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' - trr'3 iI Y-1"~) ' ? I;~~ :·l1 VIOL. XX ABBEVILL 3. J4OtJKS*4J4 S;U' V 4i~ is., ___ ___ i;IL -O, k8778 110 ,V1~L;' I would respectfully inform my friends and custbimers and the peo ple in general, that [ have just se lected with the gr'eaes care, a general assortmerit of all hid Winter Goonls, wbhi, in m uw tfferIng at the lowest 'cash prid -My stock comprisel a largb' Va riety of DomeStic Dry Goods' Fancy Ododfs, * Fine Englisb, Fread.i. and Aberiet Cas .eres, Ladies bresa Uoodsl, Cloaks, Shawls, Notlbno ' of !l ddeirlptions, Calicos, Best Amierican grand. Cotton, Bleache~ and Brrno, Alp*cas of all shades, FlanpIls, O t-a, Plaio . Colored Ch cke4 ~Idies'are respectfully so` cited to afRt and 'eamine my stoct and nd trouble will be saved to sihoi til hrtlcles which they desire lb exzlhaine, to price or purchase. Clothings of all descriptions: Gehtlemen's Shirt, Undertrear; and all Iinds - 1f Furnishing ladiL, Godds, Misses, Men and . oys. Boots & Slibes. Hardware. the latest improve me)ts in utensils. Saddlery, Crocke'y Tinwire, 'A fne stock of fresh family grm ceries. Tobacco, chewiog A smoking, segars, pipes, &c. Sole agent for the celebrated ' WEED SENING MACHINE. the simplest. cheapdst and most| durable of the kind.' My stock is now entirely .New and complete, and every one rich 1i and poor, white and t~-lored are welcome to etiter and ate for th€in- 1 selves. r Believing that it would be great- a ly to the interest 6t this parish Io f. establish a Real Eshite Agucy itl y the town of A1be#bitle. I have h assumed the position, ind inform 4 all those who have laids, plants tiorin or town lots fur sale, or aj those who desire to ptrchase the bi sarib, to call at my store where Ilh shall always be ready to give full vi partitalars and make Agreemen ts. to Having now communicatioqs with different 'parties in the United lx States who are desirous tt i ocate pE in this country theri are chances th to erect sales or purchases at early e date and on satisfactoi-y terms. tih Fespectfulfy. hr A. D. MARTIN. ca 1 Otice: The following is an estimtite exhibitidg the various ite.its of xpendithres fot the year 1878,1 as tade fut~by the Finance Com mittee sad mubrmited by tl em to the Police Jury on the 1st day df April, 1878, and odrdered by said body tonpe ppblised thirty (30y Dys a6i6'din, to la*t, before sa seeUlag the taxes: Crimindl. millf. nCmin. , proseautio. fund iand ýIipp r diem of grand cle t juries, witnesses. corn court, sheriff.and strict. dstationer's fund s Distri A mneY food and t6t a orny pro tem hour. fees for holdiftr Wgor'r tend 2k ond tor F. . Kin g Jury Finance Com S'lerk of ' olice Jury ariTrasPrer. na Po ic Etable, oP.b, ool , . 12 Attee A 12 Clerk Police Jury-,1 1TOWN' COUNCIL: , Aas . VLa, April 6, 1.78. -o.I Th Board-of Town CO~acil of i. Abbevrlle met at the codithouse a on this day. did Leonce Periet, esq., nerly elec. S'ted mayor, on producing his cre deitiath and oath of offiee, took a. his seat and called the board td order. Whereupon the following nati-i ed persons. being same old menii beri who were re~elected to serb. , duking ther ensaibg term, to witt Se!esra.. S. Wise; .L, Broussard, J. Boyance and J. Abadie, alas produced their Credentials and oath- of office took their seats. Ou'ltiotion of L. Broussard, the minutes of last meeting werk 1. read and adopted. The electiou for o .poratioiq *'oflieers being in odr,, the board p proeeded to thei' electo. - d On 0 4itis'af 9i wise;aemlved,, d that the ele"tion be qonducted by y ballot. b, The ballot being 'taken, the vote stpod thus od li e election . for constable : G. E. Lyons receied' 4 votes. .o. 6 " " The following ballot was taken ibr Secretary