Sinclair Lewis’ Cass Timberlane Starts Today tea
818 JV BBB
Estranged Husband Grilled
•Laval Executed
Trios to
End SJio
PARIS, Oct 15 (INS)—
Saved from a last-minute
attempt at suicide, Pierre
Laval wan executed for
treason today against a prison
wall where onetime Nazi con
querors of France had put
hundred* of Frenchmen to
The former chief of ihr Vichy
government, four time*'- j>r* micr
of France In the course of his
checkered political career, swal
lowed poison when he w i« in
formed that execution by a firing
•quad would soon take place.
Laval told authorities he had
the poison with him for a lone
time, hidden in the fur lining of
his overcoat.
He went into a coma, hut was
revived and walked, eyes un
fcandagr-d to the execution post,
j Laval turned t the «►!-
"diorx assigned to disjiatch him and
“I do not hold you responsible
for this crlmr.
“Long Live France."
Just before the men took aim to
end the fabulous career of the
butcher's son fcho rose to the
highest position in France, Laval
"Fire at my heart!"
Out of the 12 guns which faced
him in the last minutes of his life,
(Continued on fbigr 2. Col. 5)
House lo ltco|H‘!i
Atomic* Hearing
—Chairman May (Di of Ken
tucky of the House military af
fairs committee declared today
that he is willing to reopen hear
ings on atomic energy legislation.]
The latest demand for a more
thorough airing came from CIO
president Philip Murray.
Slayer, 16, Returned
CHICAGO. Oct. 15 (IN’S)
Donald Jay Cook, lb. who con
fessed to the knife and bludgeon
slaying of his pal. Morton Stein,
16. in the Stevens Hotel lavt May.
has been returned to Chicago
from New Orleans.
1a mM it I * ni II IB | ■ 41
1 • m. 1* « « m .12 11 « m. I*>
3 » m 3! 7 » m 33 12 iit>->n 4 V
3*m 33 Sam 32 Ipm 47
4am 34 » a m 38
Thf tun will m>i a* f> M n m today ami
rUc tomorrow at f> 4 6 a m
Thf m<xjn will rl«f at J O'* p m t< da»
and aft tomorruw at 13 so a «.
Hip, Hip,
Generally fair
tonight and
Cnotlnurd cold
and fro«d tonight
with lowest
about 33. Warmer tomorrow
2 Burn Alive
In Oul-Counfy
Auto Crash
Two persons were burned
alive at 3 a. m. today when
the automobile in which they
were traveling west on M-56
toward Hat Rock failed to
negotiate a turn, plunged
over a 10-foot embankment
and after rolling end over end
caught fire.
Trooper Claude Bartell of the
Fl it Rock state police post said
one of the victims was tentatively
identified as Henry V’asher, 25, of
1 1844 Weft road. Carlton. It was
impassible to determine immedi
ately wnether the second victim]
was a man or woman, pending
a cheek at the Wayne County
Morgue, he said.
Trooper Bartell said that after
leaving the road, the car furrowed
100 feet in a ditch, coming to rest
oi its top. Bartell believed the
occupants were only stunned be
fore the auto burst into flames.
Ownership of the car w*as traced
hy license plates to Stephen 1
Vasher. Henry’s father. The father)
was unahle to tell authorities who
was riding with his son.
Rebels at Saigon
In Peace Move
SAIGON, Oct. 15 (UP)— Anna
m*’se leaders said today that if
the British would guarantee that
no more French troops w*ould
move into Indo-China they would
withdraw- into the interior.
The Annamese statement coin
cided with the arrival of a French
cruiser at Saigotv It carried ele-;
ments of a French armored divi-j
French sources reported earlier
that French paratroojjs had used
mortars and armored cars to de
stroy blocks of houses in Saigon
occupied by the Annamese.
77,997,042 Japs Left
TOKYO, Oct. 15 (INS)—The
Japanese home ministry estimated
Today that the Japanese popula
tion stood at 77,997,042. I
s- CJy
Only Detroit Newspaper Carrying Both International News Service and Unxed Press
48th TEAR,
Mw. 14
lh>ndlim> Is W ednesday:
3 Days Left to Register
City Clerk Thomas C. Leadbetter today reminded
voters that they have until Wednesday evening to reg
ister for the Nov. 6 elections.
