofmann and Mr*. Ray Spitz- Jey each will have a table for tight . .. MBi ~ \ mSIII ||||]|- b fm / *WmS / >• ■„ » OTA I ’*v.,vV- 'T C-' MpS • &WM' r ' v wßm | „ [, r~V "!',«*■**“ K Jjz JpSLi - L *'' ,\ ’ ” , *■* Tlm*a Photo Mr. and Mr*. Benjamin Addison pausing on the step* of Masonic Temple before the start of th« Ballet Russe. Horoscope Lnok in tha Station in Which J our Ihrthdoy Cow**, and Find W/iaf Your Outlook la, According to th* Stora, For Sunday, Oct. U, 191,6. MARCH 21 TO Arm I, so Art,* Venus, only planet in henefic «4pe< t today, particularly favor* religious services, toler ance, charitableness mixed w,th \our social activities, home, fam ily inter< «ts. Gentlenef* your aid. APRIL ?/ TO MAY to T'l 'rua —Very auspiciou* for personal happmens, the things you like Artistic activities, mu«ic, g’-mal, whoiesome com pany and. of course, prayer on your day s happy agenda. MAY 21 TO JVSE !1 Gentirti—Your day to exploit your versatility and entertaining talent for the pleasure of family and good friend*, perhapa for those lonely or ill, returned vet erans. JCSF 22 TO JI’LY it C oncer—May h« tendency toward irritability but don’t you indulge it or be upset with others in off moods. A smile, a cheerv word usually dispels un- BABY GIFTS RABY GOES modem in these spiral knitted socks, that form a snug bootee on tiny and big baby alike. Add matching mit tens, a choice gift. Here are tiny hits of easy knitting you’ll do in no time The spiral sock shapes to any tiny foot, Pattern f»l4 has di rections for set Send 15 cents in coin* for every Laura Wheeler pattern. Send your order to the Laura Wheeler Pattern I>ejvirtment, The Detroit Times, Detroit 31, Mich. By Frances Drake pleasantness. Happy day on w hole. JVLY H TO AUG. H L*o —Two aides to today; you chc»os# th* gen’al, helpful one. Mercury, unfavorable position warns against sharp speech, hasty decisions. Your sunny dis position a boon. A UG. Ft TO SFPT. t* Virgo —The calmer, lest un troubled you are, the fewer hin drances will appear. Take time to study important propositions, decisions before acting. Some fine influences. • SETT, ti TO OCT. St Libra —Adhere to even tempo in thought and action and thus get best out of all things this holy day. Home affairs, health, personal needs favored after service to God. OCT. Si TO \OV. tt Scorpio —Do not be troubled by little things or lose poise if others do not cater to you. God intended you to be a truly great, magnanimous person. Be tol erant, agreeable. NOV, SS TO DEC. St Sagittarius —From Tennyson: ”Self-reverance, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.” We would do well to ponder such important truths. DIC. ft TO JAW tl Capru-orn —Forget foolishness, enjoy chu'rch service, entertain ment, a relaxing hobby, the fam ily, friends. Prayer, rest, is good food for soul, mind and body. JAW 2t TO FER. to Aquarius —Life is neither all success nor all failure, and this is better so. Variety causes us to be up and doing, again to relax, reflect. FEB. SI TO MARCH to Piacf* —Today calls for a lit tle added laughter and fun. some time with God at your church, and no built-up anxiety. Good influences in immediate future. vor. ropy TODAY: Good natured. sympathetic, generous; especially suited to a profession or scientific field. I/aw, judge ship, teaching, acting among en deavors in which you can excel CopFrlfht. 1945. bF King Feature* Rationing Timetable orrmmflprwies HOAR sum* as Book A—Valid through Dot 31 tor 3 pound* LIQUOR glam* *• Y, Book 4—Valid through Ocl 31 Tor 1 quart of whlak* MAO iIAMFk BDBBH flflßßß DDOuD oct ii DDuuu h>, 33660 M oßß3i~r snort Alr*lanr ««am*< It * awd 4. n**k S—Valid ln<]*flnit*lF. Loom atampa not icrepted Indecision Curable By ELSIE ROBINSON ITS HARD for you to mak# up your mind. Isn’t it? Doesn t matter whether It’s choosing a new scarf or renting a new house or liking new per sons—you're torn by indecision. First you see one side of the case . . . then the other . . . then back you go to your first choice . . . See-saw ... on it goes . ,j 'til you feel ’’all worn out ” You're speaking more truly than you know—for indecision usually does wear you out; drains and wastes an incredible amount of your essential atrength. Worse yet, it keep* many a life permanently side tracked, for lack of a definite, go-ahead signal. Fatigue Poison Indecision—bruising, burrow ing that