Newspaper Page Text
OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF VERMILION AND TOWN OF ABBEVILLE. VOL. gX. ABBEVILLE, LOUIIIANAA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1875. n~~~~~~li~~N O ....... . . ... .Ie• i i Police Jnrsry. State of Louisiana, Parish df'Vermiliob. The Police Jury of said State and parish met this day, the 4th of February, A. D.,'1S78, purnu ant to adjournment. Present; Hon, Nathan Perry, President':and Messrs. Broussard, Leleu. Hoffpauir and W'ise. The minutes of thetlast meeting were read and adopte.d. Mr. Wise on behalf of the Fi nance reported verbally, that they were unable to effect a settlement with the tax. collector and treas arer in consequence of the, former being in the city of New Orleans at the time the settlement should have beet made with him... Mr. E. I. Addison, publisher of the Meridional, being present, pro pnosed to the Jury to do all the parish printing in the same man ner as he did last. year, such-as 'publishing the proceedings of the police jury,- all the necessary blanks for the use of said iury, the jury list of the District Court, and such other matters as pnay be, ordered to be printed or published: during on. year from the 1st of: January, 1878, for the price and' sum of oiie hundred and twenty five dollar---payable quarterly. It was thereupon . ART. 1. Resolved, That the pro position of E. I: Addison' publisih er of the Meridional. as above sta t'ed, be and the same is hereby ac cepted by this body.. .A Ordinance Relative to Fences. SEC. 1. Be it ordained by the Police Jury in and for the Parish of Vermilion, &c. That hereafter all fences enclos ing land, for. purposes of cultiva tion shall be made at least four feet high, with plot less than four pieux to the panel. The lowest pie.r testtartSt a distance of not more than one foot firom. the level of the ground, and there shall be a ditch twelve,ibiehes deep, twelve inches wide, and eighteen inches firom the outside of the fence; the space between the bottom pieux and the level ground to be filled with dirt. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained, &c. That the respective owners of any animals of whatever species which may break into a field or fields protected by such a fence shall be held pecuniarily liable to the parties damaged, for the amount of damages caused by said breaking, and. to ., fine of ten dollars for each offence, the same to be collected before any court of competent jurisdiction; the damages to be, sued for by the party entitled thereto, and the fine to be sued the :name of the parish by the District At torney pro tern. , SEC. 3. Be it further ordained, &c. That no oh e whose fence does not come up to the standard above established shall. be entitled to damages on account of stock or other animals. breaking into their enclosures. And all such per Sons who shall be guilty of shoot ing, hurting, or in anyways injur ing any animals breaking into their fields, not provided with such a fence, shall pay a fine of twenty dollars, to be collected by the )istrict Attorney pro tem., as above, and shall be liable to the owners of the 'animals so shot, hurt .t ijured, for any damages by theem sustainied thereby. Szc. 4. Be it further ordained, &c.. That all goes collected under and by virtue of this ordinance shall, after the fees of the District Attorney pro temrn. are deducted be paid one half to the parish treasurer for road purposes and one half to the parish board of school directors for the snooort of the public schools of this parish. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, c".. That all ordinances or part of ordinances passed heretofore and in conflfct j.ith the provis ions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Walter A White. esq., was du lyv elected as patish and district attorney pro temrn. to serve one year from the 1st of January, 1878. to the 31st of December,, 1878, and his salary. was and is hereby fixed at three:hundred and twen ty-five dollars'per annum, payable quarterly.. , ART. 2. Resolved, That the - parish tax collector be and he is hereby ordered to make a full and final settlement for all parish taxes and licences by him collec ted to the lst of January, 1878, with the finance committee on or before the 20th inst. ART. 3. B]e it further resolved, r that in case of the failure o:said t collector ,to make said settlement by said date, that the president r- of the police jury be authorized to institute suit immediately to enforce said settlement. ART. 4. Resolved, That the par ish treasurer be ordered to make a similar statement with the fi nance committee to the 1st day of January. 