OCR Interpretation

The herald. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1905-1953, July 09, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064020/1914-07-09/ed-1/seq-5/

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eat.-r: a* '-, i'vs at ew 4(r:eans ua
.-on 1 c a·a Matl Matter.
"r f.it .% l # F 8 1 -  i , 1 t i l ' Ir O N .
ne . . : a' h. In Advane .. .10
One , ,'V in.' n Year. In A vleance... . .$100
IcR ' v Ki:ArT . Editor asi Proprietor
 :'- as ,~an. ; nal' a.oa io R. 4C. V.
KRAI .' ,. :,0 Vrest 'r-et:. New Or
Panq. :.a inon". & tle-s m513.
TH'ILE IERA!.I may :, found at the fol
iow.'ig p a,'1
THEH tilRAIr ( a:ge-s: ()Me. 500 ter
ret Stret.3
TIlE LI'ERAI, 0'Ity O( .-e,. r3 Perd! lo
I9Str EIlRIER a B~)OOK eTOR). Opeloous
A;co E RAYES, ltidell Aveni e
t uba.rl',ra fa..ng to get TIlE ItRA.LJ
reiiarrY w,. please niotfy tlhe tu lSe
manager ,o 504 Verret street
"eas ret ,-1 o:nmuslctl,)n 'o f pOhii
tion a early p bl. d M nt later ta-s
Tuesda n!i.cr
All 'tM.r.n Tnl-at!oo. oueh as lettesi from
the pe.q and news not. of bae:l, laws
Stts·. 4an' e ard " e)a! mention will
lneer'e'1 to TIE tIiRAI. tree o charge.
No ,ot mm i: tlon will be r reied anlles
gigrn-d 1 ',he alr We 1 not p1:l7lbh
peur name In ,oSneet ,a w!lr the cCm
tfh'l'S.tO ,tnlus you: sh ta'e. b'h we mrmst
tiits i or haSlnj your sane kas a "ualn
tee of tg'~" fa!tht.
his ir, . i i" ', Mtrtln,-z Pia eh . tlr
mhar l'a',k ltev Mr M, t'rack-'
Mc r ,ik.,,it . i r, co r- -!, ar. I hai ti-il
ii the" prie.-thood 'or ; ' i r rar, I
Ilurllng his early rinl-trn I:'v Mr.I
M, i'racken was i trGranadan. la.i- . at
the tlnm the cIty a;t- -crickle: with
au outbtreak of ye.lA. ,-v'-r ilj 1,'7..
Every nimart iI the city. exceptillg
three, died of the ferve-r anId upon
thee three. of which the ,lergyman
wa oile, fel the' htir, rle of burvirig
the ldea atd nursing tihe pick. rhlen
one of these three Was stricken with
the 4dreai disea- and dliedl the othier
mIan fled. panick stricketi. lavivkng Mr.
Mic('raikenll to( c'onitliinue ac ntie'.
For this heroism dluring this. i ri.is
the city of ;ranada. aidbed Ih y Mlrnl
hers of the E:piscipal Chllirch iii (,ther
parts of the cotlnitry, presented hiMi
a homeni In El e'as, whei he retire'i
front active, work.
Rev. Mr. McC'racken is surviveo
by his aidow arnd sevenl ehilidreni.
will Mc('racken. J. M Mce'racken.
Miss Lillian Mc('rackeu and Mrs.
Robert P'age. of El P'aso Mrs. T. B.
Towne and Miss Elizabeth Mc('rack
en, of Boston. and Miss Nettle Mc
'racken. of Vermont.
Rev. Mr. McCracken was a sou of
Mrs. Engstrum, who. before her
death, a few years ago. lived at 427
Seguin Street.
Mr. Mc('racken was also at one
time superintendent of Mount Olivet
Sunday school.
De Blame--On Thursday, July 2.
1914. at 3:30, o'clock p. m. It. Jeff
De Blanc. husband of M. Felile
Piseros died at the age of 45 years.
He was a native of St. Martinville.
La.. a resident of Algiers for the past
25 years. He was a member of A. C.
Hutchinson Division No. 351, B. of
L. E.. B. of L. F. and E., O. R. R.
and B. of R. T. The funeral was
held on Friday afternon, July 3. at
3 o'clock. from his late residence. No.
141 Lavergne street.
Intermeat was in St. Louis ('eme
tery No. 3.
Tierney--On Saturda.:. July 4.
1914. at 4 o'clock p. m.. James
King Tierney, son of Julia Rapp and
John Tierney. died at the age of 2R
years, a native of Algiers.
The funeral was held on Monday
afternoon. July 6. at :l o'clock. from
the residence of his mother. No. 1503
Patterson street.
Interment was in St. Bartholo
mew Cemetery.