merely impedes action ... it definitely poiaons us be cause it sets up a peculiar deadly to id of fatigue poison. You’ve never heard of fatigue poison? Neither had most of our master minds until recent years. Yet it has crippled and killed more unfortunates than all the plague* put together. Indecision—bruising, burrow ing—becomes, in time, a mental abscess filled with the pus of fear. Decision clears your mind indecision clogs it. Decision does away with your doubts and conflicts; sets your thoughts in order. Indecision throws your thoughts Into disorder , . . com {ilieates your conflicts ... estab lshes a secret, increasing source of fnght and irritation which infects your every act. Truly Sick You’re not just s pestered person if you’re bothered by chronic indecision; you’re a sick person —literally ill from ac cumulated waste and weariness which you cannot shake. ’’But how can I cure indeci sion?” you ask. “How can I know what’s the right thing to do—the one correct solution?" You ran t. But even if you don t know you are right—you can go ahead. You can do the next best thing—if you can’t do the beet. Action. That’s the cure for indecision. Copyright. 1045, bjr King F*atur#4 Cream Sauce With Tongue TONGUE IS often obtainable when most meats are impossible to find—so for a special treat try It served wuth a rich sour cream sauce. Tongue With Sauce ’i cup sour cream or H cup sweet milk and 1 table spoon vinegar 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup liquid from tongue Pepper Beef, lambs’ or calves’ tongue Cover the tongue with cold water, add half a teaspoon of salt, one carrot, one small onion and one stalk of celery. Simmer until tender, then remove tongue and let the liquid boil until reduced to one cup. Strain. Stir the flour into the cream and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add the tongue liquid and season to taste. Reheat the tongue in the sauce and serve garnished with pars ley. PARTY FROCK SHELL LOOK sweet as a picture In this party or school dress; Pattern 4568 has dainty ruffles; smart side-closing she can button herself. An easy-to make, easy-to-iron frock. Pattern 4868 comes in chil ren’a size* 2, 4. 6. 8 and 10. Size fi frock, require* 2 yard* 33-inch. Send 20 cents in coin* for every Anne Adam* Pattarn. Write plainly name and ad dress, style number and size. Send an additional 15 cents for the Anne Adams Book of pattern* for fall and winter. Free patterns for three hats, three bags, peplum, and bed jacket printed in book Send 35 cent* In coins when ordering both pattern and book. Send your order to the Anne Adam* Pattern Department, The Detroit Tunes, Detroit 31, Mich. Tea Given At City Club NEW MEMBERS of the Women’s City Club were wel comed at a tea given yesterday afternoon at the club. Two tea tables were used in the lounge, one being centered with a wicker basket filled with green grapes and bronze chrysanthe mums. Mrs. John B. Ford, honorary president, poured at this table. Mrs. Welles Utley, past presi dent of the club, poured at a table which was covered with a rose linen table cloth and centered with a mirrored plaque on which were placed purple grapes and bright red peppers surrounded by crystal swans. TOHAY at your favqrite MOVIE V I 1 II a M V M * imniimi toeriMTi*i tmiltiiT IVI VV W I 1 _ > # % a iio(NTinri imfio mihcit ihuh*»_ ■ ▼ ■ 11 ▼ ■ * WAK BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OF THESE THEAIIU .1 ARlMf.TfiM— ,tth •"< T" 1-aiM Asmuiv/n fVB)l || **. jo*i iictr**. M O H*ri. ‘-Suffix Sill ’• Rf 'rt. T.'un*. I MKJiilr#. "Cl«u<l« " *'T»«»» Smi«m4»*-“ . irt-Mix* i«< IrwlMM PL M 47 « Ol>»n 11 43 lUmlolrh R»‘<& Wtrri/k. ‘Chl"» Sk»." \«roolr» Lake. Vionr TVifti in “Sfiwt 0* tin 0kl». iSlMC—A4imi it Grtnff Clr«u« Ptrk mvhtij iltk jj f k i>ann» K*r- in i M*m.‘ Trrk . »Hb Vlrrnu Mnyo. k<\!\*\ ffwur* -'Ad»««tur»4 ADMIRAI —Wtet «t St. J-nn if HW« Mininki op»« if w» i»»h»i R»n rV>lpl.,, *' M ItlUf C«r»M " n.U Cl MU Kid s*tur<u." r.#uf r»(itUJ-»* Aftw I M P M AIBFk— f "* *••<- ChiMi OMrSora MkVLn rnnt u m v i,»n. snnn* T'lf* "Bfii'i 0» th* OlfU." Plu» ‘‘Tieid l»*» •• H-rU) o»F*t»r *» •’ ilCff—t. WtrrM.OwiF Or. Ml 7721* MLwLIt luruhv M'Oulf* tn “A Tr** Grow* In Srookl*w.