1878, for all moneys re ceived by -him as such treasurer on or befre the 24th inst., and in case of his failure to do so then the ,provisions.of the above Art. 3. shall be also applicable to him. ART. 5., Resolved, That the fi nance committee be and they are hereby required to make an esti mate or .budget of the prbobable expenses for the year 1878, and make their report to this body at its next, meeting. ART: 6. Resolved, That war rant No. 1796, dated April 4, 1877, in favor of Nicholas Bnou dreaux, and drawn on the crimi-. nal prosecution funds of 1877, be exchanged for one of the same amount.. to be drawn on the con tingent fund of 1877; when there shall be sufficient money in the treasury to the credit of such fund; the said warrant to be drawn in favor of Solomon Wise as trans feree.. Mr. Martin Bagljy was.appoint ed road overseer f'o the 1st road district, vice E. W. Iluff, excused. The. following claims were al lowed and ordered to:be paid out of their respective funds : Colleetor and assessor's fund for 187 : Vilmnont Brcaux. $92 25 Printer's and stationer's fund for 1877: E.I. Addison, $25 00 Isaac Wise, 8 65 Solomon Wise, : 52 00 Out of same funds of 1878 : Isaac Wise, . $6 10 Out of the contingent fund of 1877: Joseps S. Nunez, $47 00 1 Leo Perret, 13 00 'On motion of Mr. Wise the jury adjourned sine die. (Signed) N. PERnY, President Police Jury. AMnBorse LACOUR, Clerk Police Jury. REMARKABLE SUCCESS. The success of the leading literary paper of the West. The Chicago Ledger, is truly remark able. Since its introduction to the reading public, six years ago, the tedgerFhas steadily advanced in favor, and is now acknowledged second to no paper of the kind in the country. Its circulation is national, and has been obtained through the efforts o its publishers to produce a paper: of high moral character, and at the same time sell it at a price consistent with the' present hard times. That they, have succeeded, and well, too, the thousands- of leaders of the Ledger scattered from Maine to, Texas and from Oregon to Florida will bear testimony. The Chicagoo Ledger is a large forty-eighti column weekly paper, which con tains stories both complete & con tinned, in each number, written by the best authors of the day, and a great variety of information in teresting to every. one. 'lie sub scription price of The Ledger is only $1.50 per year, postage paid, and it is equal ih every particular to other papers of the same char acter which sell for $8 a year. Three copies of this valuable paper will be sent to any one who .ends 10 cents and their address to the Ledger, Chicago, Ill. School Board Proceedings. Abbeville, Feb. 16th, 1878. The School Board miet this day pursuant to adjournment. Pres ent, Jas. N. Williams, Ben. Faulk, Daniel Paul, Archie Young, Isaac Wise, J. Abshire and C. H. Rem ick; absent F. R. King and John Lenoire. 4~he minutes ?f last meetini were read; same were amended by adding the name of Mr. C. H. Remick as being present, on motion same were adopted as amen ded. On motion Mr. Win. R. Richardson ,was employed to teach the fourth ward school near the residence of Mr. David Meaux. provided.however, that he should receive no coy pensation from the board unless he can obtain an average atten dance of ten pupils acogrding to, law. On motion Mr. C. A. Mouleset was el lowed eight dollars for teaching during the first week in January last. The resignation of Mr. Theolene He bert, trustee in second ward, wac'presen ted. On-motion the same was accepted, and Mr. Desire Hebert elected to fill the vacancy. On potion Mr. Ernest Montagne was employed ,to teach the school at Spring Hill, formerly kept Mr. J. A. McGill. On motion it was resolved th t the