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THE HERALD. Dvtd to the Upbullding the West Sde f the River. "A very live and creditable weekly newepaper."-MANUFACTURERS' RECORD. NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 915. I Pflrnv~- - . - - - - - GREATEST STORE SOUTH Santa Claus' Greatest Toyland Is Here Always the biggest and brightest Toy Store in town, this year is biger and more interesting than ever. We have ransacked the world for Toys, Games. Trwks. Mechanical Devices and Miniature Machines. Mechanical Boats-Made of Hand Cars, with all steel piated tin, key- iidingp will frame, cog-wheel gear, finely Se n 98 nickeled spokes: 98 water; each C speitial s Child's Large Rocking Chair, Children's Folding Tables; withb abogany or 98C garnished; 49c as laih; each each 49c Child's Desk and Chair to Automobile, 14x30-inch body, Chl' mission or FDarly painted red, green; enameled ush, nisha o , gear, seat hinged 2 98 EagCh aanish and adjustable 2.98 Collapsible Go-Carts, with Teddy Bears, 24 Inches high, stee frame, leather- 9c well made and very stout, long ette body: each pile plush, with 98 Teddy Sulky, well built and voice; each OC durable; 1.25 Plush Horses on Platforms, each . with saddle and 8 Della, dressed and undressed, bridle; each C character, baby rompers, nov Miniature Trains and Circular elty, mnbreakable. boys 98C Track, long-running 69 sad girls; choice en s A Most Wonderful Display of Character Dolls FERSONALS I SANb OTHERWISE "le Friday Night Euchre Club met at the home of Miss Brunner. The suc "l. players were Miss Neef, Mrs. ignle, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Mur g. The consolation was won by s. Pollock. 'Itr Floyd Crane is quite ill at s hum. in Evelina street. he Minerva Euchre Club was en i ed by Mrs. J. T. Tierney last ggy. The successful lady play ln Miss A. M. Tierney and Mrs. SWaitlas, and the gentleman Mr. Sui~iheimer. The consolations were alfie by Miss Mabel Allen and Mr. bews. Refreshments were served. Capt. H. P. McNeely and two sons, -Lmsat sad Godfrey, of Opelousas srae, who have been quite ill, are Mr. ad Mrs. James Marion Colomb, of * South Scott street, are receiv g mealiations on the arrival of a taby gil at their home since Nov. !, The little one was given the Watch II I R Take Dryadea Street Car at Ferry and S1626-16 T.t g you to our Grow door. OSCAR M. LEVY, This New Store offers for Friday and Saturday most unusual values. It is to your advantage to see our brand new stock before purchasing elsewhere. 12.00 and 15.00 20.00 Women's and tesmple Suits Misses' Suits mple Su 12.45 9.85 Newest models, trimmed with fur, velvets and fancy braids; materials are mannish; M It all the new fancy mixtures, Wool Serge, Gabardines, Wool Pop 245 SOberdines and Serges, high collar lins. Your choice .............. Ki velvet. Some are belted, others ALTERATIONS FREE 'i"~" 9.85 I 2.00 WOMEN'S SKIRTS,' ALTERATIONS FREE 98 1 AND 7.00 LADIES AND MISSES' Made of fancy mixtures, small checks and SPORT COATS, plain materials. Special ....- ---- -.._.. -9 3.98 1.00 LADIES 8HIRTWAISTS, s e-v-d two hundred of these Nov i t all the new checks and plaids. Umr with high collar, wide belt and Ewtrh a axtr Fancy crepes, stripes and solid S0e - 3 9 white. Special ..................................... $4 and $5 Children's Coats $2 one hundred and ftty Children's Coats, sizes 6 to 14, of Astrakoans and Scotch Mix- 2 tures, belted eRects; worth from $4.00" to $5.00. Special aSagalow Aprons, made of ertra good Ladies' Flannelette Petticoats, made of heavy d percale, fast colors. 25snnelette, with ruffle and embroidered 25c __________edge; full sies. Special . -..... es Merchandise You Get Service Here name of Halcyon Rhoades Colomb. Little Joe Campbell, of Bouny street, is recovering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Henry Renecky, accompanied by her daughter, Velma, and grand daughter, have returned from Mc Comb City, after spending the sum mer with her daughter, Mrs. F. Mc Lean. Mrs. Alice Gisch, of New York, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Gisch, of Elmira avenue. She will re main all winter. The many friends of Miss Zelda Huckins will be glad to learn that she has entirely