He also explained that most returned servicemen
who voted previously by absentee ballot must also
register to be eligible.
City Hall registration offices are open from 8 a. m.
to 8 p. m., while 18 neighborhood registration sites are
open from noon until 8 p. m.
C Detroit 31, Mich., Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1945
Halsey ? s
3d Fleet
i Returns
I (INS)—Adm. Halsey will sail into
San Francisco Bay today to launch
an "invasion” of the homeland by
thousands of jubilant returned
fighting men.
The fighting admiral, aboard
his flagship, the South Dakota,
will lead a parade of Third Fleet
•battlewagons. cruisers, destroyers
and submarines under the Golden
Gate bridge. A tumultuous Wel
lcome will greet the fleet, touching
off a week of celebration.
The South Dakota will anchor
just inside the Golden Gate, where
high-ranking authorities, state and
civic officials will board her to
review the other fleet contingents
jthat will pass in parade.
I Then the "invasion” will begin,
a split-second landing operation
of LCLs reminiscent of amphibious
invasions during the war.
LCIs, jammed with the thou
sands of Third Fleet veterans
bound for discharge and home,
will put out from the fleet in six
waves. The LCIs will carry the
men to Oakland, where they will
be put on seven special trains for
their homes.
Approximately 5.121 men will he
discharged outside the Twelfth
Naval District and some 2.500 will
be discharged in San Francisco.
Veteran sea fighters entering
behind the South Dakota include
the battleships Alabama, Colorado
and Wisconsin; the aircraft car
rier Hornet; the light cruiser
Vicksburg; destroyers De Haven.
Mansfield, Samuel N. Moore and
Blue, and the submarines Bo
cuna, Spot, Blackfi>h, Stickleback,
Trcpang and Lizardfish.
President Studies
'Cure' for Strikes
—President Truman took charge
today of the administrations
fflforts to develop a new recon
version w age-price policy to- meet
the wave of industrial unrest.
The President scheduled a meet
ing with VVLB members and also
was expected to confer with
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach.
Niagara Hotel Burns
(L’P)—Smoldering embers were
all that remained today o{ Cata
ract House after fm> destroyed
the historic hotel yesterday.
Senate Asked
To Kill House
Tax Measure
! WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 (UP)
Secretary of the Treasury Vinson
linked the ...mate finance commit
tee today to discard the House
approved tax reduction bill on
grounds that it might cut taxes
too low- in 1947.
Vinson renewed his original re
quest for a $5,000,000,000 reduc
tion in taxes next year by repeal
of the 3 per cent normal tax on
individuals, elimination of the ex
cess profits tax on corporations
and lowering of excise taxes.
The House bill would cut tax
rrvenue about $5,350,000,000 in
1946. but would trim the excess
profits tax from 9d to 60 per cent
for next year and ehminate it m
19-17. It also provides relief for
profits reduction and cuts income
surtax rates.
Vinson told the Senate commit
tee that the House bill granted
reductions "reasonably close” to
the $5,000,000,000 ho requested.
"But without further congres
sional action," he said, "the pro
visions of the House bill would
operate to grant reductions of
more than $7,000,000,000 for the
calendar year 1917.
"It would write into law about
S2,OOn.(M>n,WM» of tax reductions
over and above the $.1,004),000,-
04»0 reductions applicable in
"I believe that we should not
today prejudge to this extent
the tax needs of 1917."
Japs Make Drastic
: Wage Scale Revision
TOKYO, Oct. 15 (INS) The
Japanese welfare ministry an
nounc'd today that a drastic wage
.scale revision will lie forthcoming
)snon in compliance with a direc
tive by General MacArthur.
The plan is expected to provide'
a living wage for the lowliest
worker for the first time in Japan
ese history.