schools in third andoseventh wards be closed at the expiration of the scholastic. month In March on account of lack of funds. On motion resolved, That the warrants now in possession of Me. G. J. Young for .teaching for the months of November and December last. be destroyed, and the President and Secretary of ibis body be authorized to issue a warrant in favor of Mr. G. J. Young for fifty-eight dollars. being in full payment of his salary as teacher in second ward for the months of November and D. cember last; said warraots to be issued as sooan as Mr Young shall deposit his school register in the otlice of the St rertary of this board. The president appointed Mr. Benj, saulk on the cemmnitte to examine the books and aco:inuot of the treasurer of school funds for this parish, in the place of Mr. F. R. King, resigned.. Mr. Baptiste .aker was eleoted trustee of the school'in seventh w:hi, kept by Mr. A. Laeour. 'On motion the sum of ten d. liars out of the contingent fund was alflowed to W. A. White, esq., fr professional service in suit of G. J. Young vs I. Wise, secre tay of school board. On motion the meeting adjourned. JAs. N. WILLIAMS, President. ISAAC ISE,cretary. Secrctarv. SPECI1AL jMEETIJGV' OF THE CO UNCIL. Abbeville, January 9, 1b78. The Board of Town Council of Abbeville, met on this day in spe cial meeting. Members present : Leonce Per ret, mayor ; Lastic Yroussard, S. Wise, J. Boyance and J. Abadie. The minutes of last meeting were read, and on motion of Las-. tie Broussard, the same alopted. On motion of J. Boyanc6, That, whereas mosb of the residents of the town of Abbeville have heretofore neglected the cleaning out of their chim neys and flues, and that with a view toe avert the danger of fre to the owners of property in said town and others, by the butrning out of the same when strong winds may be blowing. : Therefore, Be it Resolved that it shall be made the duty of each occupant of a house in said town to have their chimneys and flues thoroughfy cleaned twice during the year, to wit: the Ist day gf the months of January and October., And further it shall be made the duty of the Constable to see that said resoln tion be carried into effect, and to give all occupants have the same done within the first thirty days of said months above mention.d, at the expiration of which time after having been notified as above mentioned the party or parties fail ing to comply with the provisions of this resolution rhall be subject to pay a fine of five dollars, recoverable before mayor or any court of! competent jurisdiction, one half of said fine to be paid into the trea sury and the other halt to belong to the Constable. On motion of Mr. Wise. Resolved that the Constable-Collector be, and he is hereby autborized to receive for that per tion of the licenses of the year 1878. pay. able in warrant,: being one-half thereof. the judgment of Dr. W. D. White, togeth er with costs incurred therein. On motion the Council then adjourned nnt!l next regular meeting. LEONCE FERRET, mayor. L. C. LYoss, secretary. DR. W. W, VAN PELT, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. 4ABBEVILLE, LA. Treats all forms of Diseases, either acute or chronic, according to the' principles of SPECIFIC M EDTCATION. All female diseases snccessfnlly treated. Leucorrhmea. Fluor-albus or Whites a Specialty. June 2. '77 Notice. ;THE undersigned has Two (2) Plantations on hand for sale : One situated about six miles -outhwest from Abbeville, West side of hayou Vermilion, contain ing abQaut two hundred and forty (240) s..'perficipl arpents, with a Fine DWELLING HOUSE AND KITCHEN, and about three (300) hundred, pannels of new fence thereon,--one-third of the land is timbered.' ANOTHER Plantation situa ted at Grosse Isle, about thr'ee (3) miles East from the town of Abbe ville, having three-and-a-half (31) arpents front by forty (40) in depth, with about fifty (50) ar pents of WOOD LAND thereon, and a right to cut wood on the Alexander De layhousaye tract; which tract is 4 community property of eight ar pents by forty. . . For prices and conditions of the above piantations (which 'vill be in accordance with the hard times), apply to F. FERAY,. in