recovered from an attack of diphtheria. Mrs. Amelia Smith, grand guardian of the Woodmen Circle, left Monday for Morgan City to initiate a class that she had been instrumental in securing during November. Young Henry Umbach, after a week's illness, is out among his friends again. John N. McNeely left Monday morn ing to spend a few days with his fam ily in Covington. Mounted Officer Salathe is quite ill at his home, corner Delaronde and Verret streets. The regular meeting of the Kinder EFFORT TO HAVE MARINE HOSPI TAL HERE. Mayor lehrman said Saturday that he will make a determined effort while in Washington to have the Ma rine Hospital remove to the Naval Reservation in Algiers. lie will dis cuss the matter with Surgeon Gen eral Rupert Blue. who was in New Orleans recently inspecting the of fices under his jurisdiction in this lo cality. The Marine hospital is located near the new cotton warehouse and is near the center of hea y traffic, which has been constantly increasing with the drift of trade in that direction. After the warehouse is running on full time there will be enormous business ac tivity in that se( tion. A federal law provides penalties for the blowing of whistles or making of loud sounds near a United States hos pital. This law, according to the may or. would be violated near the present hospital. On this ground he will try to have the institution removed to the reservation. garten Mothers' Club will be held F'ri day, Dec. 10th, in the kindergarten room of Belleville Annex. All mem bers are urged to attend and all those whoe are interested in the welfare of the kindergarten children are cor dially invited to attend and become members of the club. Arrangements for the Christmas celebration will be made at this meeting. Miss Olga McNeely will return to her home in Covington to-day. Mrs. John Duffy, of Delaronde street, is improving slowly from the effect of the shock and bruises which she received Sunday morning when a portion of the ceiling plaster fell upon her. Miss Rose Mohen, of New York, , visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Waller. Mrs. Ellen Bloom has returned from Abita Springs and will make her home in Algiers. EVERYBODY WHO TRIES THIS GOOD DRINK- O I SAYS IT'S GREAT DELIVERIESI FROM THE FACTORY OR t THROUGH YOUR DEALER I 418 VEZ_______8 The Lt Most Attractive I CANDY NOVELTIES f ever brought to New Orleans are to be seen here now There are candy Ibaanas in hunches, onions in bunches and s many others: candy- picture e puzzle squares, tennis rackets, r etc., etc., of pure Swiss milk chocolate. In package candy we have- r PARK & TILFORDS, MAILLARD, t JACOBS. Solari's WHERE THINGS TO EAT ARE AS GOOD AS THBY LOOK MISS AMUEDO SURPRISED. Miss Verna A\muedo, of 40: Pelican avenue, was most aereeably surprised on iFriday e\ening. Dec. :!rd. by a number of her young friends. Miss Verna was presented with a hand some lavalliere set with pearls, the presentation speech being made by Master Edward Burns. Miss Verna responded in her usual manner. Quite an enjoyable evening was spent in dancing. Instrumental solos were rendered by Misses Esther Hiebert and Verna Amuedo. l)elicious re freshments were served by Mrs. A. J. .\muedo and W. F. Sadler. Those present were: Misses A. l)ilzell, U. Sadler, F. Stansbury, E. Niklaus, M. Garland, N. Keenan, F. Forrest. . ). uke, C. Platt, E. Hebert, R. Vallette, M. Sutherland, S. OI royd, G. Schroder, A. Gerretts, J. Hoff stetter, V. Hausknecht and V. Amue do, Masters V. Zatarain, T. Heron, R. Amuedo, J. Stassi, A. Ryan, E. Burns, A. Dupuis, G. Thorning. D. Thorning. B. North, W. Boudreaux, Charles Brown, E. Herbert, W. Niklaus, C. Jourdan, F. Sadler and J. Arnolle. NAVAL STATION NOTES. The U. S. S. Wheeling has arrived at the station for a general overhaul period, which will last about three months. Work to the amount of about twenty thousand dollars will be un dertaken and will put the vessel in first-class condition for further duty in Southern waters. The wage board of the station sat on Tuesday to give the committees a hearing on the wage question as re lates to the New Orleans Station. Questions brought up durffig the ses sion will be referred to the Secretary of the Navy for final