McNamara.--On Tuesday. July 7th,
1914, at 11:23 a. m., Miss Ellen M.e
Namara died at her late residence. She
was a native of Algiers and is sur
vived by one niece. Jennie Page. and
one nephew. Edward Page. She was
a member of the ('Catholic Ladies' Ben
evolent Association. Funeral took
place on Wednesday. July Sth. at 4:30
o'clock, from her late residence. 333
Elmira avenue. Interment was in St.
Bartholomew cemetery.
On August 4th a penny party will be
given at the residence of Mrs. A. Cay.
ard, 241 Olivier street. for the benefit
of the Algiers Methodist churc'h.
On last Wednesday. July .1, quite a
number of young folks met at the reas
dence of Miss Irma Daniels and from
there went to the home of Master Cay
ard, where he was surprised, it being
his fourteenth birthday. Quite a num
ber of games were played and refresh
ments served abundantly. Those pres
ent were: Ruth Hafkesbring. Miriam
Gibson, Bertha Ryan, Irva Daniels. Ha
zel Cayard, Florence Green, Izetta
Meyers, Alma Pujol. Adra Meyers. Sa
rah Davis, Thelma and Julia Cayard:
Masters Eddie Hebert. Willie East
wood, Floyd Mahler, Lee Bairnsfather,
Lyman Widney, Streuby Drumm. Ro
land and Edgar Cayard and Mrs. Cay
Investigation of Credit
\ .. '.- " !r . r; Irv " -Torl i- u:. r say. the que-tiotn of the
. t . " ,- ":. a,:i bor " . ,e ~f tFhe x -: il )porra t:p t
t- i, .. p, .:. It:. egi.: l atik- It woui l Ifhe- a ise tilin'-.
. I ,.  ,. *., .p. ",r thi. te-ve !ianiks ti ini-tituit. a i'reit Itureax.
,d : r. ,ýt- t , ' r"r : . , tt a- " : .-T re- ",r ' h into to e ha racter o f paper off r, ,.d
t:. " -Iar tn h :g " ..triou- brrower-. a-.petialiy tho-,. who borrow
:tar . a :: .t i r.. . tantly ol,!ig? e to renrew Thi< 're-iit
ti.Vreax- u mn.ixr t ,- *-,.ipp.'] '.it! a -ta:T of eff.i,'ji ,t acc'Oiniitatllx a:ini a
S.-ar'. tall , r !,. t ,,i k- axnd bu-i:ts- of thtlee large b rrwers nlmadle.
pet id-te their pape.r a.k .- tfteri-i by many mnember banks. In thl, ay a
,th , ar.kii:, ai.1 ::." r .. l:i . Ip.-ratlo! ,- wo:l!d be hate safer. as the in, ti
r:.T-1,:. ,'. a ..ar.: F.. , ra; a ltit a~,,lldl be-.,no e a conller,,ative antl restrai:n
::.. l.r-:.-. . i :n::nT ,"',:. pr '--lT o'ver-e'k~t.e:ion of credit.
The Alhambra
F', :., . r : -" 1. r",r t -r . .h,- i, g .r:a l talk ,of 211' 1
S.r T :. :.: . t,.i.,,' * " * - e tl - p ,,r'. :itl - f. r i-he.l ,i :for their
.'. -i .!. .l " ,II, .t:.,! .,,r i' .hg tb.' i t ,. tte.r p):.t to imlingl.e lth0
.t.r ..-- i, . :..1 . a their hour in the . veigs. Thi- is inow
I ;,.l:. ,. f* rh.i-'.L,i i, ,. . \::.tlh .: ra i x (; ,lllhlia c I 'iub. whlichll ill. by :atur
,as i.ght b, i teh. a "'. u, .plete, l the big -aiini:inig tank. which will be
I .- u- within a f"-.' h Ih..
te-idu-- the. big -wininimxh tank. there will also be provision tiade" forI
;, tir-t-cl.-r s g n.na-ixunl. ahib h will contain all the paraphernalia that i-i
fouund in an other in-titutilon of the. kind.
These additii e, t the l- Ihamibra are gotten miore for the ladies and
lth ,lhillreni thatl for the ITlltl. w\ho aere the original organizers of the
club The A.lhamllbra ;nimna-tic Club owns its own buildinig. The stock
hay ad vaincedi ill value. Idue to the fact that the assets are greatly ill ex
is- (i the liabilities.- ailn that the lub i IInow o a sulbstantial paying ba-ic.
OIly reentIh tlt. I.a Lii.- .\l xiliar aas organizedt . and they. too. will
Ibe give'lx thxe oppoilrtui.itie- of elljoyilig the .)ulforts of the home of the
A.lhambra. aý a .li a- thle blath- and the- gylxlasa-ium. All the latest maga-1
zine.- have iectli provide]d and arte now on tile in the big parlors of the club
.ArralitelleIt- are ,~oon to be madle for the different classes for juve-
niles and juniors., tboth hIots anil girls, and special hours will be appointedi
for the usie oif the big pool. .Me1mbers of the 'llt . who are taking an
active ixnterest in it iol.nstrulltionl. are indeed greatly pleased with the in
terest that is being evidencied and by the apparent number of applicants
that aill be ready to take nimenmiership within the next ten days.