‘‘ At S O* 7 W 11 15. ewlloui,” »t j IT-I.S-1 M i| HilalSßi—* 4: * WMdaurd MA 02M ALnansna (<mt , , 5 Bhow gt»rtA 10 SO S Hwu*. “If* • *U**ffrA. M »*TSIa Mao-a W«*>■’• wits Wallac* B—rs. ill CM B4BK-»fUld Aiun Sd AT 2»«3 AUcn rana roo , , VlB John . '•MI. -SAtwAF Twa WAAUnr a. rumn. | "OblwilvA. B«r»A- M “JMWtlff o—o- , llAU*—ltffOl CkArt»**i« TU 2-241* « ALUeia oprt) ] p M tnmlhv McOulr*. i -a Jrm Sr»w» l« Br«oAI»*« *' H. U««. i|V||4—lUo7 Grand BW«c. «r. * lf,n f>pea *43 Alfrrd mtcbcnrk • L.fAkAAt •• With John „.r h i! T ( r>« In Hnna Pi<4ur«A m *-Qr>At **k». iMsiiMiK-'”-“• »sr- , «a •'frAAttAAllr Yourt.** j jn _______ IMMCV—GrAOd SIAAf. At !•» SAAd • ARffLA ovmci ~ v M “HarA *!»•• At Mld"l»M M 1 13 4 n * 11 10 "0. “Wffffll U GrAM "7 ClAildnttn Cnlbnrt And WIIItAni ip J-lmltttlAn •* lit# ” ItldnUht Shflwt 4PC AAF- Ha—Us« at Vfk Ml»h»Aji « Ov«n * P M Coot AH Mfh»! *>>ho«» "Mata C#i*i» thA Ca-aOi ” B-vn-d ska B4a# Mflm* " D ' ir ARTAAIA (N»w>—tit7 GrstlAt PL 7M7 AIIkAVIA II to iU'fA'Q Hour | B#rnf« A to * BldM» M Ik* e»r»U Saia " P' ia "Lark* eartnFi."_ Rnoajd Colm»n. AtTfra-SSA* TmN* StTA*» MA 12*4 *JIU* F.UI Bid a KtdA tn • 0«wk» #♦ Maw Vat*.*' Turn Codwat. Ann in "T»# A'Clacfc CaurAjA. 4T|AC—IMT2 Plywofftti Sd . W. Gr*n«#td <ip« Bln* t’roAh?. Mnrr Manin. •• WhyY*i<*i •* tkA SI»a» •' AhUxt and f'4jAt*ll«_ln_^MArt C—a tha Ca-affA^ AVAin*— LU«r*Aff.oA*lA*A TO 1-170* « ATaavl* k'«)a hahia. m. O'soj*. ’«»’• *eiAjA» r *s; 1 Walia/ui Rr*rj In "Tkla Atan 1 Ma*j^ •ci yOAIT—IS72I Waadamrff. Hlthl'ff Pk. OCLnUrtl ovm , AM .j *>l jon Rail. M MnnUr. 'Gy*ay Wlldcar (Cntori. * r.aniiW Talk* '' Spatial MAS Jtt ■ ucbv| cv—il Mila Sd. LI 2-0330 * BCnaLCT B . an , * p 11. J»l MrCrwi. I Andraa L*«la m • Sa**aff _ Aofala " B.b 1 iA'«»u. SUrlln* Rf.)loway In _Wlld*ra ■ FVFtI V—“ Grand SUw-Oak -an M 0 *3*o BLTLItLI it 43. Park Praa T. I FU-nn. Gao ToOiaa. ,- ok|attl»a. Buraia ’ ■•Satwaaa Twa Wawan.' Van AIXHIPOM tIKMIMf.MAM — rmn eaanrlia Tbaarra • DinWlnWAn iud? (iftrlind. • Tha Cl Ark.** f 4 JO-T 40 10 3rt. -S«u*k. T«w*o and_ Baadr at >3O 4 J«-»:ll. MOW! 1* tka M•«»#." a( 3 1:4.55 10 14 pin* laay U Laak At•- J ■ 1 ‘1 • ' innTH-t Jattartaa, Partyiaw Lt 4*ol « Ojun * IS. Par* r-#* Clau'lntia I Cnlbart, W William. ‘*l mltallon *f Lila." • ta«4 StdA *1 Maaaaa." with Hin« Cmatu. I WAT CAPITOL r*£~tgn m J: Bland an t*U Sa«," If OVS-5 50 * 45- II 3V ‘TMtataw," 11 f-4 V>-T <3 10:15 r A | V| w - w ... Oaarkarn DC IMS * VAL Tin op»n 12 N»nn KAlhtrina Rreho-n. Mpaorar TtapT. 'WltkAut l-Aya." j>hn W»m. "Flaaia as Barpary Caaat." fiUFn —7-Milt at Baaaall TW I -I*ll LAeILU j p m park T rat. Sonia Huila. ¥ O *kaa. “Isa a Plaaiura.’ ’Mi Mir'i Mary" with Wa * • "• -« rAy*All—**33 J***»k Caiam* LAPtrhm ( >o *b >'oon s*m show Boa.. Wad . Frt. "Ota** •< tha Watartroat.'* • Bpptbrutk Haraaa.** ' Manitar A Am " rASITfU— 70H Wart Varnar Mldkway « LSriIUL opa* I P. M J»hnn» Walaa m'lllar. B ion*. "Tartan and tka Am*- tana.* Via knyd. • • Serdar Vlf. la »taa_r rAIITAH—'S'M Fankatl MO 1710 LARA lUR "Tn«ndarhaad." Plua ‘Twa a'Clatk Caur a«a ” Sai_Matln o-'r ■ Riwr Saat " r ADUFlA—Sfhaatar nr. Fard Bd Ct 1010 LAnnin ] no Show Btar»« in 00 P U B H-nia. "H‘» a Planaora." • Tkla Maa't Mayy," WaUara Baory. N»wa fitlHA-r Oayiaff*- at I-Mil# TW 2 0074 LAjmU Com it 40. F.aat Blda Klda. "Oarka as Maw Yark " Thoma« Mltchall. Ma-y - Within Walll/_* fAXTI F—MaatUn at Santan CA 03*0 I VAAILC op<w j*. 4 j a M Cons All ! Mfkt A faaf. ARar 10 P M ••Thimdar. hand " P it<x t an. Cad l» My Ca-Pllat' rcuTCß—Waodward-Grand SUd. « '-tnits *43 1 .50 A. M Sara 1 Dana. Id. R«t>klna. "Old Aaaualntanaa " I-•PrtnAAaa 0 - Bajrka." o'iria ruHarlland rFMTIIIY-iAtk and Waal Grand Sivd « LLRluni r> pMl j;4j. park Fra#. Van Jnhnaon 1* "Batwaan Twa Waman." Plua I Ohlaativa. Burma." with Erml Plynn. CHA44U3— V’eES Cawraaa." "Mavada." ‘Ya* Can’t Batlan j Lay#."' roma_ 4 to--Baa I Complata Fr#i f IkfiFRFII A—Jkffwtffk at Caalln a LinWLhLLL* „ A B#ya , •• ~ 1 14, 5 40, 9 It. i;rn*r Garaon In "Tha Vallay at t s,_7 !♦ 11 07, riMFMA—Woodward at Calumkla CA 021 vmLPiA opan „ Barbara." Prlaa - V> innlna M-«ican Film >tp Spantah—Conplata nil!ah TlMaa 1 ntn S-w Warran-Millar Bd OB *O4O LinvLk <>ot ,} 45 p irk r," Bnn) , H»eu. Wl-haai O'Bhaa. 'lt’i • Plaatura." Thi, Man'a Mayy." wt>h WaUaoa n---, hVir Bd.-Whittiar AS 0722 ,T,V Com. I ;iio. Rod,'a MoIV-wall. P Poatar, 'Tkundarkaait ' Plua 'Baautlful Ckaat ' Bat. Mat ,_‘Fadaral Oaarata r 4* ' C|Y|C—Farmlnitan. Mltk. Pkana 444 a V,T,V Opao 1:30. ntn* Cro«t»y tc t i'-an Rlnndalt In '(aat *lda at Haaaan." • 1 mltatlan as Llta." Cla datta ( olh»rt. flAWtAlt‘-€' awMn - M'** LI 2-010* \.LMwjvn 1J J 0 h^t T<amt , r "(itartaiant Parllaat." Plua "Shanihal Capra." Alan "Mapalant Cataldy Intar*.