action before the 1916 wage schedule is adopted. The army dredge New Orleans, now operating at the Passes, will arrive some time in January for a complete overhaul. During this time a new dredge arm will be installed and oth er important work will be undertaken. The arrival of the New Orleans de pends largely upon the returning of the naval dry dock to her regular po sition, which is necessary before any docking can be accomplished. Pay Clerk M. A. Mackle, U. S. N., has returned to duty and assigned in charge of the general storekeeper's division. We Give United Mileage MAIL PARCEL ORDERS POT POST PROMPTLY FILLED PREPAIDW This shop of individual styles is specially ready to serve you. Holiday shoppers will ind here such attractive assortments that the selection of practical gifts will be easy. S. 7Snappy and stylish, i15.00 COATS tures; for motoring or fII3' New attractive models in 7,50 effective materials; short, COATS long and medium lengths.... rDoSS In Brodeloth and Plush, 10 .00 with Velvet and Fur . COATS trimmings; a variety of stylish models ...... P SPECIAL Suits in Gaberdine in smart model with Fur Collars, well tailored. that are excep tional values at .. .. .... SPOT With side pockets, in Gaberdine, trimmed silk 0 S brad. Regularly 7.50O.._ . NUTS A wonderful assortment. In alu w ,25.00 whiceh can be found a model 2500 of nldividuality for every figure. In materials and colors most desired. U A wide range of prices tr ... GIFT SUGGESTIONS SPLENDID ASSORTMNTS Laage Waists a Up 1ightgw, hand emoroidered.-..L Creus de Chine WaIV' _2 Up Chia Silk .Lgtwas ... . Silk Kineass i 1 I Red tox Ses . . . Up Crus de Chines Ksess ...-- up pIaIxterhlu S _s.._._.. Up Silk less t'r- p sel1, trimmed with Fitch M Up Isa Qlit Csp do Chi. Seal, trimmed with Ermine.-42. Up Jas S en, hand embroidered.-- - Up - ALHAMBRA MINSTRELS I Gold. Silver and bronze Medals to Be Presented to Winners. The first grand vaudeville showui and entertainment to be staged at tihe ':)to Foll"y Theatre will he given bl the Alhambra Gymnastic ('lub on Thursday. I)ec'emner In;, 11,15. Ge; eral adnlmission. 15 cents. or to tchil dren admitted on the one general ad mission. No tickets will be issuedl and sold before the date of show. .All tickets to be purchased at the door only. The program w ill consist of pit turces and ýaudeville. .\ few of tile stars from the famous Police Miuntrel Troop will entertain with witty say ings. impersonations and the latest ragtime hits. Messrs. Clarke and .\rnoldi. the chiamion Gymiinasts of the' city,. will feature in acrobatic and gymnastic work. It will be rtnemn tiered that these two young nmen were seen in our town sonime titll ago and received abudilance of ap plause for the excellent manner in which they handled themselves dur ing their performnance. .Mr. Gerald ('larke, the larger of the two., will also give an exhibition of physical culture. Mr. ('larke is one of the best built men in the city, and his posing is remarkable and gives an insight as to what every young man could do for himself if he would onl do it. Mr. A.\rnold, while not quite as large as Mr. C('larke, is a very hefty youngster. and their teamwork is considered ex cellent by professionals before whonm they have worked. The talent of the .\lhamblra will be seen in a blackfaci, sketch, and the local boys are doing their best to make the occasion a great success. Last, but not least, will come the presentation of medals to the winners of the athletic events that were held on Thanksgiving Day. The winner of each event will be presented with a gold medal, and the second and third place men will be presented with silver and bronze medals, respective ly.y. Don't forget the date. Thursday. December 16, 1915, at the Folly Thea tre. General admission, 15 cents, or Iwo children admitted for the price of 1s cents. EMERSON NEW GENERAL MANAGER GRAND ISLE. II. I). Emerson, for several years in the railroad business in the East, took formal charge of the general manage er's office of the New Orleans South ern and Grand Isle Railroad Wednes day. The appointment was made by C. D. Warren. president of the com pany. Mr. kEmerson succeeds C. A. Carr. who two years ago resigned that of flice for a better position, the affairs of the general manager's office having since been handled by other officials. Mr. Emerson came from New York, but is well known in this section. DR. PLATT HONORED. Dr. Robert J. Platt, a promising young physician of our town, has ac cepted the position as resident house surgeon at Hotel Dieu, where his many friends trust that he will con tinue to meet with success. Dr. Platt is a graduate of Tulane and served a term as Interne at the Charity Hos pital. He is a native of Algiers, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Platt, of Verret street, and enjoys the es teem of a wide circle of friends. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Accessories For CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR WOMEN AND 14-Karat Gold Bib Holders. CHILDREN at 3.50 14-Karat Gold Pendants, ist FOR MEN AND BOYS with r-eal stoll's 5.00 to 10.00 14-Karat Collar Li10 and 14-Karat Gold Cuff p'ins 1.50 ti 3.75 Links, plt o i 1.ra5td ini 10.0 14-Karat Gold-Mounted "Ye 1n4 turna d 1.50 to 10.00 Old-Time Cameo Brooches." 5.00 14-Karat Gold Tie Clasp. It lan. 14- Karat Gold Bar and 15Ira t i rn Brooches, nianv \aith r,-al ;t 150 to 4.00 -tlonps 2.50 to 15.00 14-Karat Gold Scarf Pins, 10-Karat Gold Brooches and {lain real tlie Bangles 2.75 to 12.00 "'t 1.35 to 15.00 14-Karat Gold Flexible Brace- 10 and 14-Karat Gold Pocket lets, en-int' turitnd, otht.rli jet, - Knives 7.50 to 12.75 ehI'di 10.50 tot 60.00 14-Karat Gold Key Rings, 20-Year Gold - Filled Watch at 6.00 to, 12.00 Bracelets. tarti< ularly suttatllt .otr yiu. iairls . 9.50 14-Karat Gold Cigar Cutters,. 14-Karat Gold Watches ait 8.25 to 9.75 up to 60.00 14-Karat Gold Sautoir Chains. 14-Karat Gold Pencils, at 7.75 to 12.00 at 4.00 to 23.00 14-Karat Gold Hat Pins, spp 14-Karat Gold Waldemar and (ial at 1.00 to 2.75 Lapel Chains 3.75 to 12.75 14-Karat Gold Baby Rattle, e.- 14-Karat Gold Belt Buckles, tra heavy 9.00 to 15.00 .jp,,cial at 9.00 to 14.00 14-Karat Gold 4-Piece Baby's 14-Karat Gold Collar Buttons, Napkin Sets 5.50 -.,. gtl at 1.00 to 1.75 D. H. Holmes Co. Pere. w, ew rk., LIMITED cE,.beý.k .ertnl, Lwnd. n rd er.a. Aýri2. 1041. 100 Sg. English Slates. 150,000 Building Bricks 25,000 Ft. Ceiling 25,000 Ft. T & G Flooring 25,000 Ft. Weatherboards All Kindo of New and Second Hand Building Material We Bay Old Bailding and Bailding Material APPLY People's House Wrecking Co. Phene Main 6148 834 JULIA STREET FOR SALE Gasoline Tug With 75-Horse-Power En gine cost originally $10,000. Will sell to a quick buyer at a sacrifice. Address Boat, 1526 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. • 2- i-ti J 25 PER CENT PREMIUM ON CHRISTMAS SAVING CHECKS. When you receive your Christmas Savings ('heck from the bank you will have gotten your principal and 3i, per cent interest. If you should purchase a plae or player-ptano In the Dutns Christau Musical 'Club your Cristmua Savings Check here would estitle you to an extra alloweace of 25c on the dollar. This is 25 per cent per annum dividend, which you receive Immediately. You do not have to wait six months or a year to get it. JThi is one of the important features of the Christmas Musical flub which we would want to explain to you more fully in person. Call today. f. w Pi . 912-914 Successors to Cable Piano Co. STREET Xmas Gaudios, Perfuie and Cigars In dainty packages, especially put up for Gifts. PERFUMES Radient Rose 75c Violet de Mal 75c Florient 75c Splendor 75c Toilet Waters, All Odors 25c to 75c Box Candy lac to 1.50 Box Paper 10c to 7le Clgars 50C to 4.00 (Copyrlt,'. MoeCltoro slndl~oa.i IFTE UPP, Dru gisI BBrrnmda, E ~i &Verret iSt, COAL 10 bbls. Egg and Nut Coal for Grates $4.00 10 bbls. Benlin Lump Coal . 4.50 10 bbls. Iris Lump Coal 5.00 10 bbls. Marvel Cahaba Red Ash Coal 5.50 10 bbls. Superior Cahaba Red Ash Coal 6.00 10 bbls. Superior Gas Coke 3.75 Phone Us For Prices on WOOD IN CORD, HALF-CORD OR CARLOAD LOTS. Ferry Charges Extra. SEE RED PAlE II P11IE 0i1U MAIN 2657 Scharfsnstein & Son 1121 CLARA ST. NEW ORLEANS 4-3O-Ie MR. YOUNG MARRIED MAN: wet, lAst. Ias thgt es sahlr ye al Ilnes tein msmssem Is tt WRllilEIl'S 01101 All IEIIEILEIT ASSNIATIII Lak say rmems r erss w. o. ANDuY. ss. lse., S 4 Imat Aveems ALOIErlI.