Any lady in our district may become a member of the l.adies' Auxil
iary, whether or not any of her male relatives are members of the club.
and her membership will carry with it the right to have the children of
her family eligible to membership.
The oblject of the Alhambra is to give accommodation to as many
Algerians as is possible and cionsistent with its successful management.
Application blanks may be had from the porter or by addressing the secre
taries of the association This institution should ibe given special encour
ag.xement. as it is the Iirit of the kinil in our d-B trict to be so liberal, and
this encouragemenllt caln beb.est evidenced by application for membership.
Important Notice To Householders.
To the Householder:
Your attention is respectfully in'ited to the contents of this -.ircular. The
advice contained herein are the recommendations of national. State and mu
nicipal health authorities who are engaged in the work of prevention of the
spread of rat plague infection in your n~ighborhood. The strict observance
of these orders is absolutely essential to the success of this work. Your co
operation is therefore necessary and is respectfully solicited.
I. Provide yourself with a metal garbage 'an. into which must be placed
all kitchen and table refuse. and keep same constantly covered.
2. Place garbage can on sidewalk at an early hour in order to facilitate
daily removal of contents.
1:. Do not allow foodtults of any character to remain on ground in yard,
alley. or elsewhere on premises.
4. Place all food in house in rat-proof receptacles.
5. Remove all rubbish and trash from beneath house and fromn all parts
of premises.
6. Do not store lumber, wood or material of any character under house.
-. Rat-proof your house by use of heavy wire lnetting over all openings
by which rats can gain access to the walls of homes.
F. Houses whose floors are directly on the ground must be pro'iddd with
a pavement floor of concrete, brick or tiles, laid in cement.
9. Wooden walks must be torn up and replaced, if at all, by concrete or
brick laid in cement.
10. Keep high weeds and grass cut on premises and sidewalks.
II. Install proper drains and keep same open.
12. Ordinance relative to screening cisterns will be enforced: if defect
In screens is observable to owner no notice to correct same is required by law;
where such defects exist an affidavit will be made against the responsible
13. Defective vaults will be condemned, and under ordinance require
ments must be demolished and premises connected with sewers. Overflowing
vaults must be emptied within forty-eight hours after receiving notice or affi
davit wil follow.
14. A strict observance of above ordinance requirements will be exacted
in each household. Any refusal to comply will necessitate our proceeding
against violators in the Recorder's ('ourt.
W. T. O'REILLY. M. I).. Health Officer.
& CO. TEAM, 9 TO 1.
The lHoly Name (;Gmnastic 'Club's
baseball team defeated the Swift &
Co.'s team Sunday morning at Swift's
diamond at the company's plant, by
the score of i9 to t. The consistent
slugging combined with the ragged
fielding of the Swift team. caused the
triumph of the H. N. G. C. Brecken
ridge of the Swift team pitched a re
markable game and with better sup
port a much closer score would have
resulted. He sent eleven of the Holy
Names to the bench via the strike-out
route: also half of the hits made by the
local club should have been gathered
in by the Swift players. Johnny Sulli
van, the popular catcher of the Algiers
club. proved ttimself the star of the
game. At the bat. he connected for
three hits out of four times at bat:
his slashing single to left field in the
second inning started the terrific bat
ting rally which resulted in three runs
being forced across. Again in the third
inning, with Tros.lair on third, he
smashed the ball to deep left field for
three bases. Behind the bat, his won
derful pegging arm held the Swift run
ners close to bases after their first un
successful attempts. Boudreaux. for
mer Jefferson College pitcher, twirled
the last two innings for the Holy
Names. He proved his worth by strik
ing out four; but one man, and that
because of an error of the left fielder.
reached first during his brief term of
S. G. Smith of the H. N. G. C. team
is at present negotiating with the
Velva team of Penick & Ford for Sun
day afternoon. The park where the
game is to be played will be announc
ed in the daily papers.
The score:
R. H. E.
H. N. G. C.... 0360000--9 9 3
Swift & Co .. . 001 0 0 00-1 3 5
Summary: Three-base hits-Sulli
van. Two-base hits-McGuire. Boud
reaux, Hayem. Double plays-Boud
reaux to McGuire to Schroder. In
nings pitched-Hayem 5, Boudreaux 2,
Breckenridge 6. Reid 1. Hits-Off
Will Take Charge of Mt. Olivet Church
After First of August.
i.a. ha. . a -:'.! thb. ' ,:: f ". -
i|a . rit t::.. r,- ".,r-::i o" 'l. i .,
and w !: take <har . t, !:. "work A.:-1
gust i.