the town of. Abbeville. Im mediate possessioh can be given in both cases. F. FEIRAY. N. B. One of the above plan tations nelongs to a lawyer of the parish of Lafayette. The party purchasing from .me will have to pay expenses of sale, record, &c.', &c., in,:this parish from the La fayette Records. Title perfect in both ckses. febl4 '7i F. F. The Confederate Soldier' s Return, or the Lost Cause. The Confederate, soldier's re turn, or the LOST CAUSE-A mag nificent picture, beautiful in design and artistic in execution. It rep resents a Confederate soldier after the. War returning to his home, which he finds ruined by shot and shell; looking lonely and desolate. In front of the ruined `cottage, telling a sad tale of the miseries of war, are two graves with rude crosses, on one' of which some friendly hand has hung a garland. The graves are overhung by a weeping willow, in the shadow of which stands the returned soldier with bowed head, as if thinking of the past. To the righjt the calm river and rising moon indicate peace and rest. The stars seen through trees represent the South ern Cross, draped, over the graves, an emblem of the Confederate flag, as well as a harbinger of brighter' days to come. The f:ood of glorious moonlight streaming through the trees and reflecting on the peaceful river adds to the sentiment and beauty of the scene and its surroundings. No description of this gem of art will do it justice-it must be seen. It is a picture that will touch every, southern heart and should find a place in every southern home. It is 14x18 inches in size, on heavy plate paper. One copy will be sent by mail, in a pasteboard roller to any address, post-paid, on re ceipt of 25 cent three copies for 60 cent or six for $1,in 'currency or postage stamps. Agents want ed everywhere, to sell this and a variety of other popular cheap pictures. No money required until they are sold. No trouble to sell them. Send stamp for our catalogue and terms. Address, A. GREGAR & Co. Pub lishers. 168 Market St., Chattanooga, Ton. Notice. Succession qf Elijah Ewing. All persons indebted to the above succession will please come forward and settle the same, those having claims against said succes sion will present them duly au thenticated. EME~isB EwiNa. Natural Tutrix. Oct. 20th 1877.. CLOCKS. DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. OLD F.ITHER TIME CAUGHT AT LAST. ./1 Number One Reliable Clock for $3 OWING to dull times and great shrinking in valuei, have determined to reduce the price of our eight dol lar Thirty Hour Stem Winding Clock to Three Dollars--sent to any address in the United States by express free of ex pense to the purchaser--"each and every Clock warranted for two years." This offer only remains good for 60 days from date of this paper. These Clocks are our own manufacture. Now is the time to secure a good Clock for almost nothing, NoTs Thasi INITRncrroNS.-Clocks can be returned and money will be refunded if purchasers are not satisfied. Give full name, post-office, coulr and ftate, and nearest express office, 9 we send goods exclusively by express. The safest mah. ner to send money is by postoffice money order or regiutered letter. The postoffice department deliver no registered letters or money on money orders to only rc eponsible parties, consequently this would be the safest way of ordering out Clooks. Address all orders to L. FRYER & CO., Clock Manufacturers, feb23-'78 o Cincinnati, Ohio To the Public. I would respectfully inform my friends and customers and the peo ple in general, that I have just se lected with the igreaest care, a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, Awhich I am now offering at the lowest cash price My stock comprises a large va riety of Domestic Dry 'Goqds, Fancy Goods, Fine English, French and American Casimeres, SLadies Dress Goods, Cloaks. Shawls, Notions of all descriptions, Calicos, Best An erican Brand. Cotton, Bleached and Brown, Alpagcs of all shadeq, Flannels, Opera, Plain & Colored Checked. Ladies. are respectfully solicited to call and examine my stock and no trouble will be saved to show all articles which they desire to examine, to price or purchase. Clothings