and Treasurer. L. Q. Lyons received 2 votes. F. B. Patten " 3 " The following ballot was tpked for attorney fdtocorporation: W. A. White I ceived 8 votes. Wmn. Mouton " 1, " E. I. AddiA was elected prin ter. Ot motion tif L. Brousserd, G. E. LyoBs was appointed biridge keeper for the ensuing year it the same salary $1 50 per annum. O()n motion of L. Broussard, f'e solved that the salary of the geo retary and treasury. printer abd mayori 1f affd remain as xzed toi* last 'ear: -' Ori hnotion of L. Broussard, r~. solved, that thd salary of corp* ration attorney bb fixed at $50. On motion of L. Broussard, re solved, that the rate of taxation for the town oftAbbeville Odf the year 1878 be and the isaine' i hereby finxd at 0 minill on the 4ollar, to be lifided as follo,#si One-third of said amount to be t applied to the keeping of the bridge, and i-epiir of streets and bridges, and the balance to be di vided prorata among the officdfa P to pay their salaries. And further; that said taxatidot be based on the assessment of prd. perty d~ the corporation made by the Stte assessor on. last Year, exceot in so far ad ne* and addi tional jroperty may have been brought in said town; in which! case the secretary shdll call im-I mediatelf on the assessor for a! list of saith property under his lWte -revisibn of assessment andl that the decretary proceed imme diately to make his roll ftrbi said State roll had furnished list as aforesaid. On motid6 of L. lrouseard, re solved, that in. co isideration ot the fact that A. D. Martid having only sold liquors during the first, three month of the present year, and had at this time entirely quit selling the adme, Be it therefore resoi4ed, that the amount 6f his said license be? and the same. is hereby reduced I to $8 75, and Mirther thiat the suidt if $11 25 be refunded to him, 'e haiong already paid the full $15 i license, provided that he does not I hereafter sell lifor duriing the 1 present year. (A motion of S. Wise, resolved, that the Town COuncil appoirt a I cormbittee of three to solicit sub. seriotioes in conj3nction with the I com nittee appointed by the Po lice Jory for the repair of tlte par- . ish jail. t Whereupon the Town Conocil appointed; on said conmmittee Mls- . era. S6aw, F. R. King aad Wr. Momttbn. On motion of L. Brouss~rd, re sol.ed, that the officets of the oor- . poration be required to furnish bond in the samte amount at4'oon. ditioned ,ias .he.tofore, provided under formier.ordinance,. Oa motion the Council then adjo.*ned to next regular meeting. LaosNC, mayor. L. C. LYows. Secretary. Probate 'Sdle. StATE OF LOUISIANA. PARIsH a VEBRWLMN. Plrish Court. No. 526. Saeeessiofi bf Paulin Pontelieh. By virtei of a decree of the honorable P;rish Court aforesaid, granted id the Iatters otsaid sue. cession, notice ip herbby given that there will be offered-for sale, by the underigned, in ,the towh of Abbevile, FOR CASH, on .THURSDY, o 16t dal of Magy, 18'18, 1. #ll the prope'ty belongif to Aid by tccssioin, oe tIng of the Undivided hilf of the west half he' lot No. 41, in Megret's portion on of the town of Abbeville, bouiMed east by the remaining half of said e. lot;. tvest by lot No. 42, south by 'lot Nb. 33, and fronting oa Con en corde street. with all the improve ments situated thereon. s. The Undivided half of the East half of lot No. 41 of lot 41 of ed 'Megret's portioin of said tot u, bounded horth by toncqrde street is. ýast by State strect, south by lot No. 42, and wept by the west half n. of said lot, with all the improve nients situated tlhereon. . The undivided half interest of 'e lot No. 42 of Megrets portion of Re the town of. Abbeville, measuring 90 feet front by 140 deep. bound . ed north by ibt No. 40, south by . lot