S T 'ere a-e f."- ;..o:' : unr d:-':r: t
better known t:.an Rey Ir Va'. a
he s a produ, of our t(,t.:
fie a:l1 takr bharg"- of 1M" (i.c:
,'nar'h under c:rc-im-tances t::at w! l
require h;< best work, and as Mr Vail
is known as a hald worker his sic. et
is half assured. The fa, t that Re""
Mr. Vail i, an A ,tlirs ,oy should :n
spire e'erx member of Mt. Oliver t,
swork harder and ci~e th,. required as
::stance t::at he desere- -Re\. \all
becomnOes 'he" -l '..·-, r of a sroi~e Tu\
able man whose rorn.;: o:n e and p1,
.arti "teni -, (,."r -.e . t"al shate,. and
ti.e e:o t.on of Mr: Vail b~ tlhe .-.tr:.
,is an additional m lll;,l e:: t( t:i,
,Oung enr.rg+' i, !IHan.
The f'llia ing li;:. n. i- taken from' :
The tHerald a" *he " '. "Il Va.0: ..
,rd.t't. a d-a o.
1Mr Va:! wa, ri n N ., _.;, 14.
and ha, lited in .l:ers fir tihe urea:
er port:on of h:i life. lie reci; ed l h:s
earl. edtu'ation: it, the p, :lu: , hool
being a pupil of M, l)onogh No. 4. At
the age of sitt-en he ."nt.-r.d the em
ploy of the Southern Paci'fic Steamsh'p
Company. where he rendered effi:ent
'se-rtice for tih 'ears. resirnin' his
position in 1! to take up his studies
at Sewanee. Tenn.. preparatory to ,he
work of the theological seminar tie
tinished tihe tnre-i l ear course in the
seminar' lan .Ju::,.. .\s a metibi'r of
the class of : I1 he was ",lat pro
phet.i" ie a a awarded the "i:'hp
divinity prize. which is .ia ein anta
ally to that stuidint in the theolog:,al
seminary whose esay on juttitihation
"and kindred d trifnes as taumht in hi.
thirty-nine articleos and the boik of
common pra. er i' deen.e, most
'While a student at Sea.ane. hif did
mission wprk among the people. inhab
fting the " oves surrounding the
town, and was president of the mis
sionary soviet; of the theological de
partment. DIuring his va, ations lihe
ihas done mi.sion work in this diocese.
and after his ordination will be sent
out in one of thie mission fields of the
dioce,'se. In his early years hie was
baptized in Mount Olivet C(hur,'h by
Rev. Chaplin S. Hedges, D). I).. for
many years the rector of the parish.
lie was always interested in Sunday
school work. and was superintendent
of the Sunday school for several .ears.
He has been a member of the choir
organization of the ( hurtch sin e the
introduction of the surpliced choir."
Mr. Vail was ordained deacon tulb
1. 1912; advanced to the priesthood
June 12. 191:1.
ilayem I. off llrekenrid-e :. Struck
out-By Breckentridge I1t. byv fla>emi :.
by Reid I. by iloutiretaux 4. Base on
balls-Off Bre, kenridge 4. of iav em
:I. Passed hall-Sulli.an 2. McCord 2.
L.eft on base If. N. G. C'. 4. Swift 4.
Time of game-I hour o minutes.
Stolen base-Troslair. I'mpire-- S.
G. Smith.
H. N. G. C. Tackle Wiltz Gym in Their
First Indoor League Game.
Thursday Night.
The Holy Name indoor team will
journey to Behrman (yrm Thursday
night to play their initial game with
the Wiltz Gymnasium teamni. .\ good
game is exip'ted as the local clubt is
to be represented by a team of much
better caliber and more experience
than last year's.
Mlc;uire and Schroder will do the
battery work for the Holy Nams. The
members of the team and the entire
club are requested to be at the club
rooms Thursday night at 7 o'clock
sharp in order to go over to Behrman
Gym in a body. to cheer and urge our
boys to uittory.
Pistol Falling from Table Shoots Louie
Lafayete. La.. July Y.- aoule La
cose, sheriff of Lafayette parish since
S194, accidenta:ly shot and killed him
Sself this morning as he was arising
from bed. Death was almost instan
SOn retiring Mr. Lacoste placed the
f revolver on a table nea rthe head of
the bed, and upon arising, grasped the
n table to pull himself from bed. He
e unconsciously tilted the table, the pis,
' tol falling on the floor and discharging.
e The ball entered Mr. Lacoste's right
Jugular vein, penetrating the head and
finding an exit about two inches above
the left ear.
Hlie died before medical assistance
Scould arrive.
SMr. Lacoste is survived by his widow
and four children. He was 16 years
old and prominently connected.
Decedent was serving his third term
as sheriff. having been elected to the
office in 104), when but 26 years of
Every Day is Bargain Day
at New Orleans Latest
and Most Up-to-date
Furniture Store
\. \I I -I F.FI. \\ IR" l Mr , i.