! OI*A S<»|« Oiling
On Aviation <*;is
If the man at the pump sells you
I aviation gasoline for your car, he
lean t charge you more than the
ceiling price on premium gas.
! That’s been the case all along,
but the OPA made it emphatic to
day when it wrote the provision
into its gasoline regulations for
the first time.
In the Times TODAY
Brtirr 11-alth |]
H.iS 9
"Hura Rm, 13
CHUlllln 31
( omit# 34 2S
( r,»«word Puult 24
l*i ton 13
iMirllnf 13
I: tutorial 12
fraturr 13
ttnanrUl 20
Mali*'# ( irtoon 24
Honor Roll 21
Irltrrt lo I ditto 12
Mallot, 12
Mart Haworth 13
Mntlt Rmjrimi 9
nUtnrn 4
Patlrrn 9
Kidto Prorrama 24
Ration Chart 9
Kt-ilft 23
Ranton 13
noclrtl 9
SoVihkj 12
hr*«rts 19. 19
htatr, 4rrrrn 9
Wtfr,n,' 13
V, ra Rr..« n 29
Man! Art* 21. 22 23
V nrhrll 13
W ivhlnr Mr|| 24
H hal t t hr
An«9>-r' |2
W irniwi Par* •
5 Cents
V j . S X S■* • ‘ - .4(C) r
Timet Photo
Louis Veto Thompson, 47, at his place of business
at 139(H) Hamilton, Highland Park, just before he was
taken to the Highland Park police station for ques
tioning in the brutal Oakland County hatchet murder of
his wife Lydia. He denied any knowledge of the crime
and said M had last seen Mrs. Thompson Thursday.
Sen Vandenberg Near
Top in GOP Survey
John W. Bricker, former Rover nor
of Ohio and vice presidential can
didate in 1911. heads a list of five
party leaders in prestige, a “grass
roots” survey of Republican lead
ers has disclosed.
Close behind Bricker was Sen
ator Arthur 11. Vandenbeig of
Michigan who gained more pres
tige in the last two years than
any other leader, the survey
4 Detroiters Hurt
In Ann Arbor Crash
AN*N ARBOR. Oct. 15-Four
Detroiters were injured near here
when a car dn\ en hy James Evans
17. of 5715 Rivard. Detroit,
skidded while attempting to avoid
a head-on collision and crashed
into a pole. i
Uera srown S
Last Page Every Day
l.inor Hits Aline,
.*» Mi .laps Lost
FUKUOKA. Japan, Oct. 15
(INS)—The Domei new*s agency
'said today that 546 passengers
Were reported lost when the 800-
ton steamship Tama Mara struck
a mine off Katsuomoto on Iki
Island. Yesterday, the Kajo Mara
hit a mine and sank with a loss
of 300 lives.
Practice Shot Kills
Woman in Building
A warrant charging manslaugh
ter will be asked against Archie
Bragg. 54. of 29-19 Brooklyn, who
while target shooting during a
Livingston county lake outing
killed a Detroit woman, state po
lice said today.
The victim was Mrs. Lillian
Lakkohen, 44. of 4008 Duane.
State police said she was shot
near Lake Monahan while she was
in an outbuilding yesterday.
State police of the Brighton
Search Home
For New Clue
The black and white spiked golf shoes of Louis Veto
Thompson, husband of slain Mrs. Lydia Thompson, were
sent to a police laboratory for analysis this afternoon
after what appeared to be a brown lock of hair was
found around one spike on the right shoe. Brownish spots
on the shoes and on the spikes were to be examined.
The victim of Oakland County’s vicious hatchet
murder was identified today as Mrs. Lydia Tjftomp
son, 47-year-old Russian-born Highland Park
laundry owner who, with her husband, own a
palatial summer mansion at Orchard Lake.
Friends from Detroit identified Mrs. Thompson 48
hours after her body was found in an isolated spot sur
rounded by dense underbrush 18 miles northwest of Pontiac
in Springfield Township.