No. 43, edlst by State street; ad and west by lot No. 34. j. The unditided 'half interest of lot 61 of Megriet's portion of tJe e. town of Abbeville, measdring 90 g feet front by 142 feet 6 intihes deep, bounded north by' boulevard e St. Victor, south by lot 62 and b8est by St. Charje4 street. e 'he ,undivided half interest in anti to the town lbt' o. 61 of Me 0 gret's'poi'ton of Abbeville, mess sring '90' feet fr·pt by 142 feet 6 e iches dtel, bbuilldd north by b-u. e evard St. Victof', isoth by lot 70, east byLoadsidfiha street, and west by lot i1i,' Wifh the 'half of im Sprovements situated thereon. T~he ·undivided hilf: in= and to lot 43 of Boebte's portion of Ab Sbeville, meriuing 90 feet front' ;- by 145 feet 14d inches deep, boun ¬ ded north by lands of.' succession 4t Carmelite Bilanchet; south by lot 42; east by lot 44, and west by i btbisiana' street with the half of 'imnprovements situated thereon. j T be undiiided half interest in E jand ,to lot $9, of Boete's portion of Abbeville, measuring 68 feet 3 ljinches front by 142 feet 6 inches a deep, bounded north by lot No. I 80, south by boulevard St. Victor. h east by lot No. 38, aiid west by St. Charles street. The undivided half of the q~ndi- h vided half in and ti the lots N1os. 17 and 18 of Boete's portidn of y said town of Abbeville. 'he undivided hdif of lot o. e 30, bf Boete's portion of said town of Abbeville, measuring 90 feet si front by 142 feet 6 inches deep, boii'hded north by lot 81, soth 6t by lot 20,.' east by lot 37, .iLd west by St. Charles Atreet. T¶ie undivided half of town ' lot hi No. 72, of Megret's portion of the il town of Abbeville, bounded north by lot 71, south by Rae des Sveors ai de Charitd, nest by lot 64, east at by Louisiana street and messuring 90 feet front by 140 feet deep. N The undivided half of to*ti lot tu No. %1, of 3oete's portion of lb beville, with the undivided' half of 1ll the ifipnrovemerti sftidaid a the . . . th 7 mndvid. half 6. t' r. a uodrs and coffedoBmus f(hrnitraes b 4 6the bar room formerly kept by oh Fofi.liei A Tmlhran ge The unndivided half of one irolt d cafe and a horse.. - And a Trhi other articles. 'w.' F. SdLotB O, g Sbbr'ville, dpria~lo. a, Abbeville, Apr i-3,t&7T. +. Widow E. GUEGENill, P rIloot . PVBLJSHED EVERY 8ATIJB~lkY, BY SE. I. AhD.01SON·N $2 50....PEiR YE i.,..$2 64 The Mg[luioyw . {s ppbUiab*+d sreki, i Enaiish and renal, at two dollar, sad ally o isa s p.. l aanu payable inf advppce. Adverthements Wiii be inherted't $1.00' per ra~qn of t!a lines, 'or lea, for eacli insertion. Advjrtlsem ets 'pibllisaheu In Englibs and Erenoh wil1 be b'arg$s for both a., guages. No adverthement ibfl) be' Ibeste4 for d4e than two dollars nd ifty catls,., . Paymnent of all advertaememnts is qon .id~ra d due iswuedJM4el' aftgr their Isf publication. Advetuideub e Lmasrked with tie nnumber f hiý onq red;ireit wilIbe ppoblished unti loth wise ordered, and rbbirgad for asarordh lg Tax do1IJra in. rvapce is required for asnounoint 6 nd !rts 'for ofice; 4nd electiouttiqkeC or other job4work anat be paid for on deliiqry. THE YOUNG WIDOW. She is Modest, but not bashful, Free and easy, lIt not bold: Like an ipple. ripe and khellow, Not tdbo young and nt too old; Half invinng, half repulMve, Now adranciug, and how shy There is mischief id her dimple, There is danger -i her eye. She has studied human nature; She is sclioled in all her arts; She has taken her diploma As the mistiesa of all hearts, She can tell the very moment When to sigh tnd when to smile; Oh,a maid is .onietimnes charming, But a widow all the while, Are yeh sad4. How very serious Will her handsome face become! Are you angiry? She is wretched, Lonely, friendless tearful, dumb! Are you niirthful? How her laugh ter Silver sounding, will. ring out I Sl81 can lure and catch and pl1y you, ýA the abgler does the trout. te iod baohelors of forty, Who have grown so bold on wine, Ydnnj Americans of twenty, With thElove-looks in your ey'es, You may practiceall the lessons Taught by Cupid since the fall; $d'. I know a little widow Who could win and fool you'all. A grdwling wolf espied a horse grating in the field. 