^ ffill^FUM- 4^1 H.m.’t.n. at CanfUld vvLijaun , nn Wm J BlnodaH. "Oan Qaitllian " T Con»a» Ann Ruthayford, -"Twa .'Clark Ceuraaa " ffllftMlA| —Wandwarf at *ikl»y Pa » Fra. wivnmt 1 mao f 4 Mmri Juna Ptorar, Hobart I/iwf-y in "Bnad ta Alratrat fOlfiMY- 15 ’’ 15 M(tk Aw Pa * F-aa wvavni r<lßt , 4 , R<yl(lT n hr aat on Pnatar In "Tk*adarhaad ” Pitta Yaura." P-a.l MarMurra* fOHAKT-'W 7 CwisT *tw ? boss a wvnMni 0 ~ |4 (om POT.TSR PT<'mtX Ten \T I ■ NEWS SHORT SITU HITS ffitlßTF^Y— w Yamar-Military VI 2.*5»4 wwniui r>p<B ,j 4j vammea l**a "•rin* On tha Glrta " P Crahha. "Oath as Vaaiaanaa " k»»i'" ' —MUhlian at 11 at LA 7770 Opan n 43 43f rant Tn I la* Ontr' "TrauMa Chaaari." "•anta Fa Saddlamalaa." Vaw MKnw a’ Mldmaht! IAI> MSI M irhifan, rar. 7?d • Iran I on P \f floral 4<wllt I r, f i.i.n.t | Storw. Tata* Corkann. "G 4 Mfnaymaan." New DAR Regent To Preside Thursday THE NEWLY elected of Fort Pontrhartrain Chapter, DAR. Mrs. William H. L. Everard, will preside at the luncheon meet ing at 12:30 p. m. Thursday at the Ingleside Club. Mrs. Fred T. L. Grim will he the hosted Dr. Hartman A. Lichtwardt will speak on "An American Surgeon in Iran.” . Officers who will serve with Mrs. Everard during the 1945-46 season are: Mr*. Paul J. Mei*er. M rs - Neil A. Cameron. Mrs. Hartman A. Litchtwardt, Mrs Gilbert Pulliam, Mrs. Charles H. R*-se, Mrs. Clifton E. Ferguson. Mrs. Donald <; Robinson, Mr* Ernest < Harris, Mrs Leroy B. Loomis. Mrs. Ralph E. Thomas. Mrs. Theodore L. Danielson, Mrs. Harry R. Matheny and Mrs. George A. Triplett. Gratiot, at Iroauol* Pl 2 588 oiaa ii i on.* Men ( Sat* Muncy ‘•lmitation ot lift." I'lue •’laat lid* at Hea*#n Hlng_Cr«th> neiPDnpa—Mith.*Tala«raaa DC MSO a ucAncunrt op#,, sno T . M PttV Free K. Hepburn In "Without lovt " J. Warn*. "flam# of tha Bartary Coatt.^ BE ITW Mm* at Haleamb Pl 1411 a l/Lk-IIIL Open 1 45. Park K*#. J»- k R*nnv Alai!- Smith ••Mom Blowi a! Midniaht ." J_'lPt a Plaatur#." N ll*ni» (IF IIIVF —Karekfval (irk I « Wl LUAL t ( M Willi Beery Jai. file*- in. "Tht* Man't Navy.” "W#mar> In Ore*".'’ «,-h Ra»ll Ra*! - tie DFXTFR —At Buflimam# Air Conditioned k/LA Lit Opitx '2 I’ Errol Flynn an<l Gmrg* Tnbl*» "Objeetiv*, Burma." "Ba twaan T»o Woman.” \an J .hnenn. N**». niy —Watt Vafnor Hi|h«ay noar Hubbard U,A i unt. 1 ho Joa. Schlldkraut. Bit)!# Burk* In ''Tha Cheateri " Plua | • within That* Wall»."_ Thoa Mitchell. DfIWNTOWR— Gr,n< c,rt “* uuwm yttH Charlie Spltak and ! Hl* o*rhe*tr*. Stb)' Botaan. Coco. Steve A Ed(ll* Kcr-eo "Dangereyi Inlrudar BGV —Llycrneit at Oatlaan HO SOOO ywA Op~n 1 lO Dorntha I.amour. "fteet’e In ” "Botton Black It Baokad an ! »ua*ltl*n” Stan- J Cartoon*. Rertal. DRIVE-IN (East Side)-;rs h rrTit. Charlo* I-aughtnn t» "The Sutb*et.” Flu* Qirj i tonal in "Catano»a Brawn," OltlYt-IH (Wist SMTySSJSS Alan Ladd In "Salty ORaurta." P’ua "Having Wandartul Cnma," Fat 0 Brian. EAST ?ST££ R«-«d ’hr-tie Anal*." Flu* Bin* Cr<whv. j "Eatt Bid# of Heaven." «*r* K*r Wat. EiCT FMR— ( Jeffarton LE MU a eaji sm Dorothy McC'ilr# In "A Tr*a Groan In Brooklyn • F "Tit# Milling Corpte." Harpar-Va* Oyk* IV »0«l« iftjivnn opm at j u, , B»*ry, J CJlratcn. "Thit Man a Nary ." "IP* a Pleatura." S. Heti.e. M 0 Sic* FACT CinF —Gratiot at Grpndy GAJI JWL ~t * m tl ~»| H bow p & IClaudet’e r.,ltmri .n "Imitation at lUta." Bin* Croahy in "Eatt Bid* *♦ Maayan." FACTWAAft (New) Gratiot a tar 1-1111* LAJ I tfUyy open ITS F M Part Serial. "Tha Chaatart." artth Bill Etliutt Flu* "Ghott Gan*." truh Johnny Mt- k_Bro»n_ CfUA—POCK) Oakland TO 8-1780 •»nu upan 1. 10 ~H i*h Powered " . "Silver Clly Kid." Allan I..nv "Monitor A Aa* v ;j Alan Midnight Show. trnpcp—MM Watt JatfWton AT 7110 LlimjL Opan at 1:00 taut Bide Kid* "Manyman Alta Oia.” ■'Vldliantoa Bid*." j "Naarly Eight##*." Alto Midnikht Show. FCAIIIRF—>M>> l laffaraan TU 2-2780 a CJMUInC Jam** "Torrid Zana." 1:00. flip. T:10. and 10 SO. Fiua Thundarnaad.' *'i. * M> 1:11. MrDowail. FAMII V—Cadlllaa Bdaara. Monro# Ayanu* I Arm. i Wallaea Barry. Tom Diakn in “Tbia Man 1 # Navy." F'lot ri'JjKjihJ loa Bruco ''Woman In Groan •* FARMUM—* OM to *- Camtaa TR Ml'ja TAnnvrt CoBU frfin) IMJ Wallara laa Olnpaun. "Thla Man’# Navy." ‘•tt’a a Plaaaura." S._Henl#. VI. O Bhaa. FFHKFII —Fwr-k-ll Da.tar UN 2-MOi a ' innui Opan * 15. Dorothy MrClulra. "A Trt* Growt in Braaklyn." piua "t>* parlmant Prrilout.” tl limit. H. iJimarr. FFRMDAI F —Woodmard. nr. 9-Mila Bd a iLnrtVMkL Lonl f rf>w j f M. Van ’ Johnttm. Gloria DoUatan. "Batwaan Two j Woman ” Oblartlv*. Burma.’ Krrol Flvnn FIMF ARTC—^Woodwnrd at Wataan « Tint Bn l J 5 PM. Cont. All ; Nipht. J-idw Garland. "Matt M* in St. Loalt " Two o’Claak Couraa*,’ T. Conway. FICHFR — ,n tn * FWNP Bldp. d> 11 jiiLn ()pw„ h is. r.rm-r c.arann In | Vallay of Daemon.’ IJ .10 C S 5 S IS 11.01. "A Royal Scandal," at » H AMlMftA—Gratiot at 7 Mil* PI M6O a tLAniHUU ot^n {4l , M Uunn "A Tra* draw* la Braaklyn," "Ciparl maat Pnrilau*.” H*dt Unatr. I-a<: I U) FfIRDCnM — lOifl On. tt Varnar Hwy. tunwjun riaudMt* Coltmrt tn "Prartiralty Vaura." Alto "Trail as Kit Carton." ftnrla) and Cartoon CAV—THE PLACE TO GO 1 Dnanna Durtrtn in mmndy urn jttry. "Lady an a Train." a- -th Brwry Jt. In "Tha Grim ton Canary." FRAMKI iy-12710 Gratiot AB 4MI rnAHRim ( oof ,j V) Join ‘ Fontaine. c;*o, Brent. "Aftairi of Sutan " I *Thp Doaarl Boat.' Saddle Latthar law ' ftAßDFM—Woodward at Daldan UAnvLn i;jo P. if. S Bid Hltd. I' Sit Alonf, Llttla Oo«la." Onne Autry. | D. Barryu-ora. B<-nal Ptu rta. Cl nip—Gd. at Trumbull TE I-7JJ4 Joaovh bchillkrau’. Bllllb I Burba In •*Th# Chaattrt." Plua "llna iM* a Son* »f Tuu ' llt'i.ry Can*. r.RAMAdA—WaaI warran at Junction UnAnAk/B j,)] fttaj paat m "Tha Miatlna Corot#." Plua "Imitation as Lifc ,r will Lout no Beam CDAMI) —UMI Woodward at Grand UllAnv ~p,a jj "A Tra# Crawl 1 In Brooklyn " Alto "Men an Her Mind," Mary P Ilmhe« La re owl Show Trtmyht. ARAMDF — Ki * w tjnAnl/L Crdlt. ' M Jaa. Dunn, "Carihhai'' Myttrry ' Eaty to look at " ■ . . .. r.RAMT-Buttell near Holbrook a obahi I Oaory# Bren: in "Eipanmant Pcriluua." Pina frontia. v#n*#anc*." Don Ba ry. CRAVCTHHF—'» • m ichifao OB i iso « QRAIAIUBG ( ;not U 45 B CJrahla. John I’atne. "Faatllfht Serenade." l*m C'arnllr. H Du tn American Emplra." CDF AT I AKK-'fBU Grand Slyer UniAl lABLA loot, fmm 130 Park Fry* La at Bt ite B'art* 11 P M "H'l a Plantar* '• w K-er Thit Man't Htyy.* r.BFFUWnnb-Htmiltan at Kirby UnLLBWUUM ltennit Morian. Ray • mr*d Ma»»ey. "God It My Cd-Pilat." ~ 5H « Burnett I Mriecly Trill •• UADDER—Haraar at Lbktwood AR 4020 a nAnrin ()p€ , n ij 45 wallaea B«ary ID "Thit Man't Navy." S-mjD Hern* and ' Michael u shea in a Pkamatarm.” U a TCI BtD| —john'R. at I Mil* RO 144 "Ball ' APR , on,, u so«n. Harlal. Car etn Tarty. "Objaetiy*, Burma.• Flu* ‘‘Rauth Ridmi Juttira." Charle# StAnatt. HIGHLAND PARR-'r'.^T - a m I ' Waton Trarkt Watt." Plua "Haotlar Malirtay " M ' '* Mldniyht Frttural HOLLYWOOD lir./rVtr »<<o, "Valley as Datlalon." Plu* "Rayal , Scandal. Kankhead Laet _Shnw ;n. HfIMF— W * 1 Ghana street # nuni ,j (0 MrOul-e lln "A Tree Growt In Brooklyn." Flu* LuT ot th# Ouanat " M t Show 1 kAAVCD—UJ7O w. warran Ay*. CE t»SO nUuTLB cont. 1:18. John todm In I Bri|hton Afranflar ' laurel Hardy. ‘Noth. [ in* but Trbvbl#/ Serial "Sarrat A|ant." IMPFRIAI— 70M Mlchltan A*a. ' « inr iniHi Open 12 4:. Jamrt Cayney, : Ann Sh« tdan In "Torrid Zana" plua •taatifvl Cn*Dt " with li ntia Granville. |pIC t Grknd Bird, at Camaau a Cont Loro 1 P M Gan. Brant. Hed. Lamarr, 'Etparimenl Panloua.' Flu* Ci-ro Kid RMur n|." Mldnia'i'. Show! IPVIMf.—J'7.’O Ftnkell Ay# "RE 2SAE « IBTinu Noah Beery Jr. In "Beautiful Cheat." Suiarnarb Outlaw* ' I aM)*. IFFFFR^nM —**o°* te»t Jafferton Ay*, r>p*n i i* t m. . *r 'unti .Serial P*t OBr -n. "Pllthf Lion tan ans" A Lane, "Trail as Jilt Carte* " M\y—Joy at Deiter TV 4-M«} JVI Con’. 1 i 45. Veronica l ake S. Tuft# tn "Brlna On th* Glrlt " Randnlph S and II Wariu k in Chin* Sky VISA/; —s 4• 7 Chian* Btrert * in«rn IJ ii Jt.