.. . .. - .. -
Sample Furniture House
1400-02-04-016 Canal Straeet
The Joke That Friled -q'l-tonmer
t r . i .n g ,n d r . - ." . j o k i n ,ly,' - - h op1
Ill t .-r 'o. no;-tak.n f r a ".ai' ,r.
Tailor \Vhi.,. in douibt. kieti : our
hands in tour po kt-' .lIdu.
,ra.iOi-' That skirt i- ,o tight
that I ,an pla:ily see hat you ha , e
in our pocket'
"linut I haye no pocket.
Then what is. that luimp
)h. hat's a :nosquio bite.' --lon
tonl OSt.
Mr. Sni,,le- got out of bed and
slippeud on his shoe .
"This must stop. he muttered ir
ritably to his wife. "'mn going doawn
stairs to teach that loung man to keep
aay froamin mi horse in the future.
"John." ri.st hi. a if.. "stop' Don't
liut before she I ould say more he
had slipped out of the door. She heard
hintm steal downstairs to the drawing
room: she heard sounds of a struggle
and of the breakin_ of the glass: she
heard himn drag ihti aoi ersary to the
I hall and ki, k hi'm down the front
stps. Then wh'.i.l he ret trned sihe
tltnl' e h.rsel*f upon iuta aind lung to
hitt admniringly.
"\Vha s the matter heit demnanded.
I )on t you know t she answered.
That ; as a burhlair
" ".reat Scott"" he -ga-ited. tirnint
pale. \hy didn't yuin .tll oe before?
I thouight it was Ethel' sweetheart."
,i Ill '. R \\,.F 1..\X110 , I PA'.\N '" *IF
1tr ,., F\ The ist i t\ h
b E\\ I' h . -.1E . 1.A m i
t 1' 0 \,. .I~". ," .' - - i" ,ni r . t, h ,
Srlioiieht it bilL 1 hen .suthe right
5 : g. - I . is .. i. . , :. . i i, I . taa L t. i
, , ;-- • :1 ,:t- i .\i', n " :. i :.-te
.. t , ie . - ,, i .. .. .,I" . h e e ·. ,a .,.ni ,.
; l,,,, ' -,, o, ' .-it' h * i .\ N ii, i r.A i. um lFe .t
a.%N:r , Ii Xle.\ ,r iRI. e.. inton tetrmh tattr
.. < rs trl. ir 1 . i h v, ort het ail. r ai ,o
d t .,rl ,,,r.,i r, . - i t ., -r, ,ter .i ra d s'.
• . . rporat:I, ,e , . . ,lan the -.me
thane. ii 0 '- tipe iiti l n t,.' h-od,
rr,<celv," ,* a r, c, , .( . , * ,ei . im,,tgage.
teat in r ., at , r,,d , -e in t l irlerm), real
to tir-i ii .tan I ji elshed rtther
ashr prttcita. i. ,- te t ,ts i.rnt, o thori,
-.ln1 r, , - f l,,t; : , h.v e in d ,, lly such
•'.i .t''5tsr. -'mi." i i. i" t ir •is.'e ItroeS ar t the
n retif m tag ,,e sanl. and tnoa make tiod
ir arti,- - ih t -la t. r hdego a, id re riatlons
r the ,.t .rai ,.n . of t aelb e s o f atsd cad trl
"a t.lt ti . ie ' ed n e "so. ntil xp e i e t.
Arttce It -The ctan pcita so of the iport
of twerty-e thosaIrnd itottf aews 2rs.hni.
,r l t h -e i . hra.c r r. e of a. trle .par
a:id creofsti k , th all he sOsue hall pae
l, ard 1 |,,n the srsued sha.t a. pai id f h rs i
rase h a , o rr rp t.o n pt-e elqt.i al. :n t 'e r
Ati: to, l sIall h[e bindin .on tsid corpeor
i!onh unles , se -tde on its rehel re hrelk
eot artec k r o uy. saild 'morrtgane. ex
tchange , t ro therih e hetuk ,t, ,er acqtire cir
deal itn re etate i proved ation r unf timprovei.
'fr iheal ..- he .- r l: e o nie ,h f ,thee,, etro ri
as pr crpa{ or ai aeha l . ,n a ,omin~sti n ,r,
or peron I. t take andrtgadoes anld asso in
menits f morKhages upon the same, and to do
ne,'es.r ,,r dScldenli t ors c ,nectKed with
Atle IV --The captal stock of this
div.ded antl and represented o t two hun
value f o fne hundred dollars (li0e 1 each;
sa-d iharei of stock shall be iisued at par
onlyt ai.d i hen tr sued shall Ft paid for in
cash or pri perts' , or in the equt valent thereuf.
All shares oi tetk shall be issued as full
No stockholder of said corp.rataon Chall
Well ards stk to any iprson ,intl he has of.
thall not be recognized by the ,arporation.
peion as three thousand dollarn (se.0r) of itr
president, and Meyer Eiseman. secretary
.. .. . . :.. . is
E. T .. . i
T I P1 1
d . m t d A , + t ate tar. . ji L .... r. I : s a.