'Ah,' said he, 'a prize, hut how toy manage? A horse is not an easy prey like a sheep. I must try somle trick.' So he drew near and introduced himself as a doctor. 'You most be ill,' he told the horse, 'or they would not have turned you out to graze. Tell me your disease ; I can cure it, what. ever it is.' 'I have a swelling on the under side of my foot,' replied the horse. 'Let me examine,' saithe wolf, &haking ready for a snap. Suddenlf the wary horse let fly his heels a'd threw the iold high in the air. 'Ah,' he howled, as he limped away, 'this serves .ne right t I should not have quitted my fiade. Nature meant me for a ·, not a doct6r,' 'I Sao," asked one darkey of another, "can you tell me which am wuf de most, the bride or de bridegrobm t?" "Why, d ~iride, ob course." "Go Way. you nig ger; you d6n't know ndufn. I ami de bridegroom." ~Why so, Samn bo ?" "Boosese ybred, ieý ey gi atarrld de bride and alian adwy, -but th brdeg1abi' da amd."_ . 80.SOV"' APPEAL. The Memphis, Tenn., Appesl l prints the following ae. a extraet from a letter of a young man of that ,city, sow. at the Lebanoma ;| [aw.School, to his father, setting. forth the low state of his finanoe, `'I harp $1 is my pocket, so yer b nay see my @panseare at a pret. ty. low ebb I.lave noet squalder ed any money, -bat one little ne eessary item after another with - a new hat, soihe books, etc., have ". combiaqd to diminish myap spply ` of funds. I hate to be necemita. ted to write for mosney. I. hats ýt money, anyho*. Don't think from that that I, on account of ny. 1*. : tred hi'r it, relle'e myself of it ae S.soon as it is iy~ good fortune to r be buriened with the filth. 'It is Sthe hating to apply for it that Jnakes me cling'to it so tenacious ly. But I speak the truth when I say I hate it. It causes more trouble than any one thing earth. 'ly. The strie 'for it makes man ballous and selfish: The poseses sion of it makes him piroud and stingy. The strong desire in the human heart to obtkiin it tends to brush his higher aspirations, and iubdue his nobler impulses. It, renders him cunning and tricky, causes him to measure his fellow-l man's character by his own. And still, notwithstanding my hatred for it, and its blackening influence on inankind, I feel diuch- more a icomfortable, and far msre indbi- pendet;, with a few lodse dimes about imy old clothe-th~io when on touching my pocket no musicai chink is gilen back. It is a 'kip der' ionesodie feeling, and a leetie empty; so' rest assured that be- g fore long no `musical chink' will be 'iafted to d3fy eipectant ear, end I1r' t homesihk, and the lone some 'feeling will come o'er me, and I'll suffer. - o please avoid all these unpleasant consequences by granting an anupicious car to i"my melancholy but earnest ap peal." ta "What is a carniverous ani mal ?" Prof. Miller asked the boy with seven rarts on one hand, a sprained tlh'iib on. the other. This boy, wio stood near the head of the class; when it formed left in front, and who had played hook ey the day before, paused, stood on one foot; looked up at the ceil ing, glanced anxiously at the pro fessor, and said, in a tone that indicated some doubt on the mat ter. "A carnivoloas ani'nal is one that eats matdi grass." Then tlie school went into a short executive session, and the professoi passed the rattan bill over the