-*-e I »m*T Ann Sheridan "Terrid Z*"# " ''Si"# Me a See« at Teia*." M l *1 s*vte II n A P H; R M, rhl»anlsth St LA )Sl7 w.:i#,-i Hee-r Thit Mtn't Nety" I ' Road la Alcatru." R.. M. lu aht Dnowl s ~ OcF. 1945 Xp|M —Woodward nr. ( Mil* TO (.4110 < ml i; lit. It I gee* Mrmtl’h, nalr* T el r, "Street at Chtnre." R-,l)t Arn-..tri>iig "Cana* of th# Wttertront " LAKEWOOD-**; 9 1 Lnn* T irher R Tmmi "Miahtly Dtn|er out." "Bordertown Trail*." S. Burnotta. I w letfarton a LAnl AJ lin op# . n N(V>n rtrk rr># Wallace B-rry. J Oleaton. "Thit Man'* Navy." "If* a Plaatura." hnnla Henla. I A^lfV—HIM J*e. Camaaa Park Fe* « LAJAI foal, from tt'SCl TV rnthy \f ■», ura. "A Tree Growt In Brooklyn " i‘Cowboy from Laneaom* Bl»er/_i' Surratt. JIRFRTY—^Cantor Lm*. Mich LlDinil I>w| Fvetyn Anker* In "Tha Frol#n Ghott " BUI KlUott *nd Bnbhr Blake, "Phantom at th# Plaint." I lurni y—Port nr. Llvamalt VI 1-3*70 a UnUJIB , ypwma 1! ,V) T >f Irmt rimn. Wm Prince • Ohjartiya. Burma " "Batwaan Two Waman." an J I I lurrw y PARK Port St at O Connar UHL VLB TAIkB roB , f „ im ,j Park Free John Tfayn*. "Plan*# as th# Barkary Copet." Plua "ShanahaJ Cobra." UnWUUU Open 1-18 Claudette ’ Colbert. “Imitation of lifa " Blnr Croahy Jr,an_Blond*T. "E»*t Alda as Haavaa.^ I AAD—Mlthlttn at Cata Open 71 Hr*. « IV/yr Them** Mitchell. Mary An deraon In "Within That* Walla.” "Doth* as Raw Vof%.';_ F**t Side Kid*. Kewa. MAhltnit-W«*4‘d.Clreut Pk. CH 4 W a riAVIJVn Open 10:45. Greer Garten. ‘Valtay at Oaritlan/ 12 40-4 31* Id 11 01. "Bayal teas dal." 11:112 *T 4:42 10:r. HAIN-ROYAl•**-«£• 1 *0 TV>rnthy Ltmour Turk P'.well, "Ridinf Miah." •'To* Man," D O't onnor Tjtk' Show 10 MA IF^Tir —WooeJywara at Wiiu« HAJLJIIL Open « *O. John T/>der. J«r* Randolph tn "Jaalouty " "Bouah Sidin’ Juttlca,” with .Charlca Mtarrett MARTHA VASPrOH - gffXi J Bminr "Marn Blow* at Midniaht" Cnrihbaan Myttary." J«wa P6BB. y AVlljr—Mark at Baldwn PL 4?*S « PtAAIHL oxM>n 1 ,5 Mlng froKtir and Joan B’ondell. "Pa*t hide **f Heavae " "Imitation of Lift." < louden# Tolbert, UAVFAIR Woodward-Ell.t TC t-3313 a PlAlkAin op*, ah N'liht Fatt Sid# K’da. •*’Naath Brooklyn Brldae " Plua Richard DU. rreatno Foeier. MFI —Oak wood Blyd. at Allan AT Kst«o * r,tl ’ ftperi 12 4' Kt'harlne Hepburn. "Without Lava." 70* *.«•»m in "Flam# as th# Barbary Coa#t."_l 4 19 * 40 11:21. UFRCIIRY —Beba*f*r-l-MII* UN Z.SiOOe mCBLUBI oim i j tforvn Wallaea Beery. J C inaauu. "Thit Man’* Nayy." •Ift a Plaatur*.’ Bnrl* Henla. U. <■ » nitniUAH J„ hn Oarfleld. K Parker. "Prid# of th# Marina* " Dan# Cla-k and j F.ddlr Quillan _in "Sahtatka# Hunter*." MinTnWtf— T *' f < •» Canfield OB *O4« niuiuwiv 1;1I Luani- Ball. ' Ba*t Foot Forward ” Jame« Stewart. H. lamtrr. “Cam# and Ur# With M#.** tdIDWA V-h f ’ arfer at Mirh OR SOBO Plll/lfA I Oxycn 11 45. Duncan .Re ‘ nalito. Vlrl Ijann. "Claa# Kid BaturAt." Mi mi *f Cora*#." J. K. Bronihey*. UARAM— 44E7 Moran, ar. E. Grand Blttd. rtUBAn o , <a * ]s< r ,,„ Stnrm 1 "Fareyer Yaurt.” Plu# “Th# Beautiful Cheat." Honlta Granrlll#. N'oah Beery Jr. MATHR riTY—Van Dvfc# at S-MU* Road nuiunuil 1/>n rhtn ,y, Frelyn . Ankert la "Th# Prazan Ghoat." PTu* Bill Elliott In j;Phantom_#f tb# MYRTIF —Savantaanth ted Myrtt* PkiniLL jjannlt Morfin, Dan# Clark ■ in "God I* My Co-Pilot." Gene Autry. Smiley Burnette in Butaena 11 MnRTHWM—'-Mil*.Van Oyk* TW I-3*31 nuniuwn Conl 1M rirk Fr „, Jame* IVim. *A Tra# Gr*wt In Brooklyn.• lIIdIDKII ynpwFCT—Grand Bivar at Seathftald * BUBttLJi u,j P , rk Frt + i ’ Ctaarlmant Fanlaut." I 18-8 .38-9 37 "A Tre# Growt In Brooklyn,” 2 54 7 14 11^1. HAKnAIF —Oakland at l-MII* Road UAAk/ALL Oloria Jean and Kirby Giant. "Eaty t* Look at." Bill Luiou. Biake in Phantom if Plaint.’J At K| tMB —II '59 Oakland TO 3-44 U UAALAnkr Cnß , j 45 I<4f(l ow| sh , )W R. MrDowall. "Thundarhaad " C kT-rria, Boaton Blarkl* Baokad to Autainon" fIAEMAW Woodrow Wtitan at Glenddl* a UMinAlt Cool from j.jfl UwlT , a . marr. Gnnr*# llrrnt, 'Ciaaetmant Perilout.' i "A Trta Grow* in Braaklyn." D. Mct.iUra. flDFny— lßv » Concord FI 3883 WNCUir IjOC rhanay tn "Oaad Man't Cyat." Plua "Santa P* Saddla- Buntat Carton miVFR-MU Elliott at Olivar utlTtn open 1 IS P. »# Serial. Wm Rendu. "Dan Juan Ouilllaan " Wm. it. : "Haart as tha Wait.' 1 I'artoop. nDlrtlF Liawood St FStIA. TY 4-8400# UniULL ((p , B l;18 p u Errol rirnn. "ObJaatly*. Burma." Van Johnv*i, Batwaan Tw# Woman. Owl m PAIMFR park Hamilton at McNicholt rALPILn • AnA j4O Dum as Ben a ldo "Cite# Kid Batumi." Th# M»" Who Walkad _ Alan*." R > PALHS-SIATc- w^WM-l "“ h *. ,, ' Abh^ and Cottell* in Hollywood" with Re|a Plu* “Th# Silver Float "_ PAR ADI 1 Waodwar# « r nnnvijk o#j# w ~ l 0 R Cartar On-h., Bleapi William-, and 1 >a<l Bu;y Banti 'Bandit* as Badlaodt ' P A DK—Jhlh E Oaviton « TAnn IJ .30. Ann Conn. Jam** Ruth. "Call Df tn* Junfit" T a Jtiuea Dunn m "Th# livln« Ghott " PARKMDF-E Warryn-Oiekarten lE-.'oo r AnnjivL L^,n w jp,. 