H o. t" t
ik- t : te . '
t P. arh ttrlea ( ty ofNew tI). .,. . ,ial
lir it "1"iw.i That n ls wn.thda
n.A l: " - ·.'F ·' .. 'vine n.et an.t quili
.1 in nd t. th c .t . and the pars of
e t the a or e..' hereitnafter named anl tnder
un-deg per, i ., , I. and a;, :,re. the se.
ral p.rts :c., .tr .. ,,, .:. are .hereunto su.t
'r'Ied, w. . .ev *l. y dc .ieie that, avasli::g
le * ise, .t the : a 't t the state f L.tist'
: . i- , i. i.td prov'ided. they
i e:c"1 a i ,;eel. and do li these
: -  " - t " .tgree and bind them
it .-'.- ,. ! . :,'. pe i. s a' may here
, he - a,.".' .ire I with them, to fo:.n
'r j.... - ar, -'dyj" I\ia c i n law tor the
! t- .t" j rj - . and .'d r the arti.-l
S 'r" I T ,' : . t thi . c 'rp r.it. in
S= All .LLTE OIL .PA\1Y.
lr~·d dra c rrip, Ire ,c tod oit-ic
,., :,i . i ' ,- - , . i d 'r ",' c~r n . "
\\ .. . . . t ! -,.t h - +. t .. I . sv " ,d ,n ao,
In I 't. ti .. sr n e scia tea ;.
i t . "tr r t~"h a k' her - t.I .t .. ntr. nct, 'te
.,re . I i..-t re' t.e. pur• h 4 i . hiap'- -t cat" ,
ii . ,.sn 1 , ,' , - .pledge real and pe
I r -.' -, ic :sie "eit •table tnha lds and
til. atenI. fr- t time
r- t'r g'r.t::'O ei:'t the i.at rti this car
\t:'r - . i '"r - 'i n 'ssaryt th a -n pr.tper. .,
t '," ibe n th ict , if New , irleats. state of
.L t" I... ani.t, ll i":tatnl ns and other legal-.,
pr to-.' lhe set-veil upn the tiresident uf
.h" co,,r, tn. "r. in the isietit .if hrs absence.
uit.0 the hi'- f' re- te-, Itrhereot, andt, in the
bsii Ie both 'If said "ntlicer-, upon the
'.ar r .Itpiratif.n. ar l-lr
Ti iitatd ,,t real estate and persinal
p-rIterts 'I t ira develot- the ante. ad ti e ..
re. t Irch .-i. ease attil acquire lands. is ith
the et 'hsi.vie rTght' t tris tiect. drill mie.
I !:: . tratopirn. t it1. liettr..lctni, gas and
at - .toe- 'it Ilth; to carry in the iuriness of
',st,ri:g ai .-i sri.lboctn for. tntl ing, produc'
'itt g res,,ing. ,tt.ivufacturtn,, liintg trans
' -l ,rtn. tu uttryg ahn sellcang letrileum and h
itr' ther e ri prrducts; to buy, sell furnish and
pu tiutlit. antl mneaittain oil intd an wells to
rr ?iill. ciesir:.ct. liurchase. maintain and op
erate warti'ruses tuit -e pin- plants. pipe itnes,
e. :Itieries. tactors' ,. mills, warpshopsd, lahora
to toerin~,,es an dwelling hoes for workment and
tre .thcrs ti inatu-fatue , buy. sell, smporti ex
I.r p ,ar _ al deal it pumps. dnllis, fuses. caps,
g. candles natro'tglyc lne, dynamite and the nee
a-tl e'.sary nxi.httuerv. engines, drills and all Iioa
tr lila-ces ant c.in'-ein ttlces fr the use an ion
r nectinit with oattoing and lrilling for peirit
ch ert. it'l ant gas, and generally to do all
he thians incilental ti and everything necessary
t carry -itt the said objects ands purposes of
ir, Article IV -The capital stuck of this critn
Irl Irittin i's herely tl e ', at the rism of lifty
tz nl'san' dollars , 5J'.Ujly d videt nto andll
,,rereset ntel ts'"" twi thousand f",, shares ot
"r', it tre l iar value of twenttytive dollars
.i, per shire. Sad stockl shall , tpaid fore
'.e :n rLh or ton rauth installetn ts and at such
ttr -tnI aftir 'tuch netice t, the subscribers
1's .1th haral of 'rectors may fix, or said
.tit ck t"ly vbe is.ueit fir pr pperty actually re
Sbt no stck sh all le issud at oless than par.
Th s, cortrtliationt may become a going con-.
ccn and shall he atthorized to commenceal
r ,uslness whenl and as soin ast thee thousand of
Srten sulscer et h ted for.
lmetice of c ecn shall , vested in an n eercised
Son the second Tua d I in June of each year.