The estranged husband, Louis Veto Thompson, 47,
was taken into custody for questioning at the Carson
Buick Co., 13900 Hamilton, Highland Park, where he is a
The story of a World War I
romance and years of marital de
votion that ended in nagging
jealousy, a thwarted desire for
divorce and separation unfolded
.today as officers delved into the
murder of Mrs. Lydia Thompson.
46, Russian-born Highland Park
laundry operator.
Mrs. Thompson was the wife of
Louis V. Thompson, auto salesman
and dealer whom she married in
Constantinople 22 years ago when
he was serving in the British
They came to the United States
and established the tiny laundry
business at 13921 Hamilton, High
land Park.
Together they sweated over
; steamy laundry, doing much of the
work themselves in the beginning
and living in one room behind the
laundry proper.
Together they earned and saved,
for the business prospered.
Then Thompson entered the
automobile business in partner
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 8)
Agreement With Reds
Envisaged by Chiang
Generalissimo Chaing Kai-shek
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
told correspondents today that, his
.postwar political program envis
ages a complete settlement with
China’s communist party and the
of Manchuria and
perhaps outer Mongolia into the
Chinese republic.
Churchill 111
LONDON, Oct. 15 (INS)—Of
ficial circles revealed today that
Winston Churchill will be pre
vented by illness from opening de
bate on British housing in Com
mons Wednesday. Churchill was
said to be suffering from a sore
post said that Bragg and a friend
were picking mushrooms when
Bragg fired his .22 caliber rifle
at a knothole in the building. The
bullet hit the woman in the hack.
Bragg was arrested and taken
to the Livingston county jail in
Bragg and Mrs. Lakkonen are
members of the Upper Peninsula
club which was holding an outing
at the lake. The club is composed
of persons from the upper pen
insula who now live in Detroit, j
Thompson, who married the vic
tim 23 years ago in Constantin
nople, appeared to be deeply
shocked when Highland Park po
lice took him into custody after
informing him his wife hbw*
“My God,** he said, “You
mean ... that woman out in
Pontiac. I don't know what to
Replying to a barrage of ques
tions from Oakland county depu
ties George Bearden and Delos
Anderson, Thompson stoutly de
nied any knowledge of the crime.
Hesaid he had last seen his wife
Thursday but he was vague as to
the time.
Apparently the last persons to
see Mrs. Thompson alive were Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Coco, of 46 Au
bumdale, who along with Mr. and
Mrs. August Nifa, of 13322 Thomp
son, went to Pontiac this morn
ing and made the identification.
Mrs. Coco told officers she saw
Mrs. Thompson last Thursday at
5:30 p. m. when the latter came
to collect some laundry. She said
she became alarmed when she was
unable to reach Mrs. Thompson
on the phone yesterday and de
cided to go to the morgue in Pon
tiac on the hunch the victim was
Mrs. Thompson.
While Highland Park police
were questioning Thompson, de
tectives went to his garage and
removed two automobiles for ex
pert inspection.
Object of a widespread search
by Highland Park. Detroit and
Oakland county police is Mrs.
Thompson's own car, a blue-grey
two-door Buick sedan with the
license number MT 2222.
Although the main part of the
probe into the death shifted tem
porarily t o Detroit, Oakland
county sheriff E. K. Thomas and
aides went to the Orchard Lake
The house, at 3751 East Shore
drive, is set in the middle of a
five acre tract and nearby is a
20 by 40 foot swimming pool. On
the first floor is a lavishly stocked
circular bar.
Orchard Park police told
Thomas that Mrs. Thompson had
been seen working around the
house several times this summer
but they couldn't recall having
seen her recently.
There was a week’s accumula
tion of newspapers in the mail
box and the doors were locked.
To gain entrance the officers had
to force a window.
There is also a kennel contain
ing four mongrel dogs. The ani
mak are fat and sleek, indicating
some one must have visited the
estate during the past few days
to feed them, v
At Mrs. Thompson's laundry,
13921 Hamilton, an employe, Hat
tie Stubbs, said the last time she
saw the proprietor was a week
ago last Tuesday.
Mrs. Stubbs told officer* that
(Continued on Page 2, C«L 4)