0 , hT Ma . Outr*. "A Tra* Qrowt in Brooklyn," Ft*. "tiDdrlmant Fart last," <- Rrmt. PACAAFMA— M * c| i ■< MrClallan pl *717 rAJAULHA J -jn Donald O'Connor. "Chl» »t th# Old Bkoeh." IMU Y. ' Marmal as Rana." t *-• B < PFRRIFM • • Sdßf Pwaat rtnnun npru 5 "Manhunt #f Myttary lila." K. Hepburn tn "Dra#oo S**d " "Th# Ba* Antanl* Kid." Ca-iteioa. Plff Aflll I Y— ll *' 4 f w-ke" UR 1-4724 « niIAVULi Open 12 44 Thomao Mtrrhell. ’Within That* Wallt." "Sin| Me a Sa*| as Taiat." 'Maitar Kay.’ Mat PI ATI — ll*l4 E. Jaffarte* LE 76*4 a" r lala rent. I to II P. M Ann Mi'lar, "Whatt Bunin', Cautln’" Plua Th# Cltro Kid Beturnt," D Ren a I do. PRF^IDFMT— ,O7J * Mack cl 7*m * rntJIUCHI Opeat ll V> Humphrey B dart, "Crlm# School." "Sundown Jim," Lm Klmbroucb. MidnUh' Sb-'w. 4 llits! PRKnil A— 7 * 4 * Mt Elliott Pl OAS 2 rrnJULIA Dennlt M-raan El-anor Parker. "Th# Vary Thauaht of Vau." -Thra# In th* Saddl*.’ Be; Owl St -w - punch t w-*«"»£rr Wallaoa Beery. Jama* Gleaerm la "Thi* Man't N»*y.” at_« ; lS. E:»5. 10i3. HADIO - Orahla, V Mature "I Wak# U* Scraam ln* ’’ *'lohnny Abolla," Tyrone p-war. DA|UBA—Gd River at Joy Bd ho i rtHinoy npen 10 15 A M C«nt < art. Parttl D M -(an. "Daaart Son*” 'Fir*, krandt at Arnaca " K | M RAMnMA-C , *t'®» ■» S -Mil# pi itii) * nAPIvnA ~ <5 Ptrlt frtm S(nl# Herla, “tt*# a PDatura,” 3 I* * i i Jl. Tn t Man’t Navy » i- ■ RFDRYRD— O4 k ' v * , * ItUriVIUP I Wallace lle.-y. Jam*# Gleaver "Th|# Maa'a Na*y " P'ui ii t a Plaature.' Snot a h»i a M OFCAI O*auindr#-Mifie#«ot# Tw ;.iO?i n*.VMN , i>nt IJO P II Fare I r-n. flrtryi'it f).intin<-. "Hotel Berlin " I’lu* "Utah." ll -> liter. nil De e |.|iv RFfiFMT- w " w, *' lf C * A, » ,, 2-*»g»* ■ i » Blew* at Midniaht." Tl*l*l Ju IJ Waman is Gre«n," | ,5-d. iO |.l» 10 IK i THE DETROIT TIMES Miss Behan Honor Guest MISS -ALOYSE TIOHE of Oakfield avenue was to enter tain at a luncheon today at the Detroit Yacht Club in honor of Miss Marian Behan, who will leave Monday for Miami Beach for the winter. Mi>s Tigheg guest list was to include the following Tau Epsilon sorority sisters: the Misses Kay McElroy, Anne Mc- Guire, Kay McNab, Shirley Knapp, Jeanne Kelly, Eileen Murphy and Margaret Martin. DEV—Part St nr. Junetlun VI 2-177 S nLA open 10 14 A M. Crmf. Jo# E. II «m. "Sldio* on Air." Frankln J-nkv. ' Mlttlnt Cora»*. ’ Mid Show, Snip. K-*i. Dill Tsl —Gratiot-Mt. Elliott Parkin* « mwkiw Dp*n 12 15. Van Jnhnenn. Keenan Wynn "Between Two Women." It i a Plaaiur*.' Hnr i Henla, M. G'ShlS R|A- W. Vemnr Higr»ay at Caatral « nl '' Open ij Ni«.n. Van Johnanrt, Gloria DeHaren, * Between Two Woman.” "Oblartlv*. Burma." ."h Errol Flynn Rl VIFRA -" a Road CH 4231 * B,TIC, '* Open 12 "h Norm. 'Valley ot Darlll#fl. , II 30-4 1* * ’<*ll '•!. "A Royal vandal." 2 44-6 33-lO:»l>. RI vni A — 1 C id'iUr-C Foraat PL 467* a nnvkM 13 4- p.rb- Free Rina i rmly, j it ii,,.-.i. Ea*t Sid* of Haavan.' "Imitation ot Llta.” < laudeft# Tnlhert. ntmm-'rsrxvir . a m "Valley ot Oarltion," i,i»r Gar ton an-l 1 Gracory Perk. I’lu> "A Royal Scandal." ROGERS- 3^6 w -* w ‘ rr *" TV Ca*nry, Ann Sheridan, "Torrid Zona." Plu* "Favhioe Model," Hubert J-*^e r T T—<*r*t t "r Harbor PL 5732 a nUUJLTIL ,p M P , rk Krw> Oratory Pe<’k. CJi»-vr r.a-ven. "Valley of ' Dari non " Royal Scandal.’ T. Hankhaad. pnCEBAIF— I " |1 Woodw d TO * 012381 nw JLVALL Open 1 13. Park rr«Kk "Eiparlmant Perilout." 1:4<M:31-9 Ji. ”A Trae Grew* In Brooklyn.* 1 3 11-T:O3 10 43. BACBVIII F~Utir.a at Gratiot Avana# "Eait Sid# of Haavan," Croahy. Blßridell. "Thraat a Crowd," Michael. Gordon Cart. Serial Sot (_mly^ •nilf,F-'4 Haltiner Ay*. Fra* Parkin* « RVUUL OpKl , p vi "Harrlian’a Kid." PI tie 'Saddle Serenade." Midnight Khnw! Sunday Mallrin#. • artorm Party. BftVV—Woodward ar. Tamil* RA SAM « nwAI Open 24 Rnur-i Wallace Beery. Jame# Ole* v>n. "Thit Man't Navy " "IP* a Pleatura.” Brmja Henie. Michael «TShe*. RftYAl 7 ‘BIB* 4Ad Mayara UN 3-4SBS * nu IAL Otrt. II Nona Park Fre^ "Royal Scandal" II IS *45 7 2S-11:0l. Vallay as Oaoaian.* 1:41 4 23 9 02 12.35. ROYAL oAl“ f * rk Ttm B 0 w,a * nyiRL USB Katharln# Hepburn and Spec \rer T-acf. "Without Lay#." "Horn Blow* ot Midnight.