At All such elections shall e by ballot,. and
'th hall the held nt conducted at the anffice of
maty orbe staf lished bys the hoard of di rectors.
Ui the sec ret ary of thi, corporation by publc
S' to n for not less than ten (10) aays priorm
it' thereto in a daily newspaper publishea in the
par English landade to the yfew Orleas
At ail s hurch.er ec ion an at all aeorporate
par meetins evedry stockholder shall ,e entitled
in to one votae fdr eath share of stock sle andqto
"itl t elaste b cy hin in persan, or by written
of proxy, and majority of such votes cat
ra- shall elect. an eh atrleu n
"Any vacancy occurringh amond le directors
all of this cot ration 1t dealth, rsignation or
II otherwise shall bhe filled by nelection for the
or' unexpired term bypthe remaining directors.
f ers A falure at elect drector on the odate above
tin soecifed shall not dissolve the corporation,
nor impair it- corporate exiatence, ut the
is itretors then in oeLece shall remain in office
its until theirh uccess shall have been duly
in- elected ani qualified e Any director shall have
the right to he represented at any meeting of
ra- the board of directors of this corporation by
nf The hoard of directors shall, at ts first
r' meeting and anapinually thereafter elect from
.*t Iatt-,rt its numher a president, a victe'pcstiltirt
Isr atioe a treasurer. The ousac of dirtors shall
t. -ie a stoeihe ltar Tahe office of secretary ant
II. tr2asiner mare b filled by one and the same
Ft pe"on, at the dishcretlon of the board.
cc- The hoard of directors, from time to time.
T rr may name and appoint all such other onc-rs
Rlaode Island Reds and Golden La .
Wyandottes. grown stock and ba
ch<, ks. Apply to 3w Pl'e::can a e.
The nine-room raised cottage
cated at corner of Elmira and 'P.
can avenue, on two lots of grou. :
with garage, both streets pas,-.
will sell cheap. Apply to Mrs .
G. Lowe. Interstate Bank.
F%.- ronm ottag,- with bath :ns'
sanitary ,onvenien, ".s, at 531 Br::.
str,-·t. Apply I'ter Rupp, UrugE.,
Siunti' lc'asiuro (' lu at Mi:..
T t'r :n . r ,as m r.a b ile . A. spp :s) to '
hert, Jr. 2' (:* (l vier St.
11tathsna;ek piano in tine
ply to Geo. Koiio[t. constai -,
I.OST- White female fox .r
dog. with black head; !ost :a-t ; ..
day night at the corner f,: , -
and .Alix Streets. Return t., \ I.
I 'eterson. 4 21 Pelican .\vr ,.
ward offered.
LOST-.\ black leater :. ,
taining moieot to the am.n ,
seven dollars. There wera - -
other small articles in ,hb -- If
it is returned to this off, . . ,.
contents intact a reward ::: ;,a:d
to the finedrs and no ql:'ue' - .. .,::
asked of the parties r.- th.
A Profitable Profession.
We teach by mail, conferring degree
Doctor of Optics.
New Orleans Optical Celleg, Inc.,
Dr. D. C. Williams, Presidet.
145 Baronne St., New Orlesas, La.
and age:ts .a. it may dee. iece., . -.
purp.,e., and business of "':
The atIt "-oar't shall have s ;r..,
detine the dut:es if every NT,' a" re
and all officers and employers .., .;i. t
fice and employment at the I'rawer : he
tard. The .,arnd may n: ke arnd ,ta'.lsh.
as  l a, air ra t w'ren.l, a.! 'aws.
r es t ian. rg:ilia.  ns esr .,-, , t ;-I r in
:'s Jid o .er:: '..r the c.rd': t. : ' . ige.
mrent of the business and a:a:r.f .ui 1 cor
lhe board of directors shall hale fi pwer
and authority to sell,. Cv . ,rtgae.
pledge, lease and purchase rell it I persral
prI.pert, to borrow money. Isu- . :te and
onds., lend money, mase contr.ia. . .i ,l sign
and caus: to e signed all .. acts.
leeds. etc.; to take jud r.ii a ,'.cresi: gs i
the name of and on betalf of tr e , :1 ration
and generally to do any and .,i t;nr:gs rea
.ona',:.e c.:ven -nt and ne tI..,rs ;,r the
proper carrs:ng o.rI ,f the b'-: s.:sr .,nd af
fair. of ths corporation.
The board ,,f dt:rectors ni.av ,si.as i al-paid
shares ,t stock for cash. .,rn ,t np"ent of
lat.or d-:ne or services perf ,r::etd t >r this cot
l-,ration inor pr,.p rty r rights .,. :,.:v re
ceived by this cnrp.oratilnr.