of all descriptions Gentlemen's. Shirt, Underwear, and all kinds of Furnishing Ladies, Goods, Misses, Men and Boys Boots & Shoes. Hardware, t!ie latest improve ments in utensils. Saddlery, Crockery Tinware, A fine stock of fresh family gro eeries. Tobacco, chewing & smoking, segars, pipes, &c. Sole agent for the celebrated WEED SEING MACHINE. the simplest. cheapest and most durable of the kind. My stock is now entirely JVNew and complete, and every one rich and poor, white and colored are welcome to enter and see for them selves. Believjng that it would be great ly to the interest of this parish to establish a Real Estate Agency in the town of Abbeville. 1 have' assumed the position, and inform all those who have lands, planta tions or town lots for sale, or those who desire to purchase the same, to call at'my store where I shall always be ready to give full particulars and make agreements. Having now communications with different parties in the United States who are desirous to locate jn this country there are chances to effect sales or purchases at early date and on satisfactory terms. P.espectfully, A. I. MARTIN. TA.X NOTJ.ICE THE tax-payers of Vermilion Parish are hereby notifiel that I am now ready to collect all taxes and licenses due the State, and to come forward and settle the same without further delay. SJos. S. NV:u.z, Tax Collector Vcrwiliou l'arish. feb23-'78 To the Editors of the Rtate of Louisiana. The Louisiana Bureau of Immi gration is receiving many of inquiry from various sources calling for information for farsm ers, mechanics laborers, business men, and capitalists, who desire to settle in this State, or invest capital here. Our bureau has issued two discriptive circulars, with maps for the benefit of such inquired. We have sent off rnany circulars, and copies of Louisiana ./s It Is, and written answers in response to letters of inquiry. Our bureau has opened books to receive descriptions otf lands, for sale, propositions to. lease lands, or to have lands,' worked on shares-any proposition that may enlighten the immigrant wlho. wants to come to .'otisiana.' We will record all such descrip tions of lands and propositionb inl our book.,:which, will be open to strangers and persons wishiug tq purchase; and these descriptions will furnish the bureau with an additional fund of Valua ble infor mation' for futures eirerlars, and to be qied;in our letters in reply to inquiries. As our board has no funds and no'income expect the small amount furnished-by merchants and others in New Orleans whd subscribe to assist us in our labors, we respect fully beg the editors of the State to published this notiee, for a few weeks or months, without charge to the board, fori the beneft of immigration and the State. ' Wx. BOGEL, President. Office Louisiana Bureau of Immim gration, No. 8 Commercial Place New Orleans, La., Oct. 6, 1877. Official Directory. District Judge. ERAST MOUTON. District Attorney. J. A. CHARoos.. ; Clerk of District Court, LASTIE BBrOSSA1D. Representative. ADRIEN NYNE3Z. Parish Judge. WILLIAM KIBB E Parish Attorney. W. A. WirMT. Sheriff. G. B. S.A.. . Recorder. LEO PERRET. Tax-Collector. J. S, NuIs . Police Jury. . LTpWARD HOFFPAUIR President, 3. WisE, D. O. BROUSAInD. F. D. LELEU, N. PE&RY. 'Pown Council. LEONCE PERRETr, Mayor. arSTIE BROUSSARD, J. ABADIE, ;. WIsE, J.'BoYA~NE, rEo. E. LYoNs, Corstable. Justices of the Peace, 3d. Ward: F. B. PATTEN, W. A. WHITE. Dep'ty. U. S. aurveyors F€. F'LRAY. Read This Twice. "THE PEOPLE'S LEDGER" contains No Continued Stories, 8 Large Pages, 48 Columns of Choice Miscellaneous Reading Matter every week, together with articles from the pens of such well-known writers as NASBY, Of IVER OPTIC, SYLVANUS COB, JR., MISS ALCOTT., WILL CARLTON, J. T. TROW BRIDGE, MARK TWAIN, &c., ii- I will send "The People's Ledger" to any address every week for three months, on trial on receipt of only 50 CENTS. "THE PEOPLE'S is an old established and reliable week ly paper, published every Saturday. and is very popular throughout the N. E. and Middle States, A ddress, HtnuaNN K. Cu.aTt, I'ublisher, No. 12 School St., Boston Mass, r. ak. 2~~3[~ ATTOUMNEY AT LAN: Aboi~eville, Louisiaua.