•' J. Benny. A. Smith. RIIPFRT — 7,J Asfclt. naar I. Part nwrini r>v« u w P. m Robert Artnatront. "Gang* as th# Watartrowt." "Th# Chaatart." H Burk*. Achildkraut. RUttFLL-******" •* K,rb > fIUJJUL ni , h#i Bftrr 7 F M Ball? Blaine. "Sarnttl.lnt for th# Bay*-" Plua "Vigilant** Bide, Ruaaell Haydeei B«rial : *47* Michigan LA »4«2 JLI4AIL ji:4J A. M. CnoL Cart. Party. B. Henla. "IP# a Plaatur* " "Man* Blowy at Show 11 P M. CFVIII F —Grand Blvor-Wahath TE 2-5478 JLTILLL op<!n | 0;l 5 A vs. Cont, “Bong *f th# Sarong." "Baaa Hank*." "Sgrlngtlm* in Ttaaa." Mid. Bwd. AFFR—Cardan City, Pard-Hiddl* Ml« jnAiui Oi>#o * 45. Hedy Lama ttm George Hren». "E«*#rlm#ot Parllaut.’" "Flrabrandt of Arliona." Smliay Burnett#. SRtfBMT tgfWA Ilcphuro. "Wlth#ut L#y#." "Flam# #f th# Barbary C#*at.”_ Laet Show »JO. —Karehevai at Sharlda# jncniuAn CArt j_ LT*™. "Spang# IllutlO'” Wm. Boyd. Gabby He-.-- 'Bar 20 Bide# Again.’ New Serial. shores (NEw)-rrrvr l^ L*a Tracy. "I’ll T#fl th# Wartd." Plua "Sang #f Nevada." Bov Rogar*. D Ivan*. CTiUI BY— I* 7 ® 7 Wtd Warn* Aw. JI Anil I >p«ai 1:1$. Otto Krugae tn “Janjl* Caaflv*. ’ Rod Cam wen. "Beymid th* Pac#t." •Pjfgl#_44#a#t#r_Btrtli#*/Her J CTAB—9777 Jeaagh Camaau J,An Open 1t;45. X#w Show Sun . Wed , Frl.. "What Frla# V##gaa"*e7” "Renegade* as tha Bl# Grande." Serial. CTRAUR— Cr«"d Bl»dr-I4th TV S-lOOE jinsnv op<fl ,j 45 Qinrla D*Haven. Van Johnaon. "Brtwaee Two Waman " Ob|e#ti¥*. Burma.’Jt.Jfimb Show g. CTDiTFriRn —47*' Wait V*rn#r Hwy. jinAirunv 0«or»# Tohlaa Hi "Okjaetlv#. Burma.'* Plug _^R*» r 'ng W**tern_ TFI FUFUK—^ Wayward at Gd~ Clraua Pk. IllCniWJ _ Wo#^wt ,g at Grand Blvd. Rea at as Bel«en <ri Trial! Tanka tn Toko hamt' lit Showing "Amartcati Beauty" TFMPiF-17730 Jahn R. To'l-4lft« ILFirkG imen ij 45. Beery Grahl#. S#ng *4 th* Itiaadt.' Plua Victor Matura In ;‘On# Million B. C." Midnight Show. TlMF—'*22l Isit Jaffgraa# MU Bill* ~p,fc Opmi !« IS A. M. Coet Don Amarha. "Girl Trauhla." Jama# 4 agney. Fritco Kid." Mid Show. Burprtaa Fast. times J MoCras. W nretman. "Raggad Angata." "Oklahama Kid." J Cs«D<f. H. BddarL ToWFß—'2hi> Grand Rlvar HO 4SM a lUWCn opaa 1:15 F. M. Park Ft#*. Wallaea Baeay. J tileagoD. "Thlg Man'4 Navy " "»*’• • BotO* f«U*- TBFMTDM—Tra#tan. Mlah Park Fra*. * IRLHIUn 12 to. irmi Flynn. "Obl«etlv*. Burma." "Eaty ♦# Look At." 01 - y Jean. Kirby Grant Midnight Show. TIIYFIW— Hamilton-Toiad# TO I-27M « IUACWV 0p,,, jis Ron la Hanle. M G She*. "IP* a Fl##*ura." Pint Wall#. * Beery J Oleayoo, "TBIi Maa'g Nayy " UNITED * Midnight. IHy Lami-r. "Har Hlgbnaaa and th# B*Ubay.» r ‘Th* Hlddan Eya.^ HPTflWM—^Ma«t-CiinlDiar# Z-OEB* « UrIUHIE Open 1l:4fl. Park Fra# "Thit Man't Nayy." Wa"ac* B-err _Pb t “IPt a Pleaiura," Bern)* Hookk M. CCkMi VAN hYIF- v,fl Oyk*-H#r##» TAD UIBL (>p<(n ~.4 3 A M ow , f^ n9 T-might. "Man Who Walked Aina*'* M"|l# r.agtlv# ’ 'Midda# Vallay_ootlawt ’ VAR^lfY~ L '' , • , " o,, MrN.rhOlt Park nt * v ABJI II Open 11:4*. ?4*w*. Ron la Henla. "It'S a Pteaiun " 1 18-5-EJS-11:8« FttM W. Roerr Thit Maa’g Navy,' M 44 I.' in rfWJe" "Chltg Bfcy," t nn.g m-T u-lh 41. Jtid» - ark in Fanthoua* Rhythm." » 4 Or V VIRGINIA Mamiltnn at Virginia Fork TinumiA (laudatt# Cdbart and Fred M*.-Mtirray tn "Fraatlealty Vawct " *, -n e Ar-y In "Rad Rlvar Valley" Vflf.llF— Haryer al Harvard TU 2-2072 * fwuwt op*a 11:1*. Park F•#•. Scmla Henla. "IP* a Fiaaaara." ll:SA-4 45-5:14- 11 4 3 ’Thit Mtn't Wavy.' 1:47-5:34-19 <l3. WARFIFI f>- " -gt at Parntwarth • ttAnrikkir j p M Caot A „ Night. Bing Croaljy. ‘Katt Bid* a( Haavan ' "Smg M* a Sang #4 Tmtaa." t* L«r.e WARRFN— warran Seuthßald ~CE lllf a w«nnin o{(<<f) , 15 p M P , rk rT99 Wtllar# Beery "Thl* Man't Navy." Rnnja H • - "It'l a Plaatur* " New*. Cartoon WASHIN€TONh «,.hr m J-'hn W tm#, "Clam* as Barbary Caaat " T*e f erty a Oaor* " J .». WECT CUK-4M4 Wart Warran Ay a. wlui knir Claudette Colher*. "Ffaa tleally Yawrt." R*ado!ph fh-ott ID "China Sky " Cartoon Party Saturday Ma'lnee f*"k , li HO 7111 • wLjivnn Cnn , tTnw ~5 r y Ptrk Fre«. Bon)* Hetn# ui "IP* a Flaatar# ” Wall*.* Bee-1 In Thit Mtn't Navy " ( WHITTIFR— c -C9 Blyd. Pfe. K-r# « nnuiiin g M r>*jua. I |v —'hr M«Gulre. ’’A Tra# Grow* •# Braaklyn," "Mitaieg C"ryte." t Randolph 1 W|| I |C—Carear Willlt ang Hattleg*. "'‘■k''* typer. 1 PM. Cartoon Serial | "Whit# Sayag* " Plu* T-*m Keen la ' Ante*a Baangug." WYANDOTTE- w * ,, '” , ' ,M *' « msm/vni open IJ n Park Tt s T>*ct K ffer’-'im. "Wtth#wt lav*" 'flam# as tn* Barbary Caoit." J Warn* WYANDOTTE MAJESTIC t Mt" B tf-ighee 'Tb# lady Cacfaatat " j "Here Comet Elmar " Ml tnleV Bbo» YOMR-‘ " ■'•• *' M ' *'"•’« PL : ISO # ,UJR ' r VernDic* Lake MA . f » ■ B'leg a* •»# r,ir|, .1 ■ , mair. Geo 3:«i. "Eta«rtm##| Ptrileut." C-5 ROBERT MANTELL Cunninqham's