boy's veto several times. Tas PATic Svnoqi-The public Schools of the parish of St. jtides, sixteba in number, have now been fn session nearly nine months, without interruption, al most miraculoas1y, considering he limited means at the disposal or &he school board. *here is tlb tacher that has not received a reasonable com pensation and beet panioually paid , And the directors are not In any way diposed t6 close thee at the present time. On the contrary. They desire to increase them, !tb render thepE more perfect in heir orgadization and usefulness. They will certainly suceeGd if will, devotedness to duty and .otic motives merit esccess. t 2'U SSEL WF1TJ .R i'!A Victor EmaSir el eta tt iL ing in the neighborhood ut {1,ui..., shot a hare at tilhe very u.muw when a stout Citizen, out n,' th: pIletsorvs of thie e&iss .s et.T e kig clai'se that he ad killed the hare, ahd tle' citi zen, ,ignsaat of thbe peredn udIik rival,. declared, that he hintelf was the successfuE The result was a regular tiial of strength for possessiow of Abe gpame-a tusesle wich reake4 i'n favor of the king, who wilked off with the prize, while the cirtieu poured upon him a perfec fo lit of such abpse an only aeltv g'n of a certiin sort. has at'4, At the'city ýate' tei 1ingh'rre' the ot rimwiodant t h tmi utrd~tiJ ollq .tthseangry citizei, sa re jiort his name and residcpe. After a few hou.i the o fcer wiesable itb f ths t tie unkstiwt cabinet-thaker of the Porto i~tm Popolo, when the king se.t one of' his Larragba tO fetch h imn tb nthe pIlaoe. oNhtfr*afll the urnsi was terribl" anztioes 4m well as full of wonder why he should be /ranted at the palaab, and he wai not muek reliev9es henhe reeoo. 'nized in the king the man whomas e bha4 abasedl., "Mastpr usl tle" said his majeit.--aqu at thie.oond, of his nanie' from roya lps the ama* trmmbled in every erhit "Master. Salvini, I have, salt for, yon because I have -found shot diflerent from mine in the hare:' ,we'both bit the beate. -Come, we will eat the hpre together,'" thereupon the deor of htbe diuingj room *as opened; where, bet~~een two plates 'with' appdrtertmi es, smeked theoar. properly &setd - SAN ./IFFECTION.orTE . IUlt DER&R.. Gustave 'Labtat, thi New Odt leani wlfi iamderei', told the ghestly story of hsis citn wids Pdi'isian nonchalance. "I said ton my. wfa ;oi fatg Mi sealed, but I willlgive yg ti"r m o pray;' and Go4 bJloe heowslfi. did pray. After site had prpyed, I put my armii around h~c r.;a , i, nd taking the knife front my pocket, I stlck i 6t-tkIiat n"hO# had kliMeher, beot owu1di agh was n.t de ,d I pidid her' ip, kis l er r $n sairi 'Dott bles4 you, I love you; yom t.l'ei ead pray again, because I am going, to, finish yoi.' She plaged her arms around my. peck an ,aid, 'Gus tave, I love you. Oh, Io, it was the happiest .moment of nmy iife ti isaw she was, suileriug, nd'` as i could not stand n'd see ioer suoir, I took the knife blat e the handle being, broke., and eat her throat." All these details gd to Show that a nan oaa midrder his *ifo in the m'ot affectionate. manner. A rat1ir g-lo'my 'bon mot whiclf promises to be historical, marked the recent trial of Mim Wharton, for the alleged poison. ing o Gen. Ketchuai. 'A doctor should be able to give his opin tons. without mistakes,' said the' Attorney General. 'He is as well able as a lawer,' replied Dr. War. ran. 'A d'otor's mistakes are buried six feet rpader gaumd,' aid the lawyer. 'And a lawyer's are sometines hdug six feet above it,' replied tlidoator. S°M people use glaM'- .r the dyes. Others oranot 'get them above the mose. An indian out West is called maplOver-theoky. Now, how is that for, high?, Do-met insalt the uader mean in a. ight by telling him there is plenty of room on top.