All tr.trinfrs ,t -. ck -hi!l ,e rmale on the
'..,, L .f the <...nl,.i :y a ,l "t:. ir- -..h rules
a d re auI ti.,, a. the ' ,.,rd , d.re. Iors may
Artie VI.-The f.,llo ,ing shall c, nstitute
rhe :rt board ,f direct,,rs W. i). Hudson,
. hn Mather,. Steve Melli&gcr. Ii T. Rees,
I. ,ni Seiler. F J. Fxlcy and Atlamr Lorch,
Ir.. which said directors at their r.rst meeting
-hall elect frrni among their number a presi
dent. a vlce-p resilent and shall also elect a
seccrt try andi a treasurer. or rn.e person to
serve in Isith capliacities in acc ritance with
the sixth apragral.h of article hve (SI.
The said liiard of directors shall hllt office
until the second Tuesday in June. 1'15, and
until their suece- ,rs shall have been duly
cletced and qualtned.
Article VII.-\\Whenever this corporation
shall lie dissolved, either by limitation or
trom any other cause, its atfairs shall be hiqul
dated by three commissiners., to be appointed
from anong the stockholders at a general
meeting of the sttockhiold.rs converted for such
purpise, of ahlch meeting notice shall be
given in the manner aind time pr1vhled for
stockholders meetings hiy Article VIII of
this charter, and a maiority in amount of the
capital stock of said corpration. represented
I at such meeting, shai he requIsi'e :n- elect.
Said commlssoners shah remain in office un
til the affairs of said corporatiin shall hare
lheen fully liquidated. In case of the death
if inc" -in minre of said commissioners the
i vacancy shall be filled by the surviving om
f missioners.
Article VIII.--This act of incorporation may
-le modiltied, changed or altered, or said ovr
i poration may be dissolved with the consent
I if three-fiurths of the capital stock represent
led at a general meeting of the stoekhlders
Scnvened for such purpose, and after notice
shall have hren given in one or more news
papiers puhihlshed iii the city of New Orleans
once a week for four weeks preceding the
I meeting and tiy a written notice to each
stockholder, mailed to him to his last known
ilace of hbusiness or domicile thirty days
prniir to the date of the meeting.
Any chang proposed or made in reference
to the capital stoek shall be made in aucord
ance with the laws of the state of Louisiana
I un the suhject of "altering the capital stock
of corporations." But any and all ncreting
fof stockholders. whether f-r the purtluse of
liquidation or for any other purpose. may be
held at any time without notice hr uniant
mous consent of all stockholders in ariting
Stiled with the secretary.
SArticle IX -The president, or acti-r lpresi
s dent, may. in his discretion, and sha!l. upon
r the writi-n reiluest of seven stockh ktlrs.
call a special meeting of the stockholders of
this corporation.
SNo st.ckhihlder shall ever be held ::.mle
- for the contract or faults if said cr: -,,in
i. in any further sum than the unpaid .: arce
dute the corporation on the shares oif -..ck
owned by him, nor shall any mere infir. aht
in organization have the effect of rer ,ner;ni
i this charter null or of eaposing the rt,,-k
Sholders to any liability beyond the ..:lnd
amount remaining due on his stock.
d Article XI.--The subscribers hereto hisve
d written opposite their respective naa-re ,he
.f amount of stock in this corporation su! s. ribd
y for by each of them, and this act of inc,,rp.ira
Stion shall serve as the original subscrlipt: n
d list of said corporation.
if Thus done and passed ;r. my office at Ie
"city of New Orleans on the day, month Aid
Syear hereinbefore first written, in the ;rs
y ence of Messrs. E. Bladon Dulby and Edo:n: :d
R. Mabry. competent witnesses, who have
r hereunto signed these presentsa together with
the said appearers and me, notary, after ..e
I reading ofthP whole.
e (Oriainal signed):
Sshares; Anthur Caire, M. bD., shares; Joh
SMathers, 6 shares: J P. Shaeffer. 24 shares
n ,harles A. Thiel, Jr., 12 shares; Win. I..
t Clark. Jr.. 4 shares; J. . Kitchen, 4 share.
Louis Seller, 4_shares; Adam Lorch, Jr.. 23
is shares; W. . Hudson, 2 shars Steve S c,
ir lingr.1 4shras; Adam Lorch, Sr.. 12 sha'e-:
e Rich'd S. Harris, 4 shares: H. G. Guget, 4
el Witnesses:
e E. R. MABRY.
W. McL, FAYSSOCL~, Not. P.-!
y I, the undersigned, recorder of mortgagei
e and for the parish of Orleans, state of Lou'.
if ana, do hereby certify that the above .
y foregoing act of incorporation of the Satel'.i
n Oil Company was this da duly recordel
my office in book 1127. fihi
t New Orleans. La.. Ju.te 27, 1914.
Deputy Recorder of Mortgag i
II I certify the above and foeganr.g to ir
t true and correct copy of the oraginal cha-..
1 of record and on file in my office.
e New (Irleans, June 27. I914.
(Seal.) W. McL. FAY.SSOIX.
july 2 9 16